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The latest News and Information on Application Performance Monitoring and related technologies.

9 Key Considerations for Monitoring Azure Virtual Desktop (AVD) Workloads

The Azure Well-Architected Framework for Azure Virtual Desktop Workloads details certain key considerations that you should include when architecting the monitoring of your AVD workloads and deployments. These key considerations are: Whilst native tools are provided, to meet the criteria of the Azure Well-Architected Framework, significant configuration is needed to leverage Azure Monitor. Monitoring AVD requires you to configure at least one Log Analytics workspace.

2.5X faster and 88% cheaper error resolution with GPT-4o mini and Raygun

In May, GPT-4o was released, refining the GPT-4 architecture with native multi-modal input support, faster speeds, and a cheaper price per token. This week, with the release of GPT-4o mini, it’s even more cost-effective and quicker. This model is considered better than GPT-3.5 Turbo, being faster and smarter—a win all around. Let’s put it to the test in a real-world application to see just how good it is for software developers.

Effortless error monitoring for Adobe Commerce: Introducing the free Magenizr Raygun module

At Magenizr, we’re always looking for tools to make life easier for developers and merchants. Not too long ago, we found ourselves in a bind. We were scouring the Adobe Commerce Marketplace and Github repositories for an error monitoring app tailored for e-commerce shops but came up empty-handed. New Relic was overkill for shops that just needed to pinpoint where errors were cropping up.

Python Flask instrumentation using OpenTelemetry | SigNoz

In this video, you will learn how to instrument your Python Flask application using OpenTelemetry and monitor your trace data in SigNoz. Link to Document used in this video More about SigNoz: SigNoz - Monitor your applications and troubleshoot problems in your deployed applications, an open-source alternative to DataDog, New Relic, etc. Backed by Y Combinator. SigNoz helps developers monitor applications and troubleshoot problems in their deployed applications. SigNoz uses distributed tracing to gain visibility into your software stack.