
New York, NY, USA
  |  By Eknath Reddy
As the world gears up for the Paris Olympics, it’s not just athletes who need to be in peak condition. This Olympics comes hot on the heels of the largest IT outage in history. Recovery efforts from the CrowdStrike outage are still ongoing. Lessons will be learned, no doubt, but at least one takeaway is already evident: the modern web is an oh-so-fragile thing; neglect digital resilience at your peril.
  |  By Anna Jones
“You can’t start a fire without a spark,” so sings The Boss. You can’t run an organization these days without digital dependencies. Nor – or perhaps because of this - can we outrun digital failure.
  |  By Dritan Suljoti
As we write, on Friday July 19th, a massive global cyber outage is continuing to take down critical services around the world dependent on Microsoft-based computers.
  |  By Chinafy
This is a guest blog written by the Chinafy Team. Most people in the website space would have heard of the term Great Firewall of China. What those people won’t really know, though, is what that means. For context, most websites don’t work the same way in China that they do elsewhere. Due to the way the China internet is designed, most websites take a long time to load and fail to function properly.
  |  By Piril Kavlak
WebPageTest has long been the trusted choice for performance experts and top online retailers worldwide to enhance website speed, SEO rankings, user experience, and conversion rates. It provides in-depth diagnostic information on a page's performance, offering actionable insights to measure performance across all major browsers, device types, and network conditions.
  |  By Catchpoint
Catchpoint announces the launch of a powerful, free live Global Internet Outage Map. The AI-powered dashboard provides a real-time snapshot of the health of hundreds of global internet services that power our everyday lives.
  |  By Howard Beader
We’re delighted to introduce a new, free tool for everyone: Catchpoint’s Live Internet Outage Map. The Live Internet Outage Map is a limited, free version of Catchpoint’s Internet Sonar capability publicly available to everyone, not just Catchpoint users. It shows outages from the last 24 hours and provides a sample of the thousands of services monitored in the full version of Internet Sonar.
  |  By Piril Kavlak
Effective March 12, 2024, Google replaced the First Input Delay (FID) metric with Interaction to Next Paint (INP) as a part of its Core Web Vitals. This change marks a significant shift in how web interactivity is measured, reflecting a more comprehensive view of user experience. This blog explores INP, strategies for optimization, and asks if FID is still a valuable metric.
  |  By Mark Towler
Imagine: Your executive team spent the last year developing messaging. Your design team worked for weeks on a compelling awareness campaign. Then, your marketing team deployed the perfect lead generation campaign. Your new customer, ready to make a purchase, eagerly clicks on your website link... only to be met with a frustratingly slow loading page.
  |  By Howard Beader
Ensuring Internet Resilience in today’s digital economy has become not just an IT goal, but a business imperative. Companies are experiencing losses of over $1M a month due to outages and service degradations. Hidden secondary costs include resources dedicated to troubleshooting, payouts to customers, and longer-term impact on company reputation.
  |  By Catchpoint
Your customers are not willing to wait more than a second or two for your website and apps to load. Slow-loading apps and sites may seem like a minor inconvenience to them, but they’re a serious threat to your business. Numerous studies have shown that customers will abandon your site and take their business elsewhere if you make them wait. Many businesses are unaware of the critical role of the Domain Name System (DNS) in the performance of websites and business apps.
  |  By Catchpoint
Watch this live demo and panel discussion to learn about Catchpoint’s newest capability that’s going to revolutionize the observability industry: Internet Stack Map. Internet Stack Map gives you a simplified AI-powered workflow display so ITOps and SREs can easily recognize if there is an issue and address it quickly. Network issues no longer require an experienced SRE – anyone can immediately identify what’s wrong with your application, regardless of skill level. The result is slashed MTTI & MTTR.
  |  By Catchpoint
Discover how Catchpoint’s Internet Stack Map can transform your digital service monitoring! Features.
  |  By Catchpoint
The shift from traditional data centers to the cloud is not just inevitable but imperative. As your network gets more distributed and complex and outside your control, your monitoring needs change. Monitoring from your users' perspective has never been so important, and you need an Internet Performance Monitoring platform that gives you visibility into the full user journey.
  |  By Catchpoint
Watch our on-demand product launch webinar hosted by Matt Izzo, Chief Product Officer, Howard Beader, VP of Product Marketing, and Bob Ruggiero, Director of Solutions Engineering.
  |  By Catchpoint
Are traditional Application Performance Monitoring (APM) tools holding you back? Discover how Catchpoint's Internet Performance Monitoring (IPM) can transform your approach to digital experience monitoring and unlock true resilience. In this video, we delve into the limitations of APM and how IPM addresses these challenges by providing comprehensive visibility across the entire Internet stack, from backend infrastructure to end-user experience.
  |  By Catchpoint
User expectations are higher than ever, achieving faster Mean Time to Detect (MTTD) and Mean Time to Recover (MTTR) is non-negotiable. In this master class, we explore how the foundational elements of reachability, availability, performance, and reliability form the pillars of Internet Resilience, and how proactive IPM can contribute to early incident detection and resolution. Through real-world examples and practical insights, you'll gain a deeper understanding of how IPM can optimize your digital services and mitigate potential disruptions.
  |  By Catchpoint
The public Internet is now a core component of every company’s digital architecture. Given its nature as a shared resource, the Internet is also the biggest variable in digital experience today. Therefore, application performance management solutions, which typically monitor application transactions and the cloud infrastructure that applications reside upon, can only offer IT operations teams a partial view of the overall health and performance of digital services. IT organizations must modernize their observability toolsets with Internet Performance Monitoring solutions.
  |  By Catchpoint
In the fast-paced world of modern software development, the demand for innovation is relentless. CI/CD promises many benefits, including agility, team productivity and satisfaction. Doing CI/CD “the right way” though, can feel overwhelming. If your team is pushing code through the CI/CD pipeline more and more often, how do you know that it works? In other words, how do you balance innovation with reliability?
  |  By Catchpoint
Now in its fifth year, The SRE Report has become the trusted source of trends and insights for reliability-as-a-feature practices. This year in partnership with Blameless, the report contains special contributions from Adrian Cockcroft and Steve McGhee and highlights findings from a global community of reliability practitioners, including SREs, managers, architects, and executives. As ever, we found some familiar trends and some thought-provoking anti-patterns.
  |  By Catchpoint
In-depth analysis of key Internet outages across the past 18 months, from AWS to Facebook; includes six critical lessons for IT teams to improve Internet Resilience.
  |  By Catchpoint
The Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) is the primary protocol for how packets are routed across the internet. It's one of the pillars of the digital world, but one which comes with serious vulnerabilities.
  |  By Catchpoint
A 2023 commissioned study conducted by Forrester Consulting Internet Performance Monitoring avoids Internet disruptions and mitigates risk for a successful eCommerce business.
  |  By Catchpoint
Supporting an anywhere, anytime, hybrid workforce is now a top priority as hybrid work continues to be the new norm. IDC's new Spotlight Paper provides valuable insights and actionable recommendations for implementing a robust and resilient employee experience strategy to ensure your workforce stays connected, engaged, and productive. Download the paper to gain a better understanding of.

Catchpoint is the Internet Resilience Company™. The top online retailers, Global2000, CDNs, cloud service providers, and xSPs in the world rely on Catchpoint to increase their resilience by catching any issues in the Internet Stack before they impact their business. Catchpoint's Internet Performance Monitoring (IPM) suite offers synthetics, RUM, performance optimization, high fidelity data and flexible visualizations with advanced analytics. It leverages thousands of global vantage points (including inside wireless networks, BGP, backbone, last mile, endpoint, enterprise, ISPs and more) to provide unparalleled observability into anything that impacts your customers, workforce, networks, website performance, applications, and APIs.