
Portland, OR, USA
  |  By Andrew Jones
A patch management process lays out the steps associated with updating software and hardware. Every patch management process shares a few core similarities, but with so many tools for managing patching in so many different kinds of setups, no two IT teams’ patch management processes look alike. What does your patch management process look like? Are you always ahead of the game and ready to patch on time, or are you usually behind schedule and not sure where you’re getting stuck?
  |  By Kapil Tandon
This blog will be the first in a three-part blog series where we explore the benefits of the GitOps practice, how to get the most from GitOps, and how to measure and maintain success. Here is what you can expect from the series: Let’s start at the very beginning — what is GitOps? If you want to start to build a single source of truth for both your code and your infrastructure, if you want to ensure your deployments are automated and reliable, you’ll want to know GitOps.
  |  By Christopher Gerg
As a part of Perforce, we are committed to maintaining the highest standards of security for our products and our customers. Recently, we had the opportunity to further strengthen our security practices thanks to valuable input from an independent security researcher. This experience has not only reinforced our robust security protocols but also provided insights that we're eager to share with the wider tech community.
  |  By Stephen K. Potter
Configuring virtual machines (VMs) is an important task for any organization. Users across departments depend on sysadmins, engineers, and the rest of the IT ops and infrastructure teams to get VMs secured and ready to use, whether you’re spinning one up for a quick test, a new database server, or standing up a whole fleet of dev-ready machines. That need for variability AND consistency can also make VM configuration one of the most tedious sysadmin tasks, especially at enterprise scale.
  |  By Robin Tatam
The consequences of not patching are everywhere: remember the Log4j vulnerability that grants hackers complete access to your devices? The best way to prevent this from happening is to use a patched version of Log4j — so why did this become a catastrophic and prolific security vulnerability event? A: Because people hate, forget, or simply dismiss patching as a labor-intensive part of managing their infrastructure.
  |  By Robin Tatam
Computing environments are more dynamic, distributed, and complex than ever. Observability tools help collect, monitor, and interpret the data they generate — like logs, metrics, and traces — to give IT teams and leaders real-time insights that can help detect issues, troubleshoot solutions, and improve the reliability of their IT systems. But observability tools can’t do their job without a strong infrastructure foundation and the right tools to manage it.
  |  By Claire McDyre
Continuous compliance and risk management can help keep your organization safe as the threat landscape changes and expands each year. The IT operations team is no longer just responsible for a few machines; they are managing complex environments that span across technologies, across teams, and at scale. They're expected to work fast while simultaneously considering the often-conflicting requirements of cost, compliance, and even workforce skills gaps.
  |  By Margaret Lee
When’s the last time you did something without knowing how it could turn out? Surprises can add a little excitement to your day-to-day, but one place they’re not really welcome is in infrastructure code. That’s why we have change impact analysis, a method of predicting the effect one change can have on other parts of a system before you make it. Software change impact analysis, as you might imagine, assesses how changes to a piece of software can affect other parts of the same system.
  |  By Robin Tatam
CIS Benchmarks are important for security and compliance. In this blog, you'll get an overview, plus learn how to enforce CIS Benchmarks with Puppet.
  |  By Tony Green
Security is and will always be a huge concern, and Platform Engineering is here to stay: so, what are some Platform Engineering best practices that can support your data security and privacy efforts? You’d be surprised where they overlap, and what you can learn about putting security and productivity together — we’ll explain.
  |  By Puppet
From the largest physics laboratory in the world to a telescope network scattered across the planet to a design firm building roads and parks around the globe to an air navigation service provider that guides 1.2 million flights each year, 40,000 companies rely on Puppet to automate their infrastructure – with security and compliance baked right in. Puppet’s IT automation suite incorporates security, compliance, and innovation from day one to power Day 2 operations (and beyond), so your teams can spend less time managing IT infrastructure and more time changing the world.
  |  By Puppet
With Puppet, the power of IT automation empowers you. Learn more at puppet.com. Too many companies use patchwork solutions for configuration management and IT automation, leading to unmanageable complexity and huge security risks. IT operators are on-call day and night to address security breaches, and toil for weeks manually provisioning servers. But no one would expect you to wash 10,000 dishes by hand – so why are IT operators expected to configure 10,000 servers manually?
  |  By Puppet
Need to send some files to Puppet Support? Use our internally hosted file transfer solution. Read the article for more information.
  |  By Puppet
Puppet Support Explain how to change the version of a Forge module deployed in your Puppet Enterprise Environment Please note it is not considered best practice to declare `:latest` rather than a specific version tag in your PuppetFile as this could lead to untested module combinations being deployed to your environment. Commands Used: puppet-code deploy production --wait -l debug puppet module list --environment=production
  |  By Puppet
Occasionally in Puppet Enterprise, you may need to change the port PuppetDB consumes, for instance, if another service requires port 8081. While we in Puppet Support recommend that you change the port for the other service. If you can’t do that, Follow this Video and the attached Knowledge base article for a guide on changing the port.
  |  By Puppet
Welcome to Puppet Comply! Achieving and maintaining a compliant state doesn't have to be a headache. With Puppet Comply, you can easily find & fix compliance issues and achieve continuous compliance at scale.
  |  By Puppet
Puppet Enterprise users can deliver infrastructure faster with Continuous Delivery for Puppet Enterprise. Watch this demo to learn how to automate testing and delivery of Puppet code from the commit all the way through deploying code into production.
  |  By Puppet
As your DevOps practice matures, and more users make more changes to infrastructure, it's essential that your changes are safe and deliberate. Impact Analysis is an extension of the core Puppet Enterprise installation. Watch our demo to learn how it provides the guardrails to operate quickly and safely at scale.
  |  By Puppet
Puppet Enterprise allows you to easily and quickly define and maintain a desired state in your environment by automatically delivering applications based on system parameters. Watch our demo to learn more about how it works.
  |  By Puppet
An overview of the concept of metrics in Puppet Supporting links
  |  By Puppet
As organizations move along their digital transformation journey, they will encounter technical challenges and pitfalls along the way. While the destination offers many benefits, getting there can be hard. It takes experience and knowledge, along with technical expertise, to navigate this path to a more agile, flexible organization. Learn how to get there in this white paper.
  |  By Puppet
A primary goal of most DevOps initiatives is to increase the speed and agility of software development and delivery. Unfortunately, this objective often seems to be at odds with good security practices, reducing the window of time for security assessment and introducing new attack vectors. But DevOps and security don't have to be mutually exclusive. In fact, the principles that drive good outcomes for software development can also lead to more secure infrastructure. Read the ebook for guidance on designing a DevOps workflow that incorporates - and enhances - security.
  |  By Puppet
If you're managing an IT team, you may be turning to DevOps as the path to faster delivery of software. DevOps can help your team become more efficient - and your organization more competitive - but you'll need to be able to communicate to your team why things are changing and how their usual working practices are likely to alter. In this guide we tease out the whys and hows of DevOps as you work with your team and the approaches that make a DevOps initiative successful.
  |  By Puppet
Speeding remediation reduces the cost of compliance and vulnerability of the IT estate. When looking for issues that slow remediation, notice the hand off from security to IT. Download this free resource to learn how the interaction between IT and Security can be improved to speed compliance.
  |  By Puppet
With the proliferation of high-profile hacks, data breaches and ransomware, it's easy to feel insecure about your organization's security these days. But not all security issues have to do with purposeful hacks and attacks. For many IT teams, the challenge is maintaining strict rules and regulatory requirements for everything from credit card data to health information privacy. Failing to maintain compliance can put your organization at risk of everything from lost business to substantial fines - or worse.
  |  By Puppet
With the right foundation and optimizations, your teams can successfully adopt continuous delivery practices - and deliver software faster, with fewer bugs and lower risk. If you're getting started with continuous delivery or evolving your approach, there are a few strategic considerations that can keep you on the right path.
  |  By Puppet
In this paper, we talk about four common challenges to today's software delivery automation and discuss how you can overcome those challenges. Continuous delivery (CD) enables organizations to deliver quality software in record time, helping businesses meet rapidly growing and changing demands. As CD practices and tools have matured, more organizations and teams are beginning - or are well down the path of - their own journeys, using automation to speed up software delivery.
  |  By Puppet
Are you looking to migrate from your on-premises data center to AWS - or to accelerate the process? Or would you like a simple and reliable way to manage your infrastructure and applications across all your environments? Puppet can help.

Puppet is driving the movement to a world of unconstrained software change. Our revolutionary platform is the industry standard for automating the delivery and operation of the software that powers everything around us.

It isn’t humanly possible to keep up with the constant innovation and risks that new technology brings. Automation has become a requirement, and Puppet sets the standard for delivering and managing your IT estate predictably and at scale. Our solutions automate how you continuously deliver, make compliant, remediate, and manage your multi-cloud environment. So you can focus on more important things in your life.

Use Cases:

  • Continuous Delivery: Ship more, do more with the right continuous delivery workflows and tools to increase your development and operations teams’ agility. They lower time to value of your infrastructure and the software it runs.
  • Continuous Compliance: The alphabet soup of regulatory standards and security best practices you try to comply with — and the associated penalties for not doing so — are no joke. Auditors expect your teams to implement and abide by operational, security, and regulatory policies 24/7, and to prove it when they show up.
  • Incident Remediation: With the proliferation of high-profile hacks, data breaches, and ransomware, it’s easy to feel insecure about your organization’s security. You have to protect your company like never before — particularly as your infrastructure grows and diversifies, presenting a broader surface for attackers.
  • Configuration Management: Are you spending more time fighting fires than deploying new, innovative services and applications? You are not alone. Most IT teams say it takes weeks, even months, to deploy critical applications. There’s got to be a better way to manage infrastructure. With automation, you eliminate manual work, minimize risk of human error, and make it possible to deploy fast, safely and reliably.

Make infrastructure actionable, scalable and intelligent.