
Santa Clara, CA, USA
  |  By Shyam Mohan
Successful DevOps implementation is critical for enhancing the efficiency, reliability, and quality of software development and delivery. To evaluate the effectiveness of DevOps practices, various metrics can be used. Below is a detailed overview of key metrics.
  |  By Shyam Mohan
In the fast-paced world of software development, the ability to quickly and reliably deliver software is paramount. This need has led to the evolution of CI/CD—Continuous Integration, Continuous Delivery, and Continuous Deployment—practices that streamline and automate the development lifecycle. Below, we explore these core CI/CD concepts and related automation practices that are transforming the software industry.
  |  By Shyam Mohan
In today’s fast-paced software development landscape, the need to deliver high-quality software rapidly and reliably is paramount. Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Delivery/Deployment (CD) have emerged as essential practices that enable development teams to meet these demands. Central to the success of CI/CD pipelines is a robust framework for testing and quality assurance (QA).
  |  By Shyam Mohan
software quickly and reliably is crucial for staying competitive. DevOps, a set of practices that combines software development (Dev) and IT operations (Ops), aims to shorten the development lifecycle and provide continuous delivery with high software quality. Here, we explore strategies, insights, and best practices to unlock the full potential of DevOps for seamless software delivery.
  |  By Shyam Mohan
Kubernetes, an open-source platform for automating the deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications, has come a long way since its inception. As it celebrates its 10th birthday, here’s a look back at its history and milestones.
  |  By Shyam Mohan
Here are some essential Linux commands that every DevOps engineer should know. These commands cover a range of functionalities including file and directory management, process management, system monitoring, networking, and package management.
  |  By Shyam Mohan
Here are some top Docker interview questions along with their answers.
  |  By Shyam Mohan
Preparing for a Kubernetes interview involves understanding the fundamental concepts, commands, and best practices associated with Kubernetes. Here are some top Kubernetes interview questions along with sample answers to help you prepare.
  |  By Shyam Mohan
Here are some top Helm interview questions and answers.
  |  By Shyam Mohan
For years, Jenkins has been a staple in the world of Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD). Its open-source nature and extensive plugin ecosystem made it a go-to choice for developers and organizations worldwide. However,Jenkins no longer being free, prompting many to seek alternative solutions. Enter Razorops, a CI/CD platform that offers robust features and a commitment to being free forever.
  |  By Razorops

In this #razoorps #webinar we have covered general #practiceset of #cicd
#system #jenkins #jenkinsvideos #pipeline #compresión
#visit https://razorops.com for more details.

  |  By Razorops
RAZOROPS is the best CI/CD tool since the platform can support, run tests, staging and AWS deployment, all within the pipeline. Razorops helps them continue to focus on their objective. It helps to eliminate queueing and speed up their total build, test cycle and to increase the quality of the code. Razorops integrates easily with GITLAB. You can set up your pipeline within 30 minutes through gitlab.
  |  By Razorops
Razorops is a complete container native CI/CD solution handling all aspects of the software lifecycle from the moment a commit is created until it is deployed to production. It is a Saas based platform which helps to be 100% operational on a technical level so we can focus on delivering the best product in a short amount of time. Razorops integrates easily with GITHUB.You can set up your pipeline within 30 minutes through github.
  |  By Razorops
RAZOROPS is a Saas based CI/CD platform.It is one of best CI/CD tools because it supports, runs tests, staging, all within pipelines. RAZOROPS is easy to maintain and easy to use. With Razorops, there will be very little overhead and it helps to focus on what matters. Razorops integrates easily with BITBUCKET. You can set up your pipeline within 30 minutes through BITBUCKET.
  |  By Razorops
72pi is an all in one platform that enables you to compare and adjust your portfolios based on various parameters and complement your investment process and become a smarter investor at portfolio construction. With Razorops they are able to move and fix faster. Efficient feedback and a fast CI/CD pipeline allowed their team to do frequent end-to-end production deployments and get products into customers hands more quickly and efficiently.
  |  By Razorops
Teams can have a complete CI/CD pipeline with the aid of Razorops. It is a fully managed continuous integration and deployment platform that is a complete software package that is ready for deployment, runs tests, and builds container images from source code. With Razorops, teams have a fully managed continuous integration and deployment platform that creates container images from source code and runs tests on a complete software package that is ready for deployment.
  |  By Razorops
Software development teams can build, test, and deliver applications more quickly with support of the efficient and modern Continuous Integration and Delivery (CI/CD) platform Razorops, which is built on containers.
  |  By Razorops
The guest speaker for the webinar was Ms Purnima Kumari, a cloud solutions engineer at #digitalocean..
  |  By Razorops
How to write optimized and secure docker file to create docker image. Learn the simplest approach to Docker images and how to use them using a Docker repository, such as Docker Hub, or hosting your own private repository. What you will learn from this video: What is docker? How to write a docker file? How to write an optimized docker file? How to write a secure docker file? What about the docker repository? How to put or host docker images?
  |  By Razorops
Learn the simplest approach to Docker images and how to use them using a Docker repository, such as Docker Hub, or hosting your own private repository.

Razorops is a complete container native CI/CD solution handling all aspects of the software lifecycle from the moment a commit is created until it is deployed to production.

Connect right out of the box to Git or your choice of version control systems to build and deploy apps from your source code. Easily integrate with your continuous integration tools of choice like Docker and Kubernetes, and get automatic deployment notifications via email and Slack.

Razorops Features:

  • Container Native: Razorops integrates well with top git based source code management systems like GitHub, Bitbucket, and GitLab.
  • Connect Environments: Create new Kubernetes clusters on any server or cloud no matter where they run. Integrate and promote builds across multiple environments according to your needs (development, staging and more).
  • Deployment Pipeline: Manage your entire pipeline visually or put inside your codebase. No scripts, delays and downtime.
  • Automatic rollback: We analyze data from monitoring tools and uses automated testing tools to look for anomalies and failures to rollback broken within seconds.
  • Incorporate Gitops: Align your pipelines with the branch structure, making it easier to work with branching workflows like feature branching or git-flow.
  • Platform Independent: Razorops is a cloud based SAAS product, it's a zero installation, quick start platform, you can build your apps for any platform AWS, GCP, Azure, iOS, Android, ReactNative etc.

Release software changes with high velocity.