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Achieving total enterprise resilience

In today’s volatile business environment, organizations face a mountain of unpredictable challenges—from natural disasters to cyber-attacks, supply chain disruptions to IT outages—that can impact the safety of employees, operational uptime, or customer satisfaction and loyalty. The ability to navigate these critical events hinges on one key factor: resilience.

Understanding DORA: How to operationalize digital resilience

In an interconnected world, digital resilience is crucial for navigating crises and safeguarding financial and security assets. The European Union (EU), comprising 27 countries and 450 million people, recognizes the significance of digital resilience and has introduced regulatory mandates to fortify and align the digital ecosystem.

Desktop alert during critical events

Our mass notification tool is designed to ensure that you can effortlessly communicate with your team and stakeholders during emergencies or important situations. With just a few clicks, you can instantly send out alerts via multiple channels such as SMS, email, voice calls, and even social media platforms. This allows you to reach a wide audience quickly and efficiently.

How AI will shape the future of risk management

By Eric Boger, VP Risk Intelligence It has become increasingly evident that the complexities and challenges that defined the risk landscape of 2023 will almost certainly persist throughout 2024 and beyond. Enterprises will continue to grapple with a relentless and intricate risk landscape; rather than facing isolated threats, they are confronted with a complex web of interconnected challenges.

Forrester study reveals Everbridge ROI of 358%

Although the benefits of deploying Critical Event Management (CEM) are becoming widely accepted, organizations can often struggle to demonstrate the tangible ROI to their key stakeholders, and can face an uphill battle when it comes to securing budget. So, is it possible to put a value on Critical Event Management?

Public Safety - Everbridge

For over 20 years, Everbridge has been a trusted partner to governments worldwide. From fires or floods to terrorist attacks, we’ve monitored potential hazards, preparing, responding to incidents, and effectively providing the right people with the right information. Be it a country-wide emergency or a neighborhood outage, communities rely on Everbridge to keep them informed and safe.

Year in Review: Key Trends in Critical Event Management

As we approach the end of 2023, it’s vital to reflect on the transformative year in the field of critical event management. Throughout the year, we’ve witnessed escalating geopolitical tensions, a surge in security threats encompassing both physical and cyber domains, and growing concerns over the intensifying impacts of climate change-induced severe weather events.