
New York, NY, USA
  |  By Lucas Lalonde
Uptime.com’s Private Location monitoring tools offer a powerful solution for keeping an eye on internal endpoints. Though these services and their importance aren’t visible to the public, internal teams and customers may still rely heavily on internal services in their day-to-day functions and downtime can disrupt operations just as much as public-facing incidents.
  |  By Mishal Alam
In a recent unexpected turn of events, a faulty component in the latest CrowdStrike Falcon update led to widespread outages, crashing Windows systems globally. The repercussions were felt across various sectors, including airports, TV stations, hospitals, and even emergency services in the U.S. and Canada. The glitch, affecting both Windows workstations and servers, resulted in massive outages, bringing entire companies to a standstill and crashing fleets of hundreds of thousands of computers.
  |  By Jonathan Franconi
The recent global outage caused by an operating system update reminded me of how vulnerable we are today and most importantly, how close we are always teetering on global scale incidents with millions of interconnected dependencies. When the base of the house collapses, everything built on top is impacted. Those of us in IT Operations, Monitoring, Observability (insert the current acronym), etc., know firsthand this risk; we face it every day.
  |  By Lucas Lalonde
Availability monitoring and alerting is a vital part of any organization’s reliability strategy. Monitoring the current and most recent version of a webpage is essential to guarantee that visitors are seeing the most up-to-date content and information, and by the same token, that the monitoring solution is checking the most up-to-date version of a page. This is where browser caching in the context of CDNs (content delivery networks) can occasionally cause monitoring headaches.
  |  By Admin
Did you know that over half of global web traffic now comes from mobile devices? We have all struggled with a slow-loading mobile site at some point. It’s a common frustration, and that’s where mobile website monitoring comes into play. Today’s mobile-dominant landscape demands require that your website performs seamlessly across all devices.
  |  By Admin
Domain health refers to the overall operational integrity and security of your website’s infrastructure. It typically encompasses factors like the status of your domain registration, the efficiency and configuration of your domain name system (DNS) settings, the responsiveness and reliability of your servers, and the robustness of the security protocols. When these elements align, your users get the performance they expect from a trusted domain.
  |  By Admin
Managing a high-traffic website is like balancing on a tightrope. One wrong step, and you risk plummeting into the abyss of downtime and poor performance. For businesses, this can translate into lost revenue, damaged reputation, and frustrated users. Ensuring your website is always up and running smoothly isn’t just a nice-to-have—it’s a necessity for success in today’s digital landscape.
  |  By Admin
Even if you’ve only been a digital business owner for a short time, you likely already understand the importance of metrics like click-through rates, engagement, and follower demographics. What you may not be aware of, however, is how much of an impact proactive website monitoring can have on catalyzing your business growth. Just as your marketing metrics should inform your next campaign, you should rely on website monitoring metrics to prioritize strategic improvements.
  |  By Admin
Having a successful website for your business includes getting a lot of factors right, and one of the most important is having fast performance. A slow website can hurt your business. For example, when customers organically visit your site and get frustrated with slower performance, they will leave, increasing your bounce rates. And when bounce rates are high, it damages your SEO, which reduces your SEO.
  |  By Admin
PRESS RELEASE • MAY 30, 2024 PALO ALTO, Calif., May 30, 2024 (Newswire.com) – Uptime.com, a leader in website monitoring, is proud to announce enhanced features that enhance e-commerce store performance and availability for Shopify and other e-commerce sites. Additionally, Uptime.com is launching a new Affiliate Program to empower individuals and businesses to promote these innovative solutions and earn attractive commissions.
  |  By Uptime Website Monitoring

Check out our free trial, no credit card required: https://uptime.com/go/home
#monitoring, #saas, #downtime, #uptime, #nomore404, #outage, #enterprisesbusiness

  |  By Uptime Website Monitoring
Learn how to configure advanced settings for Uptime.com checks that influence how you are alerted. Build alert and escalation structures, set maintenance windows, even define target SLA metrics.
  |  By Uptime Website Monitoring
Learn how Uptime.com supports multi-channel alerting and escalations so you can get the alerts you need, where you need, when you need. Timestamps.
  |  By Uptime Website Monitoring
Learn how to set up an Uptime.com Real user Monitoring check. There’s more to website performance than “up/down” statuses. Use RUM to leverage the data collected from past user experiences to optimize for future ones.
  |  By Uptime Website Monitoring
Transaction Check Best Practices.
  |  By Uptime Website Monitoring
Take an in-depth tour of the Uptime.com RUM report. Comprehensively understand your users – and your baselines. Organize RUM data by URL(s) or group URL(s) to track subdomains; segment data by devices, operating systems, browsers, countries, other geographies – to compare metrics within specific time windows to your website or application’s performance monitoring baselines.
  |  By Uptime Website Monitoring
Uptime.com is a leader in website and performance monitoring. Learn about what drives us, and how we power our monitoring features for our users with this short video.
  |  By Uptime Website Monitoring
This video is an overview of the Uptime.com Mobile App.
  |  By Uptime Website Monitoring
This tutorial video provides a comprehensive guide to setting up your Status Page effortlessly.
  |  By Uptime Website Monitoring
This video is an overview of all the check types we have on offer at Uptime.com.

Uptime is an industry leader in website performance monitoring. Uptime checks your website at one-minute intervals across 6 continents. There is unlimited capability to monitor HTTP(S), Ping, SSH, TCP, UDP, DNS, SMTP, POP, and IMAP. If downtime is detected by our probe servers, you will be notified via email, SMS, or third-party push notifications. Uptime.com was created for website owners ranging from Fortune 500 companies to startups in all industries. Our platform's user-friendly functionality was built to serve both large and small teams.

Powerful features, highly reliable monitoring:

  • Easy to Use: Uptime.com simplifies tracking website uptime and performance with highly reliable monitoring, intuitive reporting and easy to use functionality. If you are looking for reliability and minimal false positives.
  • Detailed Reports: Uptime and response time reports. Get daily, weekly, or monthly email reports.
  • Global Uptime: Website monitoring for your website from over 30 locations around the world.
  • Powerful Integrations: Cachet, DataDog, GeckoBoard, HipChat, Klipfolio, Librato, OpsGenie, Pager Duty, Pushbullet, Pushover, Signifai, Slack, Status.io, Statuspage, Twitter, Jira Service Desk, Wavefront and VictorOps.
  • Unlimited Tests: Unlimited capability to monitor HTTP(s), Transaction, Real User Monitoring, API, Ping, SSH, TCP, DNS, Email and more.
  • On-Demand Alerts: Receive alerts via email, SMS, Twitter, web-hooks, or push notifications.

Enterprise grade capabilities delivered at a reasonable price.