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December 2023

Comodo SSL Certificate: Your Complete Guide to Trusted Web Security

In the modern digital landscape, where data breaches and cyber threats are increasingly prevalent, securing your website is not just a necessity, it's imperative. Comodo SSL certificates stand at the forefront of web security solutions, offering a comprehensive range of options to safeguard websites. This guide aims to unravel the specifics of Comodo SSL certificates, ensuring you understand everything needed to secure your online presence effectively.

CFEngine 2023 retrospective

As we bid farewell to 2023, it’s once again time to reflect on the milestones and progress we’ve made throughout the year. This year is especially significant because it marks 30 years since CFEngine’s birth. From its humble beginnings at the University of Oslo to the thousands of implementations across the world and counting, CFEngine has not only weathered the twists and turns of life, but has thrived in an industry where many have come and gone.

7 Common SSL Certificate Errors and How to Fix Them

No matter what industry you work in, your customers need to trust you. And, with 70% of internet users now taking various steps to protect their digital footprint online, your website must be secure. As online shoppers become more security-savvy and demand more from online services, an SSL certificate error has the power to lose valuable website visitors and ultimately reduce sales. Adopting SSL certificates is fast becoming the best practice for websites worldwide. Here's why.

How to Choose the Ultimate Security Router: Guide

Choosing the right security router is more than a technical task; it's a critical step in safeguarding your digital life. In today's interconnected world, where everything from your phone to your fridge relies on a stable internet connection, the importance of a secure router cannot be overstated. A robust security router does far more than just provide internet access; it acts as a guardian against cyber threats, ensuring your personal and professional data remains protected. With a plethora of options available, understanding what makes a router not just good, but great, for your specific needs is key.

Top 3 Office 365 Backup solutions for 2024

In the dynamic landscape of modern business operations, data plays a pivotal role in driving productivity and decision-making. As organizations increasingly rely on Microsoft Office 365 for their collaborative and communication needs, the importance of securing and preserving this data has never been more critical.

5 Best SIEM Tools and How to Choose

Cybersecurity has become something of great concern to the IT world over the last few years. The increase in remote working and the move to cloud-based and e-commerce solutions have opened up many new opportunities for cyber exploits and malware attacks. According to the FBI, the incidence of malware and network attacks, particularly ransomware, on both commercial and home systems has shown a major increase. At a corporate and personal level, ID theft has also increased greatly.

Reasons to Implement Multi-CDN Strategy For Your Website

In the whirlwind of the digital age, where every click counts, a Content Delivery Network (CDN) becomes the unsung hero of the online experience. Imagine this: you navigate to a website, and the content effortlessly loads, images pop up, and videos play seamlessly. That's the magic of a CDN. But wait, there's more - the secret sauce lies in a Multi-CDN strategy. Buckle up as we delve into the human side of turbocharging your website's performance.
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Predict the Future! A universal approach to detecting malicious PowerShell activity

So, here’s the deal with AntiVirus software these days: It’s mostly playing catch-up with super-fast athletes — the malware guys. Traditional AV software is like old-school detectives who need a picture (or, in this case, a ‘signature’) of the bad guys to know who they’re chasing. The trouble is, these malware creators are quite sneaky — constantly changing their look and creating new disguises faster than AntiVirus can keep up with their photos.

Reasons to Switch to a More Reliable Internet Provider

In our hyper-connected digital age, reliable internet service is no longer a luxury but a necessity. Whether for work, education, entertainment, or staying connected with loved ones across the globe, a steady and speedy internet connection is an integral part of our daily lives. Yet, many of us have experienced the frustration and inconvenience of unreliable internet service, which can significantly impact our productivity and quality of life.

3 secure ways to handle user data in Raygun

You know the feeling: You’re right in the middle of cracking a really convoluted coding problem, when an urgent support ticket pops up. It’s not just any ticket; it’s from a VIP customer with a high-severity issue demanding resolution within an hour. You have to drop what you’re doing and scramble, completely context-switching and losing all your momentum.

What is the Importance of Quality Software for Your Business?

Are you wondering why quality software is important for your business? You've come to the right place. In today's fast-paced and ever-evolving digital age, quality software has become a crucial factor in the success of any business. From small startups to large corporations, having reliable and efficient software can make or break a company's growth and profitability.

Detecting PowerShell Exploitation

In today’s digital landscape, cybersecurity is a top priority for organizations. Hackers are continuously finding new ways to exploit vulnerabilities and compromise systems. PowerShell, a powerful scripting language and automation framework developed by Microsoft, has unfortunately become a favored tool among attackers due to its capability to run.NET code and execute dynamic code downloaded from another system (or the internet) and execute it in memory without ever touching disk.

Ubuntu Confidential VMs on Azure: Introducing Ephemeral OS disks & vTPMs

As the adoption of confidential computing continues to grow, customers expect their confidential workloads to be strongly separated from their underlying cloud providers. To better align with these user requirements, Canonical is excited to announce ephemeral OS disks for Ubuntu confidential VMs (CVMs) on Microsoft Azure – a new solution that enables you to store disks on your VM’s OS cache disk or temp/resource disk, without needing to save to any remote Azure Storage.

The rising trend of Data Breaches and Critical Vulnerabilities in 2023

As the year comes to an end, we are taking a look back on the major data breaches and vulnerabilities that disrupted the security of both small, and large and very important organizations around the world and across all industries. According to a recently published report: As this trend is on the rise, governmental organizations and companies of every size put more emphasis on the security of their systems and networks.

How MSPs and MSSPs can reduce risk and liability for their clients

For 83% of companies, a cyber incident is just a matter of time (IBM). And when it does happen, it will cost the organization millions, coming in at a global average of $4.35 million per breach. Add to that stringent data protection laws and the growing frequency and reach of ransomware and other sophisticated attacks.

The 5 Best Vanta Alternatives for Security Compliance

Over the last two to three years, we’ve seen increasing demands on all kinds of software companies to comply with security and compliance standards. More and more organizations are looking to benefit by moving their operations to the cloud, but this increases the potential for cybersecurity attacks and breaches. A new type of compliance vendor has emerged to help companies that must comply with the security standards designed to ward off cybersecurity threats.

Security Webinar: A Practical Guide to Deploying Zero Trust Network Access

Ivanti's technical marketing team shares their expertise in mobile security and cloud solutions. They present the Ivanti Zero Trust Solution, emphasizing its granular access, user-friendly experience, and simple deployment. The solution eradicates the inside-outside distinction, eliminates fragmented policy islands, and minimizes the attack surface. It features granular policy management, automatic access updates, and comprehensive analytics.

How to Deploy Microsoft LAPS

Securing privileged accounts is of utmost concern to cybersecurity professionals, and Active Directory, Microsoft’s identity and access management service, forms the backbone of the majority of organizations. Active Directory (AD) centralizes user accounts, computers, and resources, ensuring access control, and local administrator accounts wield substantial power within Windows systems.

What is SSH?

SSH stands for “Secure Shell.” It’s a network protocol used to securely access and manage devices and servers over an unsecured network. It provides an accurate form of authentication as well as encrypted communication between two systems, making it especially useful in environments where security is a concern. SSH is commonly used to access remote servers through a command line interface, but can also be used to securely transfer files (through SFTP or SCP).

The Importance of Detecting Fraud

The profitability of your business is crucial. But we live in turbulent times where the long-term success of enterprises is closely linked to employees' ability to keep confidential customer data secure. Have you reached a high level, and you can compare yourself to players in the national or international markets? In this case, you must invest in professional fraud prevention tools to secure your financial and confidential customer data. Detecting fraud is required for businesses operating in high-risk industries where personal data theft is commonplace.

We can't wait for SBOMs to be demanded by regulation

Old ads can be startling—cigarette ads used to boast their health-giving properties, sugar-laden candy was once advertised as a dietary aid, and soft drinks were advertised as a milk alternative for babies. None of this would fly today, of course, thanks to regulations. Foods must be advertised more responsibly, and they must list their ingredients clearly on the packaging, especially allergens.

What you can't do with Kubernetes network policies (unless you use Calico): Policies to all namespaces or pods

Continuing from my previous blog on the series, What you can’t do with Kubernetes network policies (unless you use Calico), this post will be focusing on use case number five — Default policies which are applied to all namespaces or pods.

How to securely query AWS S3 from ClickHouse

ClickHouse is a powerful analytical database, loading data from an AWS S3 bucket allows you to quickly start analyzing the data without having to download and upload them manually in the database. Writing data to S3 allows you to offload some cold data, while keeping all the hot data in ClickHouse and, with the usage of federated queries, being able to query both hot and cold data at the same time.

Importance of Hiding Your IP and Using SOCKS5 Proxy

IP addresses have almost eliminated our postal addresses in this digital era. Whatever we do online, our IP signature is carried forward with our activities. This can make us vulnerable to privacy theft and other malicious activities. So, hiding IP addresses is crucial, especially when we want to maintain anonymity online.

The Role of Open Architecture in Creating a Unified Security Platform

In the evolving digital security landscape, the significance of an adaptable and robust system cannot be overstated. Open architecture plays a pivotal role in developing these unified security platforms, offering a versatile and efficient solution to the diverse needs of businesses. This blog post delves into the various aspects of open architecture and its impact on creating a unified security platform.

Security Webinar: Modernize Your Patch Management

Ivanti finds, heals, and protects every device, everywhere – automatically. Whether your team is down the hall or spread around the globe, Ivanti makes it easy and secure for them to do what they do best. Ivanti is IT for the way we work now. Integrated solutions for everything IT touches. So, employees can work better, anywhere, and everywhere.

The Three Ways of DevOps Governance

In this blog post, I take a look at modern IT governance by applying the classic “Three Ways” of DevOps principles originally introduced by Gene Kim in his seminal 2012 article. “We assert that the Three Ways describe the values and philosophies that frame the processes, procedures, practices of DevOps, as well as the prescriptive steps.” Here’s a quick reminder of the three ways set out by Gene: For Gene, all DevOps patterns can be derived from these three principles.

Navigating the Global Cybersecurity Talent Shortage

In an age where technology is central to most of our lives, data security is more important than ever. As we produce ever more data, consumers and organizations become more vulnerable to cyberattack; the demand for cybersecurity talent has increased accordingly, leaving a talent gap within the industry.

Data Overload: Why Companies Collect Too Much Data and Pay the Price

In the US, a recurring news topic is the state of the federal budget – and if we’ll get one signed. Government budgets have hundreds of thousands of line items; each bickered over to gain or lose political capital with one group or another. However, most government budgets aren’t up for debate. Only about 30% of the US federal budget is discretionary or flexible. Nearly two-thirds, or 63%, is mandatory spending required due to prior commitments.

How to Detect Unauthorized Changes in Production with Kosli

Let’s not beat around the bush: change management is a prehistoric discipline desperately in need of fresh thinking. Its “best practices” are frankly terrible. Nobody honestly thinks manually filling out change tickets, waiting for CAB meetings and external approvals does anything to meaningly reduce risk. Change management is slow, inconsistent, doesn’t scale, and is prone to error.

How To Choose The Right Internet Provider For Your Business

It is crucial to choose the correct internet provider for your organization in this day and age where all corporate operations are digitally mediated. Whether you're a burgeoning startup or an established corporation, a seamless and robust internet connection is the backbone of your daily operations. However, with a plethora of options available, finding the perfect fit for your business can be a daunting task. Fear not, as we delve into the intricacies of this crucial decision-making process, offering insights and considerations to ensure you make an informed choice for your unique needs.

What is a Kubernetes cluster mesh and what are the benefits?

Kubernetes is an excellent solution for building a flexible and scalable infrastructure to run dynamic workloads. However, as our cluster expands, we might face the inevitable situation of scaling and managing multiple clusters concurrently. This notion can introduce a lot of complexity for our day-to-day workload maintenance and adds difficulty to keep all our policies and services up to date in all environments.

A Look at How the Cloud Has Streamlined Financial Management

In modern business, the role of technology has become increasingly pivotal, revolutionizing the way organizations operate and manage their resources. One of the most transformative technological advancements in recent years has been the widespread adoption of cloud computing. The cloud has not only altered the way businesses store and access data but has also significantly streamlined various aspects of financial management. This article delves into the multifaceted ways in which the cloud has reshaped financial management, making processes more efficient, cost-effective, and flexible.

Backstage Developer Portal

Backstage, a development portal, allows developers to maintain constant vigilance over the health of their networks and services, no matter where they are deployed. This is invaluable to teams, as many different deployments across different environments need to be monitored to ensure security and compliance. Find out how to evaluate, implement, and succeed with Backstage in order to maintain your security perimeter and ensure that all deployments are working as intended.

How Automation Can Support Threat Vulnerability Management + Reduce the Attack Surface

Threat vulnerability management, and managing your attack surface, are critical in the battle against cyberattacks. At some point before an successful attack, the internal process to manage threats and prevent access to sensitive data failed. How could they have done things differently? Were they just managing too much, too often, without the resources they needed?

CFEngine 3.23 released - Anniversary

Today, we are pleased to announce the release of CFEngine 3.23.0! This is a non-LTS (non-supported) release, where we introduce new features for users to test and give feedback on, allowing us to polish before the next LTS.(CFEngine 3.24 LTS is scheduled to release summer 2024). The codename for this release is anniversary, as this year is CFEngine’s 30th anniversary.

Sending Data to Elastic Security With Cribl Stream (And Making It Work With Elastic SIEM)

Cribl Stream is a real-time security and observability data processing pipeline that can be used to collect, transform, enrich, reduce, redact, and route data from a variety of sources to a variety of destinations. One of the popular destinations for Cribl users is Elastic SIEM. This blog post will walk you through the steps on how to set up Cribl Stream to normalize and forward data to use with Elastic Security for SIEM.

Unraveling the Dangers of Phishing: From Basics to Effective Prevention

Surely you may have at one time or another received an email warning of an outstanding invoice, a parcel shipment that you did not expect or a warning from the bank about suspicious activity in your account. These messages usually adopt an alarming tone and provide you with a link to a website that you must visit right away to verify your personal information or to complete payment information. Caution! This is a “phishing” attempt, one of the most popular scam methods on the Internet!

How fintech companies can prepare for new DORA regulations

The clock is ticking for financial services companies that operate in the European Union (EU). Starting in January 2025, financial services providers and their third-party technology service providers must meet the new regulatory requirements of the Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA).

4 Tips for Building Resilience Against Cyber Attacks

As the world becomes more digitized, people, companies, and institutions globally face a considerable threat in the form of cyber attacks. Decisive actions that can withstand cyber attacks must be undertaken to guard confidential information, systems, and networks. The following are crucial skills and operations to improve resilience on cybersecurity issues in ensuring the success of a company's strategy for risk management against cyber threats.

Main Challenges When Managing Kubernetes Environments and Data Protection

Nandish Parmar, director for virtualization platforms at Solera, explains how different teams, when using their own tool sets, bring the need for a solution that can work across those scenarios. Developer education is also a challenge as they must understand pods, containers, and all dependencies running on Kubernetes platforms.