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Scale your code review with custom merge checks

Pull requests are a core feature of Bitbucket Cloud, serving as the hub where code contributions are reviewed, discussed, and approved before being merged into the codebase. Initially, developers focused on ensuring that proposed changes were bug-free, adhered to correct code styling, and included appropriate tests. Over time, the role of pull requests has expanded to act as a checkpoint, ensuring that only high-quality and compliant code reaches production.

Focus on recent code changes with iterative review

Hello, Bitbucket Cloud Community! We are incredibly excited to announce the introduction of Iterative review, a feature designed to help your team get pull requests completed faster by removing the need to re-review code you've already seen. Now when an author pushes new commits based on your pull request (PR) feedback, you'll have the option to focus on just those new changes.

Announcing our new CI/CD runtime, with up to 8x faster builds

We recently gave you a preview of some exciting changes coming to Bitbucket Pipelines with the release of our next-generation CI/CD runtime. This new runtime will act as the foundation for a range of powerful new future capabilities like ARM and multi-arch builds in cloud, and we're excited to announce that this new runtime is available starting today.

Provide full context to reviewers by including pipeline artifacts within the pull request

The code insights functionality in Bitbucket Cloud provides a variety of reports, annotations, and metrics to help your team have full context during the code review process. With code insights, you can automatically have artifacts such as static analysis reports, security scan results, artifact links, unit test results, and build status updates appear in your pull request screen so reviewers have access to all reports and statuses before they approve the code change.

Introducing A new Bitbucket pull request experience

Here at Bitbucket Cloud, we are focused on helping you and your teams have the best possible experience for code review. That's why we continue to add features like batched comments, marking files as viewed, AI-assisted pull request descriptions – and coming very soon, iterative reviews. We also want to give you the best possible experience navigating a pull request, which is why we're proud to be introducing a brand-new layout for pull requests.

Bring more context to your code with Compass

Understanding and interacting with code repositories can be frustrating: you often don't get all of the information you need to get your work done efficiently and effectively. Who owns the repository? What are its dependencies? Where do I ask for help about interacting with it? This lack of context around code, and the time it takes to find it somewhere in the bowels of your organization, slows everything down.

Create a custom merge check in Bitbucket Cloud to prevent merges containing exposed secrets

Caterina Curti (Sr. Developer Advocate, Bitbucket Cloud) shows us all the steps required to setup your workspace and repository to create a custom merge check in Bitbucket Cloud to prevent merges that contain exposed secrets.

Automate & orchestrate CI/CD at scale with Dynamic Pipelines in Bitbucket Cloud

In this video, Edmund Munday (Sr. Product Manager, Bitbucket Cloud) will introduce you to Dynamic Pipelines. Dynamic pipelines allow you to inject intelligence and flexibility into your CICD workflows, addressing the challenges of static YAML files. I will be showcasing an internal feature called Manage Builds that automates the entire process of creating CICD workflows, ensuring compliance with best practices & standardising CI/CD across a whole organisation - all whilst maintaining flexibility and autonomy for individual teams.

Introducing Dynamic Pipelines: A new standard in CI/CD flexibility

Bitbucket cloud is on a mission to become the world’s most extensible cloud SCM and CI/CD product, and we're thrilled to be able to share the next stage of that journey. Upcoming Webinar: Join us for a live-webinar on May 8th/9th, 2024 for a deep-dive into building your own Dynamic Pipelines. Today, we're announcing the release of a new capability in Bitbucket Cloud called Dynamic Pipelines.