Operations | Monitoring | ITSM | DevOps | Cloud

June 2024

A Guide to Choosing the Right Identity and Access Management System for Your Business

Securing your business's data and managing user access is paramount. Identity and access management (IAM) systems are vital in this by ensuring that the right individuals access the right resources at the right times for the right reasons. With numerous IAM solutions available, choosing the right one for your business can be daunting. This guide will help you navigate through key considerations to make an informed decision.

What is Business Email Compromise (BEC)?

Business Email Compromise (BEC) is a type of cyberattack where attackers use email to exploit businesses by deceiving employees into transferring money or sensitive information. These attacks often involve impersonation of company executives or trusted business contacts to trick recipients into performing specific actions. As businesses become more reliant on digital communication, the threat of BEC grows, making it essential for organizations to recognize and mitigate these risks effectively.

Feature Friday #15: bundlesmatching()

Did you know bundles can have tags too? That’s right! You can tag a bundle by defining tags as a meta promise on a bundle. For example: You’ve likely encountered bundles tagged with autorun. These tags trigger automatic execution of bundles in lexical order whenever the services_autorun class is defined. However, you’re not limited to autorun. You can create custom tags to suite your specific needs.

#CyberDefense 101: Phishing + Credential Attacks | Security Insights Ep. 40

Ivanti's Chris Goettl (VP of Product, Patch Management) welcomes back Robert Waters (Lead PMM, Exposure Management) for a follow-up on Verizon's 2024 Data Breach Investigations Report, discussing the two main attack vectors used in most breaches -- phishing and credential attacks -- and how your organization should go about defending itself. Ivanti finds, heals, and protects every device, everywhere – automatically. Whether your team is down the hall or spread around the globe, Ivanti makes it easy and secure for them to do what they do best.

Innovating Security with Managed Detection & Response (MDR) and ChaosSearch

Managed Detection and Response (MDR) services occupy an important niche in the cybersecurity industry, supporting SMBs and enterprise organizations with managed security monitoring and threat detection, proactive threat hunting, and incident response capabilities.

Mastering Telemetry Pipelines - Driving Compliance and Data Optimization

Telemetry (Observability) pipelines play a critical role in controlling telemetry data (logs, metrics, events, and traces). However, the benefits of pipeline go well beyond log volume and cost reductions. In addition to using pipelines as pre-processors of data going to observability and SIEM systems, they can be used to support your compliance initiatives. This session will cover how enterprises can understand and optimize their data for log reduction while reducing compliance risk.

10 Compliance Standards to Achieve IT Security And Privacy

Compliance standards are designed to create a robust framework that protects sensitive data from threat actors and ensures organizational integrity. Without them, organizations will be compromising both their IT security and privacy. If you are an IT manager, cybersecurity professional, legal advisor, or your employer has promoted you to be the new compliance officer, your aim is to ensure your organization's technology infrastructure meets regulatory requirements.

Common Mistakes to Avoid When Installing Fire Alarm Systems

Installing a fire alarm system is a critical step in safeguarding your property, but it's easy to make mistakes that could compromise its effectiveness. In this guide, you'll discover the most common pitfalls to avoid, ensuring your system operates flawlessly when you need it most. Don't leave your safety to chance - learn how to install your fire alarm system correctly.

Harnessing AI for Personalized Learning: Revolutionizing Education

In today's dynamic educational landscape, the concept of personalized learning stands as a pivotal advancement in pedagogical practice. Traditionally, education has often employed a one-size-fits-all approach, expecting students to absorb knowledge uniformly. However, with the rapid evolution of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and sophisticated data analytics, educators now wield powerful tools like word count reducer to tailor learning experiences to the distinct needs of each learner. This article delves into how AI facilitates personalized learning, leveraging machine learning algorithms, natural language processing (NLP), and advanced data analytics.
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Microsoft Unveils System Center 2025

Microsoft recently announced the upcoming release of System Center 2025, the next Long-Term Servicing Channel (LTSC) iteration of its comprehensive suite of management tools for IT infrastructure. Building on the legacy of System Center, which was first introduced in 2008, this new version is slated for general availability in Fall 2024, aligning with the release of Windows Server 2025.

Modernizing the Data Pipeline with Cribl - Aaron Wilson, iHerb & Jon Rust, Cribl

In the quest to turn our outdated and disorderly SIEM into a modern, streamlined and manageable solution, we turned to Cribl. Together we develop a centrally managed environment that empowered our teams to manage multiple data sources and destinations with improved time-to-value, reducing data flow steps, and increasing sustainability. Join this session to learn how we used Cribl to modernize and streamline our SIEM operations into a single point of management solution.

A CISO's comprehensive breakdown of the Cyber Resilience Act

Strong, wide-reaching regulation can bring safety to communities – but it can also bring uncertainty. The Cyber Resilience Act (CRA) has proven no exception to this universal rule. Across the open source community and the wider tech landscape, people have been greeting the news with the whole spectrum of reactions: concern, anxiety, hope. But is there anything to fear? Does the CRA really change things in open source? And how should your teams be preparing for this legislation?

Selecting and Implementing the Right MDR Solution for Your Customers

MSPs have a critical role to play in safeguarding SMBs and SMEs against cyber threats, and there are always tools coming onto the market to help you do this. In a recent interview for our Beyond the Horizons Podcast, Dave MacKinnon explored some of the key considerations MSPs should keep in mind when selecting a Managed Detection and Response (MDR) solution for their customers.

Practical Demo How Ivanti Maps to CIS Controls Version 8 #ivanti

The webinar introduces the Center for Internet Security (CIS) and its mission, focusing on how Ivanti solutions map to CIS controls. Demonstrations include Ivanti Neurons for External Attack Surface Management, Risk-Based Vulnerability Management, Patch Management, and Incident Response Management. The session also clarifies Ivanti's non-affiliation with CIS, the difference between VRS and VRR, and the integration of EASM with other Neurons products.

Why you NEED Runtime Security updated with Mike Coleman

Join Mike Coleman, Developer Advocate at Sysdig, as he explores the critical need for runtime security in cloud-native environments. Learn how the open-source tool Falco can help detect and respond to suspicious activities in your Kubernetes and container setups. This session covers the evolution of security practices, practical implementation tips, and a live demo. Perfect for developers, platform administrators, and security professionals looking to enhance their security posture.

Why BAC-PFN-GYP Fire Rated Access Doors Are Essential for Every Sustainable Building Project

In sustainable construction, addressing environmental concerns is just as important as ensuring the structural integrity of the building. BAC-PFN-GYP fire rated access doors provide a solution by combining functionality and sustainability into a single important building component.

Managing IT Network Disruptions In Your Company Like A Pro

Let's face it, tech meltdowns are the worst. In today's world, a healthy computer network is like the plumbing in your office-you barely notice it when it works, but when it goes kaput, everything grinds to a halt. Emails stop flowing, files disappear, and suddenly, your most productive employees are reduced to staring at useless screens. The good news? There are ways to be a hero and keep your business running smoothly even when the tech gremlins strike. This guide will show you how to be a network-disruption ninja, ready to tackle any tech trouble like a pro.

What Are the HIPAA Data Backup Requirements?

The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) enforces how you must retain and protect sensitive user data in a healthcare setting. Compliance is mandatory, and knowingly breaching HIPAA rules (including disclosing health information of individuals) comes with hefty fines and even jail time. It is important that your data practices and infrastructure and the third parties you trust to store and protect sensitive information, recognize and comply with HIPAA regulations.

Complete Guide: Understanding and Preventing DCSync Attacks

Gaining insights into DCSync attacks is key to fortifying your Active Directory (AD) against these sophisticated threats. By exploiting legitimate AD replication protocols, attackers can discreetly extract sensitive information, such as password hashes and Kerberos tickets. Recognizing these attack vectors enables you to implement more effective monitoring and auditing tools, enhancing your overall security posture.

Feature Friday #14: variablesmatching() & variablesmatching_as_data()

Did you know you can find variables by name and tag? Like the ability to find currently defined classes (as described in Feature Friday #13: classesmatching()) that match a name or tag, you can find variables by name and tag. It’s a nifty capability. variablesmatching() returns a list of variable names that match the name and tag criteria.1 variablesmatching_as_data() returns a data container of the matching variables along with their values2.

Comprehensive Cloud Security Solutions in the Bay Area

As businesses increasingly migrate their operations to the cloud, ensuring the security of cloud-based assets has become a top priority. In the tech-savvy Bay Area, where innovation meets enterprise, the demand for robust cloud security solutions is paramount. This article explores what cloud security solutions entail, their importance, and how businesses in the Bay Area can benefit from these services.

5 Security Logging and Monitoring Mistakes to Avoid

As cybersecurity attack vectors evolve, security logging and monitoring are becoming even more important. Effective logging and monitoring enables organizations to detect and investigate security incidents quickly. Cloud-based attackers are getting more sophisticated, and often rely on stolen credentials to escalate privileges and move laterally within corporate IT networks.

DDoS monitoring: how to know you're under attack

A while back, we covered how to check your Windows IIS and Loggly logs to view the source of a DDoS attack, but how do you know when your network is under attack? It is not efficient to have humans monitor logs every day and every hour, so you must rely on automated resources. Automated DDoS monitoring gives your security team more bandwidth to focus on other important tasks and still get notifications should anomalies happen due to a DDoS event.

What is MDR and How Can it Benefit MSPs

Staying ahead of emerging threats is paramount for MSPs tasked with safeguarding their customers’ digital assets. However, amidst the broad range of technologies and buzzwords, distinguishing genuine solutions from marketing spin can sometimes be challenging. This blog draws on a recent podcast interview with N‑able Chief Security Officer, Dave MacKinnon, to give insights into Managed Detection and Response (MDR) and its implications for MSPs.

Introduction to RBVM: A Solution for Vulnerability Management at Ivanti #ivanti

Derek Illum presents the RBVM solution for vulnerability management at Ivanti, detailing its functionality, benefits, and related statistics. The process involves data collection, automation, and integration with other tools. The tool, hosted in the AWS gov cloud, integrates with various systems, including Microsoft Defender for endpoint. Users can explore RBVM, focus on a risk-based approach, and utilize its dashboards and SLA management features.

The Role of AI in Modern Call Centers: Enhancing Personal Customer Interactions

In an age where every customer interaction counts, how can you ensure that your call center isn't just meeting expectations but exceeding them? Integrating Artificial Intelligence (AI) into your operations offers a transformative solution. This technology not only streamlines processes but also enriches personal customer interactions, paving the way for a seamless and fulfilling customer experience.

How to Introduce Software Security into Your Organization

In the current business landscape, the security of applications can determine the fate of an entire enterprise. The organization's software development lifecycle (SDLC) and its proficiency in integrating secure coding practices into the software release cycle can differentiate between a flourishing, prosperous company and one caught up in negative publicity and legal challenges. The pressing question is, how can software security be effectively introduced within your organization?

Scaling IT Security with Your Business

Watch the full session at: slrwnds.com/TC24 Playing 4D Chess: The Modern IT Story Knight to E-4. Security professionals consistently make moves to fend off attackers. Unlike chess, it takes a team effort to keep up against modern cybersecurity threats and implement changes company-wide. Two pros take you through a day in the life of the security team. Hear practical use cases to help you and your organization improve your security stance. Check and mate.

Introducing IP Safelist for our API access

At Rollbar, we understand that security is not just a feature but a cornerstone of modern enterprise operations. As part of our ongoing commitment to providing robust security solutions, we are excited to announce the expansion of our security controls by introducing IP Safelist for our API access. This new feature extends the advanced security options available in our Enterprise packages.

10 Reasons to Get a Proxy for Your Home Use

If you're passionate about maintaining privacy in your digital life, understanding the benefits of using a proxy server for home use is crucial. Proxies offer an extra layer of security and anonymity, which can be particularly appealing for those concerned with protecting their online activity. This article outlines ten compelling reasons why integrating a proxy into your home network is a smart move.

Best Practices for Securely Implementing ChatGPT in Your Organization

Businesses today seek faster communication and better customer interaction. They aim to understand needs better and offer quick help. This directly increases customer satisfaction and loyalty. To achieve this, they're considering solutions like ChatGPT. It is an extremely effective AI chatbot.

Why You Need Continuous Compliance and Risk Management

Continuous compliance and risk management can help keep your organization safe as the threat landscape changes and expands each year. The IT operations team is no longer just responsible for a few machines; they are managing complex environments that span across technologies, across teams, and at scale. They're expected to work fast while simultaneously considering the often-conflicting requirements of cost, compliance, and even workforce skills gaps.

Ubuntu Security Notices now available in OSV format

Canonical is now issuing Ubuntu Security Notices (USNs) in the open source OSV format. Using the information provided, developers can identify known third-party, open source dependency vulnerabilities that pose a genuine risk to their application and its environment. This collaboration between Canonical and OSV aims to simplify vulnerability management and further enhance security for Ubuntu users.

From "rebooting" to reliable and secure applications: Optimizing the customer experience

Not so long ago in my career, I remember when it was relatively acceptable for infrastructure or development teams to solve a problem by rebooting a server or just “turning things off and on again.” It didn’t matter what caused the problem or how long the reboot would fix things, provided they were fixed for now. Security teams were always held to a different standard.

Feeling Pressure to Improve Security Posture? Start with Your Endpoints!

Many organizations continue to invest heavily in advanced cybersecurity solutions in efforts to better defend against attacks that are not only increasing in frequency but also becoming more complex and difficult to detect. However, the importance of good cyber hygiene, starting with the endpoint, is often overlooked. This is alarming considering Verizon’s 2024 Data Breach Investigations Report found that 80% of breaches involved basic hygiene failures.

5 Amazing Tips To Prepare Your Business For Growth

Preparing your business for growth is an exciting process, but it can come with a lot of challenging tasks. Make sure to use the right and effective strategies to grow your business. In this article, you will learn about the tips to prepare your business for growth. Keep reading the article!

VPNs and Cloud Storage: Protecting Data Integrity and Privacy

In an era where data breaches and cyber threats have become all too common, ensuring the integrity and privacy of data has never been more critical. Two powerful tools in this ongoing battle are Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) and cloud storage services. Together, they provide a robust defense mechanism for both individuals and businesses, securing sensitive information from prying eyes and unauthorized access.

The Ultimate Cloud Security Checklist: How to Protect Your Brand's Data

The cloud revolution is here. The flexibility, scalability, and cost savings of cloud computing have led businesses of all sizes to migrate operations to the cloud. By 2025, Gartner estimates that over 95% of new digital workloads will be deployed on cloud-native platforms. But this monumental shift is not without risks. High-profile data breaches like the Capital One hack serve as sobering reminders that the cloud introduces new attack surfaces and vulnerabilities.

Product Update: SSO for InfluxDB Cloud Dedicated

InfluxDB Cloud Dedicated is a fully-managed InfluxDB offering that lets you run enterprise-grade workloads on cloud infrastructure dedicated to your workload and your workload alone. A common request from those running enterprise-grade workloads on InfluxDB is the ability to use single sign-on (“SSO”) to authorize access to InfluxDB. SSO is now available as a paid option for InfluxDB Cloud Dedicated clusters.

Modern Ways to Conduct Inspections: Everything You Should Know

In today's fast-paced world, efficiency is key. Whether you're running a business, managing a project, or ensuring compliance, inspections are an integral part of maintaining standards and quality. However, traditional inspection methods can be time-consuming and resource-intensive. Fortunately, modern technology has revolutionized the way inspections are conducted, making them more efficient and effective than ever before.

The Ultimate Guide to Software Solutions in the Chemical Industry

The chemical industry is one that's highly regulated, mainly due to the materials used in it. These regulations mean companies have to handle data very carefully. One of the most effective ways for them to do this is to use software. The software has evolved immensely and can come in very handy, allowing businesses to use and store data. This post will explore this topic in more detail and will offer the ultimate guide to software solutions in the chemical industry, telling you about the different types that companies use.

The Growing Importance of Data Privacy in IT Network Security Management

Today, in the digital age, data privacy is a key part of IT security. Companies nowadays rely on vast networks to handle their daily operations. Thus, safeguarding sensitive information is paramount. This article explores the importance of data privacy in IT network security management. We will explore crucial themes such as evolving threats and regulatory landscapes. Continue reading and also learn some of the best practices for businesses.

Decoding AI: Real Threats and Misconceptions

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is more than just a trending topic; it's a groundbreaking innovation that fundamentally changes industries and society. According to a report by PwC, AI could contribute up to $15.7 trillion to the global economy by 2030, making it one of the most significant technological advancements of our time. One of the practical applications of AI that has gained traction is the use of AI prompts in creative and educational contexts.

What You Need to Know: 2024 Observability and Security Market Map

In today’s interconnected digital landscape, staying on top of market trends is essential for businesses aiming to thrive in the evolving world of observability and security. Recently, Cribl hosted a webinar to shed light on 2024 industry trends, and opportunities and challenges for both end users and vendors.. One of the notable highlights of the webinar is the convergence of observability and security, reflecting the shared data challenges faced by both IT and security teams.

Feature Friday #13: classesmatching()

Did you know you can find classes by name and tag? classesmatching() dynamically sources information from the current state. For example, let’s say you have classes representing a system’s role. Furthermore, let’s say that we want a host to only have a single role class defined. Finally, if we have more than one role class defined, then we don’t want to proceed.

What is a Checksum & How to Use One

Checksums play an important role in various fields, from data integrity verification to cyber security. They are essential tools for ensuring the accuracy and security of data transmission and storage. While exploring what a checksum is, you will discover its significant role in cyber security, how to use checksums effectively, and best practices for their implementation.

Your BYOD Policy: Key Considerations, Daren Goeson, SVP Product Management, SUEM

See more insights into creating effective and secure BYOD policies in Ivanti’s research report: Secure Unified Endpoint Management. Daren Goeson, SVP Product Management, SUEM at Ivanti explores the essential factors organizations should consider when creating Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) policies and protocols. From use cases to data management, device compatibility to security implications, this video provides valuable insights to help organizations develop effective BYOD strategies.

Harnessing AI for Cybersecurity: Beating AI Attackers at Their Own Game

In the rapidly evolving landscape of cybersecurity, AI-powered attackers are becoming increasingly sophisticated. To counter these threats, organizations must adopt advanced security technologies that leverage AI technology as part of a multi-layered approach to security.

Basic Cyber Hygiene: New Definition and Best Practices for the Current World

With the latest changes in regulations and laws, and with cyberattacks becoming more sophisticated, costly and frequent, it’s unavoidable: You must rethink basic cyber hygiene for your organization. Today, effective cyber hygiene requires you to plan and carry out regular and consistent actions to not only meet current challenges but also to keep pace with a threat landscape that is always evolving.

Priorities for Exposure Management, Chris Goettl, VP Security Product Management, Ivanti

See more insights into exposure management strategy and IT/security alignment in Ivanti’s research report: Secure Unified Endpoint Management. Chris Goettl, Ivanti's VP of Security Product Management shares best practices for secure unified endpoint management and explains why organizations should focus on exposure management to effectively mitigate risks.

Identity Under Siege: Safeguarding Against Threats with Expert Detection and Response

In today's digital age, our identities are under constant siege. With the proliferation of online platforms and the increasing interconnectedness of our lives, the risk of identity theft, fraud, and other malicious activities has never been higher. From personal information leaks to sophisticated cyber-attacks, the threats to our identities are diverse and ever-evolving. However, with the right knowledge and tools, we can take proactive steps to safeguard our identities against these threats. In this article, we'll explore the basic concepts of identity protection and how expert detection and response strategies can help mitigate risks.

Best practices for scheduling security patching automations

In this webinar, you’ll learn about Canonical's release schedule for Ubuntu and its security updates, and how you can use this information to set optimal manual and automated security patching maintenance intervals. There are a variety of tools, such as Livepatch, Landscape, Snaps, and command line utilities like unattended-upgrades that provide security patching automation capabilities. We’ll cover how each one works, and how you can combine them for maximum benefit. We’ll also cover the nuances between reboot recommended and reboot required.

Native and eBPF-based Kubernetes Workload Profiling for Kubernetes Clusters

System observability is an essential part of identifying performance issues within your environment because it provides a comprehensive view of how your systems are operating at a glance. Typically, observability is achieved through the collection and analysis of metrics. These metrics, generated by your applications, are deliberately incorporated by developers into the source code to offer insights into the application’s internal processes.

Data: Your Common Denominator feat. Srinivas Mukkamala, CPO, Ivanti #ivanti

Get the latest research on endpoint management and endpoint security best practices in Ivanti’s research report: Secure Unified Endpoint Management. Data silos and misaligned priorities stand in the way of IT and security teams’ ability to be efficient and innovative according to Srinivas Mukkamala, Chief Product Officer at Ivanti.

Secure Your Privacy Today: Discover the Benefits of Disposable Phone Numbers!

In today's digital world, it is essential to protect your personal data from unwanted intrusions. One way to ensure privacy is by using disposable phone numbers https://hottelecom.biz/disposable-sms-phone-numbers.html - also known as temporary numbers. This method allows you to protect your data during registration on various online services.

Strategies for Third-Party Risk Mitigation: Essential Practices for Secure Partnerships

Effective third-party risk mitigation is crucial for organizations navigating today's complex business environment. Many firms face diverse challenges from third-party entities, making a robust risk management framework indispensable. By adopting continuous improvement and proactive risk identification strategies, such as using Evident COI Tracking, companies can substantially reduce vulnerabilities and protect their interests.

Vehicle cybersecurity: the journey towards ISO 21434 compliance

Automotive is going through considerable technological advancement, centred around the software that vehicles and their manufacturers use. A large part of this software evolution is the move towards open source software. Ensuring the safety and security of critical systems is extremely important, especially in safety-critical use cases.

Use Ansible playbooks in CFEngine policy with promise-type-ansible module

Whether you are migrating from Ansible to CFEngine to gain some of the benefits of scale or autonomy or just need some functionality in an Ansible module, the ansible promise type can be a great tool to utilize. It also provides a compelling alternative to ansible-pull and works around some of the caveats included with that strategy. CFEngine has battle-tested features needed for the pull architecture.

NIS2 Implementation: Challenges And Tips From EU Experts

Let’s be honest. Keeping up with cybersecurity regulations and directives, especially if your organization operates within the European Union (EU), can be really challenging. And NIS2 implementation is no exception. If you are working in this field, you might already know the reasons that originated this legislation, its objectives, and the risks that organizations face as technology evolves. However, there is a gap between understanding NIS2 and its current implementation.

2024 Security Report - Ravi Iyer #shorts

Are executives truly bought into cybersecurity? Ivanti CTO Ravi Iyer cites Ivanti’s latest cybersecurity research showing that there is stronger investment than ever in cybersecurity at the executive and board level. Iyer also breaks down the key cybersecurity concepts today’s executives should prioritize to gain a competitive edge.

Connecting Self-Hosted Observability and Security with SolarWinds

Watch the full session at: slrwnds.com/TC24 The Integration Equation David Russell, Bryce Mata, and Chrystal Taylor Resolving an incident before end users are impacted is the new standard, but managing separate observability and incident management solutions is tempting fate. You are at risk of an issue slipping through the cracks. It's time to consolidate, streamline, and decomplexify your operations. Hybrid Cloud Observability combined with SolarWinds Observability and SolarWinds Service Desk make all of this much, much easier.

Everything You Need to Know About MSHA Certifications

In industries such as mining, safety is not a priority but a necessity. MSHA certifications ensure that everyone is equipped to maintain a safe working environment. They are for miners and supervisors. Are you new to mining or a seasoned pro? If so, understanding MSHA certifications is crucial. This guide covers all you need to know about MSHA certifications. It covers their importance, how to get them, and the types available.

Wordpress Security Guide - How to Protect Your Wordpress Site

WordPress powers many websites on the internet, making it a target for hackers looking to exploit weaknesses. This article will talk about the importance of WordPress security, common security issues, and the results of a hacked WordPress site. We'll also cover tips for securing your WordPress site, including keeping your site updated, using strong passwords, choosing a secure hosting provider, and using security plugins.