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Strengthening Cybersecurity with SOC as a Service and Cloud Security Consulting

In an era where digital transformation is accelerating at an unprecedented pace, businesses are increasingly reliant on cloud computing to drive innovation and efficiency. However, this shift also brings about significant cybersecurity challenges. To navigate these complexities, two critical services have emerged: SOC as a Service (SOCaaS) and Cloud Security Consulting. These services not only enhance an organization's security posture but also provide strategic insights to effectively mitigate risks.
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5 Security Logging and Monitoring Mistakes to Avoid

As cybersecurity attack vectors evolve, security logging and monitoring are becoming even more important. Effective logging and monitoring enables organizations to detect and investigate security incidents quickly. Cloud-based attackers are getting more sophisticated, and often rely on stolen credentials to escalate privileges and move laterally within corporate IT networks. Many do so undetected, which is why modern IT systems require a watchful eye on log data to detect suspicious activity and inform incident response efforts.

What Is Wireless Network Security for Businesses?

In today’s connected era, businesses are increasingly reliant on wireless networks to facilitate daily operations, embracing the flexibility and mobility that wireless technology offers over traditional wired connections. This shift underscores a critical need for robust security measures to safeguard against a myriad of cyber threats and vulnerabilities, with potential risks looming over business data and operational continuity.
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SIEM Logging for Enterprise Security Operations and Threat Hunting

Today's enterprise networks are diverse and complex. Rather than the simple network perimeter of old, bad actors can attack through multiple entry points, including cloud-based applications. Not to mention, these networks generate massive amounts of transactional data. Because enterprise networks have become larger, they're more difficult to secure and manage. As a result, IT operations teams and security analysts seek better ways to deal with the massive influx of information to improve security and observability.

Building Strong Linux Security and Compliance: CIS Benchmarks and More

What makes Linux security unique? What special considerations does Linux have across security standards like those set by The Center for Internet Security (CIS)? Every OS has their own unique considerations, and Linux is no different. We’ll also explore how Puppet can fit within your broader Linux security plan to help make hardening Linux that much easier.

Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX) Compliance: How SecOps Can Stay Ready + Pass Your Next SOX Audit

Since its passing in 2002, the Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX) has become one of the leading regulatory compliance requirements for U.S. companies. It’s synonymous with corporate governance and financial reporting standards for publicly traded companies. Companies spend millions of dollars and thousands of hours ensuring SOX compliance. Scrutiny is high for organizations subject to it, and the penalties can be crushing.

Why you need to protect your confidential virtual machine from itself

In the traditional computing threat model, privileged system software like the hypervisor, host OS, firmware, and DMA-capable devices were all granted access to the data and code of your workloads. This was widely accepted because it seemed necessary for the system managing VM resources (memory, execution, and hardware access) to also have access to the workload’s data. How else could it manage it after all?

Best Practices for SOC Tooling Acquisition

Your Security Operations Center (SOC) faces complex challenges for keeping corporate data safe and in the right hands everyday. The right tooling is critical for success. Deciding when—and how—to make investments in SOC tooling is complex and challenging across organizations. There’s a ton of vendor spin out there and it’s important to understand what’s real and what isn’t.

The Limitations of Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR)

Every IT environment – whether it’s on-prem or in the cloud, and regardless of how it’s designed or what runs in it – is made up of endpoints. That’s why Endpoint Detection and Response, or EDR, has typically been one of the pillars of cybersecurity. EDR helps businesses monitor each of their endpoints for security risks so that they can detect problems before they escalate to other endpoints.

What you need to know & do to be a world-class cyber incident responder

World-class incident responders are a strategic asset in today’s world where the frequency and sophistication of cyber security attacks continue to increase every year, as do the associated financial damages: As such, more and more organizations are looking to grow their cyber incident response expertise, both with inhouse staff as well as by engaging with third-party experts.