
Wellington, NZ
  |  By Reilly Oldham
In May, GPT-4o was released, refining the GPT-4 architecture with native multi-modal input support, faster speeds, and a cheaper price per token. This week, with the release of GPT-4o mini, it’s even more cost-effective and quicker. This model is considered better than GPT-3.5 Turbo, being faster and smarter—a win all around. Let’s put it to the test in a real-world application to see just how good it is for software developers.
  |  By Wren Atlas
At Raygun, we understand the importance of an automated development workflow for quick bug fixes. That’s why we’re excited to announce the enhanced JIRA and Raygun integration.
  |  By Tobias Forkel
At Magenizr, we’re always looking for tools to make life easier for developers and merchants. Not too long ago, we found ourselves in a bind. We were scouring the Adobe Commerce Marketplace and Github repositories for an error monitoring app tailored for e-commerce shops but came up empty-handed. New Relic was overkill for shops that just needed to pinpoint where errors were cropping up.
  |  By Jason Fauchelle
In this article, we'll explore how we developed an Aspire component that spins up an Ollama container and downloads a Large Language Model, ready for use. If you're new to any of these technologies, you can continue reading, otherwise feel free to skip to the technical walkthrough. As a quick bit of background, we recently released an Aspire component that brings a free, lightweight Raygun app into your local development environment to help debug exceptions. We then subsequently enhanced this with AI Error Resolution capabilities which runs entirely on your local machine.
  |  By Sean Chapman
We’re excited to roll out support for Portable PDBs and offline error storage in Raygun4Net 11.0.0. In this article, we’ll break down these features and how they can enhance your error identification and debugging process. Ever seen an error in Raygun but missing the file and line number in the stack trace? This happens when debug symbols aren’t available at runtime. With Portable PDB support, this issue is resolved.
  |  By Wren Atlas
Last month, we rolled out Raygun4Aspire, our Crash Reporting client for.NET Aspire applications. That release included a free, lightweight version of the full Raygun web app that runs locally. After the successful launch of our recent AI Error Resolution feature for Crash Reporting, we knew that we had to bring this feature into the Aspire local development experience. Today, we’re thrilled to announce that AI Error Resolution for Raygun4Aspire is now available for all Aspire app developers!
  |  By Zheng Li
Today, we’re excited to roll out 6 new endpoints for the Raygun API, making it simpler than ever to query Sessions, Pages, and Customers. Raygun’s Real User Monitoring helps you track and enhance your front-end and mobile page speed performance. It analyzes user sessions and page views to calculate your overall page speed. Previously, this required someone to log into Raygun, find the right application, and manually inspect sessions and page views in Real User Monitoring.
  |  By Panos Patros
Smart engineering teams are working out how to use Large Language Models (LLMs) to solve real business problems. At Raygun, we're no exception, and we're committing our time and effort to developing AI software applications that bring value to our customers. Our first AI-powered release is AI Error Resolution (AIER), a novel Crash Reporting feature that takes debugging with ChatGPT to the next level. We know that LLMs have already dramatically increased software engineers' productivity.
  |  By Zheng Li
Xamarin is now officially sunset, leaving many developers seeking other options for cross-platform mobile development. If you’re one of them, don’t panic. While Microsoft themselves have shifted towards.NET MAUI, it’s not the only option – there are several robust frameworks that can match Xamarin’s capabilities, and even introduce exciting new features and efficiencies. Let’s look at some leading alternatives to keep your mobile projects thriving.
  |  By Reilly Oldham
I’ve written previously about the process of adding Real User Monitoring capabilities to our MAUI provider. I’m excited to say that this work is now live, batteries and all, plus some more improvements since the last blog. To recap the state of cross-platform development in the.NET ecosystem, Xamarin is out of support as of May 1st! This is replaced by.NET MAUI (Multi-platform App UI), meaning developers need appropriate tools when they make the switch.
  |  By Raygun
  |  By Raygun
To balance frequent deployment and reliability, Vend needs to maintain 100% visibility into each release. Vend’s engineering team uses Raygun to maintain shipping velocity by giving clarity into the root cause of issues.
  |  By Raygun
Join us for an exclusive Founder & Friends episode featuring Scott Hanselman, renowned technology expert and host of popular podcasts such as Hanselminutes, Azure Friday, Ratchet and the Geek. Discover the insights, experiences, and wisdom of Scott as he takes us behind the scenes of his successful career and shares his perspectives on the tech industry, work-life balance, and much more! JD and Scott are ready to dive into stories and experiences that have shaped their professional journeys and made them the successful individuals they are today.
  |  By Raygun
On the next episode of Founder & Friends, JD is joined by Principal Engineer Dr Panos Patros. Just a peak at his resume will show you the breadth of experience Panos holds. He's been a Key Researcher, a Professor in Computer Science and has multiple academic articles published. He's now a leading contributor of our Raygun engineering team. JD will dive into his passion for performance engineering and deep understanding of server-side monitoring.
  |  By Raygun
Build perfect digital experiences with Raygun.
  |  By Raygun
Build perfect digital experiences with Raygun.
  |  By Raygun
In this episode, JD is joined by Sumitra Manga, Engineering Lead, to chat about the latest launch in alerting.... MICROSOFT TEAMS!
  |  By Raygun
  |  By Raygun
Join LIVE as CE and Co-Founder John-Daniel Trask is joined by Principal Engineer Sean Chapman to discuss the recent launch of our Public API.
  |  By Raygun
This eBook covers real-world examples and advice from tech leaders. Use their knowledge to help you deliver application updates faster and provide a better user experience during your digital transformation process.
  |  By Raygun
You've initiated a digital transformation (DX) strategy in your company, and your software team is onboard for the changes that you'll be making to software and processes. But how can you manage and observe the effect of your DX process on your customers and how they experience your software?
  |  By Raygun
Discover how modern APM is helping software teams globally gain deeper insights into how their applications are performing in production environments, and how faster MTTR (Mean Time To Resolution) is easily within reach.
  |  By Raygun
Learn how teams are revolutionizing the way they build and maintain their applications with this free software intelligence ebook.
  |  By Raygun
Want to be as effective as possible whilst on-call? This free ebook from Raygun will help ensure your team is prepared for when things go bump in the night!
  |  By Raygun
Download this free ebook to learn how to implement an effective ChatOps workflow to make issue management and resolution easy within software development teams.
  |  By Raygun
Download this free ebook to learn how to build robust JavaScript applications and ensure effective error monitoring is in place
  |  By Raygun
This error monitoring whitepaper from Raygun explores how automating software quality liberates teams, so development is proactive rather than reactive.
  |  By Raygun
Increasingly, organizations of every type will start to think of applications as a critical component to their continued growth and success.

Raygun is a Software Intelligence Platform that gives companies visibility into software problems. Errors, crashes and slow loading pages and scripts affecting end users are automatically detected, enabling teams to build excellent user experiences.

Spot every bug. Discover every performance issue. Ship new features faster and deliver flawless user experiences. Raygun enables you to build stronger, faster and more resilient web and mobile applications for your customers.

Three powerful products. One neat package.

  • Uncover performance bottlenecks: Identify server-side performance issues and go deeper than ever before. Know the answers to your performance problems and never be left guessing.
  • Fix bugs with greater speed: Diagnose and resolve issues users experience. Pinpoint root causes, without having to rely on logs, support tickets and incomplete information.
  • Deliver flawless software experiences: Ensure users have fast and reliable user experiences whilst using your web and mobile apps. Improve NPS, retention and customer satisfaction.

Successful software starts here.