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How To Put A Website In Maintenance Mode In WordPress Without Losing Traffic

You're ready to revamp your website with a stunning redesign or critical updates. But there's a catch-you can't afford to lose valuable traffic during the process. But you don't have to lose website visitors every time you site is in maintenance mode.    With the right tools and strategies, you can seamlessly transition into maintenance mode while keeping your SEO intact and visitors informed. In this guide, we'll walk you through the steps to put your WordPress site into maintenance mode without losing any traffic. This will equip you with the knowledge to tackle website maintenance confidently, all while maintaining your hard-earned traffic flow. 

How To Install Wordpress Plugins

WordPress plugins add many features to change and improve your website. This article will show you how to find, install, and take care of plugins on your WordPress site. We'll talk about different ways to install plugins, like using the plugin search tool and uploading plugins with FTP. We'll also share tips for keeping your plugins and site safe.

Wordpress Security Guide - How to Protect Your Wordpress Site

WordPress powers many websites on the internet, making it a target for hackers looking to exploit weaknesses. This article will talk about the importance of WordPress security, common security issues, and the results of a hacked WordPress site. We'll also cover tips for securing your WordPress site, including keeping your site updated, using strong passwords, choosing a secure hosting provider, and using security plugins.

Enhancing WordPress Security in the Era of Evolving Cyber Threats

Today, website security is more important than ever because these are often targets for hackers who want to steal data, spread malware, or disrupt services. A secure website not only protects your information but also builds trust with your visitors. If people feel safe on your site, they're more likely to stay longer and come back again.

A Guide to Choosing The Best WordPress Hosting Provider

WordPress is essentially a self-hosted content management system, which means you'll need to find your own hosting provider for your WordPress website. There are different web hosting types and options you can consider. Those include entry-level shared hosting, premium WordPress hosting, managed cloud hosting, and others. Beginners may feel lost among all the endless choices and reviews that can keep you going around in circles.

Meeting Jonny Harris: WordPress performance optimization with Blackfire

Jonny Harris is a WordPress core contributor and committer based in the UK and a member of the WordPress Performance Initiative. This group teams up with Google and Blackfire to optimize the performance of the PHP framework that powers an estimated 43% of the world’s applications. Jonny has been coding with WordPress since 2006 when, at the age of 16, he wanted to start blogging. He gave WordPress a try as it was then and still is today, the leading open-source blogging framework.

How does WordPress support services save your company time and money?

WordPress, as the leading content management system (CMS) powering over 40% of the web, provides businesses with a versatile platform to create and manage their online presence. However, managing a WordPress website involves various technical challenges and maintenance tasks that can be time-consuming and resource-intensive for internal teams. This is where professional WordPress support services prove invaluable.

WordPress vs. Joomla: Which One Is Better for Your Website?

In today's world, you have almost no chance of succeeding without a solid online presence. Sounds reasonable, but where do you start? A good and user-friendly website would be a perfect first step. Yet, when you begin researching this question, it turns out there are many different content management systems (CMS). Which one is better in your case? To simplify the choice for you, today, we'll compare two of the giants in the industry – Joomla and WordPress.

10 Best WordPress Plugins for Website Monitoring

WordPress is the content management system that has found its place in the hearts of innumerable web developers and users around the world. You might be shocked to learn that almost 45% of all websites on the Internet are grounded on WordPress. The question is, “How do users monitor their WordPress website and check their critical metrics?” Any site needs to be monitored these days. There are countless online services that offer tools for external website monitoring.

How to Install Sematext Experience on WordPress | Real User Monitoring on WordPress

WordPress websites have undeniable benefits, but do you have access to all the data you need to make critical business decisions and enhance your site's performance? With Sematext Experience, you gain valuable insights into your users' business journeys, track page load times, monitor HTTPS requests, and uncover a wealth of other crucial metrics.