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Five Playwright CLI features you should know

Thanks to Microsoft's Playwright, running end-to-end tests with real browsers is quickly done. Initialize a new Playwright project, install all the dependencies, and off you go! Then, any new headless browser test run is only one npx playwright test away. But have you checked all the test command's CLI options? playwright test includes a few real gems to help you create better tests faster. Let me share a mixed bag of my favorite CLI tricks in this post.

How to parameterize Playwright projects

In a previously released YouTube video, I explained how and why Playwright fixtures perfectly match with page object models. Combining the two allows you to hide setup instructions and keep your tests clean. Page object models no longer have to be initialized in every test case. To be upfront — I'm a fixture fanboy! But what if you need to pass additional configuration to your page object models? When options are hidden in a fixture, you can't configure how a class is initialized, right? Wrong!

How to parameterize and configure your custom Playwright fixtures

Join Stefan Judis in this Playwright tutorial, where he explains how to make your custom Playwright fixtures configurable using "option fixtures". Stefan briefly explains the fixture concept but then focuses on creating an option fixture configurable on a global, project, and spec file basis.

Attach Screenshots to Your Playwright Test Reports

Today I want to show you how you can attach your screenshots directly to Playwright's test reports. Imagine you have a simple Playwright test that navigates to Checkly. You take a screenshot and store it in screenshots/home.png. Then, you click a link in the main navigation, expect a specific heading to be visible, and take another screenshot. When you run this test using npx playwright test, the test passes, and you find the screenshots in the /screenshots directory.

How to detect broken links with Playwright

One of our Slack community members recently asked if they could use Playwright and Checkly to detect broken links on their sites. They certainly can, and the answer to this question covers so many different Playwright concepts that it makes a perfect case for sharing Playwright features with the community. Let's unveil some links going nowhere! If you prefer the video version of this tutorial,

How to detect broken links with Playwright Test

Join Stefan Judis in this Playwright tutorial, where he explores detecting broken links using Playwright and/or Checkly. Stefan covers essential techniques such as soft assertions, crafting custom error messages for clearer debugging, and using page context-aware requests to check for URL status codes. Whether you're dealing with empty links, nonexistent domains, or 404 errors, this video provides all the tools needed to enhance your testing strategy effectively.

How to test and monitor your APIs with Playwright

You probably know that Microsoft’s Playwright is a solid tool for end-to-end testing, enabling you to control headless browsers and check essential user flows. But did you know that you can also use Playwright for API testing? If you didn’t, then this guide is for you. In this post, we’ll explore how Playwright can be used to test a GraphQL API (but don’t worry if you’re using REST; Playwright can handle any HTTP-based API).

How to apply Playwright test steps with TypeScript decorators

You can write Playwright end-to-end testing code using JavaScript or TypeScript. Which one should you choose? When I started writing my first automated browser tests, I went with JavaScript because I couldn't be bothered with the type wrangling. I just wanted to get something off the ground quickly. YOLO, right? Today, though, there are two reasons why I last wrote a JavaScript-first Playwright test a very long time ago.

Apply Playwright test steps with TypeScript decorators

Join Stefan Judis as he explores the concept of decorators in Playwright TypeScript code. Learn how decorators can streamline your coding process, improve test readability, and save you time. In this tutorial, Stefan will demonstrate how to implement decorators within Playwright page object models, starting from scratch. He provides practical examples and insights into decorators, a feature not yet standard in JavaScript but available in TypeScript.