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How to Find Opportunities and Thrive in a Saturated Managed Services Market

According to the TSIA ‘State of Managed Services 2023 Report’, managed services was cited as one of the top three growth engines for the technology industry, with a revenue growth rate that was up 23% from 2022. And according to businesswire.com, the global managed services market is expected to reach $311 Billion by 2027.

MSP Tools: Lower Price Doesn't Always Equal Higher Value

We all love a bargain—who wouldn’t? But not all great deals are good for business. As tempting as it might be to take advantage of a special product promotion that is being marketed towards us, sometimes it is necessary to take a step back and spend time really thinking about what the ramifications of switching to the lower-priced product could entail.

Navigating M&A Trends in the MSP Industry: Insights and Strategies

There’s been a lot of talk about a slowdown in global channel M&A activity in 2023—indeed, our recent MSP Horizons Report, which we did in conjunction with Canalys, highlighted a 60% decline in M&A compared to previous years. Another trend the report observed is a disparity between buyers and sellers in the market. While 44% of MSPs are looking to acquire, only 13% are actively (and openly) seeking to sell.

How SEO Strategy Can Help MSPs Grow Their Business

One of the main goals for every MSP is to make getting new clients onboard as easy as possible. A major way to achieve this is to rank high on Google for the area your MSP operates. Purple Cloud IT is an MSP that serves clients in the UK, but we’ve also helped many MSPs over the years with their SEO and Google ranking because we’ve found that we’re pretty good at SEO.

N-central 24.3 Release Roundup | New Features & Enhancements for MSPs

Jason Murphy, Head Nerd at N-able, walks you through the latest features and improvements designed to enhance your experience with N-central. Discover the new security enhancements, updates to Device Manager for Apple, REST API endpoint additions, and more. This release is packed with updates to help MSPs stay secure and maximize efficiency.