
San Francisco, CA, USA
  |  By Shanika Wickramasinghe
Chaos testing is a part of site reliability engineering (SRE). In chaos testing, we intentionally break things in and around a given application, in order to: The purpose of chaos testing is to assess how software systems respond to scenarios like network outages, hardware failures, database failures, and server or cluster node failures in the infrastructure.
  |  By Chrissy Kidd
Load Balancing is the process of distributing network traffic among multiple server resources. The objective of load balancing is to optimize certain network operations. Ensuring that a workload is spread evenly among the computing resources, this “balanced load” improves application responsiveness and accommodates unexpected traffic spikes — all without compromising application performance. Let’s take a deeper look at this important networking function.
  |  By LaLisha Hurt
Federal agencies are adopting a more modern, digital-centered approach in everything they do. That’s good progress, but it’s also exposing some critical problems in the modernization journey.
  |  By Joe Ross
Splunk Observability Cloud is a full-stack observability solution, combining purpose-built systems for application, infrastructure and end-user monitoring, pulled together by a common data model, in a unified interface. This provides essential end-to-end visibility across complex tech stacks and various data types, such as metrics, events, logs, and traces (MELT), as well as end-user sessions, database queries, stack traces and more.
  |  By Teneil Lawrence
If your organization has an observability practice, it’s likely that the end goal was to increase system reliability and customer satisfaction. But balancing reliability needs with the need to innovate to meet ever-increasing customer expectations remains a challenge for most.
  |  By Blessing Onyegbula
Today, cybersecurity is a non-negotiable for business success. Original research from our annual State of Security confirms this is no easy task – which is why we are proud that the solutions we deliver help make organizations digitally resilient. Splunk Cloud Platform, Splunk Enterprise and Splunk Enterprise Security are our most well-known and popular solutions, which we’ll share more about below.
  |  By Tim Hard
As an Observability Strategist at Splunk, I have the unique privilege of partnering with a diverse range of Splunk customers across various industries. This partnership offers me a deeper insight into their essential Observability use cases, how they are utilizing Splunk’s Observability solutions, and their specific needs to maximize both value and efficiency in their Observability practices.
  |  By Joanna Zouhour
We’re excited to announce that soon after the acquisition, Splunk and Cisco started teaming up to deliver engineers and ITOps teams with an improved leading observability experience. With the forces of Splunk and Cisco joined together, observability practitioners will be able to enjoy a new level of troubleshooting and monitoring across their entire stack, regardless of their deployment model.
  |  By Joanna Zouhour
So much goodness is coming your way! Find out all about the latest and greatest from Splunk Observability that helps you keep your entire stack up and running, no matter where it’s deployed or who’s troubleshooting.
  |  By Faya Peng
It’s critical that you are in the driver seat of your Splunk environment with choice and flexibility, and we have spent the last year extending the capabilities of Splunk’s unified security and observability platform to do so. We have continued to grow and innovate to ensure that you and your team have all the tools you need to have a secure, cost-efficient, and effective environment.
  |  By Splunk
In our super connected world, the Communications and Media industry has a lot on the line. Your networks help people stay in touch, get around-the-clock care, and protect their nest eggs. Expectations are incredibly high. And reliability is a must. At Splunk, we help Communications and Media organizations build resilient digital systems.
  |  By Splunk
Learn how Edge Processor helps you transform data at the edge so you can reduce noise, control costs, and ingest data in the exact shape that you need it.
  |  By Splunk
Learn how Edge Processor helps you transform data at the edge so you can reduce noise, control costs, and ingest data in the exact shape that you need it.
  |  By Splunk
Disruption in business is inevitable. In partnership with Oxford Economics, Splunk quantified the total cost of downtime for the Global 2000 to be $400 billion per year. But that’s only the tip of the iceberg. Our latest research revealed that hidden costs may deal an even larger economic blow to companies.
  |  By Splunk
In financial services, resilience is imperative because your systems can’t fail - and you can’t afford to get hacked. Splunk shines a light on every aspect of your financial services business so you can fend off threats, create better customer experiences, and find new ways to maximize revenue.
  |  By Splunk
Overview showing how Splunk can help manufacturers to build edge to enterprise resilience to keep operations up and running, no matter what. Learn how Splunk provides solutions in areas such as visibility across all your IT-OT systems to help you catch and respond to problems faster, edge to enterprise monitoring to gain deep insights and drive transformation, and analytics to help you reach your sustainability goals.
  |  By Splunk
Get pumped for day 2, when we’ll dive deeper into how Splunk and Cisco are revolutionizing the way customers build digital resilience. Hear from Splunk SVP and GM of products & technology, Tom Casey, who will reveal our product vision. He’ll be joined by Jeetu Patel, Cisco EVP and GM of security and collaboration, to share the power of our combined portfolio. And you’ll hear from product leaders about new innovations, with live demos from United Airlines, Progressive Insurance and more.
  |  By Splunk
It’s time to kick off.conf24! Start the week right with Splunk EVP and GM Gary Steele, who will share how Splunk customers are building a safer and more resilient digital world, plus drop fresh product announcements. Cisco CEO Chuck Robbins will join Gary to inspire you about how Cisco + Splunk will power and protect the AI revolution and make the Splunk you love even better. We’ll also welcome a customer guest and give Splunkie and partner award winners a well-deserved moment in the spotlight.
  |  By Splunk
Gaining insights from your data requires more than collecting and analyzing metrics and logs. With the acceleration of customer and business demands, site reliability engineers and IT Ops analysts now require operational visibility into their entire architecture, something that traditional APM tools, dev logging tools, and SRE tools aren't equipped to provide. Observability enables you to inspect and understand your IT stack; but what is it, and how does it differ from IT monitoring?
  |  By Splunk
The hype around artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) has exploded, sometimes overshadowing the real uses and innovations happening everyday at organizations across the globe. The reality is that applying AI and ML to data-dependent challenges presents opportunity for better security, faster innovation and overall improved efficiency.
  |  By Splunk
Imagine a world where incident alerts arrive 30 minutes before problems even begin - you'd actually have the power to prevent outages and deliver a truly seamless experience to your customers. Sound impossible? Think again - the right AIOps (Artificial Intelligence for IT Operations) solution can help you maintain uptime, reduce manual incident-management tasks and increase productivity.
  |  By Splunk
At Splunk, we make it easy for our customers to turn mountains of machine data in their Amazon Web Services (AWS) and hybrid environments into valuable business, operational and security insights that improve their businesses.
  |  By Splunk
Most IT organizations have adopted event management as a central practice to help find and fix what's broken, but today's tools focus on managing the volume of events-they do not deliver service context. Without context, you are ill-equipped to focus on the right problem at the right time. What you need is something different-something that makes IT events less eventful and more insightful-and now, you can finally do it!
  |  By Splunk
From protecting customer experience to preserving lines of revenue, IT operations teams are faced with increasingly complex responsibilities while being required to prevent outages that could harm the organization. Splunk IT Service Intelligence (ITSI) utilizes AI powered by machine learning to deliver a predictive IT and ensure optimal application performance and quality.
  |  By Splunk
The financial services industry has unique challenges that often prevent it from achieving its strategic goals. The keys to solving these issues are hidden in machine data-the largest category of big data-which is both untapped and full of potential.
  |  By Splunk
Let's face it - the struggle to monitor basic server metrics in modern hybrid infrastructures is real. But deploying and maintaining monitoring tools doesn't have to be a major headache. Splunk Insights for Infrastructure can help your team index both Linux and AWS data, enabling them to quickly identify and remediate the root cause of problems.
  |  By Splunk
Splunk is probably the single most powerful tool for searching and exploring data you will ever encounter. Exploring Splunk provides an introduction to Splunk -- a basic understanding of Splunk's most important parts, combined with solutions to real-world problems.
  |  By Splunk
Digital transformation has led to complex environments that continuously generate new data. As a result, organizations are left unsure about how to best use their data to foster growth and edge out the competition. It's not enough to just have mountains of data, it needs to be analyzed and made sense of in a way that best suits the business.

Splunk produces software for searching, monitoring, and analyzing machine-generated big data, via a Web-style interface.

Splunk turns machine data into answers. Regardless of your organization’s size and industry, Splunk can give you the answers you need to solve your toughest IT, security and business challenges—with the option to deploy on-premises, in the cloud or via a hybrid approach.

Work the Way Your Data Works:

  • Real-Time: Splunk gives you the real-time answers you need to meet customer expectations and business goals.
  • Machine Data: Use Splunk to connect your machine data and gain insights into opportunities and risks for your business.
  • Scale: Splunk scales to meet modern data needs — embrace the complexity, get the answers.
  • AI and Machine Learning: Leverage artificial intelligence (AI) powered by machine learning for actionable and predictive insights.

Any Question. Any Data. One Splunk.