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October 2021

Top 7 SolarWinds Competitors and Alternatives to Know in 2021

SolarWinds Inc., based in the United States, is a software company that helps businesses manage their networks, systems, and IT infrastructure. Its headquarters are in Austin, Texas, and it has sales and product development offices around the United States and in a number of other countries. It has acquired a number of other businesses, including Pingdom, Papertrail, and Loggly, which it continues to operate under their original names.

MANTL and LogDNA Roundtable

Hear from James Qualls, Director of Engineering at MANTL, on how LogDNA is empowering the developers on his team to own their monitoring. MANTL found that once developers could own their logging and monitoring, the infrastructure team and application architecture team were able to work better together. For MANTL, the ability to remove bottlenecks and scale using LogDNA meant they were able to respond to the needs of their customers quickly and enable more people to bank from the safety of their own homes.

LogDNA vs. Logz.io

Logz.io is a SaaS (software as a service) provider with an observability offering made up of various managed open source technologies. These technologies include the Elastic Stack for logging and SIEM (security information and event management), Prometheus, for monitoring, and Jaeger for tracing. The company positions itself as an alternative to the Elastic Stack (or ELK Stack), which is made up of Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana, and Beats.

Capitalizing on Cloud to Drive Greater Value from Data and Analytics Insights: A New Accenture Splunk Business Group Business Group

We’ve had a busy week in the Splunk Partnerverse! In addition to the new Splunk Partnerverse Program announced last week, we also shared some significant partnership news with one of our longest-standing partners, Accenture.

"Open source done right": Why Canonical adopted Grafana, Loki, and Grafana Agent for their new stack

Michele Mancioppi is a product manager at Canonical with responsibility for observability and Java. He is the architect of the new system of Charmed Operators for observability known as LMA2. Jon Seager is an engineering director at Canonical with responsibility for Juju, the Charmed Operator Framework, and a number of Charmed Operator development teams which operate across different software flavors including observability, data platform, MLOps, identity, and more.

Working With the WordPress REST API

Logging is an important part of every software application. In addition to capturing user activity, well-structured logs can make it easier to debug problems should they occur. But if your application is split up across several different subsystems, collecting and analyzing disparate logs can be a real challenge. Picture this scenario: You work at a startup that uses a CMS managed by a few admins. You also have a standalone front-end application for users to communicate with your platform via an API.

7 JSON Logging Tips That You Can Implement

When teams begin to analyze their logs, they almost immediately run into a problem and they’ll need some JSON logging tips to overcome them. Logs are naturally unstructured. This means that if you want to visualize or analyze your logs, you are forced to deal with many potential variations. You can eliminate this problem by logging out invalid JSON and setting the foundation for log-driven observability across your applications.

5 Weird Use Cases for Log Management

We’re all familiar with the typical use cases for log management, such as monitoring cloud infrastructures, development environments, and local IT infrastructure. So we thought it would be fun to cover some of the less usual, more wild use cases for log management, just to show that log management tools are more versatile, and more interesting, than they may seem. If any of these use cases look too interesting to ignore, let us know and we can do a full article on them!

Announcing the Logz.io Search Bar

Engineering teams hoping to gain full-stack observability into their environment need access to the relevant logs, metrics, and traces generated by their cloud infrastructure and applications. Accessing the relevant data quickly is essential – not just because it is more convenient, but because faster engineers are also business-critical for many organizations.

Instrumentation for C# .NET Apps with OpenTelemetry

OpenTelemetry is the recommended path today for instrumenting applications with tracing in a standard, vendor-agnostic and future-proof way. In fact, OpenTelemetry (nicknamed OTEL) encompasses all three pillars of observability: tracing, metrics, and logs. The tracing element of the specification is now stable with the rest following. This is innovative stuff! You can read more on OpenTelemetry and the current release state on this guide.

Top six Amazon S3 metrics to monitor

When you’re planning an application performance monitoring (APM) strategy, collecting metrics from storage services like Amazon S3 may not seem like a priority. After all, part of the point of object storage is that applications can read and write from storage buckets seamlessly, with minimal configuration and overhead. Unlike databases or file systems, storage buckets don’t require complex configurations that could lead to performance issues.

Small IT Teams with Big Security Problems

Not every organization is - or even wants to be - a Fortune 500. Unfortunately, cybercriminals don’t care how big your company is. In fact, they often look to target small and midsize businesses (SMBs) knowing that they might have fewer security resources. You have the same problems that the big companies have, but you also have less money and people. Using centralized log management can give you the security solution you need, at a price you can afford.

The Benefits of Structuring Logs in a Standardized Format

Image via Pixabay As any developer or IT professional will tell you, when systems experience issues, logs are often invaluable. When implemented and leveraged effectively, the data produced by logging can assist DevOps teams in more quickly identifying occurrences of problems within a system. Moreover, they can prove helpful in enabling incident responders to isolate the root cause of the problem efficiently. With that being the case, maximizing the value of log data is vital.

Log Management 101: Log Sources to Monitor

Log management software gives the primary diagnostic data in your applications’ development, deployment, and maintenance. However, choosing the log sources to log and monitor could often be a daunting task. The primary cause of concern in monitoring all sources is the high price tag that many SIEM tools in the market charge based on the number of users and sources ingesting logs. At observIQ, we offer unlimited users and sources.

Introduction to Custom Metrics in Java with Logz.io RemoteWrite SDK

We just announced the creation of a new RemoteWrite SDK to support custom metrics from applications using several different languages. This tutorial will give a quick rundown of how to use the Java SDK. This SDK – like the others – is completely free and open source, and is meant to apply to any output destination, not just Logz.io.

Announcing LogDNA Agent 3.3 GA: Improved Performance for Linux Support

We’re excited to announce the general availability of the LogDNA Agent 3.3, which introduces Linux and ARM64 support to our Rust Agent. This new support in our Rust Agent provides improved performance and enables a few features previously only available for our Kubernetes customers, such as various configurations within the Agent and the ability to run as a non-root user. Additionally, we have added in Prometheus Metrics that help provide insights into your Agent.

The Future of Sumo Logic Observability

I have always found data collection to be a fascinating area of work at Sumo Logic. Collecting data is a critical first step for all the solutions we develop for our customers. After all, to observe the health and performance of your applications, you must first collect all relevant data. It's also an area that has seen some significant activities by the open-source community over the years, which is completely changing the landscape of observability as we know it.

A CISO's Guide to Log Management for Cybersecurity

In today’s highly interconnected worlds, CISOs face a dual challenge: protecting data and reporting to the Board of Directors. Log management has long been a tool in the CISO’s back pocket, helping gain insight into potential security issues. However, the rise of cloud-based infrastructures changes this, making log management increasingly difficult.

IoT Data With LogDNA

Consider the following question: Why do most teams face pressure to rethink traditional logging and observability approaches? Asking this question to most engineers would likely result in answers centered on the challenges posed by microservices apps. Because microservices are more complex than monoliths and involve more moving parts, they require more sophisticated, granular log collection, correlation, and analysis.

Discovering the Differences Between Log Observability and Monitoring

Log observability and monitoring are terms often used interchangeably, but really they describe two approaches to solving and understanding different things. Observability refers to the ability to understand the state of a complex system (or series of systems) without needing to make any changes or deploy new code.

Why your log management software may not give you the real Dashboard experience

Visualizing log data is one of the biggest perks of using good log management software. Data is many businesses’ most critical asset. But, without proper use, a business’ data becomes just an artifact and no longer an asset. Visualization and analysis are the end goals of collating log data from their sources. The need for visualization arises from the fact that we intuitively process visual information faster than a random jumble of numbers and letters.

Announcing Logz.io's New Data Parsing and Log Transformation Tool

We all know the importance of cataloging, organizing, and breaking down the data in your logs. That process, parsing, makes information easier to find and simplifies subsequent analysis. Now, with Logz.io’s upgraded self-parsing tool, custom parsing rules, and log organization is easier than ever. What’s important is parsing that data out correctly. The better parsed, the easier to query.

Tucker Callaway on the State of the Observability Market

Tucker Callaway is the CEO of LogDNA. He has more than 20 years of experience in enterprise software with an emphasis on developer and DevOps tools. Tucker drives innovation, experimentation, and a culture of collaboration at LogDNA, three ingredients that are essential for the type of growth that we've experienced over the last few years.

5 Examples of Metrics or Log Data That Drives Observability

Which data sources do DevOps teams need in order to achieve observability? At a high level, that’s an easy question to answer. Concepts like the “three pillars of observability”—logs, metrics, and traces—may come to mind. Or, you may think in terms of techniques like the RED Method or Google’s Golden Signals, which are other popular frameworks for defining which types of data teams should collect for monitoring and observability purposes.

WordPress Error Logs and Activity Logs

Logging is a fundamental part of software development. While an app is being developed, we rely on logging to confirm our inputs and outputs match our expectations. In production, logging can be an invaluable resource for tracking down bugs or measuring how users interact with the app. We can also consider logs as a sort of time-series value, where a timestamp is associated with a user’s specific action. These logs can be structured, gathered, and analyzed to provide teams with more information.

Asia Pacific Firms Need Analytics to Survive the Cloud Era

Many companies in Asia Pacific (APAC) were caught in a digital tailspin when Covid-19 hit, sacrificing security practices in their hurry to adjust to the new reality of remote work. Two years on, hybrid work is still the norm as the pandemic continues and seems to be a new way of life moving forward. Catalyzed by the coronavirus, firms big and small are now adopting cloud technologies as we tread deeper into a new data age.

CDN Logs and Why You Need Them

A Content Delivery Network (CDN) is a distributed set of servers that are designed to get your web-based content into the hands of your users as fast as possible. CDNs produce CDN logs that can be analyzed, and this information is invaluable. Why? CDNs host servers all over the world and are designed to help you scale your traffic without maxing out your load balancers. A CDN also gives you added protection against many of the most common cyber attacks. This activity needs to be closely monitored.

What is Splunk? - A Summary for UK Public Sector

To quote the UK National Data Strategy: Splunk is an advanced data platform that delivers right-time analytics from diverse data sets and that enables organisations to ask questions of all their data. It can be used to mitigate cyber security risk, improve performance, increase reliability and observe what is happening in the cloud.

Announcing the Control API Suite

As LogDNA has grown, many of our customers have too, meaning that they are bringing in more ingestion data sources and expanding their use cases for their logs. To help with managing more data, we’re excited to introduce the Control API suite. We’ve built 4 individual APIs that will help companies programmatically configure their data and how they want to ingest logs. Below, we’ll cover each new API in detail as well as why they are massively impactful for our customers.‍

Event and Log Management for Optimized Security and Performance

The full stack isn't just cloud-based, microservices apps, but includes on-premises and hybrid private cloud infrastructure and packaged applications. The challenges associated with aggregating, analyzing, reporting, and alerting intelligently on logs have become more complex than ever due to the acceleration of packaged and customized application deployment in support of business transformation, alongside the growing requirements needed to ensure security and compliance. This webinar will explore multiple methods to ensure compliance, identify threats, and optimize MTTR by monitoring, analyzing, and managing logs across all types of application and infrastructure architectures.

Troubleshooting Pod issues in Kubernetes with Live Tail

With the advent of IaaS (Infrastructure as a service) and IaC (Infrastructure as Code), it is now possible to manage versioning, code reviews, and CI/CD pipelines at the infrastructure level through resource provisioning and on-demand service routing. Kubernetes is the indisputable choice for container orchestration.

Illuminate 2021 - Embracing open standards for big picture observability

We just wrapped up a fantastic 5th Illuminate, Sumo Logic’s user conference, filled with amazing customer speakers, partners, and Sumo Logic experts all sharing their insights and expertise. The level of engagement taking place during presentations, workshops and executive meetings showed the high level of interest in open telemetry, unified analytics and full-stack observability to solve the challenges inherent in application modernization and cloud migration.

Introduction to Go Custom Metrics with Logz.io RemoteWrite SDK from Logz.io

We recently announced the release of our RemoteWrite SDK to support custom metrics from applications using several different languages – The first SDKs allow shipping of metrics from Golang (Go), Python, Java, Node.js, and.NET. This tutorial will cover the Golang SDK. The SDKs cover not just Logz.io, but can be used by any platform that supports the Prometheus remote write endpoint.

Understanding the Three Pillars of Observability

Observability and its implementation may look different to different people. But, underneath all the varying definitions is a single, clear concept: Most software that’s run today uses microservices or loosely coupled distributed architecture. While this design makes scaling and managing your system more straightforward, it can make troubleshooting issues more difficult. The three pillars of observability are different methods to track software systems, especially microservices.

10 Best Linux Monitoring Tools and Software to Improve Server Performance [2021...

Linux is one of the most popular operating systems today, powering a large portion of the Internet. According to W3Techs, almost half of today’s top-ranked 1 million websites currently run on Linux systems. So, if you want your site—and the application(s) running on it—to be high-performing with lots of uptime, you need to ensure the availability and reliability of your Linux-based servers.

Logs for Ops

The evolution of machine data and logging in general has shifted multiple times over the last couple of decades. The log began with Unix and was rooted in command line actions like tail or grep. It evolved from system-based logs to application-based logs and eventually became more UI-friendly and readable. Not only has the log itself evolved, but the purpose of the log and audience for the log has morphed over time as well.
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Application Logging in 2021

Have you ever written a Hello, World! application? In most of these tutorials the first step is to log words to the console. It's an easy way to understand what is going on with your application and readily available in every programming language. The console output is incredibly powerful, and it has become easier than ever to capture that output as logs. As your application grows and evolves you need to implement a structured application log approach.

What is Observability?

Observability is a term that is becoming commonplace in both startups and enterprises. Log observability is different from monitoring, as it provides visualized metrics from a variety of different systems in a single pane of glass view. This is invaluable for organizations to understand the interdependencies and links between external events and internal performance.

ITOps Needs Observability Like Batman Needs Lucius Fox

Some things just go better together. Like barbeque and blues, sunsets and beaches, cheese and fine wine — hey, even software and superheroes go better together! That’s why in this blog we are going to look at why IT Operations and Observability just go better together, through a superhero analogy. Enter the Dark Knight himself — Batman! He will represent observability. IT Operations will be represented by Lucius Fox.

The Rising Tide of Data Breach Awareness

There’s an old saying that “there’s no such thing as bad publicity.” Unfortunately, this doesn’t ring true when it comes to data breaches and ransomware attacks. High profile security incidents continue to make headlines, and those headlines are impacting bottom lines. In response to these, the US federal government is modernizing its own cybersecurity infrastructure, and more state governments are implementing laws to protect citizens.

Announcing Early Access to Variable Retention on LogDNA

The massive proliferation of log data forces teams to manage the costs to process, route, and store it. Teams need access to this data to gain critical insights into their services, but for many organizations this presents a challenge for their budget. Logging can get expensive, fast, which often results in teams making difficult tradeoffs between aggregating enough logging information to be useful and controlling the cost of storing all those logs.

How Do You Monitor Cassandra Performance: Key Metrics to Measure

Apache Cassandra is a distributed database known for its high availability, fault tolerance, and near-linear scaling. It was initially developed by Facebook, but it is a widely used open-source system used by the largest tech companies in the world. There are numerous reasons behind its popularity, including no single point of failure, exceptional horizontal scaling with a data layout designed as a perfect fit for time-series data.

7 Best Log and Syslog Viewers

Many devices—such as switches, routers, firewalls, servers, and printers—support syslog protocol. This standard for sending log messages within a network offers critical information about your system. Consequently, monitoring your network and its syslog messages should be a top priority. Many IT professionals use log and syslog monitors or viewers to gather logs and syslog messages from across their network in a centralized location.

PagerDuty Integration Spotlight: LogDNA

LogDNA’s Cloud logging platform helps your DevOps teams find and fix production issues faster so your teams can get back to doing what they do best, building amazing products. Send incident alerts from LogDNA directly to PagerDuty. Check out the LogDNA integration with PagerDuty to get started.