Operations | Monitoring | ITSM | DevOps | Cloud

August 2021

Understanding Apigee API Monitoring

Want to make sure the APIs you’ve launched on Apigee are performing as expected? In this video, we show how API Monitoring provides real-time insights into API traffic and performance, so you can solve problems as they happen. Watch to learn how you can stay informed and understand unusual events or patterns.

How To Significantly Tame The Cost of Autoscaling Your Cloud Clusters

Hi everyone. My name is Heidi Carson and I’m a product manager here at Pepperdata. Today, I’m going to share a bit about how you can tame the cost of autoscaling your cloud clusters. As you may well be aware, the incredible flexibility and scalability of the public cloud make it an appealing environment for modern software development. But, that same flexibility and scalability can lead to runaway costs when the cloud doesn't scale the way you might expect.

Serverless observability and real-time debugging with Dashbird

Systems run into problems all the time. To keep things running smoothly, we need to have an error monitoring and logging system to help us discover and resolve whatever issue that may arise as soon as possible. The bigger the system the more challenging it becomes to monitor it and pinpoint the issue. And with serverless systems with 100s of services running concurrently, monitoring and troubleshooting are even more challenging tasks.

How the Pandemic Impacted the Government's Cloud Migration Plans

“Cloud-first” has been a government imperative for many years, but the pandemic usurped this strategy, making “cloud-now” a priority. The results have been transformational. The cloud made wide-scale government telework possible, but it’s also given agencies the opportunity to test drive new cloud applications and experience the scalability and security benefits first-hand.

Cloud PaaS through the lens of open source - opinion

Open source software, as the name suggests, is developed in the open. The software can be freely inspected by anyone, and can be freely patched as required to suit the security requirements of the organisation running it. Any publicly identified security issues are centrally triaged and tracked.

Deploy ASP.NET Core applications to Azure App Service

The ASP.NET Core framework provides cross-platform support for web development, giving you greater control over how you build and deploy your.NET applications. With the ability to run.NET applications on more platforms, you need to ensure that you have visibility into application performance, regardless of where your applications are hosted. In previous posts, we looked at instrumenting and monitoring a.NET application deployed via Docker and AWS Fargate.

Troubleshooting Cloud Services and Infrastructure with Log Analytics

Troubleshooting cloud services and infrastructure is an ongoing challenge for organizations of all sizes. As organizations adopt more cloud services and their cloud environments grow more complex, they naturally produce more telemetry data – including application, system and security logs that document all types of events. All cloud services and infrastructure components generate their own, distinct logs.

Understand your services with Cloud Logging

What do you do when you know your service is having an issue? In this episode of Engineering for Reliability, we’ll show how you can use Cloud Logging to ingest, route, store, and view logs from your services and use them to fully understand application issues. Watch to learn how you can find issues faster, make your services more reliable, and keep your users happy.

What Are Spot Instances? And When Should You Use Them?

EC2 Spot Instances, according to Amazon , can potentially save you up to 90% of what you’d otherwise spend on On-Demand Instances. While it’s been proven that even Reserved EC2 instances are cheaper than their On-Demand counterparts, it turns out Spot Instances are additionally capable of pushing their discounts beyond the reach of the Reserved Instances .

Elastic and Cmd join forces to help you take command of your cloud workloads

We are excited to announce that Elastic is joining forces with Cmd to accelerate our efforts in Cloud security - specifically in cloud workload runtime security. By integrating the capabilities of Cmd's expertise and product into Elastic Security, we will enable customers to detect, prevent, and respond to attacks on their cloud workloads.

Challenges and Opportunities of Going Serverless in 2021

While we know the many benefits of going serverless – reduced costs via pay-per-use pricing models, less operational burden/overhead, instant scalability, increased automation – the challenges of going serverless are often not addressed as comprehensively. The understandable concerns over migrating can stop any architectural decisions and actions being made for fear of getting it wrong and not having the right resources.

How to Monitor Your AWS Workloads

A WS is a comprehensive platform with over 200+ types of cloud services available globally. As organizations adopt these services, monitoring their performance can seem overwhelming. The majority of AWS workloads behind the scenes are dependent on a core set of services: EC2 (the compute service), EBS (block storage), and ELB (load balancing).

Fargate vs ECS - Comparing Amazon's container management services

Kubernetes and containerization of applications brings many benefits to software development, enabling speed, agility, and flexibility. The maturation of the Kubernetes ecosystem accelerated quickly in the last few years, leaving users with a multitude of choices when it comes to Kubernetes tooling and services. The major cloud providers (AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud) have introduced services specifically to help users run their Kubernetes applications more efficiently and effectively.

Who is Driving Enterprise-wide Innovation, Transformation, Cloud Strategy and More?

Today’s decision-making is different than even a few years ago. More “data” is used, and the data inputs take several forms, including humans. A big part of today’s strategy and decision-making at enterprise-class organizations are committees, made up of a company’s subject matter experts and relevant stakeholders for a critical company initiative.

Securing Serverless Applications with Critical Logging

We’ve seen time and again how serverless architecture can benefit your application; graceful scaling, cost efficiency, and a fast production time are just some of the things you think of when talking about serverless. But what about serverless security? What do I need to do to ensure my application is not prone to attacks? One of the many companies that do serverless security, Protego, came up with an analogy I really like.

8 Risks You Need To Mitigate During Cloud Migration

Migrating workloads to the cloud can be tricky. In fact, a study Virtana conducted earlier this year found that 72% of respondents had to move applications back on-premises after migrating them to the public cloud because they ran into a variety of problems. Clearly, organizations need to address these showstoppers.

Cloud Key Management in a minute

Cloud Key Management allows you to create, import, and manage cryptographic keys, as well as perform cryptographic operations in a single centralized cloud service. In this episode of Cloud Bytes, we show how you can centrally manage symmetric and asymmetric encryption keys for your cloud services. Watch and learn how you can quickly set up Cloud Key Management.

Zero effort performance insights for popular serverless offerings

Inevitably, in the lifetime of a service or application, developers, DevOps, and SREs will need to investigate the cause of latency. Usually you will start by determining whether it is the application or the underlying infrastructure causing the latency. You have to look for signals that indicate the performance of those resources when the issue occured.

Cloud-Centric PCI Compliance Demands Cloud-Native Controls

Over the last 15-plus years, the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard – a.k.a. PCI DSS – has endured as the bellwether of IT security standards. For today’s e-commerce vendors and cloud centric retailers, maintaining alignment with “PCI” remains as relevant as ever, especially given the continued proliferation of threats and diversity of cloud and hybrid environments.

How the technology you choose influences CloudOps maturity

As the world becomes increasingly digital-first, it’s more important than ever for organizations to keep services always-on, innovate quickly, and deliver great customer experiences. Uptime is money, so it’s no surprise that many have made the shift to cloud in recent years in order to make use of its flexibility and scale—while controlling costs. And while 2020 wasn’t easy for any organization, those that are thriving have embraced the digital mindset.

Serverless with AWS - Image resize on-the-fly with Lambda and S3

Handling large images has always been a pain in my side since I started writing code. Lately, it has started to have a huge impact on page speed and SEO ranking. If your website has poorly optimized images it won’t score well on Google Lighthouse. If it doesn’t score well, it won’t be on the first page of Google. That sucks.

Keeping afloat during the flood of worker turnover

Almost four million U.S. workers a month are quitting their jobs. More than half of North American employees plan to look for a new position this year. And an alarming percentage of the workforce describe themselves as “burnt out.” Statistics like these are the shadow cast by the looming “talent turnover tsunami.” The pandemic has unmoored millions of people from their familiar patterns both at home and at work.

Application Modernization Best Practices

As modern technologies like cloud, AI, MK, IoT, Data Analytics opens more doors to businesses of all sizes, application modernization takes centre stage. Today, organizations across sectors are driving relentless efforts in migrating to cloud platforms. But the presence of heavy, legacy enterprise systems makes the journey towards cloud extremely challenging. These complex systems are not only deprived of the security needed to operate in today’s business world, but the absence of integration capabilities also make them an extreme misfit in a cloud-friendly world.

Projects Enhancements

Back in 2019, I introduced you to Skeddly Projects . Projects is a feature in Skeddly that allows you to separate actions, credentials, managed backup plans, and managed start/stop plans. Almost like a mini Skeddly account within an account. Over the last few months, Skeddly’s Projects feature has been significantly enhanced. And I’m going to tell you all about the wonderful new features within Skeddly Projects.

Use Process Metrics for troubleshooting and resource attribution

When you are experiencing an issue with your application or service, having deep visibility into both the infrastructure and the software powering your apps and services is critical. Most monitoring services provide insights at the Virtual Machine (VM) level, but few go further. To get a full picture of the state of your application or service, you need to know what processes are running on your infrastructure.

What Is Cloud Management? The Ultimate Guide

According to AWS, “Creating a software system is a lot like constructing a building. If the foundation is not solid, structural problems can undermine the integrity and function of the building.” This is especially true when it comes to the cloud. If an organization doesn’t effectively oversee key areas of its foundation, it’s likely the result is not going to be successful. When it comes to cloud management, we look at it through the lens of the AWS Well-Architected Framework.

New Google Cloud instance types on Elastic Cloud

We are excited to announce support for Google Compute Engine (GCE) N2 general purpose virtual machine (VM) types, and additional hardware configuration options powered by N2 custom machine types. N2 VMs leverage Intel 2nd Generation Xeon Scalable processors and provide a balance of compute, memory, and storage. N2 machine types also offer more than a 20% improvement in price-performance over the first-generation N1 machines.

How to Test JavaScript Lambda Functions?

Function as a service (FaaS) offerings like AWS Lambda are a blessing for software development. They remove many of the issues that come with the setup and maintenance of backend infrastructure. With much of the upfront work taken out of the process, they also lower the barrier to start a new service and encourage modularization and encapsulation of software systems. Testing distributed systems and serverless cloud infrastructures.

AWS Compute Optimizer: Pros and Cons

AWS offers a Compute Optimizer tool that uses machine learning to analyze your historical utilization metrics and then recommend optimal AWS resources to help you reduce costs and improve performance. And it is free, you just need to opt in to the service in the AWS Compute Optimizer Console. Sounds great, right? Well, yes and no. It is a useful little tool, but if you do not understand its pros and cons, you will not be as optimized as you may think. Here is a breakdown.

Platform.sh | Community Using AWS S3 snapshot repository for Elasticsearch

Contextual Code specializes in enterprise-level projects for state government agencies. We routinely tackle difficult web content management implementations, migrations, integrations, customizations, and operations. We know what it takes to get a project off the ground and onto the web. We use Platform.sh as our primary hosting platform because it’s incredibly flexible and it provides a vast list of services that can be set up very easily.

Platform as a Service (PaaS): A guide

Cloud computing has conquered our lives, from massive on-premise systems and storage hubs to fully virtualized storage platforms. Today, organizations are reengineering their strategies rapidly into cloud-friendly which resulted in a rapid growth in cloud migration rate. Studies says, worldwide cloud infrastructure services investments are increased to $41.8 billion in the first quarter of 2021. Because, there is always a double-fold benefit from the cloud transformation.

A beginner's guide to Platform.sh

Hey friends, I recently joined Platform.sh as a Developer Relations Engineer, and I’ve been playing with the platform for a few weeks now. In this blog post, I’ll share some things I’ve learned about Platform.sh, how I was able to deploy my first Node.js application, and a few features that I think could be improved.

Manage Ocean GKE Virtual Node Groups using Terraform

Spot by NetApp allows its users to manage their application infrastructure using a variety of provisioning tools. One of these tools is Terraform, an infrastructure as code (IaC) tool that allows users to build, change, and version infrastructure safely and efficiently. Spot by NetApp solutions supports multiple Terraform resources, such as Elastigroup, EMR Mr scaler, Managed Instance, and Ocean clusters for different cloud providers, and many more.

How CloudZero Manages Cloud Costs During Our Product Discovery Process

Like any SaaS organization, CloudZero cares about our COGS, margin, and unit cost. As you can imagine, we have a fair amount of insight into how those numbers are changing every day thanks to being “customer zero” on our cloud cost intelligence platform. Talking with other companies, I often find that the best organizations understand that measuring the cost implications of new products and features once you’ve deployed them can be too late.

Verify GKE Service Availability with new dedicated uptime checks

Keeping the experience of your end user in mind is important when developing applications. Observability tools help your team measure important performance indicators that are important to your users, like uptime. It’s generally a good practice to measure your service internally via metrics and logs which can give you indications of uptime, but an external signal is very useful as well, wherever feasible.

Cloud Agnostic: What Does It Really Mean And Why Do You Need It?

The cloud computing space is constantly evolving — a fact that can sometimes set the stage for inconsistencies and confusion around both industry terminology and best practices. Cloud agnostic is one of those confusing terms, as is cloud native. But with the number of cloud agnostic and cloud native applications growing, it’s important to set the record straight.

Monitor and troubleshoot your VMs in context for faster resolution

Troubleshooting production issues with virtual machines (VMs) can be complex and often requires correlating multiple data points and signals across infrastructure and application metrics, as well as raw logs. When your end users are experiencing latency, downtime, or errors, switching between different tools and UIs to perform a root cause analysis can slow your developers down.

Orchestration in Telcos: the multi-vendor and multi-cloud environments...

The use of NFV migration is becoming commonplace, it is made apparent there is a need for a higher degree of software management, smoother upgrades, and deployment process. Due to the complexity of the migration, Telcos have been deterred from adoption. A solution should be out there to aid businesses in managing and deploying network automation, orchestration, and managed services. In general, a telco network is complex and needs to be managed using multiple perspectives.

Distributed tracing with OpenTelemetry and Cloud Trace

As more services are involved in serving user traffic and completing transactions, how does each service contribute to overall latency? In this episode of Engineering for Reliability, we’ll show how to use distributed tracing to capture the latency of user requests and how long it takes each service in the path to return a response. Watch to learn how to capture latency in distributed applications using OpenTelemetry and analyze it using Cloud Trace.

Product Explainer Video: Splunk Infrastructure Monitoring for Real-time Monitoring in the Cloud

Wherever you are in your cloud journey and whatever your environment looks like, Splunk Infrastructure Monitoring is a purpose-built metrics platform to address real-time cloud monitoring requirements at scale. Get real-time observability for data from any cloud, any vendor, and any service.

Google Cloud Asset Inventory 101

Cloud Asset Inventory is a metadata inventory service that allows you to view, monitor, and analyze all your Google Cloud and Anthos assets across projects and services. In this video, Sophia Yang - a Google Cloud Product Manager - will show you how Cloud Asset Inventory allows you greater visibility into your Google Cloud assets, receive real-time notifications on asset config changes, run analysis on inventory, getting insights from your deployment, and more! Watch to learn how you can use Cloud Asset Inventory to gain greater observability into your Google Cloud and Anthos assets!

What Is AWS Auto Scaling? And When Should You Use It?

Whether you’re growing rapidly and need to expand your infrastructure or demand has slowed and you need to scale down, AWS Auto Scaling can help. While manual scaling is time-intensive and costly, auto scaling is an automated process that adjusts capacity for predictable performance and costs. Auto scaling can help you optimize how your application is used and reduce wastage and optimize cloud spend.

Dashbird Explained: the why, what and how

Here’s everything you need to know to get started with Dashbird – the complete solution for End-to-End Infrastructure observability , Real-time Error Tracking, and Well-Architected Insights. When working with AWS, One cannot emphasize enough the architectural best practices for designing workloads. One of those best practices is to design the solution in such a way that the monitoring of infrastructure and troubleshooting of errors and problems is achieved effortlessly.

Going Beyond with Hybrid Cloud using CloudHedge - The Best of Both Worlds

Lately, enterprises are moving towards a hybrid solution that offers the best of both worlds. A hybrid cloud setup combines two infrastructures like a private cloud with one or more public cloud further enabling communication between each distinct service. To maximize returns, a hybrid cloud strategy equips the enterprise with greater flexibility and control by moving workloads between clouds as costs and resources fluctuate.

Troubleshoot GKE apps faster with monitoring data in Cloud Logging

When you’re troubleshooting an application on Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE), the more context that you have on the issue, the faster you can resolve it. For example, did the pod exceed it’s memory allocation? Was there a permissions error reserving the storage volume? Did a rogue regex in the app pin the CPU? All of these questions require developers and operators to build a lot of troubleshooting context.

Use log buckets for data governance, now supported in 23 regions

Logs are an essential part of troubleshooting applications and services. However, ensuring your developers, DevOps, ITOps, and SRE teams have access to the logs they need, while accounting for operational tasks such as scaling up, access control, updates, and keeping your data compliant, can be challenging. To help you offload these operational tasks associated with running your own logging stack, we offer Cloud Logging.

6 Strategic Recommendations FP&A Can Make With Cloud Cost Intelligence

If you're in FP&A, it can sometimes feel like outsiders think your job is all about routine tasks, like tracking budgets and reporting on cost — which couldn’t be further from the truth. A great FP&A professional deeply understands the business, has a strong command of its metrics, and uses that data to serve as a trusted advisor and partner to stakeholders. You’re not just a “counter” and “tracker” — you’re a driver of strategic outcomes.

Elastigroup now supports step scaling

Together with the release of Spot by NetApp’s Elastigroup support for multiple metrics, we are pleased to share that Elastigroup now also support step scaling, a new functionality that allows Elastigroup customers to configure multiple actions under a single, simple scaling policy. In Elastigroup, each simple scaling policy contains two parts. The first is the AWS metric, which is the metric the data is collected from.

Elastigroup scaling now supports multiple metrics

Scalability is one of the main reasons why cloud computing has become so popular. Cloud customers can rapidly react to changes in market needs and demands by automatically launching or terminating resources. This way only the exact number of resources required to serve all incoming requests are running (and being paid for) at any given moment.

EFS Monitoring with Datadog

In Part 1 of this series, we looked at the key EFS metrics you should monitor, and in Part 2 we showed you how you can use tools from AWS and Linux to collect and alert on EFS metrics and logs. Monitoring EFS in isolation, however, can lead to visibility gaps as you try to understand the full context of your application’s health and performance.

Connect your AKS cluster to Ocean using Terraform

Spot by NetApp serves hundreds of customers across industries, with different systems, environments, processes and tools. With this in mind, Spot aims to develop our products with flexibility so that whatever the use case, companies can get the full benefits of the cloud. Spot easily plugs into many tools that DevOps teams are already using, from CI/CD to infrastructure as code, including Terraform.

Lightning-fast scale-out with Ocean for container workloads

Spot Ocean offers best-in-class container-driven autoscaling that continuously monitors your environment, reacting to and remedying any infrastructure gap between the desired and actual running containers. The way this typically plays out is that when there are more containers than underlying cloud infrastructure, Ocean immediately starts provisioning additional nodes to the cluster so the container’s infrastructure requirements will be satisfied.

Debugging Cloud Functions

Developing a Cloud Function, but having issues troubleshooting it? In this episode of Serverless Expeditions Extended, we show you how to debug your function locally so you can avoid the risk of testing in production. Watch to learn how you can easily install the Functions Framework, set up the Node debugger, and fix your functions!

Why Do You Need to Document Your Microsoft Azure Usage?

As the adoption to cloud expand, subscribing and provisioning resources increases day by day. Enterprises have multiple strategies to implement their cloud deployments: single cloud, private cloud, multi-cloud, or hybrid cloud. There is a need to analyse and assess on regular basis to keep a watch on the usage to ensure expenditure on the cloud resources are efficient and there is no wastage. There are various possibilities but will need some level of technical competence and regular maintenance.

End to End Tracking for Azure Integration Solutions

In any integration solution, when many Azure services come together to communicate with each other, there is a need for the organizations to build an end-to-end traceability/monitoring solution that can be used by the business users and IT support. Perform end-to-end message tracking and capturing necessary data on business process flow across Azure resources and hybrid integrations. Consider an organisation that has a well-defined Employee Onboarding process.

My honest review: I tried AWS Serverless Monitoring using Dashbird.io

As a startup, we always want to focus on the most important thing — to deliver value to our customers. For that reason, we are a huge fan of the serverless options provided by AWS (Lambda) and GCP (Cloud Function) as these allow us to maintain and quickly deploy bite-size business logic to production, without having to worry too much about maintaining the underlying servers and computing resources.

Hunting for threats in multi-cloud and hybrid cloud environments

In today's environment, security teams face a pervasive threat landscape, with the expectation that some threat actors will be successful in bypassing perimeter defenses. To deal with this, security teams must learn how to actively hunt down threats, both outside and inside the perimeter, using solutions, such as Sumo Logic’s Cloud SIEM Enterprise and Continuous Intelligence Platform.

Remote work and its lasting impact: What our global research uncovered

The COVID-19 pandemic has not only had a profound impact on everyone across the globe; it has also fundamentally changed the way organizations function. We are nearing one and a half years since remote work became the norm and organizations had to adapt to this new mode of working almost overnight. This rapid transition wouldn’t have been possible without the massive technology, workflow, and process upgrades undertaken by IT departments.

Secure your infrastructure in real time with Datadog Cloud Workload Security

From containerized workloads to microservice architectures, developers are rapidly adopting new technology to scale their products at unprecedented rates. To manage these complex deployments, many teams are increasingly moving their applications to third party–managed services and infrastructure, trading full-stack visibility for simplified operations.

New histogram features in Cloud Logging to troubleshoot faster

Visualizing trends in your logs is critical when troubleshooting an issue with your application. Using the histogram in Logs Explorer, you can quickly visualize log volumes over time to help spot anomalies, detect when errors started and see a breakdown of log volumes. But static visualizations are not as helpful as having more options for customization during your investigations.

Introducing the All New Serverless360!

Towards the end of 2016, it all started with developing a simple platform to manage Microsoft Azure Service Bus namespaces. The then classic Azure portal had limited capabilities to manage Azure Messaging resources like Service Bus Queues and Topics. Paolo Salvatori developed and managed a community tool called Service Bus Explorer. We identified that there are challenges or limitations in managing and monitoring Azure Messaging resources using the above two.

How PagerDuty Helps Manage Hybrid Infrastructure and Complex Ops Across Industries

If there’s one thing we learned from the 80+ sessions from Summit 2021, it’s that across the industries, companies are continuing to accelerate innovation in a bid to meet growing customer expectations of always-on services across all channels. In financial services, disrupting traditional banking or rethinking access to advisory services comes with operational and regulatory challenges.

Elastic recognized for innovation by Google Cloud and Microsoft

Elastic received honors from two key partners, Microsoft and Google — a recognition of our efforts to ensure that customers can easily find and use Elastic products in the environments that best suit their needs. Elastic was named the 2021 Microsoft US Partner Award Winner in Business Excellence in the Commercial Marketplace. In addition, for the second year in a row, Elastic was selected by Google Cloud as the 2020 Technology Partner of the Year for Data Management.

Monitor containerized ASP.NET Core applications on AWS Fargate

The ASP.NET Core framework enables you to build and deploy .NET applications on a wide variety of platforms, each of which has different observability concerns. In a previous post, we looked at monitoring a containerized ASP.NET Core application. In this guide, we’ll show how Datadog provides visibility into ASP.NET Core applications running on AWS Fargate. We’ll walk through.

Override Jenkins default executor configuration for more control over cloud infrastructure

The Spot Jenkins plugin allows Jenkins to manage Elastigroups, enabling users to run servers with spot instances and take advantage of the other Elastigroup features. It’s a powerful integration that Spot is continuously improving in order to give our users even more control over their application infrastructure.

How to move your VDI workloads to the Public Cloud?

A couple of weeks ago, I had a webinar together with Goliath Technologies about what we need to consider before moving your VDI workloads to Public Cloud. In this blog post I will try and write a summary of the various stages that should be part of the journey and also some of the pitfalls that you can encounter when moving your VDI workload to Public Cloud.

Automate EKS Node Rotation for AMI Releases

In the daily life of a Site Reliability Engineer, the main goal is to reduce all the work we call toil. But what is toil? Toil is the kind of work tied to running a production service that tends to be manual, repetitive, automatable, tactical, devoid of enduring value, and scales linearly as a service grows. This blog post describes our journey to automate our nodes rotation process when we have a new AMI release and the open source tools we built on this.

Why Should My Business Consider Private And Direct Connections To Huawei Cloud?

The rapid growth of China's public cloud market and the increased spend on cloud services has seen Huawei Cloud become an increasingly popular option for enterprises. Here we look at some of the advantages of using private connections between Huawei Cloud data centres and your on-premise or colocation environment.

A Stunning Cloud Mistake Too Many Companies Are Making

Cloud migration is, more often than not, treated as a one-way street where organizations migrate applications and workloads from on-premises to a public cloud, or less often, from one public cloud to another. But a key finding in our recent State of Hybrid Cloud survey of 350 IT professionals with cloud decision influence/authority is that a whopping 72% of participating organizations stated that they’ve had to move applications back on-premises after migrating them to the public cloud.

4 Cloud Monitoring Capabilities That Really Matter

When you migrate workloads to the hybrid cloud, you need to keep an eye on those deployments to make sure you’re getting the performance and benefits you expect. And you need to watch it over time as things evolve. This includes both changes on your side—new or updated applications, increased demand, etc.—as well as new features from your cloud provider(s).

5 Tactical Ways To Align Engineering And Finance On Cloud Spend

Finance and engineering both thrive on efficiency. So when companies realize they’re wasting cloud spend, but aren’t sure where or how, both teams become frustrated. It’s remarkable how common this scenario is, particularly in the past five years. Before the pandemic, Gartner reported companies wasted over $14 billion in 2019 on cloud services. During the height of the pandemic and cloud adoption spurt in 2020, IDG reported that 70% of US businesses overspent by as much as 62%.

8 Must-Know Tricks to Use S3 More Effectively in Python

AWS Simple Storage Service (S3) is by far the most popular service on AWS. The simplicity and scalability of S3 made it a go-to platform not only for storing objects, but also to host them as static websites, serve ML models, provide backup functionality, and so much more. It became the simplest solution for event-driven processing of images, video, and audio files, and even matured to a de-facto replacement of Hadoop for big data processing.

Application view for Azure Serverless Integrations

We are in a fantastic era of Application Development. Cloud computing is one of the essential adoptions of today. Enterprises solve their complex problems by designing and building Business Applications using Microsoft Azure offerings like Service Bus, Logic Apps, Function Apps, Event Hubs, Relays, Event Grids. Choosing Microsoft Azure offerings to implement a business solution has significant benefits. That sounds fantastic!

Application view for Microsoft Azure Resources

We are in a fantastic era of Application Development. Cloud computing is one of the essential adoptions of today. Enterprises solve their complex problems by designing and building Business Applications using Microsoft Azure offerings like Service Bus, Logic Apps, Function Apps, Event Hubs, Relays, Event Grids. Choosing Microsoft Azure offerings to implement a business solution has significant benefits. That sounds fantastic!

How to Drive Innovation and Agility Using Digital Twins Technology?

In our rapidly changing world, product manufacturing organizations are increasingly searching for ways to improve their efficiency in delivering outstanding throughputs. Digital Twins is becoming an ideal technology solution for manufacturers and process engineers that helps companies to monitor operations in real-time, control and even enable machines to learn, improve and heal themselves.