Did You Know These 5 Myths for Apache Spark Optimization?

Did You Know These 5 Myths for Apache Spark Optimization?

There are several techniques and tricks when developers are tasked with optimizing their Apache Spark workloads, but most of them only fix a portion of the problem when it comes to price and performance.

Watch this conversation between AWS Senior Partner Solution Architect Shashi Raina and Pepperdata Senior Solution Architect Kirk Lewis to understand the underlying myths of Apache Spark optimization, and how to ultimately fix the issue of wasted cloud resources and inflated costs.

For more information about Pepperdata cloud cost optimization, check out the homepage: https://www.pepperdata.com/

To book a free Pepperdata Proof-of-Value, visit this page: https://www.pepperdata.com/free-cost-optimization-proof-of-value