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Know These 3 Things Before You Dive Into the World of Forex

To those of you who have never been part of the Forex trading world, we assume that there are certain aspects of it that you may find confusing. And that's okay, however, it would be wise to get familiar with them before you take any further steps. The truth is, these basics are not as complex as they may appear to be, however, just like with anything else that's new to you, it's always essential to get your facts straight first. If you need some guidance when it comes to this, then pay attention to the advice below.

The Unplanned Show, Episode 10: Mitra Goswami on Generative AI

In this episode, Mitra shares a bunch of valuable insights in how to successfully adopt generative AI, from selecting use cases that deliver value, having foundational data infrastructure in place, to having design and privacy guidelines. Grab a paper and pen and take some notes!

When Two Worlds Collide: AI and Observability Pipelines

In today's data-driven world, ensuring the stability and efficiency of software applications is not just a need but a requirement. Enter observability. But as with any evolving technology, there's always room for growth. That growth, as it stands today, is the convergence of artificial intelligence (AI) with observability pipelines. In this blog, we'll explore the idea behind this merge and its potential.

Using Netlify to deploy a Next.js, PostgreSQL, & Redis app

Join us for a walk through from Dewan Ahmed about how use Netlify to deploy a Next.js, PostgreSQL, & Redis app 🎉 This tutorial guides you through deploying a Netlify web application with an Aiven for PostgreSQL® and Aiven for Redis® backend. The sample application used in this tutorial is a cooking recipe library displaying open source recipe data. It's built in Next.js, which can be deployed to Netlify with ease, and connects to PostgreSQL with Prisma and Redis with ioredis.

AI and automation: Unlocking job opportunities for Australia's economy

As the Australian workforce braces for increased AI and automation, individuals must adapt by acquiring new skills. In doing so, Australians can expand the impact of their work, embark on more fulfilling career paths, and increase their income potential. Recent ServiceNow-commissioned research from Pearson points to major changes in the workforce—in Australia and around the world—due to the implementation of AI and other technologies.

AI and Big Data Solutions

Big data and artificial intelligence (AI) go hand in hand. Used for tasks like trend prediction, process automation and research, these two technologies can help organisations solve some of the toughest problems. However, the growing volume of data and increasing diversity of data sources make it difficult to use data and AI effectively and at scale.

How to Secure IoT Devices: 5 Best Practices

Internet of Things (IoT) devices, computing devices that send and receive information via the Internet and that run very specific applications, can be anything from smart thermostats to smart TVs. The main advantage of IoT devices is their constant connectivity, which allows users to access information and control the devices remotely at any time.