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March 2024

Feature Friday #3: execresult_as_data()

When you want to inspect both the return code and output from a command execresult_as_data() might be the function you are searching for. Most CFEngine policy writers have used execresult() and returnszero(). They are useful when you want to do something based on the output of a command or based on its successful execution (returning zero). For example: /tmp/feature-friday-3.cf command output But, sometimes, you care about specific return codes.

How to Manage Sensitive Log Data

According to Statistia, the total number of data breaches reached an all-time high of 3,205 in 2023, affecting more than 350 million individuals worldwide. These breaches primarily occurred in the Healthcare, Financial Services, Manufacturing, Professional Services, and Technology sectors. The mishandling of sensitive log data provides an on-ramp to many of the most common attack vectors.
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5 Proactive Security Engineering Techniques for Cloud-Native Teams

Developing a proactive security strategy can potentially save an organization millions of dollars per year. According to IBM, the average cost of a data breach in 2023 added up to a staggering $4.45 million, up 15% over the last three years. This is especially true for cloud-native environments, which face unique security challenges due to their dynamic nature. Instead of waiting to respond to cybersecurity incidents after they happen, it's much better to embrace a proactive approach, and prevent them in the first place.

9 Creative and Practical Uses for NFC Tags

The NFC (Near Field Communication) technology presents many opportunities to improve our lives. These small tags can store vast information and commands that simplify tasks and automate routines. With the NFC, you can significantly simplify your life processes while free to customize their functionality to your preferences. Here's a curated list of creative and pragmatic ways to use NFC tags to your advantage.

Future Frontiers: The 9 Leading Tech Degrees Shaping Tomorrow

In a world rapidly being reshaped by technology, the right education can be the golden key to unlocking a future filled with opportunities. As we stand on the brink of technological advancements that promise to redefine what's possible, the academic world is evolving to prepare the next generation for careers that might not even exist today.

Tips for Managing a Healthcare Business: From Ensuring HIPAA Fax Compliance To Maintaining the Building

Managing a healthcare business involves multifaceted responsibilities that extend far beyond patient care. Leaders in the healthcare industry must prioritize compliance, embrace technology, foster a supportive work environment, and maintain the highest standards of cleanliness and safety to ensure the best outcomes. Moreover, building strong relationships with patients and the community is essential for cultivating trust in healthcare services. In this article, we will explore practical strategies healthcare managers can implement to meet these critical challenges.

SOC 2 and Cloud Security: What You Need to Know

You've probably heard of SOC 2 if you work in tech, but do you really understand what it is? In short, SOC 2 compliance is an auditing procedure that checks how companies store customer data in the cloud. It makes sure your data stays private and secure. This blog further breaks down what SOC 2 means, who needs it, and how companies get certified.

The Impact of AI on Cybersecurity

Explore the fusion of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and cybersecurity, unlocking the secrets behind AI’s transformative influence in digital asset protection, during our exclusive webinar, “Enhance Your Cybersecurity by Harnessing the Power of AI.” Our product expert will discuss the wide-reaching impact of AI and teach attendees how to navigate dynamic cybersecurity trends and the ever-evolving threat landscape.

Regular Spam Testing with GlockApps: Why You Should Perform It and How It Works

Did you know that according to statistics, 99% of email users check their inbox every day, and some of them check it 20 times a day? And what is very interesting is that 58% of them check their mailboxes first of all in the morning. That means that a huge number of people have already read a bunch of different emails from brands and may have made purchases and signed up for subscriptions.

Key Considerations When Opting for Software Outsourcing

Building an in-house development team with the necessary skillset and capacity can be a significant investment. Here software development outsourcing becomes a strategic decision. This article explores the major variables that lead to a successful software creation outsourcing experience, allowing companies to make educated decisions and fully realize the benefits of this method.

Boosting Application Security Using OpenTelemetry

Every day, we hear about new vulnerabilities or exploits that underline the importance of application security in today’s connected world. Such incidents put sensitive user information at risk and threaten applications’ infrastructure. Securing applications is therefore crucial not only from a technical standpoint but also to maintain user trust and ensure service reliability. The challenge lies in identifying and mitigating potential security threats before they can be exploited.

Microsoft Releases Out-of-band Updates to Address Critical Windows Server Domain Controller Issue

In a recent development that has sent ripples across the IT landscape, Microsoft has identified a critical issue plaguing Windows Server Domain Controllers (DCs). This issue, originating from a memory leak within the Local Security Authority Subsystem Service (LSASS), has emerged as a significant concern for organizations relying on both on-premises and cloud-based Active Directory domain controllers to process Kerberos authentication requests.

How Computer Vision is Revolutionizing Industries

Computer vision is a field of artificial intelligence that enables computers and systems to derive meaningful information from digital images, videos, and other visual inputs - and take actions or make recommendations based on that information. At a high level, computer vision involves processing visual data using algorithms and deep learning models to mimic human vision. The computer analyzes patterns and features in visual data to identify objects, faces, scenes, and actions.

The Benefits of Secure File Sharing for Your Business

In the digital age, businesses rely heavily on the exchange of information to function efficiently. However, with the increasing volume of data being shared both internally and externally, security concerns have become a paramount issue. Secure file sharing has emerged as a crucial solution to mitigate risks associated with unauthorized access, data breaches, and compliance violations. Implementing secure file-sharing mechanisms not only protects sensitive information but also enhances productivity and collaboration within the organization.

How Freight Broker Software Simplifies Operations

In the complex world of logistics and transportation, precision and efficiency are paramount. Freight brokers stand at the negotiating table, orchestrating the intricate ballet of moving goods from point A to point B. However, with the meteoric rise in shipments and the burgeoning network of carriers, the demand for technology solutions has never been more crucial. Today, we're putting into perspective how the right freight broker software is not just convenient but an essential tool for modern-day professionals in the logistics domain.

How to validate Sigma rules with GitHub Actions for improved security monitoring

Monitoring your identity provider’s logs is critical to identify potential security threats. These logs are vital for a security team, who may store them in a specialized tool like Grafana Loki for enhanced accessibility and analysis. The ability to pinpoint specific patterns within these logs is key — and by crafting these patterns into Loki queries, you can conduct focused searches across logs.

Portable CCTV Cameras vs. Traditional Systems: What's the Best for You

In an increasingly security-conscious world, the demand for surveillance systems has skyrocketed. Whether for home security, business monitoring, or public safety, CCTV cameras are crucial in deterring crime and providing valuable evidence. However, when choosing between a portable cctv camera and traditional systems, the decision can be daunting. Each option offers its advantages and limitations, making it essential to understand which one best suits your specific needs.

Top 3 Reasons to Migrate from Visual FoxPro to .NET

For companies relying on applications built with Microsoft's Visual FoxPro (VFP) development platform, the time has come to seriously consider modernizing to a more current technology like .NET. Released way back in 1995, FoxPro reached the end of its life a decade ago when Microsoft announced the product's retirement. While VFP apps that work fine today may seem to prevent the need to modernize, under the surface, trouble is brewing. This article examines the most pressing reasons why visual FoxPro migration to .NET should be a priority for forward-thinking IT leaders.

Feature Friday #2: $(with)

Ever wanted to manipulate a string - temporarily - for an individual promise? Check out the with attribute and its special, $(with) variable. Sometimes you need some variation on a string for a specific case. Traditionally, to achieve this you’d simply define another variable. Here is a contrived example: I have a string, nginx and I want to emit a report that contains both the string itself and the upper case version of the string.

Safeguarding Smart Home Devices: A Comprehensive Guide to Cybersecurity for Ensuring Safety and Security

Smart home devices have revolutionized our lives, but with convenience comes risk. Have you ever wondered if your smart speakers, cameras, or thermostats could be vulnerable to cyber-attacks? Imagine the havoc a hacker could wreak by gaining unauthorized access. That's where this comprehensive cybersecurity guide comes in.

7 Most Common Types of Cyber Attacks: How to Spot and Prevent Them

There are many ways a malicious actor could get into your systems, and the list of threat vectors is increasing every day. Understanding the types of cyber threats you’re most likely to encounter puts you in a good position to build up your security practices against them. This article reviews the 7 most common cyber attacks and best practices you can implement today to strengthen your defenses.

Elevate Your Security with 8 Network Segmentation Best Practices

There are many moving parts to a zero trust strategy, and network segmentation cybersecurity is an important piece of the puzzle. Network segmentation involves dividing a network into smaller, isolated segments to minimize the potential damage caused by unauthorized access or attacks. In this article, we will explore the role of network segmentation in security, the key principles behind it, and eight network segmentation best practices to implement it effectively.

Mastering Log Retention Policy: A Guide to Securing Your Data

The strategic implementation of a security log retention policy is critical for safeguarding digital assets and key company data. This practice is foundational for detecting and analyzing security threats in real-time and conducting thorough post-event investigations. Integrating the nuances of log analytics system costs, which escalate with data volume due to the infrastructure needed for storage and processing, highlights a critical aspect of security log retention.

Loss Prevention Officer Strategies: How Retailers Can Minimize Theft and Enhance Profitability

Retail businesses face a big challenge: stopping theft to keep profits high. Luckily, smart loss prevention strategies can help. These strategies involve carefully watching for theft and using smart ways to prevent it, boosting a store's earnings.  These methods are not just about catching shoplifters but also involve using technology and training staff to spot and stop theft before it happens.

Optimizing Barracuda SecureEdge: How to Proactively Monitor Your Barracuda SASE Network

With many SASE vendors prioritizing security over performance, businesses are left with a gap in their network management strategies. Before implementations, SASE vendors make promises about the performance of their SASE services, but, how can customers ensure they’re getting what they paid for? And how can they avoid slow or sluggish networks leading to frustrated users, decreased productivity, and even financial losses?

How Can You Keep Your Streaming Habits Secure With Kodi

Kodi is a free, open-source app that helps you organize, manage, and stream content like movies, music, TV shows, etc. You also get the option to use various add-ons other than local media playback to stream content. These add-ons stream content from various online sources. This way you can access a seemingly endless library of entertainment options. However, it's important to stream securely. So, let us look at ways to stream Kodi securely.

Beyond Traditional Defenses: Integrating IDS and NDR for Improved Detection Capabilities

AI-powered Network Detection and Response (NDR) solutions have become a staple for identifying the subtle indicators of unknown threats, a crucial element in the constant battle against cyberattacks. While NDR excels in unveiling the shadows of the unfamiliar, it is the traditional signature-based Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) enabling security teams to maximize protection and facilitate targeted responses, particularly when confronting well-known malware.

How to achieve SOC 2 Type 2 in 90 days with Drata and Kosli

Every software purchasing decision has a security impact, and with information security threats on the rise, companies are increasingly concerned about third party vendor risks. That’s why for companies to sell software these days it is no longer enough to be secure, you also need to be able to prove it. Over the last year or so we’ve noticed an increasing expectation that software companies, even SMEs and startups, should be SOC 2 compliant.

Mastering Cloudflare One: How to Proactively Monitor Your Cloudflare Zero Trust SASE Network

As organizations transition to distributed work environments and adopt cloud-based applications, the demand for secure, agile, and high-performing networks intensifies. As a result, many businesses have decided to implement Secure Access Service Edge (SASE), which integrates networking and security functions into a unified cloud-native platform.

Mastering FortiSASE: Your Ultimate Guide to Proactive Network Monitoring for Fortinet SASE Solution

As organizations embrace distributed work environments and cloud-based applications, the need for secure, agile, and high-performing networks has never been more pressing. That’s where SASE comes in! Secure Access Service Edge (SASE) networks converge networking and security functions into a unified cloud-native platform, making them extremely popular for large enterprises nowadays.

Top 3 Data Removal Tools for Ultimate Cyber Hygiene

Every click, search, and download leaves a trace. Scary, right? Or do you not think about it until you’re part of a data leak? It’s probably the second one. Yet, our digital footprint is something we should all focus on. In 2023, IT Governance studies showed 8,214,886,660 records of data breaches. And that’s only the ones logged on record. There will be more than that. It’s called cyber hygiene, and data removal is one essential part of it if you spend your days online.

Argo CD and Codefresh GitOps Security Updates 3/18/2024 - Preventing Brute-Force and Denial of Service

In September 2023, security researchers from KTrust reported three issues through the official Argo CD security disclosure channels in accordance with Argo CD security policy. In coordination with other Argo maintainers, we have issued security updates for both Argo CD and Codefresh GitOps (enterprise Argo). Below you can read more about these CVEs, their impact, and mitigation.

Feature Friday #1: ifelse()

Looking for a way to concisely set a variable conditionally? Have you heard of ifelse()? In CFEngine, traditionally class expressions are used to constrain promises to different contexts. Setting a variable to different values based on context might look like this: /tmp/feature-friday-1.cf command output That’s great, lots of flexibility, but with an increasing number of options the policy can get quite long and it’s easier for a human interpreter to lose track of the context.

The Risks of Delayed Patching: A Guide to Fix Slow Patching

In today’s interconnected world, the digital landscape is evolving rapidly, but so are the threats that lurk within it. Cyber threats have become more sophisticated and pervasive, targeting organizations of all sizes and industries. This reality underscores the critical need for robust cybersecurity measures, including regular software updates with concerns in regards to the risks of delayed patching.

Patch Management Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

Because we live in an era where digital security is under constant threat from evolving cyber risks, effective patch management is more critical than ever. This strategy is not just about keeping systems up-to-date – it’s a comprehensive approach to safeguarding IT infrastructures against a spectrum of cyber threats, ensuring systems remain secure, compliant, and operationally efficient.

How NeuVector Leverages eBPF to Improve Observability and Security

There’s been a lot of recent interest in eBPF (extended Berkeley Packet Filter) and its application for container security solutions. Let’s examine eBPF’s features and benefits and how NeuVector utilizes them to enhance its full-lifecycle container security solution.

The Essential Guide to IT Support in San Jose: Navigating the Technology Hub

San Jose, often hailed as the capital of Silicon Valley, stands at the forefront of technological innovation. With a thriving ecosystem of startups, tech giants, and businesses of all sizes, the demand for reliable IT support services in San Jose is ever-present. In this guide, we delve into the nuances of IT support in San Jose, exploring the challenges, trends, and essential services that businesses in this technology hub rely on to stay ahead.

The Importance of Hiring a Business Lawyer for Your Company

Business law can be a complex web of legalese, complex documentation, clause stipulations, and, of course, reams and reams of numbers and data. All of these may appear unnecessarily convoluted to the average person, but they serve as a witness to hundreds of years of refinement and mastery that assist both organizations and their consumers in avoiding risks that could disrupt operations. Nevertheless, even if you are willing to marvel at the sheer complexity of business law, you may be less willing to get stuck into specifics without a good lawyer by your side.

Securing your digital fort: Why firmware vulnerability management is essential

Think of your network device firmware as a fortress that can withstand attacks and protect you from potential threats in the digital world. It acts as a guardian, keeping hackers and malicious software at bay so you can be confident that your data is safe. However, any imposing medieval fortress standing tall and proud with seemingly impenetrable walls, no matter how strong it seems, can't keep up with a relentless barrage from the latest weaponry.

4 Reasons Why Your Business Needs Network Detection and Response Solutions

Endpoint protection has long been fundamental to cybersecurity. But in today’s evolving and expanding digital landscape, with endpoints spanning a wide variety of devices, is traditional endpoint security enough? The ongoing frequency of successful cyberattacks suggests not. Cloud proliferation, remote work and expanding system access add to the challenge. Can you truly trust users to keep their devices secure amidst this shifting landscape?

Prevent and Recover from Ransomware Attacks with Layered Security

Delivering effective security requires a layered approach varying from comprehensive backups, endpoint hardening, effective patch management for both the operating system as well as third-party applications, AV/EDR products like SentinelOne, and more. This list just scratches the surface of the myriad of tools and methods for maintaining a proactive security posture.

Key Considerations for Implementing Automatic Doors in Your Company

When you're considering upgrading your company's entrance with automatic doors, you're investing in efficiency, accessibility, and hygiene. These modern marvels not only ease the traffic flow but also significantly reduce the spread of germs. Here's why installing automatic doors could be a game-changer for your business.

Identity Protection Services: Your Guide to Safeguarding Your Identity Online

Look, it's a scary world out there when it comes to protecting your identity online. You try to be careful, but let's face it - with data breaches happening left and right, it's tough to keep all your personal info safe these days. That's why you landed here - you want the inside scoop on identity protection services and how they can help guard your good name. Well friend, you came to the right place. In this article, we'll explore the benefits these services offer to keep the bad guys from pretending to be you and ruining your credit.

SOC 2 Compliance Requirements: Examples, Use Cases + More

SOC 2 compliance requirements (Service Organization Controls Type 2) ensure that customer data stays private and secure — essential for any business that stores or processes sensitive data. In this blog, we’ll explore the specifics of SOC 2 compliance, and provide a solution to help you automate and enforce SOC 2 compliance going forward.

Cloud threat detection and response

Google Security Command Center (SCC) Enterprise is the industry’s first cloud risk management solution that fuses cloud security and enterprise security operations - supercharged by Mandiant expertise and AI at Google scale. Watch and learn how to detect threats to your cloud resources and automate attack response.

System Hardening: Why the Need to Strengthen System Cybersecurity

Today, digital trust is required inside and outside the organization, so tools must be implemented, with cybersecurity methods and best practices in each layer of your systems and their infrastructure: applications, operating systems, users, both on-premise and in the cloud. This is what we call System Hardening an essential practice that lays the foundation for a safe IT infrastructure.

Optimizing for High Availability and Minimal Latency in Distributed Databases with Kubernetes and Calico Cluster Mesh

Efficient connectivity for stateful workloads such as databases across multiple Kubernetes clusters is crucial for effective multi-cluster deployments. The challenge lies in providing seamless communication between services deployed across these clusters. Calico Cluster mesh enhances Kubernetes’ native service discovery, allowing it to function across multiple Kubernetes clusters.

Evidence-Based Threat Detection With Corelight and Cribl

Organizations today face a growing list of obstacles as they try to improve their detection, coverage, and accuracy. For one, data proliferation is happening at an astronomical rate. When was the last time your network bandwidth went down? What about your license costs for data storage or your SIEM? Difficulties arise from overlapping and poorly integrated tools that generate disparate data streams and several operational efficiencies.

Innovations in Pet Microchipping: How Leading Companies Are Enhancing Pet Security

Imagine you're a detective, and your only case is to find a lost family member every time they wander off. Sounds exhausting, right? Welcome to the world of pet ownership. Recent statistics show that 1 in 10 pets will get lost during their lifetime. But don't despair. Thanks to innovations in pet microchipping, leading companies are making great strides in enhancing pet security and even health monitoring. Want to know how this tiny piece of technology could change the way you look after your furry friend? Stick around and we'll uncover the marvels of modern pet care.

Cloud Native Security vs. Third-Party Tools: How to Choose (and Why You Might Not Have To)

Your cloud platform probably came with tools to secure and manage the resources you create. We call those cloud-native security tools because they’re proprietary to the vendor you’re using them on. Third-party alternatives, on the other hand, are usually created to be compatible with several cloud provider platforms at once.

Modernizing financial services: A deep dive into Elastic Cloud on AWS for Observability, Security, and more

In the dynamic landscape of financial services, data is not just currency; it's the key to innovation and operational excellence. Data is constantly streamlining from devices, logins, transfers, transactions, and much more, and it’s bound to increase with an ongoing reliance on digital channels. This creates a massive opportunity and responsibility for financial institutions, as their customers (and regulators) demand more from banking providers.

Two-Factor Authentication Enforcement Now Available On All AppSignal Plans

We recently announced AppSignal Business Add-Ons, our alternative to pricy enterprise plans. The add-ons offered HIPAA BAA, Long-Term Log Storage, and Two-Factor Authentication Enforcement for an additional fee. However, after listening to feedback from our customers, we decided that Two-Factor Authentication Enforcement is a core feature that should be available to all organizations on all plans for free.

Microsoft Defender Endpoint Logs and Cribl Stream - Quick Start Guide

Microsoft Defender offers everyone comprehensive threat prevention, detection, and response capabilities—from individuals looking to protect their families to the world’s largest enterprises. Microsoft Defender allows IT and Security teams to prevent, detect, and respond to attacks across devices, identities, apps, email, data, workloads, and clouds. Have you ever wondered if you can use Cribl Stream to help manage your Microsoft Defender for Endpoint logs? The answer is Yes (plus benefits)!

Patching Go's leaky HTTP clients

In November 2023 we discovered an issue in the Go standard library’s net/http.Client that allowed an attacker who controls redirect targets on a server to exfiltrate authentication secrets. Soon after, we discovered a similar issue in net/http/cookiejar.Jar. The issues, collectively designated CVE-2023-45289, have now been fixed in Go 1.22.1 and Go 1.21.8, released on March 5, 2024. This blog post dives into the technical details behind those two bugs and the patch that addresses them.

How to track Infrastructure as Code changes in Terraform with Kosli

Infrastructure as Code (IaC) has emerged as a cornerstone for efficiently managing and provisioning infrastructure. Among the many tools available, Terraform has gained unparalleled popularity, offering a declarative approach to defining and deploying infrastructure. But as organizations increasingly embrace IaC to achieve scalability, consistency, and agility, a critical challenge emerges: how to ensure compliance and authorization for infrastructure changes.

Secure Credentials for GitOps Deployments Using the External Secrets Operator and AWS Secrets Manager

The security and storage of secrets is one of the most controversial subjects when it comes to GitOps deployments. Some teams want to go “by the book” and use Git as the storage medium (in an encrypted form of course) while others accept the fact that secrets must be handled in a different way (outside of GitOps). There is no right or wrong answer here and depending on the organization requirements, either solution might be a great fit.

Kosli Achieves SOC 2 Type 2 Compliance: Strengthening Our Commitment to Security

We are thrilled to announce that Kosli has successfully completed a SOC 2 Type 2 audit, demonstrating our commitment to the security, quality, and operational excellence our customers expect. This achievement builds upon our existing SOC 2 Type 1 compliance, further solidifying our dedication to robust security practices.

Demystifying Zero Trust: Why MSPs Need to Take it Seriously

If you’re still relying on VPN servers to protect customers’ infrastructure, you could be leaving them as sitting ducks for cyber-attacks. This may sound like scaremongering, but VPN servers have increasingly come under the spotlight since COVID-19 forced the world to embrace remote working, and then again in 2021 as hackers shutdown the Colonial Oil Pipeline in the U.S. after gaining VPN access. However, VPN is now facing a much larger threat: an extinction event, driven by Zero Trust.

Do You Know How to Securely Consume Open Source?

Open Source Software (OSS) presents boundless opportunities, and organizations face challenges in securely leveraging OSS Join Cloudsmith and Chainguard as we talk about the easy way to securely consume OSS. Discover S2C2F best practices for securely consuming OSS and understand how Cloudsmith's Cloud Native Artifact Management aligns with these standards. Learn about Chainguard zero CVE images drastically reduce vulnerabilities and image attack surface.

Streamline Incident Analysis in QRadar by Using the Progress Flowmon QRadar Application

Flowmon QRadar integration provides a single pane of glass to detect and respond to Flowmon ADS events directly in IBM QRadar. The integration packages were updated to support the latest version of Flowmon products and the IBM QRadar platform. Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) systems are considered foundational elements in a company's security toolkit.

DNS troubleshooting for Kubernetes applications with Calico DNS dashboards

Within Kubernetes, the Domain Name System (DNS) plays a pivotal role in facilitating service discovery, allowing pods to effectively locate and interact with other services within the cluster. For organizations transitioning their workloads to Kubernetes, establishing connectivity with services external to the cluster is equally important.

How to Monitor SASE Networks: From Cloud to Endpoint

In modern connectivity, the advent of Secure Access Service Edge (SASE) has ushered in a new era of network architecture. But most network admins and IT pros understand the critical importance of not just adopting SASE but ensuring its continuous, secure, and optimized operation. In this blog post, we’ll explore the ins and outs of monitoring SASE networks —a crucial aspect that separates a robust, responsive infrastructure from potential bottlenecks and performance issues.
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Analyzing SASE DEM Solutions

Vendors across security sectors are now offering their own digital experience monitoring products, especially when the security products can impact customer networks and performance at various levels. While these monitoring tools can provide valuable information to customers, it raises concerns about whether there is a potential conflict of interest between the vendor and the customer. If the SASE platform or security tools are introducing latency and slowing response times, how can the monitoring tools be trusted to accurately reflect their overhead?

How Human Error Relates to Cybersecurity Risks

In the digital age, the threat of cybersecurity breaches looms larger than ever. Inadvertent actions, such as clicking on phishing links, falling victim to social engineering tactics, using weak passwords, or neglecting essential security practices, contribute significantly to cybersecurity risks. These actions create openings for cybercriminals to exploit, leading to unauthorized access and data breaches.

What Is WAF? Web Application Firewall Defined

The rapid evolution of technology has given rise to sophisticated cyber threats that can exploit vulnerabilities in web applications. Cybercriminals continually devise new methods to compromise data integrity, confidentiality, and availability. To counter these threats, organizations must adopt advanced security measures that go beyond traditional security protocols.

BYOD Security Guide: Top Threats & Best Practices

Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) is a policy allowing employees to use their personal devices for work-related activities. It is an approach that promotes flexibility and efficiency and has gained widespread adoption in recent years. The BYOD policy framework outlines guidelines and rules governing the use of personal devices in a professional setting, and its significance lies in establishing boundaries that balance the benefits of flexibility with the need for security and data protection.

How to record an audit trail for any DevOps process with Kosli Trails

In this article I’m going to introduce Kosli Trails. This is a new feature that allows you to record an audit trail for any DevOps process. It’s already in production and being used to record Terraform pipelines, CI processes, server access, feature toggles, and more.