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May 2022

Ad Fraud: What Is It and How to Protect Your Firm From It?

Ad fraud is a type of online advertising scam that involves the creation of fake ads or click-throughs in order to generate revenue for the fraudster. Ad fraud can be perpetrated by anyone with access to an advertiser's account, such as a publisher, ad network, or even a malicious insider. Ad fraud can be difficult to detect and even more difficult to prevent. However, here are a few tips to help protect your firm from ad fraud.

Puppet and Government: Achieving Zero Trust adoption and mission success at the same time

Government agencies have been working diligently to comply with the 2021 Executive Order on Improving the Nation’s Cybersecurity. The Executive Order (EO) addresses cybersecurity issues by imposing a new series of federal-wide Zero Trust mandates. Agencies were required to submit their plan development and cloud migration path reporting by July and August of 2021, with more deadlines on the horizon.

Automated Developer-First Security: Our Partnership with Snyk

Today’s developers move at increasingly rapid speed – making it more critical than ever to identify and resolve code vulnerabilities early in the software development lifecycle. By tackling security early – instead of waiting until testing and deployment – engineering teams can reduce unnecessary patching and maintenance cycles, reduce risks, and ensure timely delivery of new features.

Boosting your cluster networking with the Calico VPP data plane (beta)!

Calico v3.23 is out, and with it a lot of new features! This release marks a long-awaited milestone for me and my team, as it includes the Calico VPP data plane (beta). So now seems to be a good time to reflect on what this integration actually is, and why we built it.

Redgate Software Adopts Policy-Driven Approach to Data Protection with New Data Catalog Release

In a move to help businesses simplify their data management practices by automating policy decisions, the latest release of Redgate Software's SQL Data Catalog now provides a simple, policy-driven approach to data protection.

IVANTI INSIGHTS: Healthcare and Cyber Security with Daniel Brody and Chad Holmes

We’re back and ready to roll with this week’s episode where our host Chris Goettl interviews Chad Holmes and Daniel Brody from Cynario. Today they discuss healthcare and security through EMT devices and much more. Be sure to follow us on our socials @goivanti for more episodes like this!. Ivanti automates IT and security operations to discover, manage, secure and service from cloud to edge.

The pandemic has indeed caused a massive spike in cybercrime

Recent events of the pandemic have facilitated a rapid implementation of remote working tools, causing an increase in ransomware attacks – businesses suffer from financial and data losses. In order to prevent such attacks, companies must not only educate their employees about best cybersecurity practices but also embed professional security solutions within the internal business processes and systems.

Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) in eG Enterprise

eG Enterprise is a single pane of glass that provides monitoring and oversight of every layer and tier of your IT infrastructure. However, this does not mean every user in the organization has the same view of the IT infrastructure or needs to use the tool in the same way. In fact, controlling a user’s view of the monitored applications and infrastructure, as well as their privileges to perform tasks and access data via Role-Based Access Control, is a critical feature for our customers.

BIG things are Happening at Graylog!

Did you hear the news? Graylog is on a mission to help make your IT environment and data more efficient and secure by making it super easy to uncover the answers stored in your machine data. At Graylog, coming up with solutions to problems faced by IT and Security professionals is what drives us. Our teams are always working on ways to add meaningful functionality that increases productivity so you can focus your resources on the innovation and core competencies that you’re known for.

Cybersecurity Measures Every Project Manager Should Know About

Online projects could be easy prey for cybercriminals due to the involvement of critical security information (emails, different platforms' login passwords, bank accounts, etc.) and multiple people. A simple phishing email requesting new login credentials or bank account details could be effective on negligent team members and could put everybody at risk. In other words, any breach of information by a project team member could lead to a disaster for the parties involved.

Introducing our brand new (and free!) Calico Azure Course

Calico Open Source is an industry standard for container security and networking that offers high-performance cloud-native scalability and supports Kubernetes workloads, non-Kubernetes workloads, and legacy workloads. Created and maintained by Tigera, Calico Open Source offers a wide range of support for your choice of data plane whether it’s Windows, eBPF, Linux, or VPP. We’re excited to announce our new certification course for Azure, Certified Calico Operator: Azure Expert!

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The Evolution of Software Trends in 2022

Software delivery has never been more critical to the success of business in every industry. It's also never been more complex. With the growing challenges of complexity, how can engineering teams succeed? After analyzing millions of workflows from more than 50,000 organizations across the world, here are a few truths of software delivery today.

How to Automate Intune Device Reports with Torq

Whether for managing remote teams, supporting ‘bring your own device’ (BYOD) policies, or simply another layer in a data protection strategy, services like Microsoft Intune offer greater control over the devices on your network. But using the data from these services often requires tedious prep work, and this process is likely repeated multiple times a week, if not daily. Tedious, repetitive, structured: these are all signs that a process can and should be automated.

Winning Over the Skeptics: How SD-WAN Is Transforming Government Networks

Are software-defined wide area networks (SD-WANs) worth the hype? Read below as our own Brandon Shopp details the value of this fast up-and-coming technology and how it can help. Public sector wide-area networks (WANs) are undergoing a transformation. The pressing need to support remote workers and a surge in demand for video conferencing, secure remote access, and cloud applications has seen public sector IT teams shift gears away from traditional, often multi-protocol label switching (MPLS)-based WANs.

The Crucial Difference Between IT Security and IT Compliance

Over the last couple of years, organizations across the globe have been facing an increasing number of cyberattacks. The rapid shift to remote work left many organizations vulnerable and bad actors took advantage of this situation. And the global average cost of breaches has seen a sharp increase in 2021 compared to the previous year; from 3.86 million USD in 2021 to 4.24 million USD in 2022.

Airline Data Breaches

Travel websites, in particular airlines are key targets for cyberattacks, the reward for compromised data is high in this industry due to the sensitivity of the data involved. Over the years, there have been a number of airline data breaches, with some companies suffering multiple attacks. By analysing some of the major airline and travel attacks over the years and being aware of tactics used by hackers, security procedures can be put in place to prevent attacks.

Secure Supply Chain: Verifying Image Signatures in Kubewarden

After these last releases Kubewarden now has support for verifying the integrity and authenticity of artifacts within Kubewarden using the Sigstore project. In this post, we shall focus on verifying container image signatures using the new verify-image-signatures policy. To learn more about how Sigstore works, take a look at our previous post

5 improvements coming to the CFEngine Docs

This year, we are improving CFEngine’s ease of use, so it should come as no surprise that we need to rethink our documentation site. For software like CFEngine, great documentation is not just “nice to have”, but a must for our users, both beginners and experienced. CFEngine has helped DevOps teams to automate their day-to-day tasks and make better decisions by providing a holistic overview of their systems.

What is SaaS Cloud Security and What Are SaaS Security Best Practices?

Software-as-a-service or SaaS has taken the business world by storm. With enormous benefits and features, it is no surprise that the SaaS industry has increased by 500% over the past seven years only. However, like any other technology, it carries a significant risk of data breaches. Do you know that encryption worries are the biggest SaaS-related security concerns for businesses?

Uptrends launches new solution for SMS-based 2FA transaction monitoring

As web applications and other digital solutions become more prevalent in everyday life, securing access to these apps against cyber threats becomes more an integral part of their design rather than a separate line of thought. Global cybercrime costs are expected to grow by 15% per year over the next five years, reaching $10.5 trillion annually by 2025.

Latest Features Enhance Workflow Creation, Add Modern Controls

The consensus on the state of cybersecurity professionals tends to fall somewhere between “burdened by high volumes of responsibility” and “dangerously understaffed and suffering from unhealthy levels of stress,” depending on how optimistic your source is.

New 2022 Report: Alarming Ransomware Trend Shows No Sign of Reversing

It’s no secret that ransomware threats skyrocketed – in both volume and boldness – during the pandemic. Threat actors capitalized on the sudden transition to remote work and the resulting lapses in security. Now that the working world is beginning to settle into a permanent Everywhere Workplace, you might think the ransomware trend would begin to reverse. Not so, according to a new report from Ivanti. The report details ransomware trends from Q1 2022, and the findings are bleak.

4 Key Steps of a Vulnerability Management Process

Vulnerabilities within an IT environment pose a big security risk and are a threat to digital data within an organization. These vulnerabilities can be exploited by others, or a lack of necessary precautions can result in damaged or lost organizational data. Therefore, it is essential to have a vulnerability management process in place for these reasons.

What is UAC Virtualization? Benefits and Pitfalls

UAC stands for “User Account Control”. This is a field of software management that isolates the operating system’s core components from potentially damaging changes. It refers to the level of access that in Unix-like systems is called “root” and in Windows systems is known as Administrator privileges. User Account Control was initially rolled out as part of Windows Vista to allow only admin accounts to give and take away these permissions.

Top 3 Ways Remote Working Has Unknowingly Increased Your Security Risk

Users across the globe have left their office buildings along with the safety and security of the workplace. This has left companies at their most vulnerable because the full scope of their security exposure is unknown. Attackers are wise to the gaps and vulnerabilities that come from remote working. Not only has the attack surface increased in recent months, but the volume of COVID-19 spam, phishing attacks and malware has also skyrocketed.

Riverbed Webinar Demo - Security Workflows

Managing aging infrastructure that’s geographically dispersed brings unique challenges to the Oil & Gas industry because obsolete technologies and automation make it particularly vulnerable to cyberattacks. To combat these attacks, leveraging integrated and full-fidelity data can help you to identify the unknown, avoid business disruptions, and help you save time by: This technical overview of Riverbed’s NetProfiler Flow Monitoring solution demonstrates those security workflows, and introduces a helpful thread feed that includes SUNBURST Backdoor.

Securing SD-WAN in a Cloudy World

Today’s cloud-first enterprise must securely connect their workers to their applications, no matter where their applications may live. Only by transforming both the WAN edge and security architectures can the full promise of the cloud be fully realized. SD-WAN is your opportunity to re-architect, design and build a network that’s secure and fit for the future. Teneo Inc. and Silver Peak can help to make this a clear reality in our cloudy world.

How Zero Trust Enables Work from Anywhere and Builds Toward a SASE Vision

With the global pandemic greatly accelerating many organizations digital transformation, IT and security leaders are coming to terms with the new realities of employees permanently working from anywhere and how that dramatically changes the security risk and the security architecture required. In this session, a panel of expert speakers discuss how Zero Trust security is a key requirement for this new way of working, and the vital role of secure access service edge (SASE) in implementing this approach going forward.

What's New in Calico v3.23

Hey everyone. We’re excited to announce the release of Calico v3.23! Thanks to everyone in the community who contributed to the release. We could not have fitted this many improvements in without you. To view the detailed release notes, please visit us here. While we have many improvements in this release, here’s a brief overview of some of the larger features to be aware of.

The Top 10 Best DevSecOps Tools for 2022

Over the last decade or so, we have seen organizations competing to rapidly launch products and new updates. This also often meant that information security lagged behind, as evinced by the fact that we have seen many companies facing major breaches and attacks over the last couple of years. The DevOps approach which focused on rapid development proved ineffective for robust security. This is where DevSecOps emerged. In this article, we explore the concept of DevSecOps and the top ten DevSecOps tools.

Centralized Log Management for Reporting Compliance to Management

It’s 3pm on a Wednesday, and you’re really just done with the week already. You hear that “ping” from your Slack and know that you set notifications for direct messages only, which means, ugh, you have to pay attention to this one. It’s your boss, and she’s telling you to check your email. Then you see it, the dreaded audit documentation request. This will take you the rest of today and most of tomorrow.

What Should I Know About Defending IoT Attack Surfaces?

The Internet of Things needs to be part of the overall corporate information security policy to prevent adversaries from using these devices as an entry point. There are several reasons why it’s critical for organizations to defend their IoT attack surface, most importantly being that IoT devices are powerful systems containing compute, storage, and networking that threat actors view as the easiest way to breach an organization or enable exploits.

Three Ways COVID-19 Altered Federal, State IT Budget Allocations

Wondering how the pandemic affected your agency’s budget? Brandon Shopp answers this question and discusses how the pandemic impacted security and service delivery through budget allocations. Amid a rising tide of ransomware attacks against governments and schools nationwide accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic, tech pros are prioritizing investments in core technologies to manage risk, including security and compliance, network infrastructure, and cloud computing.

5 Ways Automated Incident Response Reduces Toil

Toil — endless, exhausting work that yields little value in DevOps and site reliability engineering (SRE) — is the scourge of security engineers everywhere. You end up with mountains of toil if you rely on manual effort to maintain cloud security. Your engineers spend a lot of time doing mundane jobs that don’t actually move the needle. Toil is detrimental to team morale because most technicians will become bored if they spend their days repeatedly solving the same problems.

How Advances in Cloud Security Can Help with Ransomware

Organizations must update their ransomware protection at the same pace that as the attackers changes their tactics. The ransomware scourge continues, with incidents hitting a U.S. record in the second quarter of 2021, as attackers expand into vertical industries and target critical infrastructure. Ransom demands have also been growing. According to IT Governance, the average decryption key rate from attackers is $140,000 yet many organizations end up paying much more than that.

Efforts to Secure OSS fired up after Log4Shell

Who would have thought software could rattle the White House? But a vulnerability in Log4J, a popular open source software project, exposed critical digital infrastructure to remote code execution attacks. This prompted the US Government to engage big tech, infosec professionals, and open source organizations to come together to help secure open source software.

DevOps Horror Stories: Repository of Horror

Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water... Is there anything more frightening than the unknown? Anything the mind can conjure up is frequently scarier than something realized. The shark in Jaws is terrifying because you don’t see it until it’s too late. It’s a silent, relentless death machine, hiding in the water. A software vulnerability is the unknown, hidden deep within an ocean of code, packages and container dependencies.

Millions of IoT devices and routers could have a mega security flaw

An unpatched vulnerability in a popular C standard library found in a wide range of IoT products and routers could put millions of devices at risk of attack. The vulnerability, tracked as CVE-2022-05-02 and discovered by Nozomi Networks, is present in the domain name system (DNS) component of the library uClibc and its uClibc-ng fork from the OpenWRT team.

Getting Better Sysmon Data Using Cribl Stream

System Monitor, better known as Sysmon, is one of my favorite security datasets. The data is crazy detailed and offers a great way to power security detection and response since it gives cyber security teams a roadmap to understand exactly what systems or people are doing while they use any Windows operating systems. The avalanche of the data is the downside and why observability engineers need tools like Cribl Stream to manage and enrich Sysmon data to make it more useful and more cost-effective.

ElasticON Solution Series Keynote: Celebrating 10 Years of Elastic

Learn more about Elastic's origin story and how the world's most popular search engine evolved into the leading platform for search-powered solutions. Since the release of Elastic 7.0 there have been 17 additional 7.x releases. In less than 20 minutes you’ll hear the highlights from two years of Elastic 7.x and explore the latest news from 8.x — and — what’s to come in the future. Speaker: Mike Nichols, Product Lead - Elastic Security, Elastic

7 Important Things to Include in Your Company Security Policy

We live in risky times. Security incidents and data breaches are more common than ever and digital-minded companies usually bear the brunt of it. Organizations are constantly at risk and can be compromised in no time by ransomware, cyberattacks, social engineering, and corporate espionage. But, in truth, the most common way companies are undermined and infiltrated is through the actions of individual members inside of the organization itself.

NinjaOne Partnership with SaaS Alerts Provides Enhanced Security

Managed Service Providers (MSPs) are charged with protecting their customers from all of the threat vectors that target devices, networks, and applications. The diligence required to provide this level of protection for customers is unending. However, if an MSP is going to properly secure their customers’ environments, they first must secure their own, which is why NinjaOne has collaborated with the cybersecurity company SaaS Alerts to better protect MSPs from RMM supply chain attacks.

Compliance And The Cloud

Having achieved almost consumer-grade accessibility, public cloud adoption is increasingly driven by individual business functions. Enterprise teams no longer need to understand how the technology works, or even where the service operates from. To buy a cloud product they just need a web browser and a credit card. But this level of simplicity raises challenges of its own when it comes to regulatory concerns.

Looming 2022 (and Beyond) Network Security Threats

Every year hackers grow in numbers, aggressiveness, organization, and sophistication. And every year there are new attack types and new areas of IT infrastructure that cybercriminals target. 2022 is no different. We are about a third of the way in already and IT pros and security specialists already have their hands full with new attacks and new issues.

5 Ways To Prevent Unauthorized Access to Your Company Data

Data security is a huge concern for businesses these days. With so much information being stored on computers and in the cloud, it's more important than ever to make sure that your data is protected from unauthorized access. In this blog post, we will discuss five ways to prevent unauthorized access to your company data. Implementing these strategies will help keep your data safe and secure!

Phishing and Identity Fraud Protection for Remote Teams

Did you know that remote teams are more vulnerable to phishing and identity fraud schemes? In this blog post, we will discuss the dangers of phishing and how you can protect your team from falling victim to scams. We will also provide tips for preventing data loss and protecting your company's confidential information.

Protect the Business with Cribl Packs: Webinar Recap

The second in our Feature Highlights webinar series, Protect the Business with Cribl Packs, highlights Packs and security use cases. Packs enable you to share complex Stream/Edge configurations across multiple Worker Groups/Fleets, between Stream/Edge deployments or with the Cribl Community. Packs roll up best practices to ensure Site Reliability Engineering (SRE) teams have the required data to protect the business.

Open Source Hacktivism, Open Source Gains Traction in the Enterprise, and More: Open Source Matters

Welcome to the 8th edition of Open Source Matters: our regular publication about the latest happenings in open source! Dive into OSS news and projects to watch with Mattermost's Ben Lloyd Pearson.

SIEM: Introduction to SIEM and 4 Top SIEM Tools

Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) technology has become a fundamental part of identifying and guarding against cyber attacks. It is one of the essential technologies powering the modern security operations center (SOC). SIEM is an umbrella term that includes multiple technologies, including log management, security log aggregation, event management, event correlation, behavioral analytics, and security automation.

Best Enterprise Password Managers According to IT Specialists

Even with advances in security practices and technologies, passwords continue to remain a weak point in an organization’s cyber security strategy. Strong passwords are still an essential part of security strategy for most organizations, and poor password hygiene can make their IT network vulnerable. According to the 2021 Verizon data breach investigation report, shared credentials and poor access management practices were among the top reasons for data breaches all over the globe.
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What Is CSPM? A Closer Look at Cloud Security Posture Management

As we previously discussed in the Automating Your Cloud Security Posture Management (CSPM) Response blog post, CSPM is a vital component in any environment leveraging cloud services. Whether you are using a single cloud or are in a multi-cloud scenario, the complexity of these cloud platforms is constantly expanding. Staying on top of new changes in policies and functionality to ensure that you are maintaining a secure environment is daunting - and almost impossible to do without automation. No one has the resources to spend on maintaining a large team of cloud specialists who just audit everything that is in use.

Confidential Computing and financial services cloud

Cloud computing has been transforming financial IT infrastructure into a utility allowing financial institutions (FIs) to access computing resources on-demand letting FIs offload costs and effort of setting-up and managing their own on-premises infrastructure, improving agility and time to business value. As more and more financial institutions rely on hybrid cloud services, data security in the cloud is a business imperative.

How CISOs Can Guard Against Evolving Physical and Digital Corporate Security Threats

A rise in both physical and digital security threats is placing greater pressure on CISOs and other security professionals to prepare for and mitigate evolving security threats of all kinds. To protect organizations and their people, security teams need to be able to visualize threats, respond quickly and communicate effectively.