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The latest News and Information on APIs, Mobile, AI, Machine Learning, IoT, Open Source and more!

Android Manifest Placeholders

Android Manifest file is essential for any Android app, which contains specific information about your app, Android build tools, Google Play, device permissions, app launch information, operating system config and more. Every Android app must have an AndroidManifest.xml file in the directory structure. Android Manifest usually contains pre-defined or static information which is then used to run the app.

Interacting With Your First Shipa API Call with Postman

The beauty of Shipa is that no matter how the surrounding ecosystem changes e.g your Continuous Delivery or Infrastructure-as-Code stacks, the Shipa API stays the same. If you are curious about interacting with this mystical API, there are a lot of surrounding integrations that do that for you. Though, if you want to directly interact with the API, you can send out HTTP requests to the Shipa API itself to create any sort of integration you require.

Open source security coverage and compliance with Ubuntu Pro on public clouds

For businesses utilising public clouds, choosing an open source platform offers considerable advantages. Open source solutions can help reduce costs, provide access to the most leading-edge enterprise-grade features, and eliminate risks such as vendor lock-in, lack of support, or long-term security maintenance.

What's next for the Internet of Things?

IoT devices seem to be ubiquitous, but the truth is we’re not nearly there yet. In fact, IoT Analytics continues to predict steady growth as the future for IoT for years to come, with more than 27 billion devices online by 2025. They’re not alone in their bullish IoT predictions either. MarketsAndMarkets projects the global IoT market will more than double from 2021 to 2026, growing from just over $300 billion to over $650 billion.