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The latest News and Information on APIs, Mobile, AI, Machine Learning, IoT, Open Source and more!

Open source solutions that drive logistics sector's digital transformation

As with organisations in many other industries, logistics services are under intense pressure to remain competitive to face severe market disruption. Disruptive innovation has reached this industry, which is currently experiencing strong inflexion points. The logistics sector is being forced to innovate as rapidly and quickly as possible. Therefore, organisations need to stay competitive and drive innovation processes.

Getting Started With Docker Compose and Speedscale CLI

Observability, introspection, logging, and dependency mapping are critical when building APIs. With the advent of microservice architecture, understanding what happens inside your container is vital during development. Speedscale CLI is a container-centric tool that allows you to monitor inbound and outbound traffic. With Speedscale CLI, you can monitor raw requests, latency, encoding, and detected technologies.

How Theia Scientific and Volkov Labs use Grafana and AI to analyze scientific images

Dr. Christopher Field is Co-Founder, President, and Principal Investigator at Theia Scientific. With formal education in analytical chemistry and instrumentation, Chris has expertise in scientific hardware and software design, deploying embedded Linux devices for Internet of Things (IoT) and sensor fusion applications, and developing computer vision and image processing pipelines for cell analysis.

4 Mobile Vitals to Keep a Pulse on Your Flutter Applications

Flutter is one of the fastest-growing open source cross-platform development frameworks. The likes of BMW, Google Pay, Tencent, and iRobot all use Flutter to quickly build and maintain mobile applications. In fact, Flutter was used by 42% of software developers in 2021, surpassing React Native as the most popular cross-platform mobile framework.

Best practices for monitoring mobile app performance

In a crowded and competitive market, mobile app developers must offer continuous availability and a frictionless user experience to minimize churn. Monitoring and maintaining mobile apps presents unique challenges. Since mobile apps run on a wide range of devices, it can be difficult to get clear visibility into client-side performance.

CNCF Live: Power up your machine learning - Automated anomaly detection

Our Analytics & ML lead Andrew Maguire recently had a chance to share our new Anomaly Advisor feature with the wider CNCF community. In his demonstration he did some light chaos engineering (using Gremlin and stress-ng) to generate some real anomalies on his infrastructure and watch how it all played out in the Anomaly Advisor in Netdata Cloud. There were also some great questions and discussion from the audience around ML in general and in the observability space itself.

Top 6 Technological Innovations That Can Improve Your Business

Small businesses have a big impact on the economy, and they are always looking for ways to improve their operations. Technology can be a great way to improve efficiency and productivity, and it can also help you save money. Here are six technological innovations that can help your business.

CLI Installer

While new cloud native architectures are incredibly feature-rich, they can come with a high barrier to entry. Many getting started tutorials are pages long and can take forever to complete. But these always start with the first step of performing an installation. In the spirit of making the installation of Speedscale as simple as possible, we have designed a new interactive installer as part of the speedctl command line interface.