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Unified Observability: Benefits of Tool Consolidation with Apica

Tool Sprawl is real and unified observability is the key to unlocking this hindrance, along with the many others in your IT monitoring. Some say that the golden era of software development is already gone, and some say that it has just started with the advent of AI. Nevertheless, with the ease of microservices, containerization and open-source adoption, the recent years have certainly become the glory days for SaaS organizations. But innovation almost always brings with it challenges.

How Apica Flow Economizes Your Splunk Costs

In the current high-volume business environments, the demand for accurate and available data is higher than ever. Traditional data management solutions often fall short, escalating costs and operational challenges. Gartner reports that by 2027, at least 40% of organizations will deploy advanced data storage management solutions, a significant increase from just 15% in early 2023. This shift underscores the urgent need for efficient data management tools.

What is Fleet Management in OpenTelemetry

Fleet management in the broader sense is about managing, organizing, and coordinating assets within an organization to ensure efficiency, reduce costs, and maintain compliance. The term originates from the automotive industry. According to Forbes, Fleet management involves a slew of strategies and procedures required to operate a fleet of 5 or more vehicles punctually, cost-effectively, and at optimal efficiency.

Profiling Vs Tracing in OpenTelemetry

When OpenTelemetry first came into the picture with the merger of OpenCensus and OpenTracing in 2019, it was pretty much all about classic telemetry data, namely- logs, metrics, and traces. Since then, OpenTelemetry has become an indispensable tool in the modern observability landscape. With frequent integrations and introduction to new capabilities every year or so, it has poised itself as an invaluable tool for cloud enterprises.

What is Log Analytics?

There is observation then there’s analysis. Log Analytics falls under the latter category. Observation and analysis are not mutually exclusive; one builds upon the other. Similarly, Log analytics advances beyond simple log monitoring, enabling observability teams to identify trends and irregularities throughout your enterprise. To demystify what is Log Analytics, let’s first have a look at the definition.

Modern Observability for Data Unification for Business Insights Is Here

Today, we’re adding to the groundwork we’ve established to provide enterprise organizations with a modern approach to data unification to improve insights. Our True North unifies all the many layers of data into a single stream to provide better insights so you can make better decisions and adjustments and bring value to the organization.

Data Lakes: A Comprehensive Guide

Whether you’re a Data Engineer, DevOps, Cloud Architect, or a Business Intelligence Professional, Data Lakes are indispensable tools for harnessing the power of big data, enabling advanced analytics, and driving informed decision-making across your enterprise. Back in the 90s, the internet boom led to an unprecedented expanse of data. This led to a gaping demand for better data storage solutions.

Apica Ascent wins Champion of the 2024 Emotional Footprint Awards in Application Performance Management

We are thrilled to announce that Apica Ascent has been honored with the prestigious Champion badge in the 2024 Application Performance Management – Emotional Footprint Awards, hosted by SoftwareReviews, a division of Info-Tech Research Group (ITRG). This accolade is a testament to our commitment to excellence and the positive impact our solutions have on users’ experiences.