
Scottsdale, AZ, USA
  |  By Allison Wheeler
As a JavaScript developer, you’re probably in VS Code every day to write code, identify issues, and handle all the other tasks necessary to keep your projects running smoothly. With the right extensions, VS Code evolves from a simple code editor into a productivity powerhouse – and many of them are completely free. Whether you’re debugging, formatting code, or managing dependencies, there’s an extension to make your life easier.
  |  By Allison Wheeler
The promise of version control for teams is enticing: better collaboration, more organized workflows, and easier tracking of changes – just to name a few. But, as with anything else, it’s not a perfect fix. Merge conflicts, inconsistent coding practices, and communication issues are just a few of the all-too-common hurdles that teams can face on their version control journey.
  |  By Lauren Witte Girard
Article updated July 2024 Source control, aka version control, is the method of tracking and managing changes to software code. Source Control Management (SCM) systems offer a running history of code changes and can be particularly helpful for teams of developers making changes to the same files. As a critical aspect of responsible software development, source control helps developers track code changes, see complete revision history, and revert back to a previous version of a project if needed.
  |  By Hichem Fantar
As a full-stack developer working on complex web applications, I often face challenges with tracking code changes, understanding commit histories, and managing branches. GitLens for VS Code has completely changed how I handle these tasks. It helps me quickly identify who made changes, when they were made, and why, all without leaving my editor, saving me countless hours of digging through commit logs and trying to piece together a project’s history.
  |  By Allison Wheeler
When it comes to improving your coding workflow, Visual Studio Code (VS Code) extensions are a fan favorite among devs worldwide. Well-known extensions like Prettier for code formatting, ESLint for identifying and fixing problems, and Live Server for launching a local server are fantastic, but there are plenty of hidden gems offering unique features these popular tools don’t cover. We turned to Reddit to find out which lesser-known VS Code extensions the community’s talking about.
  |  By Ryan Pinkus
Article updated June 2024 Is your current Subversion (SVN) version control system not meeting the needs of your development team? Perhaps you’ve heard of Git, but you’re so entrenched in SVN that converting to a new version control system seems like a daunting task. Fear not! No task is insurmountable when you have the power of the legendary GitKraken Desktop on your side.
  |  By Allison Wheeler
Setting up your first Git repository is a bit like writing your first “Hello World” program – it’s a fundamental step in your development journey! And just like “Hello World” introduced you to the basics of coding, creating a Git repo is the first step towards effective collaboration and project management.
  |  By Allison Wheeler
Picture this: you’re working on a big project with tight deadlines, juggling multiple pull requests, and just when you think you’re getting ahead, you hit a merge conflict that throws everything into chaos. Your inbox is flooded with GitHub notifications, you’ve lost track of which issues are the most urgent, and the code review feedback is as clear as mud. Sound familiar? Well, you’re not alone.
  |  By Fisher
Writing optimal code is crucial for developers, and human collaboration is key to achieving this. Code review tools are essential for maintaining the integrity of well-built products, which are vital for software development. We are a team of developers that love building tools that optimize our worlds. As engineers, designers and product managers, we identified many challenges in standard Git workflows that inhibited us from working more effectively together.
  |  By Matt Johnston
TL;DR: GitKraken acquires CodeSee and launches the unified GitKraken DevEx Platform, enhancing workflows across all major development environments and setting new standards in developer tools. Dive in to discover our powerful new features and how they contribute to simplifying your coding life. Almost a decade ago, we introduced GitKraken Client with a clear mission: make Git simpler for developers.
  |  By GitKraken
When merge conflicts arise, don't panic! GitKraken's Merge Conflict tool makes handling those dreaded conflicts a breeze. Quickly compare branches, select changes, and customize lines to fit your needs.
  |  By GitKraken
Learn how to create a pull request in GitKraken Desktop! From utilizing the GUI's drag-and-drop functionality to integrating with GitHub, GitLab, and Bitbucket, this comprehensive guide has everything you need to collaborate effectively with your team, manage your repositories, and simplify your development process.
  |  By GitKraken
Discover an easier way to review code changes with Code Suggestions! Now, you can approve commits and suggest changes without being limited to specific lines of code. Or, maybe you need quick feedback on WIPs? Cloud Patches let you share your work with your team at any stage of the development process. Collaborate smoothly, get early input, and keep your repos neat and organized.
  |  By GitKraken
Losing track of project updates? Launchpad unifies your Cloud Patches, Workspaces, and team statuses, all in one place. With, you can manage PRs and track issues directly from your browser to keep your workflow smooth and efficient!
  |  By GitKraken
Discover how to define your upstream branch in our latest GitKraken Desktop tutorial. Whether you're pushing your local branch to a different remote or managing multiple repositories, we'll show you step-by-step how to configure your upstream settings for a seamless workflow. Timestamps.
  |  By GitKraken
Need to push your changes to different remotes in GitKraken Desktop? Learn how to set the upstream for your branches, choose the right remote, and ensure your changes are pushed exactly where you need them!
  |  By GitKraken
Right-click, checkout, and boom your branch is ready to go! See how the Gridiron Survivor dev team uses GitKraken Desktop to make checking out and updating branches easy.
  |  By GitKraken
Instead of just "guesstimating", use GitKraken's Insights for more accurate development forecasting. Easily monitor your merge rates, PRs, and overall productivity at a glance - all on one page. Simplify your sprint reviews and better understand your team's efficiency!
  |  By GitKraken
Discover hidden insights about your code with GitLens on VS Code! Visualize authorship and quickly track changes with the activity mini-map and commit graph. Right-click for options like creating and checking out branches or managing commits effortlessly.
  |  By GitKraken
Struggling with workflow bottlenecks? Discover how GitKraken's Launchpad makes it easy to manage pull requests and reviews, track issues, and enhance team collaboration. Join Dev Team Chris as they walk through creating and tagging PRs, checking review statuses, managing tasks with ease, and leveraging the new Team view for comprehensive project oversight. See why millions of developers worldwide consider GitKraken an essential tool for their projects.

GitKraken is on a mission to make Git easier, safer and more powerful across multiple surfaces and environments that development teams use.

Over 10 million developers from more than 100,000 organizations worldwide rely on GitKraken to get their work done. Since 2014, we've been rapidly developing the legendary cross-platform tools while reimagining an intuitive, visual approach to Git. Our team is dedicated to making tools that help software developers be more productive using Git, it's truly our passion. We develop software that's in use by the world's most elite companies like Apple, Google, Microsoft, Amazon, and thousands of other leading organizations.

We Make Git Tools Devs Love.