Operations | Monitoring | ITSM | DevOps | Cloud

May 2024

Archiving and Compliance in SharePoint

In the rapidly evolving digital landscape, managing extensive document volumes in SharePoint Online is a challenging task for any organization. As businesses expand, there is an increasing demand for efficient, cost-effective storage solutions that provide space savings, ensure compliance, and offer easy access. Squirrel is a cutting-edge SaaS solution designed to automate the archiving process by moving documents from SharePoint Online to Azure Blob Storage.

Ep. 20 Is AI the Future of Infrastructure Management? with Yonit Gruber Hazani

Cloud Control welcomes Yonit Gruber-Hazani, a customer engineer at Google focused on helping public sector organizations in Israel through digital transformation journeys with the cloud. Yonit shares her experience in technology, including her roles as a DevOps SRE team lead and open source contributor. She also discusses her time at Waze, where she managed their infrastructure of over ten thousand servers.

Azure Budget Monitoring - A Step-by-Step Guide

When it comes to managing costs in the Azure cloud, it is essential to have a reliable system that can help you keep track of your spending and alert you when you are getting close to exceeding your budget. This is where Turbo360’s Budgets monitoring feature comes in. The Budgets monitoring feature in Turbo360 is designed specifically for Azure cost monitoring.

Auto-generate documents on your Azure App registration details

Azure App Registration plays a crucial role in securing and managing the applications in your Azure environment enabling secure interaction with various Azure services. Given the importance of Azure App registration in authentication and security, this blog will provide a way to document its details and manage it effortlessly.

Monitoring Your Cloud Environments and Applications with InfluxDB

If you run your business on the cloud, you want to maximize what you’re getting for your money and ensure your cloud applications perform up to expectations. To do this, you will need a solid cloud monitoring strategy. This post covers different types of cloud monitoring, their benefits, and some best practices to set you on the right track.

Building The Plane: Reflections On A Successful Year One At CloudZero

Startup veterans will recognize the opportunity presented by an early-stage company: You not only get to run your organization, you get to define how it runs. All the pieces may not be in place by the time you arrive, and the heart of the job becomes building the organization — the plane — while you run it.

Adapting to change: Mitigating AWS's policy against selling discounted RIs on the Marketplace

In late 2023, AWS began informing customers that as of January 15, 2024, they would start enforcing their existing policy of not allowing discounted RIs to be sold on the RI Marketplace, according to AWS Service Terms 5.6.1.: “You may not resell an EC2 Reserved Instance that you purchased through a discount program.” This policy has been in place since at least 2014; however, AWS rarely enforced it.

Weekly Cost Summary Notification in Azure

This video explores the weekly cost summary notification alert in Turbo360. Learn how to stay updated on reserved spend with alerts via email, Slack, Teams, or ServiceNow. See detailed reports, track spending changes, and explore resource costs easily. This video also talks about the recent optimizations that have led to a 6.7% ( week on week) reduction in Azure costs. Stay informed and manage your costs effectively.
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Top Security Data Types: Exploring the OCSF Framework

In cybersecurity, it's a big challenge to handle diverse data formats across various platforms. The Open Cybersecurity Schema Framework (OCSF) aims to address this by standardizing data security formats and simplifying the process of threat hunting. Major players like IBM, AWS and others are working together to standardize data with this open-source project, emphasizing its importance.

Snowflake Vs. Redshift: Everything You Need To Know In 2024

Whether you’re a data-driven, data-informed, or data-backed organization, your data remains your most crucial business intelligence resource. All the data you collect for later analysis needs to be stored in a secure location as well. Cloud-based data warehouses offer superior performance, flexibility, and cost benefits.

Webinar Recap: Unleash the Full Potential of Your Time Series Data with InfluxDB and AWS

Recently, TechCrunch hosted a webinar titled, “Unleash the Full Potential of Your Time Series Data,” featuring a discussion with InfluxData Founder and CTO, Paul Dix, and AWS General Manager for Timestream and Neptune, Brad Bebee, moderated by InfluxData staff engineer, Andrew Lamb.

Boosting Startups and Small Businesses with Managed IT Services

In the tech-charged city of Denver, the startup scene is a buzz. In 2021, startups in the area raised a record $4.3 billion in 267 transactions, representing a nearly 170% increase over the previous year. Nonetheless, with 20% of new US businesses failing within the first two years, competition is unavoidably intense.

Harnessing Technology: Streamlining Operations for Small Business Owners

The current economic climate is making it harder than ever for small businesses to not only remain profitable but also sustainable in the long term. But thankfully, there have been a number of recent technological advances that have started to give them a fighting chance. These advances enable them to streamline the efficiency of their operation in cost-effective ways, which give them a competitive edge they haven't previously been able to enjoy.

35 Best CFO Tools In 2024 (Every Finance Exec Should Use)

The Chief Financial Officer (CFO) role has expanded significantly due to technological advancements. Today, CFOs have more responsibilities than ever, managing everything from payroll to IT and software expenses. This requires new processes and the right tools to get the necessary cost data for making smart decisions and ensuring the company’s profitability. With so many financial software options available, choosing the right one for each financial task can be challenging.

Optimize Your Cloud Resources with Augmented FinOps

Cloud FinOps, Augmented FinOps, or simply FinOps, is rapidly growing in popularity as enterprises sharpen their focus on managing financial operations more effectively. FinOps empowers organizations to track, measure, and optimize their cloud spend with greater visibility and control.

Observability and Monitoring | The First Myth of Apache Spark Optimization

It's valuable to know where waste in your applications and infrastructure is occurring, and to have recommendations for how to reduce that waste—but finding waste isn't necessarily fixing the problem. Check out this conversation between Shashi Raina, AWS Partner Solution Architect, and Kirk Lewis, Pepperdata Senior Solution Architect, as they dispel the first myth of Apache Spark optimization: observability and monitoring.

What is SaaS Ops? SaaS Operations Meaning, Challenges, and Best Practices

SaaS is everywhere. And that’s often a good thing (hello, productivity!). However, plenty of shadow IT statistics demonstrate why that’s not always the case and clarify the need for SaaS Ops. For example, Security Magazine found that 31% of ex-employees still have access to their old employer’s SaaS tools. That stat’s cybersecurity and compliance implications are enough to make a CISO shudder!

Azure Pricing: Complete Guide to 2024 Microsoft Azure Rates

It’s 2024, and businesses are projected to spend over $1 trillion on the cloud – and yet, where the costs go is still a mystery. Sure, people say that a cloud or hybrid environment is more budget-friendly than on-prem, but what factors increase or, more importantly, decrease your monthly bill? We’ll help demystify things with Microsoft Azure. Read on to learn how one of the largest cloud providers decides what to bill you each month.

15 Best Cloud Management Tools & Platforms of 2024

As of 2023, 94% of companies use cloud services. Migrating has many upsides. Scaling is more accessible; you can save money by leaving on-prem and have more control. There is one big con, though (navigating cloud migration difficulties aside): Managing a cloud environment is a full-time job. And that’s just one cloud environment! Suppose your company is working with a multicloud environment, optimizing usage and costs, and monitoring output/input while juggling security.

Tips for Controlling and Monitoring Azure Costs in Real-Time

Azure cost monitoring in real time is crucial for efficient cloud management, enabling organizations to optimize resource usage and maintain financial governance. Due to challenges like complex pricing and changing workloads, utilizing Azure Cost Tracking and Reporting becomes essential. Here, we’ll explore tips for real-time monitoring of Azure Costs.

Azure Sandbox Environment

This episode of Azure on Air explores the power of Azure sandbox environments with Luke Murray, a Microsoft Azure MVP. Discover how sandbox environments provide a secure playground for learning, accelerating project development and cost-effective experimentation. Learn key implementation considerations and best practices to leverage the full potential of Azure sandbox environments. Also, listen to Azure on Air on.

Cost Management Best Practices for Azure Integration Solutions

In this episode of "FinOps on Azure" Sandro, an enterprise Integration expert, shares his insights on optimizing costs for building robust Integration solutions on Microsoft Azure. Sandro emphasizes the importance of establishing a solid foundation by defining clear naming conventions, environment policies, and access controls to manage costs to avoid potential issues.

Growing pains? Developing new infrastructure strategies as businesses grow

‘On-premise versus cloud’ remains the heavyweight division of digital infrastructure rivalries. And depending on where you look, both sides claim victory. Cloud is often perceived as a runaway success. As part of report into the domestic cloud services market, UK regulator Ofcom noted that the UK cloud infrastructure market is growing, with overall revenues increasing at a rate of 35% to 40% annually.1.

Amazon makes reliability a priority-do you?

Are you making really reliability a priority? Or are you just giving it lip service? "At Amazon, I was part of the retail website. Outages were lost money, lost money was bad. So Amazon cared deeply about this. That was part of it. The other part was it was part of the engineering culture. When I arrived, one of the things I was told was, we expect you to write high quality, performant, efficient, available code. It's just everybody.

A look at Azure monitoring and troubleshooting

Even now, plenty of businesses are still making the shift to the cloud. Chief decision-makers are plagued by fears about availability, potential downtime and security. Organizations adopting Microsoft Azure need to be able to confidently make the transition without interruptions, which requires building out a strategy for monitoring your Azure environment.

Optimizing Your Cloud Investment by Monitoring Where It Matters

The shift from traditional data centers to the cloud is not just inevitable but imperative. As your network gets more distributed and complex and outside your control, your monitoring needs change. Monitoring from your users' perspective has never been so important, and you need an Internet Performance Monitoring platform that gives you visibility into the full user journey.

Serverless observability: How to monitor Google Cloud Run with OpenTelemetry and Grafana Cloud

OpenTelemetry has emerged as the go-to open source solution for collecting telemetry data, including traces, metrics, and logs. What’s especially unique about the project is its focus on breaking free from the reliance on proprietary code to offer users greater control and flexibility. As a senior solutions engineer here at Grafana Labs, I’ve spent a lot of time exploring OpenTelemetry, including in my spare time.

Master SharePoint Online Storage Consumption

SharePoint Online has become an essential tool for businesses, offering robust document management and collaboration capabilities. However, with its widespread adoption comes the challenge of managing storage effectively. SharePoint Online storage consumption can quickly escalate, leading to increased costs and potential performance issues. Therefore, understanding and managing this consumption is crucial for maintaining an efficient and cost-effective SharePoint environment.

50 BI Tools You Need To Know In 2024

It’s not news anymore. More businesses are collecting a lot more data than they can handle. One out of ten respondents to surveys by IDC, Seagate, and Matillion said they were finding it hard to transform their data into an analytics-ready format. This does not have to be you. This snackable guide explains how modern business intelligence can help you make the most of your data.

How to visualize Amazon CloudWatch metrics in Grafana

In the wide world of observability, you have many options for visualizing metrics collected by Amazon CloudWatch. And because of that, you’re often left making lots of decisions — about cost, configurations, flexibility, and more. At Grafana Labs, we stick to our “big tent” philosophy, which means we don’t force you into a decision or even tell you that you have to bring your CloudWatch metrics to Grafana Cloud.

Introducing Civo's UK Sovereign Cloud: Secure, Compliant, and Locally Governed

In today's fast-paced digital world, where data breaches and geopolitical uncertainties are becoming more common, ensuring the security and sovereignty of your data is paramount. Organisations are increasingly seeking cloud solutions that not only offer advanced technological capabilities but also guarantee data compliance with local laws. Addressing this critical demand, Civo proudly introduces our UK Sovereign Cloud.

Event-driven architecture: The future of fast, effective cluster autoscaling

The rapid dynamics of K8s require the ability to rapidly scale up infrastructure and then tear it down just as quickly when you’re done processing data. Any unnecessary bottleneck that you experience throughout this process can be stressful to the team managing your Kubernetes environments. Your autoscaler’s controller could result in such bottlenecks – unless it’s well-architected.

Sustainability in the Age of AI

In the last few years, there has been a remarkable expansion in the benefits Artificial Intelligence (AI) offers. AI’s influence is pervasive everywhere, from voice-activated virtual assistants like Siri, Google Assistant, and Alexa to recommendation systems such as those employed by Netflix, Amazon, and Instagram and phone cameras that can provide real-time translation of text, signs, and menus. Nearly 77 percent of devices today use AI technology in one form or another.

The Cost Of Shutting Down The Internet

The internet is the lifeblood of our modern world. With over 5.4 billion users globally, it connects us to friends, family, information, and opportunities. But what if the internet suddenly disappeared? What would be the cost of shutting down the internet? Internet outages, while thankfully rare, can have devastating consequences. To highlight these, we’ve delved deep into the economic impact of internet disruptions, analyzing real-world cost data to reveal just how staggering the effects can be.=

What's New in Rightsizing in VMware Tanzu CloudHealth

In March of 2024, The FinOps Foundation announced an update to the FinOps Framework. Within that Framework, each domain is meant to describe a set of business outcomes that a mature FinOps practice should ultimately strive for. As an individual customer’s cloud usage grows and as they progress through their own cloud journey, they will end up working through their challenges in each of these domains. However, each customer’s cloud journey is rarely linear, and maturing is never easy.

Is TeraBox Safe? Review of Security Measures and User Experience

In a world where videos, images, documents and so on are in abundance, it is not surprising that our gadgets run out of space most times. What is the traditional solution? Get a device with more storage capacity but this is too expensive. Instead look at the attraction of cloud storage solutions such as TeraBox which provides 1TB of virtual space for your digital artifacts.

Completely Digitizing Your Company: Areas to Consider

In today's rapidly evolving business landscape, digitization is not just an option but a necessity for companies looking to remain competitive and efficient. Completely digitizing your company involves integrating digital technologies into all areas of your business, to change how you operate and deliver value to customers. Here are key areas to consider when embarking on a comprehensive digital transformation.

From Cloud Adoption to Reversal: Navigating the Hybrid Cloud Advantages Adventure

In the ever-evolving world of IT infrastructure, there’s one question that often ignites passionate debates within IT teams: ‘What’s the golden ticket for our business?’. Hybrid cloud solutions are like stumbling upon hidden treasure in the vast IT landscape. But diving into them isn’t a leisurely stroll—it’s a thrilling adventure, complete with unexpected twists and turns. Each new step reveals new complexities, unraveling the quest for seamless integration.

How Automation can Streamline Azure Cost Tracking and Reporting

In Azure cost tracking, automation is vital for streamlining processes and overcoming challenges associated with manual intervention and invoice analysis. Establishing an automated Azure cost report and tracking system ensures timely insights, facilitating informed decision-making, cost-saving measures, and financial control for organizations using Azure services.

GKE Cost Optimization: Best Practices To Help You Save

GKE is a powerful tool for managing and deploying containerized apps. As organizations expand and fully leverage its capabilities, managing costs becomes a significant challenge. Without a strategy for cutting GKE expenses, cloud spending can quickly spiral out of control. This guide aims to simplify the complexities of GKE pricing and offer actionable cost optimization tips to help you save on costs. We’ll cover insights for making your GKE usage efficient and cost-effective.

The Importance of Hybrid Cloud Visibility

Hybrid cloud environments, combining on-premises resources and public cloud, are essential for competitive, agile, and scalable modern networks. However, they bring the challenge of observability, requiring a comprehensive monitoring solution to understand network traffic across different platforms. Kentik provides a unified platform that offers end-to-end visibility, crucial for maintaining high-performing and reliable hybrid cloud infrastructures.

Advanced Monitoring And Cost Reporting In Kubernetes

Kubernetes has emerged as the clear cornerstone for orchestrating containerized applications. However, alongside its numerous benefits, Kubernetes introduces its own set of complexities, particularly in monitoring and managing costs. The dynamic nature of Kubernetes — where resources can be scaled up or down in response to demand — makes traditional cost monitoring methods inadequate.

Cloudify your data centre - A guide to VMware infrastructure transformation

You know what’s going on. You’ve been monitoring the situation around VMware for at least a year now. There is no need to convince you that whatever comes next, you have to prepare for a big change. You and your team are already well prepared. You have a budget, timeline and necessary resources. However, one thing that you’re missing is the answer to the “HOW?”. If this is the case, you are in the right place.

A product engineer's highlights from DrupalCon Portland 2024

It was great to be back at DrupalCon Portland 2024, drawing together a diverse mix of Drupal enthusiasts, developers, and industry leaders under one roof. The buzz of new conversations and reuniting friends in the convention halls excites me every year. I returned to Portland for the third year and immediately reminisced on the conference that started it all, DrupalCon Portland 2022. I was back in the place that started my love for the Drupal community!

Cribl Packs a Punch: Unpacking the Integration with Microsoft Azure Sentinel with Cribl Source and Destination Packs

With IT modernization and increased cloud usage, more organizations are looking to Software-as-a-Service offerings for their security and data needs. Microsoft Azure Sentinel is a cloud-based SIEM that security operation centers rely on for data analytics. Cribl makes it easier for Microsoft Azure Sentinel customers to get data into their security analytics platform. Leveraging Cribl Packs, organizations can easily ingest data from various vendors with various formats while requiring little effort.

How to find Idle Azure Resources or Unused Azure Resources?

The focus of this video is to help users identify idle resources within Azure deployments. Azure MVP Michael Stephenson (aka Mike) explains the importance of managing these idle resources, as they can accumulate over time and lead to unnecessary costs without providing any business value. Mike shows how users can utilize the cost analyzer module to identify idle networking resources such as virtual networks (vnets), IP addresses, and subnets. He explains the process of filtering and identifying idle resources within the Azure deployment, using a tree view to model the organization's cost data.

Check the Size of SharePoint Storage

In today’s fast-paced digital environment, managing large volumes of documents in SharePoint Online can be a daunting task for any organization. As businesses grow, so does the need for efficient, cost-effective storage solutions that not only save space but also ensure compliance and ease of access. Enter Squirrel, an innovative SaaS product designed to automate the archiving of documents from SharePoint Online to Azure Blob Storage, providing a seamless blend of efficiency and security.

Monitoring the IBM Power Ecosystem using Microsoft Azure

In today’s interconnected and hybrid cloud environments, effective system monitoring is crucial for maintaining performance, reliability, and security. This technical presentation explores how Microsoft Azure enables comprehensive monitoring of the IBM Power ecosystem, explicitly focusing on AIX, Linux on Power, and Linux on Z Series operating systems. Further, active monitoring of HMC and VIOS is considered.

Highlights from Google Cloud Next 2024

Over 30,000 people flocked to Las Vegas to see the latest and greatest from Google Cloud and its partners at Google Cloud Next 2024. As a long-time Google Cloud partner and recipient of two Google Cloud Technology Partner of the Year awards this year, we were there in full force to showcase our unified observability and security solutions and engage with the Google Cloud community.

Ep. 19: Cloud Mapping with Simon Wardley

In this episode we are joined by Simon Wardley, a pioneer of Wardley Maps and strategic thinking. Join us as Simon looks back at his foundational days at Canonical, the shaping of Ubuntu’s cloud dominance, and his groundbreaking work on mapping techniques that aid in anticipating technological shifts. He explores the critical role of open source in cloud computing, the impact of serverless architectures, and the futuristic shift towards conversational programming and AI.

Unlocking the Power of Technology: A Guide to Maximizing Your Digital Tools

Technology has become an integral part of daily life, from the way the world communicates to how one works and plays. To make the most of the digital tools available, it's important to understand how to leverage them effectively. This guide will help you unlock the power of technology and maximize your investments in digital tools.

Mastering CloudTrail Logs, Part 2

In part 1 of this series, we took a look at what CloudTrail logs are, the value addition that CloudTrail logs serve and some of the problems involved in processing and storing these logs. In part two of this series, we will look at how Observo helps organizations process CloudTrail logs at scale and derive value from them. As a quick recap, let’s take a look at what a CloudTrail event looks like.

Cloud vs. On Premise: What's The Difference - And Which is Better?

You are probably in the quest to find the best method to host your organization’s software and data. Out of all the options out there, a big part of the decision comes down to choosing between on-premise vs. cloud. Apart from asking yourself which of them fits the IT budget better and how much you need to worry about security, from a technical standpoint you also have to understand the types of management. The key difference lies in the ownership and control/monitoring of the IT infrastructure.

LogicMonitor's latest innovations to optimize cloud performance and costs

LogicMonitor stands at the forefront of innovation in IT infrastructure monitoring, and our newest solutions help our customers optimize performance, manage costs, and gain deeper visibility into their network operations. Our vision is to empower businesses with the observability needed to navigate modern IT complexities with AI-powered solutions that drive efficiency.

Expert talk: Business sustainability in 2024 l Platform.sh x Liip

Discover the ways digital companies are leading the charge in creating a progressive future. Dive into how tech companies can be pioneers not just through innovative tools, but also by making a positive ecological, social, and economic impact. Join our speakers on a journey in discussing business sustainability in 2024. Speakers: Leah Goldfarb, Environmental Impact Officer at Platform.sh Gerhard Andrey, Co-Founder of Liip and National Councillor for the Swiss Green Party.

Did You Know These 5 Myths for Apache Spark Optimization?

There are several techniques and tricks when developers are tasked with optimizing their Apache Spark workloads, but most of them only fix a portion of the problem when it comes to price and performance. Watch this conversation between AWS Senior Partner Solution Architect Shashi Raina and Pepperdata Senior Solution Architect Kirk Lewis to understand the underlying myths of Apache Spark optimization, and how to ultimately fix the issue of wasted cloud resources and inflated costs.

What Is S3 Intelligent-Tiering? Here's What You Need To Know

Here’s the thing. You frequently access some files, but not others. So, if you can determine the most appropriate storage tier for any given data/object automatically, you can transform it accordingly. That means you can save both time and money by not manually deciding which files to move to their best storage class. To help optimize things, Amazon Web Services (AWS) announced a new storage class called S3 Intelligent-Tiering Storage.

Navigating the Complexities of Hybrid and Multicloud Environments

Navigating the complexities of hybrid and multicloud environments can be daunting, but Kentik Cloud is here to help. In this video, we explore how Kentik's unified platform provides engineers with comprehensive visibility across hybrid and multicloud landscapes. Learn how Kentik ingests and visualizes data from various sources including public clouds, SaaS providers, private data centers, and more. See how you can drill down from a high-level overview to granular details such as specific IP addresses, VPC traffic, and performance metrics.

Azure Storage Cost Optimization | How to reduce Azure Storage Costs?

Azure Storage Cost Optimization | How to reduce Azure Storage Costs? Azure MVP Michael Stephenson (aka Mike) introduces a new feature in Turbo360 that aims to optimize Azure storage costs. He begins by explaining customers' challenges with Azure's lifecycle policies and their desire for more control over optimization processes.

Simplify Log Management Across Any Cloud

Developers waste countless hours managing logs and juggling tools. Control Plane centralizes log management, making it easy to filter and analyze logs from apps running on any cloud: AWS, Azure, GCP, on-prem, etc. In this video, we demonstrate how Control Plane simplifies log management for your applications deployed across any cloud (or multi-cloud). We showcase the intuitive Log QL query language, built-in Grafana integration, and the flexibility to ship logs to your favorite external log providers like Datadog, S3, Elastic, and CloudWatch.

Making Sense of Your IoT data with AWS and MetricFire

The Internet of Things (IoT) is all the rage these days, and for good reason. It lets us connect all sorts of devices to the internet, opening up a world of possibilities. However, managing all those devices and the data they generate can be a challenge. That's where AWS and MetricFire come in. AWS offers a robust suite of cloud services called AWS IoT that makes it easy to develop and manage IoT applications. MetricFire is a platform that helps you monitor your AWS services, including your IoT devices.

Finding a Better Way to Work in the Cloud!

With the 4.6 release, Cribl.Cloud Enterprise users now have the opportunity to opt-in to a new cloud experience. As a deeply customer-centric company, we listened to your feedback, and we heard you! We are making our user experience efficient, secure, and flexible. As we work to refine this new experience, we invite you to partner with us and share your input to influence this transformation as it makes its way across the entire Cribl suite!

A Guide To GCP Cost Anomaly Detection

Keeping costs under control is crucial to managing projects on the Google Cloud Platform (GCP). Yet, even the most experienced teams can face unexpected increases in their cloud bills. These surprises, known as cost anomalies, can disrupt budgets and plans. But, with the right approach and tools, you can spot these issues early and keep your cloud spending on track.

Leveraging Google Business Listings and Reviews to Grow Your MSP

In today’s business environment, much of the success of any MSP relies heavily on their online presence and reputation. This is because the vast majority of business consumers use the internet as their first port of call to discover, research, and select service providers. In this blog, I’m going to look at the pivotal role Google Business Listings can play in this process and how getting reviews for your MSP businesses can help to foster growth and enhance credibility.

Uncover the secrets of dev- and org- friendly IDPs

Are you looking to enhance your organization's scalability journey? Internal Developer Platforms (IDPs) can be a game-changer, especially when optimization is integrated into their design. By optimizing resource provisioning, utilization, and spend through automated workflows and guardrails, you can achieve more with your engineering time and budget. Join our roundtable discussion where we explore practical strategies for making optimization an integral part of your IDP.

What's My IP? Find out with These 6 Best IP Checkers

When surfing the web, your connection is linked to a unique identifier known as an IP address. Your IP address is like your digital identity card and can reveal the following information: Despite what you may see in films or TV shows, your IP address does not show the following information: While an IP address doesn't reveal much personal information, it can be used with other data to build a profile of your online activity. This is why you may ask yourself, what is my IP address?

Serverless Architecture Design Patterns For Cost Efficiency

Serverless architecture has emerged as a pivotal technology for developers seeking to build scalable, efficient applications without the overhead of managing servers. At the heart of this revolution are services like AWS Lambda and API Gateway, which have redefined how we deploy and scale applications, offering a truly pay-as-you-go model that aligns operational costs directly with actual usage.

How to choose your Software Defined Cloud Interconnect provider

With a growing number of enterprises adopting Software Defined Cloud Interconnects (SDCIs) to better support their hybrid- and multi-cloud architectures, what are the features, functions and capabilities you should look for when choosing your private connectivity partner?

Ways to Detect Anomalies in Azure with Real-Life Examples

Azure MVP, Michael Stephenson (aka Mike) walks through a practical example of Azure anomaly detection and the importance of keeping an eye on costs in Azure. Using Turbo360's cost analyzer module, Mike shows us how to efficiently manage everyday expenses and save money. Mike shares a scenario where he manages a Data Gateway service on Azure within a limited budget. He then explains how changes in resource scheduling led to unexpected cost increases. Using the anomaly detection feature, he identifies the abnormal cost behavior and discusses the significance of promptly addressing such issues.

Streamlining SharePoint with Squirrel

In today’s fast-paced digital environment, managing large volumes of documents in SharePoint Online can be a daunting task for any organization. As businesses grow, so does the need for efficient, cost-effective storage solutions that not only save space but also ensure compliance and ease of access. Enter Squirrel, an innovative SaaS product designed to automate the archiving of documents from SharePoint Online to Azure Blob Storage, providing a seamless blend of efficiency and security.

Why Cloud Data Security is More Important Than Ever

In this digital age, more and more people and businesses are taking advantage of all the benefits of a cloud system. However, in parallel to this, people are also becoming increasingly aware of the importance of security in cloud solutions. This article lists some reasons cloud data security is more critical than ever.

Multi-Project Routing For Google Cloud

When sending data to Google Cloud, like logs, metrics, or traces, it can be beneficial to split the data up across multiple projects. This division may be necessary since each team has its own project, a central project is used for security audit logs, or for any other reason that your organization has. BindPlane has effective tools to manage this process. In this walkthrough, we will add fields to telemetry entries, allowing us to associate entries with a specific project and properly route them.

How to Create an S3 Bucket with AWS CLI

Managing an Elasticsearch cluster can be complex, costly, and time-consuming - especially for large organizations that need to index and analyze log data at scale. In this short guide, we’ll walk you through the process of creating an Amazon S3 bucket, configuring an IAM role that can write into that bucket, and attaching that IAM role to your Amazon S3 instance - all using the AWS Command Line Interface (CLI).

Turbo360 Welcomes Black Marble as a Partner in Excellence

We at Turbo360 are thrilled to announce our partnership with Black Marble, a renowned leader in high-quality software development and innovative solutions. With their extensive expertise across the Microsoft platform and commitment to delivering exceptional user experiences, Black Marble brings a wealth of knowledge and skill to our collaborative efforts.

Fast and Flexible, Self-Service Bring Your Own Cloud (BYOC) for AWS now Generally Available

Infrastructure Architects can now easily set up and run Aiven services in their own AWS account with simplified migrations and expanded flexibility. In today’s world, organizations are under pressure to optimize their cloud costs while owning their critical data. While innovation is a priority, finding optimal solutions, and options can be limited when compliance requirements often restrict third parties that can deliver business value from accessing critical business data.

Customizable Azure Rightsizing Recommendations - Expert Insights

In this video, Michael Stephenson introduces a feature in Turbo360 that allows users to configure customizable settings for Azure rightsizing recommendations. He demonstrates how users can access these settings in the Turbo360 portal and modify rules for rightsizing various resources such as VM scale sets and SQL databases.

Leveraging Proxies for Scalable Cloud Operations

The cloud has become a fundamentally impactful feature of the business IT ecosystem, and it's the scalability that's innate to this tech which means it can accommodate the needs of all sorts of organizations - from startups with limited budgets to multinationals with few limits on their spending.

Strengthen Your Security in the Cloud: Privacy and Data Security

Managing security in the cloud and throughout hybrid environments is a challenge with high stakes — customer data, sensitive information, access privileges, and other cloud-based assets are all at risk when an organization uses the cloud. Let’s explore some common cloud-based security concerns and learn how to keep your cloud environment secure.

What Is Snowflake? A Beginner-Friendly Guide

Imagine if you had a magic box where you could keep all your business information — sales numbers, customer feedback, everything — safe and sound, but also easy to look at whenever you needed. That’s kind of what Snowflake does, but for big organizations and using the cloud. It’s a new way for companies to store and use their data without getting bogged down by the techy details.

Why business continuity belongs in the cloud?

Resilience in today’s liquid business environment demands flexibility. The term “observability” replaces monitoring, reflecting the need to adapt and be agile in the face of challenges. The key is to dissolve operations into the cloud, integrating tools and operational expertise for effective resilience. I remember that when I started my professional career (in a bank) one of the first tasks I was handled was to secure an email server exposed to the internet.

Use Grafana Alloy to collect Azure metrics with less hassle

Are you using the Azure metrics exporter to ship telemetry data to Grafana Cloud? Are you overwhelmed with the amount of configuration and complexity necessary to avoid being rate limited? Well, did you know that with Grafana Alloy, our distribution of the OpenTelemetry Collector with built-in Prometheus pipelines and support for metrics, logs, traces, and profiles, you can now: Let’s look at how these two features can reduce the complexity of your Alloy configuration.

AWS Data Transfer Pricing: 7 Ways To Reduce Unexpected Costs

You’re probably familiar with finding surprise, hidden charges if you’ve been using the cloud for a while. Data transfer fees are the most common source of unanticipated charges on Amazon Web Services (AWS). They can be so costly that some companies, like Netflix and Pinterest, have spent fortunes on data transfer fees — up to $30 million a year. In this post, we’ll share tips for navigating AWS data transfer costs and how you can optimize them.

Logs with Firehose: Stream logs to the AWS Observability app cheaper and easier

AWS is an essential part of many organizations’ tech stacks today, which is why we continue to make it easier to observe your environment in Grafana Cloud. We recently launched AWS Observability, a fully managed application for visualizing and alerting on dozens of AWS offerings. And with our latest update, we’re making it cheaper and simpler to ingest and query your AWS logs.

Scaling in the Cloud with Cribl's Universal Receiver

Scaling cloud services is a critical task for Site Reliability Engineers, and it’s a challenging one. As organizations grow, the amount of data and the number of users of it grow like crazy, pushing traditional data management methods to their limits. SREs not only have to keep everything running, they’ve got to make sure it runs smoothly, efficiently, and swiftly.

A New Era of Cloud Security with Cribl and Wiz

Cribl is an integrations company at heart. We want to help every company develop a data strategy that gives them more control, improves security, and provides flexibility to adapt to their ever-changing data needs. Today, we’re thrilled to announce that we are a Certified Wiz Integration (WIN) Partner to help customers take their cloud security game to the next level.

How to Stream AWS Logs to Grafana Cloud via Amazon Data Firehose | Grafana

In this video, we show you the steps to configure your Grafana account so you can start streaming AWS logs to Grafana Cloud using Amazon Data Firehose. It takes just a few minutes to set up so you can see your logs in Grafana Explore. Save money and time by using this new approach!

The relationship between cloud FinOps and Security - Expert tips

In this episode, we delve into the relationship between Azure Cost Management and security in cloud computing with FinOps certified practitioner Michael Stephenson and Microsoft MVP for Security Nino Crudele. Learn how security measures impact cloud costs and explore strategies for balancing robust security with cost-effectiveness. Discover the crucial role of governance, policy enforcement, and FinOps in optimizing both cost and security postures.

Scaling Kubernetes On A Budget: AKS Vs. EKS Cost-Saving Features

As of 2023, Kubernetes firmly holds the reins of the container orchestration market with a commanding 92% market share, underscoring its position as the unparalleled leader in this domain. Celebrated for its exceptional scalability, robustness, and flexibility, Kubernetes boasts widespread integration across numerous industries, supported by development efforts from more than 7,500 companies.

Cross-Platform Cloud Cost Optimization On AWS And Azure

Cloud cost optimization refers to reducing overall cloud spending by identifying mismanaged resources, eliminating waste, reserving capacity for higher discounts, and right-sizing computing services to scale. In the modern business environment, where agility and efficiency are paramount, mastering cloud cost optimization reduces expenses and strategically allocates resources to drive innovation and growth.

How to Setup Cost Alert Notification in Azure?

How to Setup Cost Alert Notification in Azure? In this video, Azure MVP - Michael Stephenson explains how users can set up alerts for exceeding cost thresholds within their monitoring setup, specifically focusing on a product called Document360. Michael demonstrates how users can configure email alerts to be notified when a cost threshold is breached, and he walks through the process of receiving and managing these alerts. He also mentions the ability to view incidents and analyze cost data in more detail if necessary.

Azure Management Platform - Turbo360

Turbo360 (Formerly Serverless360) is an advanced Cloud Management platform that empowers you with significant Azure Cost savings and Infra Monitoring for complex Azure Environments. This tool has helped customers experience annual savings of up to 30% through advanced cost monitoring, granular analysis, optimization insights, and reduced incident resolution time by 80% through holistic infra monitoring across multiple Azure resources with business context.

Densify Wins Intel 2024 Americas Partner Award

At Intel Vision April 2024, Densify won Intel Partner of the year for Cloud Solutions. This award recognizes the impact of our jointly developed offering: Intel® Cloud Optimizer. Densify – Cloud: For Densify’s collaboration with Intel to continuously fine-tune the Intel Cloud Optimizer software-as-a-service (SaaS) offering, to include a sophisticated understanding of key Intel hardware features and how they benefit specific customer workloads.

Mix-n-Match ANY combination of services from AWS, GCP and Azure

Say goodbye to cloud lock-in and hello to endless possibilities! In this walkthrough, you'll learn how to avoid vendor lock-in and optimize costs by mixing and matching services from AWS, GCP, Azure -- as if these clouds have merged. Control Plane's Universal Cloud Identity® makes it easy to consume any combination of cloud services and craft the ideal cloud environment while running apps on-premises or on any cloud, in any region.

Maximizing Efficiency: Unveiling the Top Student Accommodation Management Software Tricks

The process of moving away from home, finding student accommodation in a new city, shifting, settling and so on is indeed tiring. But have you ever wondered how do the people who run the student accommodation business manage to keep everything on track? Building student accommodation, accommodating hundreds of students, maintaining all the facilities, and so much more is done by a team of few people. So, how do they manage the student accommodation?

Summary Report: Mastering Cloud Cost Optimization in 2024

We’re back with this year’s cloud cost report. This time around, we’re mixing things up a bit. Don’t worry. You’ll still get an in-depth look at cloud cost in the FinOps industry, but you’ll get more insights with our data-driven results from leading reports and Anodot’s customers. If you’re already reaching out to grab that report, you can find it here.

Factors to Consider When Choosing a VPS Cloud Server for Hosting Game Servers

Are you eager to create a thriving online community for your favorite game? Choosing the right VPS cloud server is crucial for ensuring a smooth, lag-free experience for your players. You must generate a perfect base for your game server and foster a passionate online world. There has been tremendous growth in the gaming industry in the previous few years. Due to COVID-19, many people were locked in their homes, turning to digital paths of entertainment and searching new networks.

How do I review Azure costs?

In this video, Azure MVP Michael Stephenson will walkthrough on how he uses Turbo360 to conduct cost reviews for a SaaS company. And then he explains the process of monitoring costs, analyzing trends, identifying spikes, and optimizing resources using the Turbo360. He also emphasizes the importance of maintaining efficiency and sustainability in cloud spending by regularly reviewing costs. The goal is to identify cost-saving opportunities and ensure accountability within the teams to take action on optimizing resources.

Demystifying Azure Container Instance Pricing

Since containers revolutionized resources utilization and their cost by significantly increasing VM densities, understanding Azure Container Instance Pricing is key for making informed decisions about your containerized apps. ACI is the serverless option within Azure, to provision additional compute for demanding and highly scalable workloads. Knowing the ACI pricing, you can optimize costs while efficiently deploying your containers in a managed service that will optimize your operations.

MPLS vs SD-WAN: Optimizing Your WAN for the Cloud Era

Imagine your business as a bustling city with branch offices scattered across different districts. Efficient communication between these locations is vital for smooth operations. This is where Wide Area Networks (WANs) come in, acting as the high-speed highways that connect your city's various departments. But when it comes to choosing the right WAN technology, navigating the options can feel like getting lost in a maze.

Elastic Observability on Google Cloud - Access insights in real-time with AI

With the power of Elastic on Google Cloud, you can bring your logs, metrics, traces, and profiling together at scale for unified visibility and AI-powered insights across your entire ecosystem. Discover how organizations of all sizes unify and visualize all their data in one place using the combined innovation of Elastic and Google Cloud.

Whose infrastructure is it anyway?

The recent McKinsey report, the state of cloud computing in Europe has exposed not only low returns, but also serious challenges for businesses embracing cloud as the basis of digital transformation. The first concern is that not only is the value of cloud ‘in isolated pockets and at subscale ’, but also that it is limited to the IT department. Whilst 75 percent of those surveyed reported either technology cost savings or productivity increases, only one-third have seen such savings beyond IT.

EBS Pricing Explained: A Guide For 2024

Understanding Amazon Elastic Block Store (EBS) pricing is fundamental for any organization using AWS to manage their cloud costs effectively. Amazon EBS provides the storage your cloud applications need to run smoothly. However, it’s equally important to understand its pricing to keep your cloud spending in check. This guide aims to simplify Amazon EBS pricing and offers practical tips on managing and reducing these costs. But first, what is it?

Gain Cloud Network Visibility

As more apps and services are moved to the cloud, network operations teams can lose visibility yet are still responsible for solving issues when they occur. There is no need to suffer from cloud blind spots. Active monitoring across end-to-end network paths can help clear the skies and network operations teams can regain visibility both to and through the cloud, including multi-cloud architectures.