Operations | Monitoring | ITSM | DevOps | Cloud

September 2022

A Deeper Dive into Machine Learning at Splunk

A typical bit of feedback I have had during my time at Splunk is that the Splunk Machine Learning Toolkit (MLTK) looks nice and all, but how are we supposed to get started using it? Choosing the right technique, let alone the right algorithm can be a daunting task for those who are unfamiliar with machine learning (ML). We’ve been thinking long and hard about how we can help offer more prescriptive introductions into using ML at Splunk and I’m pleased to present our set of MLTK deep dives.

10+ Best MongoDB Monitoring Tools and Services [2022 Comparison]

MongoDB is a cross-platform NoSQL database that uses JSON-like documents with optional schema to store data. It was designed for high availability, high performance for high-data persistance use cases, and automatic scaling. Of course, all with the right infrastructure in mind. It is usually a good choice for document-oriented use cases when you need quick prototyping or massive scale. With the massive scale comes massive traffic, though.

Key Observability Scaling Requirements for Your Next Game Launch: Part III

So far in our series on scaling observability for game launches, we’ve discussed ways to 1) quickly analyze large volumes of telemetry data and, 2) ensure high-quality telemetry data for more effective analysis at lower costs. The best practices in these blogs outline best practices for scaling observability during game launch day – which is necessary to ensure high performance across all infrastructure components – to ensure no lag, no glitches, and no bugs.

Papertrail and AWS SNS

Operating a modern web application requires having a good handle on what’s going on with your application’s log data. But this doesn’t mean you need to keep the logs pulled up all the time. Sometimes, you want the flexibility to send important logged events to any number of places. The integration of SolarWinds® Papertrail™ and AWS Simple Notification Service (SNS) can help you make this happen.

Sixth Street Breaks Down Silos and Deploys a Streamlined Logging Solution with ChaosSearch

As high-scale Financial Technology (FinTech) companies build on their data-driven capabilities and establish product-market fit, they often experience rapid growth that creates challenges for IT and DevOps teams.

Exciting News About the Cribl Certified Observability Engineer Program!

At Cribl, we want to make it as easy as possible for anyone to learn about our products. Whether you’re a potential future customer, new user at an existing customer, a partner, we believe knowledge about our products should be free and easy to consume, convenient to access at any time and at a pace desired by the learner. We're excited to announce that we've issued our 1000th certification!

Introducing Logz.io's New Metrics Integration for HashiCorp Consul with OpenTelemetry

HashiCorp Consul began as an open-source project for service discovery. It has evolved to provide other valuable functionality like secure service mesh to help secure microservice architectures based on service identity, but also the ability to achieve repeatable application deployment lifecycles via Network Infrastructure Automation and control access to the service mesh via Consul API Gateway.These features are considered the four core pillars of Consul service networking.

What is an Observability Engineer?

What is an observability engineer? Is it your SIEM admin? How about your application performance monitoring admin? Neither? Both? Observability engineering is more than administering a tool. There is more to it than data onboarding, writing parsers, and getting data in. As an observability tool admin, you work with data producers and consumers to get data in a human-readable and searchable format from the source to the analytics system.

Network Log Archiving = Perfect Backwards Visibility

Network monitoring is ideal for getting a real-time view of your connected environment, and with reports, you can look back in time too. Logs are key to this rear-view mirror look, as they contain all the data for all the elements you are monitoring. But without network log archiving, you can only look back so far. Did you know that according to an IBM/Ponemon study, it takes an average of 287 days to discover and contain a data breach?

Mind the Overspray - Password Spraying Remains a Major Threat

If you’re wondering if that classic car you’ve been scoping out on Bring a Trailer or eBay Motors is as authentic as posited by the seller – specifically re: the common claims of “original paint” or “high quality respray” – you’re going to want to take a closer look around the edges. This is because a talented painter can make a second or 30th-hand vehicle look pretty snazzy with a well-affected, if not super high-quality, repaint.

Demystifying Observability and Making it Work for You

This article is the final installment in a series that demystifies observability. The first three focused on the history of observability, dispelling myths around observability, and what observability is and what it can offer. In this last article of the series (Check out part 1), I want to offer a complete definition of observability.

UiPath Robotic Process Monitoring for Splunk - Demo Walkthrough

This video provides a walkthrough of the out of the box Dashboards that come with the Splunk App for RPM. Once you have configured the data inputs you can quickly get value out of the app for monitoring your UiPath Robotic Process Automation (RPA) deployment. There is also a Splunk Alert Action built in which allows you to take action in UiPath API based on Data in the Splunk indexes.

Introducing Cloud Logging - Log Analytics, powered by BigQuery

Logging is a critical part of the software development lifecycle allowing developers to debug their apps, DevOps/SRE teams to troubleshoot issues, and security admins to analyze access. Cloud Logging provides a powerful pipeline to reliably ingest logs at scale and quickly find your logs. Today, we’re pleased to announce Log Analytics, a new set of features in Cloud Logging available in Preview, powered by BigQuery that allows you to gain even more insights and value from your logs.

How to Scale Your Alerts Beyond PromQL with Coralogix Flow Alerts

When building alerts, engineers aim to create accurate, timely, and actionable alerts. In pursuit of this goal, many engineers will leverage PromQL throughout their careers. PromQL is the query language used by Prometheus and Alert Manager to query metrics and define alerting rules. While PromQL works very well for simple use cases, as infrastructure scales, architectural patterns grow more complex, engineering practices accelerate, and alerting use cases become more multivariate.

Why You Need Synthetic Monitoring

Synthetic monitoring can be one of the most powerful tools in your DevOps team’s toolkit, especially for the SRE, yet is one that is often overlooked by people building out a reliability mindset. Synthetic monitoring permits you to simulate any transaction or interaction users can have in your website or app, from places around the world, as often as you’d like.

Sky Rocket APM Performance with Log Analytics

Application Performance Monitoring (APM) is great for tracking the health and performance of your software tool. APM helps you understand what's happening inside your application by monitoring various parameters such as CPU/memory stress, internal network throughput, and more. However, mixing in log analytics can take your APM game up a notch. Almost all software tools generate logs when they run.

Incident Severity Levels 1-5 Explained

The question isn't whether an incident will happen: it's when it will happen. Systems will crash. Software will fail. Vendors will suffer an outage of their own. It's your job to be prepared for these problems, and incident severity levels are one of the tools you need. Incidents have varying impacts on your business and customers. Incident severity levels are how you classify their impact and manage your response.

Dashboard Studio: It's the Little Things

It's always interesting to hear what feature requests dashboard users share with our product team. Sometimes it's big things — such as being able to set tokens on drilldowns — and sometimes it's little things. In Splunk Cloud Platform 9.0.2208, we've included a handful of Dashboard Studio "little things" updates.

What's the Sharpest Tool in Your Security Shed?

How easy is it to work with your security tools? So easy that you’re telling all your family and friends and you singing their praises from the occasional rooftop? Well, we sure hope so. Security tools, like any other tool, should help you save time, not waste it. Nobody would have invented a drill if screwdrivers were fast enough — but it’s also up to you to make sure you are using your drill and all the other power tools available in the modern world.

How to Run Solr Cloud on Docker Containers | Setup Tutorial for Beginners - Sematext

Solr is one of the most powerful and popular open-source search engines. And being able to put Solr in docker is an absolute must for anyone looking to get into DevOps. In this video tutorial, we will discuss the benefits of putting solr in containers, the 2 types of architecture solr can utilize, and containerize solr cloud in docker.

How to Reduce Data Costs with OpenTelemetry and BindPlane OP

Data costs fill a large column in many organizations’ accounting sheets. Data pipeline setup and management is a large time sink for DevOps, IT, and SRE. Setting up telemetry pipelines to reduce unwanted data often takes even more time that could better be spent creating value rather than reducing costs. This blog will show you one way to quickly set up your data pipeline to filter unnecessary telemetry data.

Digital experiences - Our second nature

I wanted to take a moment to reflect upon a significant milestone and celebration on September 20, 2022, in which I had the honor and privilege of representing our Sumo community to ring the Nasdaq bell to commence trading. It was a meaningful and emotional moment for me personally because it represented how far we’ve come to build a company, culture and community to enable and accelerate digital transformation for companies around the world.

Key Observability Scaling Requirements for Your Next Game Launch: Part II

In Part I in our series outlining best practices for scaling observability, we reviewed the data analysis capabilities that can help engineers troubleshoot faster during high pressure situations during a game launch. Nobody wants lag time or crashes in their game launch. Similarly, no one wants terminated sessions or for your gamer customers to log off and play a competitor’s game.

The Leading Dynatrace Alternatives & Competitors

The Dynatrace platform is a software-driven monitoring platform that simplifies enterprise cloud complexity and accelerates the pace of digital transformation for enterprises. There are many top solutions on the market, but Dynatrace is one of the most popular for its ability to monitor both mobile apps and real users simultaneously. By offering a shared platform for understanding metrics, Dynatrace also helps developers, operations, and business teams improve performance.

Beat the holiday rush with Elastic Observability

September is here, and that means many retailers have already begun preparing for the upcoming holiday season. One weekend in particular tends to be the real-life stress test that companies have come to develop a love-hate relationship with: Cyber Weekend. Or more specifically, Black Friday, Cyber Monday, and the weekend in between.

A fresh perspective: Rethinking TCO and expanding visibility to fuel growth

Over the past nine years, Freshworks has experienced record growth using Sumo Logic to ensure a reliable experience for its SaaS customers. Through continuous optimizations, the SRE team has improved their Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) and gained better visibility and insights into the logging patterns of their applications. Developers investigate issues more quickly using features like Live Tail, Anomaly Detection and Time Comparison, maximizing service reliability. Learn how Freshworks is doubling down on Sumo Logic to achieve full-stack visibility.

How to be a top online retailer in 2023? Start with a top ecommerce search engine

Search is the key to improving the customer experience–and business outcomes Retailers that weathered the global pandemic now face new challenges: emerging shopping patterns, competitive upstarts, and economic uncertainty.

Contextual Autocomplete: Why Coralogix is Focused on Developer Productivity

In the observability toolchain, all of our efforts go into data storage and analysis, and the usability of our system becomes a second-class citizen. Autocomplete is a crucial usability feature that significantly improves the developer experience. It is ubiquitous amongst engineering tools from IDEs to CLIs. Autocomplete has long been a feature of many observability tools, but they all miss a crucial detail – optimizing for developer productivity.

Setting Up and Tuning Amazon S3 as a Cribl Stream Destination

Everybody is starting to look more at object storage to deliver on data lake initiatives, and S3, specifically Amazon S3, is the gold standard for that. In addition, we’ve heard from many of you that setting up S3 as a destination is a must when starting with Cribl Stream. So in this article we’ll walk you through the setup.

How Acquia helps customers deliver "moments that matter" with observability

Acquia is the open source digital experience company that empowers the world’s most ambitious brands to embrace innovation and create customer moments that matter. In this session, Acquia shares its journey to observability, moving from a fragmented and siloed state of monitoring to a sustainable model for observability. Learn how Acquia worked with Sumo Logic to improve the user and developer experience by

Monitoring 10,000 clouds with Hashicorp

While there are many advantages to cloud computing, the cloud is crazy complex. Organizations need to be able to see exactly what’s happening in a variety of cloud environments in real-time, to get a clear picture of the health and operational status of relevant cloud-based components and devices. In this fireside chat, learn how HashiCorp puts Sumo Logic at the center of its security monitoring strategy to help monitor and secure thousands of public and hybrid cloud environments for its customers.

Product Spotlight: Logz.io Service Performance Monitoring

We believe that one of the most powerful capabilities added to the Logz.io Observability Platform in recent months is our new Service Performance Monitoring (SPM) feature set. As you may have seen earlier this year, Logz.io was named a Visionary in the 2022 Gartner® Magic Quadrant(™) for Application Performance Monitoring and Observability. To that end, SPM is a cornerstone for our related solutions.

How To: Connecting Azure Blob to Cribl Stream to Replay Observability Data

One of the core features of Cribl Stream is our Replay capability. We pride ourselves on giving customers choice and control over their data. The ability to archive data in cheap object storage, and then providing the ability to reach into the same object storage is one example of this. It’s safe to say that S3 and AWS have become synonymous with the term object storage. It’s like a modern day Kleenex, or Band-Aid.

How to easily configure Grafana Loki and Promtail to receive logs from Heroku

Heroku is a cloud provider well known for its simplicity and its support out of the box for multiple programming languages. When thinking about consuming logs from applications hosted in Heroku, Grafana Loki is a great choice. But in the past, shipping logs from Heroku to any Loki instance required ad-hoc scripts to fiddle with Heroku’s logs format and send them. This can be a time-consuming experience.

Key Observability Scaling Requirements for Your Next Game Launch: Part I

After months–or potentially, years–of hard work by teams across a gaming enterprise, when the day arrives for a game launch, the last thing your enterprise needs is slowdowns, glitches, outages or poor performance. It’s the death knell for any game, because for your avid gaming customers, there’s always something else (read: a game that isn’t yours) to check out.

Masking and Truncating Fields in Cribl Stream

In Cribl Stream and Cribl Edge, you can operate on your observability event data in flight, all the way down to the field level. Instead of writing complex regex to wrangle JSON and other structured formats, use Cribl’s built-in functions and extensibility to get the results you want. You’ll see formerly complex situations become easier to address and manage over the long term. In this blog, we’ll cover two troublesome use cases.

Welcome to Splunk Secure Gateway 3.0

Splunk Mobile puts the power of Splunk in your hands. But with great power, comes great responsibility. That’s why this year with the release of Splunk Enterprise 9.0, we’ve shipped Splunk Secure Gateway (the backend service that powers Splunk Mobile) with even more features and tools to help you responsibly manage your mobile fleet.

Debunking Myths About Cyberattack Complexity in 2022

Stoking fears about the threat landscape is a popular approach, and one that I don’t particularly care for. Many will tell you that the threat landscape is constantly changing, that threats are getting more complex, and that actors are getting more sophisticated. “The whole world is getting more difficult and scarier, so buy our stuff!” There’s a ton of media sensationalism too, with the popular image of the hacker sitting at a computer, wearing a dark hoodie.

How Cribl Stream Helps Enterprises Handle UDP Syslog Challenges

Syslog is a very common method for transmitting data from network devices and open systems servers data to analytics platforms like Elastic and Splunk. As adaptable as syslog is, it still has significant constraints, which is a pain for most companies that lack the resources to scale their capability needed for syslog.

Greater Self-Service Private Apps on Cloud with New AppInspect Tags

We're excited to announce that starting with the new Splunk Cloud Product 9.0.2205 release, it's easier to create, manage and use private apps. Although Splunk is great by itself, we can all agree that the real value of Splunk comes from all the applications that Developers, SplunkTrust folks and Splunkers build.

Database Decision-Making for Observability, from Simple to Complex

A goal of open-source observability is unifying several different signals to provide the observability everyone wants. It’s always interesting to speak to people on this journey, and how they try to provide it through open-source projects, and the challenges they can face. I was thrilled to host Pranay Prateek on the most recent episode of the OpenObservability Talks podcast.

Distributed Tracing Observability in Microservices

Have you ever tried to find a bug in a multi-layered architecture? Although this might sound like a simple enough task, it can quickly become a nightmare if the system doesn’t have proper monitoring. And the more distributed your system is, the more complex it becomes to analyze the root cause of a problem. That’s precisely why observability is key in distributed systems. Observability can be thought of as the advanced version of application monitoring.

Improve your application monitoring by reducing overhead of managing and updating alert rules

Just about every organization today relies on key applications running on complex multi-cloud environments to transact business and enable users to work. It is critical to ensure that those applications are running optimally. A solid monitoring and alerting system is required to know when an issue needs attention. But having a robust monitoring system is not enough.

How to get maximum value from Service Level Objectives (SLOs)

A reliable digital customer experience is critical to the success of digital-first businesses. Each minute of downtime can result in the loss of revenue, unsatisfied customers, and damage to reputation. However, as your uptime gets closer to 100%, it gets exponentially harder to improve and often comes at the cost of speed of innovation. A good balance between innovation (i.e., new feature releases) and maintaining an acceptable level of reliability is key to success in the digital world.

How to drive better decision-making with reliability management

Almost every organization is going through digital transformation. According to IDC, direct digital transformation investment is growing globally at a compound annual growth rate of 15.5% and is expected to approach $6.8 trillion by 2023. Customers quickly embrace the benefits of a customer experience reshaped by technology. However, they have little patience when that technology doesn’t work as expected.

New capabilities: Sumo Logic expands Real User Monitoring (RUM)

Monitoring the digital experience of users is a must-have these days. Ensuring the end clients are satisfied is difficult though. People are not keen to provide feedback; they just change the vendor without explanation. It is, therefore, crucial to build enough observability into a front-end application (a web page or a mobile UI) so it can tell the story of how well the user perceived the interaction within the application.

Scaling Syslog: The Challenge That Never Goes Away

At this point, you already know how powerful syslog is (and if you don’t, check out “Introduction to Syslog”). But here’s the thing: Scaling your systems to consume high volume syslog is like fighting zombies. Weird unexpected behavior and no easy solutions. Before you fight zombies, though, you have to understand them. So, here are the challenges for scaling syslog one by one.

Synthetics 8.4.0 - Elastic Observability

Elastic 8.4.0 was released in August. In this video we cover what's new in 8.4.0 Observability, and go through demos of the newest features in monitor management, data retention, and the public beta. Join Synthetics Tech Lead Andrew Cholakian, and Synthetics Engineer Justin Kambic for the latest in Elastic Synthetics.

Online Learning: a Novel Approach to Applying Machine Learning in Splunk

Most classical, batch-oriented machine learning systems follow the paradigm of “fit and apply”. In an earlier blog post, I discussed a few patterns on how to better organize data pipelines and machine learning workflows in Splunk. In this blog, we’ll review how you can organize your machine learning model in a new way: online learning.

An Introduction to Syslog

Syslog is an event logging standard that lets almost any device or application send data about status, events, diagnostics, and more. It’s commonly used by network and storage devices to ship observability data to analytics platforms and SIEMs in order to support and secure the enterprise. Syslog is an excellent lightweight protocol to get telemetry from small scale devices.

Papertrail + Slack: Keeping On Top of Your Most Important Logs

One of the most important pieces of operating any application stack is making sure you’re aware of the logging events occurring on your running systems. If your development team is like most, then you collaborate with your colleagues using Slack. Being successful while building and operating software includes looking for ways to implement high-visibility operations within your team communication platform.

Analyze Pacemaker logs in Cloud Logging

As an SAP system administrator, you've probably asked yourself: why did my Compute Instance restart? Why did Pacemaker restart my instance? Why did/didn’t my SAP system failover? By streaming Pacemaker logs into Cloud Logging, you can now find the answers to these questions by using a Cloud Logging query template to filter out the noise generated by Pacemaker logs.

Send Amazon VPC flow logs to Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose and Datadog

Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC) is an isolated and secure virtual network in which you can deploy resources, such as Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) and Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS) instances, while restricting their exposure to the internet. As part of your monitoring strategy, you can collect and analyze VPC flow logs, which record network traffic flow between VPC components.

Introducing Kubernetes control plane metrics in GKE

An essential aspect of operating any application is the ability to observe the health and performance of that application and of the underlying infrastructure to quickly resolve issues as they arise. Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) already provides audit logs, operational logs, and metrics along with out-of-the-box dashboards and automatic error reporting to facilitate running reliable applications at scale.

Akka License Change: The Impact of Akka's Move Away From "Open Source"

Akka’s license change has surprised many of us, but it didn’t come out of nowhere. Lightbend recently announced that Akka will be transitioning from an “Open Source” license to a “Source available” license called BSL 1.1. Let’s unpack this to understand what it all means.

Sending NGINX Logs to Honeycomb is Darn Easy

Written by Andrew Puch and Brian Langbecker You use NGINX as a proxy for your application, and you want to leverage your favorite features in Honeycomb to help make sense of the traffic data. Have no fear: Honeycomb is more than capable and ready to help! Things you will need: Before you start with the instructions, let’s discuss a lightweight tool called Honeytail. This utility will tail log files, parse the various formats, and send the data to Honeycomb.

APM correlations in Elastic Observability: Automatically identifying probable causes of slow or failed transactions

As a DevOps engineer or SRE, you are often faced with investigating complex problems — mysterious application performance issues that happen intermittently or to only certain portions of your application traffic — that impact your end users and potentially your company’s financial targets. Sifting through hundreds or even thousands of transactions and spans can be a lot of tedious, manual, and time consuming investigative work.

10 Essential Cloud DevOps Tools for AWS

Building, testing, and monitoring applications in the cloud is a unique challenge. While many organizations have embraced a DevOps methodology, their DevOps machine is still not at the level of maturity they might like it to be. According to a recent survey, 53% work on a team with a 'low level' of DevOps based on maturity factors.

Simplify infrastructure and reduce costs with VPC Flow Logs ingest via Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose into Sumo Logic

Sumo Logic is proud to announce that, in collaboration with AWS, we now fully support Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) Flow Logs ingestion via Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose. Customers can now simplify log delivery to Sumo Logic which is natively integrated with Kinesis Data Firehose. You can also simplify your toolchains for aggregating, transforming and enriching VPC Flow Logs using Kinesis Data Firehose.

Splunk Data Manager Enables Google Cloud Platform Data Onboarding

I'm excited to announce that Splunk Data Manager now supports onboarding of Google Cloud Platform (GCP) data sources, effective immediately. With this launch, you can now get the benefits of Splunk data analysis for the high-value events generated by Google Cloud when you onboard GCP data sources into Splunk using Data Manager.

Reports, Sharing and More! What's New in Splunk Mobile This Summer

Hot summer days mean beautiful weather for picnics, pool days, and trips with the family. While you’re out this summer enjoying the sun, leave your laptop and backpack behind, because with Splunk Mobile, you’ll always be ready to access dashboards or receive alerts no matter where you are. The new features announced this year at.conf22 let you do even more from the comfort of your pool chaise!

Streamline Your Amazon VPC Flow Logs Ingestion to Splunk

Amazon Web Services (AWS) recently announced the ability to publish VPC Flow Logs directly to Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose. For Splunk customers, this feature helps to optimize the architecture to send VPC Flow Logs directly to Splunk Enterprise or Splunk Cloud Platform. With a fully managed service like Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose, users don’t have to worry about scaling, and can optionally transform their data in near real-time and enjoy the cost-effective, reliable service.

Top 10 Logging Frameworks Across Various Programming Platforms

A logging framework is a software tool that helps developers output diagnostic information during the execution of a program. This information is used to debug the program or monitor its performance. There are many different logging frameworks available, starting with simple logging libraries to full-fledged logging and observability platforms.

Why is Network Monitoring and Network Log Management So Crucial?

Without Network Monitoring, there is no good way to get a real-time view of your connected environment. But with Network Monitoring reports, you can look backwards to spot problems and trends. Just as vital are logs that deepen this rear-view mirror look, as they contain all the data for all the elements you are monitoring.

Replay Data from Azure Blob with Cribl Stream

One of the core features of Cribl Stream is the Replay capability. We pride ourselves on giving customers choice and control over their data. The ability to archive data in cheap object storage, and then providing the ability to reach into the same object storage is one example of this. It’s safe to say that S3 and AWS have become synonymous with the term object storage. It’s like a modern-day Kleenex, or Band-Aid. However, it’s important to remember that there are other, equally featured object storage options available. In this video, we’ll walk through an example of Replay with Azure Blob, and view logs within Humio.

Three New Standards Compound Security Engineering Challenges

A recent ESG/ISSA survey highlighted that security professionals are overwhelmed with competing proprietary data standards and integration challenges. Today’s security landscape often comprises dozens of tools, each with its own unique format. Even if the format is defined and widely adopted, like Syslog, implementations vary widely from tool to tool, or even from release to release for the same tool. How big of a problem are these differing data formats?

Debunking the Myth of XDR

One of the biggest buzzwords (or really, buzz acronyms) to pop up in the cybersecurity space in recent years is XDR, or, extended detection and response. The term was coined in 2018 by Nir Zuk, CTO and co-founder of Palo Alto Networks. It was posited as a new way to think about security, where data is taken from several platforms and it gets correlated and analyzed.

How to Monitor Aerospike with OpenTelemetry

With observIQ’s latest contributions to OpenTelemetry, you can now use free open source tools to easily monitor Aerospike. The easiest way to use the latest OpenTelemetry tools is with observIQ’s distribution of the OpenTelemetry collector. You can find it here. In this blog, the Aerospike receiver is configured to monitor metrics locally with OTLP–you can use the Aerospike receiver to ship metrics to many popular analysis tools, including Google Cloud, New Relic, and more.

Logs Management made available in the latest release, podcasts, office hours & more - SigNal 16

Welcome back to our monthly product updates - SigNal! The latest release of SigNoz is now available with Logs management. You can use SigNoz as your one-stop open source observability solution with logs, metrics, and traces under a single pane of glass. We also participated in podcasts, held office hours, and got featured as one of the top promising startups in the DevOps ecosystem. Let’s see what humans at SigNoz were up to in the month of August 2022!

Get the Most Value from Your Observability Investment by Building for the Future

Technically speaking, observability offers visibility into the data being generated by your infrastructure devices, systems, and applications — but in reality, it offers the opportunity to see what’s happening, There’s no guarantee that you’ll get what you want; you have to set things up in a way that makes it possible for you to get the insights you need.

New Features in the Content Pack for Monitoring and Alerting

The 1.7 release of the Splunk App for Content Packs comes with a slew of new awesomeness for the Content Pack for ITSI Monitoring and Alerting designed to bolster your IT operations team’s visibility and AIOps posture! Previous versions of the content pack focused on making it easy for you to create and group Notable Events from ITSI Services and third-party monitoring tools.

Instantly Diagnose a Database Outage with Flow Alerts

Stateful, commonly monolithic, and absolutely fundamental to system design, the quality of your database administration and operation is a key determinant of your overall success. Databases are the cornerstone of modern architecture, requiring constant effort, investigation, and iteration to get the most out of a database. This makes it all the more terrifying when an outage occurs.

Sematext | Front End Tools and Monitoring Solutions

Monitoring Multiple Sites and Web applications can be difficult without the correct toolset. In this video, we will look at two of Sematext's front-end monitoring solutions, Sematext Syntethics, and Sematext Experience. Sematext Synthetics is a synthetic monitoring tool that allows you to monitor your website's availability, yours and 3rd party APIs, and business-critical web transactions with robust synthetic monitoring and testing tools. Create an HTTP monitor or use a custom script to track and monitor your systems performance.

Dashboard Design: Getting Started With Best Practices (Part 1)

Every day, dashboards are viewed more than 500,000 times at Splunk. They’re what make the sea of data intelligible and help tell a story when working with a team. However, constant net-new dashboard creation is not necessarily a value-add activity — it’s a workflow to rapidly turn data into doing.

How to monitor Vault with Google Cloud Platform

Monitor Vault in Google Cloud Platform with the Google Ops Agent. The Ops Agent is available on GitHub, and makes it easy to collect and ship telemetry from dozens of sources directly to your Google Cloud Platform. You can check it out here! Below are steps to get up and running quickly with observIQ’s Google Cloud Platform integrations, and monitor metrics and logs from Vault in your Google Cloud Platform.

Archive Query 3 minute Overview

Archive Query is a revolutionary approach to long term storage of Observability data. Leveraging our Streama technology, Instead of hiding your data away, Coralogix archive query can be easily accessed, with one of the fastest archive query mechanisms on the market. This simple, intuitive approach will directly save you money and time, while ensuring that all of your data is available to you, whenever you need it, either via the Coralogix UI or in your very own cloud storage.