
Mountain View, CA, USA
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You’ve likely noticed how some pizza places promise delivery in 30 minutes, or they’ll give you your money back. But what are they really promising? They’re setting a clear performance goal and backing it up with confidence. How do they measure their performance? They track how long each delivery takes. And why do they make this promise? Because fast service is key to keeping their business thriving.
  |  By Mezmo
During our webinar, Next Gen Log Management: Maximize Log Value with Telemetry Pipelines, we discussed how you can take your log management strategy to the next level with telemetry pipelines and unlock the full potential of your data. Bill explained that the rapid growth of log data is driving up storage and management costs. He emphasized the need for an intelligent, adaptable log management system to efficiently handle this situation.
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One challenge for the widespread adoption of telemetry pipelines for SRE teams within an organization is knowing where to start when building a pipeline. Faced with a wide assortment of sources, processors, and destinations, setting up a telemetry pipeline can seem like trying to build a Lego set without any instructions. The solution is to provide teams with pre-defined components that provide specific functionality, that they can then use to build pipelines that meet their own requirements.
  |  By Mezmo
Alerts that you receive from your observability tool are based on conditions that existed seconds to minutes in the past, because the alert is only triggered after the data has been indexed within the tool. This means that your ability to take timely action in response to the condition is significantly limited, and often your window of opportunity to react is past by the time you receive the alert.
  |  By Mezmo
Once upon a time, we thought “Log everything” was the way to go to ensure we have all the data we needed to identify, troubleshoot, and debug issues. But we soon had new problems: cost, noisiness, and time spent sifting through all that log data. Enter log analysis tools to help refine volumes of log data and differentiate signal from the noise to reduce mental toil to process. Log beast tamed, for now….
  |  By Mezmo
Once upon a time, we thought “Log everything” was the way to go to ensure we have all the data we needed to identify, troubleshoot, and debug issues. But we soon had new problems: cost, noisiness, and time spent sifting through all that log data. Enter log analysis tools to help refine volumes of log data and differentiate signal from the noise to reduce mental toil to process. Log beast tamed, for now….
  |  By Mezmo
What keeps an SRE at the top of his game? I had an insightful conversation with Jon Duarte, a Site Reliability Engineer (SRE) at Mezmo and he walked me through his role and the various tasks he manages on a typical day. Here’s Jon offering a brief glimpse into the challenges he faces, the thought processes behind his approach, and the innovative solutions SREs come up with.
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Like many other organizations, we at Mezmo struggle with a lot of telemetry data, and for a while our team configured our logs to be sent to a global Mezmo Log Analysis account in our SaaS so we would have a single pane of glass to view all of our logs. Our SRE team wanted to make sure that we have experience utilizing our new pipeline product. We set out some goals before we started using telemetry pipeline.
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Imagine running a large company where data-driven decisions give you a competitive edge. You use a lot of business intelligence tools that tap into vast amounts of data, such as sales figures, inventories, and expenses. This analysis tells you how your company is performing. However, it does not reveal how your "company infrastructure" is performing. This crucial information comes from your systems in the form of telemetry data, such as logs and events.
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At Mezmo, we consider Understand, Optimize, and Respond, the three tenets that help control telemetry data and maximize the value derived from it. We have previously discussed data Understanding and Optimization in depth. This blog discusses the need for responsive pipelines and what it takes to design them.
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In today's digital-first, cloud-native world, effective log management is crucial. It enhances software quality, operational efficiency, and the customer experience. However, with the rise of distributed and microservices-based architectures, organizations now generate petabytes of log data daily, making analysis and storage increasingly challenging.
  |  By Mezmo
The exponential growth of telemetry data presents a significant challenge for organizations, who often overspend on data management without fully capitalizing on its potential value. To unlock the true potential of their telemetry data, organizations must treat it as a valuable enterprise asset, applying rigorous data engineering principles to glean the critical insights and accelerated investigations this data is meant to enable. The telemetry data platform approach democratizes access across disciplines and personas and fosters widespread utilization across the organization.
  |  By Mezmo
Ensuring access to the right telemetry data - like logs, metrics, events, and traces from all applications and infrastructure are challenging in our distributed world. Teams struggle with various data management issues, such as security concerns, data egress costs, and compliance regulations to keep specific data within the enterprise. Mezmo Edge is a distributed telemetry pipeline that processes data securely in your environment based on your observability needs.
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Telemetry (Observability) pipelines play a critical role in controlling telemetry data (logs, metrics, events, and traces). However, the benefits of pipeline go well beyond log volume and cost reductions. In addition to using pipelines as pre-processors of data going to observability and SIEM systems, they can be used to support your compliance initiatives. This session will cover how enterprises can understand and optimize their data for log reduction while reducing compliance risk.
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Telemetry or observability data is overwhelming, but mastering the ever-growing deluge of logs, events, metrics, and traces can be transformative.
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Operational telemetry data, events, logs, and metrics produced by applications and infrastructure have enormous potential to help organizations maintain and improve operational efficiency and customer service. However, unlocking the value of telemetry data has become a challenge for enterprises.
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The explosion of telemetry data also massively increases your data bill. Teams also cannot control the data they do not understand and often lack the capabilities to act on it once it is understood. Mezmo makes it easier to understand and optimize your data. It helps reduce unnecessary noise and cost, and improve the quality of your data, so that your developers and engineers can consistently deliver on their service level objectives.
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As data volumes proliferate and costs of data grow, it's becoming increasingly difficult to find the signal in all the noise. Telemetry data -- metrics, logs and traces -- are key to making sound, data-driven decisions, troubleshooting systems issues and maintaining uptime, but it's easy to get overwhelmed. Data profiling shows you exactly where your good data is coming from, how to save what's relevant and discard what's not and slash your data management and storage expenses.
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Mezmo is a cloud-based telemetry data pipeline that enables application owners to enrich, control, and correlate critical business data across domains.
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Logging in the age of DevOps has become harder and more critical than ever because it is key to maintaining visibility and security in today's fast-moving, highly dynamic environments. With these needs and challenges in mind, Mezmo has prepared this eBook to offer guidance on how best to approach the log management challenges that teams face today.
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A growing number of log management solutions available on the market today are offered as cloud-only services. Although cloud logging has its benefits, many organizations have requirements that can only be fulfilled with self-hosted/on-premises log management systems.
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Here's a complete guide covering all core components to help you choose the best log management system for your organization. From scalability, deployment, compliance, and cost, to on-prem or cloud logging, we identify the key questions to ask as you evaluate log management and analysis providers.
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Despite having an extensive feature set and being open source, organizations are beginning to realize that a free ELK license is not free after all. Rather, it comes with many hidden costs due to hardware requirements and time constraints that easily add to the total cost of ownership (TCO). Here, we uncover the true cost of running the Elastic Stack on your own vs using a hosted log management service.

Log Management Modernized. Instantly collect, centralize, and analyze logs in real-time from any platform, at any volume.

Why Mezmo?

  • Powerful Logging at Scale: Get powerful log aggregation, auto-parsing, log monitoring, blazing fast search, custom alerts, graphs, visualization, and a real-time log analyzer in one suite of tools. We handle hundreds of thousands of log events per second, and 20+ terabytes per customer, per day and boast the fastest live tail in the industry. Whether you run 1 or 100,000 containers, we scale with you.
  • Easy, Instant Setup: Mezmo's SaaS log management platform sets up in under two minutes. Instantly collect logs from AWS, Docker, Heroku, Elastic, and more with the flexibility to deploy anywhere - cloud, multi-cloud, or self-hosted. Logging in Kubernetes? Logs start flowing in just 2 kubectl commands. Whether you wish to send logs via Syslog, Code library, or agent, we have hundreds of custom integrations.
  • Affordable: Mezmo’s simple, pay-per-GB pricing model eliminates contracts, paywalls, and fixed data buckets. Try our free plan, or only pay for the data you use with no overage charges or data limits. Our user-friendly, frustration-free interface allows your team to get started with no special training required, saving even more time and money.
  • Secure & Compliant: Our military grade encryption ensures your logs are fully secure in transit and storage. We offer SOC2, PCI, and HIPAA-compliant logging. To comply with GDPR for our EU/Swiss customers, we are Privacy Shield certified. The privacy and security of your log data is always our top priority, and we are ready to sign Business Associate Agreements.

Blazing fast, centralized log management that's intuitive, affordable, and scalable.