Operations | Monitoring | ITSM | DevOps | Cloud

June 2022

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Top Five Pitfalls of On-Call Scheduling

On-call schedules ensure that there's someone available day and night to fix or escalate any issues that arise. Using an on-call schedule helps keep things running smoothly. These on-call workers can be anyone from nurses and doctors required to respond to emergencies to IT and software engineering staff who need to fix service outages or significant bugs. Being on-call can be challenging and stressful. But with the proper practices in place, on-call schedules can fit well into an employee's work-life balance while still meeting the organization's needs.

Detect user pain points with Datadog Frustration Signals

Whether you run an ecommerce site, a digital publication, or any other customer-facing service, delivering optimum user experiences is key to the success of your business. Customers can grow frustrated and abandon your site when they run into hurdles such as JavaScript errors or confusing page designs, and that frustration negatively impacts your company’s bottom line.

Analyze wait events and in-flight queries with the Datadog Database List

When you’re operating databases at scale, being able to get real-time insights across all your databases is essential for addressing issues and identifying areas for optimization. Datadog Database Monitoring’s Database List allows you to monitor your entire database fleet in one place, so you can quickly identify and troubleshoot overloaded hosts and gauge the impact of problematic queries throughout your infrastructure.

Why More Incidents Are Better

Ask most SREs how many incidents they’d have to respond to in a perfect world, and their answer would probably be “zero.” After all, making software and infrastructure so reliable that incidents never occur is the dream that SREs are theoretically chasing. Reducing actual incidents by as much as possible is a noble goal. However, it’s important to recognize that incidents aren’t an SRE’s number one enemy.

Resolve Actions PRO - Introduction to the Event component (to pause and continue automations)

This video describes the capability of the Event component in Resolve Actions PRO. You may need to pause your automation mid-flow whilst it waits for an external event to occur elsewhere in your IT or network environment.

How to run Spark on Kubernetes reliably on spot instances

The utilization of spot instances can be one of the fastest and easiest ways to drastically reduce the compute costs of your Spark infrastructure when you run in the cloud. In this article, we will discuss two techniques specific to Spark on Kubernetes, Enhanced Spot Instance Selection and Executor Decommissioning, that can both remove some pitfalls of spot instances and increase the reliability of your compute – resulting in faster, cheaper applications.

Cycle Podcast | EP 14 | Derek Distenfield | Introducing GSD.dev: Connect Startups w/ DevOps Teams

In this episode, Jake Warner chats with Derek Distenfield, co-founder of GSD Venture Studios. From an introduction to GSD’s Venture Studio and Global Accelerator to a big announcement about a new partnership with Cycle, Jake and Derek dive into the world of building startups -- without suffering from the lack of DevOps experience.

New Active Directory Integration features in Ubuntu 22.04 (part 4) - Scripts execution

In this article we will focus on how you can use Active Directory to schedule startup, shutdown, login or logout scripts on your managed desktops through ADsys. In this area, as well as for all the other new features delivered by ADsys, we tried to offer a user experience as close as possible to the native one available in Microsoft Windows, with the aim of enabling IT admins to reuse the same knowledge and tools they acquired over the years to manage Ubuntu desktops.

Announcing Cycle.io's Partnership with GSD Venture Studios

We've made it our mission to reduce technical debt in the future of cloud computing, and our partners are helping us make that mission a reality. Today, we’re excited to announce that one of the world's leading Venture Studios, GSD Venture Studios, has chosen Cycle.io as the underlying platform for their new on-demand DevOps service, GSD.dev.

Cloud, Visibility, and Security

Three great things that do not always work great together. In the beginning there were large computer systems that few organizations could afford. Over time these systems became smaller and cheaper and many (if not most) organizations took advantage of them. Some just at the end-user level (i.e. the IBM PC on the desk), some only at the high-end level (i.e. a mainframe in the data center with terminals on desks), and some in a combination of both (anyone remember Reflection?).

Software supply chain: What it is and how to keep it secure

As shortages of consumer goods and rising prices caused by bottlenecks in international supply networks have become more common, the global supply chain and its vulnerabilities have been top of mind for many. For developers, several high-profile software security exploits have recently underscored the risks inherent in a similar type of supplier network: the software supply chain.

Prevent XSS attacks with browser testing

Security is a never-ending battle on the web. You can have a server up in just a few minutes, and the next minute, someone is already trying to hack into it. These attacks could be automated using malicious bots or launched manually. Websites can be targeted by a malicious user trying to compromise your web presence or data. Cross-site scripting (XSS) is just one type of attack your site may be vulnerable to.

What Is Cost Optimization? 8 Best Practices To Use ASAP

You're not alone if you have trouble visualizing, measuring, and controlling your IT costs. Whether public or private, cloud computing can add to the cost problem. That’s because cloud computing offers on-demand resources, so misconfigured infrastructure, an overzealous engineer, or a blindsided operations team can do something that leads to a surprise cloud bill at the end of the month. But not so fast. What is cost optimization, and why is it different from IT cost reduction?

3 mistakes I've made at the beginning of an incident (and how not to make them)

The first few minutes of an incident are often the hardest. Tension and adrenaline levels are high, and if you don’t have a well-documented incident management plan in place, mistakes are inevitable. It was actually the years I spent managing incidents without the right tools in those high-tension moments that inspired me to build FireHydrant. I built the tool I wished I’d had when I was trying to move fast at the start of incidents.

Taking Your Kubernetes Helm Charts to the Next Level

Helm is a deployment tool for Kubernetes objects that supports package management, dependencies, and templating. In this article, we will explore how to optimize your Helm charts. To follow along, you’ll need a basic understanding of Helm and will have ideally written and deployed some basic Helm charts.

Join the Mattermost mobile beta program: v2.0 is now live!

Get ready for the future of Mattermost mobile. Beta testers can now access Mobile v2.0, including multi-server support — our most requested mobile feature ever. We’re also bringing you a number of usability enhancements and performance improvements to make you productive on the go. If you want to be on the cutting-edge of Mattermost mobile development, we’d encourage you to join the mobile beta program today.

Integrating Moogsoft with Datadog: Key Benefit Discussion | Moogsoft Product Videos & How-Tos

Are you a Datadog customer? And do you wish to optimize your workflow further? Then this video is for you! In this video, you will learn a sample use case to learn the key benefits of integrating Moogsoft to your Datadog environment. Don't forget to subscribe for content on DevOps, Observability, AIOps and more!

Common DevOps Roles and Responsibilities

DevOps-oriented engineers live at the intersection of IT operations and software development: understanding much of what it takes to maintain IT infrastructure while also being able to write code and deploy new services. DevOps-minded teams not only create services — they also maintain them. A DevOps structure forces teams to take accountability for their applications and infrastructure instead of allowing developers to throw code over the proverbial wall to IT operations.

Configure an Inbound Integration with Datadog | Moogsoft Product Videos & How-Tos

Integrating with Datadog has never been easier! In this video, you will learn how to create an API key and application key in Datadog, create user credentials in Moogsoft, and configure data types and filters in the Datadog integration. Don't forget to subscribe for content on DevOps, Observability, AIOps and more!

Trusted SBOMs delivered with the JFrog Platform and Azure

SBOMs provide essential visibility into all the components that make up a piece of software and detail how it was put together. With an SBOM in hand it’s possible to determine if software contains existing security and compliance issues or is impacted by newly discovered vulnerabilities. The SBOM is imperative due to the White House’s cybersecurity executive order from May 2021 requiring them for all government software purchases and many private organizations following suit.

Defying the Odds: Building Robust & Safe Workloads with Aqua Security & Komodor

As Kubernetes continues to become the de-facto operating system for modern applications, the two most concerning and imminent barriers to wider adoption in production still remain security and reliability. Funny enough, they are very closely related and often affect each other. Both require careful planning in advance and a preemptive approach with robust tooling and processes in place. Both are critical to business goals, as well as to end-user happiness. And with both, when things go awry, visibility and change intelligence are essential to solving incidents.

Monitor your Graviton3-powered EC2 instances with Datadog

AWS’s new Graviton3 EC2 instances are built on its third generation of custom Arm-powered processors. These instances promise up to 25 percent better performance over Graviton2 for compute-intensive workloads. This means that, for applications like distributed data analytics, machine learning, video encoding, gaming, and more, migrating to Graviton3 instances can provide better performance, cost savings, and more energy efficiency.

StackState's v5.0 Release Delivers New 4T Monitors and More: Apply the Power of Topology to Transform Traditional IT Monitoring

This week we released v5.0 of StackState’s observability and AIOps platform, which introduces a rich set of new capabilities. Our latest release contains a little something for everyone responsible for reliably running business critical workloads in dynamic environments – SREs, DevOps, central platform teams, even business teams – and for new and existing users alike.

Uncovering the mysteries of on-call

For the vast majority of organisations, some form of round-the-clock cover is critical to successful business operations. On-call is an essential part of an effective incident response process, yet there is no commonly accepted playbook on how to most effectively structure and compensate on-callers. We ran a survey to uncover the mysteries of how on-call works in organisations of different shapes and sizes around the world.

Morph: Database Schema Migrations Made Easy

Morph is a new database migration tool designed to improve Mattermost schema migrations. It can be used programmatically with a library and from a CLI. Morph stores the schema version in a table, where all applied migrations are persisted. It’s a flexible open source library that can be used with a driver interface implementation and a source to read migration scripts from. The engine uses a dependency injection pattern so that any implementation can be used with the library.

Spot PC: Azure AD direct join for the win!

Virtual desktops solutions – including Spot PC, Windows 365 , Azure Virtual Desktop – rely on directory services to authenticate users and provide access to assigned resources. For many years, traditional Active Directory instances have provided these services. With modern cloud based virtual desktops this configuration has created complexity and challenges, most related to the fact that Active Directory originated on-premise and contained many configuration options over the years.

How Does Chaos Engineering Work?

Chaos testing is a way to test the integrity of a system. Its purpose is to simulate failures that could crash a production system in a controlled environment. This helps to identify failures before they cause unplanned downtime that disrupts the user experience. Unlike standard testing, which tests a system response against a predefined result, chaos testing does not have a predefined result. Rather, the entire purpose of the experiment is to find out new information about the system.

How to remote debug an HTTP trigger Azure Functions in Visual Studio 2022

Sometimes it may not be easy to debug Azure Functions deployed on Azure since we cannot do inline debug through the Azure Portal. An option for us is to write information to the Logs console in key parts of our code to get insights into what’s happening inside our Function. We can do that using the following sentence: Another option, especially if we are developing our Azure Functions inside Visual Studio, is to run the Function locally.

Kubernetes management with Portainer and Civo

For our upcoming meetup, we'll be joined by Portainer to look into how the container management platform can help simplify day-to-day Kubernetes management. In this session, Saiyam Pathak, Director of Technical Evangelism at Civo will discuss various Kubernetes dashboards that can be used to view the cluster and its related metrics and discuss the benefits of each. Saiyam will also look into the Kubernetes dashboard, Skooner, Headlamp, lens, and octant.

The cost of cloud: 5 takeaways

Earlier this year we released our report on the cost of cloud. Through this white paper we discovered the complexities of cloud costs for businesses and alternatives beyond the hyperscalers. This white paper saw 1,000 cloud developers surveyed about the management of their cloud services, and the degree of costs associated with it. From this analysis, we were able to come up with 5 key takeaways outlining the degree to which hyperscalers are overpromising and under-delivering.

Distributed Caching on Cloud

Distributed caching is an important aspect of cloud based applications, be it for on-premises, public or hybrid cloud environments. It facilitates incremental scaling, allowing the cache to grow and incorporate the data growth. In this blog we will explore distributed caching on cloud and why it is useful for environments with high data volume and load.

Common interoperability challenges for multi-cloud

As cloud technology has matured, hybrid and multi-cloud approaches have become commonplace. Enterprises have discovered that not all applications are suitable for the public cloud, meaning on-premise data centres are still active, and each public cloud has its own strengths and weaknesses, driving businesses to mix-and-match to suit their needs. This results in interoperability challenges for multi-cloud environments.

What's new in Security for Ubuntu 22.04 LTS?

Canonical Ubuntu 22.04 LTS is the latest long term support release of Ubuntu, one of the world’s most popular Linux distributions. As a Long Term Support release, Ubuntu 22.04 LTS will be supported for 10 years, receiving both extended security updates and kernel livepatching via an Ubuntu Advantage subscription (which is free for personal use).

The Simple Formula For Managing Cloud Cost

Organizations receive high monthly bills from cloud providers with no way of determining why the number changes from month to month or how to accurately predict future spend. More importantly, there is little information to provide visibility if cloud resources are being deployed efficiently or if spend is correlated to business performance.

Big Relationships Grow From Big Data: UMBRiO, StackState and Splunk

Until I came to StackState seven years ago, I was selling for Splunk. Everyone that has big data knows Splunk – big data, big data lakes, observability data, data analysis. Anything to do with data, Splunk is there! While at Splunk, I had the good fortune to sign up a reseller by the name of UMBRiO. Together, with Erik Witte and his team, we sold a multi-million dollar deal to a large, multi-national bank in the Netherlands that put our partnership on the map.

Steps to Simplify Kubernetes Deployment: Leveraging Cluster API for VMware vSphere

D2iQ continues to enhance the D2iQ Kubernetes Platform (DKP) by adding innovative new services like Cluster API (CAPI) as they emerge from the Kubernetes open-source community. In this video, D2iQ’s Tommy Scherer walks us through the deployment of a Kubernetes cluster leveraging Cluster API for VMware vSphere, illustrating the ease with which DKP 2.2 can deploy Kubernetes clusters on vSphere.

Lightstep Notebooks helps speed troubleshooting for SREs and developers

Digital business is an imperative for 21st-century companies. Increasingly, organizations are directing investments toward technologies that deliver outcomes fast and enable more resilient digital business models. In this landscape, incidents such as software bugs, power outages, or downed networks have major consequences that affect both revenue and customer loyalty.

Become a Database Administrator - Guide to Database Security

Database security includes a variety of measures used to secure database management systems from vicious cyber-attacks and illegitimate use. Database security programs are designed to protect not only the data within the database but also the data management system itself, and every application that accesses it, from destruction, mishandling, and unauthorized access.

June releases: discover a faster and more intuitive FireHydrant

It’s been a busy month at FireHydrant. We’ve had our heads down shipping loads of improvements across the platform, and I want to take you on a quick tour of the changes. At the core of all these updates is a common theme: things are now a heck of a lot more intuitive. There’s a lot to digest here; read the full roundup of June releases below or follow us on Twitter for a bite-size demo each day this week.

How to Integrate AWS CloudTrail Service with VMware Tanzu Observability

VMware Tanzu Observability offers easy integration with Amazon Web Services (AWS) CloudTrail, enabling operators to view events that are related to governance, compliance, and operational and risk auditing for your AWS account. This post walks you through the process of integrating CloudTrail Service with Tanzu Observability Wavefront to take advantage of these consolidated features.

Elevating the Developer Experience: A Forrester Study on How (and Why) to Improve DevX

Last month, we discussed how investing in developer happiness is not just a trend, and that, in fact, your business depends on it. In parallel, VMware commissioned a study by Forrester Research to examine the business impact of developer experience (DevX). This study helps identify the ways in which DevX affects business outcomes, determine obstacles to developer productivity, and outline how DevX can be improved.

Use Create Your Own Integration API to Send Batch Event Data to Moogsoft | Product Videos & How-Tos

Your source payloads may include multiple events sent in a "batch" under a single object. In such cases, you can use batch processing to identify the top-level object and map event fields for individual events. Watch a video to learn how. Don't forget to subscribe for content on DevOps, Observability, AIOps and more!

How To Prepare for a Site Reliability Engineer (SRE) Interview

Site reliability engineering continues to gain traction in software development and IT. SRE is at the crossroads of software development and IT operations. In Ben Treynor’s words, SRE is “what happens when you ask a software engineer to design an operations function.” Site reliability engineering is a way for developers to actively build services and functions to improve the resilience of people, processes and technical systems.

What's A Sysadmin? The System Administrator Role Explained

For decades, system administrators have worked largely in the shadows to maintain the accessibility and uptime of your most important IT services. And, while the rise of DevOps and cloud computing has led to more people with a hybrid sysadmin/developer skillset, the primary duties of a system administrator will always be required.

An Overview of Microsoft Azure Services

Azure is the public cloud computing platform of Microsoft and it offers: Azure comprises more than 600 cloud services and supports varied operating systems, databases and developer tools. And the best part (in our opinion)? Splunk On-Call integrates with Microsoft Azure to help on-call teams improve incident response for Azure-based environments.

Kubewarden Reaches 1.0.0 Release

Kubewarden is a policy engine for Kubernetes that is part of the CNCF Sandbox. Its mission is to simplify the adoption of policy-as-code. Never heard of Kubewarden? Do you want to know what makes Kubewarden stand out among similar solutions? This is a high-level overview of Kubewarden’s unique points: Today, a year and a half since its conception, we’re thrilled to announce the release of Kubewarden v1.0.0!

AWS vs Azure vs GCP virtual machine comparison (2022)

In this blog post series, we will be comparing different services in AWS, GCP and Azure. We'll go into detail in each of the resources and understand the differences between providers, something you need to be aware if you are looking into switching clouds. Some examples will be given using Terraform, the Infrastructure as Code (IaC) market leader. If you want to know more about different IaC tools and how they compare, check our other blog post - Terraform vs Pulumi vs CloudFormation.

Eliminating Toil In SRE

Toil is a term coined by Google which describes the repetitive and tedious tasks associated with running a production service. Toil tends to be manual and devoid of any long-term value. Toil is not just ‘work I do not like to do’. Each time an engineer engages with a production system, it represents time devoted to toil. These types of tasks get worse as your service grows even more extensive. Site Reliability Engineers (SRE) should spend less time on toil.

Human-Friendly, Production-Ready Data Science Stack with Metaflow & Argo Workflows with Savin Goyal

There is a pressing need for tools and workflows that meet data scientists where they are. This is also a serious business need: How to enable an organization of data scientists, who are not software engineers by training, to build and deploy end-to-end machine learning workflows and applications independently. In this talk, we discuss the problem space and the approach we took to solving it with Metaflow, the open-source framework we developed at Netflix, which now powers hundreds of business-critical ML projects at Netflix and other companies from bioinformatics and drones to real estate.

Weave Cybersecurity into your product design

How important security is for your application and digital services? “Very important”, this is the answer we get the most often from Product Managers and Executives. Nobody wants the malware to take advantage of the vulnerabilities of their applications. However, any access point to the internet can be an entry point for hackers.

Infrastructure Monitoring: Definition & Best Practices

Organizations are continually increasing the number of devices and technologies used within their IT environments. To ensure these IT environments are functioning well and providing users a good experience, a company’s IT infrastructure must be tracked and maintained. This is accomplished through the use of infrastructure monitoring.

Qovery Demo Day Summary - June 2022

Our last Qovery Demo Day was live on Thursday, 23rd of June. This event aims to give you insights into what we did during the past month and what’s next and showcase some of our new features. During this demo day, Romaric (CEO at Qovery) and Benjamin (Software Engineer at Qovery) joined me to talk about Qovery EC2 and our brand new V3 console.

Epinio: The Developer Platform You Should Try Today

Epinio is a Platform as a Service (PaaS) that allows developers to go from the application source to a URL in one step. Try Epinio today or try it tomorrow — but make sure you try it. We just released our first stable version (Epinio v1.0.0) and we think you are going to love it. Let me tell you why.

How to deploy a Go web application to the cloud with Docker Swarm (Part 2)

Last week, I showed you how to build and deploy a Go Web application (or API backend for a frontend framework like React or Vue) to a cloud provider, using Docker as a process manager. In this post, which is part of two of this series, I will show you a second method of deploying a Go Web app or backend to any cloud, using Docker Swarm.

Supply Chain Security Meetup June 21 2022 (Sponsored by JFrog)

Software Supply Chain Security Virtual Meetup Open-source vulnerabilities are in many applications. While finding them is critical, even more, critical is remediating them as fast as possible. Securing your software supply chain is absolutely critical as attackers are getting more sophisticated in their ability to infect software at all stages of the development lifecycle, as seen with Log4j and Solarwinds.

Know Instantly When Kubernetes Violations Occur - Your First PagerDuty and Shipa Alert

Imagine having the ability to instantly know when a Kubernetes compliance or security violation occurs. Now you can with Shipa Insights. Coupling Shipa Insights with the robust notification and alerting capabilities of PagerDuty makes this very possible. Shipa has the capability of sending fine-grained events externally e.g to PagerDuty. Now with the power of Shipa Insights, you have the capabilities to alert on policy violations. Let’s take a look at gettings started.

Words matter: incident management versus incident response

I recently published a couple of blog posts about what happens when you invest in a thoughtful incident management strategy and three first steps to take to do so. What I’m getting at in these posts is that we need a shift toward proactivity in the software operators community. I’d wager most of the world is responding to incidents as they happen, and nothing more.

What Is Spot Instance Advisor? A Beginner-Friendly Guide

Amazon Web Services (AWS) provides three types of Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) instances; On-Demand Instances, Reserved Instances (RIs), and Spot Instances. EC2 On-Demand instances are the default and most expensive instances. RIs and Spot instances offer discounts of up to 72% and 90% on On-Demand instances, respectively. The Reserved Instances are long-term commitments that guarantee you compute power for a year or three. Spot instances fluctuate in price and availability constantly.

Create a Custom Integration | Moogsoft Product Videos & How-Tos

After watching this video, you will be able to explain when to use the custom integration option, ingest data in JSON format into Moogsoft, map data from your monitoring software to Moogsoft event fields, and set up and test a deduplication key to reduce operational noise. Don't forget to subscribe for content on DevOps, Observability, AIOps and more!

Logic App Best practices, Tips, and Tricks: #11 Connectors naming convention

Today I will talk about naming convention because I think this is so critical to implement from day one, and people tend to forget. We earlier addressed the importance of providing a good naming convention to your Logic App name and actions inside your business process. Today we will speak about the Connectors (or API Connections) naming convention.

Tanzu Kubernetes Grid in the Azure Hybrid-Cloud Data Center

Customers are demanding multi-cloud solutions to solve problems such as resource constraints, application mobility, and flexible architectures. VMware is positioning new products to meet this demand and provide a unified experience across infrastructures. In this latest look at the hybridized data center, VMware meets the customer where they are to demonstrate the efficacy of VMware Tanzu Kubernetes Grid in a public cloud deployment.

DevOps 101: Introducing Database DevOps

In this fourth session in our DevOps 101 series, we’re going to delve into Database DevOps specifically. But before we get going, I just want to do a quick check to make sure we’re all on the same page. Donovan Brown’s definition of DevOps seems to have been adopted by almost everyone nowadays because it’s very clear: “DevOps is the union of people, process, and products to enable continuous delivery of value to our end users”.

What's With All the New Observability Tools?

Organizations struggle with getting the right visibility into their environments. Better visibility can improve performance, increase uptime (or decrease downtime, depending on your perspective) and ultimately improve customer satisfaction. Finding the right tool, however, can be a real challenge. Making matters even worse, vendors seem to be announcing new observability platforms every day.

Anomaly rate in every chart

A month ago, we introduced unsupervised ML & Anomaly Detection in Netdata, the Anomaly Advisor. Today, we’re happy to announce that we’re bringing anomaly rates to every chart in Netdata Cloud. Anomaly information is no longer limited to the Anomalies tab and will be accessible to you from the Overview and Single Node View tabs as well. This will make your troubleshooting journey easier, as you will have the anomaly rates for any metric available with a single click.

Automating deployment of a Dockerized Python app to Docker Hub

CI/CD systems follow a multi-tiered environments pattern: development, testing, staging, and production release are all part of this process. Each setting in this cycle could have a variety of set ups and configurations. As a result, having to set up separate configurations for different environments could be inconvenient and burdensome. In this tutorial, we will take a look at what Docker is and how it has freed developers from set-up problems and port clashes.

Setting Up DevOps Teams for Success

The gap between top and low-performing engineering teams is dramatic, whatever angle you look at it from. Whether you analyze their tech stacks and architecture choices, performance metrics, or cultural and team elements, the delta tends to be quite impressive. Despite the wide range of approaches, a few indicators paint a clear picture of the typical characteristics of a well-oiled setup.

Create Outstanding AWS Infrastructure with Terraform and Qovery

Terraform combined with Qovery is like giving superpower to DevOps and developers. I am super excited to launch a brand new GitHub repository with "ready-to-use" examples to deploy crazy AWS cloud architecture with Terraform and Qovery. Feel free to use them, modify them and share them with us and our community.

The 15 Best Continuous Deployment Tools In 2022

Today's technology companies need to release quality features quickly and put them in users' hands even quicker. According to the State of DevOps Report, organizations with CI/CD tools deploy 208X more often and have a 106X shorter lead time than organizations without one. You can release software with minimal downtime for your customers when you use robust continuous deployment software.

Cloud 66 Feature Highlight: Audit Logs

What are Audit Logs? Audit Logs automatically record all user activities across all of your applications and team members. Audit Logs provide you with all the information you need to assess changes made to your account, such as IP address, date and time (displayed in your timezone), geo-location (accurate to the city), and the team members involved.

Part I: A Journey of a Thousand Binaries - Types of Software Dependencies

As software developers, one of the things that we worry a lot about is our software dependencies. To speed up delivery time of new functionality within our code we reuse software – we don’t have time to reinvent the wheel. We stand on the shoulders of giants and leverage all the hard work and lessons learned from the software developers of our past. Sounds great right! Well mostly great because we are faced with the underlying trials intrinsec to software development.

How the Eco Value Report gives your time back

You’re a Cloud Strategist and your time is in demand. Your whole team is occupied meeting timelines and addressing concerns related to your business, which is why it made sense to sign up for Spot by Netapp’s Eco product in the first place. Eco’s ability to provide dedicated, cloud savings without taking your valuable time is just what the doctor ordered. In fact, Eco does such a good job, often the only time you think about it is when it is time to pay the bill.

Trunk-based vs. feature-based development

When you are the only dev building a software project, you can create and modify your code according to personal preference. When you contribute code to a team-run project, you need to follow a standardized set of guidelines and coordinate precisely with other team members. Standard guidelines and coordinated work effort are vital to the success of every team-based software development project.

The Path to Continuous Cloud Optimization

Implementing change in an organization always has its challenges, and for it to be successful it requires support from executive management. For one of our large Managed Service Provider (MSP) clients, their new CIO was focused on making their customer’s cloud consumption more efficient, with the outcome being cost savings.

Product Roundup: New Blameless Features in June 2022

Summer means things are heating up. And things are definitely heating up at Blameless! We’ve been hard at work delivering new features and capabilities to our customers, so today I wanted to share a quick summary of all the latest. Here are 4 exciting product updates that enhance the way teams manage incidents and deliver reliable products to their customers.

Integrate with AWS CloudWatch | Moogsoft Product Videos & How-Tos

You can get the source data into Moogsoft in two ways – You can install a collector to the system you want to monitor, or integrate with the source monitoring system. This video shows you the latter option using AWS Cloudwatch. Don't forget to subscribe for content on DevOps, Observability, AIOps and more!

Monitor SQL Server and Azure managed databases with Datadog DBM

Datadog Database Monitoring (DBM) provides comprehensive visibility into SQL queries running on your databases. Using DBM, you can troubleshoot database performance issues by drilling into frequently used queries and analyzing historical trends in your queries’ metrics and execution plans. Whether you operate self-hosted SQL Server instances or leverage Azure’s fully managed services, DBM can provide deep visibility into the databases your application depends on.

Platform.sh announces $140m series D round of funding

Today is a big moment in the Platform.sh story and a bright day to celebrate in our seven-year history. This latest round of fundraising comes at the perfect time. We’ve already laid the groundwork by providing clients with the most efficient, most powerful management service to build and run web applications at scale. We’re extremely happy with what we have been able to accomplish in previous years.

Qovery revival: Brand New Web Console for a world new Developer Experience

Hi everyone, Albane here 👋 If you read my changelogs, you probably realized that I have been talking about a V3 in the making; almost a year after our V2, the wait is almost over because after gathering all of your precious feedback and nearly a quarter of work the Alpha testing is coming before the end of the month! 🤩 This V3 is undoubtedly the most significant product evolution of the last twelve months, but what’s so special about it?

Making Reliability A Critical Service Of An Organization

As systems continue to become more complex, reliability is becoming an increasingly important requirement. Organizations are quickly realizing that making reliability a critical part of their service means that other organizations will be less likely to cut costs on them. As a result of this, the field of service reliability engineering (SRE) has grown rapidly over the past few years.

Are your applications secure? Can you find it out without complex rules?

The modernization of infrastructure and applications is driving the rapid growth of containers, and as companies scale the adoption of Kubernetes, it’s critical to incorporate security and compliance. The challenge? Compliance and security is a journey, not a state in time, and application security in Kubernetes has a large surface area. This challenge increases exponentially as you run more applications, onboard more developers, add more environments, add new pipelines, and more.

Puppet and Government: Adopting infrastructure as code

Government agencies are facing a rising need for changes to their IT infrastructure. This need is becoming even more urgent as they continue to migrate operations to the cloud. Leveraging modern cloud applications and resources within an existing legacy agency environment requires IT agility to maintain the balance of security while keeping pace with an agency’s mission.

Tech Talk: DevOps Edition - Monitor and Alert on Your Kubernetes Clusters in Seconds

Watch Monitor and Alert on Your Kubernetes Clusters in Seconds to learn how Splunk Observability can help demystify challenges with monitoring distributed microservices. You’ll also view a demonstration on how to correlate application and infrastructure behavior to streamline troubleshooting and alerting on-premises and in the cloud.

Shipa Insights - Engineering Efficiency Release

As we continue to build our vision around Shipa Insights, we are pleased to announce that we are now including engineering efficiency statistics along with the policy and security violations from our initial release. Getting started with Shipa Insights is very easy, Shipa Insights is there for you automatically. Navigate to the Insights Module and take a look at what Shipa has been keeping track of / discovering on your behalf.

Local Kubernetes Environments: Part 2

Kubernetes shouldn’t be reserved for production. Using local Kubernetes in development means you can build and test your service using the same technologies as your live deployments. Some organizations provide a shared Kubernetes cluster for development activities. Others offer on-demand virtual clusters that serve staging environments for significant changes.

Honeycomb Supports Service Ownership

The software industry is moving toward teams that own the services they build. This concept encloses principles and possibilities from movements toward microservices, DevOps, Agile, and Project to Product. In these paradigms, a team of people delivers software that provides valued capabilities. These capabilities help customers get their work done, support business operations, or enable other software to do these.

State of Observability 2022: Modernization Cannot Succeed without Observability

As organizations look to become cloud-first to meet the growing demands of the shifts in the ways we do business, we have seen the pace of digital transformation accelerate. As a result, organizations have evolved their cloud strategies to multi-cloud environments and are adopting more containers, microservices, and cloud native technologies. This is creating increasingly distributed systems, making it harder to gain a comprehensive view into how they’re performing.

How MoovingON Improved GreenRoad's Platform Reliability

When GreenRoad experienced a period of intense growth and expansion within a short time, the organization knew that it would need to upgrade its NOC support services to meet the standards of its new prominent and international clients. In addition, as their platforms rely on cloud support, finding a provider that could offer high availability and fast and efficient service was critical, and MoovingON seemed the perfect candidate.

How to Design a Network: 6 Best Practices for Success

A network provides a way for many computers to all be connected and exchange data with each other simultaneously. It allows members of organizations to quickly complete tasks, share information, and carry out any computing responsibilities that rely on a working network. It’s important for each organization to ensure that their network design is suitable for their needs.

The Silent Digital Transformation Killer

Digital transformation, no matter what form it takes within your organization, is a high-stakes initiative to deliver strategic impact to the business. The cloud is a pivotal enabler to that effort. But there’s a flip side—challenges related to migrating and managing workloads in the cloud can have a negative impact on the success of your transformation efforts.

How A Cost Intelligence Mindset Will Help You Survive The Tech Industry Slowdown

In the past couple of months, after nearly a decade of huge returns and steady growth, the tech industry has officially slowed down. Companies are tightening their belts — laying off employees, freezing spending, and lowering budgets. If you work in tech right now, it’s likely you’ve felt it.

Kubernetes as a Service using Amazon EKS

Kubernetes is an open source software that helps you manage and deploy your containerized applications. Kubernetes consists of two major component control planes (which decide where to run your pod) and a worker node (where your workload runs). As Kubernetes is a complex system, managing these components is challenging, and this is where you can use a Kubernetes as a Service solution like Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS).

All You Need To Know About Multi-Cloud Security

A recent study from Juniper Research predicts the value of enterprise cybersecurity spend will continue to climb, exceeding $226 billion in 2027; up from $179 billion in 2022. This growth of 26% over the next five years reflects a rising awareness of vulnerabilities, not least of which is DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service) as a key driver behind the increasing spend.

Kubernetes Annual Report 2021: What you need to know

The Cloud Native Computing Foundation published their Annual Report for 2021 which outlines the past year and what can be expected in the upcoming 6 months. Community leaders and 62,000 contributors on GitHub came together to report on initiatives and updates to create CNCF’s second annual report. So, here are the important updates from the Kubernetes Annual Report that we think you need to know.

Spot PC is like your regular coffee order, same price each time

$3.68. That’s how much it costs for my 12oz double latte at our local coffee shop. Something is comforting about knowing exactly what the price will be. Whether I go in on a Monday morning to kick off the week with some caffeine or stop by on the weekend as an indulgence while running errands, my order is always $3.68. I know I can get my latte and leave a tip with a $5 bill, no fussing with swiping a card or dealing with change.

Integrate with AppDynamics | Moogsoft Product Videos & How-Tos

After watching this video, you will be able to set up a template in AppDynamics to send data to Moogsoft, configure a JSON payload to map AppDynamics data to Moogsoft event fields, and define an AppDynamics policy to forward health rule violations and other issues to Moogsoft.

How to Establish Service Level Objectives In Software Engineering

SLOs or Service Level Objectives are the foundation of Site Reliability Engineering (SRE). To correctly understand SLOs, the first step is to understand Service Level Indicators or SLIs. SLIs are metrics that measure the vitals of the service. These vitals are chosen based on two conditions. First, they are the features that the user is primarily concerned about. Second, they allow the engineering team to get an overview of the system’s health.

Continuous Validation: What Is It And Why Is It Important?

By investing in a CI/CD pipeline, it’s entirely possible to automate a large part of the software development life cycle – letting businesses deliver high-quality, high-efficiency outputs with a faster time to market. But there are multiple elements to the CI/CD process, including the all-seeing eye that is continuous validation. So what exactly is continuous validation, and why should software developers bother to engage with it?

Continuous Documentation In A CI/CD World

Continuous documentation is the process of creating and maintaining code documentation incrementally throughout a project in a way that seamlessly incorporates it into the development workflow. It is a key part of improving reliability within an organization. It’s not just new features that need to be documented – anything useful from bug fixes, to how to get started using the code should be documented. It should also be updated frequently to ensure that it stays relevant.

How To Build High-Performing Engineering Teams

There is a distinctive gap opening up between the top engineers and the rest. The elite engineers represent the top few percent of engineering teams and are making incredible gains year on year in velocity, reliability, and human compatibility, whilst the bottom 50% are losing ground. The loss has nothing to do with engineering ability.

The 7 DevOps Lifecycle Phases: How To Manage Costs At Each Step

DevOps helps developers and operators work together to create high-quality software quickly. DevOps is a modern software development philosophy that uses various tools, processes, and people to get ideal results rapidly. As a result, companies that use DevOps satisfy customer needs, achieving a competitive advantage.

The private cloud future: Data centres as a service

Even after the public cloud hype, private clouds remain to be a very essential part of many enterprises’ cloud strategy. Private clouds are simply giving CIOs more control over their budgets, enabling better security and allowing the flexibility to build best of breed IT solutions. So let’s stop here and take a step backwards, why are organisations even investing in their IT?

New Active Directory Integration features in Ubuntu 22.04 (part 3) - Privilege Management

Linux Active Directory (AD) integration is historically one of the most requested functionalities by our corporate users, and with Ubuntu Desktop 22.04, we introduced ADsys, our new Active Directory client. This blog post is part 3 of a series where we will explore the new functionalities in more detail.

How to deploy a Go web application to the cloud (Part 1)

Go has emerged as a popular option to develop web applications, especially for API backends, used by a React or Vue frontend. This post is the first of a multi-post series on the deployment of a web application to a cloud provider, starting with the simplest form of deployment, all the way to using Kubernetes for your web apps.

How to Install a Moogsoft Collector | Moogsoft Product Videos & How-Tos

You can get the source data into Moogsoft in two ways – You can install a collector to the system you want to monitor, or integrate with the source monitoring system. This video shows you how to install a Moogsoft collector. Don't forget to subscribe for content on DevOps, Observability, AIOps and more!

Network Configuration, Monitoring and Management Explained

Network configuration entails setting up your network to support local or remote network communication. This configuration allows for wired or wireless connection and entails the installation of network hardware, software, and devices. In this article, let’s take a look at network configuration, including the benefits, various types and tools, and how to monitor and manage the network.

Life as a Chief Strategy Officer (CSO)

Google “CSO role description” and you will get 9 million results, none of which will sufficiently describe why it has been both challenging and enormously fulfilling for me at Tidal Migrations. Quite simply, a CSO role is uniquely tailored to the company it belongs to. So while Deloitte has this article about the six faces of a CSO, I wanted to share how my role came about and what it means to be a CSO at Tidal.

Redgate launches free online library of PASS Data Community Summit 2021 sessions

Ahead of this year's hybrid PASS Data Community Summit in November 2022, Redgate has continued its commitment to the data community by releasing a free online library of 261 sessions from the 2021 Summit to help data professionals everywhere upskill their knowledge and careers.

4 Multi-Cloud Misconceptions that Put Organizations at Risk

Shifting to the cloud? Multi-cloud environments enable organizations to expand their computing and storage capacities easily, but that comes with tradeoffs — topping the list: cybersecurity. What makes cloud computing appealing is also a reason to worry. It is easy to access your cloud environment anywhere with internet access, but that also means it’s easy for cybercriminals and digital adversaries to access it.

Get immediate visibility into Azure Kubernetes Service with Datadog's powerful AKS dashboard

We’re pleased to announce a new out-of-the-box dashboard for Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) that allows you to immediately visualize the health and performance of your AKS clusters. This dashboard organizes and highlights the most critical information from the standard AKS metrics, while also incorporating log data to provide observability into the control plane.

Demo Day | Discover Developer-First Reliability

Join us at this very first edition of Demo Days where this month we’ll be meeting the team at Reliably who will give a live product demo showcasing how their platform can help you to get better at operating with greater predictability and less anxiety. See Reliably in action and discover developer-first reliability as one of their experts will guide us through the product and its features.

The value of blameless culture - from IC to C-Suite

At CircleCI, CI has a second meaning: Continuous Improvement. We continuously seek out feedback not only to improve our code but to improve our processes and get better at our jobs along the way. This Continuous Improvement starts with one important company value: a blameless culture. Our blameless culture extends into every part of how we operate.

JFrog Frogbot version 2

Frogbot scans every pull request created for security vulnerabilities with JFrog Xray and in version 2 it even opens pull requests for upgrading vulnerable dependencies to a version with a fix!. With Frogbot installed, you can make sure that new pull requests don’t add new security vulnerabilities to your code base alongside them. If they do, the creator of the pull request has the opportunity to change the code before it is merged.

Monitoring your Windows performance metrics with hosted Graphite

Windows is the most popular operating system in the world. It powers not only personal computers and laptops at home but also enterprise servers and systems. Due to the vast use of the software, many solutions to monitor Windows have been developed. In this article, we will discuss an efficient way to monitor Windows and the reason why we want to track the metrics of the operating system. But before we start, check MetricFire.

5 Simple Steps to Create Preview Environments on AWS with Qovery

The process of software development has changed radically. Development is fast-paced and needs testing and staging environments to reflect production accurately. Still, achieving this can be a significant operational hassle. Most engineering teams use a single staging environment, making it hard for developers to test their changes in isolation.

Extracting Value from the Kubernetes Events Feed - Civo

Kubernetes events can provide unique and clear insights into cluster health and performance, but how do you cut through the noise and better understand your environment? Matthew Lenhard, Co-founder & CTO of ContainIQ, will discuss how to extract value from the Kubernetes events feed. In this webinar, we will explain what Kubernetes events are, how to use them, and tools that can be used to get the most out of them.

What is Ubuntu Core 22?

IoT manufacturers face complex challenges to deploy devices on time and within budget. Ensuring security and remote management at scale is also taxing as device fleets expand. Ubuntu Core 22 helps manufacturers meet these challenges with an ultra-secure, resilient, and low-touch Operating System, backed by a growing ecosystem of silicon and ODM partners. Ubuntu Core 22 is a minimal, fully containerised Ubuntu 22.04 LTS variant optimised for IoT and edge devices.

Canonical Ubuntu Core 22 is now available - optimised for IoT and embedded devices

15 June 2022: Canonical today announced that Ubuntu Core 22, the fully containerised Ubuntu 22.04 LTS variant optimised for IoT and edge devices, is now generally available for download from ubuntu.com/download/iot. Combined with Canonical’s technology offer, this release brings Ubuntu’s comprehensive and industry-leading operating system (OS) and services to a complete range of embedded and IoT devices.

Metric Correlations on the Agent

As of v1.35.0 the Netdata Agent can now run Metric Correlations (MC) itself. This means that, for nodes with MC enabled, the Metric Correlations feature just got a whole lot faster! The Netdata Metric Correlations feature uses a Two Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov test to look for which metrics have a significant distributional change around a highlighted window of interest.

Instaclustr and Service Providers: Unlocking the Value of Data for Customers, Together

After taking initial steps to migrate to the cloud, many IT organizations look to leverage more advanced cloud technologies and applications to underpin their digital initiatives. This goes beyond core compute and storage infrastructure and extends to technologies that directly enable new applications in the most efficient way possible.

Tech Ops is a mess. Here's why we're committed to fixing it.

Building software is hard. Building cloud software is even harder because things move much faster — and require mission-critical reliability and availability. To effectively build software in the cloud, engineering teams need observability, CI/CD, reporting, and lots of tooling. At every organization I’ve worked at, we’ve needed a system of tools that lets us: But all the tools available to engineering teams never quite fit together with our specific processes.

Mattermost Playbooks How-to: Software Feature Development

For teams that follow a structured build and release cycle, having a reliable, shared workflow makes the difference between chaos and consistency. With every new feature in development the team needs to know what the specs are, how it fits in the roadmap, what the customer feedback was, where to find the repository, who is responsible for each step, and so much more.

7 Snowflake Alternatives to Help You Lower Costs

The Snowflake data cloud provides storage, reporting, and analytics for organizations that rely on their data to run their day-to-day operations. Snowflake has become a top data warehouse solution for its manageability, superior scalability, always-on data security, advanced analytics, and robust accessibility since its launch from stealth mode in 2014. But Snowflake isn't perfect. For example, Snowflake is a cloud-only solution, so it might not be the best choice for organizations with on-premises data.

What you're missing out if you don't try Ubuntu Core 22

Ubuntu Core, the Ubuntu flavour optimised for IoT and edge devices, has a new version available. With a 2-year release cadence, every new release is both an exciting and challenging milestone. Ubuntu Core is based on Ubuntu. It is open source, long-term supported (LTS), binary compatible and offers a unified developer experience. It allows developers and makers to build composable and software-defined appliances built from immutable snap container images.

Master IoT software updates with validation sets on Ubuntu Core 22

If you are packaging your IoT applications as snaps or containers, you are aware of the benefits of bundling an application with its dependencies. Publishing snaps across different operating system versions and even distributions is much easier than maintaining package dependencies. Automated IoT software updates make managing fleets of devices more efficient.

Mattermost Playbooks How-to: Release Management

Releasing software to users has become a sophisticated and intricate process that requires high levels of consistency and coordination. A release has to be built, brought together, documented, tested and deployed, which requires coordination of at least four separate teams and a generous handful of pipelines and other tools. Without a well-documented process things can get messy very quickly, causing stress for everyone involved.

Mattermost Playbooks How-to: Incident Resolution

Whether you’re part of a team managing SaaS products or a high-security digital workspace, sometimes Things Go Wrong and must be addressed with extreme care, professionalism, and predictability. For outages, data breaches, vulnerabilities and more, you and your team are juggling a variety of tools, processes, and rigid incident management systems. When the on-call pager goes off at 3 am almost no one has the ability to remember every step needed to kick off all the response workflows.

The Mattermost Apps Framework is now generally available

The Apps Framework is an important tool in the Mattermost developer toolbox for easily creating integrations and customized workflows—written in any language and deployed with serverless hosting. The Apps Framework complements the existing ecosystem of plugins, slash commands, bots, and webhooks. As of Mattermost version 6.6, the Apps Framework is now generally available for all cloud and self-hosted deployments.

Monitoring: The ROI of Build vs. Buy

I’ve written before about building your own monitoring systems versus buying a monitoring tool like Redgate SQL Monitor. There I talked about the time that someone tasked with managing and maintaining data gets back in their day when they purchase a monitoring solution. However, that’s not where the business focuses. The business frequently wants to know one thing and one thing only: what’s the return on this investment (ROI).

Latest Updates in the HAProxy Data Plane API - Chad Lavoie - HAProxyConf 2021

The HAProxy Data Plane API now has the ability to get backends from AWS tags and Consul, upload SSL certificates, and other features that make it fit into modern configurations. In this presentation we will provide a brief introduction to the HAProxy Data Plane API and cover some of these new features in more depth.

Fostering Fearlessness: Working in the Middle of the Day Instead of the Middle of the Night

There’s no shortage of articles on CI/CD and how to run a configuration validation utility before reloading or restarting a service, but this type of validation is not the same as acceptance testing. Furthermore, these validations don’t always give you (or your leadership team) the confidence to allow you to make big changes to your Production Infrastructure during normal business hours, often preferring to err on the side of caution and scheduling a maintenance window when you might prefer to be in bed.

Use APIs to Send Sample Data into Moogsoft | Moogsoft Product Videos & How-Tos

In this video, you will learn how to use best practices in managing API Keys, navigate the Moogsoft API docs to locate relevant information, and build Event and Metrics API commands. Don't forget to subscribe for content on DevOps, Observability, AIOps and more!

What is cloud bursting? Managing sporadic workloads on the hybrid cloud

The DevOps field is engaged in a great, collective migration into the cloud. Businesses are decentralizing their applications and databases, hosting them in the cloud to make them available regardless of geography or user device. Some organizations choose to host their applications on private servers, but in periods of high demand take advantage of the public cloud by directing overflow traffic to cloud servers. This approach is called cloud bursting.

Site Reliability Engineering (SRE) Survey Now Open for 2022 - Calling All Reliability Practitioners and Leaders

In its fifth year, Catchpoint sponsors The SRE Survey, in partnership with Blameless, to uncover new trends and challenges for teams focused on advancing the reliability of digital products.

Annual Study: Hybrid IT Acceleration Has Increased Network Complexity and Lowered Tech Pros' Network Management Confidence

SolarWinds IT Trends Report 2022-Getting IT Right: Managing Hybrid IT Complexity examines the current state and areas of opportunity for technology professionals managing increased complexity as hybrid IT accelerates. The continued shift to hybrid IT drives increased levels of IT management complexity, but tech pros feel a lack of confidence in how to best manage it. Nearly half (44%) of tech pros said their organization manages hybrid IT complexity through training staff and adopting IT monitoring/management tools (37%)

Monitor and diagnose network performance issues with SNMP Traps

Monitoring your on-premise or hybrid infrastructure means keeping track of potentially thousands of devices, any one of which could be a point of failure. Additionally, silos between application and network teams can create visibility gaps that complicate troubleshooting. For network engineers investigating bottlenecks, being able to view real-time infrastructure health and performance data alongside application metrics is essential for ensuring their organizations meet key SLOs.

Podcast: Break Things on Purpose | Developer Advocacy and Innersource with Aaron Clark

In this episode, Jason chats with Aaron Clark, Director of Developer Advocacy at the Royal Bank of Canada. Aaron shares what it was like starting out as a developer at RBC and working in early cloud development, and then transitioning to his role as a developer advocate. Jason and Aaron talk about the value applying open source principles within organizations, or “innersource.” Their time ends with a discussion on continuing education and how to keep learning.

GitKraken Client v8.6 - Faster Git LFS and beyond!

We know that everyone’s code story may be a little different, but speedier repos are something everyone can get behind. No matter where your developer adventures take you, it is important to keep all your code, configuration, and media assets together, and never leave a file behind. That is why we have been working on a lot of performance improvements for Git LFS users and have added Bitbucket Workspace support for Bitbucket Server users!

Puppet and Government: Maintaining compliance in complex hybrid cloud environments

This blog is the third in a four-part series about how Puppet can help government agencies meet compliance and security requirements. Read the second post here. Government agency IT departments know that migrating applications to the cloud can improve efficiency, increase visibility, and reduce costs. They also recognize the value in keeping some operation resources on-premises.

Netdata Agent release v1.35

The latest Netdata Agent release v1.35 introduces massive improvements for the machine learning-powered Anomaly Advisor, Metric Correlations, Kubernetes monitoring, and much more. Anomaly Advisor & on-device Machine Learning This release features a launch of the flagship machine learning (ML) assisted troubleshooting Anomaly Advisor. Unsupervised ML models are trained for every metric, at the edge, on your devices, enabling real-time anomaly detection across all your systems and applications.

Custom Resources with HAProxy Kubernetes Ingress Controller

HAProxy Kubernetes Ingress Controller provides custom resources named Backend, Defaults, and Global that let you manage ingress controller settings more efficiently. To start using them right away, check the documentation for steps and examples. In this blog post, you’ll learn why custom resources are such a powerful feature and see tips for getting the most out of them.

Developing a pipeline-builds logging system with CircleCI webhooks and Airtable Automations

Ever since CircleCI introduced webhooks, I have been excited about the possibilities this new way of integration opens up to developers. I decided to try out one of the use cases described in the webhooks documentation. This use case involves transmitting information about build-pipeline workflows into an Airtable database. The data piped into Airtable forms a log for you to monitor your workflows and you can go as far as designing graphs and other visualizations to analyze the build data.

Learn the Latest from the Research Roundup for Modernizing Infrastructure and Operations in a Hybrid World by Gartner

Gartner breaks down modernizing I&O into five key focus areas you won’t want to miss. Unsure of how to keep-up with infrastructure reliability in an ever-changing, hybrid world? With so many cloud infrastructure and platform services (CIPS) available, do you find yourself asking, ‘How can I make sure my data center infrastructure and its operations are maximized and successful?’ If you are feeling a little challenged in any of these areas, this report will be informative.

Launching my own SaaS

I love what we are building here at Shipa, and I couldn’t be more proud of all the great things the team is constantly delivering, but one thing I like is having personal projects. These help me keep up to date with technology and learn new things. I try to keep the investment in those projects at a minimum and under control. That goes across both the timing and the resources invested. My most recent project is related to the experience when defining cloud-native applications.

Introduction to Cloud-native Monitoring and Observability - Civo

Our applications and infrastructure provide us with vast amounts of data about their performance. To gain control over this amount of data, we must process it to be useful information. This information can offer you insights into where your application could be performing better, with more efficiency, or with fewer errors. Your insights can only be as good as the data you gather and how you organize it. More is not (always) better - this is where observability comes in.

Everything you need to know about cloud-native

Cloud technology, and applications running in the cloud, are becoming more and more common. With this rise in cloud computing, application development has needed to change as well, resulting in what can be called the cloud-native approach to software development. In this article, you will learn all about cloud-native technology and how cloud-native companies approach building their applications.

Regulating Cloud Costs: How To Implement Intelligent Spending Habits

Whether you’re a product manager, a marketing organization, or in finance, you’re probably using the cloud in some way. But many businesses are still immature when it comes to building systems in the cloud, especially when it comes to how they use their financial resources. Here, CloudZero founder and CTO Erik Peterson breaks down the responsibility of using the cloud, how to break down the costs of cloud computing, and what you need to do to change the conversation from cost to profit.

Squadcast Product Demo | Incident Management | On-call | SRE | Status Page | SLO Tracker | Runbooks

This video explains why Squadcast is a feature-rich solution for SRE, DevOps, and Engineering teams in general. With the ability to help teams quickly mobilize response teams during critical incidents, easily manage on-call schedules, and track SLOs for better SRE, Squadcast is a multi-purpose platform with numerous capabilities. This short video covers everything the product is capable of.

Fly Wisely with AI on Kubernetes in the Cloud

While organizations have been moving to modernize their IT infrastructures by adopting cloud-native Kubernetes technologies, the pandemic helped accelerate this movement. The surge in cloud services adoption during the lockdowns emphasized the need for organizations to make their business and technology models more agile.

Spot PC: The Right Solution, The Right Time, The Right Team

Last month Spot by NetApp launched Spot PC, and I couldn’t be prouder of the result. I want to take a minute to reflect on the journey that got us here and (hopefully) share some of my unbridled enthusiasm and optimism. Within NetApp there is a group of roughly 1,000 employees working on Cloud Services. Over the past 2-3 years, this group has been expanding rapidly, including several strategic acquisitions.

How to Test for Packet Loss: A Complete Guide

Among all the inconveniences endemic to living in the 21st century, there are few as common as a faulty internet connection. Most everyone with internet access is familiar with the experience but perhaps less so with the reason why. There are several, but chief among them is packet loss. In this article, we’ll explore what packet loss is and show you some of the first steps to conducting a packet loss test. But first, let’s briefly review what a packet is.

5 Takeaways From "Behind the Curtain: The Road to Terraform"

How much time are you wasting initializing your Terraform environments? If your answer is, “more than we should,” then we have some tips for you. Terraform is a popular infrastructure-as-code (IaC) tool for anyone who deploys to the cloud. We use it here at JFrog to help manage infrastructure for our SaaS customers, and recently added support in Artifactory to manage your Terraform files (provider, modules, and backend).

Migrate from Windows DNS Active Directory-Integrated to AWS Route53 Safely in 3 Commands

Migrating your DNS to a cloud-based service like Amazon’s Route53 service can be a daunting task. With dns-tools, you can test your DNS records before and after the migration to ensure that everything made it across in one piece. If you are migrating from a BIND DNS server, see our blog post here. Follow these four steps to migrate from a Windows DNS Active-Directory integrated server to Route53.

3 Steps to Prepare DNS Changes for a Data Center Migration

Data center and cloud migrations often require changing IP addresses of your servers and application end points. These changes require careful planning and precise execution in order to minimize downtime. Typically, this is executed by manually searching your DNS server’s configuration for each server that is migrating.

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Kubernetes vs Docker: Key Differences

It's impossible to learn about containerization without hearing about Docker and Kubernetes. These two tools together dominate the world of containers, both being the de-facto standard in what they each do. When you're first getting started learning about containers, it can be quite a challenge to figure out what the differences are between these two tools.

OKR Culture: How To Build Service reliability With DevOps Teams & OKRs

OKR stands for Objectives and Key Results (OKRs). They are essential frameworks for establishing and monitoring goals and outcomes. They also facilitate discussions regarding the alignment of an employee’s job with the company’s objectives. Many companies such as Google use OKRs to improve engineering team culture and productivity. OKRs require a strong, open, and creative workplace culture to take root. OKRs offer you focus, alignment, commitment, and goal tracking.

SecDevOps: Understanding Shift Left Security

No buzzwords were harmed in the making of this post Let’s take one of the most overloaded terms, DevOps, and mix it with the haziest of topics, security. What do you get, apart from confusion? SecDevOps. Or maybe it’s DevSecOps. If you’re not sure what either means, you’re not alone. Even the industry at large can’t decide what they should call it. And so they - we - came up with a new term altogether.

Datadog named Leader in 2022 Gartner Magic Quadrant for APM and Observability

Gartner® has published the 2022 Magic Quadrant™ for APM and Observability, an annual report that evaluates vendors in this category. We’re honored that Datadog has been recognized as a “Leader” within this Magic Quadrant report for the second consecutive year, with the highest position for Ability to Execute.

Setting up Route 53 Health Checks

We live in an age where the internet and digital data drive modern day markets, which results in huge amounts of data being generated and consumed. Hence, it has become very important for online platforms to manage this traffic and serve their customers more efficiently. In this blog we will explore the Amazon Route 53 service and see how it addresses domain name system routing and health check problems.

How to change your mind about failure with Rollbar CPO, Cyrus Radfar

Nearly every project can benefit from improvements, but which effort has the most impact? Rob sits down with Rollbar CPO Cyrus Radfar to discuss how to reframe your mindset on failure, knowing and operating from your top-level goal, and making failures a vital part of company culture.

Is your database on Kubernetes production-ready?

Last May, KubeCon gathered multiple tech enthusiasts, students, professionals, and companies. The event highlighted various topics and insights on how to collaborate on pushing the boundaries of cloud-native computin One of our Engineering Directors, Mykola Marzhan, shared his knowledge about databases on Kubernetes at KubeCon, during a session organised by the DoK.Community. We’ve picked out some of the key highlights from the talk below.

SQL vs NoSQL: Choosing your database

IT leaders, engineers, and developers must consider multiple factors when using a database. There are scores of open source and proprietary databases available, and each offers distinct value to organisations. They can be divided into two primary categories: SQL (relational database) and NoSQL (non-relational database). This article will explore the difference between SQL and NoSQL and which option is best for your use case.

Testing Commander.js command line applications

Breaking changes in production are inconvenient and can be costly to fix. Using commands like git clone < some GitHub repository >, executed on your terminal is a common practice, known as using the command line. This practice can be faster and more efficient than using a GUI. For this tutorial, I will walk you through the process of testing command-line applications git, explain why you need command-line applications, and describe in detail how they work.

Getting Your Clouds Under Control: Part 2-Cloud Governance

Given the strategic importance of the cloud and size of cloud expenditures, it’s critical for enterprises to have solid controls in place to manage it all. According to our latest research, however, while most organizations agree with that sentiment, very few have put it into practice. There are distinct but related disciplines that come into play: FinOps and cloud governance. In this two-part series, we explore current state of each.

What is SCP Protocol? A Complete Guide

When transferring data between systems, it's extremely important to preserve integrity and confidentiality. There are protocols and procedures to do so. One of them is the Secure Copy Protocol (SCP); which is a method designed to securely pass on digital information. The SCP protocol helps transferring files from a local to a remote host or between two remote hosts.

Boost Developer Productivity and Operator Confidence with Secure, Enterprise-Ready Open Source

Today, a lot of organizations face the challenge of running open source software in production environments in a secure and compliant way. Just six months ago, we witnessed how a vulnerability in Log4j, one of the most popular open source libraries, compromised millions of sites and applications, including products from major cloud vendors.

Top Liquid and Immersion Cooling Vendors for High-Density Racks

As rack densities rise and concern about the sustainability of data centers grows, data center managers need a way to not only cool their equipment but do so as efficiently as possible. To efficiently cool racks of 20 kW or more, organizations are seriously investigating liquid cooling and immersion cooling.

3 ways to improve your incident management posture today

Too many of us are still playing whack-a-mole when it comes to incidents: an incident is declared, the on-call engineer is paged, the incident is resolved and then forgotten — until next time. It’s time to start thinking in terms of proactive incident management, not just reactive incident response.

What the Heck is an AIOp?

AIOps is one of the current buzzwords (buzz-initialisms?) that is hot in the monitoring space. Everyone seems to be talking about it. How you have to have it, how much better it will make everything if only you just had it, etc. But how much of that is real and how much of that is wishful thinking? Let’s take a look and see if we can separate the buzz from the words.

Design Thinking and Beautiful UX: Do They Matter for AIOps?

In this post, Pad Warrier, product manager at Zenoss, interviews Natalia Bakusevych and Carl Camera about the Zenoss design system. A beautiful user experience is the result of a purposeful, principled, and process-driven approach that begins with customer discovery. Natalia and Carl describe Zenoss' continual evolution with before and after examples that highlight increased productivity and efficiency for both Zenoss and our customers.

Using FIDO (not your dog's name) for your password

Enter password. Two of the most annoying words when using technology, whether it be your phone, a web site, or a computer. Remembering each password without plastering your monitor with sticky notes is a pain. Did I create this one with the kids’ initials in age order or alphabetically? Did I capitalize the dog’s name or not? And was it my anniversary date or the day we moved into our house?

How to audit Node.js modules

Node.js is one of the best and most widely used Javascript runtimes used for building APIs. But, this popularity status has led to many hackers distributing insecure modules that exploit the Node.js application or provide a weak point for exploitation. In this tutorial, you will learn how to audit Node.js modules and also detect vulnerabilities in modules using npm audit.

How to review your CircleCI configuration

Configuration files can take some time to set up, but after that initial push they are easy to forget about. “If it’s not broken, don’t fix it” is a common approach that many developers take with their configuration files. But when it comes to your continuous integration pipelines, small changes can have huge benefits.

Using the Monitoring Calendar to drive reducing your support overhead

One of my favorite features in Serverless360 is the monitoring calendar. It is something we added in 2022. The feature aims to help give you a view over time about when your business application has experienced problems that would have triggered warnings or errors based on the monitoring you have configured.

K8s monitoring and observability with ContainIQ

Matthew Lenhard, Co-founder & CTO of ContainIQ, will discuss how to extract value from the Kubernetes events feed. Kubernetes events can provide unique and clear insights into cluster health and performance, but how do you cut through the noise and better understand your environment? In this webinar, we will explain what Kubernetes events are, how to use them, and tools that can be used to get the most out of them.

KubeCon + CloudNativeCon EU 2022 Wrap up - Civo

Over 7,000 people attended KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe 2022 which took place in Valencia Spain from May 16-20. From developers, executives, product managers, and marketers, the event consisted of some great workshops and keynotes giving attendees the opportunity to engage with the community and collaborate. Learn more about our experience at the event, what we brought with us to showcase, and the talks by our team!

New StackPod Episode: Defining and Executing a Clear Product Strategy With Andreas Prins

We are happy to announce our latest StackPod episode featuring guest Andreas Prins! With over five years of experience in different product management and product strategy roles, Andreas is currently the VP of product here at StackState.

Introduction to Infrastructure as Code

Cloud infrastructure has been on the rise for the last decade. As it's adoption grows, so has the complexity of managing infrastructure, becoming more complex and more prone to user mistakes. This led to a new wave of tools in the Infrastructure as Code (IaC) space that aim to tackle this issue by treating your infrastructure as you would any other piece of software.

Using Zero Trust Networking in Cloud Migrations

Moving workloads to the cloud has many benefits, and one that is often overlooked is the opportunity to modernize your network. In a traditional “perimeter-based” architecture, users and devices are authenticated and authorized on a device-by-device basis when connecting remotely via VPN.

10 Ways You Can Improve System Reliability

System reliability is the probability that a system performs as it is expected to under a set of specified conditions throughout a specified period. Organizations use reliability engineering to help to make products more reliable in a cost-effective way. The key objectives of reliability engineering are to reduce the frequency of failures, identify the causes of failures and correct them, figure out ways of coping with failures when they do occur, and estimate the likely reliability of new designs.

Calling all Reliability Practitioners: Participate in the 2022 SRE Survey

For the past four years, Catchpoint and various partners have been running a yearly SRE Survey. This year, Blameless is excited to partner with Catchpoint for the fifth annual survey. We want to hear from you if you are in a DevOps or SRE role or even if you work on reliability with some other title or role. There are tremendous, valuable learnings when we listen closely to practitioners.

5 Simple Steps To Migrate From Heroku to AWS

While Heroku is ideal for startups because it provides tremendous simplicity and time-saving; Still, when your application starts growing and its architecture becomes complex, challenges related to DevOps, data security, and scalability begin to jump in. That’s where AWS takes over to overcome these limitations. In this article, we will walk you through exactly how to migrate your applications from Heroku to AWS in 5 simple steps with Qovery.

Your First Shipa Canary Deployment(s)

Lineage to the saying “canary in a coal mine”, the canary deployment/release methodology is an incremental release focused on safety. If the canary does not pass, the deployment does not continue or is rolled back. Taking a jog down memory lane, like Kubernetes the Hard Way, a few years ago a canary deployment in Kubernetes was quite the undertaking.

Calling all Reliability Practitioners: Participate in the SRE Survey 2022

For the past four years, Catchpoint and various partners have been running a yearly SRE Survey. This year, Blameless is excited to partner with Catchpoint for the fifth annual survey. We want to hear from you if you are in a DevOps or SRE role or even if you work on reliability with some other title or role. There are tremendous, valuable learnings when we listen closely to practitioners.

Software Bill of Materials: A Key Ingredient for Healthy Software

The software bill of materials, often referred to as an SBoM or BOM, has gained a tremendous amount of popularity in the past year and a half. It’s mentioned in the US White House’s 14028 Executive Order and is referenced in innumerable secure software supply chain articles. While the SBoM has been around for many years, awareness and adoption seems to be hitting an inflection point.

Receiving PagerDuty alerts from MetricFire

One of the most critical aspects of monitoring your digital assets is getting a timely alert when something goes wrong. Even when you finish building a monitoring stack and expose metrics on a beautifully designed dashboard if you cannot notice abnormal behaviors and fail to take pre-emptive or follow-up actions swiftly, this means your monitoring system does not serve the purpose.

How to get started with Ubuntu Core on Raspberry Pi

This video shows how to get started with Ubuntu Core on Raspberry Pi. This is the first video of a series focused on Ubuntu Core running on Raspberry Pi, where we will guide you from the first baby steps to the most advanced features, showing practical use cases and examples that you can use. In this first video, we will see: If you want to learn more, please read.

Improved Design Interface. Less Code. Runbook Studio 5.0 Makes Runbook Automation a Cinch

Kelverion Runbook Studio V5.0 makes it even easier for organizations to automate IT service desk requests and reduce IT burden. In its fifth iteration, The Runbook Studio has undergone a significant design overhaul. The Studio’s technical capabilities have always been exceptional and now it has a user interface to match. On top of that, this version takes Kelverion’s low code/no-code design environment to the next level.

Kubernetes Security 101 For Developers - More Than Locking You Out Of Kubectl

Security can certainly be a broad brush topic. As a software engineer, you design and build to the best of your ability. In delivery methodologies of years gone by, sometimes security can be viewed as an afterthought e.g running security testing last before deploying. Today with the DevSecOps movement, one more set of concerns moves left towards the developer which is now security.

The Kubernetes Autoscaler Charm

Managing a Kubernetes cluster is a complex endeavor. As demands on a cluster grow, increasing the number of deployed pods can help ease the load on the system. But what do you do when you run out of nodes to host those pods, or when the load decreases and some nodes are no longer needed? Manually adding or removing nodes is possible, but wouldn’t it be better if there was a way to automate that task? Fortunately, that’s exactly what the Kubernetes Autoscaler charm is for!

Puppet and Government: DevSecOps in government environments

This blog is the second in a four-part series about how Puppet can help government agencies meet compliance and security requirements. Read the first post here. Zero Trust is a strategy created to combat system intrusions through a “never trust, always verify” model. DevSecOps is a collaborative software development strategy that integrates development, security, and operations practices into a continuously evolving lifecycle.

Simplify Your Cloud-Native Development Workflow With These DevOps Principles

Cloud-native technologies allow you to more efficiently deploy your applications at the enterprise level. But the learning curve can be steep, and it may be confusing to figure out the world of cloud-native tech and establish how you’ll make your development workflow as efficient as possible. A working knowledge of DevOps technology is crucial to effectively start your deployment and creating a sustainable and manageable workflow.

Continuous integration for a production-ready Dockerized Django application

Continuous integration has become a widely accepted practice for software projects. As more technologies are introduced in both continuous integration and software development, developers are looking for practical ways to benefit from them. Basic tutorials that cover toy examples are not always enough for real-life practitioners. As an actual user of Django, Docker, and CircleCI, this was certainly a pain point for me. That is why I wrote this tutorial.

Monitoring Ubuntu 20.04 and Activating ML with Netdata

Sometimes a hat is just a hat, the truth is just the truth, and the clearly most popular example of a category is plain to see. In this case, Ubuntu is the most popular Linux distribution currently available. With the operating system’s superior popularity also comes an amazing amount of community support.

Test Driving Machine Learning (ML) Anomaly Advisor

Netdata’s new Anomaly Advisor feature lets you quickly identify potentially anomalous metrics during a particular timeline of interest. This results in considerably speeding up your troubleshooting workflow and saving valuable time when faced with an outage or issue you are trying to root cause.

5 Ways An SDI Platform Can Improve The Performance Of Your Applications

Improving the performance of applications and workloads that employees and customers engage with can have direct benefits to an organisation’s productivity and profit. In this blog we look at 5 ways that an SDI platform which offers private connectivity can help IT teams streamline networking activities and navigate performance challenges very quickly.

Declare early, declare often: why you shouldn't hesitate to raise an incident

My first incident.io-incident happened in my second week here, when I screwed up the process for requesting extra Slack permissions, which made it impossible to install our app for a few minutes. This was a bit embarrassing, but also simple to resolve for someone more familiar with the process, and declaring an incident meant we got there in just a few minutes. Declaring the first incident when you start a new job can be intimidating, but it really shouldn’t be.

Gartner: tips for improving reliability

In their report titled “IT Resilience — 7 Tips for Improving Reliability, Tolerability and Disaster Recovery”, Gartner presents seven strategies for improving the resilience posture of your critical systems. These recommendations range from how to get started, to identifying IT hazards and risks to reliability, to capturing metrics and translating them into business value. In this blog, we’ll take a high-level look at the report and summarize some of its key findings.

Artifactory, Your Swift Package Repository

If you’re looking forward to WWDC 2022 for some exciting Swift news, we have just the thing. JFrog now offers the first and only Swift binary package repository, enabling developers to use JFrog Artifactory for resolving Swift dependencies instead of enterprise source control (Git) systems. Swift developers can benefit from Artifactory’s robust binary management and the ways that it contributes to stable and efficient CI/CD, massive scalability, and securing the software supply chain..

9 Powerful Ways To Align Engineering And Product Teams

One of the best ways to achieve efficient product development is to make sure everyone involved with a project is on the same page, working toward the same ultimate goals. However, this is harder to do than it sounds. Engineering and product teams bring very different priorities to the table, and establishing which priorities to focus on first often becomes a matter of debate.

Getting Your Clouds Under Control: Part 1-FinOps

Given the strategic importance of the cloud and size of cloud expenditures, it’s critical for enterprises to have solid controls in place to manage it all. According to our latest research, however, while most organizations agree with that sentiment, very few have put it into practice. There are distinct but related disciplines that come into play: FinOps and cloud governance. In this two-part series, we explore current state of each.

Introduction to CI/CD

In a business world where time is money and every dollar counts, efficiency and productivity are critical success factors. Continuous Integration (CI)/Continuous Deployment (CD) is a process that helps organizations rapidly release software with confidence The process relies heavily on automation and modern cloud-based services to provide tools for build management, monitoring, testing, and deployment automation.

Data structures for effective Python applications

Because computers rely on data to execute instructions, computing will always entail data interaction. The amount of data can be overwhelming in real world applications, so developers must consistently devise methods to access it quickly and efficiently in a programmatic way. A solid understanding of data structures is a great advantage for teams that specialize in developing tools and systems. Organizing data optimally maximizes efficiency and makes data processing easy and seamless.

DevOps Explained

DevOps is not just one thing, but rather a set of tools and practices that, well, everyone is following, or should be. But, for all of its ever-increasing popularity, few can really explain what DevOps is about without tangling themselves up in jargon. With this guide, we’ll help you navigate the DevOps maze in a way that’s easy, fun, and will hopefully get you going in the quest for more—and better—implementation. Without further ado, here’s DevOps explained!

What Are SSH Keys? An Introduction

SSH or Secure Shell is one of the oldest protocols used in networking for secure encrypted communication between two systems and to remotely manage servers and other systems. Ever since its introduction, they have been adopted by IT teams in organizations all over the world to manage their assets. And SSH keys continue to play a significant role in granting secure access to computer systems, and with the cloud computing boom, they’re playing even more important roles. So what are SSH keys?

Terraform vs Pulumi vs CloudFormation: Best Choice for 2022

When getting started, using an Infrastructure as Code (Iac) tool might seem overkill, and something that will slow down development. Building and deploying manually is often the way to go early stage - infrastructure changes constantly and having to re-write your configuration can be a pointless exercise until you have a better understanding of the fundamental pieces of your infrastructure.

Monitor Datazoom telemetry with Datadog

Modern video streaming workflows are composed of many different services, including encoders, origins, ad servers, content delivery networks (CDNs), and more. This wide range of options enables organizations to choose the tools that best fit their needs, but it also introduces considerable observability challenges. For instance, you may have limited access to the log data from each layer of your video workflow, and the data you can access likely isn’t standardized.

How To Optimize Your Reserved Instances For Maximum Cost Savings

Companies of all sizes can take advantage of AWS Reserved Instances (RIs) to save money on the price of standard Amazon EC2 On-Demand instances. To receive the discounted rate associated with AWS Reserved Instances, you must commit to a year or three years of usage. In exchange, you can save up to 75% off the On-Demand price.

Squadcast + OSNexus QuantaStor Integration: Making Incident Management & Alerting more effective

Storage systems are an integral part of IT infrastructure. Given that modern markets are highly competitive and demanding, businesses strive for 24/7 availability. This in turn sets higher expectations for storage systems to be operational all the time. But just like other IT components, even storage systems are prone to incidents. Hence, it is important to have an efficient communication process, to manage alerts during system failures/disasters.

What the Heck is Network Observability Anyway?

When it comes to monitoring and specifically IT Operations Monitoring (ITOM), everyone is saying monitoring is dead – you need observability. Vendors are jumping on the observability bandwagon. There’s a lot of noise about observability, network observability, full-stack observability and every other kind of observability you can imagine. This is a topic we have touched on in the past.

Announcing HAProxy Kubernetes Ingress Controller 1.8

We’re proud to announce the release of version 1.8 of the HAProxy Kubernetes Ingress Controller! In this release, we added support for full rootless mode, Prometheus metrics for the controller itself, and examples that are synchronized with our Helm chart. In this blog post, you will learn more about the changes in this version. Register for our webinar to learn more about this release.

Using Relay's flexibility to turn scripts into permanent tools

Relay’s inputFile capability is handy because it allows you to use familiar programming languages to get custom solutions working quickly. Using an inputFile with Relay is as easy as writing a script in bash, Python, or Powershell, and storing it in a remote Internet-accessible repository like GitHub. Let’s see how Relay enhances our daily driver skillset to solve problems quickly and reliably with minimal code.

How to Manage Data Center Cabling

Tracking and managing data center cabling is one of the most overlooked aspects of data center management. However, when it’s not done properly, it can cause all kinds of problems from costly downtime to inefficient use of capacity. Don’t settle for cable spaghetti. Keep reading to find out the basics about data center cabling, understand how to track and organize it, and learn how the best data center managers in the industry are dramatically simplifying cable management.

Trusted Device Authentication 101

Suppose you have to use your phone or other devices frequently, and you don’t want to type your password every time you wish to access an application. By implementing Trusted Device authentication, your system will recognize the device’s authentication and help you log in to the application quickly and safely. The whole process will not only save your time but will also allow you to witness an advanced authentication procedure.

Service Level Objectives as Code: Terraforming Honeycomb SLOs

In March, we announced official support for a Honeycomb Terraform Provider. Today, we’re announcing additional support for managing Honeycomb Service Level Objectives (SLOs) with Terraform. This furthers Honeycomb’s support for configuration as code and it gives you programmatic control for an immensely popular Honeycomb feature.

Create a Software Supply Chain with VMware Tanzu Community Edition

VMware Tanzu Community Edition offers Cartographer, advanced software supply chain tooling that can help you deliver applications more rapidly, securely, and efficiently at scale. In this video, Cora Iberkleid shows us how to use Cartographer to build and maintain paths to production from reusable building blocks and create pre-approved workflows that enable dev teams to focus on writing code and that boost their productivity.

Private cloud: Avoiding the high cost of operations

Technology plays a strategic role in the success of any organisation. Whether you’re part of an enterprise with thousands of employees across the globe or running a startup from the garage of your home, the success of the business comes down to how you consume technology. However, it’s not that straightforward, and IT decision makers usually have to make a lot of trade-offs when investing in technology.

The Road to Terraform with JFrog

Transitioning to a new DevOps technology can be a daunting task, especially when it potentially impacts a solution being used by millions of developers around the globe. JFrog’s own DevOps team recently adopted Terraform in support of the JFrog SaaS offering and in the process helped guide creation of Artifactory’s support for Terraform modules, provider, and state files.

Git Multi Repo vs Git Mono Repo: Which Should You Choose?

For businesses and organizations that offer any sort of digital experience, code quality and security is of cardinal importance. As such, the architecture of that code – how it is stored, accessed, and built upon – is critically important. In this age of digital transformation, if you’re standing still, you’re moving backward.

How We Create API Tokens Using Spring Boot

Have you ever wondered how much effort goes into providing a seamless authentication process on a platform such as the Qovery console? Needless to say, we do not take security or user experience lightly. That’s why we decided to combine SSO through our users’ Git provider accounts (GitHub, GitLab and Bitbucket) with an external authentication service called Auth0.

5 Reliability Insights That Immediately Transform Your SRE

As infrastructure engineers, there’s so much you can learn from studying past incidents. Luckily, Blameless Reliability Insights helps you find patterns that better equip you to deal with incidents to come. If you’ve never used it before and you’re curious what it looks like, you can watch a video demo here! These statistical insights give you the power to learn everything you can when something goes wrong. ‍

Anomaly Advisor Case Study - K6 Load Test

In this video, our Analytics & ML Lead, Andrew Maguire, walks through an example case study using the K6 load testing platform to run a load test against some of our demo servers running Netdata. Watch in real-time as the Anomaly Advisor reacts to the load test and painlessly surfaces the most anomalous metrics, making it easy to just "see" the load test and how it plays out on the servers.

VMware Tanzu Mission Control Expands Multi-Cloud Data Protection Capabilities

VMware Tanzu Mission Control is designed for operations teams to address complexity and increase control of their Kubernetes clusters wherever they live. In order to support customers with their multi-cloud business imperatives, VMware made an early commitment to provide data protection capability in Tanzu Mission Control, designed to help enterprises more confidently and safely run critical workloads on Kubernetes.

Anomaly Detection Models in Moogsoft | Moogsoft Product Videos & How-Tos

Moogsoft has several different anomaly detectors, and auto-select the optimum one for given metrics. This video explains each model, as well as how to override the model selected by default. Don't forget to subscribe for content on DevOps, Observability, AIOps and more!

Civo Update - June 2022

In May, we hosted our first in-person community meetup speaking about all things Kubernetes. Community members came and engaged in cloud-native discussions with talks from Saiyam Pathak, Kunal Kushwaha, Josh Van Leeuwen, and Walid Shaari. We also featured in ZDNet’s article on the four-day work week which includes an interview with Mark Boost, CEO at Civo. This outlined how employees have attained a better work-life balance with the change as well as why the decision was made.