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Status page examples

The visual presentation and aesthetics of a company's online presence are crucial in shaping the company's reputation and customer trust. One such vital aspect is the status page, which is often overlooked yet highly influential. By examining the best status page examples, we can see how a well-designed status page not only conveys reliability and professionalism but also builds users' confidence, reassuring them of the organization's dedication to maintaining transparency and excellence.

Top IT challenges Australian SMEs must tackle for better operational efficiency

As digital intensity rises in Australian SMEs, technology teams face significant challenges. The complexity of expanding technology architectures, the proliferation of applications, and reliance on diverse cloud environments exponentially increases the demand for IT support and operations.

Top 7 best practices for monitoring your OpenShift environment

Red Hat OpenShift is an open-source container platform that provides a complete environment for developers to create, launch, and manage applications in both cloud and on-premises settings, leveraging the potential of container technology. With increasing popularity in container orchestration, OpenShift's strong scalability and features attract developers and IT experts. Nonetheless, the intricacy and changing aspects of OpenShift setups demand a tailored strategy for monitoring and observation.

A guide to choosing the best cloud infrastructure monitoring tool

The cloud is a complex network of interconnected resources—virtual machines (VMs), containers, serverless functions, and a web of data flowing between them. With so many elements, it becomes challenging to ensure continuous uptime for all cloud services while also maintaining optimal performance and security. Cloud monitoring tools assist in this regard by helping organizations stay ahead of issues and maintain control over their cloud environments at all times.

The pros and cons of cloud-native infrastructure

Cloud computing has emerged as a game changer for organizations looking for agility and flexibility from their IT infrastructures. A cloud-native infrastructure further enhances this by using microservices, containers, and DevOps for a scalable foundation for modern applications. However, like any technology, it has its advantages and disadvantages. In this article, we'll discuss the pros and cons of cloud-native infrastructure so you can decide if it's the right fit for your business.

Digital transformation and cost savings: How AI benefits Australian SMEs to enhance digital experience

Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) play a crucial role in Australia's economy. Despite this, they face significant challenges in the current economic climate, including rising costs, higher interest rates, and the need to stay competitive in a rapidly-evolving digital market. For these businesses, cutting expenses is the top priority, closely followed by enhancing the digital customer experience.

Mobile APM best practices to ensure top user experiences

Whether you are a solopreneur or the owner of a large business, think about the instances on your website or app when customers feel irritated, stuck, or frustrated on their mobile screens. Be it an app slowdown, broken flow, or irregular functionality, a mobile application performance issue can make or mar a business's reputation quicker than ever before, especially since mobile phones have become the primary screens for many users.

Demystifying the cloud: Elasticity vs. scalability

Elasticity and scalability are essential aspects of cloud computing and crucial for optimizing resource management and ensuring seamless operations. However, despite their importance, these concepts are often confused. Understanding their distinct purposes and functionalities is essential for fully leveraging the power of cloud technology. This article explores what cloud elasticity and scalability are, their key differences, and why both matter for efficient cloud environments.

Leveraging observability to improve digital resilience

With increasing competition and a digitizing landscape, small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in Australia are being forced to level up their game using AI and modernization. This means eventually relying on cloud and AI integration to ensure agility and responsiveness. The diversity of applications and the complexity of tech architecture pose challenges like increasing costs, security risks, and scalability challenges.

Securing your cloud castle: Effective Amazon VPC monitoring with Site24x7

In the realm of modern business, the cloud reigns supreme. Countless organizations rely on cloud infrastructure s for core operations, from storing sensitive data to running critical applications. However, with this reliance comes a vital responsibility: safeguarding your cloud environment against ever-evolving security threats.