Operations | Monitoring | ITSM | DevOps | Cloud

March 2021

Five worthy reads: The unexpected costs following a cyberattack

Five worthy reads is a regular column on five noteworthy items we’ve discovered while researching trending and timeless topics. In this edition, we’ll learn about the worst data breaches that happened recently, their impact, and the cost of data breaches for companies. The COVID-19 pandemic has not only had an impact on the mental and physical health of employees, but on the digital health of organizations around the world.

How to Improve Core Web Vital Scores

From May 2021, Google is using ‘Core Web Vitals’ as a brand new ranking signal. Google states that business owners should monitor and improve their scores to avoid damaging their organic SEO. In this blog, we will explain how to improve Core Web Vitals scores. To discover the specific issues affecting your users’ experience, we strongly advise having a Core Web Vitals audit.

Feature preview: Trigger agent runs and report collection from Mission Portal

If you are debugging issues with a host, it is quite common to want to make changes to CFEngine policy, and speed up the process of fetching, evaluating and reporting for that host. You can do this by running cf-runagent and cf-hub from the command line, now we’ve brought this functionality into Mission Portal.

What's new in Kubernetes 1.21?

This release brings 50 enhancements, up from 43 in Kubernetes 1.20 and 34 in Kubernetes 1.19. Of those 50 enhancements, 15 are graduating to Stable, 14 are existing features that keep improving, and a whopping 19 are completely new. It’s great to see old features, that have been around as long as 1.4, finally become GA. For example CronJob, PodDisruptionBudget, and sysctl support.

TeamTNT: Latest TTPs targeting Kubernetes (Q1-2021)

In April 2020, MalwareHunterTeam found a number of suspicious files in an open directory and posted about them in a series of tweets. Trend Micro later confirmed that these files were part of the first cryptojacking malware by TeamTNT, a cybercrime group that specializes in attacking the cloud—typically using a malicious Docker image—and has proven itself to be both resourceful and creative.

Back Again: The Mobile Endpoint Is Now the Policy Enforcement Point in the Everywhere Workplace!

Several years back before the COVID-19 pandemic hit and the work-from-home shift took hold, we wrote a blog about how the mobile-centric zero trust framework removed the traditional perimeter security controls to protect the corporate enterprise network and all connected endpoints from cybercriminals.

Top In-Demand Cybersecurity Skills in the Upcoming Years

Hey there, We recently ran a series of webinars* on how different-sized cybersecurity teams modernized their security operations and embedded polling questions within the webinars to gather some feedback. A set of possible answers was selected based on the ENISA NIS Investments report. In this blog post I’d like to share the results of the polls and the conclusions we can draw from them.

Splunk SOAR Playbooks: Conducting an Azure New User Census

In January and February of 2021, the threat actor called Hafnium used a number of post-exploitation tools after gaining access to Exchange servers through a zero-day exploit. One of their persistence methods was creating new user accounts in the domain, giving them the ability to log back into the network using normal authentication rather than use a web shell or continue to re-exploit the vulnerability (which has since been patched).

Sysdig Adds Unified Threat Detection Across Containers and Cloud to Combat Lateral Movement Attacks

Sysdig introduces continuous CSPM to the Sysdig Secure DevOps Platform, multi-cloud threat detection for AWS and GCP, and a new free-forever cloud security tier. With 70% of cyberattack breaches utilizing lateral movement, Sysdig uniquely detects and responds to threats across cloud and containers.

Azure security 101: Security essentials, logs, authentication, and more

“Where necessity speaks, it demands”. This old saying seems particularly apt right now with the pandemic forcing organizations to completely change the way they think about their IT networks. That rapid shift to remote work has resulted in a massive demand for cloud-based services.

Detect suspicious activity in GCP using audit logs

GCP audit logs are a powerful tool that track everything happening in your cloud infrastructure. By analyzing them, you can detect and react to threats. Modern cloud applications are not just virtual machines, containers, binaries, and data. When you migrated to the cloud, you accelerated the development of your apps and increased operational efficiency. But you also started using new assets in the cloud that need securing.

Cloud lateral movement: Breaking in through a vulnerable container

Lateral movement is a growing concern with cloud security. That is, once a piece of your cloud infrastructure is compromised, how far can an attacker reach? What often happens in famous attacks to Cloud environments is a vulnerable application that is publicly available can serve as an entry point. From there, attackers can try to move inside the cloud environment, trying to exfiltrate sensitive data or use the account for their own purpose, like crypto mining.

AWS CIS: Manage cloud security posture on AWS infrastructure

Implementing the AWS Foundations CIS Benchmarks will help you improve your cloud security posture in your AWS infrastructure. What entry points can attackers use to compromise your cloud infrastructure? Do all your users have multi-factor authentication setup? Are they using it? Are you providing more permissions that needed? Those are some questions this benchmark will help you answer. Keep reading for an overview on AWS CIS Benchmarks and tips to implement it.

Unified threat detection for AWS cloud and containers

Implementing effective threat detection for AWS requires visibility into all of your cloud services and containers. An application is composed of a number of elements: hosts, virtual machines, containers, clusters, stored information, and input/output data streams. When you add configuration and user management to the mix, it’s clear that there is a lot to secure!

Getting started with cloud security

Your application runs on containers and talks to multiple cloud services. How can you continuously secure all of it? With Sysdig you can. Continuously flag cloud misconfigurations before the bad guys get in. And suspicious activity, like unusual logins from leaked credentials. All in a single console that makes it easier to validate your cloud security posture. It only takes a few minutes to get started.

Cisco Secure Application: from the engineers who built it

Today, protecting your digital business starts with the application. Discover why runtime application self protection solutions (RASP), like Cisco Secure Application, is a game changer for application and security teams. Learn how you can simplify vulnerability management, block attacks in real-time, and save time.

Credential management best practices for business process automations

This webinar recording gives you a clear picture of the various credential-related perils that can surface because of implementing business process automation (BPA) workfows in your enterprise. Ganesh, our in-house IT security expert will walk you through the risks associated with hard-coding privileged credentials within application scripts and also provide you with a handful of security best practices to mitigate the risks and fortify your IT infrastructure from credential exposure through PAM360.

Using Policy Analyzer to develop and debug CFEngine policy

I have a setup at home where I keep a local git server running on a Raspberry Pi 3 which contains personal/work journal, dotfiles and a personal policy repository. It was set up manually so before adding a new git repository for a family password store I set about retrofiting the configuration in CFEngine. The goal in this blog is to ensure that what I have already is managed by CFEngine and that what I want to add, /srv/git/passwords.git, is created.

Automated Clean-up of HAFNIUM Shells and Processes with Splunk Phantom

If you haven’t been living under a rock for the past few weeks, you've probably come across the recent Microsoft Exchange Server vulnerabilities and its associated exploits.Stop!!! The first thing you should do is to go and patch any Exchange servers you may be running, then you can come back and finish reading this blog. Microsoft's blog provides links to various tools to help in this regard.

Customer Highlight: HIPAA Vault

As an MSSP (Managed Security Service Provider), HIPAA Vault relies on CFEngine to automate & secure their infrastructure on behalf of their customers. HIPAA Vault has been a longtime CFEngine Community user since 2012 and recently upgraded to Enterprise in order to boost their infrastructure visibility through Mission Portal and features like Compliance Reporting that help them provide a more secure & compliant cloud hosting solution.

Automated Patch Management and Team Swarming are Key Security Practices

In the blink of an eye, you can miss a new business disrupting security incident. We all recognize that cybersecurity breaches are increasing in volume and sophistication. How we respond to them is critical. Security vulnerabilities force organizations to go outside of their daily activities to execute out-of-band responses. We face numerous challenges in managing security risk.

Detecting rare and unusual processes with Elastic machine learning

In SecOps, knowing which host processes are normally executed and which are rarely seen helps cut through the noise to quickly locate potential problems or security threats. By focusing attention on rare anomalies, security teams can be more efficient when trying to detect or hunt for potential threats. Finding a process that doesn’t often run on a server can sometimes indicate innocuous activity or could be an indication of something more alarming.

Civo Online Meetup #7 - Kubernetes security focus

Four our seventh online meetup, we discussed the critical topic of cloud-native security, focusing on Kubernetes. We looked into security of clusters, containers and code as well as explore some applications that help make sure your setups are secure. With talks from Civo Director of Evangelism Saiyam, plus Civo Ambassadors Jahred Love and Milind Chawre. Get free credit to try the world’s first K3s-powered, managed Kubernetes service.

Cloud SIEM: Modernize Security Operations and your Cyber Defense

Scott Crawford, Research Director of Information Security at 451 Research, a part of S&P Global Market Intelligence, joined by Greg Market, Vice President and General Manager of Security at Sumo Logic, discuss the increased adoption of cloud as a deployment model for SIEM. Cloud SIEM and various forms of deployment has become a significant factor for enterprises according to survey-based research at 451 Research.

Automating key rotation for CI/CD pipelines

With the new Contexts API release, developers can save their team valuable time while enhancing security practices. We know maintaining your organization’s security is crucial. There is the need to meet strict compliance guidelines, such as FedRAMP and GDPR, and what seems to be an increasing number of breaches, like the compromise of over 150,000 video security cameras as a result of a targeted Jenkins server.

It's Never Too Late to Improve Your Personal Security Posture

Security is everyone’s responsibility. That’s it. That’s the whole point. (I may be spending too much time with Leon, but it had to be said.) If you have a security team, or even just one person who is tasked with security, it’s easy for the rest of the team or department to fall into a trap, thinking there’s nothing more you need to do. You’re wrong.

Analytics-Based Investigation and Automated Response with AWS + Splunk Security Solutions

Organizations are migrating an increasing amount of their infrastructure into the cloud. The cloud provides organizations with a number of benefits like greater scalability, improved reliability and faster time to value. However, these potential benefits can be offset if security is an afterthought.

Monitoring Logs for Insider Threats During Turbulent Times

For logs and tracking insider threats, you need to start with the relevant data. In these turbulent times, IT teams leverage centralized log management solutions for making decisions. As the challenges change, the way you’re monitoring logs for insider threats needs to change too. Furloughs, workforce reductions, and business practice changes as part of the COVID stay-at-home mandates impacted IT teams.

Unraveling open port threats and enhancing security with port scanning tools

From exposing your network vulnerabilities to becoming a passageway for intruders, open ports can pose several risk vectors that threaten your network’s confidentiality, integrity, and availability. This is why it’s a best practice to close your open ports. To tackle the risks introduced by open ports, network admins rely on port scanning tools to identify, inspect, analyze, and close open ports in their networks.

AWS S3 security with CloudTrail and Falco

One of the major concerns when moving to the cloud is how to approach AWS S3 security. Companies may have moved their workflows to Amazon, but are still cautious about moving their data warehouse. And that is totally understandable. We have all heard about data breaches in companies like Facebook, GoDaddy, and Pocket. It’s important that access to information is done properly, in a limited and controlled fashion, to avoid such breaches.

What's new in Sysdig - March 2021

Welcome to another monthly update on what’s new from Sysdig. Our team continues to work hard to bring great new features to all of our customers, automatically and for free! This month was mostly about compliance and a PromQL Query Explorer! Have a look below for the details. We have added a number of new compliance standards to our compliance dashboards page, making it even easier for our customers to quickly (and continuously!) check how well they’d do from an audit.

Brand New Desktop and Server Management Remote Control Capability

We are very excited to announce the official release of Ivanti Desktop and Server Manager Remote Control - A new Remote Control solution based on Ivanti technology! Ivanti continues to provide useful tools to support our customers in the Everywhere Workplace – especially in times where remote work is more often the norm rather than the exception.

How to set up Software Security and Compliance for Your Artifacts

The simplest way to ensure the safety of all the open source (OSS) components used by your teams and sites, is with a software composition analysis (SCA) tool. You need an automated and reliable way to manage and keep track of your open source usage. With JFrog Xray, you can set up vulnerability and license compliance scanning built into your software development lifecycle (SDLC).

Using HAProxy as an API Gateway, Part 6 [Security]

In almost every case, APIs have changed how modern applications connect to their data. Mobile apps, single-page web apps, IoT devices, integration hooks between software—all of these things rely on APIs to fetch, update, delete, and create data. In fact, one set of APIs might serve as the backbone of a website, mobile app, voice assistant device, and more, meaning one data store owns a treasure trove of information about us, the human users.

Bitbucket Pipelines and OpenID Connect: No more secret management

Bitbucket Pipelines now allows you to talk to your favorite third-party applications without an access token or secret. You no longer need to store your secrets in Bitbucket Pipelines. You can generate an OpenID Connect token in Bitbucket Pipelines, and use that to talk to any third-party application that supports OpenID Connect.

The DevSecOps Cultural Transformation

Let’s take a moment and think about security in your organization. Security is often separate from other engineering teams such as development, operations, networking, IT, and so forth. If you narrow down your focus to specifically releasing new software or features and functions in existing software, you’ll find that while development and operations are working together very quickly and efficiently, they’re still vaulting these functions and features over to security.

Hunting for Lateral Movement using Event Query Language

Lateral Movement describes techniques that adversaries use to pivot through multiple systems and accounts to improve access to an environment and subsequently get closer to their objective. Adversaries might install their own remote access tools to accomplish Lateral Movement, or use stolen credentials with native network and operating system tools that may be stealthier in blending in with normal systems administration activity.

Orchestrate Framework Controls to Support Security Operations with Splunk SOAR

Every security team should utilize security frameworks in their strategy and tactics to help reduce risk from common cybersecurity threats. Security frameworks guide organizations on how they should develop, build, and maintain their IT security policies and procedures while sharing best practices for meeting compliance requirements. Healthcare operations in particular are often presented with increasing regulatory scrutiny and obligations that must be met in order to be competitive.

Secure by Design | Securing the Software Development Build Environment

The recent SUNBURST cyberattack on the SolarWinds software build environment is a concerning new reality for the software industry, representing the increasingly sophisticated actions by outside nation-states on the supply chains and infrastructure on which we all rely. SolarWinds is committed to sharing our learnings about this attack broadly given the common development practices in the industry and our belief that transparency and cooperation are our best tools to help prevent and protect against future attacks.

Is Your Home Built to Last? Investing in Cloud-Based ITSM for a More Secure Tomorrow

Buying a home requires thoughtful planning and takes a significant amount of time and resources. Beyond your list of must-haves, you’ve likely kept tabs on houses of interest to you, the state of the market, how safe the neighborhood is, and more. Another factor in your decision is how the house is equipped to grow with you—will it continue to meet your needs in the next five years? It’s critical to establish a sound foundation that works for you today and in the future.

Honeypods: Applying a Traditional Blue Team Technique to Kubernetes

The use of honeypots in an IT network is a well-known technique to detect bad actors within your network and gain insight into what they are doing. By exposing simulated or intentionally vulnerable applications in your network and monitoring for access, they act as a canary to notify the blue team of the intrusion and stall the attacker’s progress from reaching actual sensitive applications and data.

Revoke certificate of an Icinga endpoint

A Certificate Revocation List (CRL) is a list of certificates that have been revoked by the issuing Certificate Authority (CA) before their scheduled expiration date. Those certificates should no longer be trusted. A client application such as an Icinga Agent can use a CRL to verify that the certificate of the server is valid and trusted.

Deploying Elastic to further strengthen IT security at TierPoint

TierPoint is a leading provider of secure, connected data center and cloud solutions at the edge of the Internet with thousands of customers. At TierPoint, I’m responsible for maintenance and development of the information security program, which includes threat analytics, incident response, and digital forensics. We’re constantly looking for new and even more effective ways to aggregate, process, and make decisions from massive amounts of data streaming in from diverse sources.

How to Marie Kondo Your Incident Response with Case Management & Foundational Security Procedures

Marie Kondo, a Japanese organizational consultant, helps people declutter their homes in order to live happier, better lives. She once said: Similarly, in security, operational teams are constantly bogged down by a “visible mess” that inhibits their ability to effectively secure their organization.

ECS Fargate threat modeling

AWS Fargate is a technology that you can use with Amazon ECS to run containers without having to manage servers or clusters of Amazon EC2 instances. With AWS Fargate, you no longer have to provision, configure, or scale clusters of virtual machines to run containers. This removes the need to choose server types, decide when to scale your clusters, or optimize cluster packing. In short, users offload the virtual machines management to AWS while focusing on task management.

Detecting Cobalt Strike with memory signatures

At Elastic Security, we approach the challenge of threat detection with various methods. Traditionally, we have focused on machine learning models and behaviors. These two methods are powerful because they can detect never-before-seen malware. Historically, we’ve felt that signatures are too easily evaded, but we also recognize that ease of evasion is only one of many factors to consider.

Running commands securely in containers with Amazon ECS Exec and Sysdig

Today, AWS announced the general availability of Amazon ECS Exec, a powerful feature to allow developers to run commands inside their ECS containers. Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS) is a fully managed container orchestration service by Amazon Web Services. ECS allows you to organize and operate container resources on the AWS cloud, and allows you to mix Amazon EC2 and AWS Fargate workloads for high scalability.

Enabling Secure Access for the Federal Government - Meeting Comply to Connect Mandates

Government IT organizations must demonstrate and maintain compliance with a large and growing number of regulations and standards around network access control (NAC), ensuring that all connected devices to their environment are not vulnerable is a key requirement. Comply to connect (C2C) simplifies this by enforcing that patches and hardened configurations are applied to devices before they connect and updated continually.

Enhance API security with Apigee and Cloud Armor

APIs are great tools since they provide developers a simplified way to consume data and functionality that resides in backend systems. However, they are targets for malicious attacks because they contain business-critical information. In this video, we demo how Google Cloud can help you better secure your APIs with Apigee and Cloud Armor. Watch to learn how these tools offer security at multiple levels for your APIs!

Kubernetes Master Class: Declarative Security with Rancher, KubeLinter, and StackRox

As companies adopt containers and Kubernetes to accelerate application development, they’re wrestling with securing this new attack surface. Fortunately, the declarative, immutable nature of Kubernetes environments provides inherent security opportunities, and Kubernetes itself offers a broad set of native controls. However, these protections are not enabled by default, and many organizations are learning both the infrastructure aspects and the security aspects of Kubernetes in parallel.

Visual Link Analysis with Splunk: Part 4 - How is this Pudding Connected?

I thought my last blog, Visual Link Analysis with Splunk: Part 3 - Tying Up Loose Ends, about fraud detection using link analysis would be the end of this topic for now. Surprise, this is part 4 of visual link analysis. Previously (for those who need a refresher) I wanted to use Splunk Cloud to show me all the links in my data in my really big data set. I wanted to see all the fraud rings that I didn’t know about. I was happy with my success in using link analysis for fraud detection.

Everything you need to know about the Malwarebytes hack

We’ve all become more conscious of the risk of online scammers and hackers, especially since we put more and more of our personal information into websites and apps on a daily basis. We’ve become more knowledgeable on the likes of data protection through EU regulations like GDPR and learned about how we “drop” cookies as we surf the web.

Integrate certificate life cycle management with enterprise MDM and boost your mobile ecosystem security

A huge portion of today’s corporate network is made up of mobile endpoints, such as laptops, tablet computers, and mobile phones. These are domain-joined and non-domain devices that require access to corporate assets to carry out everyday operations.

Getting Started with Logz.io's New Cloud SIEM Free Trial

The Logz.io Cloud SIEM team is excited to announce a new free trial! You’ll be able to ship 1 GB of security events per day for 21 days. Cloud SIEM makes it easy to centralize, prioritize, and investigate security events, so you can respond to threats faster than ever. Check out this short demo video to see how it works. Sound interesting? Check out the instructions for our 21 day free trial below!

Elastic Security 101

Elastic Security empowers analysts to collect data from multiple data source integrations, perform traditional SIEM functions, and take advantage of machine learning-based malware protection on the endpoint. Analysts can filter, group, and visualize data in real-time while performing automated threat detection across various security events and information. In this video, you’ll learn about the components that make up Elastic Security and what those components do to help you protect your data.

How to configure your Endpoint Integration policy in Elastic Security

Elastic Security offers the ability to open and track security issues using cases. Cases created directly in Elastic Security can be sent to external systems like Atlassian’s Jira, including Jira Service Desk, Jira Core, and Jira Software. In this video, you’ll learn how to connect Elastic Security to the Jira Service Desk.

Further Tips on our Database Migration to the Azure Cloud Session at MS Ignite 2021

I was really stoked to deliver a session at Microsoft Ignite with my long-time friend and fellow Head Geek™, Tom LaRock, on the topic of migrating an on-premises SQL Server database to the Azure cloud. You can watch the session on demand here. In addition, Microsoft MVP and SQL Server expert David Klee provides an excellent recap on each of the major elements Tom and I discussed.

Validating Elastic Common Schema (ECS) fields using Elastic Security detection rules

The Elastic Common Schema (ECS) provides an open, consistent model for structuring your data in the Elastic Stack. By normalizing data to a single common model, you can uniformly examine your data using interactive search, visualizations, and automated analysis. Elastic provides hundreds of integrations that are ECS-compliant out of the box, but ECS also allows you to normalize custom data sources. Normalizing a custom source can be an iterative and sometimes time-intensive process.

What You Need to Know About Server Security in 2021

How often do you check your event log monitor for potential security breaches? Did you know that many potential security breaches, events, and other problems are logged to event logs? Unfortunately, even the most skilled IT professionals have a hard time making sense of what to watch for that could indicate security issues or even a potential breach until it is too late. Event logs contain a ton of information that can be useful.

Ransomware in 2021: What has changed? Detection and mitigation strategy

A ransomware attack is a bug that we can’t shake off. Or perhaps, it can even be called a shape-shifter that somehow finds a way into networks, no matter how many armed sentries you’ve deployed in and around your perimeter. The line between ransomware and a data breach is slowly fading. Threat actors prefer ransomware over other modes of attack because they work.

Splunk for OT Security V2: SOAR and More

In the last 90 days, the news of cyberattacks on critical infrastructure has been stunning. From the unprecedented breach represented by Sunburst to the more recent bone-chilling attack at the Oldsmar water facility, the urgency to secure critical infrastructure in transportation, utilities, energy, water, critical manufacturing, telecommunications, healthcare, government facilities and the defense sector has never been higher.

Sumo Logic to accelerate modernization of security operations with proposed acquisition of DFLabs

At Sumo Logic, our belief is that security operations is no longer a human scale problem. We need tools and technologies to aid our defenders and responders to be able to process, investigate and respond at machine speed. Our vision for modernizing security operations to deal with threats at machine scale has always encompassed more than just SIEM.

Detecting and mitigating Apache Unomi's CVE-2020-13942 - Remote Code Execution (RCE)

CVE-2020-13942 is a critical vulnerability that affects the Apache open source application Unomi, and allows a remote attacker to execute arbitrary code. In the versions prior to 1.5.1, Apache Unomi allowed remote attackers to send malicious requests with MVEL and OGNL expressions that could contain arbitrary code, resulting in Remote Code Execution (RCE) with the privileges of the Unomi application.

Hafnium Hacks Microsoft Exchange: Who's at Risk?

Microsoft recently announced a campaign by a sophisticated nation-state threat actor, operating from China, to exploit a collection of 0-day vulnerabilities in Microsoft Exchange and exfiltrate customer data. They’re calling the previously unknown hacking gang Hafnium. Microsoft has apparently been aware of Hafnium for a while — they do describe the group’s historical targets.

Top 20 Dockerfile best practices

Learn how to prevent security issues and optimize containerized applications by applying a quick set of Dockerfile best practices in your image builds. If you are familiar with containerized applications and microservices, you might have realized that your services might be micro; but detecting vulnerabilities, investigating security issues, and reporting and fixing them after the deployment is making your management overhead macro.

Detecting threats in AWS Cloudtrail logs using machine learning

Cloud API logs are a significant blind spot for many organizations and often factor into large-scale, publicly announced data breaches. They pose several challenges to security teams: For all of these reasons, cloud API logs are resistant to conventional threat detection and hunting techniques.

Securing Your DNS

When the Domain Name System (DNS) was created in 1983 I imagine its creator Paul Mockapetris and his team had no idea that nearly 40 years later our interconnected world would be so reliant on the very simple, but critical, DNS network service. I have a love-hate relationship with DNS. I love all of the memes I see about how “It’s always DNS”, but I hate that it’s also true—I always forget to check that DNS is working correctly when troubleshooting network issues!

More Upgrade Tales From the Ticket Queue

Recently, Leon kicked this sharing process off sharing what he has seen in the support queue. I read it, applaud it, and have more tips to share. As Leon mentioned, and you may have seen the banner on THWACK and other notifications regarding this, the digital signing certificate is being revoked on March 8, 2021. This means if you haven’t upgraded to get the new certificate before then, you’re probably going to run into issues running your Orion module(s) installation.

Best practices for monitoring Microsoft Azure platform logs

Microsoft Azure provides a suite of cloud computing services that allow organizations across every industry to deploy, manage, and monitor full-scale web applications. As you expand your Azure-based applications, securing the full scope of your cloud resources becomes an increasingly complex task. Azure platform logs record the who, what, when, and where of all user-performed and service account activity within your Azure environment.

Measures to be Taken Against Insider Threats

Insider threats are becoming a growing concern across different industries. Most coverage goes to outside attacks, especially when it comes to big corporations and government agencies. However, internal security is something organizations need to take very seriously to avoid irreparable damages. Not many enterprises can afford internal threat detection programs. However, they can definitely adopt proactive measures to avoid them, especially when it comes to sensitive systems and data.

Upgrade Tales From the Ticket Queue

As you might imagine, it’s a bit of a busy time here at SolarWinds HQ. There is A LOT going on, not the least of which is encouraging our customers to upgrade before March 8. (Why March 8? Keep reading and I’ll explain in a moment.) First, I want to emphasize the important part of that sentence: “encouraging our customers to upgrade before March 8.”

Not Another Blog about SolarWinds - 3 Ways Ivanti can Help Protect You

The SolarWinds exploits have been widely reported, fully covered, and basically as we would say in Aussie – Done to Death Mate. But some of the info got me thinking, especially this article from my buddies at Microsoft which gives some great background and flows for that how the attacks were actually working. I’ve been working with Ivanti Application Control – formerly AppSense Application Manager for over 17 years.

Your guide to SSL certificates as an online customer

We’re all familiar with the internet, especially since we use it to do almost all of our daily activities. Since the days of that familiar buzzing noise of AOL dial-up as it connected to somewhere out there in the stratosphere, we’ve been hooked on the internet and its vast space that holds endless amounts of information, ready for us to tap into right at our fingertips.

Why we went passwordless on our new product

Passwords are dying. The cost of creating and maintaining passwords is becoming untenable. Which can be seen in the rise of users logging in with social products and developers outsourcing their pain to Auth0 and the likes. We decided to sidestep the password based authentication and went passwordless on our new product. Read on to see how you can go passwordless too.

Dependency Confusion Attacks

You must secure your software supply chain. Now, more than ever, it is vital. For a long time, a primary concern in security was malicious actors exploiting inherent weaknesses in software. Privilege escalations, SQL injections, race conditions etc. These are, of course, still a concern and should be afforded the attention that they deserve. But now, there is another worry, one that is arguably even more important – A Supply Chain Attack.

Security operations center, Part 3: Finding your weakest link

Any organization with data assets is a possible target for an attacker. Hackers use various forms of advanced cyberattack techniques to obtain valuable company data; in fact, a study by the University of Maryland showed that a cyberattack takes place every 39 seconds, or 2,244 times a day on average. This number has increased exponentially since the COVID-19 pandemic forced most employees to work remotely, and drastically increased the attack surface of organizations around the world.

5 reasons integrated patch and vulnerability management mitigates risks swiftly and efficiently

ESG research on cyber risk management, which involved 340 cybersecurity professionals, revealed that 40 percent felt tracking patch and vulnerability management over time was their biggest challenge.

Building a Superstar SOC with Automation and Standardization

When you have a team of security analysts that have a wide range of expertise, knowledge, and experience, it is natural to see the difference in the quality of work performed. One of the biggest challenges that security operation managers face when auditing the work performed is that some team members may execute different steps at different levels of rigor when investigating and remediating threats.

How to Make Your Zoom Meetings More Secure

During the first months of the last year, Zoom was a little known video conferencing platform with a few million users. However, the spread of Coronavirus across the globe forced businesses and organizations to make changes in their working models. Among them was adopting remote working practices, fostered by several communication and collaboration tools. This is where Zoom's popularity surged, with remote workers using the tool to conduct virtual meetings. However, the explosive popularity of Zoom created several cybersecurity ramifications. The unexpected growth exposed the platform to various security faults, vulnerabilities, and hackers. That said, below are some of the best practices to keep your Zoom meetings secure.

Tigera to Provide Native Kubernetes Support for Mixed Windows/Linux Workloads on Microsoft Azure

Tigera, in collaboration with Microsoft, is thrilled to announce the public preview of Calico for Windows on Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS). While Calico has been available for self-managed Kubernetes workloads on Azure since 2018, many organizations are migrating their .NET and Windows workloads to the managed Kubernetes environment offered by AKS.

"SUDO Teach Me a Lesson"

The command “sudo” is an essential part of Vax, Unix, and Linux operating systems. It’s so intrinsic to how SysAdmins work, many consider “sudo” to be a built-in command and are shocked when they encounter a system where it’s missing. Since its introduction in 1980, it’s been used millions of times a day, on millions of systems, by millions of users around the world.

Ivanti Insights Episode 3: In the World of Privacy, Nothing is Free - Including Social Media Apps

Did you know there are currently 4.20B social media users globally? That’s 53% of the total global population! From the most popular social media platforms like Facebook and YouTube, to the hottest up and coming platforms like TikTok and Clubhouse, there is one thing they all have in common: privacy regulations and considerations should be and need to be top priority. Ivanti’s Sr.

From the SecOps Kitchen: Why Operators of Essentials Services Need to Prepare Now

Hey there, The European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA) has recently published its NIS Investment report - a survey conducted on European organisations identified as Operator of Essentials Services (OES) and Digital Service Providers (DSP).

As Funding Cuts Arrive, Can CDM Deliver on the Value of Its Promises?

For anyone who works in cybersecurity, getting a tough job done with severely limited resources is all in a day’s work. But when funding allocations suddenly shift after essential programs are already under development, it can be hard for even the most creative, resilient CIOs and CISOs to keep up.

Exploring the Value of your Google Cloud Logs and Metrics

With our ability to ingest GCP logs and metrics into Splunk and Splunk Infrastructure Monitoring, there’s never been a better time to start driving value out of your GCP data. We’ve already started to explore this with the great blog from Matt here: Getting to Know Google Cloud Audit Logs. Expanding on this, there’s now a pre-built set of dashboards available in a Splunkbase App: GCP Application Template for Splunk!

The Complete Guide to Data Breach Insurance

It’s been noted that there are two types of organizations – those that have suffered a data breach, and those that will fall victim to a data breach sooner than later (most likely sooner). The hard truth of this statement is reflected in the fact that according to some sources 97% of networks will experience a security compromise over any given six-month period. And with a staggering 9.7 billion data records having been breached since 2013, these numbers are only rising.

Detecting MITRE ATT&CK: Privilege escalation with Falco

The privilege escalation category inside MITRE ATT&CK covers quite a few techniques an adversary can use to escalate privileges inside a system. Familiarizing yourself with these techniques will help secure your infrastructure. MITRE ATT&CK is a comprehensive knowledge base that analyzes all of the tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs) that advanced threat actors could possibly use in their attacks.

DevSecOps vs DevOps: What are the Differences?

The modern technology landscape is ever-changing, with an increasing focus on methodologies and practices. Recently we’re seeing a clash between two of the newer and most popular players: DevOps vs DevSecOps. With new methodologies come new mindsets, approaches, and a change in how organizations run. What’s key for you to know, however, is, are they different? If so, how are they different? And, perhaps most importantly, what does this mean for you and your development team?

Automating With Splunk Phantom: How Norlys Does It

Some tasks are better off automated. Paying bills on time? Automated payments. Orchestrating a coordinated response to security alerts and triaging security events? There’s Splunk Phantom for that. Monotonous tasks, in our work and personal lives, should and can be automated in order to free up time and energy to focus on the things that matter.