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The latest News and Information on Software Testing and related technologies.

How to add Type Checking and Linting to your Playwright Project

If you bet on end-to-end testing or even synthetic monitoring, there’s a high chance that you use Microsoft's Playwright. And if you have Playwright in your toolchain, you probably adopted TypeScript, too. It's an easy choice because of its rock-solid auto-completion and type safety. With this setup, you can enjoy the beautiful DX (developer experience) and safely refactor your ever-growing code base without worrying about runtime exceptions because of TypeScript's type checking, right? Wrong!

Chaos Testing Explained

Chaos testing is a part of site reliability engineering (SRE). In chaos testing, we intentionally break things in and around a given application, in order to: The purpose of chaos testing is to assess how software systems respond to scenarios like network outages, hardware failures, database failures, and server or cluster node failures in the infrastructure.

Traffic-Driven Testing: All the Benefits of Shift-Right Testing with None of the Risk

The shift-right testing approach moves testing to later in your production cycle. Also known as “testing in production,” with shift-right, you test software after it has been deployed. It gives you continuous feedback based on real-world user interactions. However, there are major drawbacks to the approach. For example, testing in production risks disrupting your user satisfaction and can mean you catch issues too late to respond to them effectively.

Why "page.goto()" is slowing down your tests

In this video, we dive into Playwright's "page.goto()" and understand why it could be slowing down your end-to-end tests. We start with an example script and then walk you through the Playwright UI mode to understand how resource loading can delay the "page.goto()" call. We also look into the different "waitUntil" configurations and check how they affect the speed of your tests. Enjoy, and drop any questions or comments below!

Why "page.goto()" is slowing down your Playwright tests

When you invest time and effort into creating a well-running end-to-end test suite or adopt Playwright synthetic monitoring with Checkly, you should focus on two things. Your tests must be stable because few things are worse than an unreliable test suite. But also, your tests must be fast because no one wants to wait hours to receive the green light when you're on the edge of your seat to deploy this critical production hotfix.

Gremlin's API makes it easy to integrate testing in your CI/CD pipeline

Thinking about integrating Gremlin into your existing pipeline? Look no farther than the Gremlin API. "The next step then was to build the right tooling such that the resiliency tests can be run from a pipeline. Gremlin's API first approach made it possible to do this in a very easy manner because everything that we could do from the UI and manually, we could replicate all of that through the API as well.

Importance of Automation Testing Tools in Modern Strategies

Automation testing tools have become pervasive in software development today. All these features are epitomized in such tools and these revolutionize quality assurance techniques, making it much more effective compared to previous ways of executing software tests. We need to dig into the meaning of those tools and also understand what kind of purpose is involved in building one's tomorrow's applications.

Playwright at Scale

When adopting Playwright, it can be tough to know if you're following the right design principles for a process that will work at scale. For those Cypress users, check out Cypress at Scale. Join Jonathan and Filip as we explore how mature organizations and effective teams adopt Playwright. We'll cover what we've seen in the wild and key considerations. — Fundamentals & principles: You'll understand what Playwright is and its design principles.