Application Security Testing Services for Your Business: Solution Guides

Application Security Testing Services for Your Business: Solution Guides

In today's world, where cybersecurity threats constantly evolve, data protection remains a crucial challenge for businesses and organizations. Data leaks cost businesses billions of dollars annually and negatively impact customer trust. Software security testing is one of the best ways to prevent these leaks. For companies of all sizes, software security testing services are becoming indispensable.

Application security testing services are a way to protect your data and get ahead of the competition. Many business owners realize their importance when it’s too late . However, the earlier they start doing it, the better it will affect their revenue and business security.

What is Security Testing?

Security testing involves testing an information system for vulnerabilities. It aims to identify weaknesses in the system that attackers can exploit for unauthorized access or to cause a denial of service to authorized users.

The main objectives of security testing are:

  • Find vulnerabilities before an attacker does.
  • Determine if changes to the system have created new vulnerabilities.

Security testing is commonly carried out by third-party vendors or the developers of the system themselves. In specific organizations, this testing forms a segment of a broader procedure termed penetration testing. This approach to security testing is more formal and structured, involving a dedicated team of security professionals who strive to uncover flaws and vulnerabilities within an application.

Additionally, security testing is frequently utilized alongside other information security measures, including penetration and vulnerability assessments. Specialists in QA security testing typically undertake these activities to ensure a comprehensive security evaluation. 

Understanding DAST and SAST 

QA security testing mainly falls into two types: 

  • Dynamic Application Security Testing (DAST) is a method of finding vulnerabilities in an application while it is running. The main difference between DAST and traditional testing lies in testing the application in real-time. DAST aims to find vulnerabilities before releasing the application to the public. 
  • Static Application Security Testing (SAST) is a security practice that uses a source code analyzer to find common vulnerabilities. Unlike DAST, SAST does not require the execution of program code to detect vulnerabilities. 

How to Perform Application Security Testing

Manual and automated testing is done to ensure the security of the application. Here are the steps to test the security of an application:

  1. Asset discovery: identify the critical security areas of your application. This includes identifying various elements and resources critical to the testing process.
  2. Version analysis: check if the application uses the latest versions to ensure it meets current security standards and extend this check to related assets.
  3. Permission checking. Thoroughly test the application to ensure user permissions and roles comply with securitye rules, restricting access to authorized individuals only.
  4. Evaluate security measures: review key security features such as firewalls, malware scanners, and SSL protocols vital to protecting the application from threats.
  5. Penetration testing and code inspection. Use best practices to test code for vulnerabilities such as code or SQL injection that require in-depth knowledge of security testing.
  6. Database security testing: assess database security against malicious SQL queries to reduce the risk of unauthorized access to data.
  7. System configuration assessment: check the application and network configuration to ensure they meet security standards and prevent potential breaches.
  8. Network component analysis. Test network elements such as routers, switches, and servers for known vulnerabilities and simulated attack scenarios.
  9. Business logic review: analyze the design and implementation of the application for security gaps arising from its fundamental logic.
  10. Client-side logic assessment: check JavaScript components in pages for compliance with security protocols.
  11. Input validation check. Carefully examine how user-supplied data is processed to ensure robust validation methods are in place.
  12. Analyse authentication and session management. Examine authentication methods and session management to determine their defenses against threats.
  13. Configuration checks: ensure that application configurations are implemented correctly, as incorrect configurations can lead to vulnerabilities.
  14. Authorization checks. Ensure that the application effectively prevents unauthorized access, enhancing its security.

Security testing demands technical expertise and meticulous assessment. Following these steps can significantly improve your application's security, safeguarding it against potential threats. 

Application Security Testing Methodology (in Phases)

Let's look at the step-by-step breakdown of the security testing methodology. 

Phase I: Initiation

  • Scope Definition
  • Initial Requirements Documentation
  • Testing Schedule Development
  • Functionalities Understanding
  • Testing Deliverables Format Finalization

Phase II: Evaluation

  • Static Code Analysis
  • Server Infrastructure & DevOps Testing
  • Business Logic Vulnerability Identification
  • User Access Authorization Checks (validate user access through User Access Control (UAC))
  • Scheduled Manual & Automated Scans
  • Security Testing Tool Selection 

Phase III: Discovery

  • Dynamic Analysis & Penetration Testing
  • Payment Manipulation Testing
  • CVE Testing
  • Attack Vectors & Payloads
  • Findings Verification & False Positive Removal
  • Vulnerability Cataloging 
  • Evidence Collection & Video Proof of Concepts 

Phase IV: Reporting

  • Vulnerability Exploitation Assessment
  • Detailed Vulnerability Documentation
  • Technical Solutions & Recommendations
  • Independent Quality Review 

What are security testing tools?

Security testing tools are automated solutions available that streamline the testing process. Here's a list of tools that you can use: 

Nikto: This tool scans servers for vulnerabilities, misconfigurations, and joint issues. 

NMap: Useful for network discovery and security auditing, it offers insights into open ports, services, and potential vulnerabilities. 

BurpSuite: A well-rounded web application security testing platform, it helps identify and exploit security flaws. 

Arachni: Focused on application security scanning, it detects vulnerabilities and generates detailed reports. 

The Harvester: Collects information from public sources, aiding the reconnaissance phase of penetration testing. 

Testssl: This tool tests SSL/TLS connection security, identifying weaknesses and vulnerabilities. 

GVM: A robust vulnerability scanner for networks and applications, identifying security issues. 

Metasploit: An advanced framework for penetration testing, it assists in developing, testing, and executing exploit code. 

SQLMap: Targets SQL injection vulnerabilities in database-driven applications, detecting and exploiting them. 

XSSer: Designed to uncover and exploit applications' cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerabilities. 

Providing secure testing services - is akin to being a detective, explorer, and inventor rolled into one. Ensuring the applications we rely on are safe and secure for all users is crucial. 

Business benefits of security QA testing

Explore the advantages of desktop, mobile, or web application security testing services byin Luxe Quality. 

Protecting Data

App security testing plays a role in defending sensitive data. It identifies vulnerabilities that might lead to data breaches and proprietary data against unauthorized access and ensures the security of customer information. 

Building User Trust

By securing applications, businesses can strengthen user trust. When users feel confident that their data is safe, they are more likely to engage with the app, fostering long-term relationships and driving repeat business. User trust is initially given, but it is fragile and can be lost with any security lapse. 


Addressing security vulnerabilities during the development stage is more cost-efficient than fixing issues post-deployment. Early detection and resolution of vulnerabilities lead to savings in time and resources. 

Robust Security

App security testing establishes strong protection against cyber threats. By assessing and addressing application vulnerabilities, it ensures entry points for attackers are identified and secured, greatly enhancing your app's security. 

Investing in Business Stability

Ensuring the security of applications is more than a routine; it's a vital investment in a business's stability, reputation, and long-term success. 


Here, you can emphasize the details of security testing, covering its definition, objectives, and broad application areas. The focus is on identifying vulnerabilities, understanding their potential impact, and actively defending against them. Investing in application security testing as a service is a strategic decision for business stability, reputation, and prosperity.