
Amsterdam, Netherlands
  |  By Jan Giacomelli
While building an app with FastAPI can be reasonably straightforward, deploying and operating it might be more challenging. The whole user experience can be ruined by unexpected errors, slow responses, or even worse — downtime. AppSignal is a great tool of choice for efficiently tracking your FastAPI app's performance. It allows you to easily monitor average/95th percentile/90th percentile response times, error rates, throughput, and much more. Useful charts are available out of the box.
  |  By Aestimo Kirina
AppSignal is a powerful error tracking and performance monitoring tool that can help you maintain reliability and speed in your Elixir applications. In this tutorial, the first of a two-part series, you'll learn how to integrate AppSignal into your Elixir application, configure it for error tracking, interpret error reports, and leverage AppSignal's features to debug and resolve issues.
  |  By Omonigho Kenneth Jimmy
The widespread adoption of Node.js continues to grow, making it a prime target for XSS, DoS, and brute force attacks. Therefore, protecting your Node application from possible vulnerabilities and threats is crucial. In this guide, we'll uncover common security threats and explore best practices for preventing them. You don't have to be a cybersecurity expert to implement fundamental security measures for your Node.js application. So, are you ready? Let's go!
  |  By Aestimo Kirina
In the first part of this article series, we deployed a simple Ruby on Rails application to DigitalOcean's app platform. We also hooked up a Rails app to AppSignal, seeing how simple errors are tracked and displayed in AppSignal's Errors dashboard. In this part of the series, we'll dive into how to set up the following for your Ruby on Rails application using AppSignal: Let's get into it!
  |  By Nik Tomazic
In this article, we'll look at how to track errors in a Flask application using AppSignal. We'll first bootstrap a Flask project, and install and configure AppSignal. Then, we'll introduce some faulty code and demonstrate how to track and resolve errors using AppSignal's Errors dashboard. Let's get started!
  |  By Aestimo Kirina
Imagine this: you’ve just finished working on your brand new Rails app and have deployed it to a cloud provider like DigitalOcean. Like any developer, you’re very proud of your work but you still have lots of questions, like: Your goal is to provide the best user experience. You want to be notified whenever errors or other important events occur so you can take care of them fast. It would be great to have a setup that automatically monitors your application. Enter AppSignal!
  |  By Connor James
AppSignal now offers Apollo Gateway support, giving you span-level gateway performance insights to enhance Apollo Gateway performance in your Node.js applications. In this blog post, we'll give you a whistle-stop tour of how to instrument and monitor Apollo Gateway requests in your Node.js application.
  |  By Damilola Olatunji
In the first part of this series, we toured performance APIs in Node.js. We discussed the capabilities of APIs and how they can diagnose slowdowns or network issues in your Node application. Now, in this concluding segment, we will embark on a practical journey, applying these performance hooks in a real-world scenario. You will understand how to effectively use these tools to monitor and enhance your application's performance. Let's dive in and see these concepts in action!
  |  By Connor James
We have improved our custom metrics offering with two recent Python releases. In release 1.1.1 of our Python package, we added the add_distribution_value helper, and in version 1.2.0, we added support for minutely probes, so you can measure the distribution of key data points in your Python application. In this blog post, we'll show you how to set up custom metrics in your Python application to gain valuable insights without sifting through logs or querying databases.
  |  By Jan Giacomelli
When you first try a new library or framework, you are excited about it. However, as soon as you run something on production, things are less than ideal — an error here, an exception there - bugs everywhere! You start reading your logs, but you often lack context, like how often an error happens, in what line, etc. Fortunately, tools such as AppSignal can help. AppSignal helps you track your errors and gives you a lot of valuable insights.
  |  By AppSignal
He covers installation and setup, how to troubleshoot and fix performance issues, specifically showing a common use-case with N+1 queries. He then shows AppSignal's Sidekiq integration along with its magic dashboard, managing and reporting anomalies, custom instrumentation, and how to handle error reporting.. Here's the timeline.

Made for teams that want to build high quality Ruby and Elixir applications, AppSignal offers amazing insights into errors and performance issues, plus host monitoring and an easy to use custom metrics platform.

AppSignal supports the Elixir language with an Elixir package. The package supports pure Elixir applications and frameworks including Phoenix, Plug & Erlang.

AppSignal supports the Ruby language with a Ruby gem. The gem supports many frameworks and gems including Capistrano, DataMapper, Delayed Job, Grape, MongoDB, Padrino, Rack, Rake, Resque, Ruby on Rails, Sequel, Shoryuken, Sidekiq, Sinatra & Webmachine.

AppSignal now supports Node.js! The package supports pure JavaScript applications and TypeScript applications, and can auto-instrument various frameworks and packages with optional plugins.

AppSignal also has amazing support for catching errors from Front-end JavaScript applications and sending them to AppSignal, including the React, Vue, Angular, Ember, Preact & Stimulus frameworks.

Packed with features:

  • Alerts in your tools: AppSignal integrates with Slack, Flowdock, HipChat, OpsGenie and more.
  • Control your notifications: AppSignal notifies you exactly when you want to. Get the first exceptions per deploy, all of them of never. Set thresholds for performance notifications.
  • Amazing support: We don't do "first line" and "second line" support: you get to speak with a developer, immediately.
  • Send to issue trackers: A single click creates an issue with all the necessary details in your issue tracker of choice.
  • Manage teams and users: Add users to teams and give them access to specific or all, existing and/or new applications you monitor.
  • Focus on design: Developer tools do not need to be complicated and ugly. Our interface is kept clean and easy to use.

Catch errors, track performance, monitor hosts, detect anomalies — all in one tool.