Operations | Monitoring | ITSM | DevOps | Cloud

June 2021

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6 Ways to Support a Remote DevOps Team

Remote working is here to stay, so it's vital that businesses understand how to get the best out of their staff. For some roles, working remotely is easier than others - DevOps employees, for example, can face challenges if they're not fully supported within the organisation. In a distributed workforce, there's a higher risk of security issues and application problems, so it's crucial that organisations support them to keep the organisation running smoothly. Here are 6 ways to do just that.

StackStorm v3.5.0 Released

June 29, 2021 by Amanda McGuinness of Ammeon Solutions and Marcel Weinberg It has been nearly 4 months since our previous v3.4.0 release and we’re super excited about this one! With Ubuntu 16.04 reaching end-of-life, we are pleased to announce support for Ubuntu 20.04 (Focal Fossa). We have also included lots of performance improvements in v3.5.0. See below, for further information on what’s included in the release.

Manage GKE services with Cloud Operations

Cloud Operations can help you quickly isolate or eliminate infrastructure issues from a limited set of data, but how can you identify problems with your service itself? And when there's a problem, how can you quickly fix it? In this episode of Engineering for Reliability, we’ll show how you can manage your services running on GKE with Cloud Operations.

DevSecOps is a practice. Make it visible

Security should be embedded in DevOps by default, but for many organizations, it is not. Enter “DevSecOps”. What is DevSecOps? It is a practice to build more secure applications, secure the software factory, and secure cloud workloads. Because it is a practice it needs to be visible. In this session hear about the ways tech-enabled enterprises approach a DevSecOps practice, how they make it visible, and how Splunk + JFrog can accelerate your journey.

Self-service reliability with Internal Developer Platforms and Chaos Engineering

Get started with Gremlin's Chaos Engineering tools to safely, securely, and simply inject failure into your systems to find weaknesses before they cause customer-facing issues. Up until the early 2000s, developers and Ops (at the time IT) had separate and often competing objectives, separate department leadership, separate key performance indicators by which they were judged, and often worked on separate floors or even separate buildings.

How to Download Kublr

Kublr is an enterprise-grade Kubernetes management platform. Headquartered in Washington, D.C. and launched in 2016, Kublr automates the deployment and management of production-ready, secure Kubernetes clusters and environments. Kublr allows users to securely and reliably deploy, run, and manage containerized applications at scale. A subsidiary of EastBanc Technologies, Kublr is a proud contributor to the Kubernetes codebase, an active member of the Cloud Native Computing Foundation, and completed the CNCF Kubernetes Software Conformance Certification program.

What Is the Future of Remote Infrastructure Management?

Once upon a time, the prospect of an organization letting another organization manage its IT infrastructure seemed either inconceivable or incredibly dangerous. It was like someone handing their house keys to a stranger. Times have changed. Remote Infrastructure Management (RIM) — when Company X lets Company Y, or a piece of software, monitor and manage its infrastructure from a remote location — has become the standard in some industries.

Desktop K8S in 2021

For this article we’ll dig into some of the options for Local Kubernetes Clusters if you are developing on a Mac. When doing microservices development, eventually you will want to start to test integrated services together. And there are several options available to run these tests: Tests were conducted on a 2019 MacBook Pro (Big Sur). I’m not embarrassed to say that I cut my teeth on minikube. This is the recommended path for onboarding into Kubernetes and has a ton of benefits.

How Culture Impacts Technology Choice: A Review of Netflix's Use of Microservices

I recently had the opportunity to read the book “No Rules Rules: Netflix and the Culture of Reinvention” by Reed Hastings and Erin Meyer of Netflix, and it dawned on me that while this book wasn’t at all focused on Netflix’s technology, the global company-wide culture had a significant impact on its technology choices. The book focuses on the many times Netflix had to reinvent itself and transform its business in order to revolutionize the entertainment industry.

SRE Report 2021: The Highlights

Our fourth annual SRE Report launched last week. I had the good fortune to be involved in writing and editing it this year for the first time alongside our very own driving force Leo Vasiliou and the brilliant Eveline Oehrlich at DevOps Institute (check out Eveline’s take on the report’s Key Takeaways here), in addition to a number of folks at VMware Tanzu.

Horizontal Vs. Vertical Scaling: How Do They Compare?

We all want growth, but we often find ourselves unequipped to deal with it. It’s a bit like going to the gym, lifting weights, and seeing real results, only to realize that you no longer fit into your old clothes. Now you have to decide if you want to modify them or buy new clothes. We can use this very simple analogy to understand the differences between horizontal and vertical scaling.

Top 10 apps for a fresh Linux install in 2021

Are you struggling with too much lag? Is it time for a spring clean and a fresh Linux install? Ready to upgrade to Focal Fossa (LTS) or Hirsute Hippo? Whatever situation you are in, get started quickly with some of the most popular apps you need for a fresh Linux install. Here are all the commands you need so easily copy and paste to get started! (There is a full block of commands at the end that you can easily copy and paste if you’d like to install all the apps in one go).

Centralized Firmware Update of Power Infrastructure to Improve Cybersecurity

Today, it’s more important than ever to secure your critical infrastructure. You just have to look at some of the large cyberattacks that occurred this year to understand why. In 2020, 80.7% of organizations suffered at least one successful cyberattack, and 35.2% suffered six or more. You must follow best practices to avoid being one of these victims.

Introducing SQL Monitor's new estate discovery feature

This year we’ve been expanding SQL Monitor’s capabilities around the theme of Estate Management and we’ve just released a new capability – the discovery of on-premises SQL Servers and instances. We started on this journey with basic instance configuration observability and alerting earlier this year. While gathering feedback and finding ways to improve our new configuration features, we worked on and released an Instance Discovery Tool as a preview feature.

The Benefits of DevOps and How to Leverage Them

Traditionally, software used to be developed by software engineers who would spend time coding and testing to make sure the software was behaving the way it should. Once they were satisfied with their product, the operations teams would join hands and start rolling out the software. This follows a very linear path along the software development life cycle that is often quite time-consuming.

Modernizing without compromising mission-critical systems

This blog is the third in a four-part series on infrastructure automation for government agencies that are modernizing digital systems while grappling with budget and staffing constraints and the challenges of COVID-19. The COVID-19 pandemic moved up the timeline for digital transformation projects considerably.

Securing pipelines through secret management

Secrets management plays a critical role in keeping your pipelines and applications secure. While secrets management tools help, you need to implement best practices and processes to successfully manage secrets in a DevOps environment. Standardizing, automating and integrating these processes also helps secure secrets by reducing the chance of human error.

Reducing microservice overhead with shared libraries

It’s a common story: the product team gets early success and grows into a large monolithic code base. While everything is in a single code base, features can be added quickly. This is partly due to the ability to leverage shared code across each feature in the codebase. When your team is adding a new feature, a developer can leverage the existing codebase for needs such as logging or special error handling.

Flexmls® Drops Imperva for HAProxy Enterprise's Bot Management Capabilities

FBS is the leading innovator of Multiple Listing Service (MLS) technology and one of the most recognized and respected real estate industry software brands. Fargo, ND-based and 100% employee-owned, FBS is dedicated to providing powerful and innovative products with responsive, personal service.

A Look at NodeGit and libgit2

One common question we hear from folks trying out the GitKraken Git GUI for the first time is “how do those Undo and Redo buttons work?” If you’re used to only using the CLI, or a GUI that simply runs Git CLI commands in the background, this might seem like some kind of weird voodoo. The real tech behind this, and all of GitKraken’s awesomeness, is not magic, but open source technology. The same open source technology powering many other Git projects.

We've Agreed to Acquire Vdoo, Unifying Developers and Security Teams from Source to Device

We’re extremely excited to announce we’ve agreed to acquire Vdoo, a leading, Israeli-based product security company with its roots in binaries and IoT/devices. Vdoo’s team and entire technology portfolio will be incorporated into JFrog, delivering a solution that truly unifies development and security teams with a holistic security approach.

Industry global survey from Canonical: 85% of enterprises have yet to cross the chasm to full Kubernetes and Cloud Native adoption

London, UK, June 29, 2021 – Despite high adoption rates of cloud native technologies in recent years, enterprises have yet to cross the chasm to full adoption, but they’re quickly moving in that direction, according to initial results of a first-of-its kind survey released today by Canonical, the publishers of Ubuntu.

Superfast Troubleshooting of Network User Performance Issues

In our first edition of our Work From Anywhere series, we look at the value of troubleshooting end-user hardware and application issues. Exploring the granular detail that the solution provides, we look at how understanding information around the end-users hardware can help reduce mean-time-to-resolution and increasing productivity of service/support desk teams. #TeneoGrp #WorkfromAnywhere

Understanding Network Speed And Latency

Businesses are demanding more from their networks than ever before. Be it moving more of your data and applications to the cloud or supporting the needs of an increasingly remote workforce, network performance is becoming more critical for the day-to-day running of a business. In this blog we look at the role that speed, bandwidth and latency can play in overall network performance, while exploring some of the ways IT managers can deliver a more reliable and consistent network experience...

Introduction to Service Mesh - Saiyam Pathak

This time around the topic for the Civo Community Meetup was Kubernetes service meshes and the role they play in providing visibility and open communication between your pods/containers. Saiyam Pathak, Director of Technical Evangelism at Civo, discussed the concept of service meshes and best practices. Get free credit to test-drive the world’s first K3s-powered, managed Kubernetes service.

The Last SaaS Pricing Guide You'll Ever Need

The software-as-a-service (SaaS) industry has been rapidly growing and, as a result, has become increasingly competitive. As the space becomes more crowded, it becomes even more important for SaaS companies to find unique ways to establish a competitive advantage. One of the most effective ways for a SaaS company to outperform its competitors is by implementing a SaaS-specific pricing strategy. With a better approach to pricing, companies can operate more efficiently and improve their margins.

How to use managed IT services like the Fortune 500

Managed IT services are widely used by the most sophisticated organisations across the globe. Recent reports show that over 90% of the Fortune 500 have multiple outsourcing contracts to managed service providers, with a value of over $190 billion. This includes managed IT services such cloud services, infrastructure, networks, security, backup, applications and much more. How can organisations at any scale adopt the same strategy and benefit from managed IT services?

Understanding and tracking the impact of your ever-changing k8s deployments

As developers we’re not always fully aware of security implications stipulated from changes to our code whether these are done in the CI, CD or an artifact database. It is always challenging to predict the impact of a changed 3rd party library, a security context or an RBAC permission, accessing a different network to the same resource or even using an API in a different way than we used to. Understanding the impact immediately and being able to make a change without disrupting the pipeline is therefore an important requirement. This session will present best practices to cope with these day to day changes and will propose a set of tools to address them cohesively.

[Webinar] Troubleshooting in Fast Paced Environments with Komodor & Coralogix

On June 2nd, 2021, we participated in a live panel discussion with our friends from Coralogix, featuring our CTO & co-founder, Itiel Shwartz, and Coralogix’s Head of DevSecOps, Oded David. Widespread adoption of agile methodologies, CI/CD pipelines, distributed architectures, and more have enabled software development to reach a rate and scale that would have seemed unimaginable just a few years ago. Of course, along with the benefits of new methodologies and technologies comes a new set of troubleshooting challenges that need to be addressed as well.

Failover Internet - What Your Business Needs To Know

With more of us online now than ever before, businesses across the world have become increasingly reliant on the internet. Essential IT infrastructures including emails, file-sharing platforms, POS systems, VoIP phones, and our new favorite collaboration tools Zoom and Teams all require an internet connection to use. Read on to understand how failover internet works, its benefits, what options are available, and why it should play a key role in your continuity planning.

Introduction to SMI (Service Mesh Interface) - Kai Hoffman

This time around the topic for the Civo Community Meetup was Kubernetes service meshes and the role they play in providing visibility and open communication between your pods/containers. Kai Hoffman, Developer Advocate at Civo, outlined the Service Mesh Interface, a project to standardise service mesh specifications on Kubernetes.

What is a Branch in Git and How to Use It - Ultimate Guide

Developing a website or software isn't easy, a team of developers will be developing a new feature, other team will be testing whether the built feature works as expected, other might be fixing the bugs and so on. Managing these different versions of same code base must be a little tricky. Here comes the concept called branch in git which is used as a pointer to a snapshot of your changes. When we talk about branches in git these are the major questions that arises in our mind.

To Build a Production App Platform with Kubernetes, Focus on Developer Experience .

To get developers to adopt Kubernetes, it's important to keep in mind that it's not about Kubernetes! It's about the developer experience we create on top of it. At VMware Tanzu, we believe that success with platforms like Kubernetes is found at the intersection of applications and infrastructure, focusing on creating a great developer experience and enabling platform teams in modern practices that will help them be successful on Day 2.

Driving Real world Value with Netreo's Microsoft 365 Insight | Netreo On-Demand Webinars

Are you among the 43% if IT departments which have deployed Microsoft 365? If yes, you probably are enjoying the benefits of SaaS, but are concerned about mission-critical availability and performance not only from the core of your IT infrastructure, but to your end users as well. View our on-demand webinar with special guest Alex Ulbrich, CTO at Whitlock IS, and Netreo Product Manager (and recovering sys-admin), Andy Markowitz, to explore best practices for achieving the Microsoft 365 visibility you need to drive maximum productivity.

Skip to the End Accelerating Root cause Analysis | Netreo On-Demand Webinars

Every minute spent on finding the cause of the problem means one more minute of disruption. You don’t like it. Your boss doesn’t like it. And, above all, your customers don’t like it. This on-demand webinar will show you how to shave time off your root-cause analysis and ‘skip to the end’ as you determine the root cause of outages so they don’t ever get repeated. In this webinar you’ll learn.

Managing IT at Scale | Netreo On-Demand Webinars

Every IT environment faces the challenge of scaling operations efficiently and seamlessly, even as the demands of the business change and complexity increases. Maintaining visibility while preserving security and enabling rapid NOC response can be a difficult challenge to solve. View this webinar to learn the best ways to leverage distributed collection and monitoring to seamlessly manage your global IT operations, get better visibility into secure network segments and data centers, and improve your service-levels, all without adding additional labor burden.

Cloud Visibility: Tips to Cover Your 'aaS' | Netreo On-Demand Webinars

Optimizing costs and monitoring the performance and availability of Microsoft Azure and AWS resources are no simple task, especially when you're lacking visibility into said resources. View this on-demand webinar for tips to ensure your "aaS" is covered, be it IaaS, PaaS, SaaS, or FaaS. In this webinar Andy Markowitz, Netreo Product Manager (and recovering sysadmin), will cover.

Monitoring + ITSM + CMDB: Together in Perfect Harmony | Netreo On-Demand Webinars

Considering monitoring systems normally do not include ITSM functionality, it’s paramount that monitoring and ITSM tools work in sync. While both solutions often share an overlapping dataset, the parallel nature for each tool type can lead to conflicts, which in turn impacts the efficiency of IT operations. View this webinar to explore the best ways to make your ITSM/CMDB and monitoring integration seamless and easy, and streamline your operations process so efforts can be applied to resolving technical challenges rather than spending valuable time chasing down data synchronization issues.

Bridging the Gap Between Dev and Ops | Netreo On-Demand Webinars

- -Digital business disruption and application and infrastructure changes are making it even more challenging to achieve the full-stack observability needed to provide optimal digital experience and business outcomes. Bridging the gap between Dev and Ops with a “fuller stack” view that provides visibility from development to digital experience is the way forward. View this on-demand webinar to see how the combined forces of Netreo and Stackify can help you do just that.

Winning the Battle Against Data Deluge and Alarm Fatigue | Netreo On-Demand Webinars

Too many alarms is just as bad as not enough. Getting drowned in data instead of actionable information leads to many missed issues and delayed response times. Not only is the task of triaging redundant and low priority alerts overwhelming, it also has sinister side effects on a Network/System Admin’s work. In this webinar you’ll learn.

Better Monitoring Netreo Case Studies | Netreo On-Demand Webinars

IT monitoring and management in today’s complex, ever-changing digital environments can be brutal. But, with the right tool for your environment and business goals, it doesn’t have to be. View this on-demand webinar to explore successful outcomes achieved by customers using the Netreo full stack IT infrastructure monitoring and management platform.

The 3 Keys to Automating IT Infrastructure Management | Netreo On-Demand Webinars

As organizations expand and change dynamically, keeping up with the speed of IT changes can be a real challenge, and getting (and keeping!) all of your IT assets under management can just make it more difficult. And every organization is being asked to manage more and more assets with limited resources and staff.

How to Build a Kafka-Spark-Solr Data Analytics Platform Using Deployment Blueprints

Enterprise applications rely on large amounts of data that needs to be distributed, processed, and stored. Data platforms offer data management services via a combination of open source and commercially supported software stacks. These services enable accelerated development and deployment of data-hungry business applications. Building a containerized data analytics platform comprising different software stacks comes with several deployment challenges.

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3 ways to motivate your developer team with metrics

Metrics are essential to assess how developer teams and organisations can work smarter and improve software delivery as a whole. Execution metrics, including the likes of throughput, delivery and number of deploys, are mostly looked at to determine how a team performs, and if overall, they are efficient. But, while useful, these metrics alone can sometimes be a distraction. For individuals, they may not be inspiring to achieve, and for businesses, they may not provide a complete picture of results - at least not without connecting them to a bigger goal or vision.

Tips for Building a Homelab

Have you ever wanted to set up your own sysadmin homelab? Before you begin, you need to look at major decisions regarding your software and hardware requirements. In today’s age and date, almost every person has a personal computer, assuming smartphones as equivalent to computers. To set up a vmware vsphere homelab to your liking, let’s discuss important tips for each component of home sysadmin labs.

Elastigroup configurable auto-healing

When EC2 instances fail to serve requests the usual cause is typically hardware issues or high CPU utilization. To avoid sending traffic to instances with these issues, AWS continuously monitors instance health and routes inbound traffic accordingly. In the past Elastigroup fetched the health status for all managed instances and triggered an automatic replacement once an instance was determined as unhealthy.

DataDog Competitors: 9 Alternatives to Consider

DataDog is a service that monitors cloud-scale applications. It is a platform used by developers of various information technology (IT) and DevOps teams. Through this service, they can define and regulate performance metrics. It was first developed in 2010 in New York by Oliver Pomel and Alexis Lê-Quôc, the current CEO and CTO, respectively.

The Top 4 DevOps Headlines of 2025

Welcome to swampUP 2021! A year ago, we said that in 2020, every company would be a DevOps company. We couldn’t have imagined the news stories 2020 would bring, both globally and in our industry, with DevOps now affecting all business stakeholders. While the worldwide pandemic has shaped the immediate future of DevOps and digital transformation, we move ever-closer to a post-pandemic world, where the foundations laid today will have ripple effects across the marketplace. Join Shlomi Ben Haim, CEO of JFrog, as he kicks off swampUP with some unexpected headlines, taken directly (probably) from the pages of 2025’s news cycle.

The Biggest DevSecOps Hits From swampUP 2021

In the wake of recent events like the SolarWinds hack and the White House executive order on cybersecurity, DevSecOps and security are top-of-mind for most DevOps and security professionals. How to efficiently adapt or adopt a sound DevSecOps practice has become a priority, especially with the U.S. government’s impending mandate requiring software applications to be vetted, and to create a trusted Software Bill Of Materials (SBOM) for each one.

Tracing the Path to Clear Visibility in DevOps

Today, we’re excited to announce enhancements to the VMware Tanzu Observability by Wavefront platform, which helps teams scale their observability practices and shorten the feedback loops between development and operations. The new features give more flexibility and functionality to any open source investments; help operations, development, and SRE teams resolve problems faster; and extend observability more efficiently into DevOps workflows. Here’s a quick rundown of what’s new.

Multi-tenant Architecture for SaaS Apps

A multi-tenant architecture is essentially a framework in which a common instance of a software application is used to service several client applications or tenants. This multi-tenant architecture has found extensive adoption in SaaS applications, which cater to requests from tens and thousands of clients. The main reason for the adoption of multi-tenancy is the efficient and optimal use of resources and funds, along with delivering seamless service.

Mute Datadog alerts for planned downtime

We’re happy to announce the release of new muting features for Datadog monitors. Scoped monitor muting allows teams to eliminate unnecessary alerting during scheduled maintenance, testing, auto scaling events, and instance reboots. Your teams will therefore be able to filter out expected events and quickly pinpoint critical issues in your infrastructure. Previously, monitor muting was binary: all-or-nothing.

Performance Tool k6 Acquired by Grafana Labs

There was a big announcement this year at GrafanaCon 2021 that performance testing tool k6 is being aquired by Grafana Labs. It was really exciting news for folks who cheer for open source because these are two giant projects. At time of this writing, k6 has over 12K stars and Grafana with a respectable 42K stars on Github as well. In full transparency, I have used both of those repos many times over the years and am a fellow stargazer.

Resilience in Action E8: Vanessa Yiu on Crafting Enterprise Architecture

‍Resilience in Action is a podcast about all things resilience, from SRE to software engineering, to how it affects our personal lives, and more. Resilience in Action is hosted by Kurt Andersen. Kurt is a practitioner and an active thought leader in the SRE community. He speaks at major DevOps & SRE conferences and publishes his work through O'Reilly in quintessential SRE books such as Seeking SRE, What is SRE?, and 97 Things Every SRE Should Know.

Rancher Desktop v0.3.0 Release

We are happy to share the v0.3.0 release of Rancher Desktop. This release brings more stability, some new features, and a fresh look to the UI. This screenshot shows the preferences screen while in dark mode on Mac. In the lower left corner the status when performing an action is now displayed. This status will tell you when Rancher Desktop needs to download something, such as a version of Kubernetes you have now used before, or when another step is happening.

Capacity Operations for Kubernetes

Kubernetes adds undeniable benefits when it comes to flexibility and agility, but providing suboptimal resource specifications at the container or node level creates tremendous inefficiencies at scale, leaving resources stranded and utilization very low. Learn how the practice of Capacity Operations can augment DevOps and FinOps initiatives and enable greater agility for your operations organization.

Drive DevSecOps Visibility with JFrog Partner Integrations

If you need your teams to act, you need to alert them where they’re already looking. Yet yesterday’s DevOps practices demand individuals to wrangle with uncorrelated events, multiple UIs, and siloed technologies. Tomorrow’s DevOps must enable teams with: To practice DevSecOps, you’ll need to know where a vulnerable build has been deployed into production, and where to find the corrected build that should replace it.

How To Create A Cloud Strategy: The 3-Step Process

Businesses move to the cloud for several reasons. For some, moving to the cloud means gaining access to the best enterprise-level technology without the associated costs of handling, maintaining, and managing the underlying infrastructure. For others (like startups), the ability to scale quickly and respond faster to market demands are top of the list.

One Spot for K8s application delivery and CloudOps: Introducing Ocean CD

The widespread adoption of Kubernetes has made it table stakes for the modern cloud native stack. Software is now being purpose-built for Kubernetes, and as companies enter this new phase of their cloud journey, they are looking to scale this cloud native, Kubernetes-first model. Building upon years of experience with Kubernetes, Spot by NetApp is continuously innovating to bring new ways to help customers achieve this goal.

A Complete Guide To Use Git For Beginners

Writing code might be complex but it is easier to control with the right support tool. How do you know a new build of your software has shipped successfully? How do you know a single feature added to your website is working as you want it to? To ease the pain of tracking down all the issues, version control systems are useful tools that help you keep monitoring the changes that you make to your code.

SREview Issue #14 June 2021

Hoping you're headed towards a fun summer season and some time without masks. Let's avoid a new kind of tan-line! This newsletter shares useful industry content and an exciting Blameless product announcement. Find our fave tweets and events in the SRE and resilience engineering community. We're hiring! Check out the job openings here.

The Confident Commit | Episode 5: Software engineering with a purpose ft. Brad Henrickson

Rob is joined by Brad Henrickson to discuss the interaction between human motivations and delivering great software. Brad and Rob dive into the leadership skill of cultivating space for employees to share their work motivations as a means to operating well together. Tune in today! Subscribe to The Confident Commit Podcast playlist for alerts to new episodes published bi-weekly. The Confident Commit: A podcast for developers, engineering managers, and business leaders alike to join in the conversation on how to deliver software better and faster.

Performance analysis for supported modules with Honeycomb

The Infrastructure Automation Content (IAC) team noticed some supported modules tests were taking significantly more time than others. David Schmitt, Principal Software Engineer on the IAC team, explains how Puppet utilises Honeycomb to debug our supported modules for potential performance bottlenecks.

Module development failure analysis with Honeycomb

Writing modules for yourself is easy, but writing modules for other people to use? Not so much. Failures in modules can have major repercussions, and our IAC team in Puppet takes that very seriously. Listen as David Schmitt and Daniel Carabas walk you through how we utilise Honeycomb for failure analysis with Github Actions during module development.

JFrog How To's - How to Set Up Xray to Scan Repositories, Builds or Bundles

In this video, I'll show you how to get started with JFrog Xray. You will see how to create rules, policies and watches and what the individual components mean. We will also take a look at the Vulnerabilities Reports. Here I will show you how to create, evaluate and export them. This introduction gives you all the essential elements you can use to start looking for vulnerabilities in your project.

How to Create Docker Images for ASP.NET Core

Microsoft has begun working with the Docker team and community so Docker can be used for the following: If you would like to run an ASP.NET Core web app in a Docker container and learn how to create images, we will explain all the steps on how to do the following: A Docker container image is a standalone, lightweight package that can be executed and contains all the requirements you need to run an application, such as: code, runtime, libraries, and settings.

Netdata is launching its Discord server

It’s been a long time since our last community update, rest assured that we have been hard at work here at Netdata. Community building is hard, especially when you have such a venerable community like the one here at Netdata, where hundreds of contributors have contributed to creating one of the best monitoring solutions that exist. Last year we started to concentrate working on consolidating the community by integrating the various platforms where people come together to talk about Netdata.

Rancher Desktop - An Open Source App for Desktop Kubernetes and Container Management

For those of us who need to get applications running in Kubernetes, having Kubernetes on the desktop is incredibly useful. When we want to focus on our applications, it’s especially useful when Kubernetes is easy to use. This is where Rancher Desktop comes in. Rancher Desktop provides easy-to-use Kubernetes and container management (something we’ll look at in a moment) for Mac and Windows. Having Kubernetes isn’t enough.

Unified orchestration and lifecycle automation for end-to-end 5G deployment

Operators are currently modernizing their network for 5G deployments. Important elements in these transformations are the disaggregation of hardware and software. This transformation is seen in both the 5G Core (5GC) and Radio Access Network (RAN) architecture. Furthermore, the decoupling of hardware and software opens up the ability to support multi-vendor networks. SDN and NFV emerged as innovative technology for service providers to build their next generation networks.

How to set up a Private, Remote and Virtual Maven/Gradle Registry

The simplest way to manage and organize your Java dependencies is with a Maven or Gradle repository. You need reliable, secure, consistent and efficient access to your dependencies that are shared across your team, in a central location. Including a place to set up multiple registries, that work transparently with the Maven and Gradle clients.

How to search for an Azure Blob

Simply open up Cloud Storage Manager, then go to the FILE and then SEARCH. Now the Search window will open up in Cloud Storage Manager. Choose the category of the item you want searched for, either an Azure Storage Account, Container, or a Blob can be searched. Type in the name of what you want to search for in the SEARCH box and then finally choose if you want an Exact Match, Starts with, Ends with or Contains, then press Search.

LogDNA | Log Management for DevOps

LogDNA is a modern log management solution that empowers DevOps teams with the insights that they need to develop and debug their applications with ease. Users can get up and running in minutes, see logs from any source instantly in Live Tail, and effortlessly search them with natural language. Custom Parsing, Views, and Alerts put users in control of their data every step of the way.

JFrog Artifactory: Administration (2020+) - Course Sneak Peek

The focus of this topic is the architecture of Artifactory and the benefits of checksum-based storage. In this woucrse we give you a full overview of the Artifactory architecture so that you can deploy the solution faster. Installation from beginning to end including configurations is also included in this course so that administrators can use the course to get the solution.

Deploying Sysdig from the new AWS CloudFormation Public Registry

AWS CloudFormation provides an easy way to model and set up AWS resources to help you save time in deploying the stack you need to run your applications. Today, AWS announced the launch of AWS CloudFormation Public Registry. CloudFormation Public Registry is a searchable collection of extensions that allows you to easily discover, provision, and manage resource types and modules published and maintained by AWS Partner Network (APN) partners like Sysdig.

Announcing the availability of Gremlin using AWS CloudFormation Public Registry

Get started with Gremlin's Chaos Engineering tools to safely, securely, and simply inject failure into your systems to find weaknesses before they cause customer-facing issues. We’re excited to announce that Gremlin is available on AWS CloudFormation Public Registry.

Introduction to Code Analysis in the Redgate solutions

How do you ensure best coding practices are being adopted and reinforce this approach in your entire pipeline? In this video we show you how the same best practices are unified in the Code Analysis functionality offered by SQL Prompt, SQL Change Automation and SQL Monitor to ensure your team are making the best possible changes.

JFrog CloudFormation Modules Make Provisioning to AWS Easy and Secure

A routine cloud operations task should have a routine solution. That’s why we’ve just made it a lot easier to install and maintain self-hosted instances of the JFrog DevOps Platform on AWS, through AWS CloudFormation. To further simplify the effort of self-hosting Artifactory and Xray on AWS, we’ve just published a set of AWS CloudFormation modules to the AWS CloudFormation Public Registry.

Jenkins Kubernetes Plugin: Running Agents In Other Clusters

At Moogsoft we use Jenkins to implement our CICD Pipelines. We run Jenkins where we run most everything else; Kubernetes, but you don’t need to have Jenkins running on Kubernetes to use this plugin. This is made possible by the community maintained Kubernetes plugin. Recently we had the need to not only run agents local to the same cluster that Jenkins runs in, but in other clusters across different regions.

Jenkins Kubernetes Plugin: Using the plugin in your pipelines

In our first post we went over setting up the Kubernetes Plugin. This described the basic setup of getting the plugin configured, and set with the proper perms to function. In this post we will go over how to leverage the plugin to generate agent pods. At Moogsoft most of our pipelines are scripted and are built inside of, or from parts of, Jenkins shared functions library we maintain.

Stackery announces the availability of Bastion modules on the CloudFormation Public Registry

AWS CloudFormation Modules, now available for public use through the AWS CloudFormation Public Registry, are a huge step forward for enterprise IT teams to create large manageable Infrastructure-as-Code (IaC) practices around CloudFormation. We’re excited to support the launch today with our own Bastion module. Unsure what Modules are? Read on.

Artifactory DevOps Tool Overview - Online Course SNEAK PEEK

In this DevOps course, we will introduce you to Artifactory and review some of the controls offered as well as supported services. JFrog Academy provides free self paced online courses! JFrog is providing a universal, hybrid, and end-to-end DevOps platform. Enabling IT professionals and developers to manage, maintain, and secure their worflows.

JFrog Product Leaders Answer swampUP Attendees' Burning Questions

In a live, unscripted “ask me anything” session, a group of JFrog product leaders candidly answered questions from swampUP attendees, with topics ranging from newly-announced JFrog products and capabilities to current cybersecurity concerns that impact DevOps teams. Because the lively discussion yielded so many great questions and answers, we’ve put together here a summary of the session.

Automated App Modernization: The Smarter Cloud Migration Approach

Thinking of migrating applications to cloud through a lift and shift approach? It could be a time to rethink your plan and take control of your migration journey, in a secure way. According to Markets and Markets, the global application modernization services market size is expected to grow from USD 11.4 billion in 2020 to USD 24.8 billion by 2025, at a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 16.8% during the forecast period. And the numbers are not stopping there!

Kubernetes Service Mesh Focus - Civo Community Meetup #8

This time around the topic was Kubernetes service meshes and the role they play in providing visibility and open communication between your pods/containers. Saiyam Pathak, Director of Technical Evangelism at Civo, will be led the talk and discussed the concept of service meshes and best practices. Kai Hoffman, Developer Advocate at Civo, outlined the Service Mesh Interface, a project to standardise service mesh specifications on Kubernetes.

A DBA's Habit for Success: CMMI (Part Five)

We’ve reached the final piece of our five-part series, and while I’m sad to end it, I hope you or your DBA teams have learned enough to move forward with the Information Management Maturity Model (IMMM). Although there are five steps to this model, several DBAs stop at the fourth. It’s common for large organizations to give this step to management and higher-ups, rather than DBA teams.

Developer, Transform Yourself: Digital Transformation Starts with You

As technical professionals we spend a lot of time developing technical skills. Checking the right boxes of experience with languages, tools, and technologies is what typically lands us a job interview for our specialty. But what wins the job in DevOps — and carries you to success in it — are your human skills. Even more than technical chops, personal traits like mindset, communication skills, and work habits are your strongest assets in making DevOps work.

The Era of Hybrid Work Is Here: What Does it Mean for Ops Teams?

The largest remote working experiment the world has ever faced is entering a new phase as the era of hybrid work begins. For IT and DevOps teams on the frontline, this is a time of enormous pressure. Along with its many benefits, hybrid working can also bring considerable disruption. Enabling and supporting the hybrid model is the next big challenge facing organizations around the globe. We wanted to find out what this new reality means for these teams.

OPA vs. Shipa - Are you still building overly complex rules for K8s?

In a previous post, we described how we envision cloud-native initiatives reaching the 2.0 phase, where phase 1 was centered around providing clusters and running its underlying infrastructure effectively. Now that teams are starting to move some of their existing services to a microservices architecture, developers and platform engineers are being tasked with implementing the right policies and governance controls to ensure applications are running as securely as possible.

Basic DHCP concepts

Let’s step back and take a very basic look at DHCP. In fact, let’s look at the analogy of assigning a street address to your house. Usually, this is done by the local 911 dispatch office, or some other central authority. They typically use either a survey map or a latitude, longitude pair to locate you, before they assign your house numbers from a pool of available addresses, compatible with other addresses in the area.

Two-factor authentication coming to Ubuntu One

Two factor authentication (2FA) increases your account security further than just using a username and password. In addition to a password (the first factor), you need another factor to access your account. A great example to demonstrate this is when you withdraw money from an ATM. To access your bank account you need both your physical bank card and to know your PIN number. These are the two factors you need to withdraw money = 2 factor authentication!

Joe Biden's Security Order: What it Means for DevOps

What the Executive Order says today Anticipated further actions by the White House Reasons the software bill of materials (SBOM) will become the source of truth Differences between a SBOM and an “ingredients list” How tools and methods will position developers for success How securing and certifying processes - not just components - may be the key to future compliance

Ribbon IP and Optical Solutions for Research and Education Networks RENs

National and regional research and education networks are strategic assets that bolster economic competitiveness and are also a showcase of high tech excellence. Ribbon has a record of accomplishment worldwide implementing RENs, from national to regional RENs, as well as smaller university networks. Ribbon’s REN solution encompasses a flexible high bandwidth optical backbone, IP connectivity, management and automation, as well as value-added communications services.

Spot by NetApp joins AWS CloudFormation Public Registry

Repetition is super helpful when learning something new. But eventually we get tired of repetitive tasks, errors start creeping in and the tedium saps us of the creative energy we need to innovate and problem-solve. This is why here at Spot by NetApp we love AWS CloudFormation. It decreases errors, frees teams to focus on their core tasks and when used with our products, helps to dramatically optimize cloud infrastructure cost and utilization.

Using the Redis Command-Line Correctly

Redis is an open-source in-memory data store. You can use Redis as a database, message broker, or cache. It also supports Lua script evaluation so you can build automation scripts or custom operations on top of your key-value Redis store. Typically, developers use language-specific client libraries when building apps with Redis. These clients abstract Redis’ command-line interface (CLI), making it easier to work with but more work to set up.

Building and Monitoring Robust Automatic Deployments

Have you ever heard the mantra “Don’t deploy on Fridays?” There are blog posts, tweets, and t-shirts shouting this slogan to anyone who will listen. Maybe your organization follows this policy. The purpose of not deploying on Fridays is to give the team better work/life balance by preventing them from having to work on the weekends if something goes wrong during or after the deployment.

Leaping Forward With Our Partners: JFrog Unveils Tech Partner Program

We’re delighted to announce the freshly-updated JFrog Technology Partner Program, a powerful initiative that will elevate our already large and vibrant ecosystem of integration partners and strengthen JFrog’s “too integrated to fail” commitment to its customers and the DevOps community. The program is a natural next step for JFrog.

Complex Messaging Workflows on Demand with VMware Tanzu RabbitMQ 1.1

Three months ago, we launched VMWare Tanzu RabbitMQ for Kubernetes to automate high-performance messaging on demand with our cluster Operator.* Since then, customers have approached us with higher-level needs that inspired us to extend and improve Tanzu RabbitMQ. In other words, you’ve spoken, and we’ve listened. And so now, in version 1.1, we go well beyond automating cluster operations to orchestrating complex topologies, adding alerts, and previewing active-passive replication.

How to debug a Kubernetes application

How can you easily debug a Kubernetes application? In this episode of Kubernetes Essentials, we show how you can use the kubectl command line tool to identify and resolve bugs within your application. Watch to learn how you can use this tool to easily debug and gain greater observability over your Kubernetes application!

Continuously deploy Rust applications

Rust, a blazing fast and memory-efficient language, made its first appearance about ten years ago. Rust has gained a lot of momentum recently with the popularity of WebAssembly, a language that allows languages like C++, C, and Rust to run in web browsers. This enables developers to build highly performant applications and provide web apps with native functionalities that are not available on the web platform. In this tutorial, you will learn how to deploy a Rust application to a hosting platform.

New Website!

We’re happy to debut our new website, highlighting our newest features! We’ve been busy updating our product UI and decided to showcase some of the work on the site. All of our case studies, whitepapers, and datasheets are now in the Resources page. We’ve also been featured on a variety of news sites, podcasts and blogs. We linked all of them in the “Speedscale in the Media” section.

Fully Managed Data Analytic Service Optimized for Large volume of Streaming Data

This blog will explain the Azure Data Explorer, its core concepts, and a few of its significant features. As the data generated by enterprises is growing day by day, data strategists are looking for more effective techniques to handle a massive volume of diverse data. With all these requirements, there emerges a need for a service that can collect, store, and analyze data with optimal performance. Let us see how Azure Data Explorer addresses these requirements.

ServiceNow Incident using NLP Insights | Robotic Data Automation (RDA) | Tejo Prayaga | CloudFabrix

Robotic Data Automation (RDA) helps enterprises realize value from data faster by simplifying and automating repetitive data integration, preparation and transformation activities using Low-Code workflows and data bots, including built-in AI/ML-bots.

FinOps Best Practices at Autodesk

See how Autodesk reined in Amazon Web Services (AWS) costs with a comprehensive, cross-functional FinOps program. Densify enables successful cloud financial management at Autodesk by providing each team—Finance, Engineering, and application owners—reliable cloud optimization recommendations and trustworthy justification, creating cross-silo collaboration that delivers reliable applications at the right cost.

What Is Cloud Automation? Here's Everything You Need To Know

Automation does not only eliminate the mundaneness of performing repetitive tasks, it can also help reduce errors and mistakes. Good cloud infrastructure encourages cloud automation. That should be one of the main motivators of implementing it. As ubiquitous as the idea of cloud computing has become in the last decade, there is still a lot of demystification to be done. People still don't fully understand its potential. Yes, it can save you money and time but how?

How D2iQ Fits Into The Broader CNCF Kubernetes Ecosystem

In order to run Kubernetes in production, you need more than just the base Kubernetes, but a variety of other necessary add-on services, such as monitoring, security, disaster recovery, and more. However, navigating the cloud-native ecosystem is complex and rapidly changing, making it difficult to build a robust production platform required to run mission critical business services.

What is Network Visualization?

Network visualization is the practice of creating and displaying graphical representations of network devices, network metrics, and data flows. In plain speak, it’s the visual side of network monitoring and analysis. There’s a variety of different subcategories of network visualization, including network maps, graphs, charts, and matrices. In the world of IT networks, network management software will usually have some type of network visualization features built-in.

Go Cloud-Native or Go Home

The movement away from on-premise and towards the Cloud is unstoppable. Even the US government is on board with their plans to “accelerate movement to secure cloud services, including Software as a Service (SaaS), Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), and Platform as a Service (PaaS).” On-prem software is deployed, hosted, and maintained by your organization.

How to manage a 24×7 private cloud with one engineer

In the last several years, we have witnessed the creation of many technologies, starting with the cloud and going further to machine learning, artificial intelligence, IoT, big data, robotics, automation and much more. The more the tech evolves, the more organizations thrive to adopt these technologies seeking digital transformation and disrupting industries along their journey, all for the benefit of better serving their consumers.

Securing Modern Applications and APIs: Whose Job Is It, Anyway?

When an end user thinks of a modern application, they expect a user-friendly offering, one that works on any device, from any location, and that delivers constant innovation. To deliver on that expectation, under the hood there are a large number of distributed components (and micro-components) running heterogeneous workloads on hybrid environments.

The Summer of 3 Transformations with VMware Tanzu

The world is emerging from the largest global pandemic in a century. I, for one, am enjoying some very non-digital experiences as a result. Hugging a friend. Dining indoors at a restaurant. And I am not taking these things for granted the way I once did. But while we cautiously return to some old ways, certain habits are forever changed. Online shopping. Telehealth. Remote work. Fitness apps. The dust hasn't settled (and may never do so) on our new normal digital load.

Azure Storage Types: What are they?

Microsoft Azure Storage system is a cloud storage technology designed for current data storage environments. A highly available object store for data objects, disc storage for Azure virtual machines (VMs), a command-line service for the cloud, a messaging store for trustworthy communications, and a NoSQL store are all available through core storage services. They are long-lasting, accessible, flexible, maintained, and safe and readily available.

Service quality and the rising need for enterprise SRE

In its DevOps 2021 survey of global IT professionals, Enterprise Management Associates (EMA) found that 95% of organizations with highly successful DevOps initiatives were predominantly decentralized and purposefully becoming more so as fast as possible (see Figure 1). This decentralization of development and DevOps teams is making site reliability engineering (SRE) both critical and difficult to achieve.

Fixing It Yourself: Troubleshooting Failing Masking Sets

Data Masker for SQL Server is an incredibly powerful solution for de-identifying any sensitive PII that exists within your SQL Server Databases, but with great power, comes great configuration & customizability (and responsibility, of course). Join Chris, a Redgate Solution Engineer as they walk you through some of the common issues people can face when running masking sets, and how to easily start troubleshooting any failed runs yourself.

Run the HAProxy Kubernetes Ingress Controller Outside of Your Kubernetes Cluster

Run your HAProxy Kubernetes Ingress Controller in External mode to reduce network hops and latency. Traditionally, you would run the HAProxy Kubernetes Ingress Controller as a pod inside your Kubernetes cluster. As a pod, it has access to other pods because they share the same pod-level network. That allows it to route and load balance traffic to applications running inside pods, but the challenge is how to connect traffic from outside the cluster to the ingress controller in the first place.

Continuously deploy custom images to an Azure container registry

The Azure container registry is Microsoft’s own hosting platform for Docker images. It is a private registry where you can store and manage private docker container images and other related artifacts. These images can then be pulled and run locally or used for container-based deployments to hosting platforms. In this tutorial, you will learn how to create a custom docker image and continuously deploy it to an Azure container registry.

Document Oracle, MySQL, and PostgreSQL Databases With Database Mapper

We’re excited to announce SentryOne Document is now called SolarWinds® Database Mapper! The recently released Database Mapper 2021.8 enables you to document three additional database environments: Oracle, MySQL, and PostgreSQL. This makes Database Mapper a great tool to use in conjunction with SolarWinds Database Performance Analyzer and SolarWinds Database Performance Monitor database management solutions.

Best Practices for Migrating to Helm v3 for the Enterprise

At JFrog, we rely on Kubernetes and Helm to orchestrate our systems and keep our workloads running and up-to-date. Our JFrog Cloud services had initially been deployed with Helm v2 and Tillerless plugin for enhanced security, but we have now successfully migrated our many thousands of releases to Helm v3. Like many SaaS service providers, JFrog Cloud runs with many Kubernetes clusters in different regions, across different cloud providers.

AIOps: The Future of DevOps

Since entering the scene in the late 2000s, DevOps has changed the way development and IT operations teams collaborate together to produce and deploy new digital services, apps, features, and updates. DevOps has helped to streamline the production process to ensure more efficient workflows and a more reliable service. This created a shared responsibility between development and operations teams to collaborate together with the goal of creating a premium product or service for their customers.

Cloud Governance Explained: How To Create An Effective Governance Strategy

One of the biggest benefits of the cloud is that it gives engineering teams the freedom to deploy and iterate applications quickly. Unlike traditional IT environments where engineers require a series of approvals before embarking on projects, in the cloud, engineers can choose from several managed services and deploy them at the click of a button. This means your team can innovate faster and respond quickly to market demands.

Make you Developers Happy with Rancher and Shipa

At this point, it’s fair to say that containers and Kubernetes changed the dynamics of infrastructure and platforms. It’s no secret that even though managing Kubernetes clusters is still somewhat complex, in the early days, it was even harder, which is when we saw solutions such as Rancher come up to help us address those challenges. You will inevitably run into cluster-related challenges when adopting Kubernetes.

Introducing Ubuntu Pro for Google Cloud

June 14th, 2021: Canonical and Google Cloud today announce Ubuntu Pro on Google Cloud, a new Ubuntu offering available to all Google Cloud users. Ubuntu Pro on Google Cloud allows instant access to security patching covering thousands of open source applications for up to 10 years and critical compliance features essential to running workloads in regulated environments. Google Cloud has long partnered with Canonical to offer innovative developer solutions, from desktop to Kubernetes and AI/ML.

7 key processes for running a top performing NOC

Much of the fuel for today’s business organizations is comprised of cloud computing and digital and SaaS applications. So, if something goes wrong with them, there will be a grave impact on productivity, customer satisfaction and even loyalty, as well as on the costs required for resolving the incident, remediating damage, and getting back to business.

The Abstracted Mesh: Dealing with Application Complexity

When did our infrastructure get so complicated? For many of my clients, the number of resources their applications are built on seems to have snowballed overnight. It was, of course, a gradual progression, and usually a conscious one, but complexity can feel like it grows geometrically with each new resource element. And that complexity can create problems.

Secure and Up-to-Date Containers with VMware Tanzu Build Service 1.2

Enterprise adoption of containers has surged. According to the 2020 CNCF survey, the number of organizations running in excess of 5,000 containers in production has more than doubled, to 23 percent from 11 percent in 2016. But in a world of rapidly scaling container usage, the container build systems that were designed to work well for individual developers tend to break down.

3 Work-From-Anywhere IT Security Pressures

The rate of change in IT is faster than ever. Several trends are helping organizations with their IT initiatives including anywhere operations, cloud adoption, and Internet of Things (IoT). Unfortunately, these trends are causing three major IT security pressures. In this short video, we look at these major IT security challenges and discuss how Teneo’s Work-From-Anywhere solution can help with these fast pace initiatives in today’s changing world. #TeneoGrp

Monitor your cloud architecture and app dependencies with Datadog NPM

Migrating your on-prem infrastructure to the cloud offers a host of benefits, including scalability, mobility, security, and cost reduction. When it comes to cloud network monitoring, tracking the availability and performance of the cloud services your applications rely on becomes even more important. However, moving from self-managed infrastructure to third party–managed services introduces a number of challenges.

How Qovery billing works

Let’s see how the Qovery billing is working as we are about launching the v2 in less than two weeks. Since we launched Qovery in January 2020, our product was free of charge for our “community” and “business” plans - even if on the pricing page it was mentioned the opposite. Making Qovery free was the perfect way to get product feedback and iterate with our users without the cost constraint.

Top 9 Scripting Languages that You Should Learn in 2021 to Improve Yourself

When it comes to automating specific processes, scripting languages are the most common. In addition, as compared to traditional programming languages, scripting languages require less code. They don't need to be compiled and can easily be understood. Scripting languages are a special kind that is used to send instructions to web browsers or standalone applications via code. They simplify and speed upcoding, which is why they're so popular in web development.

The Rise of Unified Communications And Collaboration Tools In The Covid-19 Era

As we are now well than a year into the COVID-19 pandemic, businesses are continuing to adapt to ever-changing realities. Initially, adapting involved shuttering offices and canceling work-related travel and events. Today, however, COVID-induced changes are a bit more nuanced. In fact, large enterprises with advanced technology and work from home policies may notice little difference when comparing pre-pandemic operations to today’s.

The Confident Commit | Episode 4: Systems and Flow with Elisabeth Hendrickson

Rob interviews Elisabeth Hendrickson on the best practices of system and flow. Elisabeth shares how to get your team to understand the system of software delivery and how to measure success properly. Subscribe to The Confident Commit Podcast playlist for alerts to new episodes published bi-weekly. The Confident Commit: A podcast for developers, engineering managers and business leaders alike to join in the conversation on how to deliver software better and faster.

Finalist for the Atlanta Fire Award!

Speedscale is one of the finalists of the 2021 Atlanta Business Chronicle’s Fire Award! This award is Atlanta Inno’s premier recognition program, honoring the companies and organizations setting the local Atlanta innovation economy ablaze. Fire Awards, presented by Atlanta Inno in partnership with the Atlanta Business Chronicle, is a celebration of the early-stage businesses, enterprises and innovators who are doing special work to set Atlanta ablaze.

Enterprise CI/CD Best Practices - Part 1

If you are trying to learn your way around Continuous Integration/Delivery/Deployment, you might notice that there are mostly two categories of resources: We believe that there is a gap between those two extremes. We are missing a proper guide that sits between those two categories by talking about best practices, but not in an abstract way.

Completing the security testing automation cycle

DevOps, DevSecOps and CI/CD are synonymous with one word - automation. Automating their workflows gives developers the ability to deliver consistency, time savings, and useful insights into their software development life cycle (SDLC). But automation is only as efficient as your weakest link or most cumbersome bottleneck, which can sometimes be security testing. Security testing has traditionally been carried out either manually or quite late in the process.

Complete Guide to Service Level Objectives (SLOs) That Work

Wondering what Service Level Objectives (SLOs) are? In this article, we will explain service level objectives and how they relate to SLAs, SLIs, and error budgets. A Service Level Objective (SLO) is a reliability target, measured by a Service Level Indicator (SLI) and sometimes serves as a safeguard for a Service Level Agreement (SLA). SLOs represent customer happiness and guide the development team’s velocity.

Making CI/CD Work with Serverless

As a developer, serverless lets you concentrate on what you do best: building your product. What happens when we want to implement a CI/CD flow with the serverless mindset? A supercharged CI/CD flow. In this webinar, AWS Serverless Hero and Lumigo VP Engineering Efi Merdler-Kravitz will present Lumigo’s own journey in building a 100% serverless CI/CD pipeline.

Introducing the 2021 DZone Trend Report: Containers

Containerization has evolved from the early days of Linux control groups to out-of-the-box solutions offered by cloud providers. Market analysts expect a rise to more than 70% of global organizations using one or more containers by 2023, a huge uptick from less than 20% of them running containers for their applications in 2019.

Why standardizing migrations across multiple database types with Flyway adds up for Desjardins

A new case study shows how Desjardins uses Flyway Teams to standardize the way migration scripts are created and versioned across its multi-database estate, which includes Oracle, SQL Server and PostgreSQL. With assets of over $350 billion and seven million members and clients, Desjardins is the leading financial cooperative in North America.

Here's what SLIs AREN'T

SLIs, or service level indicators, are powerful metrics of service health. They’re often built up from simpler metrics that are monitored from the system. SLIs transform lower level machine data into something that captures user happiness. Your organization might already have processes with this same goal. Techniques like real-time telemetry and using synthetic data also build metrics that meaningfully represent service health.

The 2021 State of IT Operations Management: UK Struggles with Current Tools but Looks to AIOps for Relief

The results of our 2021 State of IT Operations Management survey are now available for the UK! Some common themes emerged with our US survey results published in April: Tool sprawl is real in IT operations departments in both countries as ops teams wrestle with multiple tools and report that legacy tools are holding them back from innovating. UK and US IT teams will both look to adopt digital operations platforms to combat tool sprawl, driven by better capabilities for AIOps and automation.

The MTTR that matters

“Mean time to X” is a common term used to describe how long, on average, a particular milestone takes to achieve in incident response. There’s mean time to detect, acknowledge, mitigate, etc. And then there’s the elusive “mean time to recover,” also known as “MTTR.” MTTR, a hotly debated acronym and concept, measures how long it takes to resolve an incident on average. The problem with MTTR, though, is that it doesn’t matter.

Improve Your Cybersecurity with a Secure Software Development Supply Chain

The U.S. government is instituting stricter requirements on federal agencies and federal contractors to address cybersecurity threats. Adopting the right set of tools and practices will help organizations secure their software development supply chains and be prepared to meet these standards. However, the initial requirements also provide a valuable framework for any organization trying to reduce its security risk—not just government institutions and those doing business with them.

VMware Tanzu Mission Control Expands Data Protection Capabilities

Last year, VMware Tanzu Mission Control introduced data protection capabilities to help enterprises safely and confidently run critical workloads on Kubernetes. With this unique feature, enterprises can centrally manage data protection on their clusters across multiple environments, easily backing up and restoring their Kubernetes clusters and namespaces.

State of DevOps Report 2020 Focuses on the "How" of DevOps

For years, reports analyzing the evolution of the DevOps movement have been eagerly awaited by members of this growing global community. This research has helped establish benchmarks for DevOps adoption, identify best practices, and analyze DevOps outcomes—in other words, the results achieved by DevOps leaders vs. DevOps laggards. It’s interesting to see how the conversation around DevOps research has changed over the years.

Seeing Civo featured by Forbes makes all the hard work worthwhile!

Yesterday, my morning started much like most Tuesday mornings do for me... my kids (6 and 4) were up way too early again at around 6am! Both were demanding I play with them before they head to school. I did my usual and said "give me five minutes" as I tried to wake up after another night of going to sleep after midnight... one day I should really learn to go to bed earlier, now that I have kids! But this morning was different. I started to wake from my dazed state and reached for my phone.

Automate and scale your CI/CD with CircleCI orbs

For the past two and a half years as a Solutions Engineer at CircleCI, I’ve had the distinct pleasure of working with some of CircleCI’s largest customers to help them instill healthy CI/CD practices into their development processes. Leading-edge organizations are trying to make sure that their applications are scalable, reliable, and secure. Shipping products to users quickly and reliably is imperative to gaining a competitive edge.

Faster Incident Resolution with Context Rich Alerts

Labelling your alert payloads although simple can significantly improve the time it takes for your team to respond to incidents. In this blog learn how Squadcast's auto-tagging feature can be a game changer by enabling intelligent labelling & routing of alerts to ultimately reduce your MTTR. A frequent problem faced by on-call engineers when critical outages occur is pinpointing the exact point of failure.

Gremlin ALFI Demo - AWS RDS Unavailable - Chaos Engineering

In this demo, we'll share how you can use ALFI (Application Level Failure Injection) to make AWS RDS unavailable. This enables you to learn how your application handles different failure modes. We'll be using the ALFI Latency attack to perform this Chaos Engineering experiment.

DORA Metrics Explained

DORA metrics, also known as Accelerate metrics, are universally lauded as good metrics for tracking Engineering team productivity and software delivery performance. Learn the whats and whys of the four DORA metrics: Deployment Frequency, Change Lead Time, Change Failure Rate and Mean Time to Recovery, and how to use them the right way. LINKS SLEUTH A deploy-based Accelerate Metrics tracker both managers and developers love.

20 Best Software Development Tools in 2021

With the increase in popularity and adoption of software development across the industry, developers and organizations are constantly looking for tools to make their lives easier. The right set of tools can quickly help you get the maximum output each day, but the road to finding your arsenal of the best software development tools is not easy. That’s why we researched for you!

The Future Demands Full Stack DevOps Engineers at the Epicenter

As we wrap up swampUP 2021, I have never felt more excited about being part of the global DevOps community. My greatest takeaway from swampUP 2021, with all of its great presentations and the participation of thousands of our community peers, is that DevOps today finds itself at a historical inflection point. Let me explain.

What Is Cloud Optimization? (And Why Is It Important?)

Whether you've recently migrated to the cloud, or you've been operating there for awhile now, you've likely realized how challenging it can be to understand exactly where your cloud spend goes and what drives your costs. Using a cloud service provider can offer many benefits, like the ability to easily scale up and down based on need, but unless you're using the right services and tools, your costs can quickly spiral out of control.

SolarWinds and the Secure Software Supply Chain

In early 2020, threat actors breached the build systems of Solarwinds and used this access to add malicious code into one of SolarWinds products. The product, called “Orion”, is very widely used and deployed by tens of thousands of companies, including many Fortune 500 companies.

Announcing the Gremlin Chaos Engineering Practitioner Certificate Program

Get started with Gremlin's Chaos Engineering tools to safely, securely, and simply inject failure into your systems to find weaknesses before they cause customer-facing issues. Chaos Engineering continues to grow in popularity and is rapidly becoming a job requirement. To help Engineering and Testing teams meet the need, we’re launching our first ever Gremlin Chaos Engineering Practitioner Certificate Program!

Why DevOps isn't a level playing field for financial services and insurance

Redgate recently published the 2021 State of Database DevOps report which, for the last five years, has followed the rise in DevOps and the challenges organizations face when adopting it for both application and database development. Based on a survey of thousands of IT professionals from around the world, it also provides the opportunity to dive a little deeper into how those challenges vary sector by sector.

Tanzu Talk: How Kubernetes Helps Businesses, results from the State of Kubernetes 2021 survey

Coté goes over his highlights for the 2021 State of Kubernetes survey: rising production use, the benefits and business capabilities people are getting, hurdles for developers and operations, and the rising use in kubernetes distros.

What is MicroStack?

MicroStack provides a single or multi-node OpenStack deployment which can run directly on your workstation. Although made for developers to prototype and test, it is also suitable for edge, IoT, and appliances. MicroStack is an OpenStack in a snap which means that all OpenStack services and supporting libraries are packaged together in a single package which can be easily installed, upgraded or removed. MicroStack includes all key OpenStack components: Keystone, Nova, Neutron, Glance, and Cinder.

MicroStack: The most straightforward OpenStack ever

MicroStack provides a single or multi-node OpenStack deployment which can run directly on your workstation. Although made for developers to prototype and test, it is also suitable for edge, IoT, and appliances. MicroStack is an OpenStack in a snap which means that all OpenStack services and supporting libraries are packaged together in a single package which can be easily installed, upgraded or removed. MicroStack includes all key OpenStack components: Keystone, Nova, Neutron, Glance, and Cinder.

Use Microsoft Teams as Your Phone System: How to Get Started

Join Dr. E. Brent Kelly, Principal analyst at KelCor & Greg Zweig, Director of Solutions marketing for Ribbon as they discuss the critical thinking required to plan a successful transition to Teams Phone System. Brent regularly provides strategy and counsel to CIOs, CTOs, and technology buyers. More importantly, Dr. Kelly is not afraid to get his hands dirty, having deployed Teams Phone Systems himself; he’ll speak from firsthand experience!

10 Indispensable Software Deployment Tools

Software Deployment Tools (SDTs) help make software systems available to the target endpoints in a network from a central location. They include installation, distribution, configuration, upgrade, and management tools. All software applications need to be upgraded regularly, require new features from time to time, need security reinforcements against new and coming threats, require updates to remove bugs, and so on.

Deploy your applications on bare-metal servers with Maxihost and Cloud 66.

Watch 2 min demo on how to deploy your application on bare metal servers with Maxihost and Cloud 66. Cloud 66 and Maxihost have joined forces to allow developers to easily deploy applications to bare metal. With a strong focus on developer experience, everything you need to manage your servers can be done from the UI or API.

Chapter 7: In Which Sarah Experiments with Observable Low-Code

This is the seventh chapter in a series of blog posts exploring the role that intelligent observability plays in the day-to-day life of smart teams. In this chapter, our DevOps Engineer, Sarah, experiments with low code and Moogsoft in her team’s DevOps toolchain to rush a new feature out the door to keep up with a competitor.

Streamline incident management with BigPanda's offering in the Datadog Marketplace

BigPanda is a domain-agnostic AIOps platform that helps organizations detect and resolve incidents in their complex IT environments. By unifying and correlating data from monitoring, change, and topology tools, BigPanda enables teams to quickly pinpoint the root cause of issues and prevent costly outages.

Are you an MS Teams shop? We've got you Covered with Blameless Incident Resolution

We have an exciting announcement. Blameless is providing early access to our Microsoft Teams integration. SRE and engineering teams can now resolve incidents faster without leaving the comfort of their favorite messaging tool. With the Blameless incident resolution product, Microsoft Teams users can now reduce toil in routine incident response processes through automation, codify processes with checklists, and craft retrospectives with the ‘add to timeline’ command.

EMR workload continuity with Elastigroup

Amazon’s Elastic Map Reduce or EMR, makes it easy to set up, operate and scale big data environments. This enables data scientists and developers to rapidly analyze massive amounts of structured and unstructured data. Combined with Spot by NetApp’s Elastigroup, data scientists can reliably run EMR core and task nodes on highly affordable EC2 spot instances.

The More You Monitor: Using AIOps for Monitoring

By now you most likely have a basic understanding of what AIOps is and how ITOps, DevOps and SRE teams can use AIOps to help reduce outages, slowdowns and overall MTTR, but do you know how AIOps can be used specifically for monitoring? In this episode of The More You Monitor Lead Sales Engineer, Dondy Aponte, lays out how AIOps for monitoring can help to process large volumes of data to keep you informed and ahead of any issues that may arise. With dynamic thresholds, root cause analysis, automated anomaly detection and predictive forecasting you'll be equipped with the tools to reduce manual efforts and keep your infrastructures and systems online and performing.

How Lowe's meets customer demand with Google SRE practices

At Lowe’s, we’ve made significant progress in our multiyear technology transformation. To modernize our systems and build new capabilities for our customers and associates, we leverage Google’s SRE framework and Google Cloud, which helps us meet their needs faster and more effectively. With these efforts, we’ve been able to go from one release every two weeks to 20+ releases daily—about 20X more releases per month.

Ribbon IP and Optical Solutions for Research and Education Networks (RENs)

National and regional research and education networks are strategic assets that bolster economic competitiveness and are also a showcase of high tech excellence. Ribbon has a record of accomplishment worldwide implementing RENs, from national to regional RENs, as well as smaller university networks. Ribbon’s REN solution encompasses a flexible high bandwidth optical backbone, IP connectivity, management and automation, as well as value-added communications services.

The startup founders' guide to software delivery

Software delivery on a team of 2 people is vastly different from software delivery on a team of 200. Over the growth of a startup, processes and tool choices will evolve naturally - but either optimizing too early or letting them evolve without a picture of where you’re headed can cost you in time and agility later. That’s why I want to talk to you about how to evolve your delivery process with purpose.

How Statuspage deploys continuously with Bitbucket and Sleuth

This post was written by Michael Knighten, Founder & COO of Sleuth There are some similarities between deploying continuously and driving in the fast lane. When driving, you need to be always on the alert, proactively looking down the road for potential hazards. When you see them, you need to be able to react immediately, hit the brakes, and change course nimbly.

Have You Herd? Episode 1 | DevOps vs SRE

Join the Moogsoft Engineering team for their inaugural stream as we tackle the big questions - How do we define DevOps? And as it becomes more mainstream - will the roles of development & ops combine forever into super powered developers, or does the complexity of our systems require further specialization between the two roles?

Decoding Azure Service Bus Exceptions for Operational Excellence

Consider an E-Commerce Application with millions of users, built with various microservices. Since these microservices are decoupled, highly scalable, the communication and data sharing should be more reliable and seamless for business continuity. Here comes the Enterprise Service Bus technology. An enterprise service bus implements a communication system between mutually interacting software applications in a service-oriented architecture (SOA).

The Epicenter of the Developer Community: swampUP 2021

We’ve just concluded another fantastic swampUP conference, which saw thousands of global developers, DevOps Engineers, community leaders, CIOs and security professionals come together to explore the true epicenter of global business: DevOps. In the words of our CEO, Shlomi Ben Haim, community is more powerful than any pandemic, and we were honored and humbled to be joined by Amazon, Capital One, Salesforce, PagerDuty, Elastic, HashiCorp, Google, Red Hat and many more.

How the Public Sector Can Transform User Experiences with App Modernization

People around the world have access to digital experiences in almost every part of their lives, all from the touch of a button. So it only makes sense that they also expect the same—if not better—seamless experience when it comes to how they engage with government organizations.

Discovering Kubernetes-Ready Solutions for Cloud Native Applications

The way we architect and build applications has changed over the last decade or so. Where monoliths (or single, large codebases) used to be the standard, modern applications are now built using a combination of new architecture patterns, operational models, and software delivery services.

Event-driven autoscaling in Kubernetes

In modern cloud architecture applications are broken down into independent building blocks usually as microservices. These microservices allow teams to be more agile and deploy faster. Microservices form distributed systems in which communication between them is critical in order to create the unified system. A good practice for such communication is to implement an event-driven architecture.

How to build a team that demands metrics

When we talk about metrics in software delivery, a lot of developers think of execution metrics — things like throughput, delivery and number of deploys. But in reality, those metrics don’t motivate anyone — at least not without connecting them to a bigger picture. I’ve worked in software for 23 years. I’m a three-time founder and four-time CTO, responsible for leading a 200+ member distributed engineering organization.

Using Rancher And Shipa To Manage Multiple Clusters And Applications

What would be the easiest way to create and manage multiple clusters, potentially spread across different regions and providers? Can we combine that with an easy way for developers to manage their applications across those clusters? A combination of Rancher and Shipa might provide the simplicity we are looking for.

Error Budgets Explained (And How to Make One for Your Team)

Wondering what error budgets (EBs) are and how they are useful? We explain what they are, how they are defined, and how they can help your team. An error budget is the amount of acceptable unreliability a service can have before customer happiness is impacted. If a service is well within its budget, the developers can take more risks in their releases. If not, developers need to make safer choices.

2021 swampUP Technical Announcements in Just 8 Minutes

swampUP is where JFrog reveals the following year's roadmap and direction. But if you don't have time to watch the whole keynote, take 8 minutes and see all about the world's first Private Distribution Network (PDN) and Binary Lifecycle Management solutions. Includes PDN, Signed Pipelines, Federated Repositories, third-party dependency scanning, Cold Artifact Storage and more. Drawn from the technical keynote at swampUP in May 2021.

Cloud 66 Feature Highlight: Bring Your Own Image

What is Bring Your Own Image? One feature that makes very fast deployments possible is Bring Your Own Image (BYOI). Your app might rely on custom packages or use a specific version of a certain library. You can automate this process using Deploy Hooks or custom scripts, but compiling and installing these custom options every time you fire up a new instance can add a lot of time to your build and deployment process. That's where BYOI comes in.

Netflix Architecture: How Much Does Netflix's AWS Cost?

If Netflix was a series, it would be a blockbuster. Each season would be nothing short of dramatic to the chagrin of investors. Want to crunch some numbers? The video streaming service had an $11.5 billion valuation in January 2011. It had about 26 million subscribers at the end of that year. Ten years later, Netflix reported it had about 204 million subscribers and a valuation of over $220 billion. The Los Gatos, CA, giant made a staggering $25 billion in 2020 in annual revenue.

Reap the Combined Benefits of Kubernetes and the Public Cloud with DKP

In a relatively short amount of time, Kubernetes has evolved from an internal container orchestration tool at Google to the most important cloud-native technology across the world. Its rise in popularity has made Kubernetes the preferred way to build new software experiences and modernize existing applications at scale and across clouds. With Kubernetes, companies can host workloads running on a single cloud, as well as workloads across multiple clouds.

How to Use Event Triggers For Windows Server Monitoring

Windows event logs and event triggers are an important part of Windows server monitoring. With the addition Event Viewer feature, Windows made it possible for server administrators to create custom tasks for certain events. This would be the so-called event trigger, and it could be a script or an email notification. This feature is highly important in terms of security and proactively dealing with issues with the server.

Track Digital Transformation Progress with Real-Time Data

According to a McKinsey study, 70 percent of digital transformation projects fail. It’s quite a paradox because the transformation is happening for growth and success. If this stat alone is anything to go by, it indicates that enterprises need to rethink their strategy and management of such transformations. So how are those other 30 percent of enterprises succeeding with their digital overhauls? Well, data and analytics play a vital role in helping track the progress of the process.

Mark Shuttleworth Keynote at DockerCon 2021: Less toil, more focus

Running and maintaining standard workloads like databases and message queues on Kubernetes is too much toil! Charmed operators simplify those standard workloads, so you can focus on your own applications and their Docker images. See a demo of “apt-get mysql on K8s” and learn how these new operators are built and maintained in a community.

How to Optimize Docker Performance

Docker containers have revolutionized the cloud industry. While Docker containers already present remarkable benefits and plus-points over other virtualization methods, there are significant performance gains that developers can further squeeze out of Docker to get the most out of the technology. This guide will cover different methods of optimizing Docker performance and answer some frequently asked questions about the technology.

Google Cloud, Vodafone and Datadog SRE Panel Webinar

Since originating at Google, site reliability engineering (SRE) has enabled countless teams to effectively manage large-scale systems, improve the stability of complex services, and automate operational tasks using software. In this SRE panel, Yuri Grinshteyn (Customer Reliability Engineer, Google) will speak about the core principles of SRE and how the culture is practiced at Google. He will be joined by Llywelyn Griffith-Swain (SRE Manager, Vodafone), who will share Vodafone’s story of adopting SRE, lessons learned, and their best practices for maintaining the cultural shift across teams.

GitLab 2021 DevSecOps Survey Key Findings

For the last several years, GitLab has run a major survey about the trends facing the DevSecOps community. This year over 4,000 people responded to the survey, 40% who identified as a Software Developer / Software Engineer. Also about half the survey participants are based in Asia, a major region for Software Developers. One of the biggest trends you will find throughout the survey is how much developers value speed and efficiency.

What is Prometheus rate?

Prometheus was originally developed in 2012 and has grown in popularity since then. It's an open-source systems toolkit that monitors and alerts. While it was developed for SoundCloud, the project is now independent and standalone. Why would you need this model? It comes with several features, but perhaps the most important ones are the fact that it offers multiple graphing modes, dashboard support, and does not rely on distributed storage. Instead, it uses autonomous single server nodes.

What Is PromQL?

PromQL is a functional query language that’s meant for use with the Prometheus monitoring tool. In fact, PromQL is short for “Prometheus Query Language.” The point of this language is to make it easy for users to choose and collect time-series data in Prometheus, which can then be displayed in a graph or as tabular data in the browser for this tool. Get a free trial with MetricFire and start visualizing your data.

Going Beyond Exclude Patterns: Safe Repositories With Priority Resolution

You probably remember the Namespace Shadowing a.k.a. “Dependency Confusion” attack that was in the news a couple of weeks ago. I blogged back then about the Exclude Patterns feature of JFrog Artifactory which we’ve had forever and was always intended to protect you against those kinds of attacks.

Serverless Vs. Containers: Which One Should You Use?

Containers and serverless computing are two of the most popular methods for deploying applications. Both methods have their advantages and disadvantages. To choose the one that’s right for your business, you need to understand the pros and cons of managing your own containers versus using serverless services.

7 Reasons Why Your Internal Developer Platform will Fail

In a previous post, we discussed the rise of the developer platform and how developer productivity is one of the main reasons why many organizations are either looking for or building an internal developer platform (IDP). According to a recent global survey done by Stripe, on a scale of 0 – 100%, developers responded that only 68.4% of their time is productive, which means that developers could be nearly 50% more productive than today: (100% — 68.4%) / 68.4% = 46%