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How NDR Tools Integrate Automation and Orchestration

Connectivity is paramount today for convenience, efficiency, and productivity. Our devices are interconnected in our homes and offices from the moment we walk through the door. From laptops and mobile phones to smart devices and printers, we often rely on a single network connection to keep everything running smoothly.

The Strengths of Managed XDR in Real-time Threat Detection and Response

In today's technologically advanced landscape, businesses are under constant threats from a range of cyberattacks. Traditional cybersecurity solutions, while important, sometimes lack the sophistication to detect and respond to advanced threats in real time. Enter Managed Extended Detection and Response (XDR) - an evolved, comprehensive approach to security monitoring and incident response.

Why Log Analytics is Key to Unlocking the Value of XDR for Enterprises

Cyber threats are becoming more sophisticated, and enterprise security teams are under constant pressure to improve and enhance their threat detection and response capabilities. But as security teams expand their security logging tools and capabilities, the burden of monitoring those tools and investigating alerts grows exponentially.

The Power of Combining a Modular Security Data Lake with an XDR

The average cost of a data breach is expected to hit $5 million in 2023. For many organizations, it is a matter of when, not if, a cybersecurity incident will occur. Attackers are becoming more sophisticated and relying on weak links to exploit company applications and infrastructure. Combine this phenomenon with the fact that the traditional network security perimeter has changed (and all but disappeared). Cloud computing and remote work have driven this trend.

Debunking the Myth of XDR

One of the biggest buzzwords (or really, buzz acronyms) to pop up in the cybersecurity space in recent years is XDR, or, extended detection and response. The term was coined in 2018 by Nir Zuk, CTO and co-founder of Palo Alto Networks. It was posited as a new way to think about security, where data is taken from several platforms and it gets correlated and analyzed.

Limitless XDR defined: Ingest, retain, and analyze security data freely

Elastic Security's newest features define the potential of XDR for cybersecurity teams. Our single platform brings together SIEM and endpoint security, allowing users to ingest and retain large volumes of data from diverse sources, store and search data for longer, and augment threat hunting with detections and machine learning. Security vendors are using the term “XDR” with increasing frequency, applying varied definitions to suit their respective technologies.

Elastic 7.14.0 introduces the industry's first free and open Limitless XDR

We are pleased to announce the general availability (GA) of Elastic 7.14, including our Elastic Enterprise Search, Observability, and Security solutions, which are built into the Elastic Stack — Elasticsearch and Kibana. Elastic 7.14 empowers organizations with the first free and open Limitless XDR, which delivers unified SIEM and endpoint security capabilities in one platform.

Demystifying the Hype Around XDR

Extended Detection and Response (XDR) has generated a lot of buzz recently with press, analysts, and even customers. There’s no denying that, at face value, its promise of reduced complexity and cost while increasing detection and response is alluring. As security teams look to modernize their security tooling, they’re also looking for solutions to some of their largest challenges. Is XDR the answer? What is XDR, exactly, and how do you determine if it’s right for your organization?