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The latest News and Information on APIs, Mobile, AI, Machine Learning, IoT, Open Source and more!

API Testing: An Introduction

Digital businesses are making a radical change in the way they build and deliver software. Gone are the days of apps that rely solely on in-house tools. Rather, today’s apps are increasingly dependent on external APIs and third-party app providers (which, in turn, are reliant on other APIs and apps). While this type of modularity allows for product flexibility and rapid development, it can be difficult to address any issues that arise.

Monitor your gRPC APIs with Datadog Synthetic Monitoring

gRPC is an open source Remote Procedure Call (RPC) framework developed by Google and released in 2016. Although gRPC is still relatively new, large organizations are adopting it in increasing numbers to build APIs to connect complex microservice meshes that use disparate languages and frameworks. gRPC-based APIs can process requests up to seven times faster than REST APIs, and they also allow customers to easily implement SSL authentication, load balancing, and tracing via plug-in libraries.

Improve Performance in Your iOS Applications - Part 1

Since inception back in 2007, Apple and the iOS ecosystem has drastically improved with a plethora of changes and new features added (or removed) over time. At the same time, the size of the applications and the data has consistently grown. This has its own impact on the powerhouse in your hand - the iOS device. Developers strive to design the best experience, often compromising speed and performance.

Postman Load Test Tutorial

In this load test tutorial, you’ll learn how to use Postman for small-scale API testing. You’ll also learn about some shortcomings and challenges of the framework that can be solved by using a tool like Speedscale. Because HTTP services don’t have a graphical user interface, you’re forced to test web APIs by simulating requests from a known client so that you can control the traffic data.

The basics: How to use the StatusCake API

We offer an API that provides direct access to features the platform offer, with each feature providing a set of endpoints to perform operations on resources associated with your account. The StatusCake control panel offers plenty of useful visualisations and alerting systems so you can be in touch with your data, but sometimes we may have use-cases where we would rather leverage the API so in this blog post we’re going to see how we can make use of these endpoints using C#.

How to use WebSockets to visualize real-time IoT data in Grafana

Mike Szczys is a Developer Relations Engineer at Golioth. His deep love of microcontrollers began in the early 2000s, growing from the desire to make more of the BEAM robotics he was building. When he’s not reading data sheets, he’s busy as an orchestra musician in Madison, Wisconsin. At Golioth, a commercial IoT development platform, we love using the power of Grafana to easily visualize data from IoT installations where tens, hundreds, or even thousands of devices are reporting back.

How Can Tech Advancements Help Businesses Operate Their Databases More Efficiently?

Modern technology has completely changed the way that businesses store and use their data. Gone are the days of saving memory on discs. Now, businesses are able to use the Cloud. Cloud software isn't the only thing that businesses are benefiting from, however. Every year, tech developers release a stream of new developments for businesses to enjoy. These innovations in technology are improving the way that businesses operate and saving them a lot of money.

3 trends driving mobile app adoption in the workplace

The widespread adoption of mobile apps is driving workforce productivity from almost anywhere across nearly every industry. Workers are relying on mobile technologies more than ever to get their work done every day—from short-staffed nurses who need to update information on the go to field service technicians who need to complete tasks and access critical information in real time to desk workers who need visibility into communications and company resources from anywhere.