Operations | Monitoring | ITSM | DevOps | Cloud

December 2021

Log4J Does What?!!!

You have probably heard of Log4Shell, the security vulnerability that has ‘earned’ itself an NIST rank of 10: In this post I will show a really basic example of how this vulnerability actually works. I will walk you through some basic usage of the Log4J library and then show how some fairly basic inputs into this library can cause truly unexpected, and potentially disastrous, outcomes.

Part I: A Journey Into the World of Advanced Security Monitoring

Dealing with hundreds of security alerts on a daily basis is a challenge. Especially when many are false positives that waste our time and all take up too much of our valuable time to sift through. Let me tell you how our security team fixed this, as we built security around the JFrog products. First, let me tell you a little bit about our team.

Log4j Vulnerability Alert: 100s of Exposed Packages Uncovered in Maven Central

The high risk associated with newly discovered vulnerabilities in the highly popular Apache Log4j library – CVE-2021-44228 (also known as Log4Shell) and CVE-2021-45046 – has led to a security frenzy of unusual scale and urgency. Developers and security teams are pressed to investigate the impact of Log4j vulnerabilities on their software, revealing multiple technical challenges in the process.

Faster troubleshooting of microservices, containers, and Kubernetes with Dynamic Packet Capture

Troubleshooting container connectivity issues and performance hotspots in Kubernetes clusters can be a frustrating exercise in a dynamic environment where hundreds, possibly thousands of pods are continually being created and destroyed.

My New Year's Resolution: Going Passwordless!

What is your New Year’s resolution for 2022? Well, it is that time of year again! My resolutions are not necessarily new, but a continuation of several that I have made in prior years. Eat healthier foods, lose weight, and save money are the ones that immediately come to mind. Another best practice that I started several years ago was to adopt a passwordless authentication initiative for all my internet connected personal devices.

How to achieve CIS Compliance with Puppet

Security compliance is the new black. Everyone is talking about it. Everyone is writing about it. Hopefully everyone is doing something about it, but it's a big lift for organizations. Compliance can mean adhering to departmental and company standards; it can mean well-defined regulatory standards like HIPAA, GDPR, and others. Compliance can mean adopting a standardized set of recommended protocols for cyber security. If compliance isn't on your radar right now, it should be.

What is Role-Based Access Control?

Most of us have visited a hotel at some point in our lives. We arrive at reception, if we request a room, they give us a key; if we are going to visit a guest, they lead us to the waiting room as a visitor; if we are going to have dinner at their restaurant, they label us as a customer; or if we attend a conference on technology, we go to their conference room.

How network security policies can protect your environment from future vulnerabilities like Log4j

If you have access to the internet, it’s likely that you have already heard of the critical vulnerability in the Log4j library. A zero-day vulnerability in the Java library Log4j, with the assigned CVE code of CVE-2021-44228, has been disclosed by Chen Zhaojun, a security researcher in the Alibaba Cloud Security team. It’s got people worried—and with good reason.

Goodbye 2021 & Hello 2022!

Netreo enjoyed a tremendous year, and we are all exceedingly grateful for our outstanding customers. May you, your colleagues, family and friends enjoy a healthy and happy holiday season filled with laughter, warmth and joy. We know our success is based on your success, so without further ado, let’s take a look at how our 2021 highlights will fuel a great 2022 for all our customers!

Common Security related Questions and Answers

In light of the recent news about yet another reported Zero-Day Exploit and the accompanying discussions about security, let’s touch on the topic of security audits and how Enterprise Alert can be configured to avoid or at least minimize potential security impact. First, let’s establish what we mean by security audit.

DevSecOps - Shifting Security to the Left

Modern day software development approaches such as DevOps, have certainly reduced development time. However, tighter release deadlines push security practices to a corner. This blog explains how Shifting Security to the Left introduces security in the early stages of DevOps Lifecycle, thus fixing software bugs proactively. We have come a long way in the DevOps lifecycle, from releasing the code every month(or sometimes more than that) to every day(or every hour).

Hunting and tracking remediation of Log4Shell (CVE-2021-44228)

The internet has been ablaze since the announcement of Log4Shell, the nickname for CVE-2021-44228, an arbitrary remote code execution vulnerability in the Java logging utility Log4j. So far two additional vulnerabilities ( CVE 2021-45046, CVE-2021-45105) have now been identified. The code has been vulnerable since 2013 and millions of hosts and services are affected.

Cloud misconfiguration: vulnerability hiding in plain sight

This post originally appeared on The New Stack and is re-published here with permission. In our technology-driven business climate, most companies have at least some, if not all, workloads on the cloud. And unlike on-premises networks, these cloud environments lack secure outer perimeters and specific off times. Cloud networks are always on and always available. While convenient, this also means hackers can access them at any time.

To Mask, or Not to Mask? That Is the Question

While I write this blog post, I reflect on the years of being a system administrator and the task of ensuring that no sensitive data made its way past me. What a daunting task right? The idea that sensitive data can make its way through our systems and other tools and reports is terrifying! Not to mention the potential financial/contractual problems this can cause.

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Discovering vulnerable Log4J libraries on your network with EventSentry

Just when the Microsoft Exchange exploit CVE-2021-26855 thought it would win the “Exploit of the year” award, it got unseated by the – still evolving – Log4J exploit just weeks before the end of the year! Had somebody asked Sysadmins in November what Log4J was then I suspect that the majority would have had no idea. It seems that the biggest challenge the Log4J exploit poses for Sysadmins is simply the fact that nobody knows all the places where Log4J is being used.

Diagnostic Artificial Intelligence Models Can Be Tricked By Cyberattacks

Researchers discovered that diagnostic artificial intelligence models used to detect cancer were fooled by cyberattacks that falsify medical images. Diagnostic artificial intelligence (AI) models hold promise in clinical research, but a new study conducted by University of Pittsburgh researchers and published in Nature Communications found that cyberattacks using falsified medical images could fool AI models.

The values behind scaling cloud native security at Grafana Labs

On Nov. 8, I started as the new Chief Information and Security Officer at Grafana Labs. In my first five weeks, I’ve met about 100 really amazing people; learned and absorbed early lessons about our workplace culture; kicked off working groups for our 2022 initiatives (bug bounty FTW); and contributed to tackling our first-ever 0day. Amid all of that, I’ve also been doing a lot of thinking.

We've successfully completed our SOC 2 audit

We're very pleased to announce that incident.io is now SOC 2 compliant, having successfully completed our Type I audit. Put simply, this means an external auditor has looked at how the company is operating, and how our software is managed and operated, and confirmed that we meet a set of high security standards.

Log4j critical vulnerability advice for customers

At Avantra, our customers trust us to keep their business operations based on SAP running smoothly. I have written in the past about the importance of SAP security, and how I believe that in the next few years, SAP risks becoming an attack vector for hackers. It should come as no surprise that security is an area in which Avantra has invested significantly since I became CEO.

Log4Shell: How We Protect Sematext Users

On December 9, 2021, a vulnerability was reported that could allow a system running Apache Log4j 2 version 2.14.1 or below to be compromised and allow an attacker to execute arbitrary code on the vulnerable server. This vulnerability was registered on the National Vulnerability Database as CVE-2021-44228, with a severity score of 10. Here is a diagram of the attack chain from the Swiss Government Computer Emergency Response Team (GovCERT).

Your Log4shell Remediation Cookbook Using the JFrog Platform

Last week, a researcher from the Alibaba Cloud Security Team dropped a zero-day remote code execution exploit on Twitter, targeting the extremely popular log4j logging framework for Java (specifically, the 2.x branch called Log4j2). The vulnerability was originally discovered and reported to Apache by the Alibaba cloud security team on November 24th. MITRE assigned CVE-2021-44228 to this vulnerability, which has since been dubbed Log4Shell by security researchers.

"I love it when a plan comes together"-the questions to ask your customers before the next software vulnerability

I’m probably dating myself, but I used to love the television show The A-Team when I was little. Every week, the team would be put into the middle of a problem and work together to overcome some challenge. Plus, they had Mr. T and a really cool van.

Log4j and VMware Tanzu Application Service

This video goes into detail on how to perform application and platform mitigation of the Log4j CVEs using VMware Tanzu Application Service. Please note: This content is relevant as of 12/16/21 and could become outdated due to the ever-changing Log4j situation. Here are some additional resources regarding this vulnerability.

Experiment with Calico BGP in the Comfort of Your Own Laptop!

Yes, you read that right – in the comfort of your own laptop, as in, the entire environment running inside your laptop! Why? Well, read on. It’s a bit of a long one, but there is a lot of my learning that I would like to share. I often find that Calico Open Source users ask me about BGP, and whether they need to use it, with a little trepidation. BGP carries an air of mystique for many IT engineers, for two reasons.

Nastel Products Are Not Affected by Log4j Vulnerability Issues

Recent news about Log4j has enterprises and vendors scrambling for information and answers, including customers of messaging middleware and Integration Infrastructure Management (i2M) products. Nastel Technologies customers will not be exposed to any risks from this vulnerability, but enterprises are encouraged to check with their Cloud and other solution vendors to protect themselves and their data.

The wrong lessons to learn from the Log4j vulnerability

Log4j and Java sucks, but I don't use that, so I'm safe...right? Wrong. This video walks through the wrong lessons to take away from the huge Log4j remote code execution vulnerability, and points you at the lessons you should be learning instead. While the Log4j vulnerability may not directly affect you, its type of vulnerabilities certainly do.

SecOps for Safer, More Efficient ITOps

When the Nobel Prize for physics was announced in October 2021, one of the winners was Italian theoretical physicist Giorgio Parisi, whose groundbreaking research helped decode complex physical systems, opening the door for breakthroughs in mathematics, science, and artificial intelligence. Decoding complex physical systems? If the science thing didn’t work out, Parisi could have pursued a career in security operations.

How we designed Ubuntu Pro for Confidential Computing on Azure

Not all data is destined to be public. Moving workloads that handle secret or private data from an on-premise setup to a public cloud introduces a new attack surface with different risks. As the public cloud environment shares its hardware infrastructure, a flaw in the clouds’ isolation mechanisms can be detrimental to the protection of sensitive data. The major public cloud environments tackle this by building their security following a defense-in-depth approach.

JavaScript security: Vulnerabilities and best practices

If you run an interactive website or application, JavaScript security is a top priority. There’s a huge array of things that can go wrong, from programmatic errors and insecure user inputs to malicious attacks. While JavaScript error monitoring can help you catch many of these issues, understanding common JavaScript security risks and following best practices is just as important.

Security vulnerabilities on the Data Distribution Service (DDS)

If you are currently running the Robot Operating System 2 (ROS 2), this piece is especially relevant to the security of your robots. A few weeks ago, a group of security researchers reported 13 security vulnerabilities affecting some of the most used implementations of DDS, the default middleware used by ROS 2.

Log4j Log4Shell Vulnerability: All You Need To Know

On December 9, 2021, a researcher from the Alibaba Cloud Security Team dropped a zero-day remote code execution exploit on Twitter, targeting the extremely popular log4j logging framework for Java. Since then, the trivially exploitable (weaponized PoCs are available publicly) and extremely popular library has reportedly been massively exploited and has gotten wide coverage on media and social networks.

Apache Log4j vulnerability and VMware

Apache Log4j, an open-source logging software used in everything from online games to enterprise software and cloud data centers, has a severe security vulnerability that has security teams all over the world working frantically to correct it. The internet has been on high alert as hackers increase their efforts to target vulnerable systems, owing to its broad use.

Kroger Uses JFrog Xray for Software Security and License Compliance

Kroger leverages the JFrog platform to give developers visibility into their software vulnerabilities and make informed decisions on what to fix. See how Kroger has implemented secure DevOps processes with automated vulnerability scanning and open-source software (OSS) license compliance capabilities to support their development and security teams.

The Log4j Log4Shell vulnerability: Overview, detection, and remediation

On December 9, 2021, a critical vulnerability in the popular Log4j Java logging library was disclosed and nicknamed Log4Shell. The vulnerability is tracked as CVE-2021-44228 and is a remote code execution vulnerability that can give an attacker full control of any impacted system. In this blog post, we will: We will also look at how to leverage Datadog to protect your infrastructure and applications.

Log4j gets added to the code "wall of shame."

It seems that every few weeks, we are alerted to a new significant security issue within one of the plethoras of code elements that are widely used. The same pundits discuss the same range of concerns with open-sourced code each time. The list of “usual suspects” is long, and I know I could add at least 20 additional “reasons” to this list without thinking about it too hard. I’m not sure that open-sourced code is riskier than proprietary developed code. There I said it.

Log4shell fix with the Bitbucket Cloud and Snyk integration

By now, you’re probably assessing your level of exposure — or are in the middle of remediating — the recently disclosed vulnerability known as Log4Shell. We recently introduced a native integration with Snyk, a leading provider of developer security solutions, to help you address zero-day vulnerabilities. Once enabled, Snyk scans your code and its dependencies, and alerts you about security vulnerabilities, including Log4j. All current versions of Log4j 2 up to 2.14.1 are vulnerable.

Managing Your SIEM EPS License with Cribl LogStream

We see unfriendly customer practices all around in the SIEM space. For example, some major SIEM vendors use an Events Per Second (EPS) license model to monetize access to their tools. Typically, these vendors will drop data above the EPS license or stop data ingestion to incentive license compliance if you run over your EPS license. These license controls disrupt operations and risk enterprise security posture, which can cause chaos.

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The Principles of DevSecOps

As a Solution Architect here at xMatters, an Everbridge Company, and through my 30-year career in the IT industry, I've seen many frameworks offering bold new ideas. CMMI, ITIL, Prince 2, Agile, Scrum, and most recently, DevOps. These frameworks come and go, offering huge improvements in the way we deliver and manage our IT capabilities, but never lasting long enough to act on those promises. That's not to say they haven't made a marked difference in the IT space, or that they haven't been hugely impactful for organizations around the globe. They become launching off points for a new framework, and now there's a new term that's appeared, DevSecOps.

December/2021 - CVE-2021-44228: Log4Shell Remote Code Execution Mitigation

This post will be updated over the next several days. Recently, a Remote Code Execution vulnerability was discovered in the Apache Log4J library. This vulnerability, which is tracked in CVE-2021-44228, dubbed Log4Shell, allows attackers to execute arbitrary code on affected systems. While HAProxy Enterprise, HAProxy ALOHA, and other products within the HAProxy Technologies portfolio are not impacted by this (they do not use the Log4J library at all), you can use them to block the attack.

Business continuity after a ransomware attack: the case for end-to-end encryption

Imagine the scenario: you get an urgent call from one of your customers. All her files seem to be corrupted. And then there’s that email demanding payment via Bitcoin for restoration. She needs your immediate help to get her business up and running. Later on, she’ll demand to know how you let her business be vulnerable to this attack. You had installed firewalls, required strong passwords, and conducted email phishing drills—and still your customer was attacked.

Catching Malicious Log4j/Log4Shell Events In Real Time with LogStream

The recent Apache Log4j vulnerability CVE-2021-44228 dubbed Log4Shell is a big deal. By now there is no shortage of blogs, other write-ups, and analysis about why this vulnerability is an urgent issue and why there is a very good chance it applies to your environment. Here are some of the articles that dive into the gory details on this CVE.

Log4j Log4Shell 0-Day Vulnerability: All You Need To Know

Last Thursday, a researcher from the Alibaba Cloud Security Team dropped a zero-day remote code execution exploit on Twitter, targeting the extremely popular log4j logging framework for Java (specifically, the 2.x branch called Log4j2). The vulnerability was originally discovered and reported to Apache by the Alibaba cloud security team on November 24th. MITRE assigned CVE-2021-44228 to this vulnerability, which has since been dubbed Log4Shell by security researchers.

What is the Log4j 2 Vulnerability?

Over the last few days, there have been a tremendous amount of posts about the Log4j 2 vulnerability, with Wired going so far as claiming that, “the internet is on fire.” Tl;dr: LogDNA is not exposed to risk from the Log4Shell vulnerability in Log4j 2 at this time. If that’s all you came for, you can stop reading here. If you want to learn more about the vulnerability and how LogDNA protects you from risks like these, grab a cup of coffee and read on.

CFEngine 3.19 released - Collaboration

Today, we are pleased to announce the release of CFEngine 3.19.0! In 2021, for this release, and the launch of CFEngine Build, our focus has been on collaboration. We want to deliver a lot of value to our users through modules, and enable you to share and cooperate on policy, promise types, compliance reports, etc.

Cloudsmith is ISO27001:2013 Certified

When planning our 2021 roadmap this time last year, one of the most prominent themes was security. Although we’re not solely in the security category, as a fully managed service in the heart of our customers’ software supply chains, it was always paramount for what we do and still is. Ensuring the integrity and privacy of customer data is our top priority.

Static checking of CFEngine code

Software quality has been a topic and an area of interest since the dawn of software itself. And as software evolved so did the techniques and approaches to assuring its high quality. Better computers providing more computing power, bigger storage and faster communication have allowed software developers to detect issues in their code sooner and faster.

Getting the Memo: Breaking Down the OMB's M-21-31

If you read my last blog post, you’re already ahead of the game. You know that in May of 2021, the Biden Administration announced Executive Order (EO) 14028: Improving the Nation’s Cybersecurity, which mandates each federal agency to adapt to today’s continuously changing threat environment. Well, folks, the saga continues.

Secure HashiCorp Vault with Datadog Cloud SIEM

HashiCorp Vault provides centralized storage and management of passwords, API keys, tokens, and other secrets that distributed applications can use to operate securely. Vault clients—services and applications that access secrets programmatically, as well as users who interact with a Vault server—can create, update, and read secrets based on the permissions you grant them.

IT Ops' role in strengthening security and achieving compliance

It wouldn’t be Cybersecurity Awareness month without some spooky-themed blogs with language focused on Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt (FUD). Luckily, it’s the end of November now, and this isn’t that kind of blog, but what was true in October is still true today. I won’t tell you that you need to be afraid of bad actors infiltrating your security defenses and wreaking havoc in your infrastructure. Why? Because you are likely stressed enough already. Don’t you think?

Helping You Benefit from our Pluggable eBPF Data Plane - Introducing the New Calico eBPF Data Plane Certification

Calico is the industry standard for Kubernetes networking and security. It offers a proven platform for your workloads across a huge range of environments, including cloud, hybrid, and on-premises. Calico has had a high-quality, production-ready, performant, eBPF data plane option for some time! However, although many users are deploying it in production and benefitting, we still sometimes see users who don’t know that Calico has an eBPF data plane or feel confident deploying it, and.

Malicious npm Packages Are After Your Discord Tokens - 17 New Packages Disclosed

The JFrog Security research team continuously monitors popular open source software (OSS) repositories with our automated tooling, and reports any vulnerabilities or malicious packages discovered to repository maintainers and the wider community. Most recently we disclosed 11 malicious packages in the PyPI repository, a discovery that shows attacks are getting more sophisticated in their approach.

On AI Adoption, IT Teams Lag Far Behind Security Teams. AIOps Can Help

Security operations teams and IT operations teams share a lot in common. They have both spent the past decade grappling with systems that grow more complex every year and figuring out ways to handle ever-larger volumes of data. They also both face pressure to identify and remediate problems as quickly as possible – ideally, in real time. And they are supposed to do it all without breaking the bank.

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To Reinvent SOAR, Automation Is only a Feature

Security, by its very nature, is one of the most innovative fields on the planet. Every technological advancement carries with it a handful or more of new attack vectors, which in turn lead to a dizzying amount of security innovation as our industry works to mitigate risk and defend against threats. But for all this innovation, there are a few ways in which security lags far behind.

Security hardening holiday calendar - Week 1

This year we decided to provide security focused modules and content for the holiday season. These are parts of the security configuration we implement on our own infrastructure, based on OpenSCAP and other sources. By putting these into easy to use modules and writing about it, we hope to give our community of users something valuable: Educational and easy to understand security tips, along with configuration which can quickly be automated across your entire infrastructure, using CFEngine.

What Is Credential Stuffing and How Do You Prevent It?

In their effort to protect their customers from a range of modern threats, managed services providers (MSPs) may encounter a strategy known as credential stuffing. This hacking technique involves rapidly inserting large numbers of usernames and passwords—often collected from corporate data breaches—into the login fields of other sites and digital services.

Are You Ready to (Executive) Order?

We’ve all been there. That harrowing moment at the restaurant when the waiter comes to the table and asks that fateful question: “Are you ready to order?” I don’t know about you, but I am almost never ready. Do I want chicken or steak? I’ve eaten a lot of meat this week… Should I opt for fish or a vegetarian option instead? Oh, God. I forgot to check the reviews online. What do other people like the best? Cue heart palpitations.

Improving continuous verification: deploy fast and safely to production

Kubernetes and microservices have opened the door to smaller and more frequent releases, while DevOps CI/CD practices and tools have sped up software development and deployment processes. The dynamic nature of these cloud native architectures makes modern applications not just complex, but also difficult to monitor, find and fix problems.

$50M to reinvent security automation

Today, we’re announcing our $50 million Series B funding led by Insight Partners with participation from SentinelOne, GGV Capital, and Bessemer Venture Partners. Together with them, we believe that security teams deserve better. Better ways to collaborate, better ways to work, better ways to keep our lives and livelihoods protected.

How Automation Takes the Time and Guesswork Out of Security Compliance

As this fiscal year wraps up, many agencies are planning their response to compliance reporting requirements. Meeting these requirements—particularly in advance of an audit—can be incredibly time-consuming. While the Defense Department has made managing risk easier through Security Technical Implementation Guides (STIGs), it’s still dependent upon IT staff to help ensure their systems are continuously secure and compliant.

How to Secure BYO Android Devices

Two-thirds of US white-collar employees are working from home some or all of the time, according to a September 2021 Gallup survey – and of those, 91 percent hope to continue to do so even after the pandemic. In this Everywhere Workplace environment, a “bring your own device” (BYOD) policy is an appealing proposition for employees and IT departments alike, leading to an average annual savings of $350 per employee and a 34 percent increase in productivity.

Absolutely no one is safe from security attacks

Software developers and manufacturers around the world are under attack by cybercriminals. It is not like we are in a time of the year in which they spread more and they barricade themselves in front of the offices, with their evil laptops seeking to blow everything up, no. They are actually always there, trying to violate information security, and in this article we are going to give you a little advice on the subject.

Calico WireGuard support with Azure CNI

Last June, Tigera announced a first for Kubernetes: supporting open-source WireGuard for encrypting data in transit within your cluster. We never like to sit still, so we have been working hard on some exciting new features for this technology, the first of which is support for WireGuard on AKS using the Azure CNI. First a short recap about what WireGuard is, and how we use it in Calico.

Serverless security hazards and trends to consider

Fourteen billion dollars – that’s the projected global market size for serverless, which is supposed to grow by about 26 percent annually in the next few years, according to the recent Global Serverless Architecture Market report. The fast pace of adoption of serverless is hardly surprising because the technology can save significant costs for companies. It can enable them to build and deploy software and digital products without providing and maintaining any virtual or physical servers.

Solution Brief: Increase Data Visibility and Accelerate Attack Resolution with Exabeam and Cribl LogStream

Traditional security tools struggle to adapt to the new world of cyber threats. To keep up with the growing number of daily threats, understaffed security teams need new cloud-delivered solutions and tactics focused on generating attack resolutions, consistently and repeatedly. Enter Exabeam. Exabeam powers security teams with analytics-driven insights to uncover, investigate, and resolve threats legacy tools may miss.