Operations | Monitoring | ITSM | DevOps | Cloud

May 2022

Monitor Amazon RDS Proxy with Datadog

For over a decade, Amazon RDS (Relational Database Service) has been a popular managed database service companies have used to set up, operate, and scale databases for web and mobile applications. However, modern, high-scale applications can have upward of tens of thousands of clients. This means that maintaining direct connections between the database and application can quickly begin to consume more resources than the query executions themselves.

Monitor your Helm-managed Kubernetes applications with Datadog

Helm is a package manager that makes it easy to deploy and manage Kubernetes applications. Our new Helm integration allows you to monitor the availability and status of the Helm-managed applications deployed in your Kubernetes clusters. In this post, we’ll show you how you can visualize the status of your Helm releases and use monitors to notify you of important changes in your Helm environment.

How Preview Environments help developer teams scale up?

Many tech startups experience rapid growth. This means they have to scale, develop many new features quickly, and find the best talent to grow significantly. Whether your team is already big or still small, let’s see how Qovery can help you manage the scale-up with the Preview environments!

Gaining a competitive edge with database monitoring

I was recently joined by Chris Yates, Senior Vice President, Managing Director of Data and Architecture at Republic Bank for our webinar, Gain the competitive edge with a monitoring tool. The session sparked an insightful conversation around estate monitoring from the perspective of a Senior VP, and I wanted to share some of the key take-aways.

Getting AWS CloudTrail alerts via SNS Endpoint

Logging and auditing have been an essential part of troubleshooting application and infrastructure performance. You can instantly spot areas of risk to ensure quick correction and prevention of issues. In this blog, we will explore the AWS CloudTrail service and discuss how integrating it with Squadcast can help you route alerts to the right users for quick and efficient incident response. Let's get started.

How To Present ROI On Cloud Computing To The C-Suite

When each quarter’s financial report lands on the desks of a company’s C-Suite executives, those execs are essentially looking at a black box of spending and revenue. They can see the total numbers and the growth or shrinkage of certain categories, but they ultimately have very little context into why each number is as high or low as it is. Without this context, it’s all too easy to feel sticker shock over a seemingly outrageous cloud bill and demand that costs be cut at once.

Announcing HAProxy 2.6

HAProxy 2.6 is now available! As always, the community behind HAProxy made it possible to bring the enhancements in this release. Whether developing new functionality, fixing issues, writing documentation, QA testing, hosting CI environments, or submitting bug reports, members of our community continue to drive the project forward. If you’d like to join the effort, you can find us on GitHub, Slack, Discourse, and the HAProxy mailing list.

Survey: Are You Using an Observability Solution, Implementing One, Actively Planning for it or Thinking About it?

Whether you’ve just started your observability journey or haven’t started one at all, Techstrong Research is here to help the industry gain insights into observability with their “Observability at the Speed of Innovation 2022” survey, sponsored by StackState. Techstrong Research, an industry analyst and consulting group focused on the business outcomes of disruptive technologies, is researching where organizations are in their observability journey.

Top Three Benefits For Enterprises Transitioning To Smart Cloud-Native Now

Smart Cloud-Native is powering digital innovation and transforming the way enterprises are doing business. While every new technology introduces risks and rewards, the world is moving to smart-cloud native because of its numerous advantages. This webinar featuring Tobi Knaup (CEO & Co-Founder, D2iQ) and Joe Taborek (President, D2iQ) is an exploration of the top benefits of transitioning to Smart Cloud-Native and how cloud-native + AI can improve your business results and make the world a better place.

Shipa Product Updates - May 2022

We have been busy at work in May creating new features and squashing bugs to delight those who use or have not yet started using Kubernetes. Finally, you can start finding Shipa back at in-person events, we just returned from Southern California at JFrog swampUP. We had many great conversations about what we have been working on, especially announcing the general availability of Shipa Insights, today!

A Recession Is Inevitable. Are Your Cloud Deployments and Development Teams Ready?

The recent market turmoil has everyone from developers to CTOs and founders asking themselves a fundamental question “Is our cloud-deployment strategy recession proofs, and if not, how can we adapt to the new market realities?” Within enterprises of all sizes, leaders are asking hard questions, looking for ways to cut costs without negatively impacting growth.

Deploying a Laravel application to Heroku

In this tutorial, I will show you how to set up a continuous deployment pipeline to deploy a Laravel application to the Heroku platform with minimum hassle. Automating deployment helps teams limit human intervention during the deployment process, reducing the risk of errors and streamlining the entire software release process.

Build, Run, and Manage Geo-Distributed Modern Apps with Redis and VMware Tanzu

Today’s developers use tools such as VMware Tanzu Application Platform and the Spring framework to build modern applications. However, to build best-of-breed, intelligent, data-centric applications, developers must utilize a unified, in-memory data layer. This enables development teams to truly scale their applications with the pace of business, especially when that business extends across the globe.

5 Advanced Tips for How to Use GitLens in VS Code

GitLens is a Git extension that integrates seamlessly with Visual Studio Code. In fact, with over 14 million installs, it’s one of the most popular Git extensions on the VS Code Marketplace. GitLens earned its popularity because of its ability to unlock valuable authorship information, helping users navigate a project’s revision history, and much more.

5 Experiences from JFrog swampUP 2022 San Diego that will Get You Excited for What's Next

Last week hundreds of community leaders, customers, and partners gathered in San Diego for the first stop of JFrog’s multi-city swampUp world tour! It was my first in-person swampUP and I can’t tell you how invigorating it was to see everyone back together, in-person again. As I was walking the halls and sitting in on the keynote sessions, I felt like I was at a big reunion of old colleagues and friends who have not seen each other in years.

Podcast: Break Things on Purpose | KubeCon, Kindness, and Legos with Michael Chenetz

In this episode, we chat with Cisco’s head of developer content, community, and events, Michael Chenetz. We discuss everything from KubeCon to kindness and Legos! Michael delves into some of the main themes he heard from creators at KubeCon, and we discuss methods for increasing adoption of new concepts in your organization. We have a conversation about attending live conferences, COVID protocol, and COVID shaming, and then we talk about how Legos can be used in talks to demonstrate concepts.

How Database Monitoring Tools Assist in the Auditing Process | Interview with Chris Yates, SVP

Regardless of industry, data is one of the most valuable assets a company has. Every senior leader should be thinking about how to reduce risk, meet audit and compliance requirements and protect their business’ reputation. In this short clip, taken from a longer webinar hosted by Redgate, Chris Yates explains how a database monitoring tool can help meet auditing requirements quickly and easily.

6 must-have features in network configuration management

Network configuration management is a function that comprises assortment, monitoring and storage of information about every component that forms a network. The true purpose of such a solution is to come alive in time of any eventuality; it could be the need to update, upgrade, recover or could even be disaster management. The solution will provide all pertinent information at the hands of the IT operations team, enabling them to decide the course of action going forward.

The 4 Golden Signals for Monitoring Kubernetes: Everything You Need to Know

Kubernetes is currently the de-facto container orchestration system on the market. Both small and large companies adopt it, and all major cloud providers offer it as a service. However, Kubernetes is a complex and layered platform, so you can’t just jump into it. There are three essential stages for each application: design, deployment, and operation. This blog post will focus on operation, where you need to monitor and troubleshoot your deployed applications.

Embedded Linux development on Ubuntu - Part III

Welcome to the concluding chapter of this journey on embedded Linux development with Ubuntu. We covered a lot of ground, so let us quickly recap what we learned so far. In Part I we introduced Snaps, software packages designed for the world of IoT. Snap packages isolate and encapsulate an entire application, increasing the security and stability of embedded devices. Snapcraft is the command-line tool to build snaps.

3 Cost Considerations For Your Multi-Cloud Environment

A multi-cloud strategy has become the status quo for many organisations. It provides access to the broadest range of cloud services and best-of-breed technologies, along with a reduced risk of vendor lock-in. As a result, most organisations will use a number of the most popular service options alongside more niche or localised offerings.

Tanzu Talk - What is DevSecOps? Part 02: Automating Verification and Guardrails

What is DevSecOps? Here’s part two of what I think it is, actual new tools you can use when it comes to verifying/trusting what’s in your apps and putting out guardrails for developers. Plus, some repaving for you 3 R’s OGs.

Configuring a Correlation Engine in Moogsoft | Moogsoft Product Videos & How-Tos

Moogsoft's correlation engine groups related alerts and forms incidents. This happens automatically with no configuration. But in this video, we take a sample use case and create additional correlation settings to tailor it to the specific needs. Don't forget to subscribe for content on DevOps, Observability, AIOps and more!

Cloud Data Fusion: Concepts of Networking

To understand implementation, security, and connectivity in Cloud Data Fusion, it’s helpful to first understand the networking concepts. In this episode of Networking End to End, Lorin Price goes over what Cloud Data Fusion is, Public IP vs Private IP, and more. Be sure to look out for more videos on the Concepts of Networking for Google Cloud’s managed services! Chapters

Netdata Machine Learning Meetup

This video livestream meetup by Netdata takes a deep dive into the fundamentals of Machine Learning in DevOps Infrastructure Monitoring. It also covers the Netdata way of approaching Machine Learning. The Anomaly Advisor major update to Netdata is introduced as a valuable troubleshooting tool for any DevOps or Site Reliability Engineer looking for anomalies in their infrastructure. The hosts share real-world infrastructure monitoring & troubleshooting examples, as well as early feedback from the community on the Anomaly Advisor.

The Challenges of Building Multi Cloud

Multi cloud has long been a contentious topic when you talk about cloud infrastructure. Infrastructure as code tools such as Terraform and Pulumi have made deploying to any cloud much easier - you can now use a single interface to deploy infrastructure to virtually any cloud environment. However, the effort of creating infrastructure for each cloud provider still requires significant expertise and time to get right, leading many to see it as a effort not worth taking.

Getting The Most Out Of Docker

Docker is the industry leader in the world of containerization. While the concept of containers is not new, still, it was not easy to create new containers. The underlying operating system complexities of creating a container were very challenging. Docker changed that and made things easier by handling the complexities mentioned above to launch a container. It's now super easy for developers to build, manage, scale and deploy their applications securely using Docker.

CI/CD Pipelines for Kubernetes: Best Practices and Tools

Kubernetes is today’s leading container management platform, due to its comprehensive API and developer-friendly features. Using Kubernetes, you can create scalable and reliable applications that run on-premises systems and public clouds. Its out-of-the-box features allow it to distribute hundreds of instances over data centers and keep them up and running. In order to catch up with the automation level of Kubernetes, developing and deploying applications requires more autonomy.

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Simplifying SLO and Error Budget tracking for SRE teams

Service level objectives (SLOs), and the subsequent service level indicators (SLIs) are the foundation to establishing a strong SRE culture and how they promote accountability, trust and timely innovation. We are on a mission to simplify SLO and Error Budget tracking and with that aim in mind, we have added the SLO Tracker feature to the Squadcast platform. SLO Tracker seeks to provide a simple and effective way to keep track of your error budget burn rate without the hassle of configuring and aggregating multiple data sources.

Red Hat Shares - Cloud services basics

Enterprises spent US$178 billion on cloud infrastructure services in 2021, 37% more than in 2020. And “global spending on cloud services is expected to reach over US$482 billion in 2022.” Clearly the use of cloud services is on the rise. But what are cloud services exactly, and why are they beneficial? Cloud services are infrastructure, platforms, or software that are hosted by third-party providers and made available to users through the internet.

Monitor PlanetScale with Datadog

PlanetScale is a serverless, MySQL-compatible database platform powered by Vitess. PlanetScale handles database scaling while also providing you with the tools to increase your development velocity, such as branching, non-blocking schema changes, automatic backups, built-in connection pooling, as well as a helpful interface and CLI. Datadog’s new integration gives you deep visibility into your PlanetScale databases, so you can optimize your usage and costs.

Testing Flask framework with Pytest

Writing tests in any programming language can be difficult, but it does not have to be. In this tutorial, I will show you how you can easily write and run tests using Flask and Pytest. As a bonus, we will also integrate a CI/CD pipeline to run tests on a Flask app using CircleCI. Be sure to check out our other Flask tutorials to learn about application logging, authentication decorators, and automating Flask deployments.

New Active Directory integration features in Ubuntu 22.04 - FAQ

Linux Active Directory integration is one of the most popular and requested topics from both the community and our clients. On May 17 we delivered a webinar on the new AD integration features introduced with 22.04 (now available on demand) and following that we received an overwhelming number of questions. In this blog post we would like to address directly the most frequent ones

Embedded Linux development on Ubuntu - Part II

Welcome to Part II of this three-part mini-series on embedded Linux development on Ubuntu. In Part I, we set the stage for the remainder of the series and gave an overview of snaps, the packaging format at the heart of embedded devices running Ubuntu. Snaps are a secure, confined, dependency-free, cross-platform Linux packaging format. Software publishers often want to manage their application components using containers.

Intro to the CLI Part 4: Customizing Your CLI Shell

So far in this series, you have learned why it’s important to understand how to use the command line, some command line basics and shell commands, and all about running CLI-based applications and command line tools. In this part of our CLI intro series, you are going to learn the basics of customizing your shell user experience. In this part of the CLI intro series, we’re going to focus on.

5 Tips If You're the 1st SRE Hire by Instacart's First SRE

Site Reliability Engineers (SREs) have a considerable set of tasks to juggle no matter where they work or how long their company has had an SRE practice. But if you’re the very first SRE to join an organization – as many SREs are these days, given that the SRE trend is trickling down into smaller and smaller companies – you face a special group of challenges. You may find it difficult to get buy-in for SRE from other technical teams.

Deploying Highly Available K3s with External Database

Having trouble deploying Kubernetes in a highly available mode and have a backing remote database? This blog is for you. I will explain how to deploy K3s in HA configuration with an external database Postgres. K3s is a certified Kubernetes distribution for IoT and Edge computing. I deployed it on virtual machines in an IBM Z mainframe. Instead of etcd, I choose Postgres as my storage for my K3s clusters. I deployed Postgres in non HA mode.

DevOps for startups

It is an exciting time to be a startup. Our vast technological landscape has made powerful digital tools available to businesses of all sizes, making starting (and scaling) an organization easier than ever before. In an era where technology is a fundamental building block of almost every business, methodologies like DevOps have become ubiquitous across many industries.

Drew McManus on Agile in practice and lessons from Pivotal Labs

Rob sits down with Drew McManus, CEO of 33 Teams to discuss Agile development. Hear stories from Drew's time at Pivotal Labs and the valuable lessons he's taking with him. This episode covers how to suggest change, finding the best Agile practices for you, and how working with the right people may be worth a career shift.

Serverless vs containers: Which is best for your application?

To keep ahead of the curve, many organizations are looking at how to evolve their technical processes to accelerate their IT infrastructure development. Fast and robust deployments to the latest platforms are key to achieving the low lead times that enable this evolution. Two of the most widely-used technologies to host these deployments are serverless functions and containers. What are they, how do they differ, and how do you decide which is best for your application?

Running DevOps Teams with Agile Project Management Principles

DevOps defines the practice of combining software development and IT operations, with the goal of shortening a systems development lifecycle through the method of continuous delivery. Software development has made continuous delivery more possible, as improvements to the programming and design of applications can be made on a regular basis, and don't always require the absolute completion of a previous task. This has led to the increasing use of Agile methodologies in DevOps management.

Redgate Software Adopts Policy-Driven Approach to Data Protection with New Data Catalog Release

In a move to help businesses simplify their data management practices by automating policy decisions, the latest release of Redgate Software's SQL Data Catalog now provides a simple, policy-driven approach to data protection.

Highlights from KubeCon + CloudNativeCon 2022

After two years of virtual editions, KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe returned as a hybrid event, with its in-person portion held in Valencia, Spain, from May 16-20. As platinum sponsors of this year’s conference, Datadog held a booth where we showcased the latest updates to our Kubernetes monitoring solution, including the new Kubernetes resources overview, improved OpenTelemetry support, and the latest version of the Datadog Operator for Kubernetes.

Embedded Linux development on Ubuntu - Part I

Welcome to this three-part mini-series on embedded Linux development on Ubuntu. Throughout this series, we will discuss the key challenges of traditional software distribution mechanisms for embedded Linux devices. We will understand why legacy development and update approaches do not suit the Internet-of-Things (IoT) world and assess how Ubuntu simplifies and secures embedded Linux development.

Top 30+ Best DevOps Tools in 2022: A Comprehensive List of Automation Technologies You May Not Be Using in Your Pipeline

The software is getting more and more complicated and so is the infrastructure behind it. It is no longer what it used to be with a single web or application server and a database backing it up. Throughout the years, the infrastructure has become more and more complicated. We have multiple databases, queues, datastores, search engines, and configurations. We want to incorporate continuous delivery and automated testing and deploy everything easily.

Introducing Incident Types

We believe incident.io should be used across an organisation, from SRE teams to Customer Success and People Ops. Until now, the way you set up your incident response flows has relied on having one set of roles and fields for every incident, meaning you have to choose between having lots of irrelevant fields to cover every use-case, or not getting the full incident.io experience on some incidents. That’s changing today with incident types, conditional fields and roles!

Customizing your Application with Epinio

One of the best things about Kubernetes is just how absurdly flexible it is. You, as an admin, can shape what gets deployed into what is the best for your business. Whether this is a basic webapp with just a deployment, service and ingress; or if you need all sorts of features with sidecars and network policies wrapping the serverless service-mesh platform of the day. The power is there.

How to configure Netdata's all-new Anomaly Advisor, powered by ML, for real-time troubleshooting

Netdata's Lead Machine Learning Engineer, Andrew Maguire, walks through how to configure the all-new Anomaly Advisor. This new feature lets you troubleshoot in real-time, at scale, by identifying periods of time with raised anomaly rates across your entire infrastructure. In this guided video, Andrew will explain how to enable Netdata's ML functionality then, how to set up unsupervised anomaly detection with minimal configuration, and lastly how the Anomaly Advisor works to speed up troubleshooting when an incident occurs.

Centralized application management on Kubernetes

A centralized application management approach can help you improve developer productivity and application support times and reduce toil for DevOps teams. This example shows how you can centralize all the necessary information your teams need to support their applications, regardless of the pipeline, IaC, cluster, or GitOps tools used. All in just a few minutes. Resources.

Error Budgets: Ultimate SRE Guide For Teams

Any engineered system does not guarantee 100% uptime. There are bound to be some unforeseen system failures that cause downtime for the customers or create a poor customer experience. It is, therefore, best practice to take into account a margin for plausible failures. An error budget is this margin of error that the customer is informed about beforehand to secure tolerance during system failure for a decided number of hours.

10 Reasons You Need A Service Level Agreement & Why It's important

A Service Level Agreement (SLA) consists of many service commitments. It is an essential part of a contract to outsource software development or software support between two or more parties, specifying the duties and the quality and type of service a company would provide for a fee to a customer.

The pandemic has indeed caused a massive spike in cybercrime

Recent events of the pandemic have facilitated a rapid implementation of remote working tools, causing an increase in ransomware attacks – businesses suffer from financial and data losses. In order to prevent such attacks, companies must not only educate their employees about best cybersecurity practices but also embed professional security solutions within the internal business processes and systems.

Embedding Git Commit Information in Go Binaries

It is always helpful to know which version you are running of some software, even more so when running development versions. So it’s good if software is able to tell you its version, for example by calling it with --version. For release versions, maintaining this information by hand is feasible, but in order for development versions to show exact revision information, you need some automation, otherwise updating it will be forgotten, leaving you with wrong information.

The 5 Best AWS Cost Explorer Alternatives In 2022

AWS Cost Explorer is one of the core pillars of AWS cloud financial management. It helps collect resource consumption data and associated cost information across multiple AWS services. Cost Explorer then helps visualize all of this data in one dashboard to ease cost management. You can then analyze, understand, and share cloud cost data with various parties. Cost Explorer is also ideal for companies that have simple cloud billing — and it's free with an AWS subscription.

JFrog Connect: Ready for What's Next for DevSecOps, Edge and IoT

Today at swampUP, our annual DevOps conference, JFrog CTO Yoav Landman unveiled the next step toward making the Liquid Software vision of continuous, secure updates a truly universal reality. We’ve introduced JFrog Connect, a new solution designed to help developers update, manage, monitor, and secure remote Linux & Internet of Things (IoT) devices at scale.

Create FIPS-enabled Ubuntu container images with 10-year security updates

Canonical’s UA and Pro customers can now fully benefit from their subscriptions directly in containerised environments and pipelines. The new UA client release (27.7+) makes it easier to enable FIPS mode in Ubuntu containers. It also automatically signs up CI/CD builds for 10-year security updates to never worry about production container images getting timely patches for high and critical CVEs.

We can't all be Shaq: why it's time for the SRE hero to pass the ball and how to get there

At a going away party from a job I was leaving a few years back, my VP of engineering told a story I didn’t even remember but that I know subconsciously shaped how I viewed my role on that team: Toward the end of my very first day at the company, there was some internal system issue, and with pretty much zero context, I pulled out my laptop, figured out what was going on, and helped fix the issue.

Introducing Puppet Data Service

I work on the Solutions Architects team here at Puppet. We are sometimes the first line of defense in solving some of our customers' most challenging or unique problems, and every so often, we see trends in problems that we'd previously considered to be edge cases. For example, cCustomers often ask us two questions: How can we connect external configuration data to Puppet? How can we speed up changing their own configuration for service owners without onboarding them to Git approval processes?

Densify Wins Intel 2022 Partner of the Year for Software Innovation

On May 11th, at Intel Vision, Densify won Intel Partner of the year for Software Innovation. This award recognizes the impact of our jointly developed offering: Intel Cloud Optimizer (ICO). <="" a=""> Working with Intel we launched a program for enterprise customers that combines Densify analytics software and Intel expert guidance to help match customer workloads with the cloud instances that enable the best performance at the lowest possible cost.

Algorithms vs Rules in Moogsoft | Moogsoft Product Videos & How-Tos

Moogsoft’s correlation engine clusters alerts into incidents based on their relatedness. The way this works is fundamentally different from a rule-based categorization. In this video, you’ll learn exactly how. Don't forget to subscribe for content on DevOps, Observability, AIOps and more!

Introducing Anomaly Advisor for troubleshooting at scale

Troubleshoot at scale with our all-new, lightweight Anomaly Advisor, powered by machine learning. The Anomaly Advisor finds periods of time with elevated anomaly rates across your entire infrastructure faster than ever before. This new feature works along with our ML unsupervised models on the edge, making your troubleshooting trouble-free! Even better, the Anomaly Advisor requires minimal configuration and is extremely lightweight. No need to worry about exhausting your CPU usage.

On-premise vs. On the Cloud

Since its emergence in the mid-2000s, the cloud computing market has evolved significantly. The benefits of reliability, scalability, and reduced set-up costs have created a demand to fuel an ever-growing range of “as-a-service” offerings, resulting in an option to suit most requirements. But despite the advantages, the question of cloud or on-premise remains valid.

Top Benefits of Containerization For Your Startup

A container is an isolated unit of software running on top of an operating system. Containers are getting popular among startups because containerized applications are portable, have built-in scalability and fault tolerance, are more secure, and promote faster development cycles. That’s why startups prefer containers for new application development to gain a business advantage over competitors who are still using VMs for application deployment and packaging.

What is Full-Stack Observability and Do I Really Need It?

Monitoring and visibility are dead. If you don’t have Full Stack Observability (FSO) you may as well just pack up and go home. Your business will fail, and you will be unemployed with no hope for the future. At least, that is what vendors currently pitching FSO would have you believe. But what is full-stack observability? Observability is the current buzzword in the monitoring industry, and full-stack observability is what vendors are currently focusing on.

We're Joining The Snowflake Partner Network - Bringing Cloud Cost Intelligence

Early on in our journey as a company, CloudZero split with legacy data architecture, migrating to Snowflake and opening up a world of resource flexibility. With the centralized, limitless processing power that Snowflake provided, our team could focus more energy on value-added work, less on managing inefficiencies. With a rapidly expanding customer base, Snowflake allowed us to maintain peak velocity, scaling without running into storage-based slowdowns.

SRE: From Theory to Practice | What's difficult about incident command

A few weeks ago we released episode two of our ongoing webinar series, SRE: From Theory to Practice. In this series, we break down a challenge facing SREs through an open and honest discussion. Our topic this episode was “what’s difficult about incident command?” When things go wrong, who is in charge? And what does it feel like to do that role?

Tools for tracing microservice architecture

Microservices are a popular architectural style for building applications that are resilient, highly scalable, independently deployable, and able to evolve quickly. But a successful microservices architecture requires a different approach to designing and building applications. A microservices architecture consists of a collection of small, autonomous services. Each service is self-contained and should implement a single business capability within a bounded context.

A practical approach to Active Directory Domain Services, Part 6: FSMO roles in AD

Do new users created on one domain controller (DC) of an Active Directory (AD) environment, ever get erroneously deleted only after a few minutes by DCs of other sites within an AD forest? Do changes made in a particular AD site ever get rewritten by DCs in other sites? Can AD objects be erroneously identified? Can more than one AD user account, for example, with all its associated attributes, be a replica of another user account?

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How to Test Microservices in Kubernetes

In this article, you will learn about some of the tools to test microservices running in a Kubernetes cluster. In particular, we will compare the Speedscale CLI tool with other tools and the main benefits of using Speedscale CLI. In the last few years, software companies have been shifting from building monolith applications to utilizing smaller microservices. In a microservices architecture, you operate with decentralized applications. This means that there's a separation in which each service is responsible for a specific component of your application.

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The Evolution of Software Trends in 2022

Software delivery has never been more critical to the success of business in every industry. It's also never been more complex. With the growing challenges of complexity, how can engineering teams succeed? After analyzing millions of workflows from more than 50,000 organizations across the world, here are a few truths of software delivery today.

Top Things To Consider When Connecting IoT Devices To The Cloud

Use cases for the Internet of Things (IoT) range from trucks, to shipping containers, to people, to cows. An organisation’s assets can be mobile, autonomous, even sentient - and the applications for tracking these assets are as limitless as the assets themselves. Analysts have identified asset tracking as the fastest growing industrial IoT market and it is expected that most connected devices will be location aware within the next decade.

Reducing Pager Fatigue in Moogsoft | Moogsoft Product Videos & How-Tos

One of the benefits of implementing Moogsoft is that you can reduce noise and focus on what matters. In this video, we'll take a look at the noise reduction mechanism using sample data from the real world. Don't forget to subscribe for content on DevOps, Observability, AIOps and more!

Kubernetes Health Checks: Everything You Need to Know

When you’re using an application or tool, it’s very important to make sure things are working as they should. For this reason, health checks are critical. A health check is when an application or tool checks its own components and dependencies, then either publishes or exposes a notification method if there is a problem.

How FinOps Can Work With Engineering To Achieve Cost Intelligence Maturity

The FinOps position, for most SaaS companies, is a relatively recent addition to the team. FinOps acts as a liaison between the Finance and Engineering teams, with the goal of getting everyone on the same page (and speaking the same language) when it comes to setting, optimizing, and sticking to budgets. FinOps and engineering have a special relationship, because engineers are the ones who ultimately make major infrastructure, development, and design choices that impact the cloud bill.

Using Brotli Compression in NGINX

Brotli is gaining steam as the compression algorithm du jour for high performance websites. Created back in 2013 by Google to decrease the size of WOFF files, Brotli was standardized in 2016 as part of RFC 7932. The sales pitch for Brotli is better compression than Gzip - with similar CPU usage. Better compression leads to faster performance, but how much better is it?

Docker image versus container: What are the differences?

If you are new to Docker, you may find it challenging to understand all the terms. It can seem like everyone has a different idea of what Docker terms mean, and sometimes, terms get used interchangeably. For instance, you — like others who are learning about Docker — may wonder how a Docker image differs from a Docker container. Their contrasts are subtle but significant.

Enlightning: What Is Observability?

Is Observability really just logging, metrics, and distributed tracing? Are we done? Mission accomplished? Can we go home for the week even if it is just Tuesday? You can often hear about the "Three Pillars of Observability" but having access to logs, metrics, and traces does not necessarily mean more observable systems. In this session, you'll learn what Observability is, what problems the three pillars solve, what problems they generate, and how deep the rabbit hole goes behind them. We will explore the basics of the three pillars and what Spring has to offer to implement them.

Use the Proxy Protocol to Preserve a Client's IP Address

In this blog post, you’ll learn how the Proxy Protocol preserves a client’s IP address when that client’s connection passes through a proxy. You will also find resources for how to integrate the protocol into your own proxy or web server software. What is the Proxy Protocol? It is a network protocol for preserving a client’s IP address when the client’s TCP connection passes through a proxy.

Testing Metrics using MetricFire

We offer a free trial period to ensure that our customers use MetricFire successfully. But often when someone signs up for a trial they may not know where to start. This is a guide on how to use your trial to test your data and see if MetricFire is right for your use case. Each use case is different so it is important to book a call with our technical support team so we can help you utilize your free trial optimally for you. Create a MetricFire account for free and see how our system works.

Continuous integration for React applications using Jest and Enzyme

React continues to be the web framework of choice for many UI developers, surpassing jQuery as the most popular framweork in the 2021 Stack Overflow Developer Survey. It provides an intuitive model for building data-driven user interfaces, and efficiently updates the DOM when this data changes. React pairs nicely with Redux for managing the data that React needs to render interfaces. Redux offers a predictable way to structure and update the data in those frontend applications.

AWS Production Deployment Checklist

CI/CD is now an inevitable need of every modern application. Many startup companies adopt CI/CD with a good cloud vendor. Still, they do not follow the guidelines needed for successful deployment, and even if they do that, they find difficulty scaling the application. Here in this article, we will go through a comprehensive checklist to help you perform stable and successful production deployments on AWS.

Learn How to Pick the Right Container Runtimes & Tooling

Container runtimes and tools have multiplied and matured since Docker brought containers to the mainstream a decade ago. So which of the many options available should developers and system administrators choose for building and running containers? In this cannot-miss webinar, Oleg Chunikhin, CTO at Kublr, will provide a review and analysis of the most popular options to help you make the very best choice for your environment.

Secure Supply Chain: Verifying Image Signatures in Kubewarden

After these last releases Kubewarden now has support for verifying the integrity and authenticity of artifacts within Kubewarden using the Sigstore project. In this post, we shall focus on verifying container image signatures using the new verify-image-signatures policy. To learn more about how Sigstore works, take a look at our previous post

Automate testing for Golang Gin-gonic RESTful APIs

Gin is a high-performance HTTP web framework written in Golang. It contains features and functionalities like routing and middleware out of the box. This helps to reduce boilerplate code, improves productivity, and simplifies the process of building microservices. In this tutorial, I will guide you through the process of building a RESTful API with Golang using the Gin-gonic framework. I will also lead you through building an API to manage the basic details of a company.

Use Tags to Handle Maintenance Windows in Moogsoft | Moogsoft Product Videos & How-Tos

After watching this video, you will learn how to configure Moogsoft so you can separate the events triggered during maintenance from real issues. Specifically, you will learn how to create a maintenance catalog and maintain it using the catalog API, and how to set up workflow engines to enrich events with a maintenance tag, append a label to link the source to maintenance, and lower the severity. Don't forget to subscribe for content on DevOps, Observability, AIOps and more!

Shift Left Reliability meetup - May Fifteen minutes or bust

There is a yawning gap opening up between the best and the rest — the elite top few percent of engineering teams are making incredible gains year on year in velocity, reliability and human compatibility, whilst the bottom 50% are actually losing ground. The loss has nothing to do with engineering ability. Take an engineer out of an elite-performing team and place them in the bottom 50%, and they become subpar too; take an engineer out of a mediocre team and embed them in an elite team, and they are pulling their weight within the year.

Secure Multi-Tenancy for Charmed Kubernetes with Clastix' new Charmed Operator

The new Charmed Operator covering the Capsule Kubernetes extension allows users of Canonical’s Charmed Kubernetes distribution to automatically install and integrate Clastix Capsule Multi-Tenancy as part of the Kubernetes cluster deployment process.

Digitalization Is Key To Competing In This New Era Of Customer Experience

Customer experience (CX) is becoming an increasingly strategic part of any company’s brand as businesses become more customer-centric. And thanks to technologies that give customers more options than ever, right at their fingertips, consumers expect a flawless CX, anytime and anywhere, regardless of medium. In other words, customer retention and satisfaction is intertwined with CX.

Continuous Performance Testing in CI Pipelines: CircleCI

With over 50,000 active organizations and 250 million workflows, CircleCI is one of the most popular networked CI platforms. When getting started with CI pipelines, teams typically want to ensure that code will compile, pass unit tests, and build a container image. After catching these low hanging fruit of syntax errors, engineering teams need to dig much further to find business logic and scalability errors.

The Rise of Smart Cloud Native Apps

In August 2011, Marc Andreessen wrote an article in The Wall Street Journal entitled “Why Software Is Eating the World.” Andreessen predicted that the leading companies in any industry would be software companies. And indeed, a wave of online software companies arose in which Netflix ate Blockbuster, Apple and Spotify ate Tower Records and the CD, and LinkedIn disrupted the recruiting industry.

The Cloud Native Telco | FutureNet World

Operators are waking up to the benefits of cloud-native, which overcomes the fundamental limitations of software-driven virtualization. An opinionated stack, cloud-native forces vendors to build the deployment models of their network functions in a certain way, shifting the power back to the hands of operators. Hear from industry leaders as they reveal groundbreaking insights in this FutureNet World panel discussion in London. Featuring Partha Seetala, President, Cloud BU, Rakuten Symphony.

Improving performance on complex diffs

Bitbucket Cloud is making changes to pull request diff functionality that will improve diff performance, particularly on complex diffs. We are changing our diff algorithm from what we call a '3-way' diff to a 2-way 'three-dot' diff, which will show the difference between the tip of a source branch and the commit from which it branched off the destination, as shown below. This new diff will be implemented on the Pull request page and Branch page in the coming weeks.

Software bill of materials: What it is and why you need one

Most organizations that make software — from small startups to multi-billion-dollar behemoths — use third-party libraries and tools to develop their applications. Modern apps depend on many external components to build and deliver software to customers. These libraries and tools are collectively called the software supply chain. A software supply chain for a typical web app may include components like these.

Qovery Demo Day Summary - May 2022

Our last Qovery Demo Day took place on a live on the first Thursday of May. This event aims to give you some insights into what we did during the past month and what’s next and showcase some of our new features. During this demo day, Bilel (Software Engineer at Qovery) and Romain (Software Engineer at Qovery) joined me to talk about Terraform Improvements demo and Docker Build Improvements demo.

Now Available on AWS Marketplace: PagerDuty Runbook Automation and PagerDuty Process Automation On Prem

We are excited to announce that PagerDuty® Runbook Automation and PagerDuty® Process Automation On Prem are now available on the AWS Marketplace, the leading global cloud provider. With more than 200 different cloud services, AWS makes it simple and attractive to build and grow your cloud-native business and/or migrate your existing infrastructure to the cloud, so you can begin to take advantage of the unlimited scale, agility, and flexibility the cloud offers.

Making HTTP requests with Axios

Axios is a promise-based HTTP library that lets developers make requests to either their own or a third-party server to fetch data. It offers different ways of making requests such as GET, POST, PUT/PATCH, and DELETE. In this tutorial, I will explain how Axios interacts with applications, describe the structure of Axios requests and responses, how to make requests to an API, and how to write tests for your requests using CircleCI.

Observing Chaos: Is It Possible?

Most Series A and B companies are born in the cloud. Instead of the traditional mainframe architecture, they use AWS, Kubernetes and the likes to run their production environments. While striving to do things faster and better, we must address the other side of the coin: How do you support the constant shifts inherent in these environments? Chaos engineering allows you to observe your environment continuously and reliably.

What is Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery?

Continuous integration is a DevOps practice, where developers continuously integrate the code changes into a central repository. It most often refers to the build or the integration stage of the software release process. A continuous integration service helps to automatically build and run unit tests on the new code changes to find any errors instantly.

What is Continuous Integration (CI) - Best Practices, Benefits of CI, Tools

Continuous integration (CI) is a development practice where development teams can make small, frequent changes to code. With an automated build which verified the code each time developers verify their changes into the version control repository. Which helps the development teams to detect any defect in an early stage. Continuous integration is the first part of CI/CD, which enables the development team to release the code changes gradually to production quickly and regularly.

Breaking news from KubeCon EU 2022

I hope you are as excited as we are about all the Kubernetes buzz from Valencia with KubeCon EU 2022 happening this week! There are two significant announcements that we are happy to share with you. First, the serverless Spark-on-Kubernetes platform from Spot by NetApp, Ocean for Apache Spark, is now available on GCP. This announcement comes two months after the platform was declared generally available on AWS.

5 Top Cloud Financial Management Software Solutions In 2022

Cloud computing offers nearly limitless capacity on-demand, but left unmanaged, that flexibility can lead to surprisingly high monthly cloud bills. To be fair, rising cloud costs aren't always a bad thing; they could be a signal of growth. For example, you’ll incur higher costs as you gain more customers. Your costs of goods sold (COGS) may also increase. These scenarios are often a good thing unless your margins on COGS are thinning out.

Introducing Anomaly Advisor - Unsupervised Anomaly Detection in Netdata

Today we are excited to launch one of our flagship ML assisted troubleshooting features in Netdata – the Anomaly Advisor. The Anomaly Advisor builds on earlier work to introduce unsupervised anomaly detection capabilities into the Netdata Agent from v1.32.0 onwards.

Why You Need Full-Fidelity Flow Data For Faster Threat Response

Every second counts when it comes to data theft. So when a breach or an attack occurs, network security teams need to determine what’s happened as quickly as possible. The more time spent in root cause analysis, the more time an attacker has to burrow deeper into or across the network. The greater the overall loss from the attack is likely to be too. That may be financial, customer impact, or brand reputation.

The not-so-obvious positive outcomes of great incident management

Inflation is running rampant, the world stage is unpredictable, and what’s happening in the U.S. markets has been dubbed the “tech wreck.” A common theme I’m hearing come up in conversations across industries right now is value — we’re all looking to maximize every dollar spent, every hire made, every hour logged. For a lot of companies, this means looking at processes and tools with a critical eye for not only cost savings but also cost avoidance.

Introducing Shipa Insights

If you are on Shipa Cloud today, you will have noticed a new module called Insights. We are pleased to announce the initial release of Shipa Insights and certainly have a lot in store as we continue to build out the module. As more items continue to shift left towards the developer and the rise of the full lifecycle developer continues to occur, outside of technical non-functional requirements such as connectivity, reporting and metrics are also important.

Creating a Platform Team to Support a Modern Application Platform

To provide world-class developer experiences and get applications to production quickly and securely, you need a team of experts devoted to running your platform as a product. For organizations that build and publish software at scale, developing the tech stack on which developers will create applications and push them to production is often the main focus.

Application logging with Flask

Without logs, or a good understanding of them, debugging an application or looking through an error stack trace can be challenging. Luckily, Flask logging can change the way you understand debugging and how you interact with logs produced by the application. The Flask logging module gives you a way to record errors over different severity levels. A default logging module is included in the Python standard library, and it provides both simple and advanced logging functions.

Monthly Moo - Special Edition | May 2022

Welcome to a special Monthly Moo - Product Edition. We have so much to share that we needed to create a special edition of the Monthly Moo to cover all the latest features that are now available. And to see these in action, sign up for our webinar that's coming on Tuesday. More details below. With many new features recently rolled out we need to group them in logical order to cover each of the following categories.

Top 5 Highlights From Cloud Networking Summit

It’s a fact of life that most multi-cloud newcomers will experience sticker shock at some point. The Infrastructure and Operations leaders we work with at Teneo often tell us that that their multi-cloud environments came with hidden costs and complexities way beyond what they’d originally estimated. But it’s the day to day management that they and their teams say is most complicated and daunting.

Why we chose gRPC over REST for Multy

Nowadays, REST is ubiquitous across most kinds of applications. It provides an easy, simple and clear language to communicate between services, usually a frontend and a backend. Although, there are many good alternatives and I want to talk about one in particular - gRPC. From my days as a Software Engineer at Google, I have grown quite fond of gRPC. Google uses it everywhere, from communicating between frontend and backend, to communicating with database servers to all kinds of microservices.

Enabling Hybrid Work with Cloud Desktops

MSPs have a fantastic opportunity now. Many businesses are offering their employees a hybrid work model — the opportunity to split their time between working in the office and at home. The age of hybrid work is here and, as it appears, here to stay. For many businesses it’s not only the right thing to do, it’s also necessary to satisfy current requirements and attract and retain employees.

Podcast: Break Things on Purpose | Dan Isla: Astronomical Reliability

It’s time to shoot for the stars with Dan Isla, VP of Product at itopia, to talk about everything from astronomical importance of reliability to time zones on Mars. Dan’s trajectory has been a propulsion of jobs bordering on the science fiction, with a history at NASA, modernizing cloud computing for them, and loads more. Dan discusses the finite room for risk and failure in space travel with an anecdote from his work on Curiosity.

What's New in Rancher 2.6.5?

With KubeCon underway, many of us in the cloud native community are looking forward to learning about the newest innovations from the companies we follow. At SUSE, we’ve been working hard to deliver some new enhancements to Rancher with our 2.6.5 version. I want to briefly take you through the highlights of this release and why we’re excited about these new additions.

DevOps 101: How to kick-start your DevOps initiative

This is the third part of my DevOps 101 series, so before we get going, let’s do a quick recap of what we’ve covered previously In DevOps 101: What, who, why, and how, I talked about how the definition from Microsoft’s Donovan Brown encapsulates DevOps succinctly as: The union of people, process, and products, to enable the continuous delivery of value to the end users.

Spot by NetApp Joins the FinOps Foundation as a Premier Member

We’re thrilled to announce that Spot by NetApp has joined The FinOps Foundation as a Premier Member! Joining the FinOps Foundation is a natural extension of Spot by NetApp’s mission to help companies to get the most out of their cloud investments through world-class CloudOps. The FinOps Foundation is a non-profit technology consortium focused on advancing the people and practice of cloud financial management through best practices, education, and standards.

A Chat with Lex Neva of SRE Weekly

Since 2015, Lex Neva has been publishing SRE Weekly. If you’re interested enough in reading about SRE to have found this post, you’re probably familiar with it. If not, there’s a lot of great articles to catch up on! Lex selects around 10 entries from across the internet for each issue, focusing on everything from SRE best practices to the socio- side of systems to major outages in the news. ‍ I had always figured Lex must be among the most well-read people in SRE, and likely #1.

Yocto or Ubuntu Core for your embedded Linux project?

Embedded Linux development doesn't have to be a journey of anxiety. Ubuntu Core provides developers what a DIY Linux distro cannot give them: a faster time to market, and tested and trusted security and update strategies. Key learning from this video: Yocto Project and all related marks and logos are trademarks of The Linux Foundation. This presentation is not, in any way, endorsed by the Yocto Project or The Linux Foundation.

Getting Started with Virtual Kubernetes Clusters and Shipa Cloud

Like your virtual machine running another virtual machine , today thanks to Loft Labs, you are now able to run multiple virtual Kubernetes clusters in a Kubernetes cluster. The vcluster project is focused on creating fully functional virtual Kubernetes clusters inside a base cluster allowing for a different approach to multitenancy than spinning up a separate Kubernetes cluster. A core use case of Shipa is the ability to have abstractions that make deploying to multiple clusters easy for developers.

Enable Sticky Sessions in HAProxy

HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP), the protocol that defines the language browsers use to communicate with web servers, is stateless, meaning that after you make a web request and a server sends back a response, no memory of that interaction remains. To make anything more sophisticated than a static web page work, websites need other ways to remember previous interactions with users.

Kria KR260 - a scalable robotics platform powered with Ubuntu

Today, robotics developers have something to look forward to with the release of AMD Kria™ KR260 Robotics Starter Kit. Robotics is a challenging endeavour. By reducing the barriers to entry on embedding design, AMD aims to accelerate robotics innovations in every industry. The latest addition to the Kria portfolio of adaptive system-on-modules (SOMs) showcases this work.

Announcing support for Windows runners in Bitbucket Pipelines

We are happy to announce that Bitbucket Pipelines now supports self-hosted runners on Windows. You can create a self-hosted runner and run it on your Windows infrastructure to run builds with the.Net framework. Since you're using your own runner, you won’t be charged for any Bitbucket Pipelines build minutes. This self-hosted runner will be non-containerized, allowing your CI/CD step to access the host’s hardware, such as the graphics card or any connected external devices.

Announcing our new Webex Meetings integration

Previously, FireHydrant supported video collaboration tool integrations for Zoom and Google Meet. In response to customer asks, today we are pleased to introduce our new Cisco Webex Meetings integration for all paid plans. With the new integration, teams can automate Webex bridge creation as part of incident response.

GitKraken Client v8.5 Release: Azure DevOps Workspace Support

Working as a team is critical to any mission, whether you’re taking on a galactic empire or pushing your code through your DevOps pipelines. Helping more teams, of all shapes and sizes, work effectively is why we have added support for Azure DevOps repositories in GitKraken Workspaces. We think you will agree, the force is strong with GitKraken Client v8.5 and Azure DevOps Workspaces!

How to monitor your Microsoft Azure data via MetricFire

In this article, we will explain what Microsoft Azure is and how you can monitor its data. We will also learn how to integrate Microsoft Azure with MetricFire. Last, we will look at the benefits of using MetricFire’s monitoring solution with Azure metrics. Try the free trial version of MetricFire and enjoy all the benefits of using our system. Book a demo with our team and discuss in detail the process of integrating Microsoft Azure and MetricFire.

How to Complement Cisco AppDynamics Full-Stack Observability With Automated Actions From Resolve

In today’s digital world, application responsiveness isn’t just an end-user desire but an expectation. Nobody understands the challenges of meeting these demands better than IT, which must remain poised to act when an issue occurs while also finding ways to innovate, improve, and implement continuously.

Ingest OpenTelemetry traces and metrics with the Datadog Agent

OpenTelemetry is a Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) initiative that provides open, vendor-neutral standards and tools for instrumenting services and applications. Many organizations use OpenTelemetry’s collection of APIs, SDKs, and tools to collect and export observability data from their environment to their preferred backend. As part of our ongoing commitment to OpenTelemetry, we are proud to have contributed our distributed tracing libraries to the CNCF community.

Visualize relationships between your Kubernetes resources with Datadog Live Containers

A Kubernetes environment includes a wide range of resources—such as clusters, nodes, and pods—that work together to run dynamic applications at scale. In order to monitor a Kubernetes application effectively, you need a multi-dimensional view into your clusters’ health that encompasses the complex dependency relationships among these resources.

Top 5 AWS Services Every Developer Should know

AWS is a beast in cloud services and has more than 200+ services. It is not easy for a novice user to select the services that fit his need. Even after selecting the right service, you need to make sure you use it the right way because each service has many different variants. In this article, we will guide you about the top 5 most frequently used AWS services which every developer must know.

How to empower your team to own incident response

Responding to and managing incidents feels fairly straightforward when you’re in a small team. As your team grows, it becomes harder to figure out the ownership of your services, especially during critical times. In those moments, you need everyone to know exactly what their role is in order to recover fast. Moving to incident.io as the 7th engineer, from a scaleup of around 70 engineers, has given me a new perspective on what it means to own your code.

Codefresh Upends Continuous Delivery with Hosted GitOps Platform featuring DORA dashboards and first-class integrations for CI.

Today we’re excited to make three major announcements. First, we’re making it easier to adopt the very popular Codefresh GitOps CD with a fully SaaS offering that is hosted and managed by Codefresh. We’ve heard from many in the community that they’d like to get away from managing Argo CD and focus just on deploying and managing their applications. Hosted GitOps CD makes it easier than ever to adopt GitOps, just create an account, connect your target clusters, and deploy.

Hybrid Cloud Dominates and Security Tops the To-Do List in Canonical's 2022 Kubernetes and Cloud Native Operations Survey

Released today, data from more than 1,300 global respondents combines with expert analysis to reveal goals, benefits, and challenges of cloud-native technology in 2022 16 May 2022 – Canonical, the maker of Ubuntu, today released data from a new global survey revealing the goals, benefits, and challenges of cloud-native technologies.

Container Cost Management: Allocating Kubernetes Costs The Easy Way

Containers are one of the most popular ways for businesses to deploy applications. They provide an easy method of packaging applications into self-sufficient units that can be used, moved around, and re-used in any number of ways without breaking the overall functionality of your software. With the possible exception of serverless architecture, containerization is perhaps the best way to achieve smooth, seamless application deployment and minimal hassle with updates and application maintenance.

Zero To Application Ready on K8s - Nana Janashia

For those who missed the live conversation, we had a great chat with Nana Janashia around taking the next click in with Kubernetes. As one of the great equalizers between the development and operations teams, Kubernetes has a duality of generics and opinions to power your workloads. This duality can be a complex one to navigate not only dealing with a new paradigm of idempotency and ephemerality but also dealing with a vast amount of choice and seemingly granular.

7 Steps to Simplify Kubernetes Adoption

Many organizations are adopting Kubernetes to gain agility and increased time-to-value. However, complexity, security, and a shortage of IT skills are the top challenges that prevent organizations from effectively deploying Kubernetes. Complexity Kubernetes requires the selection and integration of a host of component services, which makes do-it-yourself (DIY) deployments beyond the scope of most organizations. Kubernetes management also differs significantly from traditional IT environments.

Deploying K3s with Ansible

There are many different ways to run a Kubernetes cluster, from setting everything up manually to using a lightweight distribution like K3s. K3s is a Kubernetes distribution built for IoT and edge computing and is excellent for running on low-powered devices like Raspberry Pis. However, you aren’t limited to running it on low-powered hardware; it can be used for anything from a Homelab up to a Production cluster.

How to Choose a Scalable Open Source Time Series Database: The Cost of Scale

When looking for a highly scalable time series database, there are a number of criteria to investigate and evaluate. First up, it’s always a good idea to consider open source software. It’s more likely to have gone through comprehensive troubleshooting, it’s typically more reliable as it has more timely and widespread peer-review, it better guarantees technology independence, it’s easier to find engineers who are familiar with it and it has great security.

Setting Up Custom Event Processing in Moogsoft | Moogsoft Product Videos & How-Tos

After watching this video, you will be able to create a workflow to process events, explain the use of workflows in Moogsoft, and set up an event workflow to normalize event data. Don't forget to subscribe for content on DevOps, Observability, AIOps and more!

Cloud SQL: Concepts of Networking

Cloud SQL provides a managed service for MySQL, PostgreSQL, and SQL Server databases as well as backups, high availability, maintenance, and so much more! In this episode of Networking End to End, Lorin Price discusses networking concepts from implementation and security to connectivity on Cloud SQL. Watch along to learn about the options for deploying Cloud SQL and tips on how to determine who and what can access your Cloud SQL instance.

Implementing Microservices on AWS with the Twelve-factor App - Part 2

Welcome to the second post in a series of “Implementing Microservices on AWS with the Twelve-factor App”. In the first post, we covered the areas around the codebase, configuration, code packaging, code builds, and stateless processes. This article will go through the remaining areas for best practices in microservices. Let’s start the discussion with Port mapping!

Top 3 Ways Remote Working Has Unknowingly Increased Your Security Risk

Users across the globe have left their office buildings along with the safety and security of the workplace. This has left companies at their most vulnerable because the full scope of their security exposure is unknown. Attackers are wise to the gaps and vulnerabilities that come from remote working. Not only has the attack surface increased in recent months, but the volume of COVID-19 spam, phishing attacks and malware has also skyrocketed.

Uncovering the Manufacturing Security Risks in Today's Hybrid Working and Industry 4.0

Managing cyber risk is now a business imperative for manufacturing organizations to enjoy the benefits of Industry 4.0 and/or the move to long term hybrid working without falling victim to debilitating, expensive and public cyberattacks. As sophisticated threats including ransomware gangs and state-sponsored actors identify manufacturing as a preferred target, manufacturers struggle to respond to this threat with their current security tools and practices.

The Journey Of Building Reliability And Scaling Your Systems

Starting small and scaling your systems to serve billions of requests per month is never an easy path, so how do you build an infrastructure whilst making the right decisions and compromises for your services? Choosing the right technology stack and ensuring your CI/CD pipeline is reliable are two key steps towards this which we will explore.

What Does It Mean To Build Resilient Service Applications?

Resilience is the capability to recover quickly from difficulties or toughness. It is not about preventing failures, but being able to recover from them quickly. As Amazon’s CTO Werner Vogels famously said ‘everything fails all the time’. It’s a fact of life that failures will inevitably happen but what we can do is build applications that can withstand different kinds of failures. For example, in a data center, hardware is going to fail all the time.

How to write optimized & secure docker file to create docker images

How to write optimized and secure docker file to create docker image. Learn the simplest approach to Docker images and how to use them using a Docker repository, such as Docker Hub, or hosting your own private repository. What you will learn from this video: What is docker? How to write a docker file? How to write an optimized docker file? How to write a secure docker file? What about the docker repository? How to put or host docker images?

Riverbed Webinar Demo - Dependency Mapping

The worst thing about moving applications and services to the cloud is the hidden costs, as a direct result of degraded application performance and lost productivity. By mapping dependencies prior to a cloud migration, you’ll know which users and services will be affected. That means you can: This technical demo shows you how easy dependency mapping should be before you move applications and services to the cloud.

Riverbed Webinar Demo - Infrastructure Monitoring

Without knowing the status of your infrastructure, how can you troubleshoot P1 incidents quickly and reduce the cost of downtime? A slow response could disrupt your ability to monitor operations remotely and respond instantly to field conditions, meaning you can’t for example: In this technical demo, find out how we make infrastructure monitoring and troubleshooting easy with Riverbed SteelCentral NetIM.

Riverbed Webinar Demo - Security Workflows

Managing aging infrastructure that’s geographically dispersed brings unique challenges to the Oil & Gas industry because obsolete technologies and automation make it particularly vulnerable to cyberattacks. To combat these attacks, leveraging integrated and full-fidelity data can help you to identify the unknown, avoid business disruptions, and help you save time by: This technical overview of Riverbed’s NetProfiler Flow Monitoring solution demonstrates those security workflows, and introduces a helpful thread feed that includes SUNBURST Backdoor.

Securing SD-WAN in a Cloudy World

Today’s cloud-first enterprise must securely connect their workers to their applications, no matter where their applications may live. Only by transforming both the WAN edge and security architectures can the full promise of the cloud be fully realized. SD-WAN is your opportunity to re-architect, design and build a network that’s secure and fit for the future. Teneo Inc. and Silver Peak can help to make this a clear reality in our cloudy world.

Why Database Monitoring Tools are Important for Senior Business Leaders | Interview with Matt Gordon

Matt Gordon is a Microsoft Data Platform MVP and the Director of Data and Infrastructure at Rev.io. In this short video, he talks us through the 3 key reasons database monitoring tools are essential for him as a Director, and how they help him to lead a team successfully and productively.

New Active Directory Integration features in Ubuntu 22.04 (part 2) - Group Policy Objects

Linux Active Directory (AD) integration is historically one of the most requested functionalities by our corporate users, and with Ubuntu Desktop 22.04, we introduced ADsys, our new Active Directory client. This blog post is part 2 of a series where we will explore the new functionalities in more detail.

How Zero Trust Enables Work from Anywhere and Builds Toward a SASE Vision

With the global pandemic greatly accelerating many organizations digital transformation, IT and security leaders are coming to terms with the new realities of employees permanently working from anywhere and how that dramatically changes the security risk and the security architecture required. In this session, a panel of expert speakers discuss how Zero Trust security is a key requirement for this new way of working, and the vital role of secure access service edge (SASE) in implementing this approach going forward.

Incident response: leadership & psychological safety with Jeli founder Nora Jones

Incident response can tricky. How do you create a culture prepared to handle it in a healthy and efficient way? What should and shouldn't leaders be involved in? How do you create a psychologically safe environment? Find out in this episode as Rob as he interviews Jeli founder Nora Jones on the do's and don'ts of incident response.

What SREs Can Learn from the Atlassian Nightmare Outage of 2022

What happens when the tools and services you depend on to drive Site Reliability Engineering turn out to be susceptible to reliability failures of their own? That’s the question that teams at about 400 businesses have presumably had to ask themselves this month in the wake of a major outage in Atlassian Cloud.

Using Tags to Create Custom Fields in Moogsoft | Moogsoft Product Videos & How-Tos

While working on data ingestion, you may realize you need additional fields other than the ones provided to map your incoming payload. In this video, learn about tags, the custom fields you can create to store additional information. Don't forget to subscribe for content on DevOps, Observability, AIOps and more!

Reducing Toil with Developer Collaboration Tools

Ask any engineer what they’d like to eliminate from their daily to-do list, and the answer will almost certainly be some version of reducing toil. Engineering organizations can burn hours and hours of work time on repetitive, manual tasks that reduce bandwidth for high-impact projects. That being the case, it’s no surprise that reducing toil helps your team work more productively and experience better job satisfaction in the long run.

Code quality metrics: How to evaluate and improve your code

High-quality code is efficient and reliable, runs well without bugs, and meets user needs. It can cope with errors or unusual conditions. It is also easy to understand, maintain, and expand with new features. Additionally, its portability means that it can run on as many machines as reasonably possible. Development teams work with codebases that are constantly changing. They add, delete, and modify existing code to improve speed or implement new features.

How Infrastructure Virtualization Accelerates Data Science: VMware Tanzu and Domino Data Lab

Scaling data science is hard. From natural language processing for model-driven policy approvals to image classification in biotechnology to supply chain risk and anomaly detection in advanced manufacturing, data science brings tremendous promise—but not without challenges. Only 21 percent of businesses are gaining a major competitive advantage through the use of data and analytics tools, according to a recent survey.

Beyond CI/CD: The Software Supply Chain Is the Enterprise Path to Production

For those managing enterprise software development organizations, the concept of software supply chains—that is, the set of sources and actions that take software from “raw materials” to a finished product—might represent an abstract concept. While this definition is essentially correct, it doesn’t do enough to explain how supply chains can be complementary to your existing continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD) environments.

Civo Update - May 2022

In April, we made Civo Academy publicly available for all. This was a pivotal step to put developers first so anyone with an interest can learn everything they need to know to create and maintain their Kubernetes environment. We also released a new report called "The Cost of Cloud", a white paper looking into the complexity of cloud costs for businesses and alternatives beyond the hyperscalers.

Eco is now available for AISPL customers in India

Spot by NetApp is excited to announce Eco Savings Blox, an all-new offering that brings the deep, targeted savings of Eco to Amazon Internet Services Private Limited (AISPL) customers in India. Eco Savings Blox allows businesses to have a flexible and dynamic AISPL environment that prioritizes cost savings without sacrificing performance.

Taking The Power Of Automation To The Edge

In this blog, Divesh Gupta, VP of New Technology & Sales Operations at Console Connect, and Co-Chair of MEF’s Test & Certification Committee, shares his insights on the work Console Connect is doing behind-the-scenes to extend our automation capabilities to the network edge. Service providers across the world now find themselves at different stages of their automation journey.

The 15 Best Cloud Management Software Platforms In 2022

The cloud offers many benefits, including scalability, cost savings, and operational efficiency. But here's the deal. Organizing, monitoring, and controlling a cloud environment can become difficult as workloads, applications, services, and underlying infrastructure grow. Using cloud management software, businesses can better control and monitor their cloud infrastructure services, resources, and data. The best cloud management platforms also offer multi-cloud, security, and compliance management tools.

How The Experts Build Reliable Cloud Apps

We live in the cloud era, where your services don’t live in machines in your garage, but are spread across huge data centers around the world. Cloud providers can help meet increasing demands for reliability – for example, they offer dynamic resource allocation that can handle usage spikes. At the same time, going cloud native means not having a physical server onsite that you can fiddle with, introducing its own unique challenges. ‍

Explore what's in store - Ubuntu Preview on WSL

Hot on the heels of our Ubuntu 22.04 LTS release, we’ve already started building our first images for Ubuntu 22.10, codename: Kinetic Kudu. Up until now, Ubuntu WSL users have had access to our current Long Term Supported (LTS) releases. These provide a stable Ubuntu development environment, deeply integrated with Windows, for data science, cloud, web and IoT developers. But what if you’re one of those folks who like to live life on the edge?

How to Make Your Incident Response Plan with Mattermost

For teams who deploy software to users around the world, every second counts when responding to outages and other incidents. It’s important that you have tools in your arsenal that are up to the challenge. Service monitoring, alerting, collaboration, and visibility are all essential components of a well-implemented incident response plan.

Creating snapshots in Jest for testing React applications

Automated tests are especially important in large applications that have lots of moving parts. It is smart to learn about many methods of testing applications so that you can provide as much coverage as possible. If you are not familiar with using snapshots in testing, read on. Snapshot tests are written as part of frontend test automation.

Software Reliability Metrics That Matter To Engineers

Software reliability is the probability of failure-free operations in a computer program for a specified period of time in a specified environment. It is critical for validation in order to determine characteristics in terms of system performance, functional compatibility, maintenance, competency, installation coverage and process documentation continuance. Software reliability helps you to identify and fix bugs, improve performance, and test features.

Monitor your JumpCloud directory with Datadog

JumpCloud is a cloud-based directory platform that provides a unified approach to Active Directory and LDAP services centered around user authentication and network management. Using JumpCloud, companies can manage and provision user access to software, systems, and networks; enforce compliance with audit trails; and provide a unified login experience through single sign-on (SSO).

How Gremlin runs a GameDay

You might be familiar with GameDays at this point. From watching our Introduction to GameDay webinar, viewing our Demo video, and reading our tutorial, you’ve probably learned that GameDays were created with the goal of increasing reliability by purposely creating major failures on a regular basis. Better yet, perhaps your own team has run a GameDay and learned something new about their services’ behavior during failure scenarios.

Introduction to GameDay webinar

Learn all about Gremlin's GameDay feature in this webinar presented by Sydney Lesser and Andre Newman. GameDays are organized team events to proactively improve reliability using Chaos Engineering principles. Gremlin makes it easier than ever to prepare, execute, and learn from them. Increase your system’s reliability with safe, secure, and simple GameDays.

Understanding Service Level Objectives

True reliability takes into account all of the services that exist in your software environment — which is why it can get so complicated. An ecommerce site, for example, might have services that update current inventory in near real time, process payments in the shopping cart, trigger email receipts to send, kick off fulfillment orders, etc. And if one of these services isn’t operating at its best, that can mean money — and in some cases, customers — lost for the company.

Concurrency in Golang: Building a Data Pipeline for Monitoring Microservices from Scratch

Time and resource consumption have become the driving forces of developing modern applications. While building cloud-native applications, it’s important to ensure that you have the most optimized code in place, and oftentimes that means leveraging concurrency. While writing concurrent code may sound overwhelming at first, Golang makes it extremely easy to get a handle on.

Kubernetes Basics: Clusters, Pods, and Nodes

Containerization and Kubernetes have taken the DevOps world by storm in the past decade. More and more companies have turned to this technology to enhance their deployment workflows and cut costs. Examples like Pokemon Go and OpenAI would not have been feasible without Kubernetes. While Kubernetes is a growing technology in the current times, it comes with a relatively steep learning curve.

Cycle Podcast | EP 13 | Derek Chamorro | Next Gen Hardware Security + Insights on Internet Attacks

Derek's Links: Derek is a Staff Engineer at Cloudflare and has over 17 years of experience in designing security frameworks at scale. His main focus is on research and development within infrastructure and cloud security. He currently holds multiple patents in the fields of security, key management, and blockchain.

HP brings the power of Ubuntu-based data science to Windows workstations

Ubuntu is fast becoming the platform of choice for data scientists worldwide – which is why HP is empowering its customers to launch Ubuntu environments directly on their Windows machines. In addition to native Ubuntu offerings, select Z by HP workstations are also available with Windows Subsystem for Linux 2 (WSL 2) pre-installed and pre-enabled, giving users the ability to accelerate data science workflows on Ubuntu straight out of the box, without leaving their native Windows OS.

Linux on Mac takes the next step with Multipass 1.9

This week, the Multipass team announced a new version of the VM manager and local mini-cloud. Multipass makes it easy to run Linux virtual machines on Mac, Windows, and Linux hosts by providing a streamlined CLI that abstracts away the admin overhead of working with VMs. This update comes with some exciting new features, including enhanced networking and suspend capabilities on macOS, and the ability to authenticate clients, which allows Multipass to run as an unprivileged user.

Kubernetes in Docker Desktop Just Got Easier with Epinio

Epinio takes developers from application to URL in one step. In this blog post, I’m going to tell you about the new Epinio extension for Docker Desktop, that allows you to run Epinio on your laptop. DevOps are very interested in the details of containerized workloads and Kubernetes especially, but for developers, the abstraction layer provided by Kubernetes might not be too relevant to their daily work.

Understand the Most Important Aspects of Kubernetes Objects

Objects are fundamental aspects of Kubernetes (K8s). To work with K8s, you need to understand how basic objects function. In this article, we’ll explain the purposes of the K8s objects you’ll run into most frequently. Objects are separated into two categories: Primitives and Controllers.

What Is Telemetry and Why Is It Important?

Properly leveraging telemetry is a true game-changer for any IT department looking to optimize and stabilize its systems. Telemetry provides the first step to answering the all-important question, “What’s happening in my network?” It’s your eye into the inner workings of your system, giving you a view into how different components are performing.

As Kubernetes Becomes Ubiquitous, VMware Aims to Solve New Challenges

You can tell the maturity of something by its challenges. For example, the problems of a 27-year-old are different from those of a 47-year-old. In case it’s not clear, this is my attempt at making a relatable analogy to the maturity of Kubernetes. Though, it might be more accurate to say Kubernetes has reached a point of ubiquity; industry analyst research, foundation surveys, and studies including VMware’s 2022 State of Kubernetes report certainly indicate such.

4 Signs You Have a Cloud Migration Planning Problem

Cloud migration is a complex process, and the more up-front planning you put into it, the more likely you’ll be able to avoid challenges and setbacks during execution. And yet, challenges and setbacks seem to be the norm, not the exception, with almost three-quarters (72%) of those surveyed stating that they’ve run into problems so big they were forced to move migrated applications back on premises or jump into firefighting mode to figure out how to fix them quickly.

5 Important Business Skills Every Engineer Should Learn

What separates an engineer fresh out of university from one who has been working in the field for several years? While specialized coding knowledge certainly plays a part, it’s the softer, more business-oriented skills that often set engineers apart from the pack. If an employee doesn’t take the time to develop skills for business in the engineering field, it could hinder their career growth over the long term.

Navigating the Rich Observability Features of KubeSphere - Civo Tutorial

Feynman Zhou (Dev Advocate) from the KubeSphere team will walk us through the rich observability features of KubeSphere and how it integrates your favourite tools for multi-dimensional monitoring metrics, multi-tenant log query and collection, alerting, events, audit logs and notification.

Civo - The cloud native service provider

Civo is the first pure play cloud native service provider, enabling companies to host core applications with ease. Helping speed up development, increase productivity and reduce costs. Civo’s easy-to-use managed Kubernetes service is fully CNCF certified and 100% Kubernetes upstream compatible making it the perfect solution for startups, SaaS providers, and established businesses worldwide.

Composer Updates with Source Operations

An application on Platform.sh can define a number of operations that can be applied to its source code. Source Operations can be fully automated, which can be useful when projects need scheduled updates applied to their applications. These commands, once defined, can replace the need to push updates from a local repository by running composer update automatically.

Is Developer Self-Service a Lie?

Over the weekend, I visited one of my favorite grocery stores to pick up one item, my favorite fruit e.g star fruit. Because of the location, the grocery star started to implement parking validation so folks would not abuse their free parking deck for extended periods of time. As I just had a handful of star fruits, I decided to use the self-checkout. This was my first time buying produce via self-checkout.

The Future Is Smart: Cloud Native + AI

Leading organizations around the world are adopting cloud-native technologies to build next-generation products because cloud native gives them the agility that they need to stay ahead of their competition. Although cloud native and Kubernetes are very disruptive technologies, there is another technology that is probably the most disruptive technology of our generation, and that is artificial intelligence (AI) and its subset, machine learning (ML).

Moving on up - Notification Center now at the organization level

Up until now notification center policies were managed at the account level. Editing a notification policy required first switching to the desired account and then making changes there. Having to move between multiple accounts could present a bit of a hassle when trying to find the right policy to edit.

The Top 5 Benefits of Automated Dependency and Discovery Mapping (DDM)

In order to manage the impact that every entity has on your IT environment, an accurate Configuration Management Database (CMDB) is essential. This tool provides the visibility you need to quickly execute tasks like daily management, determining how to fix an outage, and planning major initiatives like cloud migrations or application changes. To create and maintain an accurate CMDB, automated dependency and discovery mapping (DDM) is key.

DevOps Vs SRE: The Main Differences

Site reliability engineering (SRE) is a set of principles that incorporates aspects of software engineering into IT operations. It takes tasks that would typically have been done manually by operations teams and gives them to engineers to solve using software and automation. This helps to create a bridge between development and operations teams. The concept of SRE was created by Google back in 2003. Since then, it has been adopted by thousands of organizations all over the world.

Implementing Microservices on AWS with the Twelve-factor App - Part 1

The Twelve-Factor methodology is a set of best practices for developing microservices applications. These practices are segregated into twelve different areas of application development. Twelve-factor is the standard architectural pattern to develop SaaS-based modern and scalable cloud applications. It is highly recommended by AWS if you are building containerized microservices. In this article, we will guide you on how to develop applications that will use microservices deployed on containers in AWS.

All things you should know to be a Meeting Master

While meetings are part of today's organizations, they can also bring some frustration preventing one from scratching its TODO list. It can be a good idea to try to promote asynchronous mediums such as Notion pages, Slack channels, etc. This page aims to bring some insights regarding WHEN / WHY holding or not a meeting.

Are metrics vendors lying? Reaction to Gergerly Orosz's tweet

Gergely Orosz said measuring developer productivity by visualizing JIRA+git stats is a dead-end if you want truly high-performing teams, and that engineering managers hang on to this hope, fueled by vendors claiming how these tools helps teams ship better/faster. So are metrics vendors lying? Find out what Don has to say. SLEUTH A deploy-based DORA / Accelerate Metrics tracker both managers and developers love.

AWS NAT Gateway Pricing: How To Reduce Your Costs In 5 Steps

We are often asked about areas where customers overspend on Amazon Web Services (AWS). NAT gateway costs are high due to misplaced data transfers and are definitely near the top of our list. This article will walk you through five steps you can take to find out which data transfers you’re overspending on and how you can eliminate those excess charges.

Standardizing your GitOps Definition - Ravi Lachhman, Shipa (Meetup for Argo)

Believe it or not, the GitOps paradigm is now going on year five since the defining piece from WeaveWorks. So, at least in theory, leveraging a declarative approach that pairs Kubernetes with GitOps pillars is not novel at this point. But the trickier question right now – and one open to no shortage of interpretation – is what you are sending to a GitOps Engine. The multiple paths of creating Kubernetes manifests and packaging (like Helm, Kustomize, JSonnett, etc) are largely leaving us to our own devices for abstraction. Is an app an app if there is no longer a templating engine?

Git Integration for Jira Data Center Release: Automation for Jira

Git Integration for Jira Data Center has seen some major updates in the last quarter, including new Automation for Jira support: giving you more control and power over repository trigger actions. Let’s dive into the new features and improvements for Git Integration for Jira Data Center.

Cloud-Hosted or Cloud-Native? Discover Why Cloudsmith Was Born in the Cloud

Today, almost every service now is offered in a “Cloud” variant. But what does that really mean? Are all clouds services equal? It’s easy to see why so many vendors rush to add a Cloud edition/variant of established software they sell. Undoubtedly, there has been a move to Cloud services across the industry, as more and more organizations seek to take advantage of the higher reliability and lower total cost of ownership that Cloud platforms promise.

Efforts to Secure OSS fired up after Log4Shell

Who would have thought software could rattle the White House? But a vulnerability in Log4J, a popular open source software project, exposed critical digital infrastructure to remote code execution attacks. This prompted the US Government to engage big tech, infosec professionals, and open source organizations to come together to help secure open source software.

DevOps Horror Stories: Repository of Horror

Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water... Is there anything more frightening than the unknown? Anything the mind can conjure up is frequently scarier than something realized. The shark in Jaws is terrifying because you don’t see it until it’s too late. It’s a silent, relentless death machine, hiding in the water. A software vulnerability is the unknown, hidden deep within an ocean of code, packages and container dependencies.

Introduction to KubeSphere and Multi-cluster Management - Civo Tutorial

Kunal Kushwaha, Dev Advocate at Civo, will demonstrate how to manage multiple Kubernetes clusters and run multi-cluster applications with ease. They will look at why multi-cluster management matters, getting set up with KubeSphere on Civo Kubernetes, and how to deploy apps across multiple clusters.

What Happens When a Physical Node Fails in VMware vSphere with Tanzu?

Picture this… You just got your second cup of coffee and you’re walking back to your desk. The phone in your pocket begins vibrating as a flurry of emails show services are bouncing. The notifications say services were down but are now back up. You hustle back to your desk, spill a little coffee on your notepad, and open the VMware vSphere client to see a host in a disconnected state.

Five reasons for the management to choose Serverless360

Serverless360 serves as an all-in-one add platform solution to manage and monitor Azure Serverless Applications. A massive set of product documentation enables a DevOps Engineer, Azure Developer, or Support Engineer to understand and appreciate how Serverless360 can improve their Azure experience. Even if the DevOps Engineer, Azure Developer, or Support Engineer understands the value of Serverless360, they must persuade management to purchase the product.

Run Synthetic tests in your CI/CD pipelines with the Datadog CircleCI orb

CircleCI is a CI/CD service that allows organizations to rapidly build, test, and deploy within their pipelines on a single platform. If you are using CircleCI for your CI/CD pipelines, you can now leverage the Datadog Synthetics CircleCI orb to implement Synthetic tests as part of shift-left testing. CI/CD testing is a widely adopted DevOps standard that helps teams mitigate any potential issues that could arise as a result of faulty code deployments.

[Webinar] Unlock self-service infrastructure monitoring with the Sensu Integration Catalog

Introducing the Sensu Integration Catalog — a marketplace-like UX for simplifying new user onboarding, and deploying production-ready monitoring in a matter of minutes. The Sensu Integration Catalog is also an open marketplace that new and existing users can contribute to by sharing Sensu configurations. Backed by industry-leading monitoring as code solution, Sensu provides new users with a point-and-click interface to get started quickly, while facilitating DevOps and SRE automation best practices.

Multi-cluster management and observability with KubeSphere

Join us as we learn about KubeSphere - a distributed operating system for cloud-native application management. Feynman Zhou (Dev Advocate) from the KubeSphere team will walk us through the rich observability features of KubeSphere and how it integrates your favourite tools for multi-dimensional monitoring metrics, multi-tenant log query and collection, alerting, events, audit logs and notification.

How to Make Data Center Asset Audits Faster and More Accurate

Many organizations perform periodic data center asset audits to report accurate asset information by cabinet and U position. This information is needed to remotely plan moves, adds, and changes and to facilitate corporate reporting. Data center asset management is often a struggle due to the complex, distributed, and constantly changing environments of modern data centers. They are manual, time-consuming, and human error can result in inaccurate data.

Strengthen Your Developer Experience and Deployment Velocity with OKE and Shipa Cloud

For an application developer, there is certainly a long road between an idea/feature and getting deployed into production with Kubernetes. From a development perspective, having a low barrier of entry and the ability to iterate is key. From a platform engineering/DevOps perspective, creating gains in engineering efficiency all while creating and enforcing policies that do not stifle innovation is key.

Should Enterprises Migrate or Modernize their Heritage Applications?

Enterprises lately are understanding the need to move their business applications to cloud. Well, one of the major contributing reasons for this move is the rising OpEx and the heavy debt of managing applications in their own environment. Cloud providers are waiting for such opportunities where enterprises are planning to migrate to cloud, the question is will it help or not?

How to Set up a Jenkins CI/CD Pipeline for Your Golang App

Bringing the best software solutions to market as quickly as possible requires using automation to facilitate repetitive tasks (e.g., testing) so you can spend more time writing high-quality code. This is one of the main reasons why today’s top-performing dev teams build continuous integration (CI) and continuous delivery or continuous deployment (CD) pipelines, which enable them to ship new releases faster.

How Moneytoring Improves Your Daily Digital World

Imagine finding yourself doing everyday activities such as buying a soda pop in your favorite grocery store or analyzing your finances on your mobile banking app. You may drink your beverage and continue to enjoy your day. You may finish your task in an exceptionally ordinary fashion. You may also discover that your investments grew a tiny percentage since the last time that you reviewed them.

Blackfire's unique Way of Delivering Python binaries

We may not always know what is happening behind the scenes when we add a dependency to our projects. We expect this process to “just work” to carry on building applications. Little we may know about the level of commitment from maintainers and the amount of work needed to have everyone seamlessly use a library. Let’s hop in backstage to discover the unique way Blackfire releases its Python binaries.

Complete Your Cloud Kubernetes Registry With Terraform Repositories in Artifactory

When developing container-based services that will be orchestrated by Kubernetes, Terraform is an essential part of your artifact ecosystem. These infrastructure-as-code configuration files help automate the provisioning and maintenance of the cloud environments where your K8s applications will run. That’s why it’s great news that you can now store your Terraform modules, providers, and remote state files in Artifactory as a part of your software supply chain.

6 Ways Topology-Powered Observability Gives Back Time to Your Organization

Having enough time available is a struggle we all experience. Technological innovations enable us to develop and deploy software at lightning speed: Sometimes we can push more to production than our organizations’ IT environments can handle. At the same time, we want to increase customer satisfaction by reducing downtime. But how are you going to keep customer satisfaction rates high if a large majority of incidents are caused by changes?

More Tools + More People = Increased Complexity

Consider what happens if digital apps or services go down. Companies lose revenue, decrease productivity, compromise customer loyalty and the list of repercussions goes on, depending on the business. Indeed, modern business continuity is contingent on a well-functioning suite of consumer and commercial apps and services.

Monitoring Applications Declaratively with Terraform

Running infrastructure at scale almost always guarantees dizzying complexity and anxiety-inducing pressure to maintain systems in a production environment. This is further exacerbated when multiple delivery teams require slight variations of the same infrastructure components, across several cloud providers, each with a different set of observability requirements. Gradually, production environments become large, unmanageable, difficult to change, and perhaps resembling the figure below.

Kubernetes throttling? It doesn't have to suck!

Kubernetes has a bad habit of throttling CPU resources—with the result that you can suffer severely degraded performance or find yourself paying a fortune for extra, unnecessary infrastructure. Watch this video to learn how K8s clusters protect themselves from what they see as heavy CPU usage, and how you can monitor and troubleshoot the problem. We demonstrate how you can:– Use Netdata to reduce API response times by a factor of 7– Expect to reduce infrastructure resource requirements by 60-75%

Compliance And The Cloud

Having achieved almost consumer-grade accessibility, public cloud adoption is increasingly driven by individual business functions. Enterprise teams no longer need to understand how the technology works, or even where the service operates from. To buy a cloud product they just need a web browser and a credit card. But this level of simplicity raises challenges of its own when it comes to regulatory concerns.

Are your SLOs realistic? How to analyze your risks like an SRE

Setting up Service Level Objectives (SLOs) is one of the foundational tasks of Site Reliability Engineering (SRE) practices, giving the SRE team a target against which to evaluate whether or not a service is running reliably enough. The inverse of your SLO is your error budget — how much unreliability you are willing to tolerate.

Canonical Kubernetes 1.24 is now generally available

We consistently follow the upstream release cadence to provide our users and customers with the latest improvements and fixes, together with security maintenance and enterprise support for Kubernetes on Ubuntu. This blog is a quick overview of the latest development highlights that are made available in Canonical Kubernetes 1.24 as well as a look at our favourite upstream enhancements.

Cost optimised private cloud for financial services

Regulatory compliance and data privacy requirements require financial institutions (FIs) to consider carefully where their applications are running and where the customer data is stored. The data protection and data sovereignty laws in most countries require an enterprise to keep data in certain geographic locations. PCI Data Security Standard, for example, regulates the way the customer and financial transactions data is stored and transmitted.

31+ Best Software Development Tools (Organized By Category)

A software development life cycle (SDLC) is the sequence of steps a software project moves from conception to completion. The SDLC process specifies how to build, test, maintain, and improve specific software. Modern software development life cycles typically involve five to seven stages, depending on the model you use. Today, the SDLC comprises eight major models, from the traditional Waterfall approach to the ultra-modern Spiral Model.

How to Achieve Measurable Reliability Results

Reliability is more important than ever. As users depend on services more and more, and competition in every sector grows, a great digital experience becomes the baseline for expectations, not the ceiling. It’s crucial to invest in making your software reliable enough to keep customers happy. ‍ But what does investing in reliability look like?

The Reverse Red Herring

During an incident, time is fungible. At points it seems to go way too fast, and at times it seems like an eternity for a command to complete. More importantly, however, is how it feels to be in an incident. It’s a heightened state of being, where any and every piece of information could be “the one” that helps crack open what is really going on. Likewise, there is an inherent distrust of incoming information.

Wind River Studio Enabling Hyundai Mobis and Hyundai AutoEver to Accelerate Development of Next-Gen Intelligent and Connected Vehicles

Wind River announces that Hyundai Mobis, one of the world's largest vehicle technology innovators and suppliers, and Hyundai AutoEver has signed an agreement to establish a strategic relationship that includes collaboration with Wind River Studio for the development of an automotive software framework and continuous test and test automation capabilities, as well as advanced software lifecycle management.

Podcast: Break Things on Purpose | Natalie Conklin: Learning to Embrace Change

Natalie Conklin, tamer of chaos and Head of Engineering here at Gremlin, joins us to talk about embracing change, working alongside each other, and building more reliable systems. Natalie has a talk coming up at DevOpsDays Boise which she has titled “Embracing Change Fearlessly.” Her talk is oriented around enabling teams to take calculated risks and having the guts to take those risks. Natalie spent time working in India, which helped solidify her “fearlessly” philosophy.

Four ways to elevate team efficiency and code quality

Development teams are under increasing pressure to keep up with the demand for faster delivery of database changes, while ensuring code quality isn’t compromised. This pressure comes from both business requirements and industry expectations. The 2021 Accelerate State of Database DevOps report reveals that the number of teams who are elite performers is increasing year-on-year (making up 26% of those in the study) and these teams have more frequent code deployments and a lower change failure rate.

Building a SaaS Architecture with a Single Tenant Application

Most products that run as Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) are built to be multi-tenant, meaning that a single instance or deployment is meant to be used by multiple organizations. There’s a good reason for this: it’s generally easier to scale and operate multi-tenant applications. But in this new age of containers, orchestration, infrastructure-as-code, and Kubernetes, where it’s cheaper, faster, and simpler to deploy a new instance of an application, that may no longer be the case.

JFrog Artifactory As Your NuGet Symbol Server

We’ve got great news for.NET developers – JFrog Artifactory can now act as your fully featured Symbol Server! Artifactory has long offered native support for NuGet packages, now developers can also store their symbol files in Artifactory where they can be indexed and consumed by the Visual Studio Debugger and other debugging tools.

Enhance your Puppet Enterprise support workflow with pe_status_check

puppetlabs-pe_status_check is a new supported module for Puppet Enterprise. It provides a series of indicators of system status that the Puppet Support team has determined to avoid support incidents or outages. Utilizing this module and the accompanying documentation will allow the user to craft preventative maintence workflows and, should it still be required, increase the quality of information in any support ticket, to help decrease the time to resolution for any incident.

Infrastructure Metrics available for all Professional projects

The path to success in software development can be long and challenging. It requires a lot of skills and dedication as it’s not just about building applications, it’s so much more. It is also about being tailored for any situation, requiring us to be quick to adapt to change and to the unexpected.

Bitbucket Cloud and Data Center Feature Comparison | Cloud Migration Demo | Atlassian

Start your Cloud journey today with the Atlassian Migration Program . We’ve distilled the most critical resources and learnings for our customers into a single one-stop-shop giving you the tools, support, guidance, and promotions you need to migrate with confidence. Get started on your migration now to start taking advantage of the best Atlassian has to offer and to ensure a smooth, successful move.

Open Source Hacktivism, Open Source Gains Traction in the Enterprise, and More: Open Source Matters

Welcome to the 8th edition of Open Source Matters: our regular publication about the latest happenings in open source! Dive into OSS news and projects to watch with Mattermost's Ben Lloyd Pearson.

Using gRPC with Golang

In this tutorial, you will learn how to work with the gRPC Golang library for microservice communication by creating a simple note-taking application. APIs and service-to-service communication are what make modern microservice architecture possible. REST is generally the preferred implementation pattern, but if you only use REST, you could miss out on the significant performance gains that gRPC can offer. gRPC can provide better speed and efficiency than REST APIs.

Override default resource status: New feature in StackStorm 3.7.0

Coming up in StackStorm 3.7.0 is a new feature that allows administrators of a StackStorm installation to “override” the default resource status that was specified by the pack owners. One of the benefits of StackStorm is the large variety of packs available on the StackStorm Exchange. But sometimes, users may not want the default content status provided by the community packs. We’re introducing a new feature into StackStorm 3.7.0 to make this easier to manage.

Kubernetes Multi-Tenancy

Things would be much simpler if we based all we built on Kubernetes on a single tenant type of architecture, meaning a single application running on the entire Kubernetes cluster with a single team who could access it. As teams scale Kubernetes adoption within their organizations, they see a different scenario instead, one with multi-tenant deployments performed by multiple teams and, most probably, across multiple clusters.

Using Rancher Desktop for Local Kubernetes Development

Rancher Desktop is an all-in-one solution for container management on your desktop workstation. It provides an easily maintained Kubernetes installation that runs on your local machine and streamlines setting up containerized workflows in development. Assembling a Kubernetes cluster from scratch can be daunting, because multiple components must work in unison. With Rancher Desktop, you get everything preconfigured with one software download.

AWS Summit London - My top 3 sessions

Hi, fellow Qovery readers, Albane here! 👋 To give you a bit of background, I joined Qovery in August 2021, initially as a Product Owner, then moved to a Product Marketing Manager position in March 2022. So yes, I’m all about our product. However, I also spend much time learning about our partner’s products, and that’s why, on April 27, 2022, I spent the day at the ExCel Centre in London to attend the annual AWS Summit.

Kubernetes Throttling Doesn't Have To Suck. Let Us Help!

In the Kubernetes (K8s) community, there is a huge misconception about CPU allocation and utilization. Even highly experienced SREs find themselves struggling with the way Kubernetes allocates CPU resources, leading to misconfigured CPU allocations and extremely negative outcomes. For starters, this results in significant quality degradation on important service components, introduced by behind-the-scenes CPU limiting (or throttling).

NewsKit API: The journey of building reliability into our systems at News UK

Starting small and currently serving billions of requests per month is never an easy path. Stoyan Yanev, Principal Engineer and Krasimir Petrov, Senior Software Engineer at News UK will show how they built their infrastructure and the decisions and compromises that had to be made along the way. The talk will be centered around NewsKits API and the importance of Reliability before opening up a discussion among the group.

What Can Energy Efficiency Teach Us About Cloud Cost Management?

The Securities & Exchange Commission (SEC) wants to increase transparency on a company’s carbon footprint, which ultimately would impact valuations. In late March, the SEC released a proposed rule that would force companies to release climate-related disclosures, including information about their carbon footprint and their risk exposure. The goal is to add tangible value to the impact and risks of climate on a company’s operations.

Aligning Dell's Industry-Leading Storage and Data Infrastructure Portfolio With a Comprehensive Monitoring and Optimization Platform

Dell Technologies World is upon us, and in addition to being a welcomed return to the in-person format, it’s also an opportunity for me to reflect on Virtana’s long history with Dell, our integration points, and the synergies with the Dell portfolio.

Confidential Computing and financial services cloud

Cloud computing has been transforming financial IT infrastructure into a utility allowing financial institutions (FIs) to access computing resources on-demand letting FIs offload costs and effort of setting-up and managing their own on-premises infrastructure, improving agility and time to business value. As more and more financial institutions rely on hybrid cloud services, data security in the cloud is a business imperative.

Getting Hands on with Harvester HCI

When I left Red Hat to join SUSE as a Technical Marketing Manager at the end of 2021, I heard about Harvester, a new Hyperconverged Infrastructure (HCI) solution with Kubernetes under the hood. When I started looking at it, I immediately saw use cases where Harvester could really help IT operators and DevOps engineers. There are solutions that offer similar capabilities but there’s nothing else on the market like Harvester.

How To Reduce Technical Debt

Technical debt is the implied cost of the additional work that is required when a team chooses a quick, easy solution that is limited, instead of a more well-thought-out, higher-quality solution that would take longer. Essentially, it’s what happens when teams prioritize speed over quality. Examples of technical debt include untested code, unreadable code, dead code, duplicated code, or outdated documentation.

The top 10 AWS architecture built with Qovery in 2022

We are in May 2022, and hundreds of startups have built their infrastructure on AWS using Qovery. This article will share the 10 best (and fancy) AWS architectures our customers have made. From the most classic architecture to the craziest 🤪 It can give you some ideas. Let's go 🚀

Why and how you should automate database migrations

The desire to release features faster and deliver value to customers sooner is prompting many IT teams to adopt DevOps and Agile practices. By automating parts of the development process where possible and working in shorter cycles to release small changes more often, those teams that do well experience fewer errors and produce higher quality code. All of which is good news, until it comes to the database.