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August 2021

Secure your clients and prevent churn with a canary

Many people are familiar with the stories of coal miners using canaries to detect carbon monoxide and other toxic gases as a warning system for when they should evacuate. Even though cybersecurity is far removed from coal mining, it has an equivalent “canary in the coal mine” that takes the form of indicators of compromise, or IoC for short. So why should an MSP be concerned with looking for IoCs?

Calico integration with WireGuard using kOps

It has been a while since I have been excited to write about encrypted tunnels. It might be the sheer pain of troubleshooting old technologies, or countless hours of falling down the rabbit hole of a project’s source code, that always motivated me to pursue a better alternative (without much luck). However, I believe luck is finally on my side.

PagerDuty Integration Spotlight: Teleport

Just-in-time System Access and Role Escalation. Teleport provides secure access for cloud applications and infrastructure that doesn’t get in the way. When implementing strict zero-trust rules you sometimes need to escalate and elevate privileges. By leveraging PagerDuty, you are able to alert the request and approve or deny system access. Using PagerDuty’s schedule feature, you are able to dynamically assign administrative privileges based on who’s on call. This greatly reduces the scope of access. Teleport and PagerDuty together provide security best practices that are easy to enforce.

Automating Identity Lifecycle Management

The identification of every user making a request to a given system is vital to ensuring that action is only taken by, and information only returned to, those who need it. This happens in two steps: first, the requester is identified (authenticated), and then that identity is used to determine which parts of the application they are allowed to access.

What Is DNS Blocking, and What Should You Know about DNS Security?

In the workplace, certain web pages can be a distraction for employee productivity—or worse, a disruption. If you’re a managed services provider (MSP), your customers may be interested in finding a way to control the types of websites their employees can access during the workday. One viable option for them to utilize is a DNS block to restrict access to certain web addresses on a given server. This article will help you understand what DNS block is, who uses it, and how it works.

Securing VMware Tanzu Mission Control with Access Policies

If you haven’t had a chance to check out VMware Tanzu Mission Control, you’re missing out on one of the greatest tools available to manage Kubernetes. However, it’s not just for managing one cluster; rather, it delivers “fleet-wide” management with a focus on policy. Policy management is powerful because it enables us to, for example, limit access to certain users or prohibit pulls from specific container registries.

Build an Automation-First Security Culture

When you think about how to automate processes within the IT industry, your mind probably goes first to tools. After all, the past decade has witnessed an explosion of tools from across the industry that promise to make it easy to automate virtually every aspect of IT operations — from low-code development solutions that automate coding, to release automation tools for applications, to automated monitoring and security platforms.

21 basic computer security tips

The Internet is a tool that, without a doubt, offers a great amount of positive aspects in the daily life of our society, like instant communication, easy access to information… among many other benefits. But also it has negative aspects, and one of the big ones is cyberattacks. That is why we give you today 21 computer security tips for beginners!

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Maintaining Internet Privacy for Your Business

Every time you use the internet, online service providers collect some data about you and your business. Internet privacy isn't just a concern of large corporations. According to statistics, up to 43% of cyber-attacks target small businesses. Furthermore, only 14% of these vulnerable organizations have effective mitigation measures in place. As digital data grows, cybersecurity should become your highest priority.

Node.js Security and Observability using Lightrun & Snyk

As developers, we spend a lot of time in our IDEs writing new code, refactoring code, adding tests, fixing bugs and more. And in recent years, IDEs have become powerful tools, helping us developers with anything from interacting with HTTP requests to generally boosting our productivity. So you have to ask — what if we could also prevent security issues in our code before we ship it?

A Year of Supply Chain Attacks: How to Protect Your SDLC

One of the most worrisome trends in cybersecurity today is the skyrocketing incidence of supply chain attacks, such as the ones that hit SolarWinds last year and Kaseya more recently. Because they focus on compromising software development and delivery, supply chain attacks have forced developers and DevOps teams to scramble for solutions. Unfortunately, supply chain attacks are particularly challenging to prevent, detect and remediate, and, because of their stealthy nature, are often devastating.

How to detect security threats in your systems' Linux processes

Almost all tasks within a Linux system, whether it’s an application, system daemon, or certain types of user activity, are executed by one or more processes . This means that monitoring processes is key to detecting potentially malicious activity in your systems, such as the creation of unexpected web shells or other utilities.

kOps adds support for Calico's eBPF data plane

Kubernetes operations (kOps) is one of the official Kubernetes (K8s) projects. The kOps project allows for rapid deployment of production-grade K8s clusters in multiple cloud platforms. By leveraging yaml manifests, kOps delivers a familiar experience to users who have worked with kubectl. Similar to K8s clusters in popular cloud platforms, kOps helps set up self-managed clusters to easily deliver high availability.

Resilient Infrastructure for a Secure Future

Each year, SolarWinds® surveys IT professionals around the world to gauge what’s most pressing on their minds, but also to understand their organization’s challenges and how they intend to overcome them. In 2021, we wanted to know what organizations think of the increasing risks they face from both the reality of supporting the hybrid workplace and the expanding cyberthreat landscape—and how they’ve prepared to address them.

Managing Secrets in the Browser in InfluxDB Cloud

Directly embedding passwords and API keys into the code you write is a bad practice. Of course, everyone knows this, but I’ll be the first to admit that it still happens now and then. In the world of source control and shared codebases, leaking a password can be a huge problem that costs your team time and money. Of course, today many companies leverage a secrets management system to lower the probability of something like this happening.

How VMware Tanzu SaaS Products Handle Data Privacy and Security

Companies today are adopting software as a service (SaaS) at a rapid pace. There are many factors contributing to this trend, including: Many large enterprises, particularly in banking and financial services, have been hesitant to adopt SaaS because it challenges existing risk management models already in place for software.

Detect security threats with anomaly detection rules

Securing your environment requires being able to quickly detect abnormal activity that could represent a threat. But today’s modern cloud infrastructure is large, complex, and can generate vast volumes of logs. This makes it difficult to determine what activity is normal and harder to identify anomalous behavior. Now, in addition to threshold and new term –based Threat Detection Rules , Datadog Security Monitoring provides the ability to create anomaly.

Adapting to New Federal Regulations on Cybersecurity and Log Management

The Biden administration signed an executive order recently to regulate security practices among federal agencies and establishments. The decision modernizes and improves government networks in pursuit of fool-proof federal cyber defense. This comes in the wake of a series of malicious cyberattacks that targeted both public and private entities in the past year. In the largest breach in US history, SolarWinds

7 Ways To Amp Up Website Security Without Ditching Great UX Design

Technology has paved the way for businesses to reach out to more customers and clients. One of the most effective ways to reach more people is through the Internet, by creating a great website. Nowadays, businesses with websites have a name and face in the online world. However, as technology advances, so do security risks. If hackers get into a website, they can steal sensitive data – say, customer information (i.e., payment methods, addresses, etc.).

Highlights from Black Hat USA 2021

Black Hat USA is one of the industry’s oldest and most well-established security events. Last year, the conference was held virtually for the first time in its history. This year’s conference brought together the best of both worlds, with a hybrid event that was held virtually and in person in Las Vegas. Historically, Black Hat has seen about 20,000 attendees at its in-person conference.

How to protect your secrets with Spectral and JFrog Pipelines

Thousands of secrets leak daily on public git repositories, including over two million corporate secrets in 2020 alone. This can happen to anyone! For example, in January 2021, an Amazon cloud engineer accidentally committed almost a gigabyte worth of sensitive data that included their own personal documents, as well as passwords and cryptographic keys to various AWS environments on his personal GitHub repository.

How to Effectively Prepare for a HIPAA Compliance Audit

The Department of Health and Human Services’ Office for Civil Rights (OCR) conducts periodic audits to verify that covered entities (CEs) and their business associates (BAs) are complying with HIPAA regulations. This article will discuss the steps organizations can take to ensure they pass a HIPAA compliance audit by having the proper data privacy and security measures in place for protected health information (PHI) and electronically protected health information (ePHI).

The Compliance Bone Connected to the Security Bone: Sharing Accountability in IT, Risk, and Compliance

Throughout my career within the compliance and security space, I’ve seen the practice of proactively managing digital risk move from a nice-to-have to a must-have for enterprise organizations. And over the last 5 years, things have shifted drastically. Personally, it reminds me of the classic “Dry Bones” nursery rhyme song that my son loves so much which points out how all the different bones are connected to make one body.

Cloning git repos and creating systemd services with CFEngine

Using modules, you can add custom promise types to CFEngine, to manage new resources. In this blog post, I’d like to introduce some of the first official modules, namely git and systemd promise types. They were both written by Fabio Tranchitella, who normally works on our other product, Mender.io. He decided to learn some CFEngine and within a couple of weeks he’s contributed 3 modules, showing just how easy it is to implement new promise types. Thanks, Fabio!

August/2021 - HAProxy 2.0+ HTTP/2 Vulnerabilities Fixed

If you are using HAProxy 2.0 or newer, it is important that you update to the latest version. A vulnerability was found that makes it possible to abuse the HTTP/2 parser, allowing an attacker to prepend hostnames to a request, append top-level domains to an existing domain, and inject invalid characters through the :method pseudo-header.

Using Calico with Kubespray

In the Kubernetes ecosystem there are a variety of ways for you to provision your cluster, and which one you choose generally depends on how well it integrates with your existing knowledge or your organization’s established tools. Kubespray is a tool built using Ansible playbooks, inventories, and variable files—and also includes supplemental tooling such as Terraform examples for provisioning infrastructure.

How Sportsbet enhanced data security with automation

At Sportsbet, an Australian online betting company with more than 1.25 million customers, one thing we’re not willing to take a gamble on is customer security. That means having strict identity and access management protocols in place to protect customer data and get better visibility into whom our employees are and what they have access to.

Open Source Robotics Challenges - Planning for Security

Open Source Robotics Challenges is a series of blogs that will share guidelines and advice for open source companies to overcome market barriers. We will touch on topics regularly raised by companies in our open source community such as security awareness, prototyping strategies, safety architecture, adoption and more.

Optional arguments with getopt_long(3)

I recently had a minor task involving changing an option - on one of our command line tools - from taking a required argument, to taking an optional argument. This should be easy they said; just change the respective option struct to take an optional argument, add a colon to the optstring, and get on with your life. Well, it proved to be easier said than done. My initial expectation was that a solution similar to the one below should just work. And it does work, just not in the way I expected.

Connecting Your Data with Tanium and LogStream

Tanium Connect and Cribl LogStream are a natural fit. They allow Tanium users to send data to a constantly growing list of destinations. LogStream also provides an on-premises and a cloud-based offering that can be used in production workflows. And you can process up to 5 TB of on-prem data per day – or up to 1 TB of cloud data per day – absolutely free. Watch what you can do with Tanium and Cribl LogStream together in this short demo.

Are You Spending Enough on Cybersecurity?

Cybercriminals do not discriminate against the organization, people or industry they target. These actors look to exploit vulnerabilities in resources to intercept valuable data from small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs). Cyberattacks are inevitable, and organizations must have the right controls and information security systems to mitigate the impact of an attack.

Humans Can be Hacked. So Stop Using Passwords, Already!

Humans are the weakest link in the cybersecurity chain. Where have you heard that before? Humans can be hacked! That too? Yes, I am also one of those weak links in the constant battle against malicious cyber criminals and it can be attributed to just being lazy. It’s human nature and we can easily be socially engineered into giving up our precious online user credentials to the bad guys.

5 Automated Anti-Phishing Protection Techniques

In an age when attackers create over a million phishing sites each month, and phishing serves as a beachhead for 95 percent of all attacks against enterprise networks, how can businesses respond? Part of the answer lies in educating users to recognize and report phishing, of course. But user education only goes so far – particularly because the same statistics cited above show that, on average, only 3 percent of users will report phishing emails.

The number one business bad habit MSPs need to stop doing immediately

The N-able Head Security Nerd, Lewis Pope, just published a blog outlining the top 25 cybersecurity bad practices demonstrated by MSPs today. To accompany his post, I wanted to add one more risky bad habit to his list. It’s something I commonly see being practiced by too many MSPs from a business perspective—allowing a customer’s budget to dictate what a cybersecurity offering should look like.

25 cybersecurity bad practices: more than just bad habits

The CISA (Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency) recently started an initiative to create a catalogue of exceptionally risky cybersecurity bad practices. While this will be a welcome and very useful tool once it is complete, only two practices are currently listed. Since cybersecurity and business decisions can be time-sensitive, we wanted to expand on the CISA’s list.

Interview with Cybersecurity Specialist Mark Kerzner

For the newest instalment in our series of interviews asking leading technology specialists about their achievements in their field, we’ve welcomed Mark Kerzner, software developer and thought leader in cybersecurity training who is also the VP at training solutions company, Elephant Scale. His company has taught tens of thousands of students at dozens of leading companies. Elephant Scale started by publishing a book called ‘Hadoop Illuminated‘.

How we keep N-central updated and secure

Following the security issues in the MSP market over the past 24 months, our customers, who are understandably concerned, have been asking what we do to keep the N-central® appliance (hosted or on-premises) updated and secure for them. I will do my best in this short article to outline how our engineering team keeps up with security. Please note this is valid as of the time of writing, but can change at any point.

Kubernetes security issues: An examination of major attacks

In a never-ending game of cat and mouse, threat actors are exploiting, controlling and maintaining persistent access in compromised cloud infrastructure. While cloud practitioners are armed with best-in-class knowledge, support, and security practices, it is statistically impossible to have a common security posture for all cloud instances worldwide. Attackers know this, and use it to their advantage. By applying evolved tactics, techniques and procedures (TTPs), attackers are exploiting edge cases.

A Zero Trust Security Approach for Government: Increasing Security but also Improving IT Decision Making

Public sector organisations are in the middle of a massive digital transformation. Technology advances like cloud, mobile, microservices and more are transforming the public sector to help them deliver services as efficiently as commercial businesses, meet growing mission-critical demands, and keep up with market expectations and be more agile.

Hunting for threats in multi-cloud and hybrid cloud environments

In today's environment, security teams face a pervasive threat landscape, with the expectation that some threat actors will be successful in bypassing perimeter defenses. To deal with this, security teams must learn how to actively hunt down threats, both outside and inside the perimeter, using solutions, such as Sumo Logic’s Cloud SIEM Enterprise and Continuous Intelligence Platform.

Remote work and its lasting impact: What our global research uncovered

The COVID-19 pandemic has not only had a profound impact on everyone across the globe; it has also fundamentally changed the way organizations function. We are nearing one and a half years since remote work became the norm and organizations had to adapt to this new mode of working almost overnight. This rapid transition wouldn’t have been possible without the massive technology, workflow, and process upgrades undertaken by IT departments.

Secure your infrastructure in real time with Datadog Cloud Workload Security

From containerized workloads to microservice architectures, developers are rapidly adopting new technology to scale their products at unprecedented rates. To manage these complex deployments, many teams are increasingly moving their applications to third party–managed services and infrastructure, trading full-stack visibility for simplified operations.

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The Cost of Avoiding Security Automation

Security touches every aspect of an organization's infrastructure and influences most of its processes. That's a lot to cover, and it seems like there are never enough people to handle the work. Even with budgets increasing by an average of 10% annually over the last 5 years, the recent increase in remote work and cloud adoption is stretching security teams even thinner.

Automate Secure Access Management With Rollbar + Okta

At Rollbar, we know security matters. Our customers represent the leading technology companies in the world today, and keeping their data secure is our top priority. Look no further than our investment in security and compliance. Rollbar is fully compliant with stringent industry standards like GDPR and HIPAA. We have also received ISO27001, SOC 2 Type 1, and Type 2 compliance certifications to ensure that even the most security-conscious companies can use our SaaS platform.

Fighting Ransomware: Using Ivanti's Platform to Build a Resilient Zero Trust Security Defense

Ransomware is a strain of malware that blocks users (or a company) from accessing their personal data or apps on infected iOS, iPadOS, and Android mobile devices, macOS laptops, Windows personal computers and servers, and Linux servers. Then the exploit demands cryptocurrency as payment to unblock the locked or encrypted data and apps. This form of cyber extortion has been increasing in frequency and ferocity over the past several years.

Our plan for world domination: take down the internet

We have been warning for a long time: Pandora FMS will control the world. We have given time to world governments to prepare, to North American villagers to prepare their bunker, for sects to draw their banners with “THE END IS NEAR”. And it is, it is indeed. Today, in our blog we reveal the secret plans of this company to overthrow the institutions and rule the world, then you will say that we did not warn you.

Limitless XDR defined: Ingest, retain, and analyze security data freely

Elastic Security's newest features define the potential of XDR for cybersecurity teams. Our single platform brings together SIEM and endpoint security, allowing users to ingest and retain large volumes of data from diverse sources, store and search data for longer, and augment threat hunting with detections and machine learning. Security vendors are using the term “XDR” with increasing frequency, applying varied definitions to suit their respective technologies.

Elastic 7.14.0 introduces the industry's first free and open Limitless XDR

We are pleased to announce the general availability (GA) of Elastic 7.14, including our Elastic Enterprise Search, Observability, and Security solutions, which are built into the Elastic Stack — Elasticsearch and Kibana. Elastic 7.14 empowers organizations with the first free and open Limitless XDR, which delivers unified SIEM and endpoint security capabilities in one platform.

Building a Network Architecture to Support the Next Phase of Remote Work

The global pandemic continues to fluctuate, but the reliance on IT services and teams to support service continuity in the public sector remains steady. To ensure network operations continue running at peak performance, there are several actions government IT teams can take to consistently maintain a network architecture capable of supporting a remote workforce. IT tools like support tickets and the IT service desk directly support end users and organizational goals.

Ivanti Acquisition of RiskSense Provides Greater Protection for the Everywhere Workplace

If you have been watching Ivanti this year, you have seen that we are delivering on our commitment to make the Everywhere Workplaces possible by providing our customers more robust solutions to discover, manage, secure and service their IT assets. We have been doing this organically, we rolled out our Ivanti Neurons hyper-automated platform last July, and we have also added to the platform’s capabilities and value with acquisitions.

Ransomware is on the rise. Here's how Ivanti x RiskSense will solve it.

Ransomware started making more headlines in 2016, but it was treated largely as a nuisance – not a tangible, resource-worthy threat. Fast forward to 2021 and ransomware has graduated to the big leagues, buoyed by a pandemic-fueled, hasty scramble toward decentralized workforces and digital everything. But this rising threat can’t be entirely blamed on the pandemic.

Democratizing Automation for Security Teams

Everyone wants to automate security. Traditionally, though, doing so has been challenging because setting up security automation tools required a specialized set of skills that no one engineer at a company possesses. It’s time to change this state of affairs by democratizing security automation. Here’s why and how.