Operations | Monitoring | ITSM | DevOps | Cloud

December 2023

The Top 6 Root Cause Analysis Software and Tools

The heart of problem-solving is to outline and define the problem effectively, therefore, if you aren’t aware of what the problem is then it’s particularly challenging to accurately problem solve. This is where root cause analysis tools come in, root cause analysis software and tools are designed to identify the the cause of the issue to aid your ability to rectify the problem effectively.

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3 Reasons Why You Need an Embedded, Modern Database

Today's applications demand efficient data handling to provide users with seamless experiences. One solution that has gained prominence is the use of embedded databases, which are integrated within applications rather than relying on external servers. Different from a database for embedded systems, databases embedded within applications offer several advantages for storing data and analyzing it, especially in scenarios where performance, deployment simplicity, and data security are important. Embedded databases, or an embedded database management system (DBMS), can serve a variety of use cases, but are especially valuable for applications that need to provide analytics capabilities.

The concise guide to Loki: How to get the most out of your query performance

Thanks for joining me for Part 3 of “The concise guide to Grafana Loki,” a series of blog posts that takes a closer look at best practices for various aspects of using the log aggregation system. Today’s post is my holiday present for all the folks out there running Loki who would like to get the most query performance they can out of their cluster.

Your Guide to Securing Project Funding and Yearly Budget Planning

As an engineer, you know your company’s problems, and you know what to do about them. However, being heard within your organization and funding a project can be challenging. Top executives might not understand your job’s ins and outs of the tools you need to do it well. Still, you need people holding the purse strings to understand why investing in your idea is brilliant.

Real User Monitoring Demystified: Elevating User Experiences and Web Performance

With constantly decreasing user attention spans, ensuring a seamless user experience has become a priority for all digital businesses. Users who encounter minimal application disruptions and responsive interactions will likely stay engaged and loyal to your product. And that’s exactly what RUM or Real User Monitoring tools such as Coralogix’s RUM solution offer.

How to monitor a mobile App's store ratings with Sematext

Launching a mobile App is no walk in the park, especially when it comes to your App’s store position and ratings. One of the trickiest parts is maintaining a good App store rating. An App’s store ratings are the key to its success. If you’re serious about your App succeeding in an oversaturated market, it is vital to implement strategies to both increase and maintain your App’s store ratings.

Complexity in the Clouds: A Comprehensive Checklist for Smooth Migration

“Hasn’t everyone already migrated to the cloud?” is a question you might be considering now. For many businesses – sure, they’ve migrated workloads and operations to the major cloud providers like Amazon Web Service, Google Cloud Platform, and Microsoft Azure. Still, many businesses have just now worked through their due diligence and scalability concerns. While many businesses are “fully cloud,” there are just as many yet to migrate.

Best Practices for Effective Log Management

Can following log management best practices help organizations with their overall observability, as well as troubleshooting issues and security analytics? Absolutely. In addition, following log management best practices can provide significant competitive advantages when it comes to understanding your users. Centralized log management can help your team accelerate time to insights, and make changes to your applications that improve the user experience.

Kubernetes and Beyond: A Year-End Reflection with Kelsey Hightower

With 2023 drawing to a close, the final OpenObservability Talks of the year focused on what happened this year in open source, DevOps, observability and more, with an eye towards the future. I was delighted to be joined by a special guest, Kelsey Hightower, a renowned figure in the tech community, especially known for his contributions to the Kubernetes ecosystem.

Cribl Stream: Understanding SplunkLB Intricacies

Understanding the expected behavior of the Splunk Load Balanced (Splunk LB) Destination when Splunk indexers are blocking involves complex logic. While existing documentation provides details into how the load-balancing algorithm works, this blog post dives into how a Splunk LB Destination sends events downstream and explains the intricacies of blocking vs. queuing when multiple targets (i.e., indexers) are involved.

Logging and Debugging AWS Lamba

Serverless architectures such as AWS Lambda have created new challenges in debugging code. Without a solid logging framework in place, you could waste precious hours tracking down simple defects in your functions. A strategic logging framework can be a powerful way to track down and resolve bugs. Let’s walk through how to get the most out of logging Lambda functions.

How To Optimize Telemetry Pipelines For Better Observability and Security

Tucker Callaway (CEO, Mezmo) and Kevin Petrie (Vice President of Research, Eckerson Group) had a conversation centered around enterprises taking control of their data and the growing need for consolidated collection and management of telemetry data. They discuss how enterprises can optimize telemetry pipelines, take charge of their data, and enhance their observability and security game.

RocksDB - Getting Started Guide

There are several reasons for creating a highly efficient and performant database in the current web era. RocksDB is an embedded key-value store designed for efficient data storage and retrieval. It is an open-source database engine developed by Facebook, which builds upon the strengths of LevelDB while incorporating several enhancements for durability, scalability, and performance.

The concise guide to Grafana Loki: Everything you need to know about labels

Welcome to Part 2 of the “Concise guide to Loki,” a multi-part series where I cover some of the most important topics around our favorite logging database: Grafana Loki. As I reflect on the fifth anniversary of Loki, it felt like a good opportunity to summarize some of the important parts of how it works, how it’s built, how to run it, etc. And as the name of the series suggests, I’m doing it as concisely as I can.

Log Wrangling Make Your Logs Work For You

Senior Sales Engineer Chris Black enlightens users on 'Log Wrangling’. Utilizing his expertise, Chris compares logs to livestock and provides strategies to manage them effectively, just like a wrangler would handle livestock. Topics discussed include ways to understand and maximize the utility of logs, the complexities of log wrangling, how to simplify the process, and the significance of data normalization. He also touches on organizational policies, the importance of feedback mechanisms in resource management, and key considerations when choosing your log priorities.

Investigate your log processing with the Datadog Log Pipeline Scanner

Large-scale organizations typically collect and manage millions of logs a day from various services. Within these orgs, many different teams may set up processing pipelines to modify and enrich logs for security monitoring, compliance audits, and DevOps. Datadog Log Pipeline let you ingest logs from your entire stack, parse and enrich them with contextual information, add tags for usage attribution, generate metrics, and quickly identify log anomalies.

Five Tips for Monitoring Your Cloud Application

Page load time is inversely related to page views and conversion rates. While probably not a controversial statement, as the causality is intuitive, there is empirical data from industry leaders such as Amazon, Google, and Bing to back it in High Scalability and O’Reilly’s Radar, for example. As web technology has become much more complex over the last decade, the issue of performance has remained a challenge as it relates to user experience.

Why Prometheus isn't enough to monitor complex environments

Modern systems look very different than they did years ago. For the most part, development organizations have moved away from building traditional monoliths towards developing containerized applications running across a highly distributed infrastructure. While this change has made systems inherently more resilient, the increase in overall complexity has made it more important and more challenging to effectively identify and address problems at their root cause when issues occur.

Navigating Observability Trends in 2024: Strategies for Success

For businesses reliant on customers’ positive digital experiences to achieve their goals, the seamless operation of cloud applications and infrastructure is paramount for financial success. Observability holds a pivotal role in modern enterprises, offering critical insights into your IT system’s health and performance. However, persistent issues of complexity and high costs have plagued the observability landscape.

Why do customers choose Elastic for logs?

Elastic is transforming the log experience to meet the needs of modern workflows In the absence of other observability signals, generally everything in your infrastructure (hardware, software, and services) emits log lines. Logs, however, are often structured at a developer’s whim and, first and foremost, serve the developer’s needs (e.g., debugging).

AI Governance in 2024: An Overview

In a world where artificial intelligence (AI) seems is leaping forward and is growing at a CAGR of almost 40%, questions about governance and ethics with the use of AI are surfacing. As humans continue to develop AI systems, it is crucial to establish proper guidelines to ensure powerful technologies like generative AI and adaptive AI are used in a responsible manner.

Monitoring Pi-hole using Pi-hole Exporter and OpenTelemetry: A Comprehensive Guide

Pi-hole is a fantastic open-source DNS-based ad blocker that enhances your online experience by blocking unwanted ads and trackers network-wide. Monitoring the performance and status of your Pi-hole setup is essential to ensure its effectiveness. Next, we'll explore how to use a Prometheus exporter to expose metrics from Pi-hole and have the OpenTelemetry collector scrape the metrics and send them to Splunk Observability Cloud.

The EU AI Act: What you need to know

The European Union’s new legislation is the first of its kind — and has global reach On December 8, 2023, the European Union made a significant step in digital governance by introducing the first set of comprehensive artificial intelligence (AI) regulations. This legislation, poised for a European Parliament vote by early 2024, is first out of the gate in regulating AI.

Better Practices for Getting Data in from Splunk Universal Forwarders

While tuning isn’t strictly required, Cribl Support frequently encounters users who are having trouble getting data into Stream from Splunk forwarders. More often than not, this is a performance issue that results in the forwarders getting blocked by Stream. When they encounter this situation, customers often ask: How do I get data into Stream from my Splunk forwarders as efficiently as possible? The answer is proper tuning!

Using VPC Flow Logs to Monitor AWS Virtual Public Cloud

While no man is an island, your Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) is, except it’s a digital island floating in the ocean of a public cloud offered by a cloud service provider (CSP). The VPC means that everything on your digital island is yours, and none of the CSPs other customers can (or should be able to!) access it. You’ve likely been introduced to the shared security model, a sometimes-confusing way that organizations and their cloud-services providers (CSPs) split security responsibilities.

How AI Can Catalyze Digital Resilience: An Introduction to Splunk's Philosophy

ChatGPT and other LLMs have become so accessible that even our grandmas know about AI. But what’s really happening beyond the hype? Recently, I sat down with IT and security leaders Cory Minton and Kirsty Paine to share the inside scoop on how we’re thinking about AI here at Splunk. Watch the replay of our conversation here.

API Scraping Using Cribl And Setting Up a Notification Assistant

Cribl Stream is awesome at routing your server logs and making your job easier, but could it help you outside of work and potentially make your personal life easier? The short answer is: Yes. I’ve personally used Stream to build a notification system to inform me when certain products go on sale or when fully booked appointments become available. In this blog, I’m going to take this a step further and show you how to.

Fleet & Discovery | Sematext

Sematext Cloud's Fleet and Discovery makes managing agent installations and setting up service and log monitoring a super simple task. It lets you see, troubleshoot and manage each agent, use logs for diagnostics, and set up which services or logs you want to be monitored. Don't miss out on the opportunity to streamline your monitoring workflow and ensure the optimal performance of your technology stack.

AWS re:Invent Recap!

Cribl’s usual suspects, Ed Bailey and Jackie McGuire, are joined by Sr Partner Marketing Manager Michelle Zhang to discuss our experiences at AWS re:Invent this past November. It was a great event, and we want to share the top themes and presentations we saw at the show. Michelle will share her experience building and strengthening Cribl’s strategic alliance network and some of the "better together" progress made over the past year for customers.

[Webinar] Mastering log monitoring: Strategies for enhanced application failure troubleshooting

Are you fed up with web server failures or slowness? Are you struggling with an overwhelming amount of log data to analyze? Comprehensive log analysis offers complete visibility into your infrastructure, resulting in effective troubleshooting. This webinar helps you learn proven log monitoring techniques to tackle application failures and keep your systems running smoothly. In this session, we'll discuss: Analyzing large volumes of log data to detect issues and determine their causes Practical examples from real-world cases to hone your troubleshooting skills.

5 Multi-cloud Data Management Best Practices You Should Follow

A multi-cloud approach helps organizations avoid vendor lock-in, leverage the best available technologies, and reduce costs - but it can also result in added complexity when it comes to centralizing, securing, and analyzing data from cloud applications and services. This blog highlights 5 multi-cloud data management best practices that can help you make the most of your data in multi-cloud environments.

My Recap on the Gartner IT Infrastructure, Operations & Cloud Strategies Conference

Last week, I attended the Gartner IT Infrastructure, Operations & Cloud Strategies Conference (IOCS). Gartner IOCS is my favorite conference every year because of the quality and level of the presentations. Gartner analysts deliver most sessions and put a lot of effort into the presentations and supporting research. ‍ I’d like to highlight two sessions that I found to be very informative.

Data Profiling The Secret Map of Your Telemetry Data Landscape

As data volumes proliferate and costs of data grow, it's becoming increasingly difficult to find the signal in all the noise. Telemetry data -- metrics, logs and traces -- are key to making sound, data-driven decisions, troubleshooting systems issues and maintaining uptime, but it's easy to get overwhelmed. Data profiling shows you exactly where your good data is coming from, how to save what's relevant and discard what's not and slash your data management and storage expenses.

Understanding the difference between OpenSearch and Elasticsearch

Search is a fundamental requirement for anyone working with log files. When you have terabytes and petabytes of data, you need to find answers to questions – fast. The search engine that you choose sits as the cornerstone for any technology that helps you look for the information needed to answer questions. While OpenSearch and Elasticsearch may have similar beginnings, their modern iterations have significant differences.

OpenTelemetry Overview

Monitoring distributed systems means collecting data from various sources, including servers, containers, and applications. In large organizations, this data distribution makes it harder to get a single view of the performance of their entire system. OpenTelemetry helps you streamline your full-stack observability efforts by giving you a single, universal format for collecting and sending telemetry data. Thus, OpenTelemetry makes improving performance and troubleshooting issues easier for teams.

Enrichment: Better Data in for Better Response Times Out

In this conversation, Cribl’s Carley Rosato talks to Aflac’s Shawn Cannon about his role as a Threat Management Consultant, and how he manages their SIEM environment, brings in new data as needed, and works to improve the ingestion process. Our customers are always coming up with new and exciting ways to implement Cribl tools — importing a 34 million-row CSV file into Redis and enriching events in Splunk might be one of the most impressive we’ve seen so far.

AppSignal Expands Monitoring Capabilities with Vector

We're excited to announce AppSignal support for Vector logs and metrics! AppSignal's Vector support allows you to expand your monitoring horizons beyond our standard language integrations, making it possible to leverage AppSignal to both monitor the performance and manage the logs of components of your stack that fall outside a standard application. With Vector, you can use AppSignal to monitor how your databases and Kubernetes clusters perform and metrics from many other sources.

Network Latency & How To Improve Latency

Cloud-based services have changed how individuals and businesses get things done. That doesn’t mean it’s all positive — there are some tradeoffs and compromises that come with cloud services and the internet. One major tradeoff is speed. For instance, if your website fails to load within three seconds, 40% of your visitors will abandon your site. That’s a serious dent for anyone doing business online. The culprit here is latency.

Coffee Talk with SURGe: 12-DEC-2023 Kyivstar Cyberattack, Water Utilities Hacked, Log4j Exploited

Grab a cup of coffee and join Mick Baccio, Katie Brown and Audra Streetman for another episode of Coffee Talk with SURGe. The team from Splunk will discuss the latest security news, including: Audra and Katie also competed in a charity challenge to share what they consider to be the largest cyber incident of 2023.

Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) Explained

Cyber-Physical Systems refer to a system that models, automates and controls the mechanism of a physical system in a digital environment. This is an area of significant growth: the global market for Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) is expected to grow from around $87 billion in 2022 to over $137 billion by the year 2028 at a CAGR of 7.9%. So, what exactly are cyber-physical systems? Let’s take a look.

Searching the Google Workspace API using Cribl Search

Google Workspace is a robust set of productivity applications with billions of users and millions of paying organizations. These include small mom-and-pop shops and the largest enterprises. Google provides the Google Reports API, “a RESTful API you can use to access information about the Google Workspace activities of your users.” This data is critical for establishing a solid security posture.

Open source log monitoring: The concise guide to Grafana Loki

Five years ago today, Grafana Loki was introduced to the world on the KubeconNA 2018 stage when David Kaltschmidt, now a Senior Director of Engineering at Grafana Labs, clicked the button to make the Loki repo public live in front of the sold-out crowd. At the time, Loki was a prototype: We bolted together Grafana as a UI, Cortex internals, and Prometheus labels to find out if there was a need for a new open source tool to manage logs.

Data Overload: Why Companies Collect Too Much Data and Pay the Price

In the US, a recurring news topic is the state of the federal budget – and if we’ll get one signed. Government budgets have hundreds of thousands of line items; each bickered over to gain or lose political capital with one group or another. However, most government budgets aren’t up for debate. Only about 30% of the US federal budget is discretionary or flexible. Nearly two-thirds, or 63%, is mandatory spending required due to prior commitments.

Cribl Search & Parquet Pushdowns - Smooth Like Butter!

Data is growing, and we are being asked to search larger and larger amounts of data. This puts larger and larger demands on Search resources. Reading all the data to find matching events is muscling through the data. Wouldn’t it be more efficient to be able to do filtering before reading the data? Cribl Search does precisely that by leveraging Parquet Pushdowns.

Using OpenTelemetry Collector Loki Receiver to Send Logs to SigNoz [Code Tutorial]

In this tutorial, you will learn how to collect logs using the Loki receiver in OpenTelemetry Collector to send logs to SigNoz. If you’re using Promtail to collect logs, you can send them to SigNoz instead of Loki via the OpenTelemetry Collector. In this tutorial, we cover: If you want to jump straight into implementation, start with this prerequisites section.

Observability Engineering: A Beginner's Guide

Traditional monitoring methods become inefficient as organizations shift from legacy software systems to complex cloud-native architectures. This transition renders these methods less effective, as they no longer provide the critical insights needed. In response, observability engineering has emerged as an important discipline, offering a more comprehensive understanding of modern software systems. This article will take you through the definition, importance, and processes of observability engineering.

Fault Tolerance: What It Is & How To Build It

Fault incidents are inevitable. They occur in any large-scale enterprise IT environment, especially when: In fact, research indicates, more than half (50%) the leaders in tech and business organizations consider the complexity of their data architecture a significant pain point. From an end-user perspective, businesses must overcome complex architecture in order to ensure service delivery and continuity.

AWS re:Invent 2023 Recap

As we reflect on AWS re:Invent 2023, the Coralogix team is invigorated by the incredible response and feedback we received from the thousands of participants who visited our booth. It was clear that a recurring theme among companies is the need for an observability solution that not only scales affordably with increasing data volumes but is also at the forefront of innovation. Coralogix stands out as the ideal match for these requirements.

How To Guide: Connecting Cribl Search with the Azure API

In the ever-evolving world of data analysis, the ability to interact directly with live API endpoints is a significant advancement for practitioners. Cribl Search now offers this capability, enhancing your data analysis toolkit. This new feature allows you to gain broader visibility into the periphery of your infrastructure, enabling a more comprehensive analysis of user journeys and operational trends.

Learning by Example with Cribl's New Lookup Examples Pack

In the world of data management, Cribl offers various methods to enhance data using the Lookup Function and many C.Lookup Expressions. While Cribl’s documentation is comprehensive, practical examples are often the most effective learning tools. That’s why we’ve introduced the new Lookup Examples Pack.

ES|QL Live: Empowering Your Data Journey

Meet ES|QL – Elasticsearch's flexible, powerful, and robust piped query language. Our next-generation piped query language and engine is designed for seamless searching, filtering, aggregation, calculation, transformation, and visualization of your data. Join Elastic and our customer CDW for an exclusive unveiling of this game-changing tool that will redefine how you engage with your data. CDW’s security team tested ES|QL in beta for its security use case, and this is your chance to hear CDW’s initial impressions of adapting to a new syntax and the impressive results achieved – so far.

Importance of Log Management in IT Security

Around 70% of companies experienced cyberattacks in the past year. With this increase in cyberattacks, the importance of log management in IT security has also increased over the years. That’s the reason why small and enterprise businesses have started to invest in log management tools to protect their businesses from cybersecurity breaches.

Take Back Control of Your Workflows, Data, and Costs with Splunk Observability

Engineering and ITOps teams have an important mission: keeping their software and digital systems performing and reliable. But as we’re about to embrace a new year full of changes, industry shifts, and AI developments, this mission is challenged by increasingly complex environments, technology alternatives, and an overwhelming number of tools available. The result? Overages, tool sprawl, and toil, which all lead to longer times to detect and resolve issues.

Monitor HAProxy Metrics and Logs with OpenTelemetry [Step By Step Guide]

For extremely high throughput web applications, it is important to load balance the traffic across multiple servers. However, load balancing the traffic alone is not enough at times. The reverse proxy server that handles the workload needs to be performant, too. In our previous article, we discussed the NGINX reverse proxy server and understood how to monitor it. In this article, we set up monitoring for an even more performant reverse proxy server - HAProxy.

Application Observability in Minutes: How to Implement App 360

As applications in the cloud become more distributed and complex, the Mean Time To Resolution (MTTR) for production issues is getting longer. Modern systems are built with hundreds of distinct, ephemeral, and interconnected cloud components, which can make it exceptionally hard for engineers to understand the current state of their applications, what problems are impacting customers, and why those problems are occurring.

Introducing App 360: Your Observability-Centric, Cost-Effective APM Alternative

Years before founding Logz.io, I was a software engineer, working with various tools to ensure my products and services performed correctly. There were few tools I dreaded using more than application performance management (APM), and I know that I’m not alone. I hated traditional APM. It’s heavy. It’s hard to implement. It’s expensive. It takes a very long time to derive business value.

AWS re:Invent 2023 highlights: Observability at Stripe, Capital One, and McDonald's

Last week, I attended the Amazon Web Services (AWS) re:Invent conference in Las Vegas, NV, with 50,000+ others. It was quite a busy week with several keynotes, announcements, and many sessions. While the hot topic at re:Invent was generative AI, I’ll focus my blog post on a few customer sessions I attended around observability: Stripe, Capital One, and McDonald’s. ‍

Top Data Integration Challenges and How To Overcome Them With PortX

In the ever-evolving landscape of data integration and architecture, organizations grapple with many challenges, from controlling exponentially growing observability data to the complexities driven by hybrid clouds, data migrations, integration of new AI/ML services, and the need for swift time-to-market strategies.

Sending Data to Elastic Security With Cribl Stream (And Making It Work With Elastic SIEM)

Cribl Stream is a real-time security and observability data processing pipeline that can be used to collect, transform, enrich, reduce, redact, and route data from a variety of sources to a variety of destinations. One of the popular destinations for Cribl users is Elastic SIEM. This blog post will walk you through the steps on how to set up Cribl Stream to normalize and forward data to use with Elastic Security for SIEM.

Sematext Kubernetes Monitoring Demo

🚀 Looking for a monitoring solution for your Kubernetes clusters? In this step-by-step guide, we will have Sematext monitoring your cluster in under 3 minutes! 🌐 Whether you're navigating the cloud or managing local deployments, this quick and easy setup unlocks the power of full-stack monitoring, ensuring your system's health is at your fingertips. In this concise tutorial, we will learn how to set up customized alerts to stay ahead of potential issues, effortlessly monitor your infrastructure's performance, and establish centralized logging for your Kubernetes environment. 📊💡

Future-Proofing Resilience: How Manufacturers Are Navigating Growing Pains of IT/OT Convergence

The manufacturing industry is at a crossroads. With automation and emerging technologies like AI, organizations are eager to make operational and production processes more efficient. However, for many manufacturers, the rapid pace of digitizing legacy infrastructure and systems has also exposed many unanticipated hurdles, with one of the biggest being the convergence between IT and operational technology (OT).

Cribl Stream + CDS: An Air Gapped Data Transfer Solution

In this blog series, we’ll explore how Cribl Stream can leverage your existing cross-domain solution (CDS) to easily collect and send your log and metric data between disparate security domains or across air-gapped networks. The goal is to retain as much fidelity of the data as possible, deduplicating processes and simplifying management efforts.

Why Is Log Data So Important In Observability?

Imagine this scenario: your platform appears to have an issue. Maybe it has gone down or maybe it has affected a large volume of users or perhaps just a few of those important ones; either way there is a significant problem with it. Users are complaining and are happy to shout about the platform not working on X (formally Twitter).

User Behavior Monitoring with M-21-31

With M-21-31’s Advanced EL3 requirements now past due, many US Federal Civilian agencies are still looking to close gaps in their Enterprise Logging capabilities. As part of the EL3 requirements, agencies must be finished implementing user behavioral analytics (UBA) that enables: For many organizations that leverage machine learning (ML) to detect anomalous behavior across the network, UBA solutions have become a critical piece of the enterprise security and insider threat puzzle.

How fintech companies can prepare for new DORA regulations

The clock is ticking for financial services companies that operate in the European Union (EU). Starting in January 2025, financial services providers and their third-party technology service providers must meet the new regulatory requirements of the Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA).

2024 Predictions: AI Innovation Meets Digital Resilience

Welcome to the era of AI. It’s the technology advancement that motivates and excites me every day as a CTO. Generative AI is already transforming many areas of our lives, from helping us write emails to assisting us with customer service. What waits for us on the immediate horizon? Today, we released our annual predictions series. Splunk’s 2024 Predictions features three editions: Executive, Security and Observability.

Data Lake vs. Data Warehouse: Comparing Benefits, Use Cases & Differences

There is more data available to us than ever. Storing this data is important — but deciding on the right type of data storage solution is not so clear. This article explores two primary types of big data storage: data lakes and data warehouses. We’ll examine the benefits of each, then discuss the key differences between a data lake and a data warehouse, so you can decide on the best approach for your business.

Conway's Law Explained

Have you ever wondered why some once-prominent companies now find themselves less popular, even overshadowed by smaller competitors? A prime example of this shift is Facebook. Although Facebook was the heartthrob of the 2000s, major issues like internet privacy and possible leaking of user records have made users more suspicious. Only 18% of American Facebook users think the platform protects their data and privacy.

Log management with Grafana Cloud: 4 observability experts share their move from OSS to Grafana Cloud Logs

While we built Grafana Loki as an open source log aggregation system that is cost effective and easy to operate, let’s face it: sometimes there is no time or bandwidth to mess around with self-managing and self-hosting. Luckily there’s the fully managed Grafana Cloud observability stack for log management. “Grafana Cloud is a no-BS platform. The engineering costs of hosting it ourselves would be much higher," says Jameel Al-Aziz, a software architect at Paradigm.

Log Management: The Apica Way

In today’s hybrid cloud era, the volume and diversity of log data have exploded, which makes managing them ever so challenging. IT teams need to conquer the gush of logs by providing context whilst having an effective log management strategy. Without a powerful log management solution, it all becomes too cumbersome. And even if you do get your hand around a good log management platform, you’ll find yourself stuck with hefty licensing costs and impractical compliance issues.

The future of generative AI in public sector

Recently, I sat down with Adelaide O’Brien, research vice president at IDC Government Insights, to discuss the current and future state of generative AI in the public sector worldwide. The full conversation is available to view on demand, but I also wanted to highlight some of the takeaways from the discussion.

Nginx Metrics and Logs Monitoring with OpenTelemetry

Nginx metrics and logs monitoring are important to ensure that Nginx is performing as expected and to identify and resolve problems quickly. In this tutorial, you will install OpenTelemetry Collector to collect Nginx metrics and logs and then send the collected data to SigNoz for monitoring and visualization. In this tutorial, we cover: If you want to jump straight into implementation, start with this pre-requisites section.

Detecting Dubious Domains with Levenshtein, Shannon & URL Toolbox

In Parsing Domains with URL Toolbox, we detailed how you can pass a fully qualified domain name or URL to URL Toolbox and receive a nicely parsed set of fields that includes the query string, top level domain, subdomains, and more. In this article, we are going to do some nerdy analytic arithmetic on those fields.

Cassandra vs OpenSearch

In the following comparison table, we will provide you with an extensive guide designed to enable a detailed assessment of Cassandra and OpenSearch. This comparison aims to supply an in-depth exploration of multiple aspects of these two database systems, providing you with the insights required to make informed decisions tailored to your specific use case.

Configuring Elastic Agent's new output to Kafka

Introducing Elastic Agent's new feature: native output to Kafka. With this latest addition, Elastic’s users can now effortlessly route their data to Kafka clusters, unlocking unparalleled scalability and flexibility in data streaming and processing. In this video, we'll guide you through a step-by-step configuration with Fleet and Confluent Cloud.

Routing Around the World with Cribl Stream!

Transunion is an American consumer credit reporting agency that operates in over 30 countries. They use Cribl Stream to aggregate and route regional data into a centralized hub, presenting it in a single dashboard that admins can use to interpret the overall health of their system. Watch the full video on YouTube or below to see Transunion’s Steve Koelpin and Don Reilly walk through this use case.