Squared Up

Maidenhead, UK
  |  By Dave Clarke
With the release of the Data Explorer, users can now dig into the data behind any tile and slice, dice and explore as needed. This is perfect for those ad-hoc ‘scratchpad’ style scenarios where you want to get some answers without creating yet another dashboard. A couple of weeks ago, we released an awesome new feature that we haven’t had a chance to showcase yet. It’s called The Data Explorer, and I think it’s pretty cool. Let’s dive in!
  |  By Vincent Babin
In this blog, I’d like to announce a new feature that brings an extra touch of personalization to your SquaredUp experience: Workspace Icons.
  |  By Bruce Cullen
Using SquaredUp, you can query Azure Resource Graph with KQL to pull Change history, Azure Service Health and maintenance schedules. For the uninitiated, Azure Resource Graph is a series of tables holding information on Azure resources and how they are related. Its data is used many places within Azure itself (such as the Azure Portal’s native search) and it’s data can help us with many use cases as it is designed to help with queries at scale.
  |  By Dave Clarke
We’re excited to announce the general availability of dashboard variables in SquaredUp. With this new feature, dashboards you create are flexible and reusable. Instead of hardcoding specific objects within the tiles on a dashboard, you can use variables to create just one dashboard to be reused across all your objects of the same type – be it your pipelines, apps, or microservices. Viewers of the dashboard can then select which objects they are interested in on the fly.
  |  By Vincent Babin
In this blog, I wanted to take a deep-dive into our Notifications feature and explain some of the product design decisions we made. Notifications is one of the most frequently used features of SquaredUp. We designed this feature to be quick and easy to set up, with a primary focus on delivering timely notifications to the appropriate audience.
  |  By Dave Clarke
We're excited to share a small but mighty new feature. Our Text tile now supports Markdown! This allows you to include rich content on your dashboards such as headings, links, lists, images and more. At SquaredUp we know that a useful dashboard is more than just a few charts. With this update you can now provide key context to the data on a dashboard to help tell the right story. For example you might want to: You can easily do all that now, and more.
  |  By Vincent Babin
As a Senior Product Manager here at SquaredUp, I’d like to tell you more about how easy it is to share dashboards with anyone, as well as share some design decisions and explain the feature in more detail.
  |  By Bruce Cullen
In previous roles I have been both an Engineering Manager responsible for a team, and a Program Manager responsible for branching strategy and process around CICD pipelines. In both of those roles (but for very different reasons), my product's build quality has been critical to product success. The obvious "why" to this is no builds, no product, but the real why is much more nuanced.
  |  By Bruce Cullen
I first started my career in IT support back in 2003 when VMs where something that was “coming” rather than mainstream, so I had the privilege of witnessing the birth of VMs first hand when my company made the switch from bare metal to VMware GSX running on top of Windows Server 2003.
  |  By Adam Kinniburgh
In discussions across the tech and data communities in recent years, a provocative idea has been gaining traction: the notion that dashboards are dead. The first time I came across this was in the article by Taylor Brownlow of the same name, "Dashboards are Dead". A worthwhile read. The article suggests that dashboards, as we known them, no longer serve the needs of modern data-driven organizations. Not through their own fault as such, more through misuse or over-asking.
  |  By Squared Up
In this episode we're having a pow-wow with Dave and Vincent from our product team, who have a bumper update on recent fancy features. We're talking dashboard variables, markdown support, and lots more.
  |  By Squared Up
In this episode we're chatting with Matthew Long from our engineering team about how our Relay Agent get's behind enemy lines to surface all your juicy on-prem enterprise data into our fancy cloud dashboards. We'll cover the classic server deployment and chat about some container-based options too.
  |  By Squared Up
To celebrate SQUPCON, our annual company conference, we're handing this episode of SQUPCAST over to the awesome people who make SquaredUp possible, to recap on all the killer work they've done this year. We cover sharing, variables, our map, plugins, use cases, and some nice heartwarming stories about SquaredUp.
  |  By Squared Up
Joined this week by Richard, our Founder CEO, tune in to hear about some killer new features that are a big part of our vision for smarter dashboards. Not one to miss.
  |  By Squared Up
Whether you're after a Jenkins dashboard, a GitLab metrics dashboard or a CircleCI dashboard, SquaredUp lets you easily connect to your CI/CD data. Our flexible dashboards then allow you to combine CI/CD metrics with 100+ other data sources, such as Jira and GitHub.
  |  By Squared Up
Salesforce dashboards for the whole company, without expensive additional licenses! Visualize your Salesforce data in our dashboards, then share them via a simple, secure URL. Combine data across accounts, across different tools, and build out that one-stop single pane of glass for your organization.
  |  By Squared Up
Our Zendesk dashboards make Zendesk data accessible to everyone. It is now easy to use and share your data.
  |  By Squared Up
See how easy it is to get set up with our Zendesk plugin and what sort of value you can create for your organization with our dashboards.
  |  By Squared Up
In this episode we're going to dive into how our Terraform provider can help you automate all the things. Shas Subedi and Nathan Foreman from our engineering team are going to drop in for some high-quality chat and a bit of demo-time, and no doubt they'll blow your socks clean off!
  |  By Squared Up
As IT admins and application owners tear their hair out over another costly outage that has the boss breathing down their necks, a familiar cry rings out throughout the enterprise IT organisation; "monitoring sucks!!". But why does monitoring suck and what can you do about it?
  |  By Squared Up
Everything you need as you set off on your path to glory.

Founded in 2011 with the vision of using data visualization to solve the challenge of Enterprise IT complexity, Squared Up is used by the world's leading enterprises to deliver application-centric monitoring, reduce downtime and improve service delivery. From super-fast dashboards to automatic application mapping, Squared Up transforms Microsoft System Center Operations Manager (SCOM) into a complete Enterprise Application Monitoring experience.

At its core, Squared Up delivers a fully modernized SCOM user experience, but you'll also discover how you can use SCOM to deliver a complete Enterprise Application Monitoring solution, and even use our integrations to provide a single pane of glass across your entire IT infrastructure.

Enterprise IT complexity meets modern data visualization:

  • Total SCOM dashboards: Squared Up is a complete HTML5 user experience for SCOM, with industry-leading dashboard capabilities - from Visio integration to performance graphing - and comprehensive, dynamic drilldowns generated by our unique Total Dashboard Architecture.
  • Enterprise Application Monitoring: By using data visualization to better understand the data you already have, we leverage your existing investments in SCOM to deliver a complete Enterprise Application Monitoring solution.
  • One view for hybrid cloud monitoring: Squared Up creates an independent presentation layer that aggregates your existing data in SCOM with data from other tools such as Azure Log Analytics. As you start to adopt new platforms your users don't need to learn any new tools, they just get the data they need when they need, all in a single pane of glass.

Transforming IT operations for enterprises worldwide.