
Austin, TX, USA
  |  By RJ (Spiceworks)
You may have heard that Spiceworks Ziff Davis (SWZD) has acquired Aberdeen, a leading global provider of behavioral-based marketing solutions and research. As the SWZD and Aberdeen teams begin to work as one entity, it is important to us that we remain transparent with you, our Community. We're very excited about this next step in an ongoing strategy that emphasizes the opportunity to showcase our data-driven solutions that will ultimately reshape the tech playbook.
  |  By Peter (Spiceworks)
What a year 2020 has been! We’re all living through a shared experience, where everyone has been forced to navigate challenges presented by the COVID-19 pandemic. And in this new reality, far-reaching changes have been made to ensure public safety, some of which will continue well into the future. For example, amid the lockdowns and reduced economic activity, businesses were forced to take cost cutting measures to survive.
  |  By Francois (Spiceworks)
The COVID-19 crisis is everywhere and affecting everyone, especially IT professionals. During this time of the coronavirus (COVID-19) crisis, like many other enterprises around the world, Spiceworks Ziff Davis has also made work-from-home (WFH) mandatory for all employees globally. While this ensures the protection of our employees, it has caused great disruption because not every team was set up for immediate and effective remote work.
  |  By Peter (Spiceworks)
In a world where organizations store and process more data with each passing year, technology has evolved to keep pace. For example, hard drive capacities have increased steadily and adoption of scalable cloud storage platforms has headed skyward. At the same time, storage vendors have introduced solutions to accelerate storage read and write times — which have historically been a bottleneck in computing.
  |  By Peter (Spiceworks)
There's no doubt that over the last decade, virtualization technology drastically altered server rooms around the world. Server virtualization has improved IT efficiency while allowing for greater flexibility and redundancy, quickly jumping from a niche technology to one that's used by the vast majority of businesses. With server virtualization now ubiquitous, many businesses are now turning to other forms of virtualization to reap similar IT benefits.
  |  By Peter (Spiceworks)
Over the years, online communications have evolved, increasingly making it easier for businesses to connect. Thanks to the internet, companies of all sizes can now benefit from real-time, high-quality voice chat technology, screen sharing, video conferencing, and more. And these apps have changed the way we work, allowing coworkers to collaborate whether they're in the same building or half a world away.
  |  By Manish (Spiceworks)
In case you missed it, we just wrapped up our keynote to kick off SpiceWorld 2019! Last year, we shared our vision to empower you to use technology to transform your organizations, community, and the world – every day. This year, you’re seeing the first steps of that vision coming to life!
  |  By Peter (Spiceworks)
Many say that in the world of tech, the only constant is change. For businesses, this dynamic reality presents opportunities as companies continuously scan the horizon for new IT products and services they can deploy to help them stay competitive. At the same time, businesses must navigate computing challenges, such as staying up to date and safe in an expanding universe of cyberthreats.
  |  By Peter
From current business vulnerabilities to emerging security trends, Spiceworks examines the current state and future of network and endpoint security in businesses across North America and Europe. There’s a common saying in the world of cybersecurity: It’s not a matter of “if,” but “when” a security incident will rear its ugly head. Businesses constantly have to deal with phishing, malware, insider threats, and newly discovered vulnerabilities.
  |  By Peter
From workload shifts to deployment models, Spiceworks examines emerging public cloud trends in businesses across North America and Europe. In recent years, cloud computing technology has changed the way many companies handle IT. Using the public cloud computing model, IT departments have the option to pay-as-they-go while rapidly spinning up services, applications, or instances in a cloud provider’s data center, scaling them up and down as demand changes.
  |  By Spiceworks
How did this morning's CrowdStrike outage affect you? Aberdeen's Head of Customer Experience Management (CX), Omer Minkara, breaks down four key recommendations to help get your business and its customers back on track.
  |  By Spiceworks
We're excited that you've joined us! The Spiceworks Community is about technology professionals helping and connecting with other technology professionals, whether you're the lone ranger doing IT all by yourself, or one of a huge team of IT pros. It's about getting answers to your questions, picking up tips and tricks, learning about new products and vendors that might work for you, and – most importantly – sharing what you know with others.
  |  By Spiceworks
In this episode of Aberdeen’s Spotlight Series, Omer Minkara and Mike Lock talk about the CX technology that businesses are deploying to consistently exceed customer expectations.
  |  By Spiceworks
A rootkit is malicious software code that provides bad actors with “root” access to an endpoint device by breaching the application and driver levels of privilege to finally reach the kernel or core while disguising the malicious code to avoid detection.
  |  By Spiceworks
Rootkits are always hidden behind another program or file and as a result, detecting their presence is difficult. There are, nevertheless, several ways to detect rootkits in different operating systems and remove them. Watch the complete video to learn more.
  |  By Spiceworks
Find out what are the differences between web 2 vs web 3 in this super easy beginner’s guide. This quick video guide decodes the pros and cons of both web 2 and web 3 and answers questions, which include – what is web 2 and web 3, what are the benefits of web 2 and web 3, will web 3 be the next reality.
  |  By Spiceworks
While Web 2 caters to the current internet generation, Web 3 is known as the semantic web. In this video, we explore these two concepts, their differences, and their possible applications. The Internet has progressed rapidly from the early days of Web 1, which included static texts and visuals, to the current version – Web 2. We are presently entering the Web 3 era, in which value and data will easily move across decentralized platforms with distributed ownership and control. But, what else does Web 3 feature? How is it different from Web 2?
  |  By Spiceworks
Find out what ransomware is and its types in this super easy beginner’s guide. This quick video guide explains how ransomware attacks work and the steps enterprises can take to mitigate ransomware. The video also answers questions on – what are the stages of a ransomware attack, what are the various ransomware encryption techniques, and best practices to prevent ransomware attacks.
  |  By Spiceworks
Johan Dreyer, Field CTO, Mimecast joins Neha Kulkarni for a little serious and light-hearted conversation on the challenges and priorities of cyber threats and how to navigate these challenges. In this edition of Tech Talk, Johan discusses how the threat landscape is evolving in the backdrop of a hybrid workspace and the steps security teams can take to gain visibility into the state of remote endpoints. He also talks about the new-age tactics threat actors are implementing to execute a breach and building a security-first mindset.
  |  By Spiceworks
Find out what Kubernetes is and how it helps in your digital transformation journey in this super easy beginner’s guide. This quick video guide explains how Kubernetes works and deep dives into the Kubernetes architecture. The video also answers questions on – why Kubernetes matters in today’s modern enterprise and discusses the benefits of going down the Kubernetes road.

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