Operations | Monitoring | ITSM | DevOps | Cloud

April 2022

A practical approach to Active Directory Domain Services, Part 4: AD groups and OUs

Active Directory (AD) objects are rarely managed as standalone entities. In Part 3 of this series, we covered practical exercises for creating and managing two of the most critical AD objects, namely users and computers, after setting up a laboratory AD environment on virtual machines. To manage AD effectively, knowledge and practical experience with AD groups and organization units (OUs) is imperative. In this fourth part of our series, we’ll elaborate on this.

Enlightning: Security For Application Developers

We are going to talk about the best way for developers to up-level security skills so you never get stuck not understanding what a security exception means and using trial error to get something working. We will talk about how to do passwordless logins, Spring authorization server, and key cryptography concepts all devs should know.

Open source solutions that drive logistics sector's digital transformation

As with organisations in many other industries, logistics services are under intense pressure to remain competitive to face severe market disruption. Disruptive innovation has reached this industry, which is currently experiencing strong inflexion points. The logistics sector is being forced to innovate as rapidly and quickly as possible. Therefore, organisations need to stay competitive and drive innovation processes.

15 Best Cloud Computing Tools (Updated 2022)

Cloud computing empowers organizations to access IT resources on-demand, over the internet, and on a pay-per-use basis. Thus, your company does not need to purchase, install, operate, and upgrade hardware for physical data centers. Instead, you can rent resources as needed from cloud service providers such as Amazon Web Services (AWS). For instance, AWS provides compute, storage, database, networking, machine learning, data lake and analytics, security, and IoT resources/services.

Getting Started With Docker Compose and Speedscale CLI

Observability, introspection, logging, and dependency mapping are critical when building APIs. With the advent of microservice architecture, understanding what happens inside your container is vital during development. Speedscale CLI is a container-centric tool that allows you to monitor inbound and outbound traffic. With Speedscale CLI, you can monitor raw requests, latency, encoding, and detected technologies.

The AIOps Journey by NN Bank: Driving Business Performance With Observability in Financial Services

Too often IT sees the impact of issues on infrastructure and eventually determines the causes, but has a hard time figuring out the relationship between them. Most enterprise organizations have some form of monitoring in place but are drowning in data from the systems in use and not getting the visibility they need to understand what is going on.

11 Tips for Using GitLens in VS Code

GitLens is the number one Git extension for VS Code, helping over 14 million developers unlock the power of Git in their favorite editor! Here are 11 expert tips on how to make the most of using GitLens right now! Optimize your Git experience with VS Code today – install GitLens to enjoy better project history visualization and insights! Install GitLens Free!

Implementing access control policies in CI/CD pipelines

Imagine yourself in this situation: You are a motivated and skilled DevOps or DevEx engineer. You have a plan to implement automated, complete CI/CD pipelines. You know how to do it, and you know how the extra productivity and automation will benefit your team and the whole company. But the project is never approved, because of security concerns. Many organizations, especially those in regulated industries, have strict requirements for releasing their software, and rightfully so.

Continuous deployment of a Nest.js application to Heroku

If you have been around for a while in the field of software development, especially web development, then you know how tedious and stressful it has historically been to deploy your source code to a webserver. Most of the time, this was accomplished by uploading it using File Transfer Protocol (FTP). But now we have numerous ways of automating the deployment process. In this tutorial, we will learn how to set up continuous deployment of a Nest.js application to Heroku using CircleCI.

Serverless360 for Azure Integration Solutions

Microsoft Azure is a fantastic platform that allows customers to access many cloud resources that customers can then connect to solve business problems. There is enormous power in the platform, and it’s like having your giant box of Lego bricks, which you can build into any solution. The challenge with a platform in which you can build anything you want is that when your application is built, the platform view makes it difficult to create a way for your non-cloud experts to support the end solution.

Objectively Speaking: Understanding the Power of Objectives

Objectives help monitor different aspects of your services and systems such as latencies, error rates, PRs that are open, the age of a bug, and more. These are examples of things that drift away from what we think is good; which is essentially what an objective is. Objectives help us to define what ‘good’ looks like.

How Do You Measure Technical Debt?

Technical debt is one of the trade-offs today’s software teams make to speed up development, which helps go-to-market time in return. That is mission-critical for most start-ups. Instead of dwelling on implementation details, or trying to cover edge cases that may affect a small fraction of the end-users in an early development stage, agile teams prioritize early and continuous delivery.

Interlink Software: Enterprise AIOps Platform Mobile App

To protect the availability of the services your customers rely on, AIOps adoption is an imperative for large enterprises. Interlink Software’s AIOps platform applies machine learning to automate ITOps; reducing alert noise, performing event correlation, anomaly detection and root cause determination. As the world emerges from the Covid-19 pandemic, organizations are increasingly embracing the flexibility of home and hybrid working.

Monitor Knative for Anthos with Datadog

Developed and released by Google in 2018 with contributions from IBM, VMWare, Red Hat, and other companies, the Knative project is designed to make it as simple as possible to build, deploy, and scale serverless containers across your existing Kubernetes infrastructure. By operating on top of Google Anthos, Knative for Anthos takes this even further by allowing developers to build and deploy applications across any hybrid environments that include both on-prem and cloud-hosted serverless clusters.

Setting up continuous integration with CircleCI and GitHub

Continuous integration (CI) involves the test automation of feature branches before they are merged to the main Git branch in a project. This ensures that a codebase does not get updated with changes that could break something. Continuous delivery (CD), on the other hand, builds upon CI by automating releases of these branches or the main branch. This allows small incremental updates that reach your users faster, in line with Agile software development philosophy.

Best Tips to Get Most out of AWS Load Balancer

AWS ELB (Elastic load balancer) automatically distributes incoming application traffic across multiple targets and virtual appliances in one or more Availability Zones (AZs). That helps you achieve high availability and fault tolerance. In this article, we will share with you some tips that will help you best utilize AWS load balancer. We will also provide insights on the best use cases of ALB and NLB, which are the two most commonly used load balancers.

Troubleshooting in Kubernetes: The Shift-Left Approach

Kubernetes has become the de-facto container management solution of the last decade—and we have no doubt it will stay that way in the upcoming years. It provides a solid abstraction between the infrastructure layer and applications, so that developers can quickly develop, deploy, and operate their applications. Kubernetes is designed as a set of APIs that work together. If you deploy simple applications and make them run, Kubernetes will do it for you.

Embedded Linux project: Yocto or Ubuntu Core? [Part IV]

Welcome to the concluding chapter of this journey assessing Yocto and Ubuntu Core for your embedded Linux project. Among the go-to solutions in the industry and benefiting from wide popularity, Yocto enables developers to build a custom embedded Linux distribution from scratch. With extensive control over every stage of compiling and building the target, Yocto provides extreme flexibility to the expert end-user and kernel engineer.

New Active Directory Integration features in Ubuntu 22.04 (part 1)

On April 21 Ubuntu Desktop 22.04 was released with a lot of new, exciting new features for both consumer and enterprise users. Improved Linux Active Directory (AD) integration is historically one of the most requested functionalities by our corporate users, and with 22.04, we decided to act on the feedback and offer a way to natively manage Ubuntu desktops with the same, familiar tools our clients are already using to manage their Windows estate.

Post-Incident Review | Why It's Important & How It's Done

Curious about the post-incident review process? We give a complete explanation of post-incident reviews and why they are important and discuss best practices. What is a post-incident review? A post-incident review is an evaluation of the incident response process. The goal of the process is to have clear actions to improve the incident response process and to also help prevent further incidents.

Lockless code deploys in Puppet Enterprise & Continuous Delivery for PE

Your Puppet Enterprise (PE) installation’s primary job is to compile catalogs and send them to agents to be enforced. When you deploy code, all catalog compilation stops and waits for the code deploy to complete. This impacts performance in any installation, and the impact escalates with more frequent code deployments. Code deployments usually increase when you use Continuous Delivery for Puppet Enterprise, making the impacts of stopped catalog compilations even more apparent.

Cloud-Native Package Management for the Banking Industry

Software development in the banking and finance industry can make you feel like you’re wearing chains. Regulation, compliance, upfront costs, privacy, legacy systems, fear of cyberattacks, and an “if it ain’t broke” approach can lead to a lack of innovation. Despite these challenges, some technology-forward banks like Capital One, JP Morgan Chase, HSBC, and Wells Fargo have embraced the cloud and introduced DevSecOps and cloud-friendly architectural practices.

Troubleshooting Alerts the Right Way: As a Team

At Netdata, we love two things more than anything else: Our goal is to make troubleshooting and monitoring as seamless as possible with the open-source Agent. This includes giving you pre-configured alerts so that you get notified immediately when a disruption occurs. The Netdata Agent comes with over 250 pre-configured and optimized alerts.

CNCF Live: Power up your machine learning - Automated anomaly detection

Our Analytics & ML lead Andrew Maguire recently had a chance to share our new Anomaly Advisor feature with the wider CNCF community. In his demonstration he did some light chaos engineering (using Gremlin and stress-ng) to generate some real anomalies on his infrastructure and watch how it all played out in the Anomaly Advisor in Netdata Cloud. There were also some great questions and discussion from the audience around ML in general and in the observability space itself.

The 10 Best AWS Cost Monitoring Tools (Updated 2022)

AWS cost monitoring tools enable you to track your resource consumption and costs associated with running operations on the AWS platform. These tools vary in capabilities, but they typically offer customizable reporting, dashboarding, data analytics, built-in automation, and cost alerting.

Break Silos and Foster Collaboration with DevOps

DevOps is a well established discipline. By now, most developers, IT engineers and site reliability engineers (SREs) have heard all about the importance of “breaking down silos” and achieving seamless communication and collaboration across all stakeholders in the continuous integration/continuous delivery (CI/CD) process — which extends from source code development through production environment management and incident response.

CI/CD & DevOps Pipeline Analytics: A Primer

Tracking application-level and infrastructure-level metrics is part of what it takes to deliver software successfully. These metrics provide deep visibility into application environments, allowing teams to home in on performance issues that arise from within applications or infrastructure. What application and infrastructure metrics can’t deliver, however — at least not on their own — is breadth.

Monthly Moo | April 2022

We are well into 2022 and are busy bringing new exciting features to market. Our customers continue to provide input into our product roadmap and many new features are based on this collaborative effort. A big thank you to our valued customers. Throughout the year we will continue to drive innovation and allow our customers, of all sizes, to implement the most advanced AIOps solution in the shortest time possible.

Shipa Product Updates - 1.7.0 Release

We are really excited today to announce the Shipa 1.7.0 Release. Lots of great features and enhancements are packed in the latest release of Shipa. Several features coming from our customers and community, and you can now submit your ideas via the Idea Portal. Let’s take a look at what has been cooking at Shipa and upcoming events that you can catch us at.

Get more from your Jira integration with custom field support

When FireHydrant originally launched our Jira Cloud and Jira Server integrations, we did not support custom fields. This prevented customers who rely on Jira epic ticket types or other custom required fields from getting full value from our Jira integrations. That has changed with the launch of Jira custom field support. We now support the most common type of Jira epic tickets and field-level mapping of Jira custom fields with FireHydrant incident data.

mooving to... Practical Post-Mortems | Thomas Duran, Senior Manager of Productivity, from Panther

Post-mortems are a common practice amongst many organizations, but not everyone knows how to make the most out of an incident. Thomas Duran, Senior Manager of Productivity, from Panther joins us to discuss how to leverage post-mortems to effectively learn from failure.

What is Virtualization & Top 5 Benefits of Virtualization

Virtualization uses software to create an abstract layer over the hardware. By doing this it creates a virtual computer system, known as the virtual machines (VMs). This will allow organizations to run multiple virtual computers, operating systems, and applications on a single physical server How Does Virtualization works: Virtual machine (VM) is a virtual representation of a physical computer.Virtual machines can’t interrelate directly with a physical computer, but.

Automating the deployment of LoopBack applications to Heroku

Before automation became commonly used by software development teams, bottlenecks, repetitive tasks, and human error were rampant. Automation has freed up valuable human resources for organizations while reducing the risk of human error caused by active human brains trying to perform mundane repetitive tasks. Recent strides in the area of continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD) have made it more feasible to automatically deploy updates to software applications.

Deploy application environments on demand with the Quali Torque orb

Most developers care about building the next big thing. Automating your build, test, and release processes allows you to maintain focus on innovating and delivering value to your users. By combining the power of best-in-class CI/CD workflow orchestration with managed environments-as-a-service, developers can stay focused on building what’s next.

VMware Tanzu Application Service Delivers Separate Log Cache

VMware Tanzu Application Service 2.13 unveils an improved Log Cache, which has been separated into its own virtual machine instance for enhanced scaling options. Historically, Log Cache has been colocated on Doppler virtual machine (VM) instances in order to reduce the footprint of foundations. This separation is critical as Log Cache is no longer subject to the formerly imposed Doppler maximum of 40 VM instances and can continue to scale up based on platform and application requirements.

The Case for Owning Your Infrastructure

Early technical decisions can help make or break a product. The effort to make the right decisions can be a great unifier between standout engineers and top notch executives At Cycle we've been obsessing over the nuances of infrastructure automation for years. So far, it's landed us on the G2 grid as a high performer in a category dominated by the goliaths of the cloud world.

A practical approach to Active Directory Domain Services, Part 3: Explore AD with user and computer accounts

How do you begin working with Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS)? If you have read the previous parts of this blog series, you will know that Active Directory (AD) is a vast subject. In this series, we have chosen topics to help familiarize you with theoretical AD concepts and equip you to work with AD. This blog offers practical AD exercises to help you get started. Understanding the life cycle of all AD objects, from creation and modification to deletion, is necessary.

Kubernetes vs Docker : A comprehensive comparison

If you’re new to the world of containers there are two words you would have certainly come across, but might not yet understand the difference between: Kubernetes and Docker. Although Kubernetes and Docker are somewhat different from each other, they also share some similarities. A container is a standard unit of software that packages the code along with the libraries and dependencies so that the application can run quickly, seamlessly and reliably from one environment to another.

What's new for Raspberry Pi with Ubuntu 22.04 LTS?

Ubuntu 22.04 LTS (codename: Jammy Jellyfish) is jam-packed (hey hey!) with new features for everyone’s favourite credit-card sized computer. We’ve put together some of the Raspberry Pi highlights below, but for a full overview of Jammy Jellyfish check out the Ubuntu 22.04 LTS press release and release notes.

We built the "Netlify for backend" that runs on your AWS account!

In 2020, my co-founders and I had this crazy idea of bringing a better Developer Experience on top of AWS. You know, the one that you can easily use with "the promise of the cloud" that any developer can take advantage of and deploy their next successful product in seconds. Somehow, the missing product of AWS 😅. This is where Netlify was an excellent source of inspiration. A nice Developer Experience, where deploying an application is as simple as pushing your code on Git.

Service dependencies help you instantly discover all services impacted by an incident

When an incident happens, most organizations have a way of identifying all affected services. The trouble is, it’s often a human-centered process that depends on the knowledge of key individuals or manually updated documentation. There might be a version in your alerting tool, a version in your corporate Wiki, and a different version still in your team’s head.

Everything You Need to Know About Golang App Testing

Oftentimes, people starting their journey in the field of software development don’t understand the importance of testing, including Golang app testing, until late in their careers. It’s essential to think about testing as an integral part of the software development lifecycle (SDLC) not only in theory but in practice, too. When building cutting-edge software, you need to make sure that the version being upgraded is error-free and that almost all of the failure cases have been considered.

Putting Cloud Cost Optimization On Autopilot

When I co-founded CloudZero, I set out to change the way the world thinks about cloud cost optimization and management. For too long, I had watched cloud cost optimization vendors neglect to help companies build better, more cost-effective software. Instead, everything focused on buying better, by optimizing prices and discounts.

GitOps your WordPress with ArgoCD, Crossplane, and Shipa

WordPress is a popular platform for editing and publishing content for the web. This tutorial will walk you through how to build out a WordPress deployment using Kubernetes, ArgoCD, Crossplane, and Shipa. WordPress consists of two major components: the WordPress PHP server and a database to store user information, posts, and site data. We will define these two components and store them in a Git repository.

CLI Installer

While new cloud native architectures are incredibly feature-rich, they can come with a high barrier to entry. Many getting started tutorials are pages long and can take forever to complete. But these always start with the first step of performing an installation. In the spirit of making the installation of Speedscale as simple as possible, we have designed a new interactive installer as part of the speedctl command line interface.

The Future is Continuous: Integration, Packaging and Delivery - DevOps Institute SKILup Day CI/CD

With the increased focus on software supply chain security, the question arises- what implications does that have for CI/CD processes and DevOps pipelines? Join Dan McKinney, Developer Relations at Cloudsmith for an introduction to Continuous Packaging, and to discuss what it takes to secure build and deployment pipelines at The 2022 DevOps Institute SKILup Day CI/CD.

Collaboratively author retrospectives with our new Google Docs integration

When it comes to learning from incidents, your tools should adapt to the way your organization works. Many of you conduct your retrospectives in rich-text document editing tools, like Google Docs. That’s why we’ve introduced the option to export your retrospectives to Google Docs. Retrospective export to Google Docs can be automated as part of your incident management process with a Runbook step.

Spot Eco offers savings for Azure Enterprise Agreement customers

For organizations across industries and verticals, cost optimization of the cloud is fundamental to long-lasting success in the cloud. With cloud spending at an all-time high, cloud cost optimization is critical to ensuring organizations can financially sustain large-scale, dynamic clouds. Operationalizing cloud optimization, however, has significant challenges even for experienced teams, but ignoring the directive of optimization can lead to even higher cloud spending and wasted resources.

Continuous Availability vs. Continuous Change

All companies are going through some form of cloud adoption - whether cloud migration for the first time, hybrid cloud adoption, or extending cloud-native with newer microservice architecture. But, according to a recent survey by Aptum*, only 39% of companies are completely satisfied with their current rate of digital transformation. Cloud adoption projects create a continuous state of change for engineering teams juggling to keep things up and running while limiting the impact on customers.

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Infrastructure monitoring using kube-prometheus operator

Prometheus has emerged as the de-facto open source standard for monitoring Kubernetes implementations. In this tutorial, Kristijan Mitevski shows how infrastructure monitoring can be done using kube-prometheus operator. The blog also covers how the Prometheus Alertmanager cluster can be used to route alerts to Slack using webhooks. In this tutorial by Squadcast, you will learn how to install and configure infrastructure monitoring for your Kubernetes cluster using the kube-prometheus operator, displaying metrics with Grafana, and configuring alerting with Alertmanager.

Using Containers for Microservices: Benefits and Challenges for your Organization

Using containers for microservices has gained a lot of popularity in the last decade or so. Developing the application through microservices across multiple containers results in the best of both worlds. It provides resilience as well as agility through scaling and improvements. Before we dwell on how containers and microservices form an ideal combination, let’s start with a basic understanding of microservices and containers.

Digital transformation and use cases in logistics

Customer-first culture is a driving force for any organisation’s success in logistics. Having a customer-first mindset means constantly thinking about your customer and your customers’ customers — and all of their employees. To have a good relationship with the customers, listening and understanding them is the key.

How Bitso Empowers Its Devs to Troubleshoot K8s Independently

More often than not, Kubernetes is behaving as it should: fast, agile and scalable. But what happens when K8s misbehaves? Do the responders have the right tools to deal with the situation? Or are they just part of an escalation chain that always leads to the same small group of experts? Meet Bitso, a billion-dollar company and the largest crypto platform in Latin America, which has mastered the shift-left approach and empowered its dev team to troubleshoot K8s independently.

Build custom API integrations with incident.io

We’re building incident.io as the single place you turn to when things go wrong. When an issue is disrupting your business-as-usual, the last thing you want is to start opening ten different tools to diagnose and fix it! As your central incident hub, we need to give you two powers: Workflows cover the former. Workflows are like a mini incident.io Zapier.

5 Cloud Migration Planning Tool Misconceptions

By now, most of us know that migrating workloads to the cloud isn’t like simply moving software from one server to another—especially in a complex enterprise infrastructure with many interdependent services and components. There are a lot of things that can go wrong: technical public cloud provisioning issues, security and compliance challenges, lack of cloud skills, wrong public cloud service provider (CSP) selection, unexpected costs, and more.

Cloud 66 Feature Highlight: Preview Deployments

What are Preview Deployments? Preview Deployments automatically build and deploy a (private) preview version of your application whenever you commit changes to your repo. The preview runs alongside your active application and helps you to quickly test changes to your code without having to deploy to a separate environment. More Info.

Announcing Stronger Istio Support with Istio Mode for VMware Tanzu Service Mesh

Today, Google submitted Istio to be considered as an incubating project with the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF), starting the process of handing off management of the project to the CNCF. In tandem with this announcement, we are introducing Istio Mode for VMware Tanzu Service Mesh, reinforcing our support and commitment to open source Istio.

Synthetic Monitoring for CI/CD Pipelines

For DevOps teams, delivering quality software has long required reconciling a major tension: In a perfect world, you’d catch every issue in each new release of your application before you deployed the release into production. But in the real world, doing so is tricky, not least because it’s hard to collect data about application performance before the application is actually deployed.

Gimlet launches new learning resources to build a developer platform on Civo

Hey Civo users, at Gimlet, we think that best practices in the Kubernetes ecosystem have solidified so much, that they can be packaged into tools, so that you don't have to make nuanced decisions every corner. This is what we have been doing with our CLI tools, and nowdays doing with the Gimlet Dashboard! We have been following Civo for over a year now and see how much the Gimlet team shares the Civo community's spirit.

Automating Flask deployments with PythonAnywhere

Now that development teams know about CI/CD, there is no reason for deployments to become a time-consuming and cumbersome process. CI/CD may start with continuous testing, but adding automated deployments takes your CI/CD practice to the next level. Continuous deployment slashes the time it takes to release so you can spend more time improving the quality of your applications.

How SAP built a Dojo Community of Practice to support a cultural shift to DevOps

by Sam Fell, VP, Product Marketing, Observability, Sumo Logic I love technology, and I’m thrilled to work in a profession where I’m steeped in it! In my career as a developer, consultant and marketeer I've learned it’s not “the cool new tech stack” that helps win the day.
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Your Goals Could Be Holding Your DevOps Teams Back

In the era of Agile, organizations are increasingly moving their IT service management teams toward a DevOps world. There are significant challenges to transforming ITSM to DevOps, but one of the most significant is goal setting. In today's face-paced business environment, it's important to establish the parameters for measuring success and determine which objectives teams need to meet to accomplish business goals.

Use formulas and functions in RUM monitors for high-value alerts

Real User Monitoring (RUM) gives you visibility into the behavior of your users and the performance of your applications. You may already be using RUM monitors to automatically notify your team when the number of RUM events—such as pageviews, clicks, or errors—rises above a threshold you define.

Ubuntu 22.04 LTS - what's new for the world's most popular Linux desktop?

Ubuntu 22.04 LTS brings more of everything you love about Ubuntu Desktop. More features and customisation options, more performance and power efficiency and more ways to integrate with your existing enterprise management tools. Combined with our LTS commitment of five years of updates and security patching, we’re confident that this latest version of the Linux Desktop delivers everything needed to empower developers and creators in 2022 and beyond.

US Public Sector regulatory compliance with Ubuntu Pro and AWS GovCloud

AWS Federal government organisations that either collect, store, share, transfer, or process sensitive data, as well as all federal agencies, their contractors, and service providers, are required to operate in high-security environments to ensure the safety of sensitive data such as Personally Identifiable Information or confidential information.

The evolution of Puppet community

Many of you know me from my various community-facing roles during my tenure at Puppet. I'm now taking on some new challenges as our Community and Developer Relations Lead and I'm thrilled about it. I'm definitely not the first to say this, but Puppet's community is truly incredible. The level of engagement, commitment, and collaboration never ceases to astound me. When someone new shows up in our Slack, there's always a helpful suggestion or a link to docs or a Forge module that helps solve a problem.

Hiring A FinOps Specialist? Here's The Perfect Job Description

While Financial Operations (FinOps) isn’t a new concept, it is becoming more prevalent in companies that have started seeing increases in their cloud spend. Historically, when engineers needed to set up infrastructure to complete a project, they had to go through a long process of procuring servers, finding space in a data center, and getting financial approval. This process could take two months or more, so it allowed plenty of time for oversight by the financial department.

Data Center Automation: A How-To Guide with Real-World Examples

Data center automation is expected to rapidly change the data center industry. Look at any data center industry publication, website, or event and there will be plenty of content predicting what data center automation is going to look like. Data center professionals are curious on how automation is going to change their jobs and data center management. The truth is that we already know.

SRE vs DevOps: What's The Difference?

Whether you’ve heard of or fully jumped on the DevOps or SRE bandwagon, you may have also wondered how the two relate. What’s the difference? Are they really just different ways of looking at the same problem? The term DevOps hit the market first, but SRE wasn’t too far behind. And though they have different origin stories, they both focus on autonomy, automation, and iteration. So why do these paradigms exist? And why do we need both? Let’s look at this further.

Be on top of Azure Service Bus issues with proactive monitoring

Gone are days of large applications having tens of servers to deal with gigabytes of data, when seconds of response time and hours of offline maintenance were acceptable. Modern applications are deployed on everything running thousands of multi-core processors; end-users expect millisecond response times and 100% uptime. Need not mention the applications work with Data in Petabytes.

Improving Reliability With OKR Initiatives

‘OKR’, which stands for ‘Objectives and Key Results,’ is a goal management framework designed to define goals and track outcomes. It differs from typical goal-setting techniques because the aim is to set very ambitious goals that encourage teams to flex their creativity. OKRs are used by Google, LinkedIn, Twitter, and other successful companies to create measurable goals, and to make sure team members are aligned and engaged.

Five Things a Secure Access Service Edge Plan Should Include

As many organizations are now making the move to the long-term Work From Anywhere environment, forward-thinking I&O leaders are contemplating the move to a SASE architecture. While SASE promises to revolutionize network and security management and operations, we understand that for many IT leaders faced with mounting pressure on time, resources and skills, it can be a struggle to research SASE requirements and introduce the ideal SASE architecture.

Explore a centralized view into service telemetry, Error Tracking, SLOs, and more

When your service is undergoing performance issues, it is essential to address them in a timely and frictionless manner. With access to more telemetry and insights, the APM Service Page provides a comprehensive overview of your service and helps you quickly drill down under the hood to diagnose and investigate issues.

A Guide To Continuous Integration

Before continuous integration was invented, developers had to work on code separately before merging it into the end product. This technique had a high chance of error. If something was left out, it took time to determine the problem. Furthermore, communication between team members became difficult as the project grew. The larger the project, the more developers, engineers, and project owners were supposed to be faithful to each other’s schedules.


Containers are great for developers, but containers are also an excellent way to create reproducible, secure, and portable applications. Applications can be deployed reliably and migrated to multiple computing environments quickly using containers. It could be the developer's laptop to the testing environment or staging to the production environment. To use Dockers, Kubernetes, etc., it has been necessary to build containers.

Bug Hunting and improvements week - what we improve on Qovery

During the past two weeks, our Frontend and Backend teams were busy bees 🐝 with a particular sprint dedicated to bug hunting �� and improvements! Yes, both of the two weeks sprints were dedicated to bugs and improvements ONLY: tracking them, then solving them; gotta catch ‘em all 🚀

Customer centricity - the digital transformation driver in the logistics sector

It was clear that reality had begun to shift, and that what once would have been horrifying — the outpouring of rage against a backdrop of constant, low-grade mistrust — had become the new normal. This is how the author of the New York Times described the stories of the irate customer behaviour that started showing in the time of pandemic.

What is MongoDB and why use it for modern web applications?

Organisations of different scales and forms want to harness the power of data to identify new business opportunities and improve current business operations. Organisations that use data effectively can hold a potential advantage – the ability to make faster and more informed business decisions. However, working with data can be a long-standing problem for businesses and functions, especially in data management and software development.

How to Keep DevOps in Sync with Business Needs

If you’re an engineer, it’s probably easy enough to appreciate the technical value of DevOps. DevOps makes software delivery faster, increases agility, improves collaboration and more. That being said, this is likely not the case for business professionals. They don’t always see the value of DevOps as clearly from their perspective. After all, even if you adopt the best DevOps tools and design optimal DevOps processes, there’s no guarantee that DevOps will drive business value.

Canonical Ubuntu 22.04 LTS is released

London, 21 April 2022. Canonical Ubuntu 22.04 LTS is now generally available, featuring significant leaps forward in cloud confidential computing, real-time kernel for industrial applications, and enterprise Active Directory, PCI-DSS, HIPAA, FIPS and FedRAMP compliance – raising the bar for open source from cloud to edge, IoT and workstations.

SRE: From Theory to Practice | What's difficult about on-call?

We launched the first episode of a webinar series to tackle one of the major challenges facing organizations: on-call. SRE: From Theory to Practice - What’s difficult about on-call sees Blameless engineers Kurt Andersen and Matt Davis joined by Yvonne Lam, staff software engineer at Kong, and Charles Cary, CEO of Shoreline, for a fireside chat about everything on-call. As software becomes more ubiquitous and necessary in our lives, our standards for reliability grow alongside it.

Why is Kubernetes Difficult? - Solve All My Problems K8s!

Another post inspired by our weekly internal enablement office hours [should we open this up to the public?] and a few conversations at DevOps Days Atlanta, talking about the experience with Kubernetes can reverberate some sighs. Though in our weekly enablement office hours, the blunt question was asked “well why is Kubernetes so difficult?”. Industry thought leaders would state that Kubernetes is a platform to build other platforms.

How to Write a Custom Terraform Provider Automatically With OpenAPI

So you’ve just been tasked with creating a Terraform Provider (or maybe upgrading an existing one). As you do your research to prepare for the project, you slowly begin to realize, “well this looks like I’ll just be developing a Terraform specific wrapper for a client of my API.” It’s not particularly difficult, but it seems tedious. Is there a better way to build this? Maybe something that can be modular and automated? A way that’s actually stimulating to implement?

Why Use Storage as a Service

Most businesses are moving towards Storage as a Service for their data storage needs, and for good reasons. Storage as a Service (STaaS) is not synonymous with cloud storage, although cloud storage can be part of the model. STaas refers to outsourcing your data storage needs to a third party. You can choose to have the infrastructure on your premises and manage it using your existing IT personnel and resources or have the third-party vendor handle everything offsite. Regardless of your choice, Storage as a Service comes with numerous advantages for your business. Here are a few reasons you should consider STaaS if you haven't yet.

Cloud computing is set for a massive spending boost in 2022

Businesses’ growing desire for more and more public cloud services is showing no signs of slowing down, according to the latest figures from Gartner. The analyst house predicted global public cloud spending will rise 20.4% in 2022 to a total of $494.7 billion, up from $410.9 billion in 2021. In 2023, Gartner predicts end-user spending on public cloud computing will reach nearly $600 billion.

Troubleshoot directly from any replay with Browser Dev Tools

Session Replay now includes Browser Dev Tools, a new feature that enables engineers to identify and debug the root causes of issues even faster by exposing key information about a playback session, such as network performance bottlenecks and any console log errors. This wealth of surrounding context will make it easier to trace frontend incidents throughout your application and remediate larger, ongoing issues.

The next-gen open source financial services cloud

The financial services industry has evolved at an astonishing rate in recent years, underpinned by rapid advances in technology. Financial institutions (FIs) are digitising their customer journeys and scaling-up transformation. Cloud is a catalyst for enterprise business transformation and is a focus for C-suite executives and board members of financial services organisations.

Multi-Cloud Trends In The Banking And Finance Sector

Organisations in the banking, insurance, and financial services sectors have been slower than others in moving to the cloud due to concerns over security, data residency, and privacy. For more traditional financial institutions, there is also the not insignificant consideration that their core banking systems are running on decades old on-prem architecture that is just not possible to shift to the public cloud. Nevertheless, adoption of the cloud in banking and finance is happening.

Monitoring vs. Observability: What's The Role of Each For DevOps?

DevOps: Development and Operations joined together in perfect harmony, one feeding the other and vice-versa. That's the dream. But it's easy for the link between the two to be broken. 'Dev' stops talking to 'Ops,' or Ops falls out with Dev, often because of a lack of understanding of each other's goals. That's where Monitoring and Observability come in. They're like the mediators whose job is to make sure the two main players in DevOps keep that metaphorical dialogue open.

New StackPod Episode: OpenTelemetry - the Future of Observability?

OpenTelemetry has been getting a lot of attention in the observability field. Moreover, in StackState’s latest release, we added support for OpenTelemetry traces. Melcom van Eeden, software developer at StackState, was one of our developer champions who made this possible. In addition to joining us on this episode of StackPod, he wrote a blog post on how to leverage OpenTelemetry with StackState and he recorded a tutorial video about the topic.

How to Speed Up Amazon ECS Container Deployments

Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS) is a fully managed container orchestration service that makes it easy for you to deploy, manage and scale containerized applications. Although ECS is a managed service and hides many complexities under the hood, there have been many cases where startups have not been able to take full advantage of ECS due to slow deployments. In this article, we will share some tips to improve deployment speed on ECS. We will try to cover both EC2 tasks and Fargate tasks.

Try Kubernetes 1.24 release candidate with MicroK8s

The latest Kubernetes release, 1.24, is about to be made generally available. Today, the community announced the availability of the 1.24 release candidate. Developers, DevOps and other cloud and open source enthusiasts who want to experiment with the latest cutting edge K8s features can already do so easily with MicroK8s.

SRE Adoption | A 2-Year Retrospective (From A Business Point-Of-View)

This month I hit my 2-year anniversary with Blameless and as our industry progresses and matures, I thought it would be a good opportunity to look back and review how far we have come and also ruminate on where we’re headed. Our shared vision at Blameless is to help engineering teams adopt reliability practices with ease and advance to a resilient culture.

Functional vs non-functional software testing

When you think of software testing, what comes up first? For many developers, unit tests and integration tests are often top of mind. Both software testing methods are vital to writing and maintaining a high-quality production codebase. But they are not sufficient on their own. Your team’s testing practice should assess the entire application, observe the larger story of how it operates when functioning correctly, and raise alarms when deviations are found.

2bcloud Architects Housetable's Secure AWS Environment, Providing Compliance & ML Functionality

Housetable uses AI and Data Science to predict what customer’s homes will be worth after renovation, to support users in securing financing that takes into account the real value of their property. With its AI-powered renovation intelligence, customers can enjoy a 100% digital experience with quick application via mobile app, dynamic approvals, and integrated payments both from banks and directly to contractors.

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The State of Incidents and Site Reliability: Q&A with Blameless SRE Architect Kurt Andersen

In the latest of an occasional series, today we hear from Kurt Andersen, SRE Architect at Blameless, discussing the evolution of incident management, current trends in site reliability affecting engineering teams, as well as an update on how Blameless is addressing the needs of SRE and DevOps.

What is HPC? An introduction to High-Performance Computing

High-Performance Computing, or HPC, is the procedure of combining computational resources together as a single resource. The combined resources are often referred to as a supercomputer or a compute cluster. The reason this is done is to make it possible to deliver computational intensity and the ability to process complex computational workloads and applications at high speeds and in parallel. Those workloads require computing power and performance that is often beyond the capabilities of a typical desktop computer or a workstation.

Survey: Complexity and Costs Threaten Health of Strong DevOps Pulse

Oh how quickly the times change. Over the past 5 years, as Logz.io has executed its annual DevOps Pulse Survey and created the accompanying report, the state of “modern” cloud engineering and monitoring practices have advanced at a torrid pace. As a result, so has the project itself. Back in 2017 when we started polling the industry and collecting data, we sought to validate the usefulness of DevOps itself.

System Center 2022 Release

Microsoft announced the release of System Center 2022 on 1st April. The updated Microsoft System Center Orchestrator product information can be found here. The release brings significant improvements to the System Center suite, including an important update to Orchestrator, which is now a 64-bit application. This new functionality enables Orchestrator to work seamlessly with 64-bit PowerShell within code activities, a revision that has been sort-after by the user base.

What is Microsoft's New Operator Connect Accelerator?

One of the great things about being in the telecom industry is the constant innovation that occurs. For example, Microsoft just announced an exciting new offering for telecom service providers, Operator Connect Accelerator, aimed at helping them get the most out of their Teams investments. Operator Connect is Microsoft’s managed service for connecting Teams and telephony services.

The Results Are In: Platform.sh Drives Both Significant IT/DevOps Efficiency and Meaningful Cost Savings

We built Platform.sh because we knew there had to be a better way for businesses to build, run, and scale a full fleet of websites and web apps at scale. After all, until we brought our solution to market, many businesses had to construct a patchwork of different vendors, technologies, platforms, and solutions to bring their digital experiences to life. But there was no guarantee that all of those different component parts would always “play nicely in the sandbox” together.

Testing Python: Understanding Doctest and Unittest

Testing is crucial in the software development phase. It helps ensure easy debugging, agile code, and enhanced reusability. Performing tests that cover all use cases helps prevent a codebase from breaking — minimizing exposure to vulnerabilities. Python has two main testing frameworks that developers can use, doctest and unittest.

The State & Future of GitLens

GitLens was developed in 2016 as a lightweight extension that supercharges the capabilities of Git within VS Code. Today, with over 14 million installs and counting, GitLens is the most popular Git extension in the VS Code marketplace and one of the most widely-used extensions overall. Millions of developers are leveraging GitLens to unlock helpful insights about their project history in VS Code.

The Five Rs of Application Modernization

Most organizations realize that application modernization is essential in order to thrive in the digital age, but the process of modernizing can be highly complex and difficult to execute. Factors such as rapidly growing application volume, diversity of app styles and architectures, and siloed infrastructure can all contribute to the challenging nature of modernization. To add to this complexity, there are multiple ways to go about modernizing each individual application.

Using Global Namespaces and Zero-Trust Policies with VMware Tanzu Service Mesh

VMware Tanzu Service Mesh delivers a federated Istio service that brings significant value for enterprise customers beyond the core open source project, improving application security, resiliency, and multi-cloud operations.

Podcast: Break Things on Purpose | JJ Tang: People, Process, Culture, Tools

For this episode we’re continuing to “Build Things on Purpose” with JJ Tang, co-founder of Rootly, who joins us to talk about incident response, the tool he’s built, and his many lessons learned from incidents. Rootly is aiming to automate some of the more tedious work around incidents, and keeping that consistency. JJ chats about why he and his co-founder built Rootly, and the problems they’re trying to fix and eliminate when it comes to reliability.

Logic App Best practices, Tips and Tricks: #9 Control your connectors (API connections)

Welcome once again to another Logic App Best practices, Tips, and Tricks. In my previous blog posts, I talked about some of the most essential best practices you should have while working with the Azure Logic App: And some tips and tricks: Today I’m going to speak about another critical Best practice, Tips, and Tricks that you need to implement while administrating your cloud integration resources: Control your connectors (API connections).

Successfully migrate to Azure with the Microsoft Cloud Adoption Framework and Datadog

Migrating your applications from on-prem infrastructure to the cloud comes with a number of benefits, including increased agility, resilience, and scalability, as well as potential cost and IT overhead reductions. But it can be complex, which is why organizations moving to Azure often use Microsoft’s Cloud Adoption Framework for Azure and its strategy for successful migrations.

5 Must-Know Tips For Tracking Cloud Spend In 2022

Businesses both small and large use cloud services to help maintain their data. But managing cloud services — and making sure you stay within your budget — can be a challenge. To maximize your money, you need to focus on one thing: efficiency. If you can be efficient with your time and finances, getting your cloud services up and running will be a breeze.

Stupid Simple Kubernetes: Everything You Need to Know to Start Using Kubernetes

In the era of Microservices, Cloud Computing and Serverless architecture, it’s useful to understand Kubernetes and learn how to use it. However, the official Kubernetes documentation can be hard to decipher, especially for newcomers. In this blog series, I will present a simplified view of Kubernetes and give examples of how to use it for deploying microservices using different cloud providers, including Azure, Amazon, Google Cloud and even IBM.

A modern approach to change management with Bitbucket Cloud and Jira Service Management

One of my teammates calls change management the "eat your vegetables of ITSM." Just like eating veggies is important for getting nutrients and staying healthy, there is good reason to practice change management — the need for coordination between sometimes misaligned teams and regulatory requirements. Of course, we all know getting our greens can be unappetizing. It's not unlike the often bitter process of navigating complex, slow, and bureaucratic change management systems.

Monitor your Redis Enterprise clusters with Datadog

Redis is an in-memory key-value data store that offers fast performance, flexible data structures, and multi-model databases, allowing it to handle a variety of use cases. Redis Enterprise enhances open source Redis with features designed to run distributed applications at scale, such as multi-tenancy, tiered data storage, active-active cluster replication, and support for up to five 9s of availability.

Split projects and users across multiple organizations

As an organization owner, you can grant your key contributors permission to manage all your projects, billing information, or users within your organization. But… What if you are an agency that builds websites on behalf of multiple customers, and you want to invoice your customers directly? What if your company manages multiple business units or departments, all of which have their invoicing and billing requirements or their own contracts with Platform.sh?

How to Measure and Reduce Data Center Energy Consumption

Data center energy consumption is on the rise as the demand for computing power and digital services continues to grow. To reduce data center carbon emissions, many data center managers now have corporate sustainability goals that they must comply with. According to KPMG, 80% of companies now report on their sustainability. The benefits of increasing data center energy efficiency are vast.

The Top 5 Harness.io Alternatives Compared (Updated 2022)

Harness.io is one of the most popular platforms today for automating continuous delivery (CD). The platform enables engineers to rapidly build CD pipelines (Harness Smart Automation), automatically verify code changes to reduce rollbacks (Harness Continuous Verification), and deliver enterprise-grade security (Harness Continuous Security) for teams of all sizes. With Harness Cost Management, you can even optimize your AWS cloud costs.

The key principles that doubled eBay's software delivery productivity ft. Randy Shoup

Rob is joined by Randy Shoup, VP of Engineering at eBay to discuss how to deliver fast, without losing quality. Learn about the value of consistent teams, having a long-term vision, and diligently measuring against key success metrics. Tune in today to find out how your team can increase productivity and move even faster.

Application Service Adapter for VMware Tanzu Application Platform: New Beta Release Now Available

A new beta release of the Application Service Adapter is now available for download. This release has many new exciting features that continue to expand the functionality of the Application Service Adapter in conjunction with the release of VMware Tanzu Application Platform version 1.1.

SAST vs DAST: what they are and when to use them

As digital transformation accelerates and more organizations use software solutions to facilitate work operations, security threats have become more commonplace. Cybercriminals tirelessly develop ways to exploit software application vulnerabilities to target organizational networks. A notable example is the 2017 Equifax data breach, which exposed the personal details of 145 million Americans.

What Is A Site Reliability Engineer And Why You Need One

Site reliability engineering (SRE) does the work that would typically be done by operations but instead uses engineers with software experience to solve problems. The concept of SRE was created by Google in 2003 after a team of software engineers was asked to make Google’s sites more scalable, reliant, and efficient. They described SRE as ‘when you treat operations as if it’s a software problem’.

Serving Files with Puppet - Part 1 - File Resource Source Attribute

The first in a 3 part series, where Adrian Parreiras Horta, Support Engineer at Puppet, takes us through the different methods of serving files with Puppet, and how this impacts the performance of the Puppet ecosystem. Part 1 discusses the different source attributes of the Puppet File resource.

Serving Files with Puppet - Part 2 - Implications and Performance

The second in a three-part series, where Adrian Parreiras Horta, Support Engineer at Puppet, takes us through the different methods of serving files with Puppet, and how this impacts the performance of the Puppet ecosystem. Part 2 discusses the implications on performance for the methods previously discussed

Linux Command Cheat Sheet

As we know that many of our users are system administrators, network and software engineers as well as cloud infrastructure leaders who use Linux primarily, we've created a helpful cheat sheet as a reference guide to help you with understanding the most common Linux commands. Feel free to save the sheet below and share it with any team members that you think would appreciate learning some of the most essential commands for Linux.

Database monitoring - Do's and Don'ts

Enterprises evolve and transform into data-driven businesses, which take valuable insights from the data collected to grow and develop their business. This means that massive chunks of data are collected every second and companies search for ways to process it faster, secure and more accurately. The more data is processed, the smarter is the organisation and the greater potential for data-driven decisions is available.

How to Unit Test with Python

Confidence in the quality, robustness, and reliability of a product are among the most valuable qualities sought after by consumers as well as businesses. This confidence is built through the rigorous testing of a product. In software engineering, practices like extreme programming (XP) and test-driven development (TDD) champion the belief that automated testing should be used from the start of a project.

Chaos Engineering & Autonomous Optimization combined to maximize resilience to failure

Today’s enterprises are struggling to cope with the complexities of their environments, technologies, and applications. On top of these challenges, they face faster release rates, and the need to always deliver the highest level of performance and availability to end-users, at the lowest possible cost.

Managing Burnout | Tips To Minimize The Impact

Burnout is real. Today, the source of burnout can be anything from pandemic fatigue, to the onslaught of political divisiveness, or simply the pace of life worldwide. Whatever the culprit, we’re living in a stressful time. People working in cloud native environments definitely feel burnt out. Silicon Valley investor Marc Andreessen famously said, “Software is eating the world,” and that seems to be quite true. High demand is fueling churn. System and cloud operators feel pressure.

Getting Real About Multi-Cloud DevOps

By now you’ve probably gotten the message – multi-cloud DevOps (or a hybrid on-prem/cloud approach) is the future of development and deployment architectures. The benefits of this approach are pretty clear: future proofing your business, optimizing for performance and availability, avoiding vendor lock-in, leveraging the best tools/elements of each cloud provider, and more.

Accelerate incident investigations with Log Anomaly Detection

Modern DevOps teams that run dynamic, ephemeral environments (e.g., serverless) often struggle to keep up with the ever-increasing volume of logs, making it even more difficult to ensure that engineers can effectively troubleshoot incidents. During an incident, the trial-and-error process of finding and confirming which logs are relevant to your investigation can be time consuming and laborious. This results in employee frustration, degraded performance for customers, and lost revenue.

Why Redundancy Should Be An Important Part Of Your Multi-Cloud Strategy

For many organisations, multi-cloud has become or is becoming inevitable. After all, it’s unlikely there is a single cloud out there that is able to support all your requirements. More than likely however, is the chance that your business is becoming multi-cloud by stealth. Organisations typically use several, to dozens, to hundreds of Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) products, as well as a handful of Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) hosting services, and development Platforms-as-a-Service (PaaS).

MLOps Pipeline with MLFlow, Seldon Core and Kubeflow

MLOps pipelines are a set of steps that automate the process of creating and maintaining AI/ML models. In other words, Data Scientists create multiple notebooks while building their experiments, and naturally the next step is a transition from experiments to production-ready code. The best way to do this is to build an effective MLOps pipeline. What’s the alternative, I hear you ask? Well, each time you want to create a model, you run your notebooks manually.

10 AWS Cost Reduction Strategies To Implement ASAP

Cloud costs are a daily concern for companies running applications on Amazon Web Services (AWS). This makes sense because many organizations struggle with unexpected AWS charges. Although many organizations have a cloud budget in place, accurately controlling costs is difficult. Real-time cost remediation is often difficult for many, leading to inflated AWS costs every billing cycle. No matter where you are on your cloud journey, reducing AWS costs is something you’ll want to do continuously.

The History of Cloud Native

Cloud native is a term that’s been around for many years but really started gaining traction in 2015 and 2016. This could be attributed to the rise of Docker, which was released a few years prior. Still, many organizations started becoming more aware of the benefits of running their workloads in the cloud. Whether because of cost savings or ease of operations, companies were increasingly looking into whether they should be getting on this “cloud native” trend.

Spot leads the pack in latest GigaOm Radar Report

There’s no denying that cloud adoption is accelerating at exponential rates, and as that trend takes hold across industries and across the globe, increasing attention is being focused on the strategic importance of cloud resource optimization. GigaOm’s latest Cloud Resource Optimization Radar Report highlights why organizations should consider optimization as a strategic priority from day 1, rather than something to consider as an afterthought.

Upgrading vs Migrating - How Atlassian Scaled Developer Efficiency in One Week

With millions of monthly active users across Bitbucket and Jira, Atlassian relied heavily on the real-time telemetry they got from their open source instance of Sentry. However, because it took the equivalent of two full-time engineers to maintain their out-of-date instance, Atlassian started to explore paths to upgrade or migrate to SaaS, as the risk of things breaking increased with each new release.

Best Practices for Container Security on AWS

Containers are superior to Virtual Machines (VM) in many aspects, including the benefits of being lightweight, easily scalable, highly portable, etc. AWS provides two primary container services i.e., Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS) and Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS). Although both ECS and EKS are growing in popularity but achieving security while using these services is relatively a new topic.

DevOps vs. DevSecOps: What Are the Differences?

I've never really been sure how DevSecOps differs from plain-old DevOps, but over the past year I think there's finally something enough there to have a notion. To be concise, DevOps-think makes software delivery better by moving operations concerns closer to development with the help of a lot of automation and process change.

The Pros and Cons of Embedded SREs

To embed or not to embed: That is the question. At least, that’s one of the questions that companies have to answer as they decide how to implement Site Reliability Engineering. They can either embed SREs into existing teams, or they can build a new, separate SRE team. Both approaches have their pros and cons. The right strategy for your company or team depends, of course, on your needs and priorities.

Are Microservices Right for Me - Enabling Microservices or Monoliths - Shipa

Another conversation that was recently had during our weekly field enablement office hours here at Shipa was “what exactly is a microservice?”. Certainly, a term that has been used to describe a paradigm and architectural practice. One can argue that the breaking down or decomposing of applications has been going on for decades and is not a monumental shift in computing. There are several definitions of microservices from a purist definition to a definition resembling a movement.

Manage and control access to your cloud with Spot's user management system

When it comes to managing your team’s access and permissions to cloud environments, it’s important to grant the right permissions to your users—no less and no more than they need. Different teams can require different levels of access, for example cloud budget managers and users will require different permissions than the DevOps engineers who are operating and managing the cloud on a daily basis.

Build cloud infrastructure from your CI pipeline with Pulumi

Modern software systems are complex, with services distributed across data centers, in many zones, all around the world. Gone are the days when we managed individual servers dedicated to our organization, comfortable with the knowledge of the unique quirks of our setup. Now we rely on others to manage massive data centers where we borrow small slices of virtual space on shared hardware, traveling over shared networks, all in a system we call the cloud.

Where are Monitoring Tools Headed? Help from Innovation Insight for Observability by Gartner

Enterprises are getting fed-up with their existing system monitoring tools. Despite decades of investments in monitoring tools, many businesses fail to notice a problem in their digital services until a customer calls to complain about it. So, it’s no surprise that businesses are looking for better solutions, and this has sparked an increasing interest in observability, according to Gartner in its updated report, “Innovation Insight for Observability.”

Announcing New Capabilities in Tanzu Application Platform to Enhance User Experience Across Multiple Clusters and Cloud

Earlier this year we launched VMware Tanzu Application Platform to help customers quickly build and deploy software on any public cloud or on-premises Kubernetes cluster. Tanzu Application Platform provides a rich set of developer tooling along with a pre-paved path to production-enabling enterprises to develop revenue-generating applications faster by reducing developer tooling complexity.

Product update: ensure consistent data across all your retros with two new features

FireHydrant captures your incident, from declaration through remediation, and gives you a framework to run your retrospectives. But retrospectives are only as effective as their inputs. Now we're delivering a better way to learn from and analyze retrospectives by guaranteeing consistent, structured, and sufficient data from your team.

GitKraken Client v8.4: Team Workspaces & Pull Request View

GitKraken knows that software development relies on efficiently coordinating with your A-Team. That is why we’ve added a pull requests section, more repo information to GitKraken Workspaces and a new way to organize and share them with your teams in GitKraken Client! As Mr. Keif would say: I pity the tool that doesn’t have the incredible team features included in GitKraken Client v8.4!

Resolve Actions and Espressive Barista

Resolve and Espressive have partnered to bring you an enterprise-class chatbot and Virtual Support Agent that can actually resolve incidents and complete service requests using the Resolve Actions Intelligent IT Automation platform. And because Resolve Actions is an IT automation platform, you can fully customize your automations & runbooks that are triggered by Espressive Barista to undertake almost any IT task.

What's New in VMware Tanzu Application Platform 1.1: Image-Based Supply Chains

With the release of VMware Tanzu Application Platform version 1.1, we are happy to introduce the ability to deploy applications using prebuilt container images, in addition to building images from source code, as part of out-of-the-box supply chains. This allows users to leverage the existing investments they have made in processes to build container images, rather than requiring them to adopt a new process.

Managing Multi-Cluster, Multi-Cloud Deployments with GitOps and ArgoCD - Ricardo Rocha (CERN)

Richardo Rocha, Computing Engineer at CERN, joined the Meetup for Argo monthly series and talked about managing Multi-Cluster, Multi-Cloud Deployments with GitOps and ArgoCD. The last few years saw two relevant trends in CERN deployments: Kubernetes and cloud-native technologies on the deployment side, and public clouds as a potentially cost-effective way to get the additional capacity to cover workloads spikes and access resources that are scarce on-premises, such as GPUs and other accelerators.

Distributed Observability: A Look into ESG Research

What are your colleagues' top concerns as they navigate between monitoring and observability? How are they planning for a cloud migration and moving away from a siloed approach? This brief video brings together industry experts from ESG to discuss results from their recent cloud observability survey, and gives a sneak preview into how Space Ape Games benefited from VMware Tanzu Observability by Wavefront.

Civo Update - April 2022

In March, the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) released its Annual Survey 2021. Civo featured alongside the likes of Amazon and Azure when CNCF asked developers "Does your organization use any certified Kubernetes installers?". Saiyam, Director of Technical Evangelism at Civo, also released an update on the new advancements so far for our 2022 Roadmap.

How-To Obtain Cloud Pricing at Scale

In 2020, we started an internal project to price our data center systems to understand what they might cost to run in the AWS or Azure cloud environments. We initially used some of the online pricing tools available from these vendors, but they were slow and difficult to use in bulk. You can find the public cloud tools here: AWS and Azure. We were forced to add individual systems one at a time and pick options for each because of the nature of these tools.

GitKraken Client v8.4 Release: Team Workspaces + Pull Request View

Pull requests are now available in GitKraken Workspaces, providing users a centralized way to find, view, and modify pull requests across multiple repositories in one place. GitKraken Workspaces can now be shared with your team, so everyone working on the same project can easily access the repos and pull requests they need. Sharing a Workspace is also a convenient way to onboard new team members who may need to clone many repos at once.

DevOps 101: How do you get buy-in from people?

In the first part of my DevOps 101 series, we tackled the fundamentals of What, who why and how. In this follow-up, I’m going to focus on how to gain buy-in across your organization. That said, who do you need buy-in from? DevOps is the union of people, processes and products to enable continuous delivery of value to our end users, according to Microsoft’s Donovan Brown. That’s a good explanation, because the focus is not on tooling, or processes, or even just people.

Logic App Best practices, Tips and Tricks: #8 Expressions nightmare

Welcome once again to another Logic App Best practices, Tips, and Tricks. In my previous blog posts, I talked about some of the most essential best practices you should have while working with the Azure Logic App: And some tips and tricks: Today I’m going to speak about in my opinion one of the most annoying features/tasks and recommend some Best practices, Tips, and Tricks to minimize it: working with expressions.

Reliability Testing For SRE

Reliability testing is a software testing technique designed to make sure that a piece of software meets customer requirements, and to identify any faults within the product before it is delivered to the customer. It is the key to improving the design, functionality, and ultimately the quality of software. It should be performed at each level of software creation, and it encompasses everything from unit testing, to full system testing.

Troubleshoot faster with improved Datadog Events

Datadog Events provides customers with a data feed about their infrastructure and applications, delivering an up-to-the-minute history of activity such as code deployments, configuration changes, and triggered alerts. Events collects data from Datadog products and over 100 third-party integrations—including Docker, Jenkins, Kubernetes, Sentry, AWS CloudWatch, and Azure Service Health.

An Open Letter from the CEO of Puppet: Puppet + Perforce

When I started at Puppet three years ago, I saw a company with a tremendous customer base, an active open source community, an incredible reputation, products that solved some of the hardest problems in the operations space, and a passionate team that had deep values and was purpose-driven, both of which are at my core as a leader.

3 Cloud Trends You Should Actually Follow

When your organization uses the cutting edge of technology to function, you may feel like it takes all your time and energy to stay on top of emerging trends. How are you supposed to anticipate what the future will hold when you have to balance those considerations with how to best provide for your customers’ needs today? It’s okay if you don’t have your finger on the pulse 100 percent of the time.

Is Deploying Kubernetes in Air-Gapped Environments Hard? Read How This Security-Conscious Customer Radically Simplified the Deployment Process

Many federal and public sector organizations seek to capitalize on the benefits of a production-grade Kubernetes distribution in their own private data centers, which are often highly restricted and air-gapped environments. However, deploying and operating Kubernetes and other technologies in air-gapped environments is incredibly complex. Teams maintaining Kubernetes in these environments contend with restrictive network access and software supply chain security concerns.

Top 5 Reasons to Use Automation to Deliver Self-Service IT Support

IT service desk technology has made tremendous strides over the past decade. Despite this fact, however, a recent survey by Gatepoint Research revealed that 74% of today’s on-site workforce still relies on phone calls to get the support they need. Remarkably, this number is even higher (80%) amongst remote workers. This is placing a heavy burden on support teams that are already stretched too thin.

How the Insights team uses Insights to optimize our own pipelines

Here on the CircleCI Insights team we don’t just develop stuff for CircleCI users, we are CircleCI users. Really, there’s no better way to get to know your product than to use it, and the Insights team is no exception. A few months ago, we realized that our pipeline configuration for the Insights UI left much to be desired.

Machine learning for infrastructure monitoring and troubleshooting, explained

Learn exactly what machine learning is and how it takes part in the observability, monitoring, and troubleshooting industry. We'll also cover the future of ML trends within the industry, and how Netdata is staying at the forefront of machine learning development.

Get Started Using VMware Tanzu Mission Control with Tanzu Kubernetes Grid

Today, there are growing pressures on operations and development teams to deploy software faster and into more environments, such as development, staging, or production. Organizations need self-service tools and operational efficiency, and VMware is meeting the challenge with solutions to help modernize operations and unburden their teams. VMware Tanzu Mission Control unifies cluster management to a single control plane and groups resources as a resource hierarchy.

Continuous Performance Regression Testing for CI/CD

Developers strive to produce efficient code. Many times, developers will add code to their repositories and test it to make sure it works, but they are forgetting one very important step: benchmarking! Benchmarking allows developers to see the performance impact on their code output. If properly integrated into a CI/CD pipeline, it could prevent catastrophic drops in performance before any code is shipped/deployed at all.

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Kubernetes Load Test Tutorial

In this blog post we use podtato-head to demonstrate how to load test kubernetes microservices and how Speedscale can help understand the relationships between them. No, that's not a typo, podtato-head is an example microservices app from the CNCF Technical Advisory Group for Application Delivery, along with instructions on how to deploy it in numerous different ways. There are more than 10 delivery examples, you will surely learn something by going through the project. We liked it so much we forked the repo to contribute our improvements.

The Complete SaaS Budgeting Guide For Tracking Cloud Spend

For SaaS companies, the cloud plays a significant role in product creation and delivery. As one of the top drivers of COGS, cloud costs have a major impact on key financial metrics and can dramatically impact revenue and valuation. However, that creates a scenario ripe for conflict: Engineers make important decisions about features and functionality without clear insight into how those decisions will impact spending—and finance continuously gets surprised by seemingly exorbitant cloud bills.

Using OpenID Connect identity tokens to authenticate jobs with cloud providers

Introducing OpenID Connect identity tokens in CircleCI jobs! This token enables your CircleCI jobs to authenticate with cloud providers that support OpenID Connect like AWS, Google Cloud Platform, and Vault. In this blog post, we’ll introduce you to OpenID Connect, explain its usefulness in a CI/CD system, and show how it can be used to authenticate with AWS, letting your CircleCI job securely interact with your AWS account, without any static credentials.

Serverless360 to enable your Security Manager to WAF data

Recently we had an interesting use case from our customer for which Serverless360 mapped a perfect solution. We resolved the issue with the new Log Analytics and Application Insights capabilities from Serverless360. This blog will help you better understand the feature set with a real-time use case.

Debug issues and automate remediation with Shoreline and Datadog

Shoreline is an incident response automation service that enables DevOps engineers and site reliability engineers (SREs) to quickly debug and remediate issues at scale and develop automated routines for incident management. Using Shoreline’s proprietary Op language, customers can run debug commands across all their hosts simultaneously and then deploy custom scripts via Actions to trigger automated remediations.

Heroku Vs. AWS: Data Security Comparison

Heroku and AWS are two of the common choices available for cloud hosting. Heroku is a Platform as Service (PaaS) provider that helps startups develop business applications with simplicity and without needing DevOps expertise in the team. Not only does it provide resources automatically, but you can deploy your applications with just a single click. Heroku has been a top choice for developers for years as it speeds up development cycles by providing fully managed infrastructure and application deployment.

Introduction of the ansible-collection-icinga

Ansible is a commonly known tool to easily automate deployments in infrastructures, its configuration is based on YAML and is able to scale in big environments. Icinga 2 provides its own secure agent to monitor hosts, high available satellite zones and monitoring configuration. To manage this monitoring environment we introduce you to the ansible-collection-icinga, this collection can install Icinga 2 server, configure monitoring and deploy Icinga 2 agents in your infrastructure.

The new Puppet TAM service unlocks your next level of success

It can be challenging for even the most experienced IT organizations to embrace the latest DevOps automation tools and then ensure they are implemented in the most optimal way across a hybrid IT estate. Infrastructure teams are faced with increasing deployment complexities, budget and staffing constraints, competing priorities, and the challenge of supporting expanding development teams, impacting their organizational goals and KPIs.

Canonical Experiences Record Channel Business Growth and Momentum

7 April 2022 – Canonical, the publisher of Ubuntu, announced today that its channel partner program has seen upwards of 240% growth within the past year. At the forefront of this momentum is the continued growth of the company’s partner-led business, with new and existing partners actively driving Canonical’s offerings into the market.

Everything You Need to Know about K3s: Lightweight Kubernetes for IoT, Edge Computing, Embedded Systems & More

If you are a vivid traveler of the tech universe, you’ve likely come across this term: Kubernetes. Scratching your head? Let me make it clear: In simple terms, we know Kubernetes — or K8s — as a portable and extensible platform for managing containerized workloads and services. It can facilitate both declarative configurations as well as automation.

How I cut my AKS cluster costs by 82%

With our recent announcement regarding the general availability of Ocean for Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS), I decided to migrate one of our production services. The service was already running on AKS, but will now be managed by Spot’s Ocean for AKS. TL;DR: The results are pretty cool, as I was able to cut 82% out of the existing spending for this AKS cluster. You can see the results in the screen capture below.

How to Improve the Work-Life of an IT Professional

When you first started as an IT professional, it was all cheerful and you were eager to help people as much as you can. But a few years into managing IT and dealing with IT issues all day, your professional life has changed for the worse and every day is a struggle with service requests and IT issues piling up all day. Read our ebook on the most common IT challenges and how you can combat them while staying sane and optimistic about your work!

Simplifying Cloud Database Migration Journeys

COVID-19 was a significant driving force for organisational change. Businesses had to quickly transition to remote working almost overnight, and digital transformation became crucial for companies to survive. Because of this, the pandemic notably accelerated a swift move to the cloud, with cloud-first organisations now outnumbering on-premises companies by a ratio of three-to-one. A whopping 81% of organisations said they had accelerated their cloud timelines and plans due to the pandemic.

Troubleshoot end-to-end tests with CI Visibility and RUM

Adding automated testing to your CI/CD pipelines can help you ensure that you deploy changes safely. But as you continue to shift left, the number and complexity of tests are likely to increase, making them slower to run and harder to troubleshoot. Datadog CI Visibility can help you track the performance of your CI/CD pipelines and tests—and now you can also use Real User Monitoring (RUM) to monitor end-to-end (E2E) Cypress tests.

The 5 Best AWS Reporting Tools For Monitoring Usage And Cost

While modernizing IT infrastructure, securing data, and ensuring high availability are high priorities, optimizing AWS costs and utilization has consistently been the top priority for most companies in recent years. As a result, AWS introduced Cost and Usage Reports (CUR). AWS designed CUR to provide granular data on resource consumption and associated costs in the AWS environment.

Making Go errors play nice with Sentry

Here at incident.io, we provide a Slack-based incident response tool. The product is powered by a monolithic Go backend service, serving an API that powers Slack interactions, serves an API for our web dashboard, and runs background jobs that help run our customers incidents. Incidents are high-stakes, and we want to know when something has gone wrong. One of the tools we use is Sentry, which is where our Go backend send its errors.

Better together: Continuous Delivery for PE and ServiceNow flows

Continuous Delivery for Puppet Enterprise (PE) is a tool for streamlining and simplifying the CI/CD process of your Puppet code. Continuous Delivery for PE offers a prescriptive workflow to test and deploy Puppet code across environments. ServiceNow includes a powerful Flow Designer. Why not combine Continuous Delivery for PE pipelines with the ServiceNow Flow Designer to improve and automate your change management process even further?

Four Use Cases for Optimizing Your Cloud Operations With PagerDuty Runbook Automation

The cloud is easy and powerful—until it’s not. Once companies have customers, commitments, and compliance concerns, they often have to create cloud operations teams to manage the cloud on behalf of their fellow employees. Often, organizations that migrate to the cloud find themselves hampered by inefficient cloud operations if they haven’t standardized their IT procedures for operability.

Why Build a Transport Network

Since the days of voice calls transmitted along the top wire of a cattle fence, telecom providers have been looking for new and better ways to transport their service offerings. Today there is a wide array of alternatives from optical to switched and routed, logical mesh, ring, and star architectures to choose from. How do you know which is right for you? What is the best mix of design, build and manage features to carry you into the future? Moreover, how do you keep your project cost-effective?

Understanding and Implementing a Software Bill of Materials

Software programs today can be likened to a complex stew, with multiple ingredients sourced from disparate places. In software, open-source tools are a major ingredient. According to the 2020 Open Source Security and Risk Analysis (OSSRA) report produced by the Synopsys Cybersecurity Research Center, 99 percent of the codebases contain at least one open source component, with open source comprising 70 percent of the code overall.

Continuous integration for Go applications

Go, an open-source programming language backed by Google, makes it easy to build simple, reliable, and efficient software. Go’s efficiency with network servers and its friendly syntax make it a useful alternative to Node.js. All network applications need well-tested features, and those developed in Go are no different. In this tutorial, we will be building and testing a simple Go blog.

Atlassian Team '22 DevOps & Agile Keynote

Should you be in an open relationship? A diverse toolchain or a consolidated, all-in-one approach? Discover how Atlassian's open toolchain solution offers the best of both worlds: flexibility and coordination. We'll show how this new approach empowers software teams to adapt to change faster while measuring value streams by completing the software development life cycle of Discovery → Delivery → Operations.

An Engineering Manager's Tips for Increasing Autonomy and Reducing Noise

Business is booming – your team is growing, your customer base is expanding, and you’re shipping more than ever. But without the right processes in place to scale, that fast-paced growth can leave engineering teams scrambling to navigate an increasingly more complex codebase, new team structures, and an ever-growing backlog of issues and requests. Join Jad Chamoun, Engineering Manager at Forethought, as he walks through how Forethought increased developer autonomy and workflow efficiency so their growing team can triage issues quickly without playing the blame game.

How to Choose the Right Tool for Kubernetes Deployment

The benefits of using Kubernetes (K8s) at an enterprise level are numerous. K8s is portable, extensible, scalable and reliable. When it comes time for your enterprise to deploy its K8s clusters, there are several deployment frameworks and tools to choose from. But which solution is right for your enterprise? Read on as we break down deployment solutions into categories and demonstrate how each framework and tool can enable you to operate, manage and deploy your K8s clusters in different ways.

DevOps - it's not dead yet

It’s one of those questions that’s tossed around the internet quite regularly. “Is DevOps dead?” Is there a genuine reason to think that DevOps is on its last legs? Or are authors just trying to get clicks by making controversial statements? Let’s look at some of the main justifications given for raising this question: I’ll come back to these points shortly.

Freshdesk + Squadcast: Enabling Streamlined Incident Response for Enterprises

Freshdesk is a cloud-based customer service platform used by enterprises that provides a centralized help desk(with the help of support tickets) across multiple channels, including email, phone, chat, and social media. Squadcast is an incident management platform that integrates with major monitoring, ChatOps and project management tools to provide a centralized place for reliability.

Containerizing and Modernizing Windows Apps using CloudHedge's OmniDeq

Heritage applications are critical to any business, and ensuring that they are running exceptional in the latest environment is a priority. Heritage applications nesting on Windows Server 2008 R2 do not get support from Microsoft directly, and that’s a major concern for enterprises who have their entire business running on such platforms.

Getting Started with SUSE Rancher Fleet and Shipa Cloud

As the GitOps paradigm continues to evolve, different interpretations and implementations will continue to appear. SUSE Rancher Fleet is a project creating a powerful, lightweight, and scalable GitOps engine. Recently, we showed the art of the possible between Shipa and SUSE Rancher Fleet. Make sure to check out our joint solution brief where the intersection of the SUSE Rancher and Shipa stacks come together.

Command Line Tools | Intro to the CLI Part 3

Click below to read other articles from our CLI intro series: At the beginning of this series, we looked at the benefits of using the CLI shell on your machine. One of those benefits is the wide range of developer tools available that only have a CLI. In this part of the CLI intro series, we’re going to focus on.

Deliver exception messages through Slack and Webhooks for fast resolution

Building new applications is a lot of fun, but troubleshooting and fixing the crashes that can come with app development is not. While many organizations are fast adopting the DevOps model, there are still some legacy frameworks where developers and operations teams are separate. Developers build and submit apps to their ops team, who in turn deploy and maintain the production stack. A common issue that arises due to this workflow is the time it takes to find and resolve crashes.

Ocean evolves - "revert to lower-cost node" shrinks spend

Ocean automates cloud infrastructure for containers. It continuously analyzes how your containers are using infrastructure, automatically scaling compute resources to maximize utilization without sacrificing availability. Ocean shuffles workloads and then scales down underutilized nodes to ensure everything runs at the lowest cost.

OpenSearch is here

We’re excited to announce that Platform.sh now offers OpenSearch as a service available and included on all plans. OpenSearch is a distributed RESTful search and analytics engine you can use for log analytics, a search backend, clickstream analytics, and more. With the recent move by ElasticSearch to switch to a licensing model, it was important for us to propose a strong open source alternative. And OpenSearch is completely open source, so you could run and manage it on your own.

What is end-to-end testing?

End-to-end testing, also known as E2E testing, is a methodology used for ensuring that applications behave as expected and that the flow of data is maintained for all kinds of user tasks and processes. This type of testing approach starts from the end user’s perspective and simulates a real-world scenario. For example, on a sign-up form, you can expect a user to perform one or more of these actions: You can use end-to-end testing to verify that all these actions work as a user might expect.

Incident management best practices: before the incident

When incidents inevitably occur in your software stack, managing them well could be the difference between losing customers and building trust with them. In this article, we’ll give you and your team some best practices on how to prepare for managing incidents. It’s crucial to define service ownership, a declaration process, and practice all of it. With a little planning now, you'll be able to cut your incident response time drastically.

How to Conduct a Server Monitoring Software Comparison

Let’s imagine that you really need a car, and you head off to a car dealership to buy one for yourself. Let’s also assume this is your first car, and you don’t know much about cars. On getting to the dealership, you’ll need to choose which type of car you want. Now, you’re not very knowledgeable about the different drive mechanisms of a car, whether it’s a gasoline-powered or electric vehicle.

The 10 Biggest Mistakes Startups Make on AWS

Adopting AWS as your cloud infrastructure seems to be a common choice for most growing companies, but it is not as easy as it looks. Choosing the right services, configuration, and management of these services needs skills and experience. At Qovery, we've heard hundreds of stories about the mistakes made by startups on AWS, and here are the biggest ones. Make sure you take care of these pitfalls when you start your journey on AWS, which will help you successfully migrate and set up on AWS.

Podcast: Break Things on Purpose | Elizabeth Lawler: Creating Maps for Code

For this episode of “Build Things on Purpose” we are joined by Elizabeth Lawler, founder of AppLand, the creators of AppMap. Elizabeth is here to chat about the challenges of building modern, complex software and the tool that she has built that serves as a “Google maps for code” for developers. AppMap is designed to show in a more visually driven way to help clarify, in real time, writing code.

Deploy Tanzu Kubernetes Clusters with Additional Data Volumes Using Tanzu Mission Control

A common problem faced by platform operators is data management; specifically, the detrimental side effects that can manifest due to running out of disk space. For example, if debug logging is left enabled on an app and /var/logs fill the disk, containerd/etcd would now be unable to write their states to disk, causing the cluster to fail. VMware Tanzu Mission Control makes it easy to avoid disk consumption issues by exposing the option to add data partitions to a cluster or nodepool.

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Show character with Blameless Postmortems (part one)

This is Part 1 of a two-part series on Blameless Postmortems. Today, we'll discuss why blameless postmortems are so important and their implications for your team; the second part will go into detail on how to set them up as a process and make them successful. Somebody wise may have once told you that how we handle adversity shows our character. Being able to acknowledge and admit mistakes is the first step towards learning - it's a key part of success both in personal relationships and in large companies.

Q1 2022 product retrospective - Last quarter's top features

The first quarter of the year has now come to an end, and many exciting things happened here: new features, the start of our V3, new team members, and an exciting team retreat! Today, I will highlight the most exciting features that were shipped from the first of January until the thirty-first of March, so fasten your seatbelt and get ready for the ride! 💜

What is Environment as a Service (EaaS) and How is it Impacting Productivity?

Over the last few years, business needs for new applications and services have increased tremendously, resulting in a need to accelerate the application development process. Moreover, the process of development has changed radically. Development is fast-paced and needs continuous application updates, patching, enhancements, etc. These changes require development environments, quality assurance, continuous deployment, infrastructure, etc. That’s where EaaS comes in.

The Benefits Of A Data Centre Partnership With Console Connect

We know getting data centre interconnection right is vital whether you’re a global enterprise with operations in multiple markets around the world or a SaaS provider looking to roll out in new geographies. We also know data centres need help attracting and retaining customers. In this blog, our Global Data Centre Partner Manager Adam Gibson explores the benefits that Console Connect can bring to your data centre business.

Why (And How) Software Companies Should Pivot To Cost-Conscious Innovation

Investors have fallen back in love with profitability. This followed an almost two decade love affair with top-line revenue growth. The growth-at-all-costs paradigm enabled what I call cost-agnostic innovation: If it brings in more customers and revenue, build it — no matter how much it costs. When cash is abundant, investors can afford long-term risk, and cost-agnostic innovation works.

[Live Webinar] Achieving Multi-Datacenter High Availability with HAProxy ALOHA and GSLB

HAProxy ALOHA is a load balancer that’s ideal for companies in search of high performance and ease of use. It comes as either a hardware appliance or a virtual appliance and provides load balancing of TCP, UDP and HTTP traffic, DDoS protection, and active-active clustering. One of its newest features is the ability to distribute traffic across multiple datacenters or regions through global server load balancing(GSLB).

Cilium - eBPF Powered Networking, Security & Observability

In this session by Raymond de Jong, Senior Solutions Architect at Isovalent, you'll discover how Cilium with eBPF increases networking performance while providing identity and application-aware security and visibility for your cloud-native workloads. We will also look at Hubble; Cilium's fully distributed networking and security observability platform, and how eBPF enables deep visibility into the communication and behavior of services and networking infrastructure in a completely transparent manner.

Learn how our Chief Troublemaker transformed infrastructure troubleshooting.

When no available tool could help Costa Tsaousis identify his own infrastructure problem, he invented one that could. Netdata’s founder, CEO, and Chief Troublemaker tells how his invention went viral, how the Netdata Way transforms monitoring and troubleshooting, and how he plans to keep Netdata free, forever.

What is IaC?

I recently had a wonderful opportunity to contribute to the Computer Weekly Developer Network (CWDN) ultimate series on “Infrastructure as Code” that collected articles and overviews from vendors and experts operating in the IaC space to form a formidable reference on all aspects of IaC. My contributions were to offer some insight into our architecture that has been designed to monitor infrastructure that has been deployed as code automatically and without tedious manual configuration.

Leading provider of digital, cloud and advisory services reduced time-to-resolve issues by 1400% with VirtualMetric

A leading provider of innovative digital and cloud services, part of the Microsoft ecosystem, chose VirtualMetric to get critical insights and complete visibility over their cloud environment. With 38,000 professionals in 24 countries, the company is specialized in cloud and application services, managed services, analytics, AI and helps companies to implement the latest technologies to various industries, leveraging the Microsoft platform.

Announcing the beta for MacOS Runners in Bitbucket Pipelines

We are happy to announce that Bitbucket Pipelines now supports MacOS self-hosted runners. This is currently in beta. You can now create a self-hosted runner and run it on your MacOS infrastructure to run MacOS and IOS builds. Since you’re using your own runner, you won't be charged for Bitbucket Pipelines build minutes. This self-hosted runner will be non-containerised allowing your CI/CD step to access the host's hardware, such as the graphics card or any connected external devices.

Automate the deployment of FeathersJS apps to Heroku

Automation goes beyond just building solutions to replace complex or time-consuming manual processes. As the popular saying goes, “anything that can be automated should be automated.” For example, deploying updates to applications can and should be automated. In this tutorial, I will show you how to set up hands-free deployment of a FeathersJS app to Heroku.

The Netdata Way of Troubleshooting

Together with you, our fabulous community, Netdata is changing the way the world thinks of high fidelity monitoring – and we are gaining momentum. Our chief troublemaker and CEO, Costa Tsaousis, is the pioneer and architect of this revolution that’s brewing in the monitoring and troubleshooting space. Watch him explain the Netdata way of troubleshooting.

Announcement: RepliByte - an open-source tool to synchronize your cloud databases and hide sensitive data

After weeks of hard work, we are super excited to announce RepliByte - an open-source tool to synchronize your cloud databases from one place to the other while hiding sensitive data 🛡

PolyWizz cuts cloud costs by 60%, and gains full visibility into security posture with 2bcloud on AWS

PolyWizz is an InsurTech company offering an end-to-end solution that automatically collects and analyzes customers’ pension and insurance portfolios upon customer approval, helping sales teams identify the customers who are most likely to buy and the most relevant products to offer them. The company had built their cloud solution in-house, and was looking for a managed partner who could provide added value, initially in cost optimization and cloud security.

API mock testing with Nock

For the latest full-stack applications to work, a backend service is required. That is especially true when the frontend service depends on the backend service to render data. In many cases, it can be difficult to replicate the setup of the backend services so that you can test the application. This tutorial will show you how to mock HTTP requests from an API so that you can test endpoints without actually calling them in your tests.

Two years into the pandemic: the state of DevOps salaries

For the second year in a row, we have published a pandemic-era DevOps Salary Report. It’s no surprise that the pandemic catapulted every type of company into a digital transformation frenzy. We have done our best to distinguish between temporary shifts and long-term trends dictated by a newly hyper-digital world. In 2021, we are grappling not only with the reality of the pandemic, but with the Great Resignation – at least in the U.S.

What Are AWS Split Charges? How To Allocate Shared Cloud Costs

Amazon Web Services (AWS) offers Cost Categories and tagging to help its customers track cloud usage and associated costs. But AWS customers still struggled to connect cloud costs with the products or people who build them despite endless tagging and defining Cost Categories. So, AWS announced Split Charges. This post walks you through what AWS Split Charges are, how they're configured, and how Split Charge rules work.

Shipa Product Updates - April 2022

Depending if you are in the Northern Hemisphere, Spring is upon us. We have been busy at Shipa democratizing developer experience for all and making Kubernetes an afterthought. Grateful for all the community and customer feedback helping us make Shipa better. If you have an idea, check out our new Idea Portal where you can your own ideas. Let’s take a look at what we have delivered in the last pair of sprints.

The Need for Speed: Why Fast Data Pipelines Are the Lifeblood of a Business

Today’s businesses are looking for ways to better engage customers, improve operational decision making, and capture new value streams. As the world of data continues to grow and its pace of change accelerates, it’s never been more important for businesses to have fast access to actionable data to serve customers with personalized services, in real-time, and at scale. To do this, they need a fast data pipeline.

How mission critical services build for failure ft. Hector Aguilar of Okta

If you can’t get through Okta, you can’t do your job. But failures happen. With this reality its not about preventing failure but about dealing with failure. Rob is joined by Hector Aguilar, former VP of Technology at Okta shares how he helped create a culture expecting and prepared for failure.

April/2022 - CVE-2022-22965: Spring4Shell Remote Code Execution Mitigation

Recently, a Remote Code Execution vulnerability was discovered in the Java Spring Core library. This vulnerability allows attackers to execute arbitrary code on affected systems. You can find more information on that vulnerability in the announcement on the Spring Blog. While HAProxy Enterprise, HAProxy ALOHA, and other products within the HAProxy Technologies portfolio are not impacted by this (they do not use the Spring Core library at all), you can use our products to mitigate the attack.

A Primer for Monitor as Code: How to use Splunk Observability Cloud with Terraform

Managing the complexities of today’s cloud native infrastructure has resulted in the increased need for observability. As cloud adoption continues to grow, the need to deliver a better customer experience, scale efficiently and increase momentum on innovation has never been more important. For many organizations to carry out these principles, two technologies are helping organizations deliver on these goals faster: Monitoring-as-Code and Infrastructure-as-Code.

Your SpringShell (Spring4Shell) Remediation Cookbook Using the JFrog Platform

A new zero-day exploit in the spring-web package called “SpringShell” (nicknamed “Spring4Shell”) was just leaked and is threatening the internet and the community. The JFrog security research team is investigating the exploit and continuously updating our blog post with technical details on the SpringShell vulnerability.

Azure Spring Clean Stop Committing Your Secrets - by Dwayne McDaniel GitKraken

No one wants their keys and secrets on GitHub, but one bad push can mean you are suddenly exposed. Git and open source provide a way to automatically check for secrets on every commit! Dwayne McDaniel is the Developer Evangelist for GitKraken. This talk was released as part of Azure Spring Clean 2022 conference. Learn more about GitKraken's legendary tools for Git, including GitKraken Client, GitLens for VS Code, and Git Integration for Jira.

The Realities of SD-WAN

According to research from IDC, SD-WAN (Software-Defined Wide Area Networking) is one of the fastest-growing segments of the network infrastructure market, poised to reach $5.25 Billion in 2023. Changing the way global networks are architected, SD-WAN enables increased visibility and control of applications across the network while delivering a better user experience and improved operational efficiencies.

Anywhere Operations

Anywhere operations has moved to the forefront of the Infrastructure and Operations (I&O) agenda. Not to be confused with Work From Home, anywhere operations refers to an IT operating model that supports customers and enables employees anywhere. It also manages the deployment of business services across a distributed infrastructure. Accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic and thanks to the rise of mobile, cloud and social, the move to online business has cemented the value of flexible infrastructure and the inherent weaknesses of traditional, structured processes.