
Orlando, FL, USA
  |  By Simon Rodgers
Website availability refers to a website's ability to be accessible and functional for users at all times. It is typically measured by uptime percentage, which indicates the proportion of time a website is operational over a given period. High website availability ensures that users can consistently access the content, services, or products a website offers without interruptions.
  |  By Simon Rodgers
If you want to monitor your network devices, learning how to install the SNMP service is crucial. This guide will walk you through the process of installing the SNMP service on various Windows systems using both the graphical user interface (GUI) and PowerShell commands. We'll cover steps for Windows Server versions and Windows 10, ensuring you have the tools to manage your network efficiently.
  |  By Simon Rodgers
If protecting your file server's integrity is crucial, mastering how to monitor any changes in files and folders in a file server becomes a top priority. This guide takes you through critical steps to track alterations, set up security audits, and employ third-party software for advanced monitoring. Whether facing internal policy compliance or external cyber threats, learn how to immediately detect and react to any unauthorized change to maintain the security of your data.
  |  By Simon Rodgers
API monitoring is crucial for the health of your digital services. This article goes straight to the heart of it, addressing the tools, strategies, and metrics essential in spotting and solving API issues quickly. Learn to maintain and enhance the performance of your APIs, prevent downtime, and improve user experiences through effective monitoring techniques.
  |  By Simon Rodgers
Imagine a scenario in which you take a call from a customer who tells you that a customer service agent promised them a full refund. This confuses you because the reasons do not meet the criteria for a refund. However, you have no evidence to prove the customer is telling the truth. Now, if only you could check what had been said on the call. Enter call monitoring. The global call center market alone is expected to reach $741.7 billion by 2030.
  |  By WebSitePulse
Protecting sensitive data in an increasingly digital world is becoming more and more challenging. With organizations moving towards cloud-based infrastructure and the sheer amount of data collected continuing to increase, the need for robust data protection procedures is at an all-time high. IT Governance reported that in 2023, over 8 billion records were breached globally. And those are just those that were reported. Data loss prevention is now a necessity for your business.
  |  By Simon Rodgers
In the modern world, few things are as important for a business as its website. That's because websites are the main interface through which customers tend to interact with your brand and the main location at which customers make orders. For other types of business, websites are the primary point of communication between clients and employees. That huge level of importance brings with it a huge sense of vulnerability.
  |  By Simon Rodgers
In today's world, your web applications must work properly to capture your audience's attention and keep them on your website for longer than a few seconds. It's a battle to keep potential customers engaged, and you'll lose out on valuable leads if your website isn't performing optimally. Before synthetic transaction monitoring (STM), developers used consumer data to examine their website or app's performance closely. Now, they can replicate behavior using synthetic scripts and models.
  |  By Simon Rodgers
No matter what industry you work in, your customers need to trust you. And, with 70% of internet users now taking various steps to protect their digital footprint online, your website must be secure. As online shoppers become more security-savvy and demand more from online services, an SSL certificate error has the power to lose valuable website visitors and ultimately reduce sales. Adopting SSL certificates is fast becoming the best practice for websites worldwide. Here's why.
  |  By Vergine Melkonyan
At one time, tech advancements were a major drain on small businesses. Housing your software and digital assets in-house once created a financial nightmare many emerging companies couldn't handle. On top of that, threats to security and a complete lack of flexibility made establishing a foothold challenging. That was especially true when going up against established industry heavy hitters.

WebSitePulse is a web-based remote monitoring service that keeps a constant watch over your servers and network components, web sites, web applications and email infrastructure 24/7/365. We test and verify whether your devices are connected to the Internet, respond properly and deliver the correct content to your customers in a timely manner. Our monitoring services enable you to increase the efficiency of your business operations and to reduce the risk of failed Internet transactions and loss of revenue.

Our Monitoring Services:

  • Server & Network Monitoring: Looks after your servers and network devices from multiple locations around the world as often as every minute, detects errors and alerts you immediately. It helps you increase server uptime and eliminate the risk of lost revenue resulting from server and network downtime.
  • Webpage Monitoring: Ensures your website delivers the proper page content to the users, and that its download speed is within the industry standards.
  • Web Transaction Monitoring: Detects any issue related to the transactions on your website, so you can minimize the downtime and be the first to know when an issue has occured.
  • Email Round-trip Monitoring: Scans for incoming and outgoing email systems' problems such as delayed or lost emails. It sends a test message to an email address you specify, and then it retrieves it from that mail server in order to detect errors in the process of sending and receiving emails.
  • Vulnerability Monitoring: Scans your servers and firewalls for more than 60,000 known security issues and exploits and provides you with useful information and recommendations on how to make your systems and servers more secure.
  • BlackList Monitoring: Ensures the IP of your mail server has not fallen into one of the major DNSBL (DNS-based Blackhole List) blacklists. It’s vital for your business because if your server is blacklisted, spam filters might block some or all of the emails that your servers send out.
  • Certificate Monitoring: Downloads the certificate from your server and tests its configuration, expiration and validity. Performs OCSP (Online Certificate Status Protocol) and CRL (Certificate Revocation List) certificate verification.

At WebSitePulse we know there are no universal solutions. What might work for one client will most likely be unsuitable for another. We are dedicated to providing the best solution for each client and we are willing to discuss and customize every part of our services.