
Helsinki, Finland
  |  By John Kennedy
Your database is more powerful than you think. Learn how built-in vector capabilities can power your GenAI applications and save you from the hassle of adopting a new database. The heart of Generative AI (GenAI) workloads rely on the ability of computers to categorize and understand the world's data (images, sounds, text) as numerical representations called vectors. This is achieved through a process called "embedding," where a model translates the data into vectors.
  |  By Nick Rycar
Aiven offers managed Valkey, an open source NoSQL database compatible with legacy OSS Redis* perfect for caching, message queues, and more. Today ‍Aiven is launching Aiven for Valkey to give customers a fully open source Redis alternative. Aiven for Caching will remain available to existing customers, but due to recent Redis licensing changes, it will remain on Redis 7.2.4. Valkey is a fork of OSS Redis, version 7.2.5, maintained by the Linux Foundation and is fully backwards compatible with Redis.
  |  By Hoang Minh Vo
Aiven offers two powerful in-memory data stores - Aiven for Dragonfly and Aiven for Caching. In this post we help you make the optimal choice for your project. Speed is essential in the world of data access. When milliseconds matter, choosing the right in-memory data store can make or break your application's performance. This article delves into a head-to-head comparison of two prominent contenders that Aiven offers: Aiven for Dragonfly and Aiven for Caching.
  |  By Josep Prat
Discover the two simple steps you can take to secure your open source dependency chain. Open-source software (OSS) has become the backbone of modern software development, empowering developers with a vast ecosystem of freely available libraries, frameworks and tools. However, as the old saying goes, ‘there's no such thing as a free lunch’, and the over reliance on OS components introduces significant security risks that can compromise the entire software supply chain.
  |  By Oded Valin
Increase database performance by 10x with an expert, AI-driven, professional available 24/7. An efficient data infrastructure is a vital component in building & operating scalable and performant applications that are widely adopted, satisfy customers, and ultimately, drive business growth. Unfortunately, the speed of new feature delivery coupled with a lack of database optimization knowledge is exposing organizations to high risk performance issues.
  |  By Michael Coates
Changing regulations are requiring FSIs to increase their resilience and protect their operations and customers against misadventure or attack.
  |  By John Kennedy
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is advancing rapidly. Much quicker than businesses can accommodate, which is leaving enterprises reeling. They’re struggling to keep up and take advantage because they’re an oil tanker in a speed boat race. But neglecting AI isn’t an option either.
  |  By Jeremy Heller
Infrastructure Architects can now easily set up and run Aiven services in their own AWS account with simplified migrations and expanded flexibility. In today’s world, organizations are under pressure to optimize their cloud costs while owning their critical data. While innovation is a priority, finding optimal solutions, and options can be limited when compliance requirements often restrict third parties that can deliver business value from accessing critical business data.
  |  By Felix Wu
Enabling secure and performant multi-tenant analytics for your PostgreSQL® deployments on Aiven's data platform. In the realm of multi-tenant Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) applications, managing a centralized PostgreSQL® database for multiple customers can present challenges in maintaining secure segregation of their data. While a single database offers infrastructure efficiency, it becomes crucial to ensure each organization has isolated access and control over their information.
  |  By Joe Zhou
Discover the power of Dragonfly: Scalability, resilience, and real-time messaging. Uncover the benefits of this cutting-edge in-memory data store solution now! Dragonfly is a performant and memory-efficient drop-in replacement for Redis®, utilizing a modern multi-threaded shared-nothing architecture. That’s it! In essence, we have already captured the ambitious mission of Dragonfly.
  |  By Aiven
Utilizing the true potential of data streaming is key to business success. In this Data (R)evolution episode, we're joined by Josep Prat and Filip Yonov to dive into the transformative features of Apache Kafka and its evolving role in data architecture. They discuss the critical importance of collaboration and feedback in enhancing Kafka's capabilities, the future of "lake house" technology, exciting updates from the Open Source Program Office (OSPO), and the importance of Kafka's readiness to support evolving data formats—making it a backbone for modern data ecosystems.
  |  By Aiven
Adopting cloud technology to gain velocity and agility in the marketplace allows companies to focus on what matters most. However, this transition isn't without its risks. In this episode of Data (R)evolution, hosts Janki Patel Westenberg and Francesco Tisiot are joined by Dave Li, former Senior Software Engineer at Helthjem, and Oded Valin, Co-Founder & CEO at EverSQL, to discuss the application of AI in database management, the importance of expertise in cloud adoption, and the need for streamlined tools in an increasingly data-driven world.
  |  By Aiven
In a world that's increasingly dependent on digital ecosystems, how do you ensure that your platform stands up to the demands of security and compliance?
  |  By Aiven
Having a slow PostgreSQL or MySQL? Check out how you can get a holistic view of your database workloads and AI-driven optimization suggestions for indexes and SQL rewrites.
  |  By Aiven
In the world of software development, caching is a crucial yet complex component. What happens when one of the most popular caching systems, Redis, changes its license, sending shockwaves through the community? And how does a company pivot to not one but two solutions to ensure high-performance data management? Today's discussion dives deep into one of the most critical and often-overlooked components of the software industry—caching.
  |  By Aiven
Imagine a world where databases not only store vast amounts of data but autonomously optimize themselves, predict future trends, and seamlessly integrate with AI. In this Data (R)evolution episode, we share a fascinating conversation with Soumya Bijjal, the VP of Product at Aiven, and John Joseph Kennedy, the Head of Databases at Aiven, about the future of AI, databases, and data platforms. They dissect the current AI landscape, the challenges companies face, and the transformative potential of integrating AI with data systems.
  |  By Aiven
Aiven AI Database Optimizer: Troubleshoot PostgreSQL and MySQL database performance issues within seconds, get instant optimization recommendations, and reduce your databases cost. Powered by EverSQL by Aiven.
  |  By Aiven
In this workshop we’ll work together to generate embeddings for podcast transcriptions and load that data into OpenSearch. Then we’ll search the documents using similarity search and use those results to improve our responses from an LLM (Large Language Model). Along the way we’ll explain the Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) pattern and show how it’s possible to try different LLMs without having to completely rewrite your code.
  |  By Aiven
In this session, we will show how to leverage Aiven for Dragonfly and Aiven for AI. First, we’ll discuss how to increase your throughput and reduce memory usage by 25% compared to open-source Redis. Then explore scalability, efficiency, and advanced capabilities ideal for caching, gaming leaderboards, messaging, AI applications, and more. After that, we’ll jump into Aiven’s latest AI use cases and cover.
  |  By Aiven
Jamie Arlen explores some of the guidance he gave over 5000 days ago to see if it still tracks. Jamie is the CISO of Aiven. He brings over 30 years of tech security experience to the conversation and provides a wealth of guidance to security team members future CISOs and tech-security-aware professionals. The following is a talk given at the Open Source Data Infrastructure Meetup in Toronto recorded 22 May 2024.

Aiven provides managed open source data technologies on all major clouds.

With Aiven, developers can do what they do best: create applications. Meanwhile, we do what we do best; manage cloud data infrastructure. We enable customers to drive business results from open source that trigger true transformations.

Currently, we offer Apache Kafka, Apache Cassandra, PostgreSQL, MySQL, OpenSearch, Redis, InfluxDB, Grafana, and M3 in more than 90 regions around the world on AWS, GCP, Microsoft Azure, DigitalOcean, and UpCloud cloud platforms.

Make the most out of open source with Aiven:

  • Focus on development: Developers can do what they do best: create applications. We do what we do best: manage cloud data infrastructure.
  • No vendor lock-in: All solutions are open source. You can also freely move data between clouds or create multi-cloud environments.
  • Predictable pricing: Know exactly how much you’ll be paying and why. We bundle networking, storage and basic support costs together.
  • 99.99% uptime SLA: We are committed to keeping your Aiven software online. If there’s ever an issue, we’ll be there to fix it.

Freedom to build awesome applications.