
San Francisco, CA, USA
  |  By Angela Jiang
Session Replay for iOS, Android, and React Native is now in open beta. If you already know what Session Replay is, amazing – click the link and update your SDK to start getting video-like reproductions of where your users are experiencing rage-inducing issues. If you don’t know what I’m talking about, even better. Let me tell you a story.
  |  By Joe Malatesta
As a developer, what should your reaction be when someone says your website is slow to load? As long as you don’t say, “I just let my users deal with it”, you’re already on the right track. Since you’ve chosen to relieve some user suffering, I’m here to help guide you through the process of identifying and fixing those slow loads and performance issues.
  |  By Ben Coe
To create exceptional products, developers need to understand the behavior of backed systems; however, we generally have the most control over the applications we’re deploying (not their dependent infrastructure). With this in mind, we’ve added new Insights to Sentry, providing visibility into common backend building blocks such as Caches, Queues, Queries, and Outbound Requests so you can quickly troubleshoot and debug issues when they occur.
  |  By George Gritsouk
The internet is basically just a bunch of websites calling each other. You make a call to some service, that service calls you back, and then that service goes down and ruins your afternoon. Requests, our latest addition to Insights, is a place to see, understand, track, and improve the behavior of outgoing HTTP requests.
  |  By Ben Peven
The data you need to monitor AI-powered applications differs from other parts of your tech stack. Whether you need to debug an error, improve performance, or better understand costs, the context you need for an app calling a large language model (LLM) is different from an app that isn’t.
  |  By Sasha Blumenfeld
You’re seeing an unusually high number of 429 status codes, but your monitoring solution can’t tell you much beyond that. Typically, that’s when you start searching through logs — while simultaneously sustaining the urge to walk away and hope someone else deals with it. To make sure neither of those happens, we made a new set of debugging workflows aptly named Insights.
  |  By Salma Alam-Naylor
Largest Contentful Paint (LCP) is a Core Web Vital (CWV) metric that marks the point in the page load timeline where the main page content has likely finished loading. To get a good LCP score, the main content on a web page must finish loading in under 2.5 seconds.
  |  By Dan Mindru
Dan Mindru is a Frontend Developer and Designer who is also the co-host of the Morning Maker Show. Dan is currently developing a number of applications including PageUI, Clobbr, and CrontTool. “Hey, can you give me the steps to repro?” This is the message I never want to send but end up sending way too often. And the answer?
  |  By Steven Eubank
As first announced during Sentry Launch Week, we have been working on shipping a major release of our JavaScript SDKs. This update makes getting started with Sentry JavaScript SDKs (even more) straightforward. This release broadens the number of frameworks and libraries where we provide automatic instrumentation, meaning you can access telemetry data in Sentry on day one, without configuration.
  |  By Salma Alam-Naylor
Google Lighthouse has been one of the most effective ways to gamify and promote web page performance among developers. Using Lighthouse, we can assess web pages based on overall performance, accessibility, SEO, and what Google considers “best practices”, all with the click of a button. We might use these tests to evaluate out-of-the-box performance for front-end frameworks or to celebrate performance improvements gained by some diligent refactoring.
  |  By Sentry
Learn how to get started with Sentry for your Node.js app. In this workshop we’ll walk through the basics of setting up Sentry with a demo Node.js app. Using a demo Node.js app we’ll show how to set up Sentry in minutes and share a few examples of the rich debugging context you can see in Sentry.
  |  By Sentry
Sentry LLM Monitoring (currently in beta), helps you track the cost and performance of your AI applications calling LLM providers like OpenAI and Anthropic. Debug issues fast by tracing the sequence of spans related to LLM inputs and outputs, and viewing user prompts, model version, and the line of code prior to an error.
  |  By Sentry
How we fixed a slowdown in our ‘Slack Extensions' API in under 2 minutes with Sentry’s Tracing.
  |  By Sentry
How @JoshFerge, an engineer at Sentry, debugged 60,000 failed requests with Metrics and Requests Insights — silencing alerts and eliminating those 404s in less than an hour.
  |  By Sentry
Join us for a discussion with contributors, founders and CEOs of organizations like Laravel, Node.js, Prisma, and Supabase. Join us as these experts chat through the latest trends, technologies, and what’s next for backend development. Hear how they navigate challenges, listen to their community, and leverage cutting-edge tools to innovate fast.
  |  By Sentry
Join Sentry engineer Yagiz Nizipli as he shares how he uses Sentry to fix Sentry. In this session, he’ll demo how he identified and optimized critical pipeline tasks, saving $160,000 per year. The improvements he made, including caching, improving traffic distribution, and enabling background threads Throughout the workshop, Yagiz will also share tips and best practices for using Tracing to uncover performance bottlenecks and drive continuous improvement across our own services.
  |  By Sentry
Introducing new Insights for Caches and Queues– so you can finally figure out if your app is using caching correctly, why those cache misses are killing your latency, and see how queues are impacting your app's performance (while ensuring your background jobs aren’t being sent to /dev/null).
  |  By Sentry
See which APIs you’re making requests to, how often, and the various interesting ways those requests are probably breaking.
  |  By Sentry
Tools like Page Speed Insights and Google Lighthouse are great for providing advice for front end performance issues. But what these tools can’t do, is evaluate performance across your entire stack of distributed services and applications. This is why you need tracing.

Open-source error tracking that helps developers monitor and fix crashes in real time. Iterate continuously. Boost efficiency. Improve user experience.

Sentry provides open source error tracking that gives you insight into every crash in your stack as it happens, with the details needed to prioritize, identify, reproduce, and fix each issue. Sentry supports all popular languages and platforms, and offers a perspective that enables you to see which errors are doing the most harm to your business and help you understand how issues affect your bottom line.

Find out about exceptions right away. Set up Sentry in minutes with just a few lines of code. Get notifications via email, SMS, or chat as part of an existing workflow when errors occur or resurface.

Quickly find and fix production errors. Triage, reproduce, and resolve errors with max efficiency and visibility. Exception handling with Sentry helps developers build better apps and iterate faster.

See the impact of each release. Integrate error tracking with your commit and deploy workflows. Aggregate events to see where bugs happen, how often, and who's affected before users even notice.

Error tracking built for community. Sentry started as and remains a 100% open-source project, now delivered as a hosted service. Development aligns to security, observability, and production at scale.

Users and logs provide clues. Sentry provides answers.