Operations | Monitoring | ITSM | DevOps | Cloud

April 2023

Cloud Capacity Planning Is a Hit-or-Miss Exercise That Mostly Misses

The goal of capacity planning is to match resources with demand. There are essentially three outcomes from this analysis. You can underestimate the resources you need (underprovision), which can hurt performance. You can overestimate (overprovision), which adds unnecessary costs. Or you can get it just right (rightsized). And, of course, you want to be rightsized at the lowest possible cost. Because many factors go into cloud capacity planning, it can feel like more of an art than a science.

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What is Platform Engineering and Why Does It Matter?

In the era of cloud-native development, as businesses rely on a growing number of software tools to enable agile application delivery, platform engineering has emerged as a crucial discipline for building the technology platforms that drive DevOps efficiency. In this blog post, we explain the growing importance of platform engineering in high-performance DevOps organizations and how platform teams enable DevOps efficiency, agility, and productivity.

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Scaling Site Reliability Engineering Teams the Right Way

Most SRE teams eventually reach a point in their existence where they appear unable to meet all the demands placed upon them. This is when these teams may need to scale. However, it's important to understand that increasing team capacity is not the same as increasing the number of people on the team. Let's unpack what scaling a team is all about, what are the indicators, what are steps you can take, and how you know if you're done.

The 25+ Best AWS Cost Optimization Tools (Organized By Category)

While AWS offers significant benefits compared to traditional on-premise infrastructure, its inherent elasticity and scalability tend to give rise to uncontrolled costs. AWS costs can be opaque and difficult to analyze — and without some system of identifying the source of costs and how to manage them — they can quickly undermine your profit margins. However, a number of tools have emerged over the past few years to help organizations manage and optimize their costs.

Whisper Data Migration to the Cloud

In the modern business landscape, the recent surge in cloud computing has become a game-changer, fundamentally altering how organizations manage their IT infrastructure. As businesses increasingly embrace digital transformation, migrating services and applications to the cloud has emerged as a crucial factor in guaranteeing scalability, flexibility, and cost efficiency.

Part II: A Journey of a Thousand Binaries - The Challenges with Software Dependencies

In part one of this series, we looked at what is a dependency, different types of dependencies, and their benefits in our code. In part two, we’ll look at the risks of using dependencies. Whenever we add a dependency we are increasing the risks of any software development cycle.

How Cloud Native Can Reduce the Cost of Machine Learning

As engineers, we tend to pride ourselves on building a production-first mindset and operational excellence. According to a recent survey, 74% of executives believe that AI will deliver more efficient business processes, while 55% think that AI will help develop new business models and create new products and services. However, the reality is that 85% of ML projects fail to deliver, and 53% of machine learning prototypes don't make it to production.

Hyper-V vs VMware: A Comprehensive Comparison

Virtualization has become an essential aspect of modern computing. By creating a virtual version of a computing resource, such as hardware, storage, or an entire operating system, virtualization allows businesses to optimize resource utilization, streamline management, and reduce costs. Two of the most popular virtualization platforms in the market are Microsoft’s Hyper-V and VMware’s vSphere.

Feature Spotlight: Dynamic Kubernetes Observability Dashboards

If you're a software engineer working with Kubernetes, you know how vital it is to have accurate, real-time information about your applications and resources. With StackState's dynamic Kubernetes observability dashboards, you can now access all the essential data you need for troubleshooting on a single screen. In this blog post, we'll discuss the key features of these dashboards, why they're valuable and how to get started with them.

How to Use Ephemeral Environments for End-to-End Testing

End-to-end testing is a critical process in software development that ensures the reliability and functionality of an application. However, setting up and managing end-to-end testing workflows can be challenging, often requiring complex infrastructure and time-consuming maintenance. This is where ephemeral environments come in.

4 Tips for Scaling Your Managed Service Provider Business

Getting more clients or adding a new service may sound like all it takes to expand your business, right? The truth is that expansion requires refining every aspect of your business’s operations and adopting a proactive approach to growth. There are several factors to consider when deciding to scale your business, including the cost of required software, resources needed to train technicians, and the cost of advertising the new service.

Platform.sh as a SaaS development and management platform

The Software as a Service (SaaS) model operates by treating each customer as a tenant of the application. To use the SaaS application, each tenant is usually required to pay a subscription. There are three main tenancy models for a SaaS application: In this article we'll focus on specific challenges brought about by the single-tenant model, including developing, deploying, and keeping up-to-date several instances of the SaaS application.

6 Stages of the Agile Software Development Lifecycle

In the ever-changing, fast-paced world of software development, Agile and DevOps are some of the most resilient methodologies that stand the test of time. Whether you’re a business leader, a project lead, or an operations manager desperately trying to sync your developer with other departments, when you think of Agile, you should think of flexibility and continuous improvement.

Collaborating on GitHub: Best Practices for Working With Others

The idea of ‘collaboration’ in software development isn’t new. More often than not, delivery of a software product is only possible because of teamwork and combined effort. Over time, collaboration has risen to priority one in the tech world, and some tools now make it seamless to share resources and work across even the largest of teams. In this article, we are going to be exploring GitHub, a collaboration platform that helps teams work and ship products together.

How to Conduct Awesome Code Reviews in 2023 with GitKraken Client

Code review is not just a helpful practice for any software-related organization, it’s necessary. It is an essential component of the software development process that paves the path for developers to identify bugs and improve the overall quality of their end products. Code reviews are even more critical today given the popularity of remote work and distributed teams. GitKraken Client is a powerful tool that helps developers manage and review code.

How to Manage Multiple GitHub Accounts with GitKraken Client

GitKraken Client makes working with GitHub simple thanks to a great GitHub Integration. The GitHub integration allows you to sign in using GitHub, which will automatically connect the integration. Or you can manually connect the integration from Preferences > Integrations > GitHub. Once connected, you’ll be able to easily create repositories on GitHub, clone repositories from your GitHub account, work with pull requests, manage GitHub issues, and much more.

Upgrade your existing Ubuntu LTS instances to Ubuntu Pro in AWS

In April 2023, Amazon Web Services (AWS) released a new functionality that allows users running Ubuntu LTS to upgrade their instances to Ubuntu Pro with just a few clicks. This upgrade provides additional security features, including patching for universe packages, extended security management for an additional five years, live kernel patching, and access to FedRamp and FIPS modules.

Static credential management for platform engineers

Cloud CI/CD is a force multiplier for development teams, especially those working remotely. Automated CI/CD takes load off of developers, allowing them to focus on building better products. Hosted CI/CD adds further benefit to this, ensuring that this newfound capacity isn’t spent managing the testing and deployment infrastructure, and that remote team members have easy access to CI/CD tools.

How to prove your SDLC is being followed for compliance with medical standards like IEC 62304

If you’re part of a software engineering team in digital health, medtech, medical devices, Software as a Medical Device (SaMD), etc. you have to comply with regulatory standards. And one of the biggest challenges engineering leads have in this sector is figuring out what they have to do to achieve software delivery compliance.

Release features faster and track their impact with Flagsmith's integration and Datadog Marketplace offering

The pressure to release application features faster to meet the demands of customers presents a number of challenges, including unforeseen deployment delays, custom feature sets, and complex rollbacks when errors occur. To overcome these challenges, developers can use Flagsmith, an open source feature flagging and remote configuration service that allows developers to easily roll out and test new features for a specific subset of users.

Monitor your TeamCity builds with Datadog CI Visibility

As the complexity of modern software development lifecycles increase, it’s important to have a comprehensive monitoring solution for your continuous integration (CI) pipelines so that you can quickly pinpoint and triage issues, especially when you have a large number of pipelines running.

A Developer Perspective on Developer Experience

Many words have been written over the last couple of years about the importance of Developer Experience. And that’s for good reason. If your organization writes software, developer experience is affecting your business—for better or worse. I worked for over 20 years as a developer at a large software vendor, where it was taken for granted that developers needed the right tools and environment to get their work done.

Awards and Recognitions - AirDroid Business Continues to Accumulate Accolades for Its MDM Solution [2023 Updated]

When searching for an MDM solution that is a right fit for your organization, it is important to ensure that the core features you are looking for align with your business needs. This is where B2B software review sites come into play, to help you make a more informed decision by offering real-user reviews from businesses that have similar needs and have been facing similar challenges like you.

Announcing HAProxy Kubernetes Ingress Controller 1.10

HAProxy Kubernetes Ingress Controller 1.10 is now available. HAProxy Enterprise Kubernetes Ingress Controller 1.10 is coming soon, and will incorporate these same features.In this release, we added partial support for Gateway API, added new Docker image tags to Docker Hub to make it easier to pull the latest version, and implemented other minor improvements. HAProxy Kubernetes Ingress Controller 1.10 is built with HAProxy version 2.7.We discuss the changes in this version below.

Observability: A Complete Guide

As technology advances, so does the need for software engineers and DevOps teams to understand the precise inner workings of the systems they create. In 2023, observability is quickly becoming a key factor in gaining success for many businesses. The study states that many businesses are in different stages of adopting observability into their arsenal of tools, and that the need for these practices is on the rise.

Forgot to declare an incident? Add it retroactively in FireHydrant.

Have you ever quickly worked through an issue with your team and later thought, “Huh. That probably should have been an incident.” It happened to us just a few weeks back. After one of our engineers surfaced a failed build, a few folks chimed in to problem solve and within 30 minutes things were up and running like normal. But we probably should have declared an incident.

D2iQ Turns 10: A Decade of Innovation

D2iQ celebrates its 10th anniversary this week. What is remarkable about this decade of growth is the way the maturation of the D2iQ Kubernetes Platform (DKP) has followed the curve of Kubernetes maturation and adoption. As last week’s KubeCon Europe 2023 conference showed, the container management technology that they pioneered is going gangbusters.

SLSA 1.0 is here! What's it mean for you?

Any organization that has taken on the daunting task of securing their software supply chain knows the challenges, pitfalls and caveats that come with implementing security best practices. SLSA 1.0, a community-backed framework that provides a comprehensive checklist of security controls and standards, is here! So what does it mean for you and your organization? This session gathers SLSA experts from across the industry to discuss the practical uses of the framework.

Stop Viewing Cybersecurity as an Expense

Nine. Million. Dollars. Well, $9.44 million to be exact for your average data breach according to the latest report from IBM, Cost of a Data Breach Report 2022. From 2017 to 2022, that number has only continued increasing from $7.35 million, an almost 30% increase in just five years. For a small company, a security breach can be the difference between staying open or closing the business. And for a Fortune 500 enterprise, that cost will be more severe.

Make Azure Management Seamless with Serverless360

Serverless360 enables advanced Azure management to monitor resources distributed across multiple subscriptions, get end-to-end tracking, perform remediation, optimize costs, and enhance security. There were nearly 80+ new features, and enhancements rolled out in the last 14 months, and to keep up with the momentum, we have come up with exciting new feature upgrades even this time. We have introduced escalation policies to resolve failures on time. On top of that, a lot is being introduced to advanced Azure Management and end-to-end tracking.

GitOps The Planet #10: Demystifying SBOMs and Their Impact on CI/CD Software Delivery

Before cloud-native controlling components delivered was in some ways "easier" in that ops teams could limit which components were available on nodes. With containerization, the ops problem became harder while the dev side became easier. Now SBOMS (software bill of materials) are becoming critical to software supply chain risk management. In this episode, GitOps the Planet Alum, Christian Hernandez will join to walk us through SBOMS, how we should be using them, and how they help improve software security.

Engineering tomorrow, today: hybrid cloud at the edge

The direction of travel for business technology is one-way. The momentum towards strategies around decentralised, hybrid technologies is unstoppable. Examples abound, from the composable software stacks of e-commerce to the ongoing death of monolithic ERP. Modern, digitally-driven business is based on a dynamic alignment of resources, data and technology at the granular level, which is then coordinated precisely.

Azure VM Types

Microsoft Azure, one of the leading cloud computing platforms, provides various services that enable businesses to run and manage applications efficiently. Among these services are virtual machines (VMs), which offer scalable computing resources to accommodate the diverse requirements of modern applications. In this article, we will delve into the different Azure VM types available and guide you on how to select the most suitable option for your specific needs.

ChatGPT uncertain about the future of cloud computing

ChatGPT has been the talk of the town for more than four months now. As the first ever artificial intelligence (AI) -powered chatbot, it has quickly gained immense popularity, helping students, engineers and even executives generate content, write and debug code and run market analyses. But could ChatGPT be used for anything other than natural language processing (NPL)? Could it, for example, assist businesses with strategic decision-making? I decided to try it out.

Stateful workloads: How to guarantee savings and continuity

Stateful workloads require consistent access to specific network and disk artifacts. Yet with little tolerance for interruptions, it’s no surprise that these workloads can be costly to run. As a result, organizations face a challenging trade-off between consistency and cost-efficiency as their cloud estates scale and cost concerns grow. However, running stateful workloads doesn’t necessitate overprovisioned, expensive, and unpredictable compute costs.

Why on-premise automation remains attractive

Over the last five years, there has been a constant push to move infrastructure to the Cloud, which accelerated further during the pandemic. It is becoming clear that for a proportion of organisations, the Cloud is not always the best route and that an on-premise (also known as on-prem, on-premises) or a hybrid model is most beneficial. On-premise relates to where IT infrastructure is located; this can be physically in a building, usually in a server room.

A Short Overview: GitLab Tokens

During my recent work on extending our GitLab packaging capabilities, I came across various types of tokens that can be used to authenticate users, services, and pipelines while using GitLab CI/CD. Each token has its unique features and use cases that can help ensure the security and integrity of your GitLab environment. By understanding the features and use cases of each token, you can leverage them to enhance your GitLab CI/CD workflows and ensure the security of your GitLab environment.

User story: How a global media company reduced costly outages by implementing a secure DevSecOps collaboration platform

Catastrophic failures — such as a security breach or a complete outage leading to an unavailable product or service — are classified as Sev0 incidents. On a severity scale of 1–3, Sev0 is dire. It brings business to a complete standstill and may lead to loss of revenue and a damaged reputation. A Sev0 incident usually has no quick workaround; it requires a coordinated effort beyond the engineering team to diagnose, correct, and manage.

No more DHCP(d)

DHCP is dead; long live DHCP. Yes, the end-of-life announcement for ISC DHCP means that the ISC will no longer provide official support or updates for the software. Our ever-faithful, omnipresent friend — the familiar dhcpd daemon — is retiring, albeit over a really long walk to that cabin in the mountains. While the software will continue to function, it will become increasingly vulnerable to breakage, security vulnerabilities, and other issues over time as the software ages.

How to Perform AWS Monitoring: Tools and Best Practices

As more and more businesses adopt microservices and leverage cloud infrastructures, keeping track of services and resources becomes increasingly important. Comprehensive monitoring is needed to ensure optimal performance, avoid downtime and ensure all have a great user experience. But leaving monitoring to the cloud provider may not give you the insights you need.

Why Scalable Monitoring is Essential for Modern, Distributed Systems

It's becoming increasingly common to discuss the importance of scalability in monitoring solutions and how it can impact the performance and reliability of distributed systems. In today's rapidly evolving technological landscape, organizations are increasingly relying on distributed systems to power their operations. These systems consist of multiple interconnected components that work together to deliver a cohesive experience.

DevOps is dead? Nope, it is maturing ft. Jesse Robbins of Heavybit

In this episode, Rob sits down with the DevOps “party starter” himself, Jesse Robbins, to discuss the current state of software delivery. Is DevOps really dead, or are we simply witnessing a maturing model as organizations grow and evolve? Tune it to hear Jesse’s valuable take on where he sees the industry moving and the potential complexities on the horizon.

Harnessing Cloud Native Tech for Business Value: Key Insights | Civo TV

​@bartfarrell, Cloud Native Community Leader, discusses the significance of business value in cloud-native technology adoption and the growing importance of open source projects in addressing organizational pain points. The video highlights the need to articulate benefits and ROI within companies.

Kosli - A Flight Data Recorder for your Runtime Environments

Have you ever had to debug an environment and found it hard to understand exactly what had changed? In the worst case scenarios you have to figure this out during high-pressure situations, like when an outage or regression has happened. Digging through platform logs and cloud consoles is a real nightmare, and it’s often futile because the information has disappeared.

Hyperview DCIM 3.12 Software Release

Our latest product update includes our most requested add-on feature, Connectivity. Connectivity is a comprehensive structured cabling management tool that enables you to document your physical network with ease. This update also includes enhancements to the Sensor Dashboard, IT Energy measurement, and the Windows-version data collector.

Why Am I Seeing NGINX 502 Bad Gateway: PHP-FPM?

The NGINX Error 502 Bad Gateway is a common error among website users. There are various possible reasons for this error and different ways to solve it. In this article, we will look at the main possible causes and how they can be solved by users and web developers. Use MetricFire's platform to analyze your system’s performance and troubleshoot errors.

Try Ubuntu confidential VMs with Intel TDX today: limited preview now available on Azure

On behalf of the Canonical confidential computing team, I am happy to announce the limited preview of Ubuntu Confidential VMs with Intel TDX on Microsoft Azure. As part of the DCev5-series and ECesv5-series VMs, they’re available for you to try today! This exciting development is an important milestone in Ubuntu’s journey to power the confidential public cloud of the future.

Azure Cost Analysis

Serverless360 is a Cloud management platform engineered for Microsoft Azure that brings enterprise-grade monitoring, tracing, remediation & governance under one roof. Everything you need to empower your Azure operations teams with more meaningful features and deliver effortless support. Achieve end-to-end tracking on business process flow across Azure resources and hybrid integrations. Get visibility on the integration solution that the functional operations teams need. Improve operational efficiency with a unified view of business transactions.

User story: How automating reporting helps a top 3 bank improve MTTR by 90%

Imagine being one of the world’s largest banking institutions and experiencing a critical severity security incident that affects millions of customers and billions of dollars. Now imagine it takes 20 minutes from the first notification to log a response and track down all relevant information from a variety of global systems just to understand the context and nature of the incident.

7 ways businesses can improve the quality and speed of database releases

The quality of database releases relies on thorough initial testing in development with teams needing access to fast, reliable data. While database testing is one of the most challenging aspects of development, processes which utilize database clones can overcome these issues. A database clone is a complete and fully functioning copy of a database that is identical to the original in terms of the metadata and the data.

Containerize a Rails 7 App and Run it on Vultr with Cloud 66

To celebrate a 3-year integration anniversary between Cloud 66 and Vultr we’re showcasing some of the changes and improvements that we have implemented in both of our platforms. To show how well our platforms work together, we’re taking a Rails 7 application sample and walking you through how to containerize and deploy that application on Vultr with Cloud 66.

SRE vs. DevOps vs. Platform Engineering: What's The Difference?

SRE, DevOps and Platform Engineering are important concepts in today's world of software development. There are dedicated teams to manage these areas, each with a unique primary focus, set of responsibilities, tools and metrics used to gauge their performance requirements. This article explains SRE, DevOps, and Platform Engineering, including similarities and differences, and, most importantly, how these teams help streamline modern software development, delivery, and maintenance processes.

Pocket article: Debug vs. Release Builds Considered Harmful

Separate “debug” and “release” builds are very common in embedded development. Typically the notion is improved debug capabilities (less aggressive compiler optimizations, more debugging information like logs) vs. highly optimized and hardened production release builds. I’m here to describe disadvantages to this practice, and why it might make sense to consolidate to a single build! Like Interrupt? Subscribe to get our latest posts straight to your mailbox.

Cloud Earnings Season - The Great Cloud Scaledown Of 2023

It’s cloud earnings week this week for AWS, GCP, and Azure, and I have already heard the pundits warming up the hot takes. Some are even asking if this could be the end of the cloud. My advice to you: Don’t be that person unless you enjoy being horribly wrong. No, I'm not saying that when AWS, Azure, and GCP report their growth that it's going to be anything different than what we expect.

KubeCon Europe 2023 Highlights Kubernetes Explosion and Need for Instant Platform Engineering

The CNCF’s flagship KubeCon Europe 2023 conference in Amsterdam last week was a vibrant sold-out affair that drew more than 10,000 attendees, 58% of whom were new to the conference, with another 2,000 people on the waitlist.

Speed Up and Scale Amazon EKS Cluster Deployments with New VMware Tanzu Mission Control Features

The public preview for lifecycle management of Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS) clusters through VMware Tanzu Mission Control allowed users to create, update/scale, upgrade, and delete clusters with native Amazon EKS APIs through Tanzu Mission Control. Today, we are announcing this feature’s general availability (GA), including powerful capabilities based on customer feedback.

How to throw custom exceptions inside Logic Apps: Using default capabilities - Extract failure information (Part II)

Welcome to the second part of this series of blog posts on How to throw custom exceptions inside Logic Apps. In this series of five blogs, I will cover throwing custom exceptions in Logic Apps. I will cover the following topics: In this second approach, we are going to do a small fine-tuning of the previous approach by adding the capability to define custom error messages for each condition and, of course, get that information inside the Catch Scope.

Alternatives to Datadog

Before we dive into the specifics of each alternative to Datadog, let's address the most critical point: scaling. Datadog is great for users who need to do a little bit of everything, but Datadog's biggest weakness is scaling. Datadog can do logs, APM, time series and more, but scaling time-series metrics, alerts, and servers will cause your monthly bill to escalate. The graph below shows what you pay at Datadog vs. MetricFire, a leading competitor.

How Bhuma Achieved Testing Automation in No Time with Qovery

We talked with Juan Carlos, the Head of Software Architects at Bhuma, a software company that strives to be the go-to platform for frontend operational analytics. They provide businesses with cutting-edge tools to easily manage and visualize their data but when the team began to transition to EKS, they faced the challenge of automating testing and integration for containerized platforms. In this article, discover how Qovery helped Bhuma overcome this challenge effortlessly.

Improve engineering teams faster with DORA metrics

We talk with numerous teams that want to improve their engineering performance. Here, we explain how to accelerate your progress using DORA metrics — a set of key performance indicators that can help you measure and optimize your team's software development process. You'll learn practical tips on how to leverage these metrics to achieve faster and more efficient team improvement. But first, you'll need your team to see the value in DORA metrics.

Multi-cloud trends in transport and logistics

The transport, logistics, and supply chain sectors are laser focused on efficiency. The aim is to get the right thing to the right place at the right time, making best use of the available infrastructure, while a multitude of global and local factors attempt to eat into margins. In the last 36 months, a litany of events have caused consistent supply chain issues, from Covid to grounded cargo ships, to industrial action to escalating fuel prices.

Enhancing Database Capabilities with Multi-Database and User Management

In the past few months, our team has worked hard to enhance our database features. We've made significant updates to our database management capabilities, giving our customers the ability to manage multiple logical databases on the same server (or cluster) and to create custom database users.

How to deploy Prometheus on Kubernetes

This is a tutorial for deploying Prometheus on Kubernetes, including the configuration for remote storage on Metricfire. This tutorial uses a minikube cluster with one node, but these instructions should work for any Kubernetes cluster. Here's a video that walks through all the steps, or you can read the blog below. You can get onto our product using our free trial, and easily apply what you learned.

Spot Connect: Building blocks for CloudOps

Everybody loves building blocks. The simplicity of creating models, the flexibility in changing design and purpose as the play evolves, and the endless possibilities. This is one of the reasons applications that are aimed at educating kids about programming are using the concept of no-code/low-code building blocks. My kids, for example, just love Scratch, Tynker, MakeCode Micro:bit, and of course Minecraft Education.

Teneo webinar Using AIOps to Optimize Your Palo Alto NGFW

Strengthen your security posture and prevent network security disruptions with the industry’s first AIOps solution for NGFWs. Palo Alto AIOps for NGFW enhances firewall operations experience with comprehensive visibility to elevate your security posture and proactively maintain deployment health. View our on demand webinar to learn how you can use AIOps for NGFW to.

Is Your Cloud Spend Problem a Cloud Cost Tracking and Accountability Problem?

Most companies overspend on cloud services. Many factors contribute to this problem, and while organizations know that their cloud budgets are bloated, they still struggle to reel in those costs. Are they implementing the tools and processes to track their cloud costs effectively? And are they adopting controls to instill discipline and accountability in their cloud spending habits? We explored these questions in our latest State of Multi-Cloud Management research report.

Understanding the Different Types of Server Solutions for Your Business Needs

When it comes to running a successful business, there are certain decisions that have to be made in order for things to run smoothly. One of those important decisions you must consider is which type of server solution will best meet your needs. Whether you're just getting started or already have an existing infrastructure, understanding the different types of servers available and how they work can help ensure you choose the one that will give you maximum performance and efficiency.

Why You Should Use Docker Over Buildpacks

Buildpacks and Docker are popular containerizations and modern software development tools that package and deploy applications that provide portable and reproducible containers. While providing similar end results, they have different approaches and use cases. In this article, I will expose our experience at Qovery dealing with Buildpacks and why we strongly advise you to move away from it as soon as your project gets any more serious.

9 incident management solutions to improve your workflows

Incident management is a team effort. While it's true that incident management should be seen as a company-wide effort, and you should empower all teams to declare incidents, this differs from the team effort I'm referring to here. No, incident management is a team effort in the sense that no one tool can do it all, not even incident.io. We covered as much when we discussed why we integrate with tools that can be seen as our competitors – and that’s OK!

10 DevOps Tools for Continuous Monitoring

DevOps has become the dominant software development and deployment methodology over the past decade. In Atlassian’s DevOps Trends Survey, over half of the respondents said that their organizations had a dedicated DevOps team and 99% of respondents indicated that DevOps had a positive impact on their organization. In addition to DevOps teams, many have implemented Platform Engineering as a discipline, or designing technology platforms as a foundation for developers to build and deploy applications.

8 Tips to Increase Employee Engagement for Your Remote Employees

When you look back over the last couple of years, you will be amazed how companies all over the globe have welcomed the concept of remote work culture. Not only that, but organizations have been putting great effort into ensuring the comfort and convenience of the employees. Of course, the question of adequate employee engagement in the remote workforce needs to be addressed properly. One of the prime pillars of organizational success is the efforts of their employees.

How To Use Our AWS Integration

AWS is a cloud platform that is popular and widely used in many industries. They have many services such as EC2, S3, Lambda, and many more. Since AWS is so popular, being able to easily use it along with your other tools is a priority. We have an AWS integration set up with our tool so that our users have an optimal experience.

The Simple Guide To The History Of The Cloud

The first person to coin the term “Artificial Intelligence” predicted that someday people would buy software as a utility. The year was 1961 and that person was Professor John McCarthy, a computer scientist at Stanford University. After Salesforce began selling software programs this way in the late-1990s, the good professor witnessed his prophecy come true for over 12 years before his passing in 2011. Yet this is only one aspect of computing in the cloud as we know it today.

How we designed the new Ubuntu Desktop installer

Back in 2021, Ubuntu Desktop engineering manager Ken VanDine talked about Canonical’s investment in Flutter support for Linux. To demonstrate the versatility of the Flutter toolkit, we committed to redesigning the Ubuntu installer experience as part of a larger overhaul of the underlying technology behind the Ubuntu installer. Up until now, the Ubuntu Server and Desktop installers had two separate underlying code-bases.

8 Data Center Energy Consumption Trends You Need To Know

Did you know that the data center industry accounts for 3% of global electricity consumption and is expected to hit 4% by 2030? Due to rising energy costs and increased public pressure around the environmental impact of data centers, many of today’s organizations have launched corporate sustainability initiatives and data center professionals are cracking down on energy usage to support those goals.

State of Preview Environments Report 2023

The State of Preview Environments Report is a survey conducted by Qovery gathering feedback from 1,289 seasoned software engineers with diverse experiences, ranging from growing to enterprise-level organizations. This report aims to get a pulse on the perception and adoption of Preview Environments among the software engineering community.

2023 SRE Report

Now in its fifth year, The SRE Report has become the trusted source of trends and insights for reliability-as-a-feature practices. This year in partnership with Blameless, the report contains special contributions from Adrian Cockcroft and Steve McGhee and highlights findings from a global community of reliability practitioners, including SREs, managers, architects, and executives. As ever, we found some familiar trends and some thought-provoking anti-patterns.

Install Prometheus on Kubernetes: Tutorial & Examples

As one of the most popular open-source Kubernetes monitoring solutions, Prometheus leverages a multidimensional data model of time-stamped metric data and labels. The platform uses a pull-based architecture to collect metrics from various targets. It stores the metrics in a time-series database and provides the powerful PromQL query language for efficient analysis and data visualization.

New Logs Interface: Enhancing Debugging and Deployment Experience

I am excited to announce the release of our new logs interface inside Qovery. This feature is a crucial milestone in our journey to improve the debugging experience and provide better insights into deployment failures. As we are just about releasing parallel deployment, we revamped the interface to accommodate the concept of Deployment Pipeline, ensuring a seamless experience when deploying your applications.

Azure AD authentication comes to Ubuntu Desktop 23.04

Ubuntu Desktop 23.04 is the first and only Linux distribution to enable native user authentication with Azure Active Directory (Azure AD). The adoption of cloud-based identity providers in the enterprise is skyrocketing and this has been one of the most requested features. With Ubuntu Desktop 23.04 we decided to act on the feedback and offer a way to natively let enterprise users authenticate Ubuntu Desktops with the same credentials they use for Microsoft 365 or their Windows clients.

Ubuntu Desktop 23.04 release roundup

Every new release of Ubuntu Desktop comes packed with new features and functionality to enable developers, gamers, creators and tinkerers. Ubuntu 23.04 is no exception. Our focus, as always, has been improving quality, performance and enjoyment for all our users, whether that’s more elegant update handling for snaps, improved UI for installation and quick settings or a more accessible gaming experience.

Spot Security is now multi-cloud with Azure support

While many organizations may start their cloud journey with a single cloud platform, they often veer off their path to adopt a multi-cloud infrastructure. But they’re not alone. According to Gartner, 81% of organizations report working with two or more public cloud providers. Although a multi-cloud strategy reaps benefits such as regional availability, cost savings, risk reduction, and reliability, it also comes with its challenges. These can include.

Demystifying Container Orchestration: A Beginner's Guide

As organizations increasingly adopt containerized applications, it is essential to understand what container orchestration is. This guide delves into what container orchestration is, its benefits, and how it works, comparing popular platforms like Kubernetes and Docker. We will also discuss multi-cloud container orchestration and the role of Rancher Prime in simplifying container orchestration management.

How to Protect Your Storage Account Against Blob-Hunting

Blob storage is a cloud-based service offered by various cloud providers, designed to store vast amounts of unstructured data such as images, videos, documents, and other types of files. It is highly scalable, cost-effective, and durable, making it an ideal choice for organizations that need to store and manage large data sets for applications like websites, mobile apps, and data analytics.

Easier, Leaner, and a more reliable Status Page

Our status page product started last year as an experiment. We built a status page product in a hurry over weekends, and to our surprise, it gained a lot of traction. People were using it and giving us feedback, which helped us improve the product over time. And this year, we're thrilled to announce that we have great things planned for our status page product! The new revemped dashboard is part of a larger plan for our status page product. Here's a quick gist of the multiple releases.

Battling database performance

Earlier this year, we experienced intermittent timeouts in our application while interacting with our database over a period of two weeks. Despite our best efforts, we couldn’t immediately identify a clear cause; there were no code changes that significantly altered our database usage, no sudden changes in traffic, and nothing alarming in our logs, traces, or dashboards. During that two-week period, we deployed 24 different performance and observability-focused changes to address the problem.

SNMP Traps: Definition, Types, Examples, Best Practices

The Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) is a widely used protocol for monitoring and managing network devices. SNMP traps are a key feature of SNMP, and they’re used to notify management systems about specific events or conditions on network devices. This article will explore SNMP traps, discuss the different types and examples of traps and outline best practices for using SNMP traps in a network environment.

Use Datadog monitors as quality gates for GitHub Actions deployments

With the growing adoption of automated deployment tools, many organizations are releasing code more frequently. As releases increase, it’s important to ensure that you don’t accidentally introduce faulty deployments, which can have wide-ranging impacts on your infrastructure, application, and end-user experience, and can potentially lead to costly rollbacks.

Search your logs efficiently with Datadog Log Management

In any type of organization and at any scale, logs are essential to a comprehensive monitoring stack. They provide granular, point-in-time insights into the health, security, and performance of your whole environment, making them critical for key workflows such as incident response, security investigations, auditing, and performance analysis. Many organizations generate millions (or even billions) of log events across their tech stack every day.

Azure AD Authentication for Ubuntu

Ubuntu Desktop 23.04 is the first and only Linux distribution to provide native user authentication with Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) enabling users on Microsoft 365 (M365) Enterprise plans to authenticate Ubuntu Desktops with the same credentials they use for M365 or Azure. This is possible thanks to aad-auth, our new cloud authentication client which makes use of Microsoft MSAL library.

Select Bitnami-Packaged Data Services Helm Charts Now Support Service Bindings for Kubernetes

We are happy to announce that some of the widely used Bitnami-packaged Data Services Helm charts now support Service Binding Specification for Kubernetes. With this move, our goal is to improve the lives of platform teams and developers by removing the complexities around data services configuration and the secrets retrieval processes.

Best DCIM Software Vendors of 2023

Data center professionals have reached a breaking point. Data center infrastructure has grown too complex and distributed to manage with legacy tools like Excel, Visio, and homegrown systems. Manually updating multiple spreadsheets and diagrams for every change in the data center takes too much time and the information is too inaccurate to trust.

5 Strategic Ways to Update Android Apps for Businesses

Update Apps on Android Devices Businesses are deploying apps to streamline daily workflows. Nearly 10% of businesses now have more than 200 apps in their enterprise information-technology systems. According to Apperian, 91% of corporate employees are using at least one mobile app. With the shift towards remote work, employees are depending heavily on apps to help them complete tasks. Businesses are also deploying apps on in-store Android tablets or kiosks to boost sales.

Introducing the Sentry GitHub Deployment Gate Integration

If you have a large codebase with multiple developers shipping quickly – errors need to be caught quickly as well. To help ensure your code is performant and reliable while you’re deploying code, we partnered with GitHub to build a bridge between your CI/CD workflow and your favorite error monitoring tool (Sentry, of course).

2bcloud Architects Housetable's Secure AWS Environment, Providing Compliance & ML Functionality

Housetable helps homeowners get the most out of their home equity by using artificial intelligence (AI) and data science to predict the value of their homes after renovation. This information helps homeowners secure financing that reflects the true worth of their property.

What is an SBOM and do you REALLY need it?

Your code base is growing more and more by the minute alongside the apps your business uses and develops. To give some context, the Linux Foundation Report estimated that “Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) constitutes 70-90% of any given piece of modern software solutions”. This means that 70-90% of your final software possibly depends on OSS.

The Benefits and Challenges of Building an SBOM

The EO 14028 regarding supply chain security and the need to generate a Software Bill of Materials feels closer to more and more organizations. It might feel like a threat - and that’s a fair feeling. The whole topic of Billing of Materials is not new, but it is a relatively recent trend for software.

What Are Append Blobs

Azure Blob Storage is a highly scalable, reliable, and secure cloud storage service offered by Microsoft Azure. It allows you to store a vast amount of unstructured data, such as text or binary data, in the form of objects or blobs. There are three types of blobs: Block Blobs, Page Blobs, and Append Blobs. In this article, we will focus on Append Blobs, their use cases, management, security, performance, and pricing. Let’s dive in!

How we built it: incident.io Status Pages

We kicked off 2023 with a new team and a new product to build - Status Pages. We wanted to build a solution we could ship to customers as quickly as possible, while making sure that it’s reliable, fast and beautiful. Here’s how that process played out over the course of three months.

Walking the Talk: How MDMs Help Recycling Businesses Stay True to Their Values

The call for digital transformation is largely directed toward for-profit companies: Digitizing their operations is presented as a means of increasing their efficiency, productivity, and ultimately, revenue. But organizations focused on social impact should care as much about digital enablement as their for-profit counterparts.

The No BS Guide To Understanding Azure Storage Costs

If you have trouble understanding Microsoft Azure Storage pricing, you’re not alone. Azure Storage options can feel like a multi-layered maze of storage account types, tiers, pricing pages, specs — and then some. Yet, understanding your cloud cost drivers begins with looking at where your money goes. Only then can you tell if you are getting value for your money.

Top 16 CDNs to Speed Up Your Website in 2023

A Content Delivery Network (CDN) is a network of servers or nodes spread around the world that stores and delivers the components of a website such as images, videos, or other static files. It can help both big and small websites deliver their content to users at the fastest speeds possible. If you’re new to the world of CDNs, it might seem intimidating when you’re trying to choose one that best fits your website.

Continuous verification key concepts: Ocean CD metric and custom verifications

Ocean CD is an advanced deployment controller for Kubernetes applications. It provides gradual deployment capabilities, continuous verification, and auto-rollbacks that prevent incidents following code changes. Ocean CD can be installed in minutes to help DevOps teams ensure safer code releases and allow developers to deliver applications faster and with greater confidence.

Web checks in Kubernetes: a simple alternative to Prometheus Blackbox Exporter

The continued adoption of Kubernetes, a leading container orchestration platform, increases the demand to monitor these complex environments accurately and efficiently. Maintaining optimal performance and ensuring quick issue resolution are vital aspects of efficient Kubernetes management.

Kosli Changelog - March 2023

Hello, and welcome to the March edition of the changelog. Spring is on her way, days are now longer than nights (at least in the northern hemisphere where me and my Kosli colleagues reside) and new Kosli features are popping up like snowdrops. We have the latest release of the CLI and a bunch of other stuff to share with you, so let’s get right into it.

Why is hybrid cloud the "next generation of cloud"

It is a rare pleasure to both have ones cake and eat it. But that is precisely what next generation, hybrid cloud, offers organisations looking to reduce the cost whilst increasing control of the technology that underpins modern, digital business. Hybrid cloud refers to mixed computing, storage, and services environments that blend on-premises infrastructure, private cloud services, and a public cloud.

Unleashing the Power of ManageEngine CloudDNS: Get Ready for the latest updates this April!

Are you ready to take your DNS management to the next level? If so, we’ve got some exciting news for you! ManageEngine CloudDNS has just released a set of updates that are set to revolutionize the way you manage your DNS infrastructure. From enhanced branding and protection features to improved scalability and DevOps-induced productivity, these updates are designed to simplify your DNS management and ensure that your web applications are always available to users.

Kubernetes for Humans

Exciting days for Komodor! As KubeCon + CloudNativeCon EU 2023 kicks off, we’re happy to share with the community our newest, developer-first set of capabilities. These new capabilities simplify the time-consuming, knowledge-intensive daily tasks associated with using Kubernetes as the underlying infrastructure for your applications. By doing so, Komodor empowers every developer to operate, troubleshoot and control Kubernetes applications through a single pane of glass.

Driving Innovation with Extensible Interoperability in Rancher's Spring '23 Release

We’re on a mission to build the industry’s most open, secure and interoperable Kubernetes management platform. Over the past few months, the team has made significant advancements across the entire Rancher portfolio that we are excited to share today with our community and customers.

Welcome to Rancher Academy

After tremendous work by our team, I am pleased to announce the launch of Rancher Academy. Rancher Academy is our online educational platform that provides free, community training on Kubernetes and Rancher. Available on-demand, these training courses are led by our team of expert technical evangelists and will instill confidence in Kubernetes and Rancher users as they learn from the very best in the industry.

SUSE Launches Dedicated Rancher Prime Knowledgebase in its Growing Customer Loyalty Program

Today I am delighted to launch the latest update to the SUSE Collective: a dedicated Rancher Prime Knowledgebase. All current and future Rancher Prime customers will receive an invitation to sign up for the free program, where they can access the exclusive content and engage with all the elements of the Collective. “SUSE Collective has become the go-to place for our customers to learn more about SUSE, share their feedback and earn rewards for their ongoing loyalty.

Utilizing the New Rancher UI Extensions Framework

The Rancher by SUSE team wants to accelerate the pace of development and open Rancher to partners, customers, developers and users, enabling them to build on top of it to extend its functionality and further integrate it into their environments. With Rancher Extensions, you can develop your own extensions to the Rancher UI. Completely independently of Rancher. The source code lives in your own repository. You develop, build and release it whenever you like.

Project Snow Cow: A hat-tip to Apple's MacOS Snow Leopard release that drove the inspiration for Stability, Reliability & Extensibility in Rancher

Kubernetes has reached an interesting point in its lifecycle where it is now the default choice to run business-critical applications across varied infrastructures, from virtual machines to bare metal and in the cloud. This, combined with the evolving need for a single pane of glass to centralize and manage infrastructure and application deployments, has required IT teams to focus on a stable, reliable and extensible platform that can scale on demand.

What are Page Blobs?

Azure Blob storage is a versatile and scalable cloud-based storage solution that allows you to store and manage large amounts of unstructured data. It offers three types of Blobs – Block Blobs, Page Blobs, and Append Blobs – each designed for specific use cases. In this article, we will provide an in-depth exploration of Page Blobs, their features, advantages, use cases, and how you can manage them effectively using Cloud Storage Manager.

How to Successfully Implement an Environment as a Service (EaaS) Solution in Your Software Development Workflow

In today's fast-paced and competitive software development landscape, the ability to quickly and efficiently manage development environments is critical to success. This is where Environment as a Service (EaaS) comes in. EaaS is a cloud-based solution that lets developers quickly establish and manage development environments. EaaS simplifies infrastructure management, helping developers work faster and create better apps.

From Static to Ephemeral Environments: How Flat Significantly Increase Development Velocity with Qovery

Learn how Qovery helped Flat Mx, a proptech company in Mexico, speed their release cycle and scale their infrastructure efficiently. Initially launched three years ago, Flat Mx combines technology with real estate data and expertise to optimize the property valuation process and automate it. The engineering team at Flat Mx was facing challenges with their monolithic application and needed a more efficient solution for their cloud needs.

Announcing incident.io Status Pages - powering clear external comms to build trust

Clear and frequent communication carries considerable weight in today's era of hyper-competition among businesses—especially during incidents. Because of this, status pages have become the go-to choice for companies looking to prioritize trust, transparency, and clarity with their customers, even during downtime. Unfortunately, current status page solutions have made these communications particularly frustrating and stressful.

DevOps Pulse 2023: Increased MTTR and Cloud Complexity

Evolving DevOps maturity, mounting Mean-Time-to-Recovery (MTTR), and perplexing cloud environments – all these factors are shaping modern observability practices according to approximately 500 observability practitioners. While every organization faces its unique challenges, there are broadly impactful trends that arise.

Unite Testing and Monitoring with a Monitoring as Code Workflow, Enabled by the Checkly CLI

Siloing testing and monitoring is increasing your costs, wasting Dev and QA hours, and impacting your customer's experiences. Stefan Judis and Jonathan Canales explain how to align your QA, Dev, and Ops by enabling teams to code, test, and deploy API and Playwright-based checks with our monitoring as code (MaC) workflow, enabled by the Checkly CLI.

DKP 2.5 Takes Multi-cloud, Multi-cluster Kubernetes Management to the Next Level

The latest release of the D2iQ Kubernetes Platform (DKP), version 2.5 shows multi-cloud and multi-cluster management reaching greater levels of centralized control. Enhancements include centralized multi-cloud, multicluster fleet management and the ability to easily expand DKP from single-cluster management platform to multi-cluster fleet management platform.

Optimize your CI/CD Pipeline with Coralogix Tagging

Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery (CI/CD) has now become the de-facto standard for all engineering teams seeking to keep pace with the demands of the modern economy. At Coralogix, we operate some of the most advanced build and deploy pipelines in the world. We’ve baked that knowledge into our platform with a CI/CD Observability feature called Coralogix Tagging.

Automated Employee Onboarding: The Gamechanger for New Hires and IT Teams

Too many IT tickets, not enough time. That’s just one problem that comes with a poor employee onboarding experience, and it’s one that causes deal-breaking difficulties for new employees, and just as importantly, IT leaders in the IT service management (ITSM) department. Ninety-three percent of employers said that a good onboarding experience is critical for retention of new employees, according to market share data from Finances Online. The total cost of voluntary turnover in 2020?

VMware Application Catalog Now Comes with Enterprise Support for Kubeapps

VMware Application Catalog now offers enterprise support for Kubeapps, allowing customers to consume production-ready open source artifacts easily and efficiently! The ever-increasing adoption of open source software (OSS) by enterprises has led to a disconnect of sorts between the platform engineering and development teams.

Delivering Simplicity in Provisioning Multi-Cloud Services with Tanzu Application Platform and Upbound

Today we are excited to announce our partnership with Upbound, a certified VMware Tanzu Application Platform partner! With this partnership, customers can deliver services across multiple clouds, more quickly and at scale, thus accelerating new capabilities and a better, more seamless experience.

SLO vs SLA vs SLI: A Complete Guide for DevOps Professionals

In today’s fast-paced world of software development, DevOps professionals strive to provide high-quality and dependable services for their users. An essential aspect of achieving this objective is understanding and effectively managing service level indicators (SLIs), service level objectives (SLOs) and service level agreements (SLAs). These metrics help guarantee that a service meets its performance and reliability targets.

How to get Azure Data Factory Pipeline Failure Notification?

Azure Data Factory is a cloud-based data integration tool focusing on data extraction, transformation, and loading. A pipeline in Azure Data Factory is a collection of processes that move data to a shared repository, such as a data warehouse. Why it is important to monitor Azure Data Factory pipeline failures?

Incident Response Guide

Site reliability engineering (SRE) is a critical discipline that focuses on ensuring the continuous availability and performance of modern systems and applications. One of the most vital aspects of SRE is incident response, a structured process for identifying, assessing, and resolving system incidents that can lead to downtime, revenue loss, and brand reputation damage.

What is a Self-Service Infrastructure Platform?

In today's fast-paced technology landscape, companies are in a constant race to innovate and deploy applications quickly. Ensuring that development and operations teams can collaborate efficiently is critical to achieving this goal. Self-service infrastructure platforms have emerged as a vital solution to this challenge. In this article, we will explore the concept of self-service infrastructure platforms, the problems they address, and their benefits for engineering and DevOps teams.

Understanding and Using Azure Blob Storage Change Feed

In today’s data-driven world, the ability to monitor and track changes to data is essential for organizations across all industries. Azure Blob Storage Change Feed is a powerful feature that helps you keep tabs on your data by providing a log of all changes made to the blobs within your storage account. This article will guide you through understanding and using Azure Blob Storage Change Feed to effectively manage your data.

What are Block Blobs?

Azure Block Blobs are an essential part of the Microsoft Azure cloud storage platform. They provide a scalable, secure, and cost-effective solution for storing large amounts of unstructured data, such as images, videos, and text files. In this article, we’ll explore the features, benefits, and use cases of Azure Block Blobs, and how our software, Cloud Storage Manager, can help you manage and optimize your Azure Storage consumption.

A Beginner's Guide to Digital Signage Content Management System

Digital signage has become a popular way for businesses to advertise their products, services, and promotions. It allows companies to display dynamic content to engage and inform their target audience. However, managing digital signage content can be challenging, especially if you have multiple screens in different locations. This is where a digital signage content management system (CMS) comes in. In this article, we will discuss what digital signage systems are and which type you should choose.

Allan Vermeulen On S3, Jeff Bezos, The Beatles, And Much More

As we were planning “Cloud Atlas,” our primary goal was to talk with someone who was “in the room” during the genesis of the cloud. Allan Vermeulen, who worked for Amazon from 1999-2021, and who proposed Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3), became that source. Allan is a born engineer. He has always enjoyed building things — whether “out of bits and software or boards and lumber,” Allan takes pleasure in creating useful things.

Unhealthy code? Don't rely on customers to tell you

Does your software deployment process require that someone on your team manually checks different dashboards to verify that everything's okay? Do they actually do that when they deploy? Do you rely on customer complaints to notify you when something's wrong? There's a better way: Sleuth CTO and co-founder Don Brown shows you how to track several health measures automatically in Sleuth.

Our A, B, Cs of external communications

Communication carries more weight than ever before. Businesses are so much more connected to their customers given the number of mediums they can communicate through; Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and even TikTok. Because of this, it's essential to prioritize these lines of communication throughout your day-to-day. Some might even say that over-communicating is the best way forward. Why? No one likes a company that appears simply like a black box with zero insight into what's happening.

Automatic System Hardening: Checklist to Prove Compliance + Support System Security

The broad umbrella of IT security includes standards, tools, technologies, and human practices that reduce risk and protect your systems. System hardening is one conceptual catch-all for those components of IT security – but what does system hardening mean in relation to your actual day-to-day operations? And how do you achieve system hardening without burdening your whole team?

Now you can forward logs to external endpoints from within the Console!

Our aim, like always, is to help users thrive. We want them to receive real value from all that we deliver through our various features. And it’s equally important to offer flexibility by providing all different ways to use those features. This way, you’re free to use the feature in the way that's most convenient. Driving this vision of ours, well, forward, we have now extended our Logs Forwarding experience from CLI to within the Console.

Why do you need network monitoring?

Are you tired of dealing with network issues that slow down your business operations and create headaches for your network administrators? Be sure to fix problems you could have prevented before it's too late. Say hello to Network Monitoring! Imagine having a proactive approach to network management, where you can anticipate and prevent network issues from causing costly downtime.

Azure Disk Storage Best Practices

Azure Disk Storage is a robust and versatile cloud storage solution provided by Microsoft Azure. It offers high-performance, durable, and scalable storage options for various workloads, such as virtual machines, databases, and business-critical applications. Understanding the key factors impacting costs, best practices, and how to optimize Azure Disk Storage can help users save money and make the most of their cloud storage investment.

Cloud storage at the edge with MicroCeph

Over the years, our enterprise data centre users have told us how much they love the end to end experience of an application-centric solution like Juju to manage their entire infrastructure. Juju is a software operator framework that abstracts the specifics of operating complex software and makes it simple and straightforward to deploy, operate and relate complimentary pieces of software, reducing cost and providing flexibility.

AWS Cost Explorer Vs. Cost And Usage Report (Is There A Better Option?)

A major problem led Amazon to introduce Cost Explorer and Cost and Usage Reports. Many Amazon Web Services (AWS) users were overspending on services they couldn't quite identify. Before the two cloud financial management tools, the AWS public cloud was like a buffet menu without prices. Engineers could use as many cloud resources as they could get away with (and then some), only to be hit with surprise bills at the end of the month or billing cycle.

Preview: Cloud 66 New Dashboard to Streamline Application Deployment and Management

If you're a developer looking for an easier way to manage your Rails, JAMstack, or containerized applications, you'll be pleased to know that our team has worked hard to launch a new dashboard that simplifies the process. The new dashboard will be released to general availability next week. Here is a quick preview, let us know your thoughts.

Azure Data Box: Simplifying Data Transfer to Azure

Microsoft’s Azure Data Box is a data transfer solution designed to simplify and streamline the process of moving large amounts of data to Azure cloud storage. With the continuous growth of data volumes, businesses are seeking efficient and cost-effective ways to transfer and store data in the cloud. This comprehensive article provides an in-depth analysis of the key factors impacting costs, best practices, and a step-by-step guide to using Azure Data Box.

How DevOps is shaping Financial Services #3: The impact of technical debt

In this series of blog posts, we speak with database professionals from Financial Services organizations around the world to better understand how DevOps is shaping the sector. On the way, we dig into key current factors including the rise of technology upstarts in fintech and insurtech, the speed of digital transformation and the ever-increasing threat of cyberattacks.

Ofcom interim cloud report: 5 key takeaways & where we go next

Ever since UK regulator Ofcom announced its market study into the cloud industry in 2022, there has been cautious optimism about whether this could be a genuine moment of truth for the hyperscalers. On 5 April 2023, we got our answer. In its interim report, Ofcom did not hold back in its criticism of the dominance that the hyperscalers, especially AWS and Microsoft, hold over the industry and the limits and even “harm” this creates for customers.

Control your cloud costs: Inside the Amalgam Insights Vendor Highlight

With the looming threat of recession and the continued strain on businesses resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic, organizations facing budget crises need to get their cloud costs under control. The Amalgam Insights Vendor Highlight report, underwritten by Spot by NetApp, dives into the reasons organizations need to control their cloud costs and how they can use the right technology to do so.

Top 4 Innovations in Logistics Management You Cannot Miss

Last Updated on April 14, 2023 Logistics, put plainly, is the management of resources that are either in transit, or need to be. Resources, in this context, refer to anything of value. This includes people, tangible goods, materials used to produce something else, or again, practically anything of worth that is in transit or, eventually, will be.

Introducing VMware GemFire 10

The next major release of VMware GemFire is now available! GemFire is a high-speed in-memory database for low-latency applications. Focused on resiliency and consistency, GemFire makes it easy to scale your data and support business-critical applications, whether they are on-premises, in the cloud, or somewhere in between. GemFire 10* was pre-announced at the SpringOne Essentials conference in January and later released as a public beta.

The Top 10 Products From AWS Summit Paris 2023

The AWS Summit Paris 2023 brought together some of the world's top companies and tech experts to showcase the latest innovations and products in the tech industry. With so many impressive companies in attendance, it can be difficult to narrow down the top products on display but after careful consideration, we've compiled a list of the top 10 products from the event.

AMA: Achieving code reliability across the release cycle

Code coverage, arguably a very important measure that we as development teams don’t pay enough attention to. That is until Sentry notifies you of a frustrating/critical/oh s*#t moment. Then we all think: “how could this have been avoided?”, “why didn’t our tests catch it?”, “oh… we didn’t have any coverage on this flow.” With our new Codecov integration, you can avoid regressions (and awkward conversations) by being able to see which lines that caused an issue are covered and which ones are not - right in the stack trace we kick out on every error report.

Tackling GPU Scarcity & Complexity Head-On

In recent discussions about cloud-based GPU workloads, I was struck by these two recurring challenges: As the Head of Customer Success for a platform that confronts both of these problems, I wanted to take a moment to talk about their origin, what teams can do to mitigate, and finish up with a brief look at how Cycle might help.

Product Klips: Bite-Sized Feature Overviews

Komodor is the only unified, dev-first Kubernetes Platform, designed to enable Kubernetes across on-prem and cloud-native environments through a single pane of glass. Komodor’s platform empowers developers to confidently operate and troubleshoot their K8s applications while allowing infrastructure teams to maintain governance and optimize resources.

Best SysAdmin Tools for IT Professionals

From remote desktop to endpoint security, what solutions are IT professionals relying on most to power their businesses and keep their team efficient and ahead? To find out, we pulled ratings from G2 and Capterra for 90+ products across 9 different software categories. The result is this guide full of comparison charts, highlighting how individual products stack up against one another in terms of overall satisfaction, usability, and quality of support.

The Role of Video in Microlearning on Mobile Devices

People spend a large part of their day on their mobile devices, mostly consuming video content. Short-form videos like TikTok, Instagram Reels, and YouTube Shorts have become the preferred form of content for viewers. This makes video content for microlearning on mobile devices a perfect pairing. Microlearning is a form of delivering course content in small bits so that the learner can easily understand and retain it.

CircleCI config policies: A tale of empowerment and control

If you’ve worked in a large, security-minded organization, you know how developers’ need for speed often clashes with the organization’s need for security. Often this conflict erupts into a high-stakes battle between two teams with very different priorities and perspectives. Ok, it may not always be so dramatic, but the challenge of control and empowerment is very real.

Mastering Azure Resource Groups: A Comprehensive Guide to Best Practices

In today’s fast-paced and technology-driven world, cloud computing has become an essential component of modern business operations. Microsoft Azure, a leading cloud platform, offers a wide range of services and tools to help organizations manage their infrastructure efficiently. One crucial aspect of managing Azure resources is the Azure Resource Group, a logical container for resources deployed within an Azure subscription.

Canonical Kubernetes 1.27 announcement

Following the release of upstream Kubernetes on 11th of April, Canonical Kubernetes 1.27 is generally available in the form of MicroK8s, with Charmed Kubernetes expected to follow shortly. We consistently follow the upstream release cadence to provide our users and customers with the latest improvements and fixes, together with security maintenance and enterprise support for Kubernetes on Ubuntu.

Charmed Kubeflow is now available on AWS Marketplace

Canonical is proud to announce that Charmed Kubeflow is now available as a software appliance on the Amazon Web Services (AWS) marketplace. With the appliance, users can now launch and manage their machine learning workloads hassle-free using Charmed Kubeflow on AWS. This reduces deployment time and eases operations, providing an easy-to-install MLOps toolkit on the public cloud.

Marrying OpenAPI and Kubernetes Could Prevent Ticketmaster-Like Outages

Like most Taylor Swift fans, I was disappointed in the Ticketmaster crash during the presale for her current tour. The preorder fiasco reminds me of bottlenecks that all enterprises and organizations encounter on their digital transformation journey while they strive to balance the delivery of stable products with rapid application development to drive innovation and meet evolving customer needs. At some point, their infrastructure will be calling out, “It’s me! Hey! I’m the problem!

3 IoT applications that should consider private networking

As IoT (Internet of Things) device form factors have got smaller and batteries have got better, use cases for IoT applications have expanded into every sector. From trucks, to shipping containers, people, to cattle, an organisation’s assets can be fixed, mobile, autonomous and even sentient - relaying information that can deliver new business insights and competitive advantage. But these benefits only come if the information is able to get to the right place at the right time.

Snowflake Monitoring with MetricFire

In today's world, where data plays a huge role in business success, companies must manage and analyze large amounts of information. Data warehousing has become a critical part of business operations to handle this challenge. Snowflake, a top cloud data warehousing platform, provides a scalable, secure, and flexible solution to help businesses adapt to their ever-changing data needs.

How do you migrate your application to the cloud for the first time?

You don’t have to be an expert to deploy your application to the cloud - 24% of Cloud 66 customers used a PaaS like Heroku in the past and cut their bills by up to 60% after moving to the cloud. Additionally, they gained more control over their own infrastructure and more flexibility in their deployments.

The Dummie's Guide: What Is The Cloud?

YouTube. Netflix. Uber. Spotify. TikTok. You name it. You sign up and get your own account. Once you set it up however you want, you can access it from any internet-enabled device, including smartphones and smartwatches. In case your device breaks, is lost, or you switch to a new one, you can still access the account, as well as the settings and information it contained, from another device without having to recreate everything from scratch.

What Are Containers? - VMware Tanzu Fundamentals

Containers are popular with both developers and operators because they offer a straightforward way to deploy and manage applications, regardless of the target environment. They facilitate DevOps (and DevSecOps) practices by improving handoffs between development and operations teams. But what are they? In this video, Vincent Osterman breaks down containers, virtual machines, their strengths, and their differences.

GitKraken Client 9.3: Skip the Corporate UI and Stay in That Sweet GitKraken Dark Theme

This release is all about improving our Azure DevOps integration. According to our super sea-cret metrics, Azure DevOps is our users’ third most popular Git hosting service, after GitHub and Bitbucket. That explains why so many of you have sent in support tickets or submitted feature requests to make the integration with Azure match the excellent experience users have with our Bitbucket, GitHub, and GitLab integrations.

How to setup Azure Key Vault

Microsoft Azure Key Vault is a cloud-based service designed to help organizations securely store and manage sensitive information such as encryption keys, secrets, and certificates. As more organizations migrate to cloud services, ensuring the security of sensitive data and applications is crucial. In this comprehensive guide, we will discuss Azure Key Vault with a focus on securing Blob Storage, providing how-to guides and best practices.

The why and how behind running incident response game days

In any high pressure situation, the key to fast action is preparedness. And that’s true when it comes to incidents, too. Documenting and training your team on your incident response processes is essential to ensuring a coordinated and efficient response effort. And training sessions, or game days, as they’re sometimes called, are one way to get everyone up to speed.

Top Trends in DevOps - Low-Code Applications

The world of DevOps is constantly evolving and adapting to the needs of the software development industry. With the increasing demand for faster and more efficient software delivery, organizations are turning to modern technologies and practices to help them meet these challenges. In this series of articles on the Kublr blog, we will look at some of today’s top DevOps trends.

Creating the business case for platform engineering, Kerry Schaffer - Tanzu Talk

A lot goes into getting a platform up and running. Before you even get to that point, though, you’ll need to put together a business case and the plans for your platform. In this episode, Coté talks with Kerry Schaffer about that business case, but also about the role of developer happiness and platform marketing. We also discuss getting more women into IT and Kerry’s work with the Women’s Security Alliance.

Is your incident management solution creating more problems than it solves?

When it comes to incident response, the ability to adapt and customize your approach is key. Every organization has unique needs and workflows, and a one-size-fits-all solution simply won't cut it. That's why Blameless is proud to offer a flexible platform that allows teams to tailor their incident response process to fit their exact requirements.

The 5 Biggest Enterprise Threats to Your Mobile Security and How to Prevent Them

The 5 Biggest Threats: You may have found your business is relying on mobile devices more and more. The computing power of phones and tablets can now equal that of your average desktop computer, but their portability makes them far more useful in a remote working environment. With the number of online communications options available to mobile devices, making a call on a mobile phone is almost an afterthought – but with a cloud business phone system, it is an option that is supported.

Redgate opens the doors to cross-database DevOps Test Data Management

A constant challenge for many development teams is how to include test data management in the development process. Testing with consistent, realistic and compliant datasets, and bringing the database into CI and DevOps pipelines, has been shown to catch data-related issues long before they reach customers. The result: an increase in efficiency, a reduction in costs, and an improvement in the quality of software releases, enabling value to be released to customers faster.

Migrating Graphite to the Cloud

Are you ready to take your monitoring and analysis game to the next level? As businesses increasingly shift to the cloud, migrating Graphite metrics to the cloud has become critical to unlocking the full potential of real-time performance monitoring. In this article, we'll guide you through migrating Graphite to the cloud and show you how to make the transition as smooth as possible. So grab a cup of coffee, and let's dive in!

Maximizing Password Security: A Guide for IT Professionals on World Password Day

With every new device, application and website that your users and employees have to log in to, they have to create a new password. It’s no wonder then that they find this overwhelming. So, what do they do? They create a password that is easy to remember — something like “123456” or perhaps their birth date. Then, to keep it simple, they use the same password over and over again. On top of that, they opt for their browsers and devices to remember these passwords.

How to deploy the Datadog Agent on Windows with Ansible

When your organization relies on hundreds or thousands of hosts, it can be difficult to ensure that each is equipped with the proper tools and configurations. Configuration management tools like Ansible are designed to help you automatically deploy, manage, and configure hosts across your on-prem and cloud infrastructure. In this post, we’ll show you how to use Ansible to automate the installation of the Datadog Agent on a dynamic inventory of Windows hosts.

Building a culture of incident response

At Vanta, our goal is to nurture a positive security culture in everything we do—which is especially critical given that helping our customers improve their security and compliance posture starts with our own. Employees are the key to our security resilience, so we strive to build and support a strong culture of incident response in tandem. Here’s what that means to us at Vanta.

State of the Art: Technologies and Techniques for Simplifying Kubernetes Management

With a wealth of cloud-native and Kubernetes survey findings to examine, and with KubeCon Europe 2023 fast approaching, it is a good time to take stock of the state of Kubernetes deployment and the strides that have been made to simplify Kubernetes management.

How Mobile Device Management Can Change Banking

The days of taking an afternoon off from work to head over to the bank are long gone. Banks have rapidly digitized, offering the vast majority of their services to customers remotely. Now users can save, invest, borrow, and make other financial transactions from the comfort of their smartphone, wherever they are. Despite this consumer-facing digitization, many banks have clung to the status quo when it comes to their field operations.

Greater organization insights through weekly activity reports emails

Keeping track of your project-related activities can be an overwhelming task. With so many projects, tickets, users, and deployments happening simultaneously, having a clear and simple high-level overview of your entire organization is a very welcome addition to any team. That’s why we’ve created our Weekly Organization Activity Reports which will help to keep you on top of changes across various Projects within your organization.

How To Spot Cost Inefficiencies In Your Cloud

It’s almost impossible to create an optimized cloud system out of the gate and keep it running at a perfect balance over the long term. There’s almost always something that could benefit from some tweaks and adjustments. Cloud costs have a way of creeping up slowly while you’re not paying attention. And if you’re not careful, they can spiral out of control before you realize anything is happening.

CircleCI Technical Demo + Q&A

Join us for a high level tour of CircleCI, and learn how to most effectively utilize the platform’s features and capabilities. Every first and third Wednesday, we’ll be offering a technical demo so you can learn best practices and have all your CircleCI questions answered. Topics Covered: How it works: the nuts and bolts of the product Why CircleCI can make developers’ jobs easier and more rewarding How CircleCI can support your security posture by ensuring organizational policies and guardrails are met Greater visibility by surfacing trends and status across your organization

The Golden Path to Cloud Success

As IT organizations attempt wide-scale cloud adoption, the importance of common best practices across applications and products is growing, sparking an exciting new conversation about platform teams and related disciplines like platform engineering. The problem statement driving the investment in platform teams is clear: developing, operating, and optimizing a modern application is becoming too complex for many product delivery teams to solve independently.

Understanding Qovery Pricing: Transparent and Flexible Billing

At Qovery, we understand the importance of transparency when it comes to pricing, especially for our customers who rely on our services to power their applications. One of the most frequently asked questions we receive is about our billing system, the meaning of "Active Developers," and how we adjust pricing based on usage.

Four Challenges for ML data pipeline

Data pipelines are the backbone of Machine Learning projects. They are responsible for collecting, storing, and processing the data that is used to train and deploy machine learning models. Without a data pipeline, it would be very difficult to manage the large amounts of data that are required for machine learning projects.

The Complex Reality of Multi-Cloud Environments

Most companies today have multiple cloud instances with multiple cloud service providers (CSPs) as well as an on-premises environment. It’s complex, but that doesn’t make it inherently wrong—there are usually good business reasons behind the decisions. It does, however, create management challenges.

Deploy a Dockerized Go application to Azure

As a software engineer, one of your goals is to ensure that your product can be accessed globally by your customers. It’s not enough that an app is bug-free and works flawlessly if it only works on localhost. Docker was introduced to solve the “it works on my machine” problem. For example, the particular version of a programming language a developer is using on Windows or MacOS may not be working on the hosting server.

Build the foundation for your zero trust strategy with Ubuntu confidential computing

Why do we want to eliminate trust? Isn’t trust a good thing that we should foster and grow? And shouldn’t computing platforms trust their end-users, and vice versa? The short answer is no. And I would argue that the very goal of system security has always been to reduce trust.

The 7 IT Automations for Highly Effective Organization: IT incident Remediation | Low Disk Space

No organization is immune to outages, unplanned interruptions, or quality reduction of normal service. But having a streamlined response plan can ensure these situations are dealt with more effectively to restore normalcy. In a world where increasingly IT efficiency is being measured by mean time to resolutions, triaging and remediating IT incidents as soon as they occur can directly impact the business in a positive way.

DevOps Cheat Sheet: Deployment Automation

Deployment automation can simplify and speed up your software delivery cycle. It can reduce risk, allow teams to easily test after changes are made, and help provide consistency for the overall development pipeline. If it sounds complicated, we’re here to break it down each step into a cheat sheet that provides tips and best practices for the deployment automation process.

Securing Azure Blob Storage

Azure Blob Storage is a versatile, scalable, and cost-effective cloud storage service provided by Microsoft. It is designed to store a wide range of data types, including unstructured data such as images, videos, audio files, and documents. As businesses increasingly rely on cloud storage for critical data, ensuring the security of Azure Blob Storage becomes a top priority.

Pulse-check your engineering team performance

If you're being asked to do more with less on your software engineering team, you need to be able to see at a glance how your team is doing. Are you deploying at a consistent rate? What's your lead time for changes? Where are your bottlenecks? Our CTO, Don Brown, shows how we take a pulse of our performance at Sleuth using DORA metrics.

K3s vs. Talos Linux: What's the difference

Kubernetes has become the go-to container orchestration system for many organizations. But managing Kubernetes clusters can take time and effort, especially for smaller teams or organizations with limited resources. This is where focused Kubernetes distributions like K3s and Talos Linux come in. They offer simplified and streamlined versions of Kubernetes, making it easier to deploy and manage clusters. This blog will introduce you to K3s and Talos Linux and compare their features and capabilities.

Spot by NetApp's CloudCheckr achieves Cloud Financial Management and Compliance and Auditing Distinctions in AWS Cloud Operations Competency

We’re proud to announce that CloudCheckr, part of the Spot by NetApp portfolio for CloudOps, has achieved the AWS Cloud Operations Competency in the categories of Cloud Financial Management and Compliance and Auditing. With this achievement, the Spot by NetApp portfolio solidifies its position as the industry’s broadest and deepest cloud operations portfolio for customers from enterprises to startups to managed service providers.

How DevOps is shaping Financial Services #2: The challenges in insurance

In this series of blog posts, we speak with database professionals from Financial Services organizations around the world to better understand how DevOps is shaping the sector. On the way, we dig into key current factors including the rise of technology upstarts in fintech and insurtech, the speed of digital transformation and the ever-increasing threat of cyberattacks.

10 Best Practices for Optimizing Kubernetes on AWS

As more businesses adopt Kubernetes to manage containerized applications, optimizing Kubernetes on AWS has become a crucial aspect of managing and deploying applications in the cloud. Kubernetes on AWS provides many benefits, including scalability, high availability, and flexibility, but it also poses several challenges that require careful consideration and planning. Today, we will discuss the top 10 best practices for optimizing Kubernetes on AWS, along with the common challenges that come with it.

IoT Management 101 with JFrog Connect - Workshop

There are more than 12 billion IoT devices globally, and IDC estimates 41 billion by 2025. IoT includes connected smart devices like industrial robots, retail kiosks, security cameras, and maker devices using Raspberry Pi (RPi). Managing IoT into real-world production can be challenging to scale and manage. JFrog Connect is a complete solution for updating, monitoring, managing and troubleshooting Linux-based devices globally.

DevOps? DevSecOps? What You Need to Know With Guest Bart Westering | Security Insights Podcast: Ep.5

Ivanti finds, heals, and protects every device, everywhere – automatically. Whether your team is down the hall or spread around the globe, Ivanti makes it easy and secure for them to do what they do best. Ivanti is IT for the way we work now. Integrated solutions for everything IT touches. So, employees can work better, anywhere, and everywhere.

Logic App Best Practices, Tips, and Tricks: #27 How to embed HTML images into emails

Today I will speak about another useful Best practice, Tips, and Tricks that you must consider while designing your business processes (Logic Apps): How to embed HTML images into your email using Logic App Designer.

Azure Unmanaged Disks Soon Deprecated

Microsoft announced in September 2022 that they will be deprecating Azure Unmanaged Disks on September 30, 2025. This means that customers will no longer be able to create or use unmanaged disks after this date. Unmanaged disks are a type of storage that is not managed by Microsoft. This means that customers are responsible for managing all aspects of the disk, including provisioning, backups, and security. Managed disks, on the other hand, are a type of storage that is managed by Microsoft.

Tutorial | Microsoft Intune for Ubuntu

Microsoft has recently released Intune for Linux with Ubuntu as the first target platform. As a mobile device management (MDM) software, Intune on Ubuntu monitors the endpoint compliance status and uses this information to make access decisions for resources protected by Azure Active Directory. In this video, Canonical Product Manager Massimiliano Gori gives us a brief introduction and walks us through Microsoft Intune on Ubuntu.

Ubuntu compliance monitoring with Microsoft Intune

In recent years, data science, AI and software development have become a key focus area for organisations operating in every sector of the economy. This creates a pressing need to adopt Linux desktops in the enterprise, as research clearly shows a growing number of data scientists and developers prefer operating systems like Ubuntu.

Spot Security: Detect, prioritize, and take action against threats

While many cloud security professionals spend their time remediating vulnerabilities as they appear, analyzing risks early and often can help them more efficiently strengthen their organization’s security posture. Yet doing so requires the right tools in place to detect, prioritize, and respond to current and potential threats to the cloud environment.

Why using the "one Docker image to rule them all" is probably a terrible idea.

Dan's last tutorial "Learn how to make the LAST Docker image you'll ever need" was a very successful April Fools joke. Perhaps too successful. In this video Dan does the tutorial in reverse and explains exactly why "one Docker image to rule them all" is probably a terrible idea.

Building Bitbucket Cloud for enhanced security, compliance, and scale

With support for Bitbucket Server ending in February 2024, we're seeing more and more of our enterprise customers moving their code to the cloud. To enable a smooth migration to cloud for our Bitbucket Server and Data Center customers and to enable our existing cloud customers to scale, we are continuing to build features around security, compliance, and scale in Bitbucket Cloud.

Canonical releases Landscape 23.03, delivering simplified licensing through Ubuntu Pro

April 4th, 2023, London, UK: Canonical announced the release of Landscape 23.03 with broader CPU architecture compatibility, and improved management and monitoring capabilities for Ubuntu. Landscape 23.03 manages all Ubuntu versions and derivatives from Ubuntu 16.04 LTS onwards, in addition to Debian Bullseye. Launching and configuring Landscape is faster and simpler than ever before.

Managed vs. Unmanaged Disks in Azure

Microsoft Azure is a leading cloud computing platform offering a wide range of services to cater to the needs of businesses across various domains. One of the popular services is Azure Storage, which allows organizations to store, access, and manage their data in a secure and scalable manner. When it comes to deploying virtual machines (VMs) in Azure, organizations need to make a critical decision between Managed and Unmanaged Disks.

VMware Tanzu Application Platform 1.5 Offers Faster, More Secure Paths to Production

VMware Tanzu Application Platform is a single, end-to-end integrated platform solution that enables companies to build and deploy more software, more quickly and securely, through a rich set of developer tooling and pre-paved, customizable “golden paths” to production—all on any public cloud or on-premises Kubernetes cluster.

Business Agility Depends on Fast, Predictable App Delivery

Despite turbulent economic times, IT budgets are staying flat or growing, with investment priorities focused on increasing operational efficiency and profitability, according to the latest State of the CIO survey. Enterprises are looking to optimize their existing IT infrastructures and do more with what they have to free up resources—including talent and funding—for innovation projects.

VMware Tanzu Application Service 4.0 Improves DevEx with Dev Portal and Enhances Platform Engineering

VMware Tanzu Application Service is a mission-critical platform that enables enterprises to deliver their applications faster with a secure path to production. Additionally, the platform can allow for improved engineering efficiency by offering a highly-automated, intrinsically secure, and resilient application runtime. Today, we are pre-announcing the release of VMware Tanzu Application Service 4.0!

De-risk Your Data Center Consolidation or Cloud Migration Plan

Consolidating or exiting your data center is a complex and high-stakes initiative. Despite the many benefits of moving to the cloud, lifting and shifting workloads without a clear understanding of dependencies between workloads or without addressing underlying technical debt or security vulnerabilities can result in bigger, more expensive problems in the long term.

Create a service catalog that grows with you

When your incident response process is centered around a service catalog, responders are able to more quickly pinpoint the service or functionality that’s down, bring in the team or experts, and then get to solving the problem faster. Saving even a few minutes can have a big impact on decreasing the costs around incidents and outages, so having up-to-date service details at your fingertips can make all the difference.

The Ultimate Guide to Onboarding New Work-From-Home Employees

Does it not strike you as strange that even after the world has coped with the COVID crisis, work from home did not end? We shall not examine the reasons behind the continuation of work-from-home culture. However, it is important to be cognizant of the fact that work-from-home is here to stay, and organizations need to adapt to it quickly. One of the major concerns for organizations today is onboarding new work-from-home employees.

Cloud Atlas, Episode 1: The Cloud Gathers

Just about everything you interact with digitally is enabled by the cloud. Whether you’re doom-scrolling on Instagram, binge-watching on Netflix, ride-hailing on Uber, or downloading super-cool cloud podcasts (hint, hint) on Spotify, you’re using the cloud. But most people don’t have any idea what the cloud is, where it came from, or what we, as a species, spend on it.

Cloud Atlas, Episode 3: The Big Bang

An easy way to understand what the early cloud did is to think of it like a public utility. The same way buildings depend on a common set of utilities — gas, electricity, and water — software projects depend on a common set of services: compute, storage, and database. “Compute” refers to the power it takes to run the software.

What is log management in DevOps?

DevOps teams are used to working with data that is spread out across lots of different systems and environments. In organizations that have achieved tight collaboration with security teams to transition to DevSecOps, this is even more true! Log management is part of how all these teams keep track of information and make vital business decisions. It’s important to take a moment to understand what is meant by log management.

Why Network Automation Is an I&O Imperative

While network automation tools can help infrastructure and operations (I&O) teams improve their agility, lower their costs, and reduce the risk of manual errors, network management stubbornly remains a largely manual process. According to a recent Gartner report, less than 35% of enterprise network activities are automated today, forcing enterprises to run largely using a ClickOps model.

MSP Automation: Transform & Scale your MSP Business

MSP Automation was the main focus of our recent webinar, which covered how Managed Service Providers can transform the scalability of their businesses by removing the headaches of manual request processing. The webinar was widely attended by enterprise IT staff too , particularly those with an ethos of delivering an experience (rather than a service level). The same principles apply, so here’s an overview of what was covered during the session.

Chaos Engineering Tools: Myth vs Fact

With so many Chaos Engineering tools available, it’s no surprise that SRE and platform leaders are doing their homework when choosing a platform to help them build and scale their Chaos Engineering programs. But like anything else you can research on the internet, there’s a lot of noise and hype that you need to wade through. Gremlin works with Reliability Engineering teams at hundreds of companies with the most sensitive workloads—and has since 2016.

MetricFire - Dashboards Tutorial

In this video, we explore MetricFire’s powerful dashboarding platform. Discover how to customize your dashboard to view the metrics that matter most to your business. With a variety of visualization options and an intuitive interface, creating and editing charts, tables, and graphs has never been easier. Share your dashboard with your team and keep everyone on the same page. Join MetricFire and start tracking your business metrics today.

Squadcast + HaloPSA Integration: Enabling Streamlined Incident Response & Alerting

HaloPSA is a modern and intuitive all-in-one professional services automation (PSA) solution, designed for service providers. HaloPSA’s cloud platform helps you manage your entire business, modernize customer experience and automate your service. If you use HaloPSA for PSA requirements, you can integrate it with Squadcast, an end-to-end Incident Response and Reliability Workflow platform, to route detailed alerts from HaloPSA to the right users in Squadcast.

Introduction to Azure Storage Service Encryption

Microsoft Azure is a leading cloud service provider that offers a wide range of storage solutions. One of its essential features is the Azure Storage Service Encryption (SSE) which helps organizations protect their data at rest. This article will dive deep into the world of Azure Storage Service Encryption, discussing various encryption types, their applications, and best practices for implementing encryption in your Azure storage accounts.

Developer environments should be cattle, not pets

Cattle, not pets is a DevOps phrase referring to servers that are disposable and automatically replaced (cattle) as opposed to indispensable and manually managed (pets). Local development environments should be treated the same way, and your tooling should make that as easy as possible. Here, I’ll walk through an example from one of my first projects at incident.io, where I reset my local environment a few times to keep us moving quickly.

5 Tools for Managing a Network from a Remote Location

If you’re responsible for overseeing a network infrastructure, but you’re not always on-site to complete tasks and tackle issues in person, you need the right tools to empower you in your admin efforts. There’s a diverse array of resources out there which will enhance your network management capabilities, even when you’re working remotely. Here are just a few examples of must-have apps for you and your team in this context.

5 Essential Things Every FinOps Team Needs

Every time your company onboards a new client or releases a new product, your cloud bill will grow. In fact, it doesn’t take a large event at all to see a spike. Whenever your company changes direction even slightly, it can affect the bottom line. Add to that factors such as economic inflation and increased demand for high-speed, high-power cloud services, and it may seem like each month’s cloud bill is higher than it was before. If that’s the case for you, you’re not alone.

Platform Engineering 101: Origins, Goals, DevOps vs SRE & Best Practices

Platform engineering is the practice of automating infrastructure operations and enabling self-service infrastructure capabilities within collaborative Dev, Ops and QA teams. It involves designing and building platforms, technologies and workflows that enable self-service capabilities to automatically manage, provision and operate complex modern software architecture environments.

New DKP Gov Kubernetes Management Platform Sets the Government Standard

D2iQ is excited to announce the introduction of DKP Gov, a new solution optimized for the government sector. DKP Gov addresses the needs of government military and civilian agencies that are under continual pressure to innovate and adopt new technologies to keep pace with technology advances and gain strategic and tactical advantages.

Harnessing the Power of AZCopy with Azure Storage

In today’s data-driven world, the ability to efficiently and effectively manage vast amounts of data is crucial. As businesses increasingly rely on cloud services to store and manage their data, tools that can streamline data transfer processes become indispensable. AZCopy is one such powerful tool that, when combined with Azure Storage, can greatly simplify data management tasks while maintaining optimal performance.

Azure Resource Monitoring: The key method for Holistic Monitoring

When your organization has started to adopt Azure, the continuously increasing number of Azure resources throughout all your Development, Test, and Production subscriptions make it hard to keep on top of the health of all those resources. So, it is important to have proactive Azure resource monitoring to know when something unexpected happens.

Scaling DevOps: 6 Tips for Starting Out + 4 Pitfalls to Avoid

Growth is universally considered a good thing for businesses. Do more work, make more money, get your products and services to more people. But you’ve got to make sure your IT tools and processes can keep up. For organizations experiencing change, scaling DevOps is one of the most important factors to consider in sustaining that growth. In this blog, we’ll share some of the most salient criteria, use cases, and considerations for scaling DevOps in your organization.

Making Kubernetes Dev-Friendly with Komodor & Okteto

Kubernetes has become the software world’s infrastructure, leading to significant changes in application architecture and packaging. Despite the introduction of new technologies and practices, they have not kept pace with the rapid growth of the K8s ecosystem. As a result, developers who once solely focused on coding are now spending hours on operations, leading to a longer feedback loop during development. They’re expected to have an understanding of Kubernetes in order to do their jobs, causing a significant drop in productivity and leading to a poor dev experience.

Anomaly Detection Using OSquery and Grafana

Detecting unauthorized usage and malicious applications in an instance involves analyzing OS and application logs. Doing this manually is a herculean effort because of the number of logs and the patterns one has to look for. Having a tool that can provide an aggregated view of your instance and the ability to analyze them easily can greatly reduce manual effort.