Operations | Monitoring | ITSM | DevOps | Cloud

February 2023

Why Data Backup is Critical for Every Business

Data is one of the most valuable assets to a business. Business owners and managers rely on data to enable effective and efficient business operations management. As such, companies today produce and collect large amounts of data every day. Whether it is system, employee, or customer data, losing any data is a risk you cannot afford to take. In fact, it is so bad it can even cost you your business.

Wind River Studio Releases Single Core Support with Latest Intel Processors to Deliver on 5G Needs for CSPs

Wind River announces Wind River Studio support for single core physical footprint on 4th Gen Intel Xeon Scalable processors with Intel vRAN Boost, which includes integrated acceleration to help increase throughput and decrease latency and power to support challenging 5G workloads.
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Reducing Security Incidents: Implementing Docker Image Security Scanner

Are you utilizing Docker to deploy your applications? If so, you're not alone. The use of Docker has skyrocketed in popularity in recent years. While it offers numerous benefits, it also introduces new security risks that need to be addressed. But, why is reducing security incidents so important? Simple - the cost of a security breach can be devastating. From lost customer trust to financial losses, the consequences of a security incident can be severe. That's why it's crucial to take steps to prevent them from occurring in the first place. Enter Docker image security scanners.

What's the Difference Between Gen 1 and Gen 2 VMs?

Virtual machines (VMs) have been around for quite some time now and have become a cornerstone of modern-day IT infrastructure. They provide a convenient way to run multiple operating systems on a single physical machine, allowing users to consolidate their hardware and save costs. However, as VM technology has evolved, newer versions of VMs have been introduced, such as generation 1 and generation 2 VMs.

What is real-time Linux? Part II

Welcome to this three-part mini-series on real-time Linux. In Part I, we set the stage for the remainder of the series by defining a real-time system, and went through common misconceptions. We also covered the broad market applications of a real-time Linux kernel. Several applications across a wide range of use cases and verticals require real-time computing capabilities. Sectors like industrial automation, energy and transportation have strict precision requirements for their systems.

5 Best Entry Level IT Certifications for Beginner IT Pros

Certifications are the best way to verify one’s level of expertise and abilities to prospective employers. According to the Dice 2021 Tech Salary Report, entry-level IT positions average around $50,000 to $55,000 annually. When choosing the best certification to pursue, a quick look at the job description of targeted position is a must.

How Livecycle Makes Qovery Preview Environments 10x More Valuable

Hey there, We were thrilled to see Livecycle.io's recent article on "Why Qovery Preview Environments Are So Valuable to Development Teams"! We truly believe in the power of our preview environments, and we're excited to share this summary with you. So, if you're interested in learning more about what Livecycle.io is and how they can make our preview environments event better, keep reading.

Best Practices for Remote Management

Would you believe us if we say that the term “remote management” was once a nightmare for conservative or old-school managers? No matter how much it seems to be hyped today, there was a time when remote management was considered a nightmare for several dated enterprise owners across the globe. After the massive COVID pandemic hit, the concept of remote working seems to have leveled up. Did we mention this is not going to be easy though?

How does Cloudify Manage the Lifecycle of VNFs and Network Services in ETSI MANO

In 2021, Cloudify introduced the Agile-First approach to 5G network orchestration, creating a bridge between the Telco and DevOps worlds. In those previous POCs, Cloudify proved to be a platform built to support agile service delivery and multiple interfaces that allow multi-vendor flexible solution integration. Today, Cloudify takes the next step to provide a vendor-agnostic solution in 5G and the public cloud.

Optimize Kubernetes workload resourcing with StormForge and Datadog

StormForge Optimize Live is a machine learning-powered performance and resource optimization solution for Kubernetes workloads. Optimize Live ingests and analyzes production observability data and recommends specific actions to optimize CPU and memory utilization. You can take these actions manually or set them to occur automatically, making it easier to maintain a high level of application performance while minimizing cloud costs.

Kubernetes Liveness Probes: A Practical Guide

Have you ever wondered how you can help Kubernetes manage your pods in the most efficient way? Kubernetes can do a decent job “out of the box,” but it can be optimized just like any other system. One such optimization in the Kubernetes world is introducing liveness probes, and in this post, you’ll learn everything about them.

Deploy Access Restricted Azure website from DevOps Pipelines

We have a couple of internal websites hosted on Azure. Websites that require authentication and should only be accessed from our IP. This can easily be configured using Access Restrictions in Azure. But when doing so, you exclude the dynamic IP range for Microsoft-hosted Azure DevOps build agents. In this post, I'll show you how we set up deployment to the Access Restricted websites with a bit of PowerShell magic.

How do I Access Blob Storage? A Step-by-Step Guide

Blob Storage is a highly scalable and secure cloud storage solution offered by Microsoft Azure. It allows users to store unstructured data like text, images, videos, and audio files. Accessing Blob Storage is crucial for developers, IT professionals, and business owners who want to manage their data and applications in the cloud. In this article, we will discuss how to access Blob Storage using different methods and tools.

Azure Monitor Pros and Cons

Enterprise use of Microsoft’s Azure Cloud Services is expanding at an unprecedented rate as cloud computing usage expands. However, enterprises that have recently switched to Azure continue to have serious concerns about monitoring their applications efficiently. As the business overgrows, it is essential to understand its functioning and health simultaneously.

Taking the fear out of migrations

Over the last 18 months at incident.io, we’ve done a lot of migrations. Often, a new feature requires a change to our existing data model. For us to be successful, it’s important that we can seamlessly transition from the old world to the new as quickly as we can. There are few things in software where I’d advocate a ‘one true way,’ but the closest I come is probably migrations. There’s a playbook that we follow to give us the best odds of a smooth switchover.

Containerization 101 | Getting Started & Best Practices

Containers and Microservices architectures are no longer the new kid on the block, and it may be time to take a fresh look at your ecosystem. In this session we will provide a baseline for getting started with containerization in 2023 with a strong emphasis on security. To help the novice and the seasoned veteran, we’ll navigate topics that apply to all, including.

9 reasons Linux is a popular choice for servers

For businesses and organizations that need reliable, secure servers to host data, applications, or services around the world, Linux is often the platform of choice. From powering websites to managing network infrastructure to running enterprise databases, there are countless reasons people have turned to Linux as their go-to server solution over the past few decades.

A Live Chat with JFrog: 2023 Software Package Trends

While there are lots of #datareports out there, JFrog’s "2023 Software Artifact State of the Union" is the first of its kind to examine what types of packages and #binaries are leveraged in creating and delivering consumer-ready #software. Join JFrog Solution Engineering Manager, William Manning and Sr. Product Marketing Manager, Sean Pratt for a live Q&A chat.

Learn about CWDM vs DWDM

Meeting bandwidth capacity needs of customers is a crucial business objective for today’s providers. While both coarse wavelength-division multiplexing (CWDM) and dense wavelength-division multiplexing (DWDM) are modern forms of wavelength-division multiplexing (WDM) that effectively solve those increasing bandwidth needs by upgrading the utilization of new and existing fiber, they are each designed to tackle different network challenges.

10 Ways to Optimize your Azure cost

In modern times, building and publishing an application has become very easy with Cloud-based deployment. Users don’t need to worry about infrastructure-related challenges like availability, reliability, scalability, etc. The cloud providers are responsible for keeping the deployment flow simple and intact. Providing many advantages and coherence, the high cost incurred for such benefits is the downside.

New Feature: Deployment Pipeline

At Qovery, we're always looking for ways to make the deployment process more efficient and reliable for our users. We're excited to announce the release of our Deployment Pipeline feature, a big milestone that opens up tons of opportunities for managing service deployment order, deploying services in parallel, and much more. Let's dig deeper..

Understanding Hyper-V Checkpoints: A Comprehensive Guide

Hyper-V is a virtualization platform developed by Microsoft that allows users to create and manage virtual machines (VMs) on Windows operating systems. One of the features of Hyper-V is checkpoints, which allow users to capture the state of a VM at a particular point in time. Hyper-V checkpoints are essential for many tasks, such as testing software in a safe and isolated environment, creating backups of virtual machines, and rolling back a virtual machine to a previous state if something goes wrong.

Getting Out of the 2010s Era of Alarm Avalanches

Between on-premises data centers and private, public, and hybrid clouds, today's networks have never leveraged a more comprehensive range of technologies, nor have those technologies been this interconnected. The result is that networks are now far more capable than ever before, and are able to augment their capabilities by leveraging other technologies to their highest and best use.

A Guide to the Best Free and Paid DNS Services

DNS stands for the Domain Name System. This system translates website names into IP addresses so that those sites could be loaded by various devices. When you are browsing the internet, you get assigned a server automatically when you are loading pages. Unless you have your own server, this might not be an ideal option. The server you use is directly responsible for the loading speed. And if it goes down, there will be no internet connection at all.

Complete your Software Supply Chain with GitLab CI/CD and JFrog

Software is more than building code. Developing software and ensuring quality builds requires managing a complete software supply chain. With the many security threats across the supply chain, managing each and every aspect of the software you deliver to your customers, including the entire process of how it was made, is critical to your organization. This means setting up your software release cycle to include DevOps and security best practices.

How To Monitor Server Performance with MetricFire

Servers are a critical component of modern IT infrastructure, and they play a key role in delivering the services and applications that power our digital world. Efficient servers can handle higher workloads and respond to requests more quickly, resulting in faster application response times and improved customer satisfaction. By optimizing server efficiency, businesses can ensure that their servers are operating at their maximum potential, with all resources being utilized to their fullest capacity.

Azure Stateful Node is now in General Availability

We are excited to announce that Azure Stateful Node is now in General Availability. This unique, proprietary development follows the ongoing success of AWS Stateful Node and the increasing demand from our customers working in Azure. With Azure Stateful Node, Spot by NetApp’s customers can now run their stateful compute workloads on Azure with up to 90% immediate cost reduction and maximum availability.

3 Common GCP Billing Challenges - And How CloudZero Overcomes Them

Google Cloud Platform (GCP), Google’s answer to Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Microsoft Azure, is steadily gaining steam. Launched in 2008 — just two years after AWS — GCP has taken the bronze medal in public cloud services for years. While it still occupies third place, its market share has steadily expanded: In Q4 2021, GCP owned 9% of the public cloud market, and by Q3 2022, it had jumped to 11%.

Reducing Your Cloud Spend - Civo Webinars

In this session, Mark Boost, Dinesh Majrekar, and Saiyam Pathak discuss the current state of the cloud industry and why costs are high, how to take steps to reduce spending, and how Civo can help. Mark Boost (CEO, Civo) explores the cost of cloud in this talk, looking at the history and current state of the cloud industry to uncover why costs are high and what can be done about it.

Using D2iQ Kubernetes Platform to Deploy Multiple Flix Instances

This video showcases how to run multiple Flix instances in the D2iQ Kubernetes Platform (DKP) installed through a custom Catalog item. Does your Studio Operations Team find managing multiple Flix instances difficult to maintain? Well, not anymore! With DKP, managing multiple Flix instance has never been easier or more streamlined, and gives your Operations team all the tools needed to get started on a Day 2 production ready Kubernetes cluster.

Managing Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) with the D2iQ Kubernetes Platform (DKP)

This video describes how to use the D2iQ Kubernetes Platform (DKP) to manage an existing CNCF-conformant cluster created with Microsoft Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS). Getting to Kubernetes is a first step. Getting Kubernetes into production is quite another! You've got a few clusters in place already, and they may even be in production, but what you need now is some way to manage them all from the same place. DKP can help! You can use DKP to manage existing clusters as well as new clusters you create with DKP itself.

Game Day: Stress-testing our response systems and processes

At incident.io, we deal with small incidents all the time—we auto-create them from PagerDuty on every new error, so we get several of these a day. As a team, we’ve mastered tackling these small incidents since we practice responding to them so often. However, like most companies, we’re less familiar with larger and more severe incidents—like the kind that affect our whole product, or a part of our infrastructure such as our database, or event handling.

Multi-Cloud Deployment: Deploying Consistent Infrastructure Across AWS, GCP, Azure + More

Moving to the cloud is no small feat, especially for enterprise-scale infrastructure. And just imagine the complications when you need to deploy across more than one cloud. Multi-cloud deployment is sometimes characterized by slow, error-prone workloads, lack of consistency, and inflexibility that holds users back. In this blog, we’ll provide clear definitions, use cases, benefits, challenges, and factors to consider for multi-cloud deployment.

Rethink your Cloud strategy in 2023

Gartner forecasts that worldwide end-user spending on public cloud services will grow 20.7% from $490.3 billion in 2022 to $591.8 billion in 2023. By 2026, the Public Cloud market will double its size today to $1 trillion, also predicted by Gartner. AWS, Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud all maintained double-digit growth in Q4 2022, especially Google Cloud grew 32% to $7.32 billion. CDN giant Akamai also unveiled Akamai Connected Cloud and New Cloud Computing Services on Feb 14, 2023.

Webinar on 'Evolution of Incident Management from On-Call to SRE' | Squadcast

This Incident Management has evolved considerably over the last decade, more so in the last few years. What was traditionally limited to having just an in-house on-call team and an alerting system, has now grown well beyond that to ensure Automation, Collaboration, Transparency, and Retrospection are deeply entrenched in Incident Response.

Out with the Old, In with the New

As Mobile World Congress 2023 approaches, the latest technological advances in the telecom industry will take center stage. At the forefront of these advances are the innovations brought about by open-source technologies. At Canonical, we are leading the way in this space, with groundbreaking developments in OpenRAN automation and distributed compute management that outperform our competition.

SCCM Software Center Cannot Be Loaded: How to Troubleshoot the Issue?

System Center Configuration Manager (SCCM) is an enterprise-level tool that allows IT administrators to manage software and updates on a large number of devices. However, sometimes users encounter an issue where the software center in SCCM cannot be loaded. This error can prevent users from accessing software, updates, and other features, causing frustration and productivity loss.

Migrating On-Premises File Shares to Azure File Storage

As businesses grow, so does their need for scalable and secure data storage. For many companies, on-premises file shares have long been the preferred method of storing and sharing data. However, with the advent of cloud computing, more and more businesses are turning to cloud-based storage solutions like Azure File Storage. In this article, we will explore the challenges and solutions involved in migrating on-premises file shares to Azure File Storage.

What is real-time Linux? Part I

Welcome to this three-part blog series on real-time Linux. Throughout the series, we will assess the key features of a real-time system. We will understand how a real-time capable Linux kernel differs from mainline, and touch upon the performance trade-offs you should consider when choosing real-time versus a low-latency kernel, for instance.

Harnessing the potential of 5G with Kubernetes

5G is the fifth generation of wireless technology which is transforming the way we connect and communicate. With data transfer speeds up to 100 times faster than 4G, 5G technology enables faster download and upload times, lower latency and a higher number of connected devices. Additionally, 5G networks will support a wider range of frequencies, including high and low bands, which will ensure wider coverage and greater reliability.

Get your team to adopt DORA metrics when you're already on board

Need help getting your teams to adopt DORA metrics? Join this live stream on Thursday, February 23 at 9 a.m. PT to learn how. Sleuth TV Live is back for season 2! It's a common reality: You're already on board with DORA metrics and ready to run with them, but now you need to get your teams to adopt DORA metrics. How? We'll share 5 ways we use DORA metrics at Sleuth to shed light on the possibilities for your own team.

Autonomously optimize AWS Lambda deployments with Sedai and Datadog

In dynamic production environments, unpredictable traffic loads and frequent code changes can make it difficult for organizations to consistently optimize their cloud infrastructure, resulting in application performance issues, latency, and wasted cloud spend. Teams that manage large-scale cloud infrastructure deployments are often forced to tune their workloads’ configurations using a complicated mesh of script jobs—or worse, manual remediation by on-call engineers prompted by alerts.

Amazon Kinesis Pricing Explained: A 2023 Guide To Kinesis Costs

Kinesis is an Amazon Web Services (AWS) product that collects, processes, and analyzes streaming data in real-time. It can process streaming video, audio, IoT data, application logs, and other data coming in from thousands of unique sources as it arrives, unlike technologies like Hadoop, which utilize batch processing (waiting for a complete dataset to arrive before processing and analyzing it).

Site Reliability Engineer: Responsibilities, Roles and Salaries

DevOps gained popularity in order to combat siloed workflows, decreased collaboration and a lack of visibility across the software development lifecycle. While establishing a culture of DevOps has helped teams collaborate better and deliver reliable software faster, DevOps teams don’t necessarily have someone specifically dedicated to developing systems that increase site reliability and performance. That’s where a site reliability engineer (SRE) comes into the picture.

How to track the failures in microservice applications?

Microservices architecture (often shortened to microservices) is an architectural style for developing applications. Microservices allow a large application to be separated into smaller independent parts, each having its own realm of responsibility. To serve a single user request, a microservices-based application can call on many internal microservices to compose its response. It is critical to track failures in microservice to take corrective actions and keep the business process ongoing.

Ensuring High Availability with Azure Datacentre Redundancy

In today’s fast-paced business environment, downtime can have severe consequences for any organization. It can lead to lost revenue, decreased productivity, and loss of customer trust. Therefore, it is essential to ensure that your business-critical applications are always available, no matter what. This is where Azure Datacentre Redundancy comes into play.

From Alert Madness to Incident Response Nirvana: An AIOps and ITPA Strategy

Complex environments are notorious for generating a high volume of alerts. For IT teams, this deluge presents a critical, time-consuming challenge. Managing alerts and incident response keeps these busy professionals under constant pressure and risks alert fatigue. Nonstop “noise” can desensitize people and actually lead to missed or ignored alerts—risking delayed responses and downtime. These high stakes make handling alerts a key security and productivity issue.

The business value of frequent deployments: Faster time to market

In this series, we’ve been exploring the different layers of business value you can gain from deploying software more frequently. We’ve already looked at the hard costs you can save, and the valuable developer time you can recoup. But that’s not the end of the story. Not by far. Picture an iceberg. The top, the visible part, is those hard costs. Just beneath the surface is that time that can be gained by redeploying wasted time to projects that matter.

Terraform Provider Enhancements

The team at Cloudsmith is excited to build upon our past support and integration with Hashicorp Terraform to include managing teams, update repository settings, and manage services (API Keys) via the Terraform Provider Module. The team at Cloudsmith is excited to build upon our past support and integration with Hashicorp Terraform to include managing teams, update repository settings, and manage services (API Keys) via the Terraform Provider Module.

10 Ways to Improve MDF/IDF Closet Management

Main Distribution Frames (MDF) and Intermediate Distribution Frames (IDF) are integral components of modern data communication networks. Buildings or campus facilities have one or more MDFs which are the demarcation points where public or private telecommunication networks interconnect with the internal network. The MDF then connects to any number of IDFs in the building, and the devices in those IDFs connect to end devices such as workstations.

5 considerations for choosing a modern PaaS

Keeping your website or app up-to-date with the latest tools, frameworks, and security compliance is important for maintaining a successful online presence. That’s why when it comes to web infrastructure, you need to follow today’s absolute best practices, so you can deliver the best possible digital experiences to your audiences. Here are five major ways you can ensure you’re running a state-of-the-art PaaS.

The 7 IT Automations for Highly Effective Organizations: Password Reset

In today’s digital world, we have logins for most everything that needs to be done online. With so many passwords to remember, its easy to end up in a situation where passwords are forgotten. Most organizations report Password Reset is one of the top requests that come into their service desk. According to Forrester large US-based organizations allocate ~1 million annually for password reset related support cost. Getting locked out also has a siginificant loss in productivity.

"Avoiding Catastrophic Outages" | DeveloperWeek 2023

In this talk, Andrew Zigler (Developer Advocate at Mattermost) discusses root causes of catastrophic outage, and approaches to prevention using open source technologies you can deploy in less than a day. He'll talk through real-life case studies from manufacturing plants to global media companies to the world's largest banks and other mission-critical technical teams.

5 Predictions for the Future of Remote IT Support

Remote IT support has become one of the most effective solutions in the globalization age. Setting aside the obvious practical reasons – different time zones, smaller wages in the developing countries, faster response time, and so on – we may say that it was an inevitable change. The new generation cares more about their wellbeing and comfort.

Economics and Infrastructure Monitoring: Why Netreo is the Right Choice Right Now

Is the U.S. economy in a recession? A recent Forbes article demonstrates how illusive that answer can be. By the general definition that two consecutive quarters of negative gross domestic product (GDP) equals a recession, the US entered a recession in the summer of 2022. However, the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER), which defines U.S. business cycles, uses a different definition.

Canonical Edge Demo - AWS Deployment

Microk8s cluster deployment on AWS via CAPI In this demo, we will be deploying a microk8s cluster on AWS. The cluster consists of 3 control plane and 3 worker nodes. The deployment is performed using Cluster API (CAPI). For the full demo, join us at MWC Barcelona 2023 where you'll be able to see Spectro Cloud's Palette automation engine deploying and managing Canonical's MicroK8s Kubernetes distribution on Ubuntu OS with real-time kernel. Witness the capabilities to create, scale, upgrade, and destroy Kubernetes clusters, with demonstrations on AWS and Edge use cases.

Hyperview DCIM 3.11 Software Release

In this product update, we’ve introduced a new feature called Outlet Control that lets you power on, off, and cycle your rack PDUs remotely through the platform. We’ve also introduced a new persistent Search Bar and a Sensor Dashboard. Plus, we’ve made significant enhancements to the ServiceNow CMDB Sync integration, Catalog, Rack Security, and Heatmaps.

The Definitive DevOps Tools List: 55 Tools For 2023

DevOps has exploded in popularity since the concept first emerged in 2009. A DevOps approach encompasses both practices and tools that engineers use to build quality software more rapidly. Before DevOps, software development followed a “waterfall” model. Back then, developers would code first, then perform quality assurance (QA) testing, and fix any bugs or errors as necessary.

Azure Blob Storage vs. Azure Table Storage: Which One is Right for You?

When it comes to storing data in the cloud, there are many options to choose from. Azure, one of the leading cloud service providers, offers a wide range of storage options, including Azure Blob Storage and Azure Table Storage. Both are designed to help businesses store and manage large amounts of data, but they have different use cases and capabilities. In this article, we will compare Azure Blob Storage and Azure Table Storage and help you determine which one is right for your business needs.

Getting Started with Google Cloud Managed Service for Prometheus

As you scale your services in production, you also need to scale your monitoring. Managing Prometheus at scale to handle increasingly large metric volumes can be a huge operational challenge, but Google Cloud Managed Service for Prometheus is here to help. We’re excited to introduce Google Cloud Managed Service for Prometheus and help you scale by removing operational toil!

Strategies for Kubernetes Cluster Administrators: Understanding Pod Scheduling

Kubernetes has revolutionized container orchestration, allowing developers to deploy and manage applications at scale. However, as the complexity of a Kubernetes cluster grows, managing resources such as CPU and memory becomes more challenging. Efficient pod scheduling is critical to ensure optimal resource utilization and enable a stable and responsive environment for applications to run in.

RDCMan: How to Manage Multiple Remote Connections in Microsoft

Having to switch between multiple desktop client windows to access them remotely is highly time-consuming and leads to a cluttered desktop. But you can simply ditch the frustration by using RDCMan for your RDP connections. In this article, we'll explore what it is, how you can use it, and the differences between mRemoteNG and RDCMan. We'll also discuss alternatives to this tool. So, let's dive in and learn how to use Microsoft's RDCMan to manage your remote connections like a pro!

Linux security: your questions, answered

At Canonical, we often get questions about open-source security and of course, Linux security is a common topic. Based on a recent webinar hosted by our security team and an accompanying blog post, we put together the most common questions we receive. This is by no means an exhaustive list, but it should give you a general idea about Ubuntu’s approach to security vulnerability management, livepatch, IoT, and its compliance and hardening tools.

How to Create and Manage Secrets in Kubernetes

Kubernetes Secrets are a built-in resource type that's used to store sensitive data. This blog teaches you how to work with Secrets in Kubernetes. Kubernetes can do many things, but we usually refer to it as a “container orchestrator.” Orchestrating containers means starting and restarting them when needed, ensuring their configuration matches the declared state, and autoscaling them. But Kubernetes can do much more than that.

Monitor any SQL metrics with Netdata (and Pandas )

We recently got this great feedback from a dear user in our Discord: This is great and exactly what we want, a clear problem or improvement we could make to help make that users monitoring life a little easier. This is also where the beauty of open source comes in and being able to build on the shoulders of giants - adding such a feature turned out to be pretty easy by just extending our existing Pandas collector to support SQL queries leveraging its read_sql() capabilities.

10 Alternatives To Layoffs For Tech Companies In 2023

Alphabet. Netflix. Shopify. Amazon. Meta. Microsoft. These are just a few of the leading tech companies that recently laid off thousands of employees. Slashing jobs, because it is often one of the biggest expenses for tech companies, may seem like a quick fix, but it can be counterproductive, especially when it impacts experienced engineers. So, what are the specific reasons tech companies are cutting jobs? And what are the alternatives to layoffs?

Get notified on Azure app registration client secret expiration!

Azure AD app registration identities are used to provide access to specific resources in Azure. We use some App Registrations in Azure, for example, the security concerns, many organisations dislike enabling users to build Azure Active Directory (AAD) and Service Principals (SP). Building a manual process, on the other hand, might be a bottleneck and a time sink. However, you can build an Office365 form for users to request AAD application registration.

See how reliability management enhancements expand your SLO value

When we announced the general availability of reliability management in Sept 2022, you saw how crucial this functionality was for the digital customer experience. Unique insights from users helped to improve the experience and usability that we’ve incorporated into our latest release. Now you can use a wide range of features that will help you on your reliability management journey.

Azure Blob Storage vs. Google Cloud Storage - Which is Better for Your Data Storage Needs?

In the digital age, storing data on-premise is becoming less popular as more businesses are moving their data to the cloud. Cloud storage services offer scalability, accessibility, and cost-effectiveness, making them an attractive option for businesses of all sizes. Azure Blob Storage and Google Cloud Storage are two popular cloud storage services that offer different features and benefits to their users.

How to Use Knowledge Management to Enhance IT Support

Knowledge Management for IT Support Do your IT support initiatives use up a ton of your business’ resources? You are not alone. In fact, HDI found that a single tech support instance can cost your company anywhere from $2.93 to a whopping $49.69. Worse yet, escalated support tickets can cause this cost to triple. Of course, you cannot exactly go without a dedicated IT department and tech support staff.

3 Key Takeaways from CloudNativeSecurityCon 2023

CloudNativeSecurityCon North America, a two-day event organized by the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF), recently took place in Seattle, Washington, and gave the industry an opportunity to come together to discuss cloud native security projects and how to address today’s security challenges and opportunities. Supply chain security was a hot topic at the event, as it has been across the industry for the last few years.

Automate Your Deployments on Kubernetes Using GitHub Workflows and JFrog Artifactory Custom Webhooks

Full automation makes your Continuous Deployment (CD) faster, seamless and less error prone. For example, triggering the deployment of your Helm Chart when a Docker image is pushed to production. The latest JFrog Artifactory release makes this easy! With a new Custom Webhook feature that enables a direct integration with a variety of services such as Gitlab Pipelines, Jenkins and GitHub Actions.

Best Practices for Our Custom Dashboards

Custom dashboards are essential tools in the data-driven world for businesses, organizations, and individuals. They provide an interactive and comprehensive representation of data, making it easier to identify trends, patterns, and outliers. Custom dashboards are highly customizable, allowing users to select the most relevant data sources, visualizations, and metrics to meet their specific needs.

Elektrobit and Canonical announce EB corbos Linux - built on Ubuntu

ERLANGEN, Germany, and DOUGLAS, Isle of Man, February 21, 2023 – Elektrobit and Canonical today announced EB corbos Linux – built on Ubuntu, an industry first bringing the largest open-source Linux community to automotive software. Available immediately from Elektrobit, the new solution provides OEMs and Tier 1 suppliers with the benefits and flexibility of an open-source operating system for developing electronic control units (ECUs) in software-defined vehicles.

D2iQ Kubernetes Platform + Aerospike Real-Time Data Platform: Build Once, Scale Forever

D2iQ and Aerospike have partnered to help developers and data architects spend less time managing and maintaining their infrastructure and more time delivering mission-critical applications that provide business value at scale. The Aerospike Kubernetes Operator has been certified on the D2iQ Kubernetes Platform (DKP) to enable organizations to efficiently deploy and operate Aerospike clusters. Aerospike is a high-performance NoSQL database that enables high-speed data processing at scale.

Platform Engineering vs. DevOps: Yes, There's a Difference - Here's Why It Matters

If there’s a difference between platform engineering vs. DevOps, it’s not immediately obvious. The terms have been thrown around in conversation for long enough that it’s tempting to think of them as either the same thing or as competing concepts. So what is the difference between platform engineering vs. DevOps? Are you “doing DevOps” when you create a developer platform?

How We Used CloudZero To Find $1.7M Of Annualized Cloud Savings

It all started with a simple Slack message. If you need a refresher, gross margin is a business metric that calculates what percentage of revenue you take home as profit. To calculate it, you subtract your costs (often abbreviated as COGS, short for costs of goods sold) from your revenue and divide it by your total revenue, et voilà, gross margin. So, if your annual revenue is $10M and your COGS are $3M, your gross margin is 70%. Gross margin plays an integral role in SaaS company valuations.

Master Kubernetes Monitoring with these Must-Track Metrics

Managing a Kubernetes cluster requires a keen eye for detail and a deep understanding of its complex structure. To ensure smooth operation of your applications and optimal performance, it is vital to monitor a wide range of metrics across the different components of your cluster. In this article, we will discuss key metrics that can be used to monitor both self-managed and cloud-managed Kubernetes environments, helping you to keep your cluster running at its best.

Continuous Load Testing | A Developer's Guide

Continuous load testing is a powerful way of preparing for surges in traffic, without needing real users. Imagine you’re a software engineer working on a website that’s seen a recent surge in traffic. Despite initial testing indicating that the website should be capable of handling the increased load, the website crashes during peak hours. Load Testing is the process of simulating real-world usage of a website or application.

Securing a DKP Cluster - Logging, Monitoring, & Compliance

This video discusses securing your D2iQ Kubernetes Platform clusters, and the importance of Logging, Monitoring, and Compliance to cluster security. Join Lauren to learn why she says, "...If you don't know what your assets are, where they are, and how they are performing in real-time, you have no hopes of securing your cluster!"

Scripting vs Automation: Which way is best?

Here at D2iQ we feel your pain! In a fast-paced world where doing your day to day is hard enough, understanding why you would want to automate, yet alone finding the time, is a daunting challenge. Check out this short video to see some of the benefits and why putting in that up-front expense to get to true Cloud Native development and operations is worth the effort and pays off well in the future.

Top Trends in DevOps - Microservices Architecture

The world of DevOps is constantly evolving and adapting to the needs of the software development industry. With the increasing demand for faster and more efficient software delivery, organizations are turning to modern technologies and practices to help them meet these challenges. In a series of articles on the Kublr blog, we will take a look at some of today’s top DevOps trends.

How to achieve distributed tracing using Application Insights?

In this blog, we will explore how distributed tracing works in Application Insights and how to use it to diagnose the issues in a distributed application. Azure Application Insights is a powerful tool for monitoring and diagnosing application performance issues and supports distributed tracing. It is an extension of Azure Monitor and provides Application Performance Monitoring features out of the box.

How to Setup Azure Files

Azure Files is a fully managed cloud-based file share service provided by Microsoft Azure. It allows users to store and share files in the cloud, with support for the Server Message Block (SMB) protocol, which is commonly used by Windows file shares. Azure Files provides a number of advantages for users, including: Azure Files is often used by organizations that need to share files across multiple locations or teams, or that need to provide secure access to files for remote or mobile workers.

Qovery Demo Day - February 2023

Qovery is a platform delivering Environments as a Service in your Cloud, where you can build, deploy and test in production-like environments. Qovery turns app deployment and environment provisioning on AWS a breeze. Developers can instantly spin up production-like environments and start shipping in seconds. Join Albane (Product Marketing at Qovery), Alessandro (Lead Product Manager at Qovery), and Romaric (CEO at Qovery) to see in action what we worked on last month and what's next.

Qovery Demo Day - November 2022

Qovery is a platform delivering Environments as a Service in your Cloud, where you can build, deploy and test in production-like environments. Qovery turns app deployment and environment provisioning on AWS a breeze. Developers can instantly spin up production-like environments and start shipping in seconds. Join Albane (Product Marketing at Qovery), Alessandro (Lead Product Manager at Qovery), and Romaric (CEO at Qovery) to see in action what we worked on last month and what's next.

Qovery Demo Day - December 2022

Qovery is a platform delivering Environments as a Service in your Cloud, where you can build, deploy and test in production-like environments. Qovery turns app deployment and environment provisioning on AWS a breeze. Developers can instantly spin up production-like environments and start shipping in seconds. Join Albane (Product Marketing at Qovery) and all the Qovery team for a special end of the year Demo Day!

Gopaddle - A Low-Code Internal Developer Platform for Canonical's MicroK8s edge cloud

We are excited to announce the launch of gopaddle, the Low-Code Internal Developer Platform, as a community addon for MicroK8s edge cloud. This addon will help Kubernetes developers accelerate the development of distributed applications at the edge. In today’s fast-paced business landscape, the ability to quickly and efficiently develop new applications is critical to success.

Beyond hybrid and remote: How MDM can support the rise of near-from-home working

Challenges & Solutions Now that the world is reopening again from the pandemic, many employees are reluctant to go back to the office, preferring the convenience of work-from-home. To retain these employees, many organizations are adopting a compromise: hybrid work. In this setup, employees go to the office a few days a week, then report virtually from home for the rest.

Cloud Rate Optimization: How To Optimize Your Cloud Rates

When a company moves from an on-premises data center to the cloud, they expect changes to affect engineering decisions and functionality. After all, their whole way of building and supporting new products has changed. What many companies don’t expect is that the switch to working with cloud providers also necessitates new budgeting and accounting practices.

End-to-End Hybrid Deployment of 5G Network Services and Applications on AWS

In this blog, we describe how Cloudify, AWS, Intel, Proto, and Mavenir orchestrate the deployment of 5G core network as well as deploying applications that utilize these 5G services. At MWC 2022, we showcased the intend-based orchestration demonstrating that SLA based KPI can be used to place a workload anywhere in the cloud continuum, using AWS EKS for workload in Region, LocalZone, and Outposts.

Deduplication Rules | Reduce Alert Noise by Clustering Similar Alerts I Squadcast

Alert Deduplication can help you reduce alert noise by organising and grouping alerts. It also provides easy access to similar alerts when needed. This video on Alert Deduplication rules will help you define Deduplication Rules for each Service in Squadcast. Alerts will get deduplicated when these rules evaluate true for an incoming incident.
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Incident Management: Tips for Tech Companies

A seemingly straightforward technical problem can often have explosive consequences. Say a tech team restarts a cloud server overnight; those few minutes of downtime might trigger a problem elsewhere and cause your app to crash. The following morning, customers can't access your services, you're trending on social media for all the wrong reasons and your customer service reps are left to pick up the pieces. Scenarios like this prove the value of incident management. But you need best practices that ensure incident management does what it's supposed to do. Otherwise, it's just another buzzword. Here are some best practices for incident management that you need to incorporate into your tech organization.

Comparison of GCP, Azure and AWS Cloud Storage: Which One to Choose?

Cloud storage has become an essential component for businesses of all sizes. It allows you to store and access your data on a remote server, providing flexibility, scalability, and cost-effectiveness. However, with multiple cloud storage providers available, it can be challenging to choose the right one for your business needs. In this article, we will compare the three most popular cloud storage providers, GCP, Azure, and AWS, to help you make an informed decision.

7 Measurable Goals for Customer Support Team

The COVID-19 pandemic has upended varied operations, sectors, and industries, with customer support being no exception. According to a survey consisting of AI analysis of more than 1 million customer service calls by the Harvard Business Review, customer service is among the hardest-hit company functions by the COVID-19 pandemic. Hardly surprising.

Amazon ECS Pricing Explained: A 2023 Guide To ECS Costs

With containerization, you can write an application once and run it anywhere. Along with portability, containers are also much more resource-efficient than traditional virtual machines (VMs). However, managing containers at scale can be challenging. Besides, many teams find container orchestration platforms like Kubernetes overkill and too complex.

Logic App Best practices, Tips, and Tricks: #21 Moving or organizing shapes inside Visual Studio Logic App designer

Today I’m going to speak about another important Best practice, Tips and Tricks that you need to consider while designing your business processes (Logic Apps): Moving or Organizing shapes inside Visual Studio Logic App designer.
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Android Kiosk Mode:The Kiosk Software Solutions for small business

Have you ever visited a place like a library or a museum where the computer or tablet is only used for certain information or services? This is made possible through kiosk software. It allows a device to only access certain programs or applications. It prevents the device from accessing any other features or functions of the operating system.

What Are Azure Queues and How Do They Work?

As more and more applications move to the cloud, it becomes increasingly important to design them for high availability, scalability, and reliability. One of the key components of building such applications is message queuing, which allows you to send and receive messages between different parts of your application. Azure Queues is a service provided by Microsoft Azure that enables developers to build highly scalable and distributed applications that can handle large volumes of messages.

TensorFlow Inference of Visual Images, Orchestrated by Cloudify, with Intel Optimizations

The following blog was written together with Petar Torre, Solutions Architect at Intel. This blog describes how Cloudify automates the deployment and monitoring of Machine Learning systems, by orchestrating an Intel-optimized TensorFlow workload running inference with a pre-trained ResNet-50 model from the Intel Model Zoo. In a nutshell, a container running a Jupyter Notebook with the Intel optimized TensorFlow model is scheduled as a Kubernetes pod on K3S on AWS EC2.

Mattermost v7.8 is now available

Mattermost v7.8 Extended Support Release is generally available today. With this latest release, we’ve added improved filters and groups for Boards. More options for viewing your boards means more ways to break down the data to understand your team’s workload, report on progress, and quickly see what is in flight for a given sprint.

Building a Mock Server from User Traffic in Kubernetes

A mock server can prove useful in many circumstances. Imagine you’re an engineer working on optimizing a feature inside of an existing API that relies on multiple other microservices to function properly. To fully test the optimizations, you’ll have to set up test versions of all the dependencies, which quickly proves to be quite a task in and of itself. This is where a mocks—a server that simulates the behavior of a real server—can be very beneficial.

Unlocking the Potential of Machine Learning on the Cloud

Nowadays, when most people think about the term “machine learning,” they think of advanced, refined applications such as Chat-GPT, the chatbot-based deep learning text generator, or AlphaGo, the computer program that’s currently the “world's best player” of the board game Go.

Deep Dive into Qovery's Environment Variables and Secrets Management

Deploying an application is an intricate process that requires managing environment variables and secrets. These variables and secrets help applications access essential resources such as API keys, database credentials, and more. However, manually managing these variables and secrets can be challenging and time-consuming, especially for engineering teams that manage multiple applications. Fortunately, Qovery has a solution for this.

Common misconceptions behind cloud migration failures

Migrating your workloads to the cloud can bring some undeniable benefits to your organisation. For example, you can leverage cloud automation to significantly improve your time to market. You can also benefit from the ever increasing number of cloud regions to place your workloads close to your clients. This improves the response time of your services and, as a result, your customers’ satisfaction.

IT Automation: A Key Strategy for Maintaining Customer and Employee Satisfaction

The current state of the economy has left many companies in a state of uncertainty, with 58% of business leaders feeling the pressure of too many initiatives to be supported without the right resources. While these companies look for ways to stay competitive and, in many instances, to accomplish more with less, compromising on delivering high-quality experiences is not an option, particularly in a world where fast, seamless digital experiences have become the norm.

Integrating Slack & Squadcast- Trigger, Acknowledge, Resolve & Reassign incidents from Slack channel

You can integrate Squadcast and Slack to collaborate efficiently with your team while working on incidents. Squadcast sends a notification to the configured Slack Channel as soon as an incident is triggered.

Making transparency a principle of your company's culture

You’ve probably heard the phrase “transparency is key” more than you can bear at this point—so let’s get this out of the way. Transparency is key. The phrase suddenly became that much more unbearable. But before you drop off, let me also communicate something else: transparency is often not enough. Often, companies make the mistake of leaning on transparency as a catchall solution to many of their internal comms issues.

The 7 IT Automations Use-Case Series: Employee Onboarding

New hires today are expected to hit the ground running from their start date, especially in this landscape where businesses are under pressure to deliver high efficiency and high productivity. Yet, the onboarding process to set up the new employee up with systems, apps, and critical access remains broken and highly cumbersome at most companies. It’s time HR and IT team up to fix this to enable HR to focus on high value onboarding experiences, IT to ensure enterprise security compliance is always met, and for new team members to be ready to start from day 1.

7 IT Automations for Highly Effective Organizations: Employee Offboarding

Just as important as employee onboarding, is offboarding an employee i.e. managing employee experience at the end of his or her tenure. The laundry list of to-dos for IT during this time is not insignificant, right from managing the logistics of the exit to ensuring they close on the loop on any resources they might have access to. Most of these post-exit activities can also have security implications if left unchecked.

A Bright Future for Rural Utilities

It’s a bright future for broadband, especially in the American Heartland. Vastly improved technology, service demand growth, and unprecedented public investment have created a perfect storm of opportunity in our industry. At the same time, there are challenges we must face to ensure that our communication and service offerings are cost-effective, reliable, and secure. Will you be ready?

Learn about Operator Connect vs Direct Routing

As hybrid and remote work continues to become the norm for businesses of all sizes, organizations are increasingly gravitating to cloud-based unified communication tools to boost internal collaboration and stay connected to customers. Microsoft Teams is already one of the most popular choices for chat and meetings and it is becoming a popular tool to use as a cloud-based business phone system.

Control Plane is the most powerful environment for running multi-cloud & multi-region microservices

Control Plane is the most powerful environment for running microservices. Our patented technology harnesses the combined power of all the clouds, giving developers unprecedented power and flexibility. Founded in 2019, the Control Plane Platform was born out of the need to deliver unbreakable, auto-scaled, low-latency microservices. It is a virtual cloud made up of the three major cloud providers, harnessing all their power at a small fraction of the cost because workloads run serverless and cluster-less.

Using Azure Storage as a Backup Location: A Comprehensive Guide

Data is the lifeline of modern businesses, and losing it can have serious consequences. That’s why backup and recovery strategies are crucial for any organization. Azure Storage is one of the most reliable and secure cloud storage solutions available, making it an excellent option for storing backups. In this article, we will explore the benefits and challenges of using Azure Storage as a backup location and provide you with a step-by-step guide to set up and manage your backups.

D2iQ Kubernetes Platform + GitLab: Deliver Better Code Faster

D2iQ and Gitlab have partnered to help Kubernetes DevOps teams deliver higher-quality code faster through automation, integration, and verification of code. DKP provides a fully automated and integrated Kubernetes platform for developing and managing container deployments.

Chargeback Vs. Showback: Here's What You Need To Know

One of the most challenging aspects of running a SaaS business is dealing with highly variable costs. Every service you provide needs resources, and the demands for those resources fluctuate. Just when you think you’ve got this quarter’s budget nailed down, an engineer makes a restructuring decision or a new feature launch exceeds expectations (or falls flat). Suddenly, your bill looks totally different than what you were expecting.

Mobile Learning: How it Transforms The Modern Classroom and Training

Mobile learning consists of learning on the go, via your smartphone or tablet. In a business setting, mobile learning offers the possibility for employees to follow their training wherever they are, with online courses and other content being accessible at all times. This learning method is available on many learning management system (LMS) platforms but, as we will see later, it is necessary to be vigilant in the choice of the latter because mobile learning comes with some technical constraints.

Mattermost Solutions for GitLab: Deep integration to ship software faster

Around the world, thousands of DevSecOps teams are shipping software faster and more reliably by integrating Mattermost with their self-hosted GitLab deployments. When combined, these platforms connect developer toolchains with real-time communications, audio calling, screen sharing and collaborative workflows.

Creating Tickets in Jira From Squadcast I Jira Integration (Cloud & Server) I Squadcast

This video will help you install and configure the Squadcast extension for Jira Cloud & Jira Server. It will help you create tickets in Jira projects whenever there is an incident in Squadcast. Also, learn to automatically or manually sync the status bidirectionally.

Integrating Microsoft Teams & Squadcast - Acknowledge, Resolve & Reassign Incidents | Squadcast

Teams using MS Teams can now integrate with Squadcast and easily Acknowledge, Resolve & Reassign incidents using MS Teams. You can configure Squadcast to send a notification to the configured MS Teams channel as soon as an incident is triggered.

Mattermost Solutions for GitLab

Mattermost Solutions for GitLab makes it easier than ever for teams to realize the benefits of an integrated DevSecOps platform. As one of a handful of tools inside the GitLab Omnibus package, Mattermost offers deep integrations out of the box, including a specialized plugin, custom webhooks, and a comprehensive command center experience.

5 Ways DCIM Software Improves Data Center Sustainability

Data centers account for more than 2% of total global energy consumption. If action is not taken, it is estimated that data centers will be responsible for 8% of global energy consumption by 2030. Data center managers are under increased pressure to comply with corporate sustainability initiatives and dramatically increase their efficiency. To support their efforts, many data center professionals are turning to Data Center Infrastructure Management (DCIM) software.

Project Sputnik retrospective: 10 years of developer laptops with Dell

10 years ago, Dell and Canonical launched Project Sputnik, an initiative to deliver high-end Dell systems with Ubuntu preinstalled to meet the needs of application developers. Whereas Dell had previously offered lower-end Linux-enabled laptops, this was the first time that customers had access to powerful systems designed specifically for developers. And just like many of the best projects in the developer space, Sputnik was community-focused from the start.

Tanzu Application Platform on AWS QuickStart: Now for Multicluster Deployments Too

The modular nature of VMware Tanzu Application Platform offers a customized environment for both developers and operators, bolstering their modernization efforts. In order to help customers reach their organizational goals, VMware continually works to refine the customer experience.

Deploy autoscaling self-hosted runners using AWS CDK

You can use CircleCI’s cloud resources to run your CI/CD jobs, but there may be times you want to run them on your infrastructure. If your team imposes privileged access and control requirements, a self-hosted infrastructure might be best for running your jobs. CircleCI’s self-hosted runners lets you do exactly that. It is easy to get started and start using self-hosted runners.

Ship high-quality, secure code faster with Datadog Code Analysis

As your engineering teams grow and commit code more frequently, it becomes increasingly difficult to release high-quality, secure code while achieving your desired development velocity. To create smoother developer workflows that ensure high standards for code quality and security, it’s critical for developers to detect and remediate issues earlier in the software development lifecycle— without switching tools or contexts.

Kubectl wasn't intended for Devs. Why should you force them to use it?

Kubernetes is a quintessential operating system for the cloud, providing a platform for the deployment, scaling, and management of containerized microservice applications. At the heart of Kubernetes is the Kubernetes API, which serves as the primary entry point for interacting with the system. The official client for the Kubernetes API is kubectl, a Kubernetes CLI tool that allows users to manage a Kubernetes cluster and perform a wide range of tasks.

Simplify management across cloud platforms with OpenCP

Managing your clusters has become a complex and confusing task. With scattered tools and the requirement to learn specific tools from cloud providers, many companies have trouble making the most of the cloud. That's where OpenCP comes in. Join us as we explore the benefits of simplifying management across cloud platforms with OpenCP. We’ll dive into the benefits of using OpenCP, how it works, and how it is built on the best practices of kubectl and kubeapi.

5 Common IoT Security Challenges to Be Aware Of

As the Internet of Things (IoT) continues to grow, transforming the way we live and work, it should be expected that there will be various security challenges to battle. This means that as a business owner, you should be ready to secure your devices and connections. Statista reports that there are currently 15.14 billion IoT-connected devices worldwide.

Maximizing Uptime and Security: Best Practices for AWS and Azure IAAS

Cloud computing has become an essential tool for businesses looking to increase efficiency, reduce costs, and improve reliability. Among the most popular cloud providers, Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Microsoft Azure are two of the leading players in the industry. Both AWS and Azure offer Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) solutions that allow businesses to host and manage virtual machines in the cloud.

What are the biggest challenges organizations face in their digital transformation efforts?

As part of a recent Redgate Summit which focused on digital transformation and data modernization, I was fortunate enough to be able to interview Pramod Sadalage, a Director at Thoughtworks. There, and I’m quoting here, he enjoys the rare role of bridging the divide between database professionals and application developers.

7 Things You Need to Know About Github's Sponsors-Only Repositories

Open-source software is driving some of the most exciting innovations today. According to The Linux Foundation, open-source constitutes about 70 to 90% of all modern software solutions. But it isn’t all fun and games: open-source software is free, which brings about operational inefficiencies due to a lack of financial support for their developers. Platforms like Switch and SubStack started incentivizing paid subscription models to solve this problem.

Internet in Numbers 2022

“The Internet (or Internet) is the global system of interconnected computer networks that uses the Internet protocol suite (TCP/IP) to communicate between networks and devices. It is a network of networks that consists of private, public, academic, business, and government networks of local to global scope, linked by a broad array of electronic, wireless, and optical networking technologies.

Drinking Our Own Champagne: IT Automation Meets Marketing Automation

Operations management—whether IT, business, sales, marketing, etc.—has four essential main objectives: And in any industry, those objectives are driven by the most important goal, which is to generate revenue for the organization. While every single task or implementation may not directly impact revenue, the outcome of small improvements over time can be substantial. After a Google search for motivational quotes, I stumbled on James Clear’s “power of tiny gains” concept.

How to "Live Tail" Kubernetes Logs

DevOps engineers wishing to troubleshoot Kubernetes applications can turn to log messages to pinpoint the cause of errors and their impact on the rest of the cluster. When troubleshooting a running application, engineers need real-time access to logs generated across multiple components. Collecting live streaming log data lets engineers: The challenge that engineers face is accessing comprehensive, live streams of Kubernetes log data.

Adopt open source securely from bare metal to cloud

It’s no secret that developers prefer to use open-source software in their projects. However, the Log4Shell attack or the more recent PyPl crypto miner packages have taught us that there are questions around how it should be managed. At Canonical we have been dealing with open-source security issues since the very first release of Ubuntu and way before the topic became number 1 on every CISO priority list. In this video, our team discusses how your company can manage these challenges and lay the software foundation of a successful cybersecurity program.

The Storage Supply Chain and Its Effect on Infrastructure Teams

For the past couple of years, no one has been able to escape the effects of supply chain problems throughout their personal and professional lives. According to our recent State of Hybrid Cloud Storage survey, storage and the IT equipment that supports storage systems were no exception, and disruptions created extra work and headaches for those teams.

CommsFlow Messaging Templates | Blameless

Effective communication is critical during incidents. In order to minimize the impact of an incident and resolve it quickly, it's important that all stakeholders are kept informed and updated throughout the incident response process. However, communicating during an incident can be challenging, especially when dealing with multiple stakeholders and a high level of stress. On-call engineers can have their focus disrupted by switching out of their diagnostic tools to issue communications.

Types of Incident Retrospective Templates

When an incident occurs, it's important to take the time to review what happened, understand all the contributing factors, and identify systemic changes to prevent similar incidents from happening in the future. This process is known as an incident retrospective. However, conducting incident retrospectives can be time-consuming and difficult, especially when dealing with multiple stakeholders and a large amount of data.

What Is OpenShift?

OpenShift is a platform that allows developers and operations engineers, or even DevOps professionals, to run containerized applications and workloads. Under the hood, it’s powered by Kubernetes, but there’s an additional architectural layer that makes life simpler for DevOps teams. OpenShift is from enterprise software specialist Red Hat and provides a range of automation options and lifecycle management, regardless of where you choose to run your applications.

How Article Turns a Spotlight on At-Risk Work to See Gains Beyond Metrics

Torsten Sinnemann from Article shares how he and his teams use Sleuth's new Work in Progress feature to improve beyond just metrics and boost efficiency, morale and value.‍ Sleuth gives software development and engineering teams the most complete and accurate visibility into DORA metrics across your organization and projects. Work-in-progress metrics can also be helpful for communicating execution status to stakeholders, and for tracking if improvement initiatives being implemented are making a difference.

Tips to lead software teams and manage up in a challenging market

We’ve all seen the news about tech layoffs. If you’re an engineering manager, are you having to squeeze more out of existing teams, because adding staff anytime soon is unlikely? Maybe you’re tempted to micromanage your developers, thinking that if you know every aspect of their work, it’ll boost productivity. But, that approach doesn’t feel right, and you know your devs would hate you for it. What’s an engineering manager to do?

When is the Right Time to Adopt a Kubernetes Management Tool?

Platform teams are expecting an increase in Kubernetes cluster count within their environments. This is clear from the hyper-growth of cluster implementation that was reported in our latest State of Kubernetes survey (read this blog for more information), as well as the fact that we heard it directly from our customers during VMware Explore 2022.

Ten Automations to Make Your Network Agile and Efficient

Even in the most structured environments with clear operational strategies, complexity build-up in infrastructure and operations is unavoidable as businesses grow. To help these environments thrive in a consistent, reliable way, it’s vital to optimize the IT function: the backbone that supports every business application and ensures service excellence across all other functions. Automating operations is the only way for IT to scale and support today’s business demands.

Top CIO Challenges in 2023

Almost a decade ago, public clouds offered CIOs the possibility to explore OpEx based infrastructure to optimise their costs. A few years later, many came to the conclusion that the public cloud is not a one-size-fits-all solution to every infrastructure and operations challenge, and cloud repatriation projects gained popularity. CIOs began moving back some of their workloads to private and hybrid/multi-cloud environments to get the best of both worlds.

Understanding Azure Storage Regions: A Comprehensive Guide

Azure Storage is a cloud-based storage solution that provides highly available, secure, scalable, and durable storage for your data. Azure Storage provides multiple types of storage options, including Blob storage, File storage, Queue storage, and Table storage. One of the critical factors in selecting Azure Storage is choosing the right region for your data. In this article, we’ll discuss Azure Storage Regions in detail and provide a comprehensive guide to help you make an informed decision.

Azure Storage Limits

As businesses increasingly rely on cloud storage solutions to store and manage their data, it’s essential to understand the limits of the storage options available to them. One popular cloud storage platform is Azure Storage, which offers a range of storage options including Blob storage, Queue storage, Table storage, and Virtual Machine disk storage.

What's new with AWS in 2023

Despite being the oldest and largest cloud vendor, market leader Amazon Web Services, known to all as AWS, is not immune to market trends. Despite a 20% year-on-year increase in fourth quarter revenue on 2022, growth was considerably slower than the preceding quarters, as companies of all sizes in all sectors reel in their tech spend.

The Importance of Automating Workloads in the Cloud

The adoption of cloud computing has seen a constant rise. Research estimates that the cloud has the potential to add USD 1 trillion of Economic Value by 2030. With this increase in cloud adoption, the need to scale faster in a more complex cloud ecosystem seems like the fate of every organization. For IT teams, the challenge is not any different! In a world where our needs can be fulfilled virtually from the comfort of our couches, Gone are the days of long wait times and doing something manually.

Report: How VSM Will Fuel Digital Transformation in 2023

As businesses look to advance their critical digital transformation initiatives, Value Stream Management (VSM) has emerged as an increasingly prevalent discipline. How many have employed VSM strategies to date and why? Have VSM initiatives delivered the expected benefits? Download our new report and get answers to these questions and more.

Scaling Your Applications on Civo Platform, A PaaS Solution

Managing infrastructure while developing, building, and running an application is difficult for developers. In fact, many businesses often struggle with infrastructure management besides managing their applications. To tackle this problem, Platform-as-a-Service or PaaS came into existence. PaaS provides a platform with a cloud-based environment for developers to develop and manage their applications with pre-configured tools and frameworks.

Why AIOps is Worth the Investment During an Economic Downturn

Recent talks of an economic softening have left IT leaders concerned about the future of their enterprises. That concern is understandable — tech layoffs create near-daily headlines at this point, with top companies rolling back their operations and rolling up their sleeves to focus on mission-critical expenses. And for many in ITOps, that means cutting tools.

Why Unit Economics Helps You Commit To Discounting Programs

Is your enterprise still paying the sticker price for cloud services? If so, you’re probably leaving a significant amount of money on the table. Once your company surpasses the level of “large business” and begins growing into a full-fledged enterprise, it likely qualifies for enterprise discounts offered by each of the major cloud providers. The most well-known of these would be the Enterprise Discount Program (EDP) offered by Amazon Web Services (AWS).

Qovery Demo Day Summary - February 2023

Join us for a recap of the latest updates from Qovery Demo Day, held on February 9th. Our event provides insight into what we accomplished in the past month and what's to come while showcasing some exciting new features. From our refreshed website and pumped CLI, to job deployments and demos, to upcoming deployment order and parallel deployment, ARM instance type support, and audit logs, get ready for an exciting look at what's new with Qovery and what’s next! ✨

Securing Your Environment with Tools Before Rules

The companies we at VMware Tanzu work with are constantly looking for new, better ways of developing and releasing quality software faster. But digital transformation means fundamentally changing the way you do business, a process that can be derailed by any number of obstacles. In his recent video series, Michael Coté identifies 14 reasons why it’s hard to change development practices in large organizations. Today, we look at the second digital transformation bottleneck: security.

Reporting Incident Using Webforms I Creating Alerts from Outside the Squadcast Ecosystem I Squadcast

Webforms can help stakeholders & the customers of an organization easily report issues. This video explains how users from outside the Squadcast ecosystem can report incidents by filling out a simple form and extend customer support by empowering internal stakeholders and customers to report issues on the go.

The Ultimate Planning Checklist for Migrating Azure VMs to VMware

Migrating virtual machines from Microsoft Azure to VMware can be a complex and time-consuming process. But with the right planning and preparation, it can be a smooth and stress-free transition. In this blog post, we will be providing you with a comprehensive planning checklist to help guide you through the process of migrating Azure VMs to VMware. And with Carbon – the automated migration software – you can simplify and streamline the process even further.

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Testing Kubernetes Ingress with Production Traffic

Testing Kubernetes Ingress resources can be tricky, and can lead to frustration when bugs pop up in production that weren't caught during testing. This can happen for a variety of reasons, but with Ingress specifically, it often has to do with a misalignment between the data used in testing and the traffic generated in production. Tools like Postman can be a great way of generating traffic, but they have the drawback of being manually created. Not only is this unlikely to create all the needed variations for a single endpoint (different headers, different request bodies, etc.), it would be almost impossible to create all the needed variations, for all possible endpoints.

Monitor code quality in Datadog with SonarQube

SonarQube is a tool for static code analysis that integrates with your existing CI pipelines to run quality checks on your codebase as it changes. As you develop and release new code, constant monitoring of code quality is crucial to ensure compliance, stability, and security. SonarQube’s Clean-As-You-Code philosophy helps to avoid technical debt by running regular code checks and alerting you to any problems early on.

Why Migrate Azure VMs to VMware: The Benefits

As organizations transition to the cloud, they are faced with the question of which platform is best suited to their needs. While Microsoft Azure has been a popular choice for cloud computing, many organizations are finding that VMware is a better fit for their virtualized infrastructure needs. This article will explore the reasons why you should consider migrating your Azure VMs to VMware and the benefits that come with making this transition.

Exploring Azure Kubernetes Service and its monitoring capabilities

What is Azure Kubernetes Service? Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) is a fully managed open-source container orchestration service offered by Azure. Provisioning, scaling, and upgrading resources can be done without causing downtime with Azure Kubernetes Service. Container orchestration in Kubernetes enables deployed application components to be isolated in distinct containers that can scale independently. A cluster made up of these containers functions as a microservices-based software product.

Cloud repatriation drivers

With the looming macroeconomic uncertainties that are affecting growth, companies are trying to control their costs by downsizing their staff and reducing their infrastructure costs. One way to reduce infrastructure costs is repatriating workloads from public clouds, which we refer to by “cloud repatriation”. According to a 2021 survey by 451 Research, 48% of respondents repatriated some of their workloads from cloud providers.

Monitor your Argo CD clusters with Datadog

Argo CD is a declarative continuous delivery tool for Kubernetes developed by the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF). Argo CD automates your application deployment by continuously monitoring the live state of your containers and comparing it against the desired state in your Kubernetes manifest files, then pulling changes into your Kubernetes clusters as needed.

Introducing Netdata Paid Subscriptions

Read more about Netdata introducing paid subscriptions. All Netdata functionality is and will be available for free forever in the Community Plan. Paid tiers include features targeted for businesses and users who would need to customise their monitoring solution with different levels of user access, other notification mechanisms, etc.

In-House IT Support vs. Outsourcing: Which Is Better for Your Business

In-House IT Support vs. Outsourcing As companies grow, their need for IT-related tasks increases. Whether the company wants to offer a new service to customers, better understand their data, or streamline in-house communication, they are presented with two options: having an in-house IT expert or outsourcing their IT support to managed service providers (MSPs). The pros and cons of each of the approaches depend on many factors.

How SQL Toolbelt Essentials has proven invaluable at Rev.io

James Phillips, CIO at Rev.IO outlines explains how Redgate's SQL Toolbelt Essentials has proven to be invaluable for the managing the 230 separate databases within their organization. This suite of tools has made their developers lives easier by increasing consistency, reducing errors, and introducing controlled and verified releases.

Agent vs. Agentless Monitoring

Network monitoring is a critical aspect of managing and maintaining the performance and security of a network. It includes monitoring and analyzing network traffic, devices, and systems to identify potential issues and ensure that the network operates efficiently and effectively. Network monitoring can help organizations identify and prevent security breaches, identify and troubleshoot performance issues, and ensure compliance with industry regulations and standards.

How To Setup Outgoing Webhooks in Squadcast | Recieving Incident Information | Squadcast

Webhooks allow you to connect a platform you manage (either an API you create by yourself or a third-party service) to a stream of future events. Setting up a Webhook on Squadcast enables you to receive information (referred to as events) from Squadcast as they happen. This can help you avoid continuously polling Squadcast’s REST APIs or manually checking the Squadcast web/mobile application for desired information.

Gene Kim on what makes teams great

To kick off season 3, Rob is joined by DevOps enthusiast and Wall Street Journal best-selling author, Gene Kim. Gene has spent years researching and documenting the evolution of DevOps. In this episode, hear Gene conceptualize high-performing teams using a group of painters and movers. What can this model show us about the intricacies and challenges all teams face?

IoT Management with JFrog Connect (5-Minute Demo)

JFrog Connect is a modern Linux-first IoT platform designed to efficiently monitor, manage and update edge and IoT devices at scale. You can quickly register thousands of devices, organize them into logical groups, automate software updates for entire device fleets, and leverage secure tools to remotely troubleshoot devices from the comfort of your laptop.

Open source security: best practices for early detection & risk mitigation

What knowledge, tools, and processes do you need to keep your open-source software free from vulnerabilities and threats? Many open-source projects are well-maintained by software vendors or individuals. Yet, studies show that 80% of codebases used by enterprises contain vulnerabilities (half of which are high-risk vulnerabilities that can be exploited). Hackers scan for outdated systems that contain vulnerabilities, which they then exploit by deploying targeted malware. In this webinar, we will discuss best practices for keeping your systems up to date.

Streamline user lifecycle management with ADManager Plus' orchestration

Orchestration in an IT environment refers to the coordinated management of workflows, applications, and systems, with the primary goal to optimize business performance by streamlining processes. Using orchestration, IT administrators can automate, from a single console, a series of tasks to run at a defined time or interval. This includes automating IT tasks like provisioning of user accounts, as well as managing databases, incidents, applications, and cloud resources.

Maximize Your VMware Environment with Efficient Snapshot Management

Snapshots are an essential part of virtual machine management, as they provide a convenient way to preserve the state of virtual machines and revert to an earlier version if necessary. However, without proper management, snapshots can quickly become a problem, consuming storage space and impacting performance. This is where SnapShot Master comes in. SnapShot Master is a comprehensive solution for managing snapshots in your VMware environment.

3 ways to apply security patches in Linux

When shopping for something where all the choices look similar, the feeling of choice paralysis creeps over you. This can happen when shopping for electronics, computer parts, or a pair of shoes. Choice paralysis occurs when a person finds it very difficult and stressful to make a decision with the available information. Applying security patches in Linux is a relaxing and rewarding experience when you have confidence in your process.

Optimize Kubernetes Performance Part 2: Creating Comparisons

The main idea behind Kubernetes is to create a standardized approach to running containers in the cloud. Whether you’re running AKS on Azure or EKS on Amazon, your cluster should still behave in more or less the same way. But that’s not to say you’re locked in to doing things one way; Kubernetes still offers a lot of flexibility in many cases. This is what experienced engineers take advantage of when trying to optimize Kubernetes performance.

How to reduce developer time to code

Reducing development and testing time is one of the top priorities for software development teams. A reduced development time allows teams to move ahead with projects faster and focus more on testing and refining them, which is especially important for end-user-based projects. This is because UI-UX-heavy projects often need to be put through a rigorous review and refinement process before they can finally be launched for customer use.

The ultimate guide to scanning Kubernetes workloads using Trivy-Operator

Testing is a vital aspect of security. Unfortunately, there are vulnerabilities that bypass the testing stage and introduce flaws in the production environment. Kubernetes vulnerabilities make more impact when exploited on running applications and production environments. These vulnerabilities can allow hackers to exploit the host machine if the container has escalated privileges.

How to Set up SLOs and Configure SLIs in Squadcast | Tracking Error Budget & Burn Rates | Squadcast

This video will help you define and monitor Service Level Objects for your services and also set up and track error budget burn rates in Squadcast. A Service Level Objective (SLO) is a reliability target, measured by a Service Level Indicator (SLI), and sometimes serves as a safeguard for a Service Level Agreement (SLA). SLOs represent customer happiness and guide the development team’s velocity.

An Introduction to Talos Linux: The New Kubernetes Operating System

As the cloud native environment becomes increasingly more complex, new systems are needed to combat this issue and create simplified, secure, and stable working environments. Sidero Labs developed Talos Linux as a way to run Kubernetes consistently across all platforms, such as Edge, Cloud, Virtual, and Bare Metal. Talos Linux is a secured Linux distribution designed specifically for managing Kubernetes.

Just Stick to the Script?

Have you ever patched your servers using scripts only to realize that you missed another script for pre-update configuration compliance that had to run beforehand? Most IT organizations start with scripting simple, repetitive tasks in either Python, PowerShell, or Perl to help provide the quickest ROI. Common pain points solved for are creating user accounts, installing patches, software, and provisioning resources such as virtual machines (VMs), etc.

What is HAProxy, and what is it used for?

In December 2022, the latest version of HAProxy, 2.7.0, was released. This open-source software is both a proxy and a load balancer, and is immensely popular due to the sheer volume of features it provides to help reduce or even avoid downtime and manage web traffic. Website or application downtime is disastrous for businesses. You want to serve as many users as possible, but if you have nothing in place to manage traffic, then your web applications can quickly become overwhelmed and fail.

5 Best practices for developing a culture of continuous improvement

How do you create a great engineering team? Exclusively hire brilliant, tenured computer science PhDs. There we solved it. You can skip the next 400 words. (I can hear my college professor in my head saying “Humor might not be your strong suit”) Building a great engineering team isn’t easy. Understatement of the year. It’s not even a problem to be solved per se. We need to think about it as preparation to solve an infinite set of constantly evolving problems.

Continuous deployment of a Dockerized .NET Core app to AWS ECR

Containers are a useful tool for deploying applications because they allow for the packaging of an application’s code, libraries, and dependencies into a single, isolated unit. This makes it easy to deploy and run the application on any computer or server that has the necessary container software installed.

3 examples of DevOps automation

Automating processes and the tools that enable them is vital for empowering highly productive teams. The right automation tools and workflows help DevOps and SRE teams minimize repetitive tasks, improve monitoring capabilities, enable continuous integration/continuous deployment (CI/CD), and work with massive volumes of data.

Managing a paradigm shift: Transitioning to remote support

When a business considers switching to a new MDM for their remote support, they primarily evaluate potential solutions from a technological perspective. The organization’s IT team will compare the MDM’s features vis-a-vis others in the industry, weigh over its specs, and determine how an implementation would work for their business. While this comprehensive technology review is important, the problem is that most businesses stop there.

Collect and Manage your Binary Metadata using Build-Info

Our modern life depends on software from the most trivial to critical task. How software is built, behaves and what actually contains are fundamental questions that almost all stakeholders of the Software Development Life Cycle need to know. Being able to effectively manage your binaries (aka software packages, artifacts, containers, images…) provides full control over your binary lifecycle.

Troubleshoot and monitor .NET application deployed in Azure!

Document360 is one of the leading knowledge base platforms in the market, with over 1000 enterprise customers. The initial version of Document360 was released in the year 2017. Due to the simple and elegant user experience and competitive feature set, it gained the traction of many customers in the market, leaving it to become one of the category’s top tools.

Azure Storage: Compare Prices and Plans - The Ultimate Guide

Azure Storage is a cloud-based storage solution offered by Microsoft. It provides scalable and secure storage for unstructured and structured data, including blobs, files, queues, and tables. With Azure Storage, you can store and access your data from anywhere in the world. The service is flexible and customizable, making it ideal for businesses of all sizes and industries. But, with so many plans and options available, it can be difficult to determine the best plan for your business needs.

50+ DevOps Interview Questions To Ask In 2023

Building quality software is tough. Even automation requires skilled developers to make it work. Yet, good developers are in short supply. You could offer attractive packages, too. Think: hybrid working, breakfast burritos, and organic chicken wings every Wednesday. You'll still need to ask the right DevOps interview questions to find and hire qualified DevOps engineers.

Suppression Rules in Squadcast | Minimise Alert fatigue | Suppress Non-Actionable Alerts | Squadcast

This video talks about Alert suppression in Squadcast. Alert Suppression helps you avoid alert fatigue by suppressing notifications for non-actionable alerts. Squadcast will suppress the incidents that match any of the Suppression Rules you create for your Services. These incidents will go into the Suppressed state and you will not get any notifications for them.

Your non-technical teams should be using incident management tools, too

For many businesses across the world, incident management is something that’s usually left to engineers. These teams are on the front lines, declaring, managing, and resolving all sorts of incidents across the org, regardless of where it originates or what form it takes. But there’s a glaring issue with this approach. Outside of technical teams, people across organizations aren’t accustomed or trained to use the word “incident” whenever an issue comes up.

How Gremlin helps you meet Google's Infrastructure Reliability standards

In January of 2023, Google released its infrastructure reliability guide, which provides guidelines on how to build high-availability applications in Google Cloud. While it's written for Google Cloud, it provides some excellent general-purpose information on how to architect reliable applications on any cloud provider, including: In this blog, we'll explain each of these factors and how you can use Gremlin to ensure you're meeting your reliability requirements.

Is open-source as secure as proprietary software?

We’re surrounded by news of data breaches and companies being compromised, and the existential threat of ransomware hangs over just about every organisation that uses computers. One of the consequences is that we are hassled by an ever-increasing number of software updates, from phones and computers to vacuum cleaners and cars; download this, restart that, install the updates.

Using GitKraken Client in WSL 2

WSL 2 is useful for developers who prefer a Linux development environment but need to use Windows as their primary operating system. And GitKraken Client is used by developers and teams to visualize and work efficiently with their Git repositories. With the 9.1 release of GitKraken Client, you can combine the benefits of both resources. In this article, we will explore the advantages associated with using GitKraken Client in WSL 2 and provide step-by-step instructions on how to get set up.

G2 Ranks SUSE in Top 25 German Companies

I am thrilled to announce that SUSE has been recognized by G2, the world’s largest and most trusted software marketplace, as one of the Top 25 German Companies in their “Best Software Awards” for 2023. At SUSE, we have always been dedicated to providing our customers with the best possible software solutions and services. This award by G2 is a testament to the hard work and dedication of our entire team.

DevOps isn't dead: How platform engineering enables DevOps at scale

DevOps has become the de facto methodology in software development. With it, software engineers can take operations into their own hands, using techniques such as Infrastructure as Code (IaC) to automate infrastructure deployment. However, as the popularity of DevOps has grown, so has the complexity of modern application development. Developers must learn new tools and maintain infrastructure while coding and prioritizing ops tasks alongside feature development.

CircleCI Technical Demo + Q&A

Join us for a high level tour of CircleCI, and learn how to most effectively utilize the platform’s features and capabilities. Every first and third Wednesday, we’ll be offering a technical demo so you can learn best practices and have all your CircleCI questions answered. Topics Covered: How it works: the nuts and bolts of the product Why CircleCI can make developers’ jobs easier and more rewarding How CircleCI can support your security posture by ensuring organizational policies and guardrails are met Greater visibility by surfacing trends and status across your organization

JFrog Pipelines

JFrog Pipelines is a next-generation CI/ CD automation and orchestration tool that embraces and enhances your pipeline processes. It provides a centralized command and control mechanism across all your DevOps Pipelines. It is part of the most comprehensive universal platform for global DevOps, the JFrog Platform.

How Are You Making Storage Placement Decisions-and Does It Matter?

According to Virtana’s recent State of Hybrid Cloud Storage survey, most organizations have a little over half of their storage in the cloud, keeping the rest on premises. But how are they deciding what storage goes where? Is there such a thing as a wrong—or even just sub-optimal—storage placement decision? We dug into the data to answer these questions.

Azure Storage Security: Keep Your Data Safe

In today’s digital world, data security is a top priority for businesses and individuals alike. With the increasing popularity of cloud computing, many organizations are relying on cloud storage services to store their sensitive information. Microsoft Azure Storage is one of the most popular cloud storage services, offering a range of storage solutions to meet the needs of different users.

Azure end-to-end transaction details with enhanced visibility

In this blog, we look at the importance of viewing Azure end-to-end transactions from the perspective of a business user, the overall benefit of Business Application Monitoring, and how Serverless360 BAM can help your organization by providing business insights in your Azure integration transactions.

Scaling Your Web Application: A Guide to Scaling for High Performance

If you’re familiar with the frustration of dealing with a poorly constructed web application or the challenges of providing tech support, you understand the importance of building a high-performing and scalable web application. However, with the numerous considerations involved, it can be overwhelming to determine the starting point. This article aims to provide guidance on how to avoid common pitfalls that negatively impact user experience and waste resources.

How To Choose The Email Protocol: IMAP vs. POP3 vs. SMTP

Email marketing is effective when done right. Since emails go through a complex journey after we hit ‘Send,’ we need to know what happens as they travel. Behind the scenes, an email goes through a complex journey that consists of several steps. And each step is defined by the email protocol being used. Depending on the email protocol, our emails will go through more or fewer stages before they reach the recipient's inbox. Keep reading to see email protocols explained.

Optimize Kubernetes Performance Part 1: Cluster Configurations

Kubernetes is a powerful platform that comes with many features to help engineers run their applications more efficiently. However, as you gain more experience and deploy more workloads, you’ll inevitably start looking for ways to optimize Kubernetes performance. There are many ways to approach optimization. On one hand, you could work exclusively with the tools and configurations provided by Kubernetes itself; on the other, you could reap the benefits of third-party tools.

Secure open source MLOps for AI/ML applications in financial services

The adoption of AI/ML in financial services is increasing as companies seek to drive more robust, data-driven decision processes as part of their digital transformation journey. For global banking, McKinsey estimates that AI technologies could potentially deliver up to $1 trillion of additional value each year. But productionising machine learning at scale is challenging.

Ocean for Apache Spark: Now available to all Spot customers

As the size and frequency of data pipelines scale, organizations are constantly looking for ways to reduce costs and more efficiently utilize their data infrastructure. As the leading managed platform for Spark on Kubernetes, we’ve helped several customers make the decision to move their Spark workloads to Ocean for Apache Spark, taking advantage of strategic spot instance selection, flexible pod configurations, and resource utilization tools that can correct overprovisioning.

Announcing our improved Schedules & On-Call Rotations

Hey folks! We are super excited to announce that our schedules feature has gone through a bit of an update. Well, more than a bit 🙂. We’ve gone through the feature with a fine-toothed comb and introduced a bunch of UI and functional improvements which we hope will help you achieve one thing: set up, edit and manage your on-call schedules at scale in a matter of minutes (Yes, that was three things but it was tough to condense it to ONE thing)

The business value of frequent deployments: Recouped time

The first post in this series introduced the idea of the different layers of value that your business can gain from frequent deployments and focused on the hard costs you can save. We’re looking at the role the database plays here because it’s the most complicated part of the process and it’s difficult to hit aggressive KPIs and goals when your teams are burdened with process bloat due to mistake-prone, manual work.

SRE Report 2023: Findings From the Field - Toil

Toil. Few other words have the same visceral impact for SREs as their four-letter nemesis: toil. Although pretty much everyone recognizes and agrees that toil is bad, it is a term that is frequently misused in colloquial use. In common English usage, toil is defined as “long strenuous fatiguing labor”. As a term of art in the SRE profession, “toil” has several very specific characteristics which distinguish it from other sorts of work which people spend time on.

Using Hyperconverged Infrastructure for Kubernetes

Companies face multiple challenges when migrating their applications and services to the cloud, and one of them is infrastructure management. The ideal scenario would be that all workloads could be containerized. In that case, the organization could use a Kubernetes-based service, like Amazon Web Services (AWS), Google Cloud or Azure, to deploy and manage applications, services and storage in a cloud native environment. Unfortunately, this scenario isn’t always possible.

Getting Out of the 2000s Era of ClickOps

In a world where everyone across the enterprise requires the network, the Infrastructure & Operations (I&O) team has a lot on their plate. Business units, departments, and even individual employees often need to spin up new network resources in order to do their work, take advantage of new business opportunities, and focus on innovation. As the gatekeepers of the network, it’s up to the I&O team to facilitate these connections.

What You Don't Know About Azure Synapse

There are so many interesting and very useful Azure services out there. Over my time in the IT industry, I have seen the evolution of virtualization and eventually the cloud. It has been very interesting to follow the growth and evolution of Azure, and the introduction of Azure Synapse is a great example of how cloud services grow and evolve. Through using Azure, organizations can do things they never thought possible in the traditional data center.

Exploring the Software Behind Facebook, the World's Largest Social Media Site

At the scale that Facebook operates, several traditional approaches to serving web content break down or simply aren’t practical. The challenge for Facebook’s engineers has been to keep the site up and running smoothly in spite of handling over two billion active users. This article takes a look at some of the software and techniques they use to accomplish that.

Release 1.38.0 - DBENGINE v2, Functions, Events, Notifications, Role Based Access, and much more!

The Netdata team is very excited to introduce you to all the new features and improvements in the new version. HIGHLIGHTS: DBENGINE v2 The new open-source database engine for Netdata Agents, offering huge performance, scalability and stability improvements, with a fraction of memory footprint! FUNCTION: Processes Netdata beyond metrics! We added the ability for runtime functions, that can be implemented by any data collection plugin, to offer unlimited visibility to anything, even not-metrics, that can be valuable while troubleshooting.

Cycle Podcast | EP 17 | Nick Stinemates | Time at Docker/Rancher + Network Observability with Kentik

In this episode, Jake Warner chats with Nick Stinemates, VP of Business Development and Co-Chair of Labs at Kentik. Nick shares his experiences as an early team member at both Docker and Rancher and discusses Kentik's efforts to bring observability to networks for ISPs and large enterprises.

Running API and Browser Checks Using Terraform, AWS, and Checkly Private Locations

When adding new Checks in Checkly a number of locations are available to check your endpoints from multiple locations around the world. For most use cases this is more than enough to ensure your resources are online. However, these locations are outside of your network and are unable to check on resources deployed more securely inside your private network.

Using Tagging and Routing Rules in Squadcast I Incident Classification I Event Tagging I Squadcast

Event Tagging is a rule-based, auto-tagging system with which you can define customized tags based on incident payloads, that get automatically assigned to incidents when they are triggered. This video explains how to create Tagging rules for efficient Incident Classification.

GitKraken Client 9.1: When Our Users Speak, We Listen

In our 2022 year in review, we recapped the six highly-requested features that were implemented over the course of the year. We also acknowledged the five highly-requested features that “got away” – meaning we hadn’t gotten to them… yet! Well, GitKraken Client 9.1 is here, we’re happy to share that two of those enhancements are now accounted for, along with other user-requested features and improvements that represent input from over 1,000 users.

Canonical Experiences Continued Channel Business Growth and Momentum, Regis Paquette Named 2023 CRN Channel Chief

6 February 2023 – Canonical, the publisher of Ubuntu, announced today that it doubled revenue for its Channel/Reseller Program in 2022, grew its active reseller base by more than 50%, and grew the overall channel business by 70%. Canonical is an industry leader in open source private clouds, the reference platform for all major public clouds. The Ubuntu operating system is the most widely used Linux distribution that runs on the desktop, workstations, and all internet connected things.

The Ultimate Guide to Managed IT Support

Modern business of any direction requires the introduction of IT technologies. Large companies can afford to hire a team of specialists who support customers and company employees in information technology. At the same time, specialists manage to implement new solutions in their platforms simultaneously. Small and medium businesses need help to afford such a solution.

Two sides of the same coin: Uniting testing and monitoring with Synthetic Monitoring

Historically, software development and SRE have worked in silos with different cultural perspectives and priorities. The goal of DevOps is to establish common and complementary practices across software development and operations. Sadly, in some organizations true collaboration is rare and we still have a way to go to build effective DevOps partnerships.

5 Real-Life Examples Of Companies Measuring Cloud Cost Per Customer

At CloudZero, we advocate measuring every cloud cost metric that makes the most sense for your business. When you know your company’s unit economics inside and out, you can better inform each department, show them how to make smart decisions based on the information, and ultimately maintain control over your margins. One of the most universally useful metrics to track is cloud cost per customer.

JFrog's Software Artifact State of the Union is Here! See What's Actually Being Used in Software Technology Today

As software development becomes more complex, it’s important for IT and software leaders to stay up-to-date on the latest trends. Tools like Stack Overflow’s Developer Survey and the Tiobe Index can be helpful, but they rely on indirect data and don’t provide a full picture of what’s actually being used in production. JFrog’s Software Artifact State of the Union is different.

Testing doesn't stop at staging

Imagine a perfect world where software releases ship bug-free. Developers write perfect code the first time, all tests pass without issues, operations teams effortlessly deploy builds to production, and customers never experience defects. Everyone's happy, and the Engineering team can focus exclusively on building and delivering features. Of course, we don't live in a perfect world.

Install & Configure the AWS CLI | A Beginner's Guide

The AWS Command Line Interface (CLI) is a powerful tool that allows you to manage your AWS resources from the command line. Whether you are a developer, system administrator, or DevOps engineer, the AWS CLI can help you automate and streamline your workflows, increase productivity, and improve the security of your AWS infrastructure. In this article, we’ll cover the basics of installing and configuring the AWS CLI on Windows, Mac, and Linux.

Kool Kubernetes Uses

As the movement to the cloud has grown, so has the use of containers as an effective way to package, distribute, and deploy applications. As surveys show, Kubernetes is the most widely used orchestration engine for managing cloud-native containers. Kubernetes automates deployment, auto-scaling, resource optimization, backup and recovery, and enables containers to run across different environments, eliminating the need to develop separate versions for each operating environment.

Release 1.38.0: Dramatic performance and stability improvements, with a smaller agent footprint

We completely reworked our custom-made, time series database (dbengine), resulting in stunning improvements to performance, scalability, and stability, while at the same time significantly reducing the agent memory requirements. On production-grade hardware (e.g. 48 threads, 32GB ram) Netdata Agent Parents can easily collect 2 million points/second while servicing data queries for 10 million points / second, and running ML training and Health querying 1 million points / second each!

Azure File Shares: A Beginner's Guide

Azure File Shares is a cloud-based file sharing service that provides a secure, scalable, and highly available solution for storing and sharing files in the cloud. With Azure File Shares, you can store, share, and access files from anywhere, at any time, and from any device. Whether you’re a small business owner, a freelancer, or an enterprise-level organization, Azure File Shares can help you meet your file storage and sharing needs.

Adding Incident Watchers in Squadcast | Incident Notifications and Updates | Squadcast

This video talks about Squadcast's Incident Watchers Feature. In Squadcast, any user/stakeholder can subscribe to an Incident and act as a Watcher for an incident. Incident Watchers can choose to receive notifications for all the updates of an incident. This allows any user/stakeholder to act as an observer of the incident, even if they are not active responders. You can customize your watch options for the incident and receive notifications only for those updates.

Drive Down Your Network Complexity With Advanced Automation

Service providers are spending billions of dollars a year dealing with network outages, service degradation and growing security threats. The increase in network traffic is a key factor resulting in these challenges. Consequently, automation is considered critical to enabling service providers to address operations and management issues resulting from this traffic increase. The traditional rules-based approach to implementing automation will not be sufficient to support the level of activity needed to control, manage and secure the network.

New CircleCI features for secure secrets management

When security incidents happen, it’s crucial for software providers and users alike to take swift and effective action. In response to our recent security incident, we witnessed firsthand how an open and collaborative effort between our customers, technology partners, and engineering teams helped to contain the threat and mitigate risk of unauthorized access to customer systems.

What are Azure Tables and what are they used for?

Azure Tables is a NoSQL cloud-based data storage service provided by Microsoft. It allows users to store and retrieve structured data in the cloud, and it is designed to be highly scalable and cost-effective. Azure Tables are used for a variety of purposes, including: In summary, Azure Tables are a cost-effective, highly scalable, and flexible data storage service that is well suited for storing large amounts of structured and semi-structured data.

DORA Metrics Best Trackers Comparison Guide [Feb 2023]

If you're a DevOps team looking for ways to improve your performance, you've probably heard of the Accelerate and DORA metrics. Tracking your performance with these metrics is a challenge, requiring good tooling. You might be tempted to build your own tracking solution, but you don’t need to! Due to the growing popularity of DORA metrics, several tracker tools are available on the market. But how do you choose the best DORA metrics tracker for you? This handy comparison guide will help!

What is the difference between Azure Data Lake storage Gen2 and Blob storage?

Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 and Blob storage are two cloud storage solutions offered by Microsoft Azure. While both solutions are designed to store and manage large amounts of data, there are several key differences between them. This article will explain the differences and help you choose the right solution for your cloud data management needs.

SRE Vs. DevOps: A Simple Breakdown Of The Differences

You know this already. Regardless of your size, you must keep up with technological developments in your industry — and, increasingly, in other industries, even those that seem unrelated. Embracing disruption can enable you to increase your market share, revenue, and profit margins. Delegating some development and operations responsibilities to Site Reliability Engineering (SRE) experts allows developers to innovate and create new solutions faster.

5G Real-time Analytics: The Last Mile of Automation

5G promises to unlock a broad set of new services across consumer, enterprise, and industrial domains at lower costs and higher velocity. It will accomplish this by adopting cloud-native, fully automated networks with end-to-end traffic engineering. Cloud native functions, DevOps, and slicing enable 5G networks to scale-in/out, support many use cases, and billions of devices, to deliver on the promise. Unfortunately, as network functions, devices, and SLAs explode, the challenge of operational troubleshooting also increases, by orders of magnitude.

Getting Out of the 1990s Era of Manual Troubleshooting

Because today’s businesses rely on their network like never before, the network needs to be available at all times to provide the connectivity required by remote workers, cloud applications, and automated systems. As the network has become critical to everyday operations, network troubleshooting has evolved from being a mundane task to one of the core functions of the Infrastructure & Operations (I&O) department.

Logic App Best practices, Tips, and Tricks: #20 Accessing Runtime Settings (Part II) - Logic App Standard

In my last blog post, I discussed How you could access runtime settings like the Subscription Id or the Resource Group in Logic App Consumption. I mentioned there that this differs from Consumption to Standard since they have different engines. So today, in this second part, we are going to address: How to access runtime settings inside Logic App Standard.

SRE Principles for Edge Management and Improving Resiliency Using the Best of Kubernetes

This post was co-written by Kirti Apte and Gabry (Maria Gabriella) Brodi. Over the last couple of years, customers have been adopting Kubernetes and microservice-based application deployment models for various technology and business reasons. In fact, there is a trend that customers are now looking to the next set of use cases that include applications across multiple clouds, as well as edge clouds.

2023 focus: Boost Staff Productivity & Cut Costs

Today, COVID recommendations and protocols have changed, and businesses have quickly modified policies on hybrid and remote work, signaling yet another shift in how we do business. And as inflation has risen, investors and large corporations have taken a harder look at growth plans and how to deliver on them. Markets have tumbled and layoffs at technology companies are making headlines.

What are VMWare Snapshots and when should you use them?

VMware snapshots are a feature of the VMware vSphere platform that allows administrators to create a point-in-time copy of a virtual machine’s disk for backup, testing, or other purposes. When a snapshot is taken, the current state of the virtual machine’s disk is saved and all future writes are directed to a new delta file.

Simplify and Secure Your CI Pipelines with Codefresh

Creating effective Continuous Integration pipelines is a daunting task that requires combining knowledge from different areas. At Codefresh we have always strived for a fast feedback loop between both customers and prospects in regards to pipeline speed and simplicity. We always want to improve the onboarding process for everybody regardless of their position in the cloud native journey.

Use Cases for Black Screen Mode: When Privacy Matters

The advent of the modern MDM has given organizations unprecedented agility when it comes to their remote support. Instead of deploying engineers to fix hardware devices on-site as they did before, they can now troubleshoot and fix them entirely remotely. While this kind of remote support provides exponential value to organizations and their employees and customers, it also presents another major challenge: privacy.

Cluster orientation: The cost-availability sweet spot

When organizations deploy clusters — in, for example, Dev or Production environments — they may have different objectives around cost and availability. Dev clusters usually can tolerate more interruptions, as they are not running live services, but the expectation is saving money at the expense of availability.

15 Best (Free) Windows Utilities for SysAdmins

Running an organization's IT infrastructure is not easy, but having free windows utilities can make all the difference. Whether you provide tech support to a school, run the server of a startup, or manage a complex IT infrastructure, the work of a SysAdmin can be highly challenging. We're talking about unforeseen issues that require immediate attention, balancing the needs of different people, and being responsible for the upkeep of multiple computers.

Extending Netdata's anomaly detection training window

We have been busy at work under the hood of the Netdata agent to introduce new capabilities that let you extend the "training window" used by Netdata's native anomaly detection capabilities. This blog post will discuss one of these improvements to help you reduce "false positives" by essentially extending the training window by using the new (beautifully named) number of models per dimension configuration parameter.

Infrastructure metrics expanded to longer time frames

Understanding your systems’ status is essential for ensuring the reliability and stability of your applications and services. Without full awareness of what’s going on within your infrastructure, it can be difficult to manage solvable issues and to achieve reachable goals. Besides, it wouldn’t make much sense to run an app or service such as an e-store while ignoring what’s actually happening with it. How can you make any decisions that way?

Demo Den: Open DevOps, Security in Jira (Feb 2023)

Nupur Aggarwal, Product Designer - Open DevOps, walks through Jira Software’s latest DevSecOps capability, a new security triaging ritual to help teams better stay on top of security risks within their code. Available as part of an early access program, Open DevOps brings vulnerabilities into the context of developer sprints, allowing security and development to collaborate better together.

From model-centric to data-centric MLOps

MLOps (short for machine learning operations) is slowly evolving into an independent approach to the machine learning lifecycle that includes all steps – from data gathering to governance and monitoring. It will become a standard as artificial intelligence is moving towards becoming part of everyday business, rather than an innovative activity.

GitHub Actions for Azure

This post was written by guest author, Nahla Davies. Nahla has been in the software space since 2010 and a technical writer since 2019. She previously served as a lead programmer at an Inc. 5,000 experiential branding organization whose clients include Samsung, Time Warner, Netflix, and Sony. Microsoft Azure is widely popular among developers and across organizations because it’s scalable, flexible, and customizable.

Tanzu Kubernetes Grid 2.1 Enhances Lifecycle Management and Extends Kubernetes to the Edge

VMware Tanzu Kubernetes Grid has become a trusted tool to automate the lifecycle of Kubernetes clusters. The simplicity of management has quickly turned it into a valuable asset in many organizations. The release of Tanzu Kubernetes Grid 2.1 adds new features that enhance lifecycle management and extends Kubernetes to the edge.

Demo Den: Open DevOps, Progressive Delivery (Feb 2023)

n this demo, Andrew Pankevicius, Sr Product Manager - Open DevOps, walks through Open DevOps' Progressive Delivery capability. With Jira Software’s updates to the Releases Hub, Atlassian helps multidisciplinary software teams plan, track, and ship progressively, together. The features showcased in this video are available to all Jira Software cloud users.

Integrate CircleCI with HashiCorp Vault using OIDC

Well-designed secrets management is a delicate balancing act between security and usability. Secrets must be easily accessible to the right users when building and deploying, but they must also at the same time be well-secured and easy to rotate. This article will cover how to thread this needle by integrating CircleCI with HashiCorp Vault and retrieving secrets using short-lived OpenID Connect (OIDC) authentication tokens.

The Critical Role of APIs in Microservices Architectures

The first thing to know when exploring APIs vs microservices is that there’s not a dichotomous relationship between these two technical approaches. Instead, you want to build an understanding of how these two technologies relate to each other—and they do, in a big way. So, organizations don’t need to embrace either an API-first or microservices-first strategy.

Helm-Dashboard Crosses 3K Stars As v. 1.0.0 Released

Our latest open-source project, Helm-Dashboard, just crossed 3K stars on GitHub (and hundreds of daily active users), only three months since it was released! We thought this milestone was a good chance to take a look back at our journey, announce the release of v. 1.0.0, discuss future plans, and, most importantly, give our utmost thanks to the amazing contributors and Kommunity members that made it all possible! What capabilities would you like to see next in Helm-Dashbaord?

Here's what to focus on when reviewing an incident

Incidents can be a bit noisy. Especially when it’s one of higher severity, there are a lot of moving parts that can make it difficult to come away with the information you want at a glance. And if you’re someone who isn’t necessarily tapped into the day-to-day of incident response, such as a head of a department or executive, you’ll want to be able to glean the most actionable information in just a few seconds without having to dig through dense documents.

Crossplane's Quest for Scale as the first next-gen infra management tool - GitOps the Planet #7

Crossplane is a next-generation infrastructure management tool that brings cloud-native primitives to managing all kinds of infrastructure, not just Kubernetes but really any infra. The value is huge, especially when doing GitOps, but how is Crossplane tackling scale to handle so many types of resources? We’ll find out in this episode with Viktor Farcic.

Azure Blob Storage vs AWS S3: A Comprehensive Comparison

When it comes to cloud storage, two of the most popular options are Azure Blob Storage and Amazon S3. Both are highly scalable, secure, and widely used by businesses of all sizes. However, there are significant differences between the two that make them better suited for different use cases. In this article, we will take a detailed look at the features, capabilities, and pricing of Azure Blob Storage and Amazon S3 to help you decide which one is the best fit for your organization.

CloudHealth Vs. CloudCheckr (And Is There A Better Option?)

A big part of cloud management is managing and optimizing cloud costs. CloudHealth and CloudCheckr aim to help you manage the cost, performance, security, and compliance requirements of your cloud-based services. Both offer hybrid and multi-cloud deployment capabilities. But we doubt you'll want to use them both simultaneously. So, which one do you choose? CloudCheckr or CloudHealth? In this comparison, we reveal what makes each cloud management tool unique, so you can pick the right one for your needs.

Announcing: Blameless + OpsGenie Integration

In the opening moments of an engineering incident, the most important aspect of a response plan is speed. Getting out of the gate quickly by leveraging automation to assemble the team can save precious moments during a critical engineering incident and make the difference between happy and unhappy customers downstream. This is why we’re excited to announce the integration of Blameless with OpsGenie.

Multipass 1.11 brings enhanced performance for Linux on Mac and Windows

This release has some particularly interesting features that we’ve been wanting to ship for a while now. We’re excited to share them with you! For those who aren’t familiar with Multipass, it’s software that streamlines every aspect of managing and working with virtual machines. We’ve found that development, particularly for cloud applications, can often involve a huge amount of tedious work setting up development and testing environments.

Why Going Cloud Native Is the Right Move in the Recession

In a market downturn, reducing spending would seem to be the prudent course to pursue. However, surveys show that most companies intend to increase IT spending in 2023. A Spiceworks Ziff Davis survey, for example, found that even for businesses that plan to cut back in other areas, tech spending will increase. The survey found that more than one-half of companies surveyed planned to increase IT spending (compared with only 6% planning to decrease spending).

Github Checksums and Broken Pipelines: How to Prevent Disruptions

This week, GitHub changed how the archives they provided are made. The result of this change surprised developers, triggering pipeline failures all over the world in most ecosystems. This change has thankfully been retracted. Hear from JFrog Developer Advocate, Christopher McArthur on why this took place and the best practices to prevent future disruptions to your pipelines.

How To Simplify Your Kubernetes Adoption Using Rancher

Kubernetes has firmly established itself as the leading choice for container orchestration thanks to its robust ecosystem and flexibility, allowing users to scale their workloads easily. However, the complexity of Kubernetes can make it challenging to set up and may pose a significant barrier for organizations looking to adopt cloud native technology and containers as part of their modernization efforts.

The 4 Game-Changing Benefits of Migrating from Heroku to AWS

Hi there! If you're in the tech world, you've probably heard about the trend of companies moving from Heroku to AWS. At Qovery, we've seen an increasing demand from companies looking to make this move. And for good reasons! Here are the top 4 reasons why companies are choosing AWS over Heroku.

Improved Deployment Times with VMware Tanzu Operations Manager 3.0

During the development of the latest release of VMware Tanzu Operations Manager, the BOSH Ecosystem team faced new challenges when upgrading the base BOSH operating system image (stemcell) from Ubuntu Xenial to Ubuntu Jammy Jellyfish. These migration challenges manifested as continuous integration (CI) timeouts that occurred across adjacent teams within the Cloud Foundry ecosystem.

Linux Patch Management Best Practices

According to Wired, around 67% of web servers worldwide use Linux OS, and the main reason behind using Linux OS is as follows: Linux comes with better security, but still, it is susceptible to malware attacks because newly discovered vulnerabilities, you require Linux patching for your organization to witness exceptional security. The importance of Linux patching is tremendous for any organization.

2023 Predictions for DevOps and Supply Chain Security

Welcome to 2023! The year of the Linux Desktop, the rise of AI, Software Bill of Materials (SBOM), DevOps is Dead, Platform Engineering is Alive, and a CNCF landscape that won’t be getting any simpler! Seriously, the technology and software sector is growing at a faster pace than any time I can ever recall. Where do we even begin? I hope you enjoy some predictions and trends that will become more and more evident in 2023.