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The latest News and Information on Cloud monitoring, security and related technologies.

Monitor Amazon MemoryDB with Datadog

Amazon MemoryDB for Redis is a highly durable in-memory database service that uses cross-availability-zone data storage and fast failover, providing microsecond read times and single-digit-millisecond write times. Datadog’s integration for MemoryDB uses a range of metrics to provide important visibility into MemoryDB performance.

AKS Cost Optimization: How To Lower Your AKS Costs

Cloud-native applications continue to evolve and grow in complexity. And that complexity hurts the most when managing Kubernetes costs in Azure. AKS cost optimization may seem obvious, but it might also seem difficult to achieve. Microsoft’s fully managed Kubernetes service can help you run, manage, and deploy containerized applications. And while it optimizes performance, it can cause unexpected costs when improperly managed.

The Intersection of Identity Verification Services and Cloud Computing

In the digital age, identity verification has become a cornerstone of online security. With the rise of remote work, e-commerce, and online services, verifying the identity of users has never been more critical. Cloud computing, with its scalability, flexibility, and accessibility, has revolutionized how identity verification services operate, providing robust solutions to meet the growing demands of various industries. This article delves into how cloud computing enhances identity verification services and the benefits it brings to businesses and consumers alike.

Quickly and comprehensively analyze the cloud and SaaS costs behind your services

Understanding costs is an essential part of service ownership. But in cloud-based applications, the cost of any given service often comes down to a wide range of dynamic factors. Individual services can incur fees from numerous dependencies, from data stores to observability solutions, and keeping track of these expenses can mean reckoning with the intricacies of many different billing models.

Infrastructure Modernization Means a Multi-cloud Future

Today, 84% of enterprises have reportedly embraced a multi-cloud strategy, lured in by the promise of improved agility, resilience, and innovation. But that multi-cloud adoption comes with challenges. Read on to learn more about how a multi-cloud strategy paired with observability can simplify that complexity.

Myth #4 of Apache Spark Optimization: Manual Tuning

In this blog series we’ve been examining the Five Myths of Apache Spark Optimization. The fourth myth we’re considering relates to a common misunderstanding held by many Spark practitioners: Spark application tuning can eliminate all of the waste in my applications. Let’s dive into it.

Exploring Cloud Migration: Opportunities, Challenges, and Investment Priorities

Exploring Cloud Migration: Opportunities, Challenges, and Investment Priorities The discussion kicks off with the potential of 'lift and shift' in cloud migration, tackling worries about reinventing processes and saving costs. It delves into investment priorities such as assets, discovery, and enhancing the digital employee experience. The latest additions to the portfolio offer a unified dashboard, making customer interactions more straightforward.

The Importance of Cybersecurity Services: Protecting Your Digital Assets

In a world where digital transformation is at the forefront of business strategies, cybersecurity has become an essential component for safeguarding sensitive information. Whether you run a small business or a large enterprise, understanding and implementing robust cybersecurity measures is crucial to protect your digital assets from an ever-evolving landscape of cyber threats.